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Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 7:44pm On Apr 14, 2012
Spiritual works and laws expose discussion.

I would like to introduce this topic to those whom are interested in knowing their right and i would also want contributions from those who knows things about spirituality works or tricks and laws on how they opperate here on earth and in the spirit realm, so plz share it here.

Firstly let me make this know to you all, how spiritism started.

In the beginning was God. John 1-1

which is to let you know that God has no beginning. He was there when everything started. And everything started and was done with He's Word or Spirit, He speaks. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. What you need to learn there is that the voice of God was the beginning He says let there be this and that through his Spirit
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Goshen360(m): 7:54pm On Apr 14, 2012
We can have fellowship together. I just concluded some study on this verse and cross referenced some other verses. What is your take on John 1:1?
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 7:54pm On Apr 14, 2012
To let you know that the spirit world or realm existed before the heaven and earth. Through this realm God was able to create the heaven and earth. The realm or world has been there for decares or ages with God and his son and his angel. I will continue and be droping them please stay turn. Plz no body should comment yet
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Goshen360(m): 7:56pm On Apr 14, 2012
Okay. Am waiting. I've got something to share also.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 5:20am On Apr 15, 2012
Like as i said, God lives in the spirit world alone before the beginning of the heavonly system. he created the begotton son and three special Archangels namely Lucifer, Gebriel, Michael, and many other untold or unmensioned angels in the spirit realm and there are stretagic position and ranking among the angels, lucifer was the highiest ranking of the angels, he was specially design with beauty and made perfectly pure in heart and spirit, blameless and reasonable. he's latin name 'lucifer' means Light Bearer or Light Bringer ( The Morning Star) God love Him so much before he's sin against God, before then they all live together with God Laws and commads what he says they all do so that they don't sin. God was in command of everything and what he say they must obey. Note: not all the angels can see the face of God,. Lucifer is the most powerful of all God creations or angels and was full of pride.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 5:37am On Apr 15, 2012
the origin
Lucifer was the
Anointed Cherub.
Anointed means to be
set apart for Gods
Divine purpose. It also
means "bestowal of
Gods divine favor", and
"appointment to a
special place or
God had given Satan a
certain amount of
power and authority.
But he perverted that
power. Lucifer wanted
to exalt himself above
God... rather than "just"
being the Angel of God.
If God is so good,
then why did he
create Satan?
Lucifer was created
perfect in all his ways,
but iniquity was found
in him. It was not put
there by God. Lucifer
created it.
( this is found in Ezekiel
28:15 )
Like man, the angels
were created perfect,
and with a free will.
Satan was lifted up
because of his beauty,
he corrupted the
wisdom by reason of
his brightness (This is in
Ezekiel 28:17)
Ezekiel 28:12 (KJV)
"Son of man, take up a
lamentation upon the
king of Tyrus, and say
unto him, Thus saith
the Lord GOD; Thou
sealest up the sum, full
of wisdom, and perfect
in beauty."
13 Thou hast been in
Eden the garden of God;
every precious stone
was thy covering, the
sardius, topaz, and the
diamond, the beryl, the
onyx, and the jasper,
the sapphire, the
emerald, and the
carbuncle, and gold: the
workmanship of thy
tabrets and of thy
pipes was prepared in
thee in the day that
thou wast created.
14 Thou art the
anointed cherub that
covereth; and I have
set thee so: thou wast
upon the holy mountain
of God; thou hast
walked up and down in
the midst of the stones
of fire."
This is not an earthly
king, as the word
"cherub" is only used in
references to angels.
15 "Thou wast perfect
in thy ways from the
day that thou wast
created, till iniquity was
found in thee."
16 By the multitude of
thy merchandise they
have filled the midst of
thee with violence, and
thou hast sinned:
therefore I will cast
thee as profane out of
the mountain of God:
and I will destroy thee,
O covering cherub, from
the midst of the stones
of fire.
The word "covering" is
from the Hebrew word
cakak, and means: to
entwine, to fence in,
cover over, protect,
defend, hedge in,
(source "The complete
word study Old
Was Lucifer’s job to
protect the very earth
he corrupted? Was this
one of his duties that
gave him so much
17 Thine heart was
lifted up because of thy
beauty, thou hast
corrupted thy wisdom
by reason of thy
brightness: I will cast
thee to the ground, I
will lay thee before
kings, that they may
behold thee.
0 18 Thou hast defiled
thy sanctuaries by the
multitude of thine
iniquities, by the iniquity
of thy traffick;
therefore will I bring
forth a fire from the
midst of thee, it shall
devour thee, and I will
