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Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by cooljude(m): 12:30pm On Mar 18, 2017
The vast majority of professing Christians today
believe that the Bible teaches that monogamy is
the only acceptable form of marriage and that
polygamy violates God's law concerning
marriage. But is this what the Bible teaches, or is
this just a popular cultural opinion?

Within both secular and biblical history, and up
to this present day and age, we find people
entering into both monogamous and polygamous
marriages for reasons of economics, cultural and
social requirements, political alliances,
procreation, sexual lust, and true love.

It is not the intent of this study to compare the
merits of a monogamous or a polygamous
martial relationship. This study is meant to
clarify the legality of polygamy from the biblical
perspective and answer some conceptual
questions about the polygamous marital

Is Polygamy a Sin?
In order to determine if polygamy is a sin from
the biblical perspective, one must first know
what sin is and is not. Notice how sin is defined
in the Bible:
"Whosoever commits sin transgresses also the law: for sin
is the transgression of the law" (1.Jn.3:4 KJV).
"All unrighteousness is sin" (1.Jn.5:17 Para.). "Do you
have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Blessed is the one
not condemning himself in what he approves. But the one
doubting, if he eats, he has been condemned, because it is
not of faith—and all that is not of faith is
sin" (Rom.14:22-23 Para.).

"Therefore, to anyone knowing to do good, and not doing it,
it is sin to him" (Jms.4:17 Para.).
What Is Sin?
Sin is the violation of the physical and spiritual
law of God—sin is lawlessness. Sin is any
deviation from God's righteous laws, precepts,
and principles that define how people should live
and worship God.

The law reveals the standard of behavior with
which all must comply, and its perfect system of
justice demands the execution of all law–
breakers (Rom.3:20; 6:23). The law only
determines guilt or innocence; it does not have
the ability to restore harmony between God and

The law of God is perfect. Its precepts, principles,
and value judgments are empirical and do not
depend upon human validation.
No Law, No Sin
In his letter to the saints at Rome, the apostle
Paul explained, "sin is not imputed when there is no
law" (Rom.5:12‑13 KJV).

Is there a law in the Bible that prohibits
polygamy? No. There is no such law found in the
Bible. And where polygamous relationships are
noted, there is nothing negative said about this
form of marriage. However, there are many laws
noted in scripture that regulate the polygamous
marriage and there are also many scriptures that
clearly show that polygamy does not violate
God's law.

Polygamy Is Not Adultery
God's law dictates that sexual relationships
between men and women is only sanctioned
within a marital relationship. Sexual
relationships between men and women outside
of marriage fall within one of three broad
categories: adultery, promiscuity, or rape.
Lawful polygamy is not adultery; it is a material
relationship which is sanctioned and governed by
God's law. Adultery is the result of a husband or
a wife breaking the marriage contract. Adultery
is an illegal relationship with someone other
than the person to whom one is married.
According to the letter of the law, polygamy is
not adultery because there is a marriage
agreement in place between the husband and
each wife.

"Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but
whoremongers and adulterers God will judge" (Heb.13:4

In order to show the validity of polygamous
marriages for the elect of God under the gospel
age agreement, it is necessary to review what the
Bible says about its practice before the advent of
Christ, during the early church era, and after
Christ returns.

Polygamy in the Old Testament
In the Old Testament there are dozens of
examples of men marrying and being married to
more than one wife at a time. The patriarchs
Abraham and Jacob are examples of righteous
men who had several wives in order to father
male heirs.

Abraham's Wives
Abraham had two wives and one concubine
Keturah who later became his wife after Sarah
died (Gen.25:1; 1.Chron.1:32). Sarah his first wife
gave her servant Hagar to him as a wife to bear
his children (Gen.16:1‑4).

It is important at this point to understand that, in
ancient times, when a man had more than one
wife or wives and concubines, these wives and
concubines were segregated by position and
authority within the husband's family. The first
wife held the highest position and it was to her
first-born son that the husband's inheritance was
given. The husband's concubines were true
wives, but subordinate to the first wife.

Although it is difficult for some people to accept
the premise that one person can own another
person as property, this is nevertheless a fact of
history and a perfectly legal biblical concept
which has its own set of rules that must be
followed concerning the treatment of such
individuals. Sarah had the legal right to give her
servant Hagar to her husband as a wife to bear
his children, because her servant was her
property to manage as she saw fit. See

Although the child born to Sarah's servant was
not her genetic offspring, the child was in fact
legally hers. Moreover, the child would have
received an inheritance as the first-born son if
Sarah had not given birth to Isaac.

