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Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out - Religion - Nairaland

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Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by crossman9(m): 1:29am On Mar 05, 2012



Rev Ray Okocha

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I grew up in a religious home like most homes are in Nigeria. My parents made sure we all went to church - the Roman Catholic Church. I was very devoted and committed to the church and her activities I even joined the Saint Jude's Society at an early age. I went through the motions of religion not really knowing God or the reality of His word.

I believe my parents tried to raise us up the best way they knew. They had plans for me as the first child. I was to follow the path of the medical profession as they wanted me to study to become a medical doctor. This may have stemmed from the fact that my mum was a nurse.

As a young boy at this time, I did not know anything about God's plan for me. I even thought that born again Christians or 'SU' (Scripture Union) as we called them, were weird people. My dad had told us of stories of some of his classmates in the University who were born again and that these ones always failed in their academic works. We were all ignorant of the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

My parents relocated to the oil-rich city of Warri in Delta State, Nigeria. Thus I had to change schools and began to attend Urhobo College, Effurun, a school notorious for having tough and rascally students. In my second year in the school (I was in my fourth form at this time), I noticed a fellow classmate who fitted the description of these weird people - the SUs. He didn't talk much with the rest of us but seemed a little put off with the way we did things.

We respected Brother Charles (that was his name) but we didn't relate much with him. One day, Brother Charles invited me to a fellowship during the long break hour. I accepted his invitation and went for the meeting just to be courteous. In the meeting, he told us of his vision he had about the end time - specifically, the coming of the Lord.

I wept throughout the message as it dawned on me that I was neither born again nor ready for the Lord's return. At the end of the message, he gave an altar call for those who were not ready for the Lord's return. I went out and said the prayers as directed. Suddenly, I felt a heavy load lift off my heart! Things were never going to be the same again.

I was born again; I had received eternal life and God had become my Father. This new relationship with God was far removed from religion. I knew I was a different person. I became very hungry for God's word and wanted to spend time with Him.

My parents began to notice a change in me. Although I was a 'good boy' at home before this time (good enough to go to the drunkard's hell on a banana peel), there was something different about me. I began to tell all my friends about my salvation story and invited them all to join me in this new-found life. As I continued in my Christian walk, I discovered that there was something more.

My new friends in fellowship were always talking about the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. Oh, how I wanted this spiritual experience! I bought books on the Holy Spirit and receiving the Holy Spirit. On a fateful day, while still in the secondary school, having been instructed to spend time fasting, I went with two friends to pray (they are both ministers of the gospel presently). They laid hands on me and I received the in filling of the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues.

Wow! It had finally happened! As I grew in the word, I was no longer satisfied with the spiritual nourishment I was receiving in my church. I stopped attending that church and this action started a 'war' at home. I graduated from the secondary school and immediately got admission into the University in November 1984. As I got into school, a classmate of mine who was a brother introduced me to the man of God, Pastor Chris.

The moment I shook hands with him, I knew I was connected to him. He looked like Jesus and everything about him fascinated me. I followed him to his room on campus. And I have been following him ever since.

My new friends in fellowship were always talking about the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. Oh, how I wanted this spiritual experience! I bought books on the Holy Spirit and receiving the Holy Spirit. On a fateful day, while still in the secondary school, having been instructed to spend time fasting, I went with two friends to pray (they are both ministers of the gospel presently). They laid hands on me and I received the in filling of the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues.

Wow! It had finally happened! As I grew in the word, I was no longer satisfied with the spiritual nourishment I was receiving in my church. I stopped attending that church and this action started a 'war' at home. I graduated from the secondary school and immediately got admission into the University in November 1984. As I got into school, a classmate of mine who was a brother introduced me to the man of God, Pastor Chris.

As I got into school, a classmate of mine who was a brother introduced me to the man of God, Pastor Chris.

The moment I shook hands with him, I knew I was connected to him. He looked like Jesus and everything about him fascinated me. I followed him to his room on campus. And I have been following him ever since.

He looked like Jesus and everything about him fascinated me

I followed him to his room on campus. And I have been following him ever since.

Here is the proof they in Christ embassy see him as Christ the person that is why they glorify him because he performs miracles
Or gives impartations of the spirit but which spirit is it I can testify with own eyes I have seen spirits come out of the minister in Christ Embassy
But this testimony proves my point he said he follows him pastor Chris and not Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit?

