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A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases - Religion - Nairaland

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A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Kei144(m): 7:29am On Nov 24, 2013
On Sunday 30 April, 2000, I was in MFM Nsukka, Enugu State and the founding Pastor of the church, Pastor Madueke, was ministering. The Pastor finished the sermon and was praying. Suddenly he shouted: “A great evangelist is here. This person will discover a principle that heals incurable diseases. ••• He will be known worldwide.”

Here, I present to you a principle that heals every disease. I searched for it for years; and in those years I myself bore incurable witchcraft-inflicted disease in my body. Even by April 2000 I already had witchcraft-inflicted disease in my body. So, my body became like my mobile lab. If I came up with any spiritual idea that I thought could heal incurable diseases, I immediately tried it on my body. Some of them seemed to work, but the witchcraft power quickly overcame them. I cannot describe the suffering that I went through here.
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Kei144(m): 7:30am On Nov 24, 2013
Freedom from sin and death

Ro. 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,
Ro. 8:2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.
Ro. 8:3 For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in sinful man,
Ro. 8:4 in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit.

About 2000 years ago, God sent His Son Jesus Christ in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering, in order that the requirements of the law (that the soul that sins must die—Ez 18:20) might be fully met in anyone who chooses to live by the Spirit of God. By reason of this sin offering, both sin and death have been abolished in the lives of all those who live by the Spirit.

Do you understand what this means in real terms? It means that for the past two thousand years human beings have had the opportunity of being perfectly sinless and living a life free from sicknesses, diseases and calamities. Why is it that people have not made good use of this opportunity? The reason is simply that people do not know what it means to live by the Spirit, and so have not chosen to live by the Spirit. Living by the Spirit is the only way to enjoy all that God has provided for mankind in Christ.
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Kei144(m): 7:32am On Nov 24, 2013
Qualification for living by the Spirit

1Jn. 5:7 For there are three that testify:
1Jn. 5:8 the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.

1Jn. 5:11 And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
1Jn. 5:12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.

The qualification for living by the Spirit is that a person must be a son of God. There are three things that testify that a person is a son of God: (1) belief in our redemption by the blood of Jesus Christ, (2) initiation into the body of sons of God through water baptism, and (3) possession of the Holy Spirit, which is what makes one a son of God.

Ac. 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

A person gets to understand how sin separates humans from God and how God sent His Son Jesus Christ to be a sin offering so that the existing separation could be removed. The person now decides that s/he wants to live in the presence of God, which means no more sin; this is repentance. The person now submits herself/himself for initiation into the body of sons of God through water baptism. Rom 6:3-4 says that this water baptism connects a person with the death or blood of Jesus Christ and thereby qualifies the person to receive the Holy Spirit (spirit of sonship). Once water baptism has been performed, the person should know that s/he is now a son of God. You do not need to speak in tongues as a proof that you have the Holy Spirit. We walk by faith and not by sight and faith is to believe what God has said. Jesus Christ did not speak in tongues after John the Baptist baptized Him. Note that the order given in this paragraph is necessary: (1) repentance, (2) water baptism and (3) God Himself gives the Holy Spirit to the person who has done (1) and (2). Some people did (2) as babies before doing (1) later in their lives; Acts 19:1-7 advices that they do (2) again in order to follow the right sequence. Do not forget that we are trying to move God to make us His sons by giving us the Holy Spirit. Following the arguments of one church or the other, concerning which baptism is proper or not, is not helpful since no church gives the Holy Spirit. We should rather follow the Scriptures and please God, so that He will give us the Holy Spirit.
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Kei144(m): 8:14am On Nov 24, 2013
After receiving the Holy Spirit

Now that you are a son of God, live by the Spirit and not by the cravings of your flesh.

Ro. 8:5 Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.

Once you set your mind on what the Spirit desires, the Spirit does everything for you. But if you set your mind on what the sinful nature desires, the sinful nature rules your life.

Ro. 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual act of worship.
Ro. 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.

