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Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ell77(f): 9:20am On Oct 02, 2009 |
UPDATE JULY 20 (previously updated 15th July): BEFORE YOU POST YOUR QUESTION PLEASE READ THIS FAQ SUBMISSION: FAQ 1 What exactly do I need according to UKBA to apply for student visa (enabling more than six months full time study in UK)? 40 points consisting of the following: • A confirmation of acceptