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Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years - Education (5) - Nairaland

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The New Ooni Of Ife Meet With OAU Sug President / Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years [PICTURED] / Student Graduates, 13 Years After Admission (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by dammydoo(m): 1:16am On Aug 03, 2014


Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by ManTiger(m): 1:16am On Aug 03, 2014
englishmart: Odin and his aro colleagues no go allow am graduate Na.
Being an sug president is not an easy task. You have to be karid.

Karma fears no tomorrow.
For what must be must be.

My uncle was an SUG president for over 38 years owing to cultism . He graduated the same year with my kid sister.
Is your Uncle Tony Fash?
Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by SkinnyDude(m): 1:21am On Aug 03, 2014
ismokeweed1: After 13 years ? ? ? For a university your father didn't build ? ? ?

Na wao
nne, chop knuckle.
fighting for Nigeria/Nigerians is a plain stupidity. cos' you will be deserted and forgotten along the line.
Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by ManTiger(m): 1:26am On Aug 03, 2014
sunnyshayne: Well thank God you graduated but those guys you were fighting for have since graduated, settled down in life and may be bosses in some places. You cannot catch up with your mates again cos 13years is no beans and I don't think you will get a medal for this.

Again wishing you well I if you think the struggle was worth it.

I've read alot of derogatory reply on this thread but the fact is this GUY is far better than many of his colleagues, i'm sure many are still out searching for Job, some who were not even victimize had alot of spill over and never made it, alot of such are on this thread spewing rubbish and who says he can never catch up? Damn! You're not in the right position to judge that.
As at late last year, this dude was busy touring the whole of Oceanic Countries and later UAE, sharing pictures on his facebook, who among his mates does that?
He testify against 30,000 votes Oyinlola rig in OAU while the school was obviously closed during the election which made Aregbe won the lawsuit, till date, no one knows the remuneration that was made for him, talk of connections, he's got it.
His life is not miserable and he's not sorry about his action and you and everyone should notice just that.
Besides, he finished last year or so thus this is not a news.


Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by ayokunlei(m): 1:29am On Aug 03, 2014
ismokeweed1: After 13 years ? ? ? For a university your father didn't build ? ? ?

Na wao
you may nt understand. Natural leaders are full of confidence, they have a rocky heart. Dey wont fear obstacles, they will never give up in the face of challenges. They won battles most times depending of their strategy, they are strategist, no personality can beat them to that....They have a very tough liver to fight and win battles, they are Drivers, you cant dictate for them.... I hope you get it sis? I salute his courage. He is a GREAT man!!! I wish you well Saburi.

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Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by ayokunlei(m): 1:35am On Aug 03, 2014
sunnyshayne: Well thank God you graduated but those guys you were fighting for have since graduated, settled down in life and may be bosses in some places. You cannot catch up with your mates again cos 13years is no beans and I don't think you will get a medal for this.

Again wishing you well I if you think the struggle was worth it.
lol.... 'you cannot catch up with your mates again because 13years is no beans' sheyy you be God ni haba? No one knows tomorrow.... People that dont give up in the face of challenges wont lose depending on their strategy.
Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by idupaul: 2:01am On Aug 03, 2014
sunnyshayne: Well thank God you graduated but those guys you were fighting for have since graduated, settled down in life and may be bosses in some places. You cannot catch up with your mates again cos 13years is no beans and I don't think you will get a medal for this.

Again wishing you well I if you think the struggle was worth it.

What have his mate really achieved ..I am sure he is even better off than 60 percent of them and will eventually end up better than c0 percent of them ....

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Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by dedugba(m): 2:11am On Aug 03, 2014
This guy is not honourable I was in OAU during his time,he rigged election with his thugs OKAY kayode of architect dept was leading during the counting of votes in fac of Science so his thugs went to snatch part of the cast ballot paper after pushing me off the votes of fac of science was cancelled as a result,his thugs did not allow female to vote in the faculty of administration and arts.his friends was in charge of the election declared him winner,there was wild protest in school after the announcement,the school management on hearing what happened got involed and called for witness,we had to hid cos his boys from SDM and tea club where on the loose.

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Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by jaggedboi(m): 2:15am On Aug 03, 2014
Beta late than neva..... (y)

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Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by Davidbanky(m): 2:22am On Aug 03, 2014
And they will say, there's a future for this country, same thing we have in our school, the SUG and school na padi, security use gun to treathen us here nd there, we cannot raise a voice cos if we do, the morning after evey of our mat no would have been gotten, I am tired of the fact that my view, my right is not a right but a privilege, ... This guy I salute you, even though I know you will by now not fight for anyone anymore, u have done well, they have only delayed u but they cannot stop you from your destiny .... It's painful really painful, I don't know what's democratic about this government .... Democratic name but military practice ...mcheeew, the day I leave here is bye forever, rubbish country

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Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by Nobody: 2:30am On Aug 03, 2014
dedugba: This guy is not honourable I was in OAU during his time,he rigged election with his thugs OKAY kayode of architect dept was leading during the counting of votes in fac of Science so his thugs went to snatch part of the cast ballot paper after pushing me off the votes of fac of science was cancelled as a result,his thugs did not allow female to vote in the faculty of administration and arts.his friends was in charge of the election declared him winner,there was wild protest in school after the announcement,the school management on hearing what happened got involed and called for witness,we had to hid cos his boys from SDM and tea club where on the loose.
lolsss...how much FABORODE pay you for dis news?..talk true oo..

D guy is an ICON!!!final

can your *OKAY KAYODE OF ARCHI* attain this great feat?


Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by dedugba(m): 2:39am On Aug 03, 2014
The school management suspended him pending the investigation,he also interfered in the osun guber election petition in 2007 by supporting aregbesola in writing a petition against the Gov Oyinlola,he alleged that the votes of the PDP in OAU were fictitious as student were not around (school was closed down) to cast the number of vote allotted to the Pdp,he was arrested by the governor and sent to ilesha prison for a while until his parents went to beg.THIS GUY IS A DISGRACE TO GREAT IFE.Student refused to vote for him cos we were tired of constant close down of the school and the UJCM supported OKAY(the joint christian body on campus)he got enraged and rigged,thank God in the history of OAU SUG yours was the most disgusting election rigger he single handedly cause the proscription SUG.OAU people present during the time of Hemhem, diamond and AndFash pls confirm or refute my story..


Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by dedugba(m): 2:45am On Aug 03, 2014
Omoteam I have even forgotten about faborode you must be from Ife,I was an agent of okay,do you remember the role of UJCM in the election.although not proper but whoever they support always win from the time of diamond.Should I mention the name and dept of his thugs .
Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by pwettyolly(f): 2:52am On Aug 03, 2014
[quote author=franzis] how much u don earn so far [quote]

$685 but I dound out it a scam they wont pay so am out
Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by babasaxo(f): 3:11am On Aug 03, 2014
So unfortunate we have some idiot called fools that never appreciate the fight against injustice,he fought for us and some goat head call him a failure,in wn 13yrs outside skool what have you achieve,have you forgotn its not howfar but how well,let his mate of 13yrs move on and tell me if he won't eventually over take them,The just shall live by faith, 7gbosa for u baba


Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by Nobody: 3:28am On Aug 03, 2014
dedugba..Oh i see....you were OKAY'S agent during d period of elections...i expect nothing less frm u...words relating to that of a conspirator are welcomed!!

He rigged the election.?.i didnt witness his period as d sug leader..bt i ve neva read and saw in any PRINT neither did i hear frm d witnesses of dos periods that smtin of that nature happened..

Okay..lets even agree that he rigged..why was the issue presented directly on the table of the management instead of the JUDICIAL COUNCIL(abi na wetin dem day call am sef?)?
Perhaps OKAY dines with d mgt's cabal..i see no reason why d case shud be pushed directly to the mgt's table..

The alarm sounding SABURI's name in ife today shows that he stood and led in the interest of the entire grt ife std..

Abt d oyinlola's fraud...was sAburi wrong to have told the truth?even if he was supporting aregbe,he still supported with fairness..he told the truth,abi na lie him talk niii..

And boss sir,even if u hand over all d documents in your file to AMERICA(not only his future opponents),that wont erase the fact that he is a living icon...and we NIGERIANS WILL TURN OUT IN OUR LARGE NUMBERS TO VOTE FOR HIM..

I hate visiting the polling booths..but if saburi comes up wit any political intention in the future,i wl be forced to visit the polling booth for the first time in my life!!!

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Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by tunmmyunited(m): 3:31am On Aug 03, 2014
1st time dat I will read all d comments in a particular thread!


Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by Dayjhihannon01(m): 4:36am On Aug 03, 2014
Aluta Continua!!!! Dia To Struggle, Dia To Win...... Saburi, What a name!!! When will oppression end in τђε̣ tent of comrades..... This isn't fair.... I salute υя courage, I remember when I would av got fired/expelled during struggle back in sch too; I said to maself ''If I should be fired, u ppls ass*s are not save''...... Comrades av rights, oppressors probably av been comrades b4, if many of dem av been expulsion victims dey wnt av been wia dey are......Congratulation Baba.. I feel for you!!!!!!!!!


Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by laplace12(m): 4:57am On Aug 03, 2014
There is a difference between fighting for the masses and simply making trouble. I guess he wasn't doing the later. A lot of SUG guys do that a lot.
Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by BinghiNya(m): 5:06am On Aug 03, 2014
meforyou1: Why call mandela's name. Compare awolowo with SUG. They are both bunch of unintelligent and unwise criminals
awolowo's goat has a higher IQ than the network Ơ̴̴̴͡f your entire igbo race in series, Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴͡ your useless life. Give ♏ε̲̣̣̣̥ a school named after ojukwu. FYI ojukwu was a lunatic, philanderer, mass murderer, paedophile, sadist and a sissy dressed like a cowardly woman to escape obj's detention.I don't need a soothsayer to know you are an Osu, onyeberibe,onye ekwensu, onuto,anuofia kogu

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Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by HiDee2(m): 5:14am On Aug 03, 2014
Saburi, my comrade President, thank God the struggle wasn't in vain.. Only last week, another ex-Great Ife student and I discussed about you. We are all so happy for you. Awo Hall celebrates you.. The future will only get better.

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Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by jamace(m): 5:16am On Aug 03, 2014
Gone through the thread collating comments. Those who praised his gallantry has 67 points and those who called him a fool for fighting for others scored 26 points. Those who were neither here no there or undecided scored a total of 14 points. From the result, his supporters are more than his opposers. Therefore, his action is appreciated.
On my own part, I salute his courage. Nigeria needs his type. I wish him higher opportunities to complete the good job he has started.


Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by tee4naija(m): 5:28am On Aug 03, 2014
sunnyshayne: Well thank God you graduated but those guys you were fighting for have since graduated, settled down in life and may be bosses in some places. [b][b]You cannot catch up with your mates again cos 13years is no beans and I don't think you will get a medal for this.

[/b]Again wishing you well I if you think the struggle was worth it.

Says who?

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Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by Nobody: 6:08am On Aug 03, 2014
Only in Nigeria, this type of thing happen.
Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by onyxo76(m): 6:19am On Aug 03, 2014
A former SUG president-Tony Fash, who got suspended in 1995 when i was still a student came in 1989 and eventually made it as medical doctor in 2008. He was suspended for 7 years before Prof Roger Makanjuola intervened and got him back in 2002/2003.
This man is still the record breaker !!
Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by Syenite(m): 6:30am On Aug 03, 2014
He is a fool.

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Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by rashygenius: 6:48am On Aug 03, 2014
Generalkorex: Feel like crying
And who stopped u 4rm crying
Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by jerry772(m): 6:54am On Aug 03, 2014
oluwadanie1: When Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife former Student Union Government (SUG) President, Akinola Saburi was admitted in the year 2000, he had no feeling that he would not graduate on a record time.

His involvement in campus activism was what held him on campus for additional eight years.All started in 2003 when he was elected as the Secretary General of the students’ union and along the line, he became an acting president of the union when the incumbent president, Akinkunmi Olawoyin, was sick and could not perform his official duties again.

Saburi’s administration was said to be in constant face-off with the school authority on issues bordering on students’ welfare.

The union, according to investigations, always demanded from the authority to put things like accommodation problem, high tuition fee, overcrowded lecture rooms and hostels as well as policies they considered oppressive in the right perspective so as to make their studentship a worthwhile experience.

And at a time when there was no positive response, the students embarked on protests and the management fingered 13 of them as ring leaders including Saburi and consequently expelled them from school.

The students challenged their expulsion at the Federal High Court in Osogbo, Osun State, and the court ordered their reinstatement pending its judgment.

“But when we got back to school, we were advised to plead with the authority to reinstate us fully and this was granted on the condition that we must withdraw the case from the court,” Saburi, from Yewa North Local Government area of Ogun State, recalled. And after the pardon, according to him, some of them bowed out of unionism but Saburi and a few others did not.

Read full story here http://acadaloaded./2014/08/02/former-oau-sug-president-graduates-after-13years/
studnt activism nd unionism must continue...bros eh,i dy giv u salutemus 4 haven made d sch sail smoothly...ur odoh doh reach.bliv.
Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by akyus(m): 7:31am On Aug 03, 2014
pxjosh: .after 13years unbelievable!!! all the people he fought for have all graduated and possibly married with children. quite shameful
I don't think his fight then was the present, it was a fight for the future.
Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by greall1: 7:32am On Aug 03, 2014
U don start again abi.

dedons: Only a yoruba boy can spend 13yrs in the uni. sad

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Re: Former OAU SUG President Graduates After 13 Years by Gracious3105(m): 7:34am On Aug 03, 2014
234GT: Fighting for the so called masses to your own detriment makes no sense.

Those you were fighting for have graduated and a good number of then have moved into the future of their dreams.


Maybe the governing council of the school will name a lecture theatre after him grin
sorry! Wot Madela did in South Africa was d same. Can u compare Mandela to his mate who run away frm d truth because dey wanted to protect der life. Pls read about our INEC chairman dis was d same reason dat got him dat position. What is in life dat we shud b afraid of @ d detriment of our generation unborn.

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