bring thee to ashes
upon the earth in the
sight of all them that
behold thee.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 5:46am On Apr 15, 2012
"Where does Satan and
the fall fit into all of
this? He must have
been cast down before
Adam and Eve were
created because he
was there to tempt Eve
in the Garden? Was
there, could there have
been, a pre-Adamic age
- and surly this would
have been a
catastrophic event?
Best regards
Amanda S. Q. 6/19/01
Satan was cast out of
heaven after Adam
and Eve were created,
because God said the
Creation was still "very
good" on day 6 after
man had been created.
There was nothing and
no one here before
Adam and Eve. Read my
page disproving the Gap
Theory for more
Isaiah 14:12
"How art thou fallen
from heaven, O Lucifer,
son of the morning!
how art thou cut down
to the ground, which
didst weaken the
13 For thou hast said in
thine heart, I will
ascend into heaven, I
will exalt my throne
above the stars of God:
I will sit also upon the
mount of the
congregation, in the
sides of the north:
Satan wanted to be
God. The Bible tells us in
2nd Corinthians 4:4 that
Satan has become the
"god of this world". And
Revelation 20:10 tells us
that he will be eternally
punished for it.
15 Yet thou shalt be
brought down to hell, to
the sides of the pit.
When Lucifer was cast
out of Heaven, one third
of all the angels were
cast out with him.
Revelation 12:4-9 (King
James Version) "And his
tail drew the third part
of the stars of heaven,
and did cast them to
the earth: and the
dragon stood before
the woman which was
ready to be delivered,
for to devour her child
as soon as it was born.
(5) And she brought
forth a man child, who
was to rule all nations
with a rod of iron: and
her child was caught up
unto God, and to his
(6)And the woman fled
into the wilderness,
where she hath a place
prepared of God, that
they should feed her
there a thousand two
hundred and threescore
(7)And there was war
in heaven: Michael and
his angels fought
against the dragon; and
the dragon fought and
his angels, (coolAnd
prevailed not; neither
was their place found
any more in heaven.
(9)And the great dragon
was cast out, that old
serpent, called the Devil,
and Satan, which
deceiveth the whole
world: he was cast out
into the earth, and his
angels were cast out
with him."
Lucifer became Satan,
and the fallen angels
became Demons.
Why didn't God just
destroy Satan?
Because sin had entered
the world, and into the
very nature of man
through Adams
transgression, then for
God to destroy Satan,
he would also have had
to destroy the man he
loved. But God had a
better way. A way of
And Christ the
Redeemer was on His
way !
What does Satan
look like?
We've all seen pictures
of Satan portrayed as a
hoofed creature, red in
color.. with little horns
on his head.
But this description is
not Biblical. The hoofed
being we usually see is
actually closer to that
of "Pan" from Greek
Perhaps Satan wants
this image of himself to
be used, because of its
absurdity. Knowing that
the day would come
when God and the Devil
would both be
dismissed as "mythical"
Revelation 12:3 speaks
of the red horned
dragon. This is not
Satan himself, but a
reference to him from
where these physical
attributes possibly
Revelation 12:3 (KJV)
And there appeared
another wonder in
heaven; and behold a
great red dragon, having
seven heads and ten
horns, and seven
crowns upon his heads.
The Book of "Ezekiel"
tells us what Lucifer
really looked like before
he sinned.
Lucifer was a being "of
perfect beauty". He
was covered in every
precious stone. He had
pendants and jewels of
Lucifer was beautiful
before he sinned. An
expression of Gods own
beauty and power. But
like man, Lucifer’s very
nature changed when
he sinned. His (Lucifer’s)
physical appearance
may have as well.
When did Lucifer fall
from Heaven? It was
not before day 6 like
many people believe
(those who believe the
"Gap Theory" wrongly
claim this). The Bible
tells us that Lucifer
was in Eden (which was
created on day 6) and
was still without sin on
that day.
Ezekiel 28:13 (KJV)
“Thou hast been in Eden
the garden of God;
every precious stone
was thy covering, the
sardius, topaz, and the
diamond, the beryl, the
onyx, and the jasper,
the sapphire, the
emerald, and the
carbuncle, and gold: the
workmanship of thy
tabrets and of thy
pipes was prepared in
thee in the day that
thou wast created."
In the literature of our
society, Satan is almost
always shown in robes
of red. Some believe
that the color of an
angels robes are
symbolic of their rank in
heaven. I am unaware
of a scripture to
support this however.
There is a coming
judgment of Satan and
his angels.
< center> 2 Peter 2:4
"For if God spared not
the angels that sinned,
but cast them down to
hell [the Greek word
here is "tartarus"], and
delivered them into
chains of darkness, to
be reserved unto
Jude 1:6 (KJV)
“And the angels which
kept not their first
estate, but left their
own habitation, he hath
reserved in everlasting
chains under darkness
unto the judgment of
the great day."
In the day of judgment
“…the devil that
deceived them was
cast into the lake of fire
and brimstone, where
the beast and the false
prophet are, and shall
be tormented day and
night for ever and ever.
John 17: (verify verse
#) talks of the time of
judgment, the prince of