Jacob's Wives
Jacob whom God named Israel had four wives.
His first two wives were Leah and Rachel who
were sisters. Leah gave Jacob her servant Zilpah
to be his wife and bear his children. His second
wife Rachel gave Jacob her servant Bilhah to
bear his children. From these four wives, the
twelve patriarchs of the twelve tribes of national
Israel were born. See Gen.30:1-10; 35:23-27.
Here we see a situation similar to that of
Abraham and Sarah; in that, Leah and Rachael
owned female servants whom they gave to their
husband Jacob as wives for the purpose of
bearing children.

Gideon's Wives
Gideon who judged Israel for many years and
obeyed God's instruction to lead Israel out from
under the oppression of the Midianites had many
wives and at least one concubine:
"And Gideon had seventy sons which he fathered: for he had
many wives. And his concubine that lived in Shechem also
bare him a son, whom he called Abimelech" (Jdg.8:30‑31

A Warning about Kings and Wives
God knew that, after entering the promised land,
the Israelites would want to imitate the nations
around them and be governed by a king. So
before the Israelites entered into the promised
land, they were given specific instructions about
the placing of a king over them (Deut.17:14-19).
One of these instructions prohibited such a king
from having many wives. Some believe that this
instruction prohibited polygamy; however, this
instruction was a preventative measure to keep
the king from being adversely influenced by his
many wives — "Neither shall he multiply wives to
himself, that his heart turn not away" (Deut.17:17). King
Solomon is an example of a man who allowed his
wives to influence him into turning from God.
See 1.Kgs.11:1-8.

Israel Wanted a King
Just as God expected, Israel rebelled against him
and the system of priests and judges that he had
established to govern them and wanted to be
governed by a king, so God chose Saul to rule
over them.

King Saul had many wives and at least one
concubine named Rizpah (2.Sam.3:7; 21:11).
When Saul died and David assumed rule over
Israel he took the former wives of Saul and
added them to the wives he already had
(2.Sam.12:cool. But apparently the number of
wives David had was not excessive. God said of
king David who was a polygamist that David had
a perfect heart (attitude) before him, which
means that David was in harmony with God's
law. See also 1.Sam.13:14; Acts 13:22.

Solomon's Wives
"But king Solomon loved many strange women, together
with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites,
Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites; Of the
nations concerning which the Lord said to the children of
Israel, You shall not go in to them, neither shall they come
in to you: for surely they will turn away your heart after
their gods: Solomon clung to these in love. And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines:
and his wives turned away his heart. For it came to pass,
when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his
heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with
the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his
father" (1.Kgs.11:1‑4 KJV)

Notice that Solomon was not criticised or
condemned for having hundreds of wives and
concubines, he was criticised and condemned
because of the kinds of wives he chose, his
departure from God, and his idolatry and
worship of false gods.

Polygamy and the Early Church
There is very little mention of polygamy in the
New Testament, but there are a number of
teachings and clarifications that can be of
assistance to a polygamist.

Avoid Fornication
Some people view Paul's instruction to the
Corinthians concerning the avoidance of
fornication as proof that only monogamous
marital relationships are sanctioned for the elect:
"Now concerning the things that you wrote to me: It is
good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to
avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let
every woman have her own husband" (1.Cor.7:1‑2 KJV).
When Paul's letters to the Corinthians are
studied, it is clear that there were major
problems concerning marital relationships,
adultery, promiscuity, and incest within the
congregation. Here Paul is addressing the
problem of sexual urges and promiscuity. He is
merely saying that, in order to avoid these sexual
pressures, men and women should enter into a
marital relationship.

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Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by cooljude(m): 12:33pm On Mar 18, 2017
SPIRITUAL LEADERS While polygamy is not forbidden or condemned in the teachings of the New Testament, there are instructions which prohibit the spiritual leadership of congregations from having more than one wife.
The following are the apostle Paul's instructions to Timothy and Titus concerning the number of wives men who are ordained into the ministry of the church are permitted to have.
To Timothy Paul writes, "This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desires a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife , vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach" (1.Tim 3:1‑2 KJV).
To Titus Paul writes, "For this cause left I you in Crete, that thou should set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed you: If any be blameless, the husband of one wife , having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly" (Titus 1:5‑6 KJV). Paul's instruction to Timothy and Titus reveals that polygamous marriages were common within the congregations of the elect at that time; otherwise, these instructions would have been unnecessary if only monogamous marital relations were permitted within the church. The reasons for this prohibition should be obvious considering the time and effort required to carry out the responsibilities of one who is called to lead and care for the elect in the capacity of a spiritual leader.