Rev. Ray Okocha (“Word Alive”. program) All so the (Secretary-General) (Believer’s’ Love World Inc.)

This shows how they think and this is thee most high ranking member of the church that believes this so what does that say about the lower levels of the church it is shocking to some but not to me I know they see him as “Christ” they talked about him that way when I was there in there spiritual think tank it high time people wake up to this church and see it for what it is a brain washing cult with powers of darkness transformed in the angels of light the grandmaster is behind them the devil he is God to them in the church?

I weep for you all you can’t see your deceived

Read the scriptures for a moment and ask yourself is he the way and the truth and the life or is  it Jesus Christ? 

False Christs

There will be False Christs

For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many

Matthew 24:5 He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them.

Luke 21:8 Jesus of Nazareth was the true and only Christ, the anointed one, the Messiah, and our Lord and Savior.  Jesus is The Way, the Truth and Life.  There never has been and never will be any other Christ, Teacher, Lord, Savior, or form of Consciousness whereby our eternal souls might be saved.  However, just as the Bible prophesied, there have been - and will continue to be - an ever increasing number of powerful and alluring false christs as we draw closer to the appearance of the ultimate false Christ, the Antichrist.  More deceiving spirits will arrive on the scene as we near the rapture of the Church, and the seven-year tribulation that will precede the return of Jesus to set up his millennial kingdom. 

Mark 13:6; 21-22 Many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and will deceive many. At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'Look, there he is!' do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect--if that were possible. So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.

II Cor. 11:3,4; 13-15 “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.  For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.  For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.  And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”

1 Timothy 4:1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 

Matthew 24:11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.

Matthew 24:24For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible.

II Thessalonians 2:9-12 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Revelation 17:4-6 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. This title was written on her forehead: MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF LovePeddlers AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.

2 Timothy 4:3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.

Matthew 7:22, 23Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

2 Timothy 3:8Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these [apostates] also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

2 Timothy 4

1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: 2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.

6 For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by newmi(m): 9:15am On Mar 05, 2012
You sound like a forgotten lunatic, a frustrated mentally deranged psycho and a success story of satan's idle mind pet project.
Nobody will ever replace Jesus Christ with any man not even the man of God Pastor Chris you l am pathetically sorry for you because am aware you urgently require some form of psychological aid anyway l will recommend these teachings by Pastor Chris; Power in the name of Jesus, The wonderful Name of Jesus, The Person of Jesus, The master Soul Winner, Who is Jesus, please after you listen to these teachings then come and tell the whole world that the same man is replacing Jesus or amaasing greater attention to himself otherthan to Jesus till then stay off this topic because this topic lacka credibility.
1John 4:17
King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
"In this is our love made perfect, that we
may have boldness in the day of
judgment: because as he is, so are we in
this world"
My offence is that you don't know anything of Pastor Chris, you don't know anything of Jesus and even more pathetic, you don't know anything of the bible and the christian faith even with all your lengthy post they'r all gabage and a superfluity of foolishness and gross ignorance.


Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by Nobody: 10:24am On Mar 05, 2012
if u dont know pst chris, u dknt know Jesus?
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by crossman9(m): 3:06pm On Mar 05, 2012
if u dont know pst chris, u dknt know Jesus?

if I don’t know “Pastor Chris” I don't know “Jesus” this only shows the ignorance of your mind If don’t know “Pastor Chris” I don’t know “Jesus”  I say this in love your blind and brainwashed
We are command to follow Jesus he called you from “Death” to Life not “Pastor Chris” you confirm how you all think and the more?
You people the more you speak the more you reveal who you’re following and it’s not “Jesus Christ”

1 John 5:12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.
1 John 5:12 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life

Aistole (384-322B.C.) 6 the roots of the education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. [Diogens Laerius, Life]
Melbourne, William Lamb, Viscount (1875-1965)
10. Things have come to a pretty pass when religion is allowed to invade the sphere of private life [Remark]
Nobody ever did anything very foolish except from some strong principle.[Attr.
While I cannot be regarded as a pillar, I must be regarded as a buttress of the church, because I support it from the outside. [Attr.]
Burke, Edmund (1729-1797)
2.  the people never give up their liberties but under some delusion. [speech, 1784]
5. tyrants seldom want pretexts.
6 The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing

Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by mabell: 3:43pm On Mar 05, 2012

if I don’t know “Pastor Chris” I don't know “Jesus” this only shows the ignorance of your mind If don’t know “Pastor Chris” I don’t know “Jesus” I say this in love your blind and brainwashed

smiley grin cheesy
you call someone brain washed?!
you that are obsessed with pst chris, amazing grace how sweet the sound
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by crossman9(m): 4:59pm On Mar 05, 2012
i love pastor chris but i hate what he does mabell and i love you to bless you in the name of jesus

Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by newmi(m): 6:19pm On Mar 05, 2012
oga crossma don't pretend not to see my post
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by crossman9(m): 7:02pm On Mar 05, 2012
newmi (m)
Posts: 1291


Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out
« #1 on: Today at 09:15:51 AM »

You sound like a forgotten lunatic, a frustrated mentally deranged psycho and a success story of satan's idle mind pet project.
Nobody will ever replace Jesus Christ with any man not even the man of God Pastor Chris you l am pathetically sorry for you because am aware you urgently require some form of psychological aid anyway l will recommend these teachings by Pastor Chris; Power in the name of Jesus, The wonderful Name of Jesus, The Person of Jesus, The master Soul Winner, Who is Jesus, please after you listen to these teachings then come and tell the whole world that the same man is replacing Jesus or amaasing greater attention to himself otherthan to Jesus till then stay off this topic because this topic lacka credibility.
1John 4:17
King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
"In this is our love made perfect, that we
may have boldness in the day of
judgment: because as he is, so are we in
this world"
My offence is that you don't know anything of Pastor Chris, you don't know anything of Jesus and even more pathetic, you don't know anything of the bible and the christian faith even with all your lengthy post they'r all gabage and a superfluity of foolishness and gross ignorance

why thank you i did notice it but you left out crazy about jesus not pastor chris and i love you to bless you brother
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by crossman9(m): 7:16pm On Mar 05, 2012
y offence is that you don't know anything of Pastor Chris, you don't know anything of Jesus and even more pathetic, you don't know anything of the bible and the christian faith even with all your lengthy post they'r all gabage and a superfluity of foolishness and gross ignorance




Basic English is not my strong point as well but the truth of the bible is my play ground




how come I can take apart his teaching then if I don’t know them or him, remember I was member of “Christ Embassy” for a long time in fact it was for 2 years I have been learning from him night and day and I have been reading the bible since I was 19 years old you work it out? I was healed with Jesus not pastor Chris and it was not healed at Christ embassy I come to know Jesus by reading the bible on my own?
Please read the bible I have read it has my life changing books in it.

Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by mabell: 7:21pm On Mar 05, 2012

I was healed with Jesus not pastor Chris and it was not healed at Christ embassy I come to know Jesus by reading the bible on my own?

What were you healed of crossman?
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by Nobody: 7:37pm On Mar 05, 2012
the guy sounds gay no ofeeeeence
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by crossman9(m): 7:52pm On Mar 05, 2012
Posts: 1691


 Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out
« #9 on: Today at 07:21:11 PM »  

Quote from: crossman9 on Today at 07:16:27 PM

I was healed with Jesus not pastor Chris and it was not healed at Christ embassy I come to know Jesus by reading the bible on my own?

What were you healed of crossman?  

1 Cor 5:11,12 But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat. What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?

well I was a junky and the drugs damage my body many years ago I could not even read and write properly and I read the bible slowly and I asked the lord to prove to me he exists and heal me and I will preach to the junkies the homeless the despised and rejected and make me smarter them that mock me

The lord has kept his word that was when I was 19 years old I was saying heal me heal me lord nothing happened then a warm feeling come on my feet then into the legs then stomach then into the chest I was struggling to breath then it went into my mind and it was a burning bright light I have never been the same since

Why do you ask? grin
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by crossman9(m): 7:55pm On Mar 05, 2012
who sounds gay better put h,o,m,o,s,e,x,u,a,l me or (Rev Ray Okocha)
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by newmi(m): 8:33pm On Mar 05, 2012

Basic English is not my strong point as well
It would be ludacris and largely inconsequential to allocate that any form of consideration

but the truth of the bible is my play ground
Well that ordinarily should be a compliment but to be frank, judging from most of your posts l opt to disagree. Obviously very few would contest the fact that you seem to make lengthy posts with many scriptural references but these post lack the substance of the Spirit and it is the Spirit who gives live
John 6:63
New Living Translation (©2007)
"The Spirit alone gives eternal life.
Human effort accomplishes nothing.
And the very words I have spoken to
you are spirit and life"

how come I can take apart his teaching then if I don’t know then or him
You failed to communicate here

remember I was member of “Christ Embassy” for a long time in fact and 2 years I have been learning from him night and day and I have been reading the bible since I was 19 years old
Congratulations! "for a long time" well some of us have been learning for less than a decade. You started reading the bible since you were 19 years old, impressive! well l started reading the bible is about the age of five(5) so l have read the bible long enough to understand that ". . . the letter killeth but the Spirit gives live"

Basic English is not my strong point as well but the truth of the bible is my play ground

how come I can take apart his teaching then if I don’t know then or him,  remember I was member of “Christ Embassy” for a long time in fact and 2 years I have been learning from him night and day and I have been reading the bible since I was 19 years old you work it out? I was healed with Jesus not pastor Chris and it was not healed at Christ embassy I come to know Jesus by reading the bible on my own?
Please read the bible I have read it has my life changing books in it.


I was healed with Jesus not pastor Chris and it was not healed at Christ embassy I come to know Jesus by reading the bible on my own?
Please read the bible I have read it has my life changing books in it.
I don't think anyone is suggesting otherwise the bible is "IRREPLACEABLE"
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by OmoPastor(m): 8:54pm On Mar 05, 2012
@ op
how can you understand simple english when your mind has never been renewed. your situation is pathetic and worrisome:

Titus 1:15  Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

i think the verse above about sums up your life but God still loves you and there is enough room for change.
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by winiamanda: 8:59pm On Mar 05, 2012
smiley people are just are they were in Jesus day; the pharises and the sadducess; the couldnt see and the wouldnt see
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by crossman9(m): 9:06pm On Mar 05, 2012
Well did you grow out of the age of five with your spelling errors lol only joking a little; I have proved my case anti Pastor Chris is me you know

Did you not read the post with all the back ground research I did, do you even know what an anti-Christ is or what
Or even what is a false prophet can you tell me what you call a false teacher tell me enlighten me
I am not here to fight with you but to show you that someone has been telling you lie’s?
As of tomorrow if things go according to plan I will have more exposing videos like the ma.stur.ba.tion video I posted on YouTube that should make him feel very uncomfortable did you see how he looked on television he could not answer the questions being posed to him?
Life for Pastor Chris is about to get very uncomfortable for the future I will fight him until I die and speak against him with my last breath of air I was loving every part of this pastor Chris live
Pastor charisma has lost his charms now for most people that video made the news in Nigeria it was wonderful I praise the lord for good people who speak the truth?
See if these bands of goons in church did not treat me so bad I would have been on TV working for love world but look now I am the enemy within?
Now that should get your mind working?
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by Nobody: 9:13pm On Mar 05, 2012
i mean the ray okocha guy. is he gay? why is in love with pastor chris?
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by OmoPastor(m): 9:29pm On Mar 05, 2012
@ crossman9

As of tomorrow if things go according to plan I will have more exposing videos like the  ma.stur.ba.tion  video I posted on YouTube that should make him feel very uncomfortable did you see how he looked on television he could not answer the questions being posed to him?
did you say you exposed him? or are you deluded? you were the ignoramus or should i say the spiritually deaf guy that did not understand what the MOG said in simple terms. you are so bitter that you were deaf to what he said.

See if these bands of goons in church did not treat me so bad I would have been on TV working for love world but look now I am the enemy within?
so you could have been working for this same Loveworld you are now trying to bring down? you actually worked for them sometime and now you are fighting them cos you think you were treated like trash.
you are fighting a fight you cannot win cos you have lost it. see you twisting things just to suit your evil intentions, so how can this be the truth? you fight cos you want a revenge and you missed it there. stop this before you eventually hurt yourself. i feel very sorry for you but i think you are going about your grievances the very wrong way.
dude, you cannot go far with this, better change now.
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by crossman9(m): 9:33pm On Mar 05, 2012
1SAMUEL 16.7:
But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance (appearance) or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for [the LORD seeth] not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

well lets be honest I would not say that he was gay but he is still a man of God but the point I making here is there following pastor Chris and not Jesus Christ this is basis of the points I am making but it very much like Jonathan king David in the bible they had a deep love for each other and this is wonderful in truth but I am against lies and this pastor is false

1SAMUEL 16.12:
And he sent, and brought him in. Now he [was] ruddy, [and] withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the LORD said, Arise, anoint him: for this [is] he.