this world will be driven
Hell was not made for
man. Hell was prepared
for the devil and his
angels. But those who
do not receive Christ as
their Lord and Savior will
be sent to Hell, and
have their part in the
lake of fire.
Satan is "the god of this
world" he " has blinded
the minds of
unbelievers, so that
they cannot see the
light of the Gospel of
the Glory of Christ" ( 2
Corinthians 4;4)
Satan is a liar. The Bible
tells us he is the father
of all lies.
John 8:44 (KJV)
"Ye are of your father
the devil, and the lusts
of your father ye will
do. He was a murderer
from the beginning, and
abode not in the truth,
because there is no
truth in him. When he
speaketh a lie, he
speaketh of his own:
for he is a liar, and the
father of it."
He will deceive man in
any way he can. Some
are deceived by the
New Age Movement,
others are deceived by
Humanists, Evolutionary
lies, etc.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 6:07am On Apr 15, 2012
In the beginning God
created the heaven and
the earth.
1 God creates heaven
and earth;
3 the light;
6 the firmament;
9 separates the dry
14 forms the sun,
moon, and stars;
20 fishes and fowls;
24 cattle, wild beasts,
and creeping things;
26 creates man in his
own image, blesses
29 grants the fruits of
the earth for food to man.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 6:19am On Apr 15, 2012
God will the earth to man. So the earth belong to man and will still be. The parade of satan and he's wickedness is on a limited time. What God say that it must be though it might take time destiny cannot be changed. Jesus warns us
about Satan....
"The thief
cometh not, but
for to steal, and
to kill, and to
destroy: I am
come that they
might have life,
and that they
might have it
more abundantly.
I am the good
shepherd: the
good shepherd
giveth his life for
the sheep." (John
Satan (the thief)
works in a very
specific way. He
has a set plan--
and he works it
very effectively.
If we look
thoughtfully, I
believe we will
see his wicked
plans at work all
around us.
His first tactic is
to steal. What
would he like to
steal? Anything
and everything
that will lead you
to Jesus--to Gods
love. Satan
steals love from
people. If we will
open our eyes we
will see it
around us.
Broken families,
abuse, hatred,
cruelty, murder.
The Enemy would
like us to think
that there is no
love in the world.
He would like to
steal from us
even the ability
to love and be
loved. There are
so many hurting
people in the
world. So many
who don't
understand how
to give or receive
love. The devil
will make you
feel worthless as
a human being--
undeserving of
of receiving love.
Why? For one
separate us from
God--after all,
"God is love..."
"He that loveth
not knoweth not
God; for God is
love." (1John 4:cool
"And we have
known and
believed the love
that God hath to
us. God is love;
and he that
dwelleth in love
dwelleth in God,
and God in
him."(1John 4:16)
If the devil can
someone's love--
they won't be
able to know
God...."He that
loveth not
knoweth not
We can't know
God unless we
know and believe
love--so if Satan
can steal our
love--or our
ability to feel
love, we won't be
able to receive
God, since God is
love. The devil
sets up abuse in
our lives--he sets
up pain,
abandonment. He
has a multitude
of ways that he
will abuse us--but
all with one goal
in mind--to
separate us from
our ability to love
and receive
therefore receive
God. Every one of
us has a broken
heart. But there
is someone who
came to heal the
broken hearted!
To show us a
greater love.....
"Greater love
hath no man than
this, that a man
lay down his life
for his
friends." (John
"In this was
manifested the
love of God
toward us,
because that God
sent his only
begotten Son
into the world,
that we might
live through him.
Herein is love, not
that we loved
God, but that he
loved us, and
sent his Son to
be the
propitiation for
our sins." (1John
Jesus is the
manifestation of
God's love. He is
the way to be
healed. Jesus can
heal our heart--
restore our love.
Jesus can give us
back everything
the devil has
stolen. Listen.
The biggest lie
that the devil will
tell you is that
you suffered
alone. This is not
true! No matter
where you were,
no matter what
happened to you.
No matter how
difficult things
were. No matter
how painful or
lonely it was. No
matter how great
the abuse, the
the fear, or the
violence was. No
matter...... YOU
Jesus was with
you! He stood
with you, He
suffered with
you! He was
touched with the
feeling of your
knows what you
went through
because He felt it
Himself--for you
and with you....
"For we have not
an high priest
which cannot be
touched with the
feeling of our
infirmities; but
was in all points
tempted like as
we are, yet
sin." (Hebrews
He was in all
points tempted
like as we
are...The Greek
word in this
instance is one of
the few times in
scripture where
the word all
literally means to
all people
means everyone!
Jesus is touched
with the feelings
of all the
difficulties of all
individually!! This
means you! He
was there
specifically for
you and with you
at every place
where you were
hurt. He saw it--
He felt it--He
cried for His
creation--But He
took it to the
cross for one
reason--to heal
it! Allow Jesus to
restore your
love--to restore
your joy--to
restore to you
everything that
the thief has
stolen from you.
Jesus loves you.

1 Like

Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 10:05am On Apr 15, 2012
Now is the last days. Satan is hunting for souls, is agent are everywhere. They are in your family, they are in the church, they are in the market place, they are everywhere. Who are this people? They are the witchens are wizard. That saleth nation and family. Nahum 3:. I will open another thread about witches and wizard and your right later. But for now contribution are allowed on this one. Please comment everyone.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 12:13pm On Apr 15, 2012
Satan was cast out of
Heaven, but he still has
access to Heaven and is
able to go and to accuse
believers. This is
illustrated in Job 1:6-12:
"Now there was a day
when the sons of God
came to present
themselves before the
LORD, and Satan came
also among them. And
the LORD said unto
Satan, Whence comest
thou? Then Satan
answered the LORD,
and said, From going to
and fro in the earth, and
from walking up and
down in it. And the
LORD said unto Satan,
Hast thou considered
my servant Job, that
there is none like him in
the earth, a perfect and
an upright man, one
that feareth God, and
escheweth evil? Then
Satan answered the
LORD, and said, Doth Job
fear God for nought?
Hast not thou made an
hedge about him, and
about his house, and
about all that he hath
on every side? thou
hast blessed the work
of his hands, and his
substance is increased
in the land. But put
forth thine hand now,
and touch all that he
hath, and he will curse
thee to thy face. And
the LORD said unto
Satan, Behold, all that
he hath is in thy power;
only upon himself put
not forth thine hand. So
Satan went forth from
the presence of the