POLYGAMY AND PROPHECY The prophet Isaiah recorded many things that would occur before and after Christ returns to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. One of the things that he recorded shows that polygamous marriages will be practiced after Christ's return: "And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by your name, to take away our reproach" (Isa 4:1 KJV).
Prophecies show that, before Christ returns, the earth's population will be greatly reduced. Isaiah's prophecy shows that there will be a tremendous imbalance between the numbers of men and women able and willing to marry. The number of women who desire marriage will far exceed the number of eligible men. These women will want children, companionship, and a sexual relationship, so they will be willing to be a part of a plural marriage to fulfil these natural human desires.
Forbidding to Marry "Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth" (1.Tim.4:1‑3 KJV) Paul's prophetic warning has truly come true today. There are many who have departed from the faith and teach things that are contrary to the word of God. It is interesting to note that forbidding to marry is one of the things that these evil people will teach. Although "forbidding to marry" clearly includes the teaching of celibacy as a requirement to live a pious life or to serve as a spiritual leader, it could also include teaching that polygamous marriages are forbidden. Polygamy was practiced without criticism before the advent of Christ and was regulated by many laws concerning fair and equitable treatment of wives and children, succession of heirs, and distribution of inheritances. Additionally, polygamy will be practiced after Christ returns according to the prophecy of Isaiah.

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Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by cooljude(m): 12:34pm On Mar 18, 2017
OBJECTIONS TO POLYGAMY Many people who profess to follow biblical teachings object to the practice of polygamy and attempt to alter the intent and meaning of scripture in favor of their own tradition, cultural education, or personal belief or bias. The following will examine some of the scriptures that people use in an attempt to prove that polygamy is not a marital option for the elect today.
The One Man One Wife Rule Many cite the example of Adam and Eve as the basis for their belief that it was God‘s original intent that marriage be a monogamous relationship between one man and one woman: "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be one flesh" (Gen.2:23‑24 KJV).
Although it is clear that the Creator only made Adam one wife, this fact does not establish a one man one wife rule. Genesis 2:23-24 is only a statement of fact; it does not establish monogamy as the only valid marital state. One Flesh Because Genesis 2:24 says: " Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be one flesh" (KJV), some people assume that this is proof that polygamous marital relationships are sinful. However, the assumption that being one flesh is confined to the marital relationship between one man and one woman is inconsistent with the teachings of the apostle Paul:
"Don't you know your bodies are the members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of a LovePeddler? God forbid. What? Don't you know that he which is joined to an LovePeddler is one body ? For he says that two shall become one flesh. But he that is joined to the Lord is one" (1.Cor.6:15‑17 Para.).
Clearly two becoming one flesh is not limited to one man and one woman, nor does it place limits on the number of women that can be wives of one man. The one flesh concept and its reality in the physical world applies to any sexual relationship between a man and a woman. If this were not so then Paul's analogy would not make sense because even a married man can have sexual relations with a LovePeddler. Although Paul is using this analogy to explain a spiritual concept, his use of this example seems to indicate that a man can become one flesh with more than one woman.

The Pharisees' Question: "The Pharisees also came to him to test him. They asked him, Is it lawful for a man to divorce his his wife for every cause? Jesus replied, Haven't you read, that at the beginning he made them male and female, And he said, For this reason shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cling to his wife: and the two of them shall be one flesh? Therefore, they are no more two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together no man should separate" (Matt.19:3-6 Para.).
The question put to Jesus was not about monogamy or polygamy; the question concerned divorce and remarriage. It was a question of law (i.e. God's law concerning marriage) and specifically the portion of this law that dealt with the cancellation of the marriage contract. "They then asked him, Why then did Moses command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? He said to them, Because of the hardness of your hearts Moses allowed you to put away your wives: but this was not allowed at the beginning. And I say to you, Whoever divorces his wife, except for fornication, and marries another, commits adultery: and whoever marries her which is divorced commits adultery" (Matt.19:7-9 Para.). See also Mk.10:1‑12.
Jesus explains that the reason the Creator God allowed Moses to sanction divorce was because of the hardness of Israelite men's hearts. He also says that the law did not allow for divorce when marriage was established at creation. It is important to understand that God makes the rules concerning human behavior and that he has the authority to alter these rules as he sees fit in order to fulfill his plan for humanity and to accommodate the human condition. Jesus who was the Creator God and law-giver before he became human, clarifies and modifies the law of divorce when he said that the only valid reason for the cancellation of a marriage contract is fornication (which includes adultery). Jesus also explains that those who remarry after an unlawful divorce commit adultery (a violation of God's law). See Matt:5:31-32; 10:11-19; 19:3-9; Lk.16:18.

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Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by cooljude(m): 12:39pm On Mar 18, 2017
Polygamy and Problems
Many people feel that, even though polygamous marriages are not condemned in scripture, there are many scriptures showing that adultery, incest, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, unhappiness, and immorality are associated with polygamy. Therefore, they believe that polygamy must not be the most desirable relationship to enter into. The problem with this argument is that the scriptures also show the same kind of problems within monogamous relationships.
King David There is no doubt that king David who was a man greatly beloved by God (1.Sam.13:14; Acts 13:22) had many wives and concubines (2.Sam.5:13). Many people point to his adulterous relationship with Bathsheba as a condemnation of polygamy. However, an honest review of this account does not show any condemnation of polygamy, but it clearly shows that David had committed adultery with Bathsheba before he murdered her husband: "I gave you your master's house, and your master's wives into your bosom, and gave you the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had not been enough, I would have given you even more. Therefore, why have you despised the Lord's commandment and done evil in his sight? You have killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword, and have taken his wife to be your wife, and have slain him with the sword of the children of Ammon" (2.Sam.12:8-9 Para.). Nowhere in the account of this event or in any of the accounts of David's life is he ever condemned for having too many wives or concubines. The simple truth is that polygamy creates no more of an environment or opportunity for adultery, incest, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, unhappiness, and immorality than monogamous marriages. The problem is not with monogamous or polygamous marriages; it is with the ability of men and women to live within God's laws that regulate marriage.

The Ideal Marital Relationship Because Genesis 2:24 says: " Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be one flesh" some people feel that, in the beginning, monogamy was the ideal marital relationship between a man and a woman. However, nowhere in scripture do we find the polygamous marital relationship shown to be inferior to a monogamous relationship. The scriptures are very clear concerning what the ideal marriage relationship should be. The scriptures also tell us how to accomplish this ideal. However, an ideal marriage has more to do with one's attitude and behavior than whether the marriage is monogamous or polygamous. When speaking of the ideal in a marital relationship, we should consider that each individual has different needs, desires, and circumstances. Jesus said that remaining unmarried is the ideal for some who have been called to salvation during the gospel age (See Matt.19:12). And the apostle Paul said that the ideal for him was to remain celibate, but for some it is better to marry than to burn with passion. Paul does not say whether the marriage should be monogamous or polygamous: "I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift and another has that. Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion" (1.Cor.7:7‑9 NIV). Clearly, what is ideal depends on one's needs, attitude, and personal circumstance.
THE EXAMPLE Many well intentioned individuals believe that, although polygamy is not a sin, it should not be practiced in this age because many people have strong feelings in opposition to it. The problem with this belief is that it is conceptually incorrect. The reality is that people in general hate the things of God, oppose almost everything that is of God, and hate those who practice God's truth and way of truth. See Jn.15:18-19; 17:14-17. If one truly believes that they should not practice some of God's law in order to be an acceptable example to the unconverted; then, which of God's laws should a true follower of Christ cease to practice to avoid offending the unconverted? Should one cease to practice the Sabbath, start eating unclean foods, or begin to practice adultery in order to appease the unconverted? Obviously, one should teach and practice all of God's law as an example to the world. Therefore, one should not be ashamed to stand solidly behind the biblical practice of lawful polygamous marital relationships as noted in both the Old and New Testaments. Clearly, if one is intending to enter into or already is in a polygamous marriage, one should be concerned about the effect that this type of marriage will have on one's walk with God the Father and Jesus Christ, as well as the example being set to others in the Father's family as well as the unconverted. However, these considerations must be viewed sensibly and realistically in the light of all scripture concerning God's law.

CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LAW Some people use the argument that Romans 13:1-6 instructs the elect to obey all of the civil and criminal laws where they live. Therefore, one should not practice polygamy because many civil laws prohibit it. Although being subject to constituted authority and paying various monetary levies imposed by civil governments is the subject of Romans 13:1-6, one must view what is said in the light of other scriptures that clearly show that God's law takes precedent over laws devised by people. An example of a civil law that violates God's law is the law in many western countries that require people to swear an oath to tell the truth in a court of law. Obviously, if one follows God's law concerning swearing and oaths (Matt.5:33-37; Jms.5:12) one cannot obey this civil law. When one practices the law of God, whether it involves the Sabbath, childbearing, marriage, the swearing or taking of an oath, or any other of God's laws, if these laws are in opposition to the civil laws where one lives, one must deal with this situation as instructed through the word of God: "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be you therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues; And you shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles" (Matt.10:16‑18 KJV). Although a polygamous marriage does not violate God's law, it may be a violation of the civil and criminal law where one lives. Therefore, if one desires to engage in a polygamous marriage, one must be careful not to become entangled in the civil laws governing the area where they intend to live. If the practice of polygamy violates the civil and criminal law where one lives, there are basically three options: 1) Do not practice polygamy; 2) Relocate to a geographical location where there are no civil laws prohibiting polygamy; or 3) Be prepared to defend one's right to practice polygamy.

THE MARITAL CONTRACT Today, most people who profess to follow Christ have a very limited understanding of the marital contract and the instructions concerning marriage contained in the Bible. This fact is substantiated by the extremely large numbers of dysfunctional families and divorces within the professing Christian community. The following is an overview of some of the basic elements of monogamous and polygamous marital contracts as set forth in the Bible. Property and Choice In many male dominated cultures (historically and today), a man's children and wives were and are considered his property. In many cultures, children have no say in choosing their husbands or wives. The Bible clearly shows that both men and women were often given into marriage without their consent. This was the case with Abraham's son Isaac and his wife Rebekah. Abraham sent his trusted servant to his brother Nahor to acquire a wife for Isaac, and Nahor sent his daughter Rebekah (who he had with his concubine Bethuel) with Abraham's servant to become Isaac's wife. See Gen.22:1-67. The reason for mentioning this is to show that God allows for cultural and traditional standards and philosophies to be imposed in forming marital contracts if these contacts do not violate his law or if the individuals which are to be married do not resist the specific martial agreement. The Contract An essential part of any marriage is the marriage contract. And as with any contract, the marriage agreement has terms and conditions. One of the first things to understand about a marital relationship is that, whether it is monogamous or polygamous marriage, it is governed by God's law of marriage and these laws govern every critical aspect of the marriage relationship from beginning to end. Once one enters into a monogamous or a polygamous marital relationship, divorce is not an option; marriage is intended to be for life unless the relationship is broken under the terms and conditions set forth in God's law concerning marriage. Jesus Christ who was the Creator God and law- giver allowed Moses to sanction divorce among the Israelites because of the hardness of Israelite men's hearts. However, Christ who is the mediator of the new covenant has clarified and modified the law of divorce that he allowed

Moses to sanction. Now the only valid reason for the cancellation of a marriage contact is fornication (which includes adultery). See Matt:5:31-32; 10:11-19; 19:3-9; Lk.16:18. The Monogamous Contract When two people enter into a marital relationship with the understanding that it is to be a monogamous relationship and bind themselves to this agreement, this relationship comes under the terms and conditions set forth in the Bible for such a relationship. Neither party can alter the agreement without dire consequences. The agreement can only be terminated by the death of either party, fornication, or adultery as set forth in God's law. See Matt:5:31-32; 10:11-19; 19:3-9; Lk.16:18. The Polygamous Contract When people enter into a marital relationship with the understanding that it is to be a polygamous relationship and bind themselves to this agreement, this relationship comes under the terms and conditions set forth in the Bible for such a relationship. Neither party can alter the agreement without dire consequences. The agreement can only be terminated by the death of either party, fornication, or adultery as set forth in God's law. See Matt:5:31-32; 10:11-19; 19:3-9; Lk.16:18. The following are some of the major problems with the way in which polygamous relationships are practiced today: A marriage that begins as a monogamous relationship and becomes polygamous because of the insistence of one of the partners over the objections the other partner. Without the consent of the both spouses, this situation results in an adulterous relations between the husband and the other wives. The husband takes two living sisters as wives or a wife and her daughter as wives. Neither of these relationships is allowed under the law given to national Israel governing polygamy. See Lev.18:17-18; 20:14-17. While it is true that some men and women who are practicing polygamy are living in an adulterous or an incestuous relationship in violation of God's laws that govern marriage and sexual relationships, this does not mean that all polygamists are living in sin.

One Woman, Two Husbands? Some might think that, because God's law allows for a man to have more than one wife under certain circumstances, women can also have more than one husband. Paul says the following in his letter to the congregation at Rome about God's law and its relationship to the Father's elect children: "Brethren don't you know, (I'm speaking to those who know the law,) that the law has dominion over a man as long as he lives? For the woman which has a husband is bound to her husband by the law as long as he lives; but if her husband is dead, she is not bound to him. Therefore, while her husband is alive if she marries another man, she is an adulteress : but if her husband is dead, she is free from that law; so that she is not an adulteress, although she is married to another man" (Rom.7:1-4 Para.). The principles of the marital relationship set forth in both the Old and New Testaments clearly forbid a woman to have more than one husband at a time.
Should Everyone Practice Polygamy? Obviously the practice of polygamy is not for everyone, because not all men or women are comfortable with this concept or practice. Not all of the patriarchs or great men and women of the Bible practiced polygamy, and there is no instruction urging men and women to do so. Clearly, for individuals who adhere to biblical law, a monogamous or polygamous marriage is a personal choice. Could entering into a polygamous marriage be a mistake? Absolutely. It could be a mistake just as being in a monogamous marriage could be a mistake. Although God's law allows polygamous marriages, it may be more prudent and practical to remain celibate or enter into a monogamous relationship in some circumstances. However, once one is married, one must obey God's laws that govern marriage in order to live righteously before God.

