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The Mighty Vision Of The Golden Clock Of God Almighty In The Sky - Religion - Nairaland

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The Mighty Vision Of The Golden Clock Of God Almighty In The Sky by Yefet(m): 10:21am On Aug 14, 2010

The Sovereign Lord is such a mighty and powerful God who created all theuniverse and the galaxies. Within his might and majesty emergesunconditional love for man. He loves the church so much that he gaveJesus the darling of heaven to die for them on the Cross (Job 36:5).This marked the blueprint of mans salvation and redemption. To say thatGod is fond of man would be an understatement as by his own authorityhe vowed that never would he do anything on earth except that heforewarns man as a window for repentance. Speaking about an event tocome is one thing, but to articulate it three times is such a mightyfavour that no man can claim to deserve. Central to the properunderstanding of Gods love is the comprehension of his will and purposefor the church. And among all spiritual rationale for which Jehovah Godcreated the church, only one remains predominant, that the church mayenter into the Kingdom of God. To this end the Lord has perpetuallymade relentless efforts to redirect the path of the church and keep herin tune with the heavenly calendar. It is in this very context that onMay 3rd, 2007, at 5:38am that God Almighty showed me the visions of theLord. The mighty visions that I saw were about what is soon to befallthe planet earth. And while in the vision, I saw heaven standing openin the direction that faces east. And in the process when I looked up Iwas able to see the very pitch dark night sky. Continuing to observethe night sky, I immediately saw the glory of the Lord coming out fromthe inner depths of heaven into the sky. The heavenly glory was sobrilliant and spectacular as it gradually poured into the sky. Thisglory came out into the sky through the entrance of heaven that at thatmoment still stood open. The sheer magnificence with which the glory ofthe Lord adorned, beautified, and lit up the eastern side of the sky,was immensely dazzling in what until now marks one of the greatestadditions the skyline has seen yet. However, as I got caught up in theamazement of the majestic display of the glory of the Lord in the skythen all of a sudden I saw a splendid most precious and very valuableGolden Clock being lowered from a very distant inner depth of heaven.The Clock was being lowered towards the entrance of heaven in the skythat now stood conspicuously open and well lit. As the Golden Clockdrew closer to the sky it became bigger and larger for me to be able tosee the hour, minute and second hands, respectively. Upon reaching theglamourous threshold to the entrance that was open into the sky, theGolden Clock was immediately lowered into the open sky. Still watchingas things unfolded in this mighty vision of the Lord, my eyes at oncecaught the reading of the hour and minute hands of this Golden Clock inthe sky. That is the point at which I was instantaneously shocked torealize that this mighty Golden Clock in the sky, as a matter of fact,presented one minute to midnight. In other words this Clock had tickedto 11:59pm.

It seemed as though the Lord placed a heightened senseof panic in my heart as in, to hasten and quicken my understanding tothe fact that any minute then, it was going to be midnight. As thiswent on, I quickly noticed that the second hand was racing so fast in amanner that would bring the midnight hour any time then, in thisvision. Panic gripped my heart even as I watched helplessly at thisracing Clock. What is most incredible about this specific juncture inthe vision, is that I felt absolutely helpless, thereby having nocontrol whatsoever, in the way this noble Clock was running. However Iwas very much aware that at the stroke of midnight the earth would haveto be greatly impacted by this Clock. When it came to the part at whichthe Clock was set to strike the midnight hour, it suddenly convertedinto a humongous writing across the sky. The writing I saw across thesky appeared more like the sky had been rubber-stamped with theinscriptions running in two semi-circles that simulates the margins ofthe Clock I saw. This writing across the sky was golden in anexposition that appeared to not leave out the signature of the majesticroyalty of God in this greatest sign and wonder of this dispensation.The writings across the sky read:

Jesus of Nazareth Is Coming

Jesusof Nazareth was written right above is Coming. Just like the star thatthe Magi followed representing a distant company of angels in theirpursuit of the Lord, so is the Clock in the sky a spiritual embodimentof the heavenly host that if well trailed, would beautifully lead intothe kingdom of God. By lowering this mighty Golden Clock into the skyon that May 3rd, 2007, the Lord prolifically displayed his fulsomedisposition of love to the church. This is more so because the bibleclearly asserts that the day of the wedding of the Lamb will be asecretive day in which the Lord will come for the church like a thief.That means no notice would be given to warn her of his impendingdescent for the church (Revelation 16:15). God Almighty himself hasagain and again presented a clear position of heaven, regarding thismuch anticipated rapture of the church. In heaven, it is known that noteven the Son of Man nor the angels are aware of the calendar events asthey relate to the date, day and time of the wedding of the Lamb of God(Matthew 24:36). The Word of God stands firm, remaining fullyestablished in heaven and on earth across all generations to come. Thishence stresses the secrecy surrounding the day when Jesus will come forhis holy church. But how much love, that God Almighty in heaven, theOne and only One that knows the day of the wedding of the Lamb, can nowreveal a little glimpse of the hidden Clock he maintains inside theprecincts his heart. It makes May 3rd, 2007, one of those mostfavourable days, that this endtime church has bumped into. God Almightysurely is the most powerful respecter of his Word. May 3rd, 2007,essentially shifted the paradigm and gave a new and greater spiritualappraisal to the scripture in the book of Amos chapter three versesseven through eight.

Reading the Golden Clock of God in the sky

Basicbiblical knowledge has it that there is nothing the Lord Almighty willspeak about that is not targeted to the church of Christ. Moreover,part of the churchs maturity demands that she be aware that everytimethe Lord God Almighty speaks whether in visions or audibly or both,that conversation must fully tally with the written Word. Having saidthat the question then becomes, what could be the message embedded inthe Golden Clock that the Lord lowered into the sky on May 3rd, 2007?Is there any revelation to the church and if so how is the churchexpected to respond to such a message? The only way to discern thedepth of the message embedded in this 11:59pm Golden Clock, is when oneexcavates from scriptures what the Lord intended everytime he spokeabout the midnight hour.Once again the church can learn someimportant tenents from Israel in this regard. When Israel was inEgyptian slavery she had to be treated with much cruelty to the pointthat she became desperate. The desperation grew by the day and gotworse because her Egyptian slave masters became more ruthless in anattempt to subdue and exterminate the house of Jacob. Joseph had longdied and the new pharaoh had no compassion whatsoever with the Jews.However, when Israel began to cry out to Jehovah their cry reached theLord and he sent them Moses the prophet. When the hour for theirdeliverance by the Lord drew closer, the God of Israel spoke to themabout the midnight hour at which he would himself come down to deliverthem. On the other hand, God Almighty placed certain requirements onIsrael in order that she could be delivered at the midnight hour. Thisdeliverance the Lord said would come as a lift-off under the Eaglewings. The Lord commanded Moses to tell the children of Israel toprepare for their final hour of deliverance. It is this preparation forthe midnight hour that the church can borrow from even as she awaitsthis dreadful hour of truth and reality. The Lord asked Israel to lookfor a lamb without defect and sacrifice it before him. Israel was thensupposed to take the blood of the lamb without defect and smear it onthe frames of the doorposts to the houses in which they lived. Apartfrom this, they were required to roast the meat of the lamb on fire andnot cook it in water or eat it raw because the Lord Almighty demanded afragrance from the lamb without defect. The eating of the lamb had totake place at the brinks of the midnight hour, with their cloaks tuckedin while their sandals were on their feet and the staff on one hand.This was meant to be a hasty eating of panic as they awaited their mostanticipated and overdue deliverance from the Lord. Such a deliverancewas promised to come exactly at the midnight hour sharp when the Lordof Hosts would come for the sole purpose of bringing judgment unto theEgyptian gods. This judgment was expected to go on simultaneously asthe Lord passed-over the houses in which the Israelites lived. TheseHebrew houses were expected to bear the blood of the lamb withoutdefect on their doors. On that day when the midnight hour rang judgmentstroke Egypt as Israel roasted the lamb without defect, eating it in ahaste while chewing bitter herbs, in addition to eating matsa, thebread without yeast. All this was done while standing in haste andready to go. On that day, Israel was led out of slavery in theirdivisions by the Lord God himself (Exodus 12:1-51).

The church

ikeIsrael the church is today living in a spiritual Egypt that is a landof absolute slavery to sin. There is the worshipping of many Egyptianidol gods where the church currently resides. These gods have foundtheir way into the mainstream of the church and have started even beingworshipped in the church. The Egyptian slave masters of todays churchare very ruthless and cruel to her, permitting her no chance of freedomof worshipping the God of Israel. They are lording on her all theirrequirements that she must fulfil, such as payments of certain amountsof money to have her children prayed for, remitting certain establishedfigures of shillings and dollars for her to be delivered from demonpossession. Additionally, she must pay a certain amount of money forher to receive the Holy Spirit or her sick in hospital to be visited bythe lording masters and pastors. The burden of slavery to sin is soheavy on this church in her land of spiritual Egypt.