1SAMUEL 18.1:
And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.

1Samuel 20:41 reveals:[And] as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of [a place] toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by OmoPastor(m): 10:05pm On Mar 05, 2012
@ crossman9
well lets be honest I would not say that he was gay but he is still a man of God but the point I making here is there following pastor Chris and not Jesus Christ this is basis of the points I am making

1Co 4:16  Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.

1Co 11:1  Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

dude you have not been given the mandate to tell us who to follow, if you have personal issues with these men, i advise you to do something about it rather than trying to bring them down which you can never succeed at.
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by crossman9(m): 10:10pm On Mar 05, 2012
Posted by: OmoPastor  
Insert Quote
@ crossman9

As of tomorrow if things go according to plan I will have more exposing videos like the  ma.stur.ba.tion  video I posted on YouTube that should make him feel very uncomfortable did you see how he looked on television he could not answer the questions being posed to him?
did you say you exposed him? or are you deluded? you were the ignoramus or should i say the spiritually deaf guy that did not understand what the MOG said in simple terms. you are so bitter that you were deaf to what he said.

See if these bands of goons in church did not treat me so bad I would have been on TV working for love world but look now I am the enemy within?
so you could have been working for this same Loveworld you are now trying to bring down? you actually worked for them sometime and now you are fighting them cos you think you were treated like trash.
you are fighting a fight you cannot win cos you have lost it. see you twisting things just to suit your evil intentions, so how can this be the truth? you fight cos you want a revenge and you missed it there. stop this before you eventually hurt yourself. i feel very sorry for you but i think you are going about your grievances the very wrong way.
dude, you cannot go far with this, better change now.
Posted on: Today at 09:13:55 PMPosted by: makeitsoon  

you are fighting a fight you cannot win cos you have lost it. see you twisting things just to suit your evil intentions, so how can this be the truth? you fight cos you want a revenge and you missed it there. stop this before you eventually hurt yourself. i feel very sorry for you but i think you are going about your grievances the very wrong way.
dude, you cannot go far with this, better change now.

you are fighting a fight you cannot win cos you have lost it. see you twisting things just to suit your evil intentions, so how can this be the truth?

this video speak for its self i am not twisting a thing out of thy own mouth comes thy own judgment

well I am not doing this with evil intentions but to wake up the people and Its not to bring down love world TV but to reform the teaching because there destroying peoples with the twisting of the Gospel of the lord Jesus Christ to make “money” and there focus is on pastor Chris and not the lord Jesus Christ there doing this to many people what they did to me?

See you can kick a dog until it will roll over and die or it will turn and bite you

Simple psychology

But this is one dog that will not rollover and play dead but will bite back
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by OmoPastor(m): 10:44pm On Mar 05, 2012
i cannot see the genuine intention to change whatever you feel is wrong cos all i see is a very bitter dude struggling to take his own pound of flesh. why are you doing this to yourself it will only destroy you. can you see that you are now a very useful but futile tool for the devil? dude you have to change quickly.
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by crossman9(m): 11:25pm On Mar 05, 2012
Posted on: Today at 10:44:29 PMPosted by: OmoPastor 
Insert Quote
i cannot see the genuine intention to change whatever you feel is wrong cos all i see is a very bitter dude struggling to take his own pound of flesh. why are you doing this to yourself it will only destroy you. can you see that you are now a very useful but futile tool for the devil? dude you have to change quickly. 

well like i always said if pastor chris come to my house he would be treated like a king with all honours i can afford but i would still tell him the truth

you have got away from the question why are you following a man and not jesus christ

did you say you exposed him? or are you deluded? you were the ignoramus or should i say the spiritually deaf guy that did not understand what the MOG said in simple terms. you are so bitter that you were deaf to what he said.
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by OmoPastor(m): 8:00am On Mar 06, 2012
@ crossman9
you have got away from the question why are you following a man and not jesus christ

what do you have to say to this:

1Co 4:16 Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.

1Co 11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

dude you have not been given the mandate to tell us who to follow, if you have personal issues with these men, i advise you to do something about it rather than trying to bring them down which you can never succeed at.
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by newmi(m): 3:05pm On Mar 06, 2012
@cross man
"why are you following a man not Jesus Christ" this a ridiculous question it is infact prove positive you don't know Pastor Chris and have never followed his teachings because if you did you wouldn't make such comments doesn't pastor point people to Jesus? Or when you hear you hear wrongly? Perhaps again you should take these recommendations more seriously go and listen to these teachings; The person of Jesus, Who is Jesus, The master Soul Winner, The wonderful name of Jesus etc.
Be that as it may is it wrong to follow a man who follows Christ Jesus as a demonstrative expression of response to leadership after all haven't read these passages of the scriptures
1Corinthians 11:1
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

1 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore I urge you to imitate me.
Philippians 3:17 Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you.

These references must be estranged to you or maybe you thinking they were extracted from the qua ran?
The issue of following a man is not one of replacement and substitution of Christ' place in our lives rather it's one of submission to leadership. If you dislike a person it is possible that is so simply because you don't know that person or you do but pollutants in the form of jealousy, envy, pride, frustration are beclouding the truth in your heart all in defended of grieve
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by winiamanda: 7:30pm On Mar 06, 2012
'Life for Pastor Chris is about to get very uncomfortable for the future I will fight him until I die and speak against him with my last breath' Crossman your words are consistent with that of the antichrist. No you are not truelly against Pastor Chris but against the works of God.
You know the devil still thinks he has the chance to defeat God. He's is a pathetic story, You sound exactly like him
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by crossman9(m): 11:10pm On Mar 06, 2012
Posted by: newmi
Insert Quote
@cross man
"why are you following a man not Jesus Christ" this a ridiculous question it is infact prove positive you don't know Pastor Chris and have never followed his teachings because if you did you wouldn't make such comments doesn't pastor point people to Jesus? Or when you hear you hear wrongly? Perhaps again you should take these recommendations more seriously go and listen to these teachings; The person of Jesus, Who is Jesus, The master Soul Winner, The wonderful name of Jesus etc.
Be that as it may is it wrong to follow a man who follows Christ Jesus as a demonstrative expression of response to leadership after all haven't read these passages of the scriptures
1Corinthians 11:1
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

1 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore I urge you to imitate me.
Philippians 3:17 Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you.

These references must be estranged to you or maybe you thinking they were extracted from the qua ran?
The issue of following a man is not one of replacement and substitution of Christ' place in our lives rather it's one of submission to leadership. If you dislike a person it is possible that is so simply because you don't know that person or you do but pollutants in the form of jealousy, envy, pride, frustration are beclouding the truth in your heart all in defended of grieve

Is pastor Chris God I KNOW HE TEACHS he is a “god” but he is just flesh and he teaches heresies how can, I be the anti-Christ for telling you he is the anti-Christ there is misstep in your logic there?
I will come back to you on this I am busy working on a project I will have to spend hours typing for this one, to finally put it to bed for good

Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by OmoPastor(m): 2:19pm On Mar 07, 2012
@ crossman9
you seem to be avoiding my post.
please answer me.
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by crossman9(m): 3:16pm On Mar 07, 2012
Guidelines for discerning a Bad Pastor

God wants us (His people) to understand what the ministry of oversight is all about, and to make sure that those who are in a position of oversight fulfill their God given duties FAITHFULLY. We can discern from God's word what would amount to a serious warning if the spiritual leader steps out of line.

KJV Ezekiel 34:1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks? 3 Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock. 4 The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them. 5 And they were scattered, because there is no shepherd: and they became meat to all the beasts of the field, when they were scattered. 6 My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them. 7 Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of the LORD; 8 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock; 9 Therefore, O ye shepherds, hear the word of the LORD; 10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them. 11 For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out. 12 As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.

This passage of Scripture was written for the Old Testament leaders of God's people. It is written specifically against "the shepherds of Israel". "Shepherd" is the same word as "pastor". This would define what the concept of shepherd or pastor is, as God sees it. Failure to fulfill this task brings railing condemnation against that pastor. From this we too can learn much about New Testament church oversight (i.e. pastors).

Beware when your pastor ,

1. Is overly concerned about remuneration and his own life style instead of his preaching. Ezekiel 34:2

The first and great overriding condemnation by God is that the pastors feed themselves instead of feeding their charge, the flock of God. We must admit that God's principles are that the local church is to give the pastor a livable wage or salary, and they are to even give him "double honor" if he ministers well, and the pastor is to live of the gospel. But when the balance becomes to great towards "feathering his own nest" instead of tending to his charge, then the pastor is not what he is supposed to be.

The charge of God to the pastor is the same as the owner of sheep in Palestine to a shepherd of sheep, "whatever is wrong, fix it." What this means is that the pastor should confront all problems and resolve them however it is necessary to do so. A pastor who by-passes and ignores problems in the local church is not doing his job. We must give time to many matters, and we must labor over them in prayer, but some matters need to be confronted and dealt with instead of being prayed over. For example God rebuked Joshua in Joshua 7 because he was praying instead of rooting out sin in the camp. In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul rebukes the church for not confronting sin in their midst. Paul's comparison is that this is like kneading a lump of dough with leaven in it, soon it will saturate the entire lump if not stopped quickly and decisively.

The preacher should preach, and he should do that well. Preachers that do not spend a lot of time preparing, and that includes study, prayer, and meditation, just are slighting their duties. Even the most scholarly preachers still spend many hours on a sermon if it is to be a good, effective sermon. Moreover, when a preacher spends a large portion of his time in other things (such as administration of a Christian school, counseling, writing, fellowship, or entertainment concerns) be careful. A person's priorities are reflected by his attention to that things, i.e. what he spends the most time, energy, and resources on is his highest priority.

Beware when your pastor ,

2. Hurts more people than he helps. Ezekiel 34:2

The sense of "the diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken" is that he should be building up the flock so that they are not crippled by spiritual disease or sickness. The broken perhaps refers to the difficult crises of life that cause a person to become disabled or unfruitful and unproductive.

Focus on our task as Christians. We must ask ourselves, "what should the sheep be normally doing that these diseases, sicknesses, and crises (brokenness) would hinder?" The answer is very simple, sheep are supposed to roam around after the pastor eating and feeding all they can get, and they are to reproduce more sheep, and give fruit (wool and milk). Christians then are supposed to go to church and feed on the Word of God that the pastor feeds them with. This Word of God explained (feeding grounds) is supposed to promote the Christian to bear spiritual fruit and to reproduce (evangelism). This evangelism is the mission of the church (Matthew 28:19-20). It is a single mission that must all come under the focus of the local church. The local church must evangelize the lost, baptize them (membership - integration) into the local church, and teach them all God has commanded us (discipleship so that they are just like the rest of the church). This is the work of God, and the sheep are supposed to be doing it, and the pastor is supposed to promoting it, making it happen.

Moreover the Christian is to bear spiritual fruit. Let us mention what the Christians should be moved to produce from their "church experience".

Gal 5:22-23
Love - The practice and attitude of placing somebody else before their own self. Seeking the benefit of another before your self.

Joy - Happiness (well being) that is not necessarily linked to physical well being. Comfort or thoughts that overwhelms the person even if that person finds himself in conflict, affliction, distress, anguish, agony, or pain.

Peace - The absence of conflict in the soul, even though outwardly the person may be in great conflicts.

Longsuffering - Suffering long, waiting and having patience even though the events and pressures of life would force the person to immediate response, vengeance, attack, rebuke, conflict, or improper speech.

Gentleness - Treating others softly instead of harshly and brutishly. Gentleness means not seeking to hurt others even when it is fully possible.

Faith - Faith is belief. But much more than some doctrinal point somebody ascribes themselves to, faith is spiritual force to wait or go forward when the evidence before ones eyes is to the contrary.

Meekness - This is to approach others as though you believe them to be better and superior to yourself. While it may not be so, still the meek person will treat others with this respect and dignity even though he himself may be a king.

Temperance - Self-control. A control over one's self so that one does not indulge in sins and excesses of life. This is a strong control over oneself, or perhaps better put, it is a complete rendering of one's self to the control of God to decide and guide their life, actions and speech so that what a person does is God's will.

KJV Ephesians 5:9 (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truthwink

The Christian is supposed to have his life full of all goodness and righteousness. Good is free from the element of sin. Righteousness is the opposite of sin. It is what we are supposed to be doing instead of sin. Truth is God's banner (identifying flag) over us. We are supposed to be champions of the truth. Beware when people claim to be Christians and tell lies to protect or promote their version of Christianity. No obedient Christian will use Satan's methods to do God's work. It just does not work.

Beware when your pastor ,
3. Drives away people instead of gathering them. Ezekiel 34:4

KJV Ezekiel 34:4 brought that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost

The biblical pastor will be active in evangelism. Any church or pastor that slights evangelism is making light of the verse heart of God. "For God so loved the world He sent , " Evangelism is hard and discouraging, but it is the essence of God's work. We cannot get around it. We cannot use the world's methods, especially not Madison Avenue's methods to do God's work. We must use God's methods.

Some pastors drive away and scatter the sheep instead of gathering them. This is seen by the pastor doing and saying things that drives people away from the Lord for unbiblical reasons. God's purpose is to change people so that they obey the will of God. When a pastor preaches the will of God, then at times he will drive disobedient people away from the Lord because they will not obey God's word. This is normal and not what we are talking about here. (Christ said he came to bring a sword into this world). What is a bad sign is when the pastor delights or accepts driving people away when there is no need to do so. For example, the pastor is sarcastic or bitter or sharp with his words when he could have said the same thing in a different way and not offend. The offense must always be between the individual and God, not the pastor and the individual. The pastor shows them God's word and they may get offended or repent and follow God's will.

Another aspect of a good pastor is that he seeks the lost. This goes beyond evangelism. It goes to the pastor's relationship with his own sheep. When the pastor offends somebody, or somebody just stops coming or distances himself from the church, the good pastor will go out and seek that person seeking to "fix what is wrong" and restore that person into the fellowship as an active and fruitful member.

Beware when your pastor's ,
4. Leadership style is marked with cruelty and force. Ezekiel 34:4

KJV Ezekiel 34:4 with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them

"Force" here means excessive force, vehemence, might, strength. "Cruelty" means to break apart, to break down, to fracture, to use severity or cruelty, rigor. The idea is that the bad pastor is somebody who gets his will done no matter what. He is very forceful, and reserves all right for himself. Seldom is he ever wrong (in his own eyes), and even when he is wrong, he will ignore it and wants all others to ignore his errors, adhering absolute loyalty to his "always right" way.

Beware when your pastor ,
5. Decides not to give pastoral counseling and get involved in correcting people's lives. Ezekiel 34:5

One of the most important points to understand about pastors is that they government the sheep. That "government" simply is that they make executive decisions for the welfare of the sheep. The word for shepherd (ra'ah) means and is translated on occasion, "to govern". They are personally responsible to God for their charge (Hebrews 13:17). This governing takes a public form in guiding the decisions of the local church, and a private form in personal one on one counseling.

Public guiding of the church is done by preaching and teaching, setting the norms, understandings, and standards of that local church. Also he has the burden of biblically expositing the direction, activities, and work of the local church to set its course. He does not make these decisions privately, and the church simply obeys him, but rather he exposits biblically why and how we are to do what we do, and the church follows his leadership. His "validity" is not found in his authority (position) but rather in his right to "have the ear of the church". He feeds them daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, with information from God that illuminates the church, and is the pastor's principal means of governing.

When a pastor comes to a person position in his own life in which he is not willing or able to "risk" giving counsel and getting involved in correcting the wrong in people's lives and in the church in general, he must be removed, either voluntarily or by the people of that church for failure to fulfill his primary work burden.

Pastors today think that they can split and divide their work such that they personally do not have to do the "dirty job" of dealing with people's problems. This is the primary burden for the pastor. He gets his validity in everything else because he has helped the personal problems of his people and church.

Bottom Line: Whatever is wrong, the pastor has to fix it however it has to be done.

Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by crossman9(m): 10:38am On Mar 11, 2012
Re: Christ Embasssy Celebrity Story Of The Week - Rev Ray Okocha‏ The Truth Is Out by newmi(m): 11:44am On Mar 12, 2012
Mr. Crossman its obvious that you have not or perhaps l should say that you have refused to take recommendations any bit because if you have you really won't be sounding this stupid still.

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