hes time has not come

Jesus Is Tested in
the Wilderness
1 Then Jesus was
led by the Spirit into
the wilderness to be
tempted [a] by the
devil. 2 After fasting
forty days and forty
nights, he was
hungry. 3 The
tempter came to him
and said, “If you are
the Son of God, tell
these stones to
become bread.”
4 Jesus answered,
“It is written: ‘Man
shall not live on bread
alone, but on every
word that comes
from the mouth of
God.’ [b]”
5 Then the devil
took him to the holy
city and had him
stand on the highest
point of the temple.
6 “If you are the Son
of God,” he said,
“throw yourself
down. For it is
“‘He will command
his angels concerning
and they will lift
you up in their hands,
so that you will not
strike your foot
against a stone.’[c]”
7 Jesus answered
him, “It is also
written: ‘Do not put
the Lord your God to
the test.’ [d]”
8 Again, the devil
took him to a very
high mountain and
showed him all the
kingdoms of the
world and their
splendor. 9 “All this I
will give you,” he
said, “if you will bow
down and worship
10 Jesus said to
him, “Away from
me, Satan! For it is
written: ‘Worship the
Lord your God, and
serve him only.’ [e]”
11 Then the devil
left him, and angels
came and attended
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Goshen360(m): 4:39pm On Apr 15, 2012
I want us to look at some holes in your article but i wont be chanced today. I will be here all day from tomorrow till Friday. We can have fellowship together sir. I will ask you some questions and we will look into it together. Okay. Takia.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 5:57pm On Apr 15, 2012
Okay Goshen, let me know the holes.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Goshen360(m): 6:12pm On Apr 15, 2012
First, let start this way. I also believe there is a beginning before Gen 1:1 that was revealed to us in John 1:1. John revealed there was God in the very beginning before Gen 1:1 and with God, there was also the Word-God, Christ.

Now, in Gen 1:2, there was darkness on the earth. My first question to you is, where did this darkness came from since this is the beginning of creation of earth?

I also see from your article, that you use the "Complete Word Study" which Author of this material do you have? Jest curious, nothing to do with this thread anyway.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 8:40am On Apr 16, 2012
What you must know. Gen 1-1 is only the begginning of earth creation and heaven. There is not creation of satan or christ there. It was only man. That was why i stated that the spirit world first exist. Where God created his angel. Angels was created long ago before earth creation or man. Satan was in the gerden when man was created in day 6.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Goshen360(m): 12:33pm On Apr 16, 2012
You have not answered my question. I believe and agree with you that genesis 1:1 is only the beginning of creation of heavenS (plural), not heaven,and earth. We both agree on that. We also agree that Angels, Christ, and hosts of others was in the invisible realm, which you called the spirit realm. Ok.

Now back to my first question, in genesis 1:2, there was a darkness on earth right? Where did that darkness came from is my first question. Let's start to close the holes in your article. We are both learning,ok.

I also asked you which word study series do you use? See my question from my previous post before this post.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 12:48pm On Apr 16, 2012
You are asking a misterious question. Anything that exist before the creation, is God, He was everything that was after, all thing started from God, you see God is hiden many things from man, you don't need them, from my article above there is nothing relating to your question. And again i ve been studing hard about this beginning thing. I ve studed many christian article
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Goshen360(m): 1:09pm On Apr 16, 2012
Okay bro Joel,

Do I take it that you don't know the answer to my question? Then I can proceed to tell you and we can then start to look at some of the holes in your article. Please, don't misunderstand me sir, am not condemning your articles, it's fine but just that it has some holes and we can look at it together. Like you said, you have being studying the beginning for some time now. Maybe God is bring you in contact with people to share more light to your study. We can have fellowship together in studying the word,okay. You are not alone sir.