Grief to sin

Inspite of such suffering in Egypt, Israel was still aware of the eternalcovenant she had with the God of Jacob. And so, she grieved and wailedout to the God of Israel for help. It is this wailing and crying out tothe Lord that caught the attention of Jehovah thereby sending them theprophet Moses for deliverance. Today the Holy Spirit is using this tore-orientate and redirect the church in this hour of darkness. In otherwords, the Lord is using the 11:59pm Clock that he lowered into the skyto impress upon the church on the urgent need for her to be consumedwith grief to sin. She must manifest a sorrow of wailing for herdeliverance at this hour. It is this wailing that will catch theattention of God as a testimony of her dissatisfaction with sinfulstatus quo in Egypt. The sinful status quo is the worldliness thatprevails in todays church. God is asking the church to come out vividlyclear and wail because of the state of sin in the church at such anhour. The church is being asked to do this understanding the presenttime, for the hour has come to wake her up from slumber because thehour of her salvation has drawn nearer now than when she firstbelieved. And the night is nearly over while the day of her deliveranceis almost here. The church is being asked to put aside the deeds ofdarkness and wear the armour of light (Romans 13:11-12). This amour oflight will come from harnessing the basic tenents disclosed during theliberation of Israel from Egypt.

The blood

As the midnight hour drew closer Israels clock was showing 11:59pm. And ifthis is anything to go by in todays church, then she ought to emulateevery single command that God laid on Israel at such an hour. At thistime, Israel was required to smear the blood of the lamb without defecton the frames of the door posts to the houses where she lived. Jesus ofNazareth is the Perfect Passover Lamb of God that was presented to thechurch without defect. Hence the blood of the lamb that Israel wasinstructed to smear at the door, in essence symbolized the Blood ofJesus that the church would be required to smear at the door of herheart prior to rapture. For that matter the Lord now expects the churchat this 11:59pm to cover the house where she lives with the Blood ofJesus, our perfect Passover Lamb of God (1 Corinthians 5:7). He wasslain on the Cross at Calvary that todays church may have his Bloodavailable to her right now. The Lord is essentially asking the churchof Christ to make sure that where she lives (her heart) is fullycovered with the remarkable Blood of Jesus at this 11:59pm. And whenthe midnight hour rings out Jehovah will be able to see the christianswhose hearts are spiritually circumcised by the perfect Blood of Jesus,and he will then passover them into the deliverance of rapture. Inwhich case, as the Lord will strike the Egyptian gods of this worldwith the dreadful judgment of tribulation, the raptured church, will bein the safety of heaven. There she will promptly eat the wedding dinnerof the Lamb of God inside the temple of the Lord God Almighty. Thisdinner takes place in the temple that the Lord presented in the March26, 2008 vision. It is like God then was asking the church to focus upwards and not miss this dinner event that is about to take placeinside that temple.