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Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by cooljude(m): 12:42pm On Mar 18, 2017
Today, both monogamous and polygamous martial relationships suffer from people's perverted view of what marriage should be. There is no doubt that many polygamous marriages are beset with adultery, incest, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, unhappiness, and immorality. It is little wonder that, when polygamy is viewed and evaluated as it is practiced by most people of the world today, it comes up short of the ideal for the marriage relationship. However, so do most monogamous marriages.
God instituted marriage as a part of his master plan for humanity and his laws concerning marriage only recognize it as a single institution. Although God's law does not divide marriage into monogamous and polygamous classifications, his law does speak to each of these marital conditions and the interpersonal relationships within each.

Beliefs and Feeling Most people base their morality and beliefs about marriage on their cultural tradition and past and current theological philosophy rather than the clear fact of scripture. However, it is an undeniable biblical fact that both monogamous and polygamous marriage relationships were engaged in by righteous men and women. If we truly believe what the Bible teaches concerning the marital state, then we cannot ignore what it says about polygamy and must admit that God sanctions both monogamous and polygamous marriages as being equally valid.

All Scripture Some people feel that polygamy may have been acceptable anciently, but it is no longer valid today because we live in a different age under different circumstances. This argument may sound good in theory, but it is without merit, because it is in opposition to Paul's instruction to Timothy concerning the validity of all of the word of God for his elect children:
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works" (2.Tim.3:16‑17 KJV). Clearly "all scripture" would include the laws that sanction and govern monogamous and polygamous marriages.

The fact is that polygamy is noted throughout the Bible as an approved marital state. If God had intended for there to be only monogamous marriages, he would have reflected this in his law for human behavior. However, in God's marital law we see terms, conditions, and rules set forth for both polygamous and monogamous marriages.
Polygamous marriages are not sinful, wrong, or less than the ideal; they are what they are. They are relationships sanctioned by God which can lead to much happiness and prosperity if the participants truly follow God's laws for such relationships with righteous attitudes and behaviors.

Those Seeking Truth One who is truly seeking truth cannot ignore the many references to lawful polygamy throughout the Bible and the important lessons that are taught through this marital relationship. Moreover, one is obligated to embrace those of the elect who have determined that this type of marital relationship is the one that they have determined is best for them.

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Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by flyover30(m): 2:02pm On Mar 18, 2017
not speaking from d biblical perspective, but I tink one wife saves u a lot of headache. I swear
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by orunto27: 2:54pm On Mar 18, 2017
Yes you're right. It's not a sin.
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by cooljude(m): 9:07pm On Mar 18, 2017
not speaking from d biblical perspective, but I tink one wife saves u a lot of headache. I swear
I agree depending on your perspective and lifestyle.
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by solbil: 9:10pm On Mar 18, 2017
Good write up!

To add a few things: Cain Killed Abel in what is a gruesome premeditated murder of the first degree. Guess what? There were brothers born of parents in monogamy! That's hate and jealousy at play, even higher than that which you find in some polygamies.

Essau wanted to kill Jacob, his twin brother! They were born of parent in exclusive monogamy. If not because he, Jacob, ran away, there would have been another tragedy.

The bottom line, and like the op said, hate, jealousy, etc, is not a polygamy problem, but a problem many people have to look for ways to deal with.

Before you tell me it is more common among polygamy, i will have to tell you that you should remember you've not taken a survey to know this, hence, you should just stop and don't say what you do not know.
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by solbil: 9:12pm On Mar 18, 2017
not speaking from d biblical perspective, but I tink one wife saves u a lot of headache. I swear

staying without a woman at all, would also save you even more trouble, i guess.

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Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by solbil: 9:22pm On Mar 18, 2017
The scripture in which Paul told Timothy that a Bishop should be husband of one wife does not, in anyway, condemn Polygamy.

The issue Paul was addressing at the time was the issue of duty. Remember he said to the corinthians that he would like them to be like him, a celibate who is dedicated to the work of God and can travel as he likes. For Paul, getting married would have made it more difficult for him to carry out the work God like he would have wanted to (DUTY), the same thing Catholic priests do today.

And now that he is talking about an office, the office of a Bishop, that would need so much time and dedication, he instructed that the person that should fill up that position, should be the husband of one wife, so that there would be more time and less pressure to do the Duty of a Bishop, caring for the flock. He was never condemning polygamy like many polygamy haters in the church would love to believe.
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by Nobody: 9:29pm On Mar 18, 2017
Where is enshy sef...