The big problem we have is that we have been used to setting our minds on what the sinful nature desires, so that we need to train our minds to change focus to what the Spirit desires. That is why we need to renew (or retrain) our minds. The pattern we see in the world around us is all about gratifying the desires of the flesh. Gratifying the desires of the Spirit that God has given us is contrary to the realities of the world. The desire of the Spirit is that we worship God by offering our bodies as living sacrifices; which simply means to crucify the desires of the flesh that contravene God’s laws, while doing what pleases God.

Ro. 8:13 For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.

Through the death of Jesus Christ, God freed us from the power of sin by giving us His Spirit (or His power) by which we could overcome the power of sin. So, I pray like this: “Through Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit of life set us free from the law of sin and death (Ro 8:2). Therefore, sin has no power over me. I have died to sins and I live for righteousness (1 pet 2:24). In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I put to death every misdeed of the flesh in me by the Spirit of God (Ro 8:13)” I could go on to kill any particular sinful habit or practice in my life through this sort of prayer.

Ro. 10:10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
Ro. 10:11 As the Scripture says, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame.” [Isaiah 28:16]

Trust in the promises of God in the Bible and you will never be disappointed. If the Scriptures say that we have been set free from sin and death, believe it in your heart and confess it with your mouth (especially during prayer). It works. However, note Ro 8:5; after killing sin in your life by the Spirit of God during prayer, do not focus your attention on that sin. If Eve had not focused on the forbidden fruit due to temptation by the serpent, she would never have eaten it (Gen 3:6). For example, may be you are used to masturbation or use of intimacy gadgets and you kill the sin by the Spirit through prayer; afterwards, you begin to focus of intimacy with the opposite sex in your imagination. You are resurrecting what you have killed by the Spirit. When the temptation to focus on intimacy with the opposite sex comes to you, rebuff it by thinking on a commandment of God that is against such practice.

Mt. 4:8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour.
Mt. 4:9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”
Mt. 4:10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: `Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’“ [Deut. 6:13]

Ep. 6:17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by UyiIredia(m): 8:26am On Nov 24, 2013
I have a better principle: medical science. Folks like you have been brought many-a-time by relatives and family friends praying for and prophesying healing for my stricken Dad to no avail. SMH ! And I still had to see him off to state hospital little better than a dispensary, and I'm quite serious about this.


Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Kei144(m): 8:37am On Nov 24, 2013
Dealing with sicknesses

Ex. 15:26 He said, “If you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you.”

God says clearly that if you align your life with His commandments (through His spirit), then He will set you free from all the diseases of this world (through the Spirit). In chapter 14 of the book “The anointing”, Benny Hinn wrote something like, “This is what the Holy Spirit showed me that will happen to the people of God: ‘There is no child of God who will commit sin. There is no child of God who will be sick.’ ” You see, the two go hand in hand; freedom from sin leads to freedom from sicknesses. After all, was it not sin that brought sickness to mankind in the first place?

For example, as I stated in my first post, I have borne witchcraft-inflicted sickness in my body for years. To deal with the problem today while I pray, I say something like: “There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. For through Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit of life set us free from the law of sin and death. (Rom 8:1-2) By the wounds that Jesus suffered for us on the cross we were healed (1 Pet 2:24). My body is a temple of God and God will surely destroy anything that destroys His temple (1 Cor 3:16-17). In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I destroy every organism causing destruction or sickness in my body by the Spirit of God. Spirit of infirmity that has been afflicting my body, I cast you out of my body by the Spirit of God.”
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by dorox(m): 8:51am On Nov 24, 2013
How many 'bible thumping born again' will confidently put medicine aside and opt for faith healing when they fall sick? Even the so called pastor delivering that lying lecture goes abroad for treatment, their entire family have access to first class medical facilities abroad. They sell you their faith pill for a fat profit to send their wives abroad for treatment with real pill.
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by tobechi74: 9:02am On Nov 24, 2013
Makes no sence
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Kei144(m): 10:44am On Nov 24, 2013
Uyi Iredia: I have a better principle: medical science. Folks like you have been brought many-a-time by relatives and family friends praying for and prophesying healing for my stricken Dad to no avail. SMH ! And I still had to see him off to state hospital little better than a dispensary, and I'm quite serious about this.

Mk. 16:17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;
Mk. 16:18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

2Co. 1:20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.
2Co. 1:21 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us,
2Co. 1:22 set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

1Jn. 3:8 He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.

The promise of God clearly is that if a son of God lays his/her hand on a sick person and prays, the sick will get well. Some so-called sons of God prayed for your stricken father and he did not get any better; you wonder why supposed promise of God failed. Well, the Bible says that the promises of God are Yes only in Christ. The same Bible also says that any person who does what is sinful is of the devil and that the reason why Jesus came to the world was to destroy the devil's work. The sickness that your dad suffers is obviously something that the devil rought upon mankind--the devil's work. But God cannot intervene through a person who has a devil's issue--sin. If you look at my posts above, you notice that I began with dealing with sin. If sin is not dealt with, the presence of God will never be experienced.
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Kei144(m): 10:46am On Nov 24, 2013
dorox: How many 'bible thumping born again' will confidently put medicine aside and opt for faith healing when they fall sick? Even the so called pastor delivering that lying lecture goes abroad for treatment, their entire family have access to first class medical facilities abroad. They sell you their faith pill for a fat profit to send their wives abroad for treatment with real pill.

That is just another way of saying that very few Christians live by the Spirit. That is why end-time tribulations are very necessary in order for a sizable number of Christians to make the rapture. During the end-time tribulations the amount of crisis in the world will be such that medicine will be hard to come by. Many of the things we take for granted now will not be easily reachable. Then, people will take faith more seriously in order to stay alive.

Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Kei144(m): 10:49am On Nov 24, 2013
tobechi74: Makes no sence

1Co. 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
1Co. 1:19 For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.” [Isaiah 29:14]
1Co. 1:20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
1Co. 1:21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.
1Co. 1:22 Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom,
1Co. 1:23 but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling-block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles,
1Co. 1:24 but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
1Co. 1:25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Nobody: 11:07am On Nov 24, 2013
powerful stuff
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Kei144(m): 11:38am On Nov 24, 2013
jacobscros: powerful stuff

God bless you, my brother. Indeed, the thread is about the power of God.

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Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by bizmahn: 12:54pm On Nov 24, 2013
thanks for this wonderful thread @Kei144 but my observation is that before you call an encounter "a principle that heals incurable diseases" it has to:
1.It has to pass the test of time.You would have tried it successfully several times over the years.
2.It has to work for others in circumstances different from yours.
3.You have to outline a number of testimonial accounts of the success of such principles in your life i.e not just one in isolation.
4.You have to outline testimonies showing it worked in other peoples different difficult circumstances or better still get them to post their own story.
I appreciate your effort to help people as is evident in this thread and do not mean to downplay you at all but rather if you incoporate these four points then it becomes a principle indeed.

I say this cos I've observed personally that there are prayer principles or even methods God used to heal or deliver people at one time that didn't seem to work at other times or in different circumstances.
For instance there are circumstances where the sin problem is actually solved but the problem at hand is that of a stubborn hard bondage or a strong demonic personality is present.
This situation hardly ever responds to anything else but a rare type of uncommon anointing or rare type of prolonged praying and fasting with sinless purity or even genuine anointed sinless holy ghost baptism with speaking in other tongues.
Sorry I need more grace to narrow my points to shorten my usually long posts.Thanks for this thread.
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Kei144(m): 1:02pm On Nov 24, 2013
Operating in Divine Power

2Pe. 1:3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
2Pe. 1:4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
2Pe. 1:5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;
2Pe. 1:6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness;
2Pe. 1:7 and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.
2Pe. 1:8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2Pe. 1:9 But if anyone does not have them, he is short-sighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.

"His divine power" refers to the Spirit that God has given to His sons. 2 Pe 1:3 says that the Holy Spirit is able to give a son of God everything s/he needs for life and godliness. This means that the Holy Spirit is able to meet all our physical and spiritual needs. You must note that there is a difference between "need" and "want"; God has not promised to supply all our wants. 2 Pe 1:4 says that a son of God operates divine power through God's promises. Do you have a need (sanctioned by the word of God) that you want to meet through the Spirit, you must know Promise(s) of God that relate to the need. You must be sure that you satisfy any conditions attached to the promise. As already stated above, every promise of God is Yes in Christ. In order to make sure that a person abides in Christ, s/he must make sure that the qualities listed in 2 Pe 1:5-7 abound in her/his life. These qualities determine a person's effectiveness in the operation of divine power.

Jn. 15:7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.

2Ti. 2:20 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble.
2Ti. 2:21 If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Kei144(m): 1:39pm On Nov 24, 2013
bizmahn: thanks for this wonderful thread @Kei144 but my observation is that before you call an encounter "a principle that heals incurable diseases" it has to:
1.It has to pass the test of time.You would have tried it successfully several times over the years.
2.It has to work for others in circumstances different from yours.
3.You have to outline a number of testimonial accounts of the success of such principles in your life i.e not just one in isolation.
4.You have to outline testimonies showing it worked in other peoples different difficult circumstances or better still get them to post their own story.
I appreciate your effort to help people as is evident in this thread and do not mean to downplay you at all but rather if you incoporate these four points then it becomes a principle indeed.

I say this cos I've observed personally that there are prayer principles or even methods God used to heal or deliver people at one time that didn't seem to work at other times or in different circumstances.
For instance there are circumstances where the sin problem is actually solved but the problem at hand is that of a stubborn hard bondage or a strong demonic personality is present.
This situation hardly ever responds to anything else but a rare type of uncommon anointing or rare type of prolonged praying and fasting with sinless purity or even genuine anointed sinless holy ghost baptism with speaking in other tongues.
Sorry I need more grace to narrow my points to shorten my usually long posts.Thanks for this thread.

God bless you @bizmahn. The issues you have raised are quite right. Your post came before my last post; in my last post I presented some aspects of the principle. The principle in this thread is not really just about curing diseases; it is generally about operating in divine power. As I stated at the beginning of this thread, my body has served to me like a mobile spiritual lab. I have healed people in the past with different kinds of prayers. I have also overcome different witchcraft poisoning of my own body through different kinds of prayers. But one particular witchcraft poisoning of my body resisted every prayer for 12 years. But now I am winning the battle.

As you rightly pointed out, apart from sinless purity, the prayer pattern matters a lot. My last post dealt with effectiveness in the operation of divine power. So, even the Bible indicates that there are different levels of effectiveness. The anointing is really the same for everyone; what matters is the release of the anointing. My last post dealt with the issue of effectiveness in the release of the anointing very well. Effective release of the anointing (divine power) begins with God's promise(s). The person releasing the power must know that the power is possessed by the Spirit (arm of the LORD). The LORD is a righteous judge; so, when you come before Him with a case in hand, you must present that case very well just like a lawyer does in a law court. You need to look again at an example prayer that I gave above. You will notice that I present the promises of God and show how the case at hand contravenes that promise even though I abide in Christ (determined by my level of purity). On this basis, I decree that the problem be removed by the Spirit of God. It works.
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by dorox(m): 1:48pm On Nov 24, 2013

That is just another way of saying that very few Christians live by the Spirit. That is why end-time tribulations are very necessary in order for a sizable number of Christians to make the rapture. During the end-time tribulations the amount of crisis in the world will be such that medicine will be hard to come by. Many of the things we take for granted now will not be easily reachable. Then, people will take faith more seriously in order to stay alive.

The man giving the lecture travels abroad for treatment, find me someone who would rather pray for his child when the child has common malaria.
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Kei144(m): 3:42pm On Nov 24, 2013
The man giving the lecture travels abroad for treatment, find me someone who would rather pray for his child when the child has common malaria.

If we live in the Spirit fully, malaria won't even arise in the first place. Every night I include this kind of statement in my prayer: "Every organism that has entered my body and the bodies of members of my family to cause sickness, disease or infirmity, I destroy and overthrow you from our bodies by the Spirit of God, in the name of Jesus Christ." That is immunity prayer. Even in the case where the sickness is already showing its symptoms, spiritual healing is faster and more convenient than medicinal healing.
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by dorox(m): 3:49pm On Nov 24, 2013

If we live in the Spirit fully, malaria won't even arise in the first place. Every night I include this kind of statement in my prayer: "Every organism that has entered my body and the bodies of members of my family to cause sickness, disease or infirmity, I destroy and overthrow you from our bodies by the Spirit of God, in the name of Jesus Christ." That is immunity prayer. Even in the case where the sickness is already showing its symptoms, spiritual healing is faster and more convenient than medicinal healing.
So what happens when the healing doesn't come? My friend, if you or someone close to you should fall ill don't leave it till late before taking proper action. Just know that the super heavy weight men of 'God that you look up to whose books inspires you on matters of faith dey also swallow tablets.
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Kei144(m): 4:22pm On Nov 24, 2013
So what happens when the healing doesn't come? My friend, if you or someone close to you should fall ill don't leave it till late before taking proper action. Just know that the super heavy weight men of 'God that you look up to whose books inspires you on matters of faith dey also swallow tablets.

I don't know who you call super heavy weight. You obviously think that I am a feather weight Christian. Do you know anything about the 144000 Israelites? Do you know about the great end-time revival? I am connected with both the 144000 Israelites and the great end-time revival and this thread is also connected. Prophets from different continents of the world have been prophesying about a great move of God that will start in Nigeria and sweep across the world. What you read in this thread is what is going to cause the revival.

As for your question, what if healing doesn't come?, I have gone beyond that. God has given us the rules that guide the operation of His divine power and you are asking if God should be trusted. Just as we feel comfortable trusting our lives to science and technology, I have now developed spiritually to a level where I now trust God's word.
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by dorox(m): 4:30pm On Nov 24, 2013
I did not know that. Give me a shout when you wake up.
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by joe4christ(m): 5:37pm On Nov 24, 2013
dorox: I did not know that. Give me a shout when you wake up.

gringringrin It's funny what religion can do to the mind of an individual, not you actually, i'm talking in person of the OP.
But your post got my laughing out loud... Lol!
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Nobody: 5:49pm On Nov 24, 2013
This is the same preaching and principles that killed my aunt after years of diabetes.. she fasted so often and went for night vigils, prayed fervently even when attempts to get her to the hospital for treatment after her initial diagnosis. She was faithful till the very end. I would love to mention her pastor who very much alive and preaching same damnable stuff but I am sure it will be deleted in no time while these lies continue to harm others irreparably.

If Faith is the Answer then why is there no explanation to EXACTLY how it works even if there are uncountable claims to the contrary inside and outside the Bible.

You call it a principle.. and put forward a few verses to back it up... yet you cannot explain it and demonstrate it without fail.. i well and truly hate you
Re: A Principle That Heals Incurable Diseases by Kei144(m): 6:08pm On Nov 24, 2013
voltron: This is the same preaching and principles that killed my aunt after years of diabetes.. she fasted so often and went for night vigils, prayed fervently even when attempts to get her to the hospital for treatment after her initial diagnosis. She was faithful till the very end. I would love to mention her pastor who very much alive and preaching same damnable stuff but I am sure it will be deleted in no time while these lies continue to harm others irreparably.

If Faith is the Answer then why is there no explanation to EXACTLY how it works even if there are uncountable claims to the contrary inside and outside the Bible.

You call it a principle.. and put forward a few verses to back it up... yet you cannot explain it and demonstrate it without fail.. i well and truly hate you

Sorry for what happened to your aunt. The problem with her pastor was incomplete knowledge. I myself have not always had complete knowledge in this matter. The reason why I could boldly post this kind of topic on Nairaland now is because my knowledge has become reliable. The adequacy of my knowledge at this time happens to be because I am one of the end time apostles (the 144000) and end time is about to begin. God is doing a new thing right now.


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