Nevertheless, why would the living God ask thechurch of Christ to cover herself with the Blood of Jesus, the perfectPassover Lamb? Why would Jehovah ask the church to do this at 11:59pm?It is as though the Lord is saying to the church that I have watchedyou plus your conduct for a long time now and it has finally boileddown to one question in my heart. Are you really covered by the Bloodof Jesus? This is the portrayal of a very pathetic spiritual state thathas eaten right into the church. When the Lord surrendered ChristJesus, the very darling of heaven to die for the church on the Cross,He was absolutely sure that the Blood of Jesus is more than sufficientto totally redeem the church from sin. This would serve as the ultimatesacrifice. And for the Lord to be asking the church as to whether shereally is covered by the Blood of Jesus, means that he has looked atthe church and seen that when she received Christ Jesus her identityessentially did not change. She in other words retained her identity ofthe world. Well, that presents an unredeemed identity and there is noway the God of heaven who shows such disposition to loving the church,can keep quiet on this matter at this 11:59pm! The Perfect Blood ofJesus has such an enormous capacity to transform the identity ofsinners into the glorious citizenry of sons of God. Further, it is theanointing pervading the Blood of Jesus that bears the capacity tocharacter-change todays church. It then would appear as though the Lordhas observed no significant change of character between when the peoplewere in the dark world and now that they are so-called born-again. Godis absolutely justified to ask this question at 11:59pm because he didnot present the precious Blood of Jesus in vain. And yet it isabsolutely evident that the world has encroached into the church andthe lives of the christians. To the extent that the christians are nowcloser to the identity of the world than they are to Jesus, impliesthat they are virtually unredeemed. In such circumstances, the God ofheaven uses this very simple benchmark of holiness to detect whetherredeemed or not redeemed is happening in church. It does not take muchto be able to plug into the life of the church and measure the rhythmof her heart beat, whether it is beating in step with that of the HolySpirit or not. Just the mere way in which the present-day church livesher life is sufficient enough a gauge to tell whether she is born-againor not yet born-again. If she walks in holiness then she becomes thelight of the world, and the fruit of her repentance is brought to bare.In this way, the church can win souls for the Lord at the darkest11:59pm hour of the night. The 11:59pm Clock that Jehovah lowered intothe sky on May 3rd, 2007, therefore presented such a mighty message ofthe Blood. And to the priesthood the Lord is principally saying thatthis is the time to be preaching nothing else other than the perfectprecious Blood of Jesus. God is using this Clock right now to tell hispriesthood to shepherd the flock towards that little abandoned hill ofCalvary and pass the flock through the rugged Cross so that they maycrucify their flesh. Only in this way, will they transition intospiritual beings whose walk is in rhythm with the Holy Spirit of theLord and the spiritual calendar for the wedding of the Lamb of God. Godhas directed his attention to the pastors of today pleading with themnot to cover the sheep with the prosperity of this world but to coverthe hearts of the sheep with the Perfect Precious Blood of Jesus. Thatis the only identity marker that the Lord will see when the Clock hitsmidnight and the Lord descends down from heaven with a loud command andthe voice of the archangel. Because the mighty Blood of Jesus is awonder working Blood being entirely able to transform the physical intospiritual beings, then those christian that will be covered by thisBlood will also be able to hear the spiritual voice of the archangeland that of the Son of Man at rapture (I Thessalonians 4:16-17; John5:24-28). Covering their hearts with big cars, big homes, privateaeroplanes, large companies, fat cheques, degrees, green cards, visasto the west and the like, will not open their spiritual ears. Insteadit will deafen their spiritual ears hence denying them entry intoheaven (Matthew 19:16-26). When the Lord lowered the 11:59pm GoldenClock in the sky on that material day of May 3rd, 2007, he practicallyrang out the message of The Blood! The Blood! The Blood!

The PerfectBlood of the Lamb!


Part of theinstruction that Israel received about the coming of the midnight hour,was that she boil not, nor eat raw the meat of the lamb without defect,and that she was under strict instruction that this meat must beroasted over fire. The roasting of this meat over fire was for allpractical purposes intended to exude a pleasant aroma of fragrance intothe throneroom of God. It is this fragrance that would appease the HolyGod of Israel to the point of forgiving enslaved Israel from her actsof defilements and hence permit her to come right into his holypresence. Such a fragrance had earlier on been presented by Noah whenso much sin had brought judgment on earth, and God was so pleased tothe extent that he developed a covenant with Noah (Genesis 8:20-21).Noah like Israel, was required to take clean animals for sacrifice.Clean here implies without defect. That notwithstanding, these biblicalevents speak much on the requirements of the Lord to the church at this11:59pm. The fragrance that Jehovah expects from the church right nowis that of worship in the spirit and in truth. The Lord expects thechurch to now step-up the worshipping of Jesus through the act ofgenuine repentance and holy living. If worship were taught on the Crossat Calvary when Jesus was crucified, then it is absolutely imperativethat the Lord is telling the church to equally offer herself as asacrifice of worship unto him through Christ Jesus. God Almighty is atthis late hour not looking for those christians that will offer 50%,70% or 99% of their hearts to him, but only those true worshippers whowill move out of worship at the well of Jacob and crucify their entireflesh at Calvary with Jesus, thereby offering 100% of their hearts(Romans 12:1-2). This is because the moment of truth has arrived andthe truth says that the church was created for Christ. Well, Christ isthe Spirit-filled Man, the Golden Clock in the sky is a spiritualClock, and the wedding of the Lamb of God is an entirely spiritualwedding. The church must still not lose track of the fact that theKingdom of God into which she was purchased and given sonship is aspiritual kingdom. That demands of her to be completely spiritual ineverything she does.

Bread without yeast

DuringEgyptian slavery, Israel had been accustomed to eating the loafy breadwith yeast. Since this bread was tasty, she devoted herself totirelessly work for it. The bakers in Egypt were highly regarded andrespected people who fed the family. Every family would at times striveto bake her own basket of dinner bread and yeast was in short supply asevery single household strove to raise the dough. The baking skillsresident in a household became such a treasure because there had to bea perfect knit between the bakers skills, the dough and the yeast, inorder to bring out a particular taste that was palatable to the tongue.This was an important gauge on to whether the household was wellnourished or not. Each family had to be attached to a baker for theirdaily supply of bread. The Israelites became so much attached to thedaily bread, a condition that made Jesus talk to them in terms of breadhaving seen how their hearts were tied to it. Jesus later said to themthat he is the True Bread, the bread of life, and that whoever ate ofhim would never hunger again (John 6:25-59). This attachment to breadhad been earlier on developed tightly during Egyptian slavery, wherethey literally laboured for bread. But when Jehovah told Israel thatthe advent of the midnight hour would require that they eat the lambtogether with bread without yeast, they were startled and greatlypanicked because in all their lives they had only been used to breadwith yeast. What is particularly astounding is that they were alsoaware of the tastelessness to the tongue, that bread without yeast had.However, since this was a command from the Lord on their deliverancethat night, Israel had to eat bread without yeast (Exodus 12:cool.

TheLord requires of the church that she too, reverts back to bread withoutyeast at this 11:59pm. This is because bread without yeast is the TrueBread, the Bread of Life. This particular midnight bread without yeastis our Lord Jesus who is the uncompromised True Word of God, that thechurch must now eat to make it. Yeast has lately infected the Word intodays church thereby bringing in a swollen and tasty-to-the-fleshbread. Bread with yeast is entirely tasty to the tongue but totallyundurable. Yeast represents the sin and defilement that has enteredinto the church. Such sin has included sexual immorality, the swollengospel of prosperity and wealth transfer and all the seductive excessesof this world. Therefore, by lowering the 11:59pm Golden Clock in thesky on that mighty May 3rd, 2007, the Lord in essence instructed thechurch on a compulsory return to bread without yeast. By inference theLord is telling the church that in the past he has watched her preachfrom other books that have exalted the things of the world over andabove Christ. Such adulterated word has mainly majored in tricks forfinancial anointing, becoming wealthy as a christian, successfulliving, healthy living, etc. At this eleventh hour however, only theincorruptible and durable bread without yeast will see the churchthrough this wilderness of repentance. It is time out for the tastygospel that is itching to the flesh and edifying to the world in thechurch (2 Timothy 4:3). The bread without yeast brings about eternallife that comes from our Lord Jesus (1 Corinthians 5:6-8; Matthew16:5-12). He who had rained manna from heaven for Israel in her mosthungry state is surely able to equally recompense the hungryGod-seeking church of Christ within these days of hunger. The church ofChrist has for sometime now gone through a severe hunger, not forphysical food, but for the true Word which has become very rare(Deuteronomy 8:3). It is this severe spiritual hunger that theadversary has taken advantage of in order to vend his yeast-exaltedbread, in the lies of quick prosperity without holiness.

The bitter herbs

For Israel to separate from Egyptian lifestyle and start listening toinstruction from Jehovah God, she faced the stiffest resistance ofbitter rejection. It relays a message of a people stepping out andrejecting the status quo of slavery to sin. Anyhow, Israel hadpreviously suffered the extreme cruelty unleashed by their Egyptianslave masters. In fact, at one point all male children were killedduring the time when Moses the prophet of the Lord was born. Israel wassurely familiar with bitter rejection and suffering along her life.Slavery often means working for food in a hand to mouth kind oflifestyle. Egypt is known for the sweet breads and foods and this iswhat Israel had tailored her life to, causing her to toil day and nightin order to earn some sweet bread in that land. Having this food wasconsidered more like a luxury within the Goshem community of Israelitesin Egypt. And for the Lord to tell the house of Jacob that she wouldnow have to resort to eating bitter herbs at the 11:59pm moment justbefore the midnight hour stroke. Israel was very disturbed at this newdevelopment, given that they had gotten used to sweet foods for alltheir lives. However, by doing this Jehovah wanted Israel to live toremember the bitterness of slavery and rejection that had characterizedher life. Todate, the Jewish people world over mark the passover feastby eating the bitter herbs in the fear that lest the modernity andprosperity of today make them forget who redeemed them from the bitterslavery. This they were instructed to do as a lasting ordinance betweenthem and Jehovah Yahweh.