Food don done

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Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by solbil: 9:36pm On Mar 18, 2017
Those who feel a man has to make what they call resitution by sending his second wife and her children away should just please sit down and listen to that Bulshiiit again and tell me if they would be very proud of themselves making such a shameful statement. These people do not even have the idea that they are talking about a person's mother when they openly and shamelessly refer to her as the "strange" woman.

To make restitution, one has to return that which is not his. So please tell me: if you think a man took another man's wife by marrying a single woman, then i would ask you to tell me the name of that mythical man from whom the other man took a his wife.

For Paul to make the statement "a bishop should be husband of one woman", it means that it was not uncommon that the christians at the time were polygamous. If a so called restitution is suppose to be made now that they are believers, why didn't Paul mention it anywhere in the Bible? Why didn't Jesus, or any of the other apostles? You all keep making man made laws and by that, you bring pain to other people by distroying their homes, and the sad thing is: they all feel ok doing that.
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by solbil: 9:38pm On Mar 18, 2017
Where is enshy sef...

Food don done
the guy was terrible in his other thread. I just no get him time then na wetin make wey i just leave am.

I just hope he can come down here and read all these elaborate write up from an enlighetend mind.
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by Nobody: 9:42pm On Mar 18, 2017
the guy was terrible in his other thread. I just no get him time then na wetin make wey i just leave am.

I just hope he can come down here and read all these elaborate write up from an enlighetend mind.
Watch out and see how he uses biblical verses to support his claims....

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Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by solbil: 9:58pm On Mar 18, 2017

Watch out and see how he uses biblical verses to support his claims....

i wonder how on earth he is going to rewrite the bible and include it in one of the things Jesus said can let you go into heaven or not when he said: "when i was hungry, what did you do? When i was thristy what did you do? When i was sick and in prison, what did you do?...if you did something,...ehen, come into the home of my father".
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by solbil: 10:02pm On Mar 18, 2017
Here is a part of the bible where it was recorded that a man, Lamech, had two wives and no kind of ill feeling, jealousy etc was recorded among them, instead, only good things were said about their children; that they became the ancestors of those who raised livestock and lived in tents, and also played music. Such was the height of their achievement.

Lamech had two wives,
Adah and Zillah. Adah gave birth to
Jabal, who was the ancestor of those
who raise livestock and live in tents.
His brother was Jubal, the ancestor
of all musicians who play the harp
and the flute. Zillah gave birth to
Tubal Cain, who made all kinds of
tools out of bronze and iron. The
sister of Tubal Cain was Naamah.

This is Gensis 4: 19-22
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by KingGBsky(m): 10:09pm On Mar 18, 2017
With all this write up and study you will end up confusing yourself by yourself.
The Word Of God is not a story book to be understood by unbelievers.
This is the reason why muslims still contradict themselves till this present age.
You need The Holy Spirit to understand the Word Of God for without Him, you reading a mere book that will lead you to total confusion into condemnation.

1 Like

Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by Nobody: 10:15pm On Mar 18, 2017
With all this write up and study you will end up confusing yourself by yourself.
The Word Of God is not a story book to be understood by unbelievers.
This is the reason why muslims still contradict themselves till this present age.
You need The Holy Spirit to understand the Word Of God for without Him, you reading a mere book that will lead you to total confusion into condemnation.
Una no dae tire with the highlighted line?
Whenever a contradiction, flaw is pointed out in the bible,,, you all result to say "YOU NEED THE HOLY SPIRIT".

Do I need the holy spirit to easily digest Delilah killed Samson?


Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by solbil: 10:26pm On Mar 18, 2017
With all this write up and study you will end up confusing yourself by yourself.
The Word Of God is not a story book to be understood by unbelievers.
This is the reason why muslims still contradict themselves till this present age.
You need The Holy Spirit to understand the Word Of God for without Him, you reading a mere book that will lead you to total confusion into condemnation.

and like the guy above me said, you guys like coming out with that last part just to kill of the discussion when you've run out of points.

Lets agree that the holy spirit is needed to understand everything he or anyone wrote here. Now please tell us what exactly is the heresy in all he has stated using the bible as a proof? What did he get theologically or by revelation, wrong in all he or anyone here wrote above? If you can point it out, then i will give it to you; but if you can't, then i will ask that you may have to review how you use that last part about the need for the holyspirit to understand the scriptures when other people's point is begining to prove harder for you.

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Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by Nobody: 12:44am On Mar 19, 2017

and like the guy above me said, you guys like coming out with that last part just to kill of the discussion when you've run out of points.

Lets agree that the holy spirit is needed to understand everything he or anyone wrote here. Now please tell us what exactly is the heresy in all he has stated using the bible as a proof? What did he get theologically or by revelation, wrong in all he or anyone here wrote above? If you can point it out, then i will give it to you; but if you can't, then i will ask that you may have to review how you use that last part about the need for the holyspirit to understand the scriptures when other people's point is begining to prove harder for you.
Na assignment you give am o-o. Lol
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by orisa37: 8:16am On Mar 19, 2017
On that, Jesus is The Propitiation for our Sins
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by Nusaf: 2:10pm On Mar 19, 2017
Saved grin grin grin
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by ryom(m): 3:13pm On Mar 19, 2017
@cooljude: what will be your comments on these scriptures-

(Mt 19:9) And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

(Mk 10:11) And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.

(Lk 16:18) Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by cooljude(m): 8:12pm On Mar 19, 2017
@cooljude: what will be your comments on these scriptures-

(Mt 19:9) And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

(Mk 10:11) And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.

(Lk 16:18) Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.
With all due respect, is the sentence not self explanatory, Polygamy has to do with marrying more than one wife and not divorcing your wife. so how does that statement negate our argument?

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Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by cooljude(m): 8:30pm On Mar 19, 2017
With all this write up and study you will end up confusing yourself by yourself.
The Word Of God is not a story book to be understood by unbelievers.
This is the reason why muslims still contradict themselves till this present age.
You need The Holy Spirit to understand the Word Of God for without Him, you reading a mere book that will lead you to total confusion into condemnation.

You don't have any valid argument or contrary view, that is why you are bringing up this line to sway sentiments. Do you know why writing down of messages is important, we need it so that nobody distort event with their own personal bias. Periodically, the Bible never condemned polygamy, but society chose monogamy.


Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by ThinkSmarter: 9:55pm On Mar 19, 2017

You don't have any valid argument or contrary view, that is why you are bringing up this line to sway sentiments. Do you know why writing down of messages is important, we need it so that nobody distort event with their own personal bias. Periodically, the Bible never condemned polygamy, but society chose monogamy.
monogamy was chosen by the west due to civilization, economic challenges, and way of controlling their population. And eventually, when they brought Christianity to Africa, they imposed it on us.
Marrying two wives and taking good care of them is not a sin, but marrying one wife and still having affairs outside the marriage is a sin.


Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by delishpot: 11:48pm On Mar 19, 2017
Neither was slavery or slave ownership. OP I will come and pack you and ya family to be my slaves and I will still make heaven. Even If I hit you and you die one or two days later, I am not going to be held accountable. God said so in the Bible

“When a man strikes his slave, male or female, with a rod and the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. But if the slave survives a day or two, he is not to be punished; for the slave is his money.”
—Exodus 21:20-21 (RSV)

Does that mean we should own slaves? After all many men n the Bible owned slaves and God did not complain.
Last time I checked Jesus spoke against men marrying and divorcing wives . He said For made one eve for one Adam. But, he never spoke one word against slave masters. Making slavery more accepted than men marrying up and down.
Truth tho is that men would find ways to twist and sellect portions of bible that suits their flesly desires. OP has decided to pick his favourite portions. For some it would be the portion where Paul said a little alcohol for the stomach sake, for some it is the tithes paying part. For some it is the submission part. All ma can disect, remove and keep the portion that calms their conscience to make them feel better.
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by chiedu7: 12:25am On Mar 20, 2017
OP surely you dont know the bible nor God of the bible.

Jesus said you and your WIFE(singular) shall become one flesh.

Matthew 19:5
And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother,
and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

the bible went further to say that it's one man one wife.

1 Timothy 3:2
A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober,
of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

OP i dedicate this youtube clip to you.


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Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by udatso: 5:11am On Mar 20, 2017
A master piece.
Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by cooljude(m): 7:18am On Mar 21, 2017
monogamy was chosen by the west due to civilization, economic challenges, and way of controlling their population. And eventually, when they brought Christianity to Africa, they imposed it on us.
Marrying two wives and taking good care of them is not a sin, but marrying one wife and still having affairs outside the marriage is a sin.


Re: Polygamy Is Not A Sin In Christianity by cooljude(m): 7:29am On Mar 21, 2017
[quote author=chiedu7 post=54757118]OP surely you dont know the bible nor God of the bible.

Jesus said you and your WIFE(singular) shall become one flesh.

Matthew 19:5
And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother,
and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

the bible went further to say that it's one man one wife.

1 Timothy 3:2
A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober,
of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

The post had handle that view. For Paul to make such a statement, means that their were polygamous marriage within early Christians, secondly he made that statement because he felt anybody leading the church should have less distraction from the society in the form of family duties and I feel that was the reason Catholics chose to absolutely remove family responsibility from priesthood.
I was brought up in a simple family and I would choose to have a simple family but saying polygamy is a sin is wrong and a big lie.

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