Also, I don't know if you have much time today? I will be online all day today except I take a break to do some other things. Let me know if you will have enough time today for this discussion. Thank you.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 1:17pm On Apr 16, 2012
Yes, i'll be. Let me know the holes. We are still learning. Any body that tells you he know accurately the creation is a big lier.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Goshen360(m): 1:34pm On Apr 16, 2012
Okay. We don't have issue with pre-existence to Gen 1:1 as we see from scriptures the things that pre-exist Gen 1:1.

Gen 1:1 says, "In the beginning, God created the heavenS and the earth"

This is an opening statement by Moses. It's like an introduction or prologue to a writing. From Gen 1:2 starts the breakdown to how the heavens and earth was created.

Now, first question here is, Heaven is in plural, as in heavens. How many heavens were created here? Do you have answers to these?

When we understand this, then verse two will be easier. Do you know how many heavens was it?
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 2:45pm On Apr 16, 2012
First of all what do you know about the word heaven? Check ur dictionary. Heaven is up. The sky which has no ending. The sun, moon, stars and planets are heavenly bodies
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 2:53pm On Apr 16, 2012
Its only religious believe that there is a fine and beautiful gerden up there where God live. So in the real sense the heavens are the skies. In my Good News Bible says, in the beginning God created the universe.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Goshen360(m): 2:58pm On Apr 16, 2012
Well, I think you are making this discussion going round. You might be making this discussion/fellowship boring as well.

Okay, What is your understanding of heaven? You cannot just say the heaven is up. I'm trying to show you something here.
2. How many heavens are there created in Gen 1:1?
3 Is the heaven mentioned in Gen 1:1 plural or singular?

Back your answers with scriptures please. And also, you said you've got time today. You have to stay on board, checking every 5-10minutes at interval because am gonna be replying you immediately. That way, our discussion can go smoothly.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 3:03pm On Apr 16, 2012
Its only religious believe that there is a fine and beautiful gerden up there where God live. So in the real sense the heavens are the skies. In my Good News Bible says, in the beginning God created the universe.
look what i said there. The heavens are the universe. Ur problem is the real translation. Check other bible.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Goshen360(m): 3:12pm On Apr 16, 2012
Still the same point. I think i might have to back out of this. You are still not getting my point. There is something i want to show you but you are missing it.

Okay, let accept the Good News translations says, "Universe" What does the universe entails? Again, what translation are you using?
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 3:24pm On Apr 16, 2012
What are you trying to point out? How u talking about the spiritual religous believe heaven? I ve told u what u need to know. Without the heavens there wont ve been the up which consist of the sun, moon, stars and all that. That is the heavens in Gen 1-1. Heavens and earth is like up and down. The plural S sigh there is that heavenly bodies.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Goshen360(m): 3:40pm On Apr 16, 2012
Okay. You are simply not getting my point. You think am religious? You are probably missing on my person which you have no idea about.

Okay, let me ask these two final question and that will decide if we will continue or not,okay.

1. The heaven in Gen 1:1, is it plural or singular? which one do you believe it is?
2. The darkness in Gen 1:2, where did it come from?
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 4:00pm On Apr 16, 2012
chech this link for other bible translation.

there is other scripture that point out three heavens. But i tell you its spiritual. Because there is also kingdoms in river, sea and ocean. This this are not physical you cannot find God up there as its said the sky has no ending. Darkness? I told you that anything before creationg is not reveal in the bible. So you leave that to God
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Goshen360(m): 4:14pm On Apr 16, 2012
chech this link for other bible translation.

there is other scripture that point out three heavens. But i tell you its spiritual. Because there is also kingdoms in river, sea and ocean. This this are not physical you cannot find God up there as its said the sky has no ending. Darkness? I told you that anything before creationg is not reveal in the bible. So you leave that to God

First I have that bible translation you gave me and even more.

Second, something inside me tells me you still need to do some more studies about Genesis 1:1-2 only and maybe you will get what am trying to point you to. Am not being rude sir, just a suggestion.

I asked you about darkness in Gen 1:2, your answer is highlighted in RED above. But that verse is NOT heaven. That verse is on earth here at creation. Look at it below:

The earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. nkjv

Can you see what am pointing you to? This is just one of the holes in your article we are trying to deal with. I still have many holes to let you see from the articles but we are still struggling with just this one. So, this is not heaven, this is earth here in creation. Now, again, can you explain where that darkness (on earth) came from? This is NOT heaven sir.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 4:30pm On Apr 16, 2012
My friend ur questions are irrelevant. Ok i'm learning from you where did the darkness came from? And what are the heavens
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Goshen360(m): 5:10pm On Apr 16, 2012
My friend ur questions are irrelevant.

lol. I call you a brother but you call me "my friend" and say my questions are irrelevant? That's kind of weird. Anyway, let me point to you that am not an unbeliever neither am i an Atheist, okay. Am a born again believer. And what makes you think my questions are irrelevant? Because am putting your teachings/article under scrutiny? lol. You have no idea what i want us to make out of this. At the end, you will thank me and be my best friend on this session,okay.

Ok i'm learning from you where did the darkness came from? And what are the heavens

Now you are talking. I will answer one of these two questions and leave you to make simply research of the heavens created here and when you come back, we will continue. I have to go do other things for today,okay.

Now thar darkness in Genesis 1:2 is simply NOT any kind of spiritual darkness but physical. I am not saying this from my head. You need to use scriptures to explain scriptures and let the bible interpret itself. Look at this verse and God himself was speaking about the beginning in Genesis here:

Job 38:4-9 nkjv

"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell [Me], if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? To what were its foundations fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone, When the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy? "Or [who] shut in the sea with doors, When it burst forth [and] issued from the womb; When I made the clouds its garment, And thick darkness its swaddling band"

So here in these verse above, we see that in the creation of the earth, the darkness came as a result of the clouds that covered the earth from heaven (the invisible you are talking about). So, we KNOW that when God created the earth it was dark because it was covered with clouds.

I can give you the picture or my imagination of how i saw it happened in the beginning but i don't have much time again for today. Maybe we continue tomorrow, God willing.

Then for the heavens. There are 3 heavens all together in the bible.

1. The Invisible, from where God exist and invisible to man's physical eyes which is what you are talking about and I told you I agree. This is the same invisible that John showed us as revelation in John 1:1 and also, check Colossians 1:15-17

2. The firmament is also called heaven read the whole of Gen 1:8. This heaven is the sky, the atmosphere, our immediate cloud/sky around the earth. snow and rain also consist from this heaven by the power of God.

3. The Outer Space or Starry heaven where the sun, moon and stars are located and fixed. Gen 1:14-19.

So when Gen 1:1 says, God created the heavenS and earth. That heavens there are TWO, created from the invisible heaven where God dwells that is not mentioned in Gen 1 creation account but was mentioned in John 1:1-2 and also in Colossians 1:15-17 and other places in the scriptures.

I will rest here for today. We will continue tomorrow and continue to look at the holes I found out in your article also. I will wait for you today in the next 10 - 20 minutes in case you have question from what i just said now. Thank you.
Re: Spiritual Works And Laws Expose Discussion. by Joel3(m): 6:02pm On Apr 16, 2012
My brother. I agree with you. But with what you explain and with what i said there is no deferent or a thing to argue about. And i tell you there is no hole in my article. I also believed that you have learn many things from this my thread.

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