The church too is being instructed by theHoly Spirit at this 11:59pm moment to revert to bread without yeast andbitter herbs for a complete separation from the sweet defiled world.The question is, why has the church not eaten the bitter herbs in themidst of the modernity and prosperity of today? Why has the house ofthe Lord forgotten the bitterness that Jesus went through to the Crossto deliver her? This bitterness is the Blood of Jesus that bitterlyflowed on the Cross at Calvary. Has the modern church of Christremembered this bitter flow of the Blood of Jesus? The bitter herbsthat the church is supposed to be chewing right now is the bitterrejection from this dark world that comes against any christian whochooses the absolute holiness of the Lord. God Almighty is telling thechurch that only those christians who have faced the bitter rejectionthat Jesus experienced in this world and on the Cross, will have walkedin the footsteps of the Lord hence being Christ-like in their everyspiritual fibre. Only the Christ-like church will wed the Lamb of Godon the day of the rapture (Exodus 12:cool. The church at this 11:59pmhour, is being instructed by the Holy Spirit to embrace bitterrejection that comes with choosing the Jesus of Nazareth. Bitterrejection here is being used by the Lord to also separate the churchout into the most needed spiritual solitude. Jesus occasionallyobserved such a refreshing spiritual solitude when he went up the Mountof Olives alone to pray. The church too, must observe a separated timeat which the Holy Spirit can minister to her outside the hustle andbustle of this noisy dark world. Even at the garden of Gethsemane, whenJesus took Peter, John and James with himself, it was all about bitterrejection and separation from this sinful and dark world. The Lord isimpressing upon the present-day church on the importance ofexperiencing bitter rejection from this sinful world as an avenue toreach the total crucifixion of the flesh. Any christian that will beable to do this, will principally and mightily have re-lived Isaiahchapter fifty three. There is absolutely no way that the church cancontinue to eloquently present herself as the ambassador of Christ,while at the same time sustaining a very defiling acceptance from thissinful world. Walking in holiness in itself acts as silent rebuke tosin hence causing a lot of animosity from this dark world. Preachingholiness with her lamp of righteousness lit constitutes an act ofactive aggression against the kingdom of darkness that rules thissinful world. In this way, facing bitter rejection is a must to theholy church of Christ in our days. This bitterly rejected way to theCross actually leads directly into the wedding of the Lamb of God. Nowonder, the Lord Jesus himself said "whoever wants to follow me shouldpick up your cross and follow me" (Matthew 16:24; Luke 14:27).

Burning the midnight oil

The journey on the christian walk, though long can be a joyful one when thepurpose is clearly well defined. The remnant church of Christ thatdefines this resolve well, will often adhere together in the love ofChrist and the unity of faith. Such was the journey of the remnant tenvirgins that set out into the darkness of this world with their lampslit towards the midnight hour (Matthew 25:1-13). As the waiting processprolonged, this journey to wait on the bridegroom became tedious to thepoint that they all became drowsy and fell asleep. This tragedyoccurred right before the midnight hour when the pitch darknessthickened and their systems gave in. Like todays church, their mostimmediate perception was that the Lords coming would be delayed muchlonger. However, as the midnight hour drew closer the Lord sent them avoice that sounded a warning. At this warning, all the ten virgins wokeup and trimmed the wicks of their lamps. But in the process, the fivefoolish virgins realized that they hadnt any midnight oil to burn sincetheir lamps had gone dry. Yet the wise virgins had the privilege ofburning the midnight oil from the vile that they had earlier carriedwhen they stepped out. It is a caution to the church that as themidnight hour draws very close (11:59pm), there will be a tendency ofthe church to become drowsy, lethargic and fall asleep. The darknessthat befalls the world at the midnight hour is always the thickest andthe deepest darkness of the night because it occurs in the heart of thenight. Such is the darkness that was foretold to consume the four endsof the earth right before the wedding of the Lamb. This darkness if notwell managed, can easily cause the lamps that were otherwise previouslywell lit to emit dim light. Such thick pitch darkness of the midnighthour in other words purposefully attempts to undermine the light thatwas previously sufficiently coming from the lit lamps. And that is whythe trimming of the lamps becomes an absolute necessity close to themidnight hour. It is the gross thick darkness of the midnight hour thatobliges the trimming of the lamps in order to improve the strength ofthe light emitted at such a dark hour.

Right now across the fourends of the earth, it is completely obvious that the darkness of theworld has increased and thickened thereby even entering into thechurch. This gross darkness undermines the light with which the churchhas been operating hence calling for necessary lamp-trimming steps tobe put in place. Such darkness include the increased legalization ofabortions, homosexuality, legalization of homosexual marriages,lesbianism, rapes, defiling of young children, shooting rampage inschools and malls, addiction to pornography even by pastors, drugaddictions, alcoholism, abandoning of babies in garbage dumps, murders,false prophecies, money laundering, the gospel of wealth transfer andprosperity, removal of bible from EU constitution, removal of the Godof the bible from the constitution of many countries, feministmovements, among others. This by all means is a signal that calls forthe trimming of the lamp in the church especially now that the Clock ofGod reads 11:59pm and the pitch darkness has thickened. Jesus is thefirst born that raptured from the earth (Colossians 1:15-20). But nowthe time for the church to be birthed out into heaven has drawn nigh.By presenting the 11:59pm Clock, the Holy Spirit is warning the churchto be very careful with sleep, but instead be watchful. At the gardenof Gethsemane Jesus rebuked this sleep when the three disciples fellasleep instead of being watchful. The Lord at that time warned them ofsleep by saying that they needed to be watchful in prayer in order notto be tempted (Mark 14:32-42). It raises the question on the rampantand increased temptation which would come down on the church like anavalanche at this hour. The Lord clearly became infuriated by thesleepiness of the remnant church that he took to Gethsemane. The Lordis currently unleashing this very fury towards the sleeping church oftoday. It is the same magnitude of vehemence that the Lord displaystowards the remnant ten virgins that step out with their lamps into thedarkness to wait for the midnight hour only to fall asleep. The fivefoolish virgins had to go buy some oil for themselves in an act thatprefigured the fake anointing that would befall the latter church at11:59pm. What is even more surprising is the fact that all the tenvirgins had to be woken up, and the ten wicks be trimmed. That meansthat as the Lord God lowers the 11:59pm Golden Clock in the sky, it isa spiritual wake-up call. In lay mans terms, it would be as though oneset the alarm clock one minute before midnight that the midnight hourmay find them awake. The Lord is sounding this 11:59pm wake-up alarm tothe church that she may jump up from her deep sleep. The bible clearlyoutlines important elements worthy of notice when the church goes tosleep. She gets very unalert and begins to eat and drink with thedrunkards. These drunkards can today be seen walking with the churchbecause she has no deliverance power to lead them to Christ. Thedrunkards the Lord speaks about are symbolic of the homosexuals,alcoholism, love of money, false prophets, prostitution, interfaithfellowships with eastern idolatrous religions, witchcraft that haveraided todays church, etc. (Matthew 24:42-51). Most notably is themessage coming from the selective entry of only 50% of the ten virginsthat stepped out to wait. The five wise virgins that finally made itinto the wedding of the Lamb, each had a vile of olive oil for burning.It is this vile of olive oil that constitutes the morning dew thatIsaiah the prophet saw as having the capacity to wake up the asleep(Isaiah 26:19). Todays sleeping church can easily wake up if sheaccepts to receive this morning dew. It is such a dew of the Spirit ofthe Lord that makes the whole difference between eternal life anddeath. The vile of olive oil represents the precious Holy Spirit of theLord. Hence the most important message the Lord delivered to the churchon May 3rd, 2007, was that only the Holy Spirit could now help her thislate. It must be remembered however, that everytime it gets to 11:59pmthat means that the old day is gone and the new day has come. Thisrequires that the church now wear the character of the new day andwalks as children of light (Romans 13:11-12). Time has run out for thechurch and she ought to move with the kind of haste that involvestucking in her spiritual cloak in, with her sandals on, in theknowledge that any second now there will be a lift-off from thisslavery into eternal life with God himself (Exodus 12:1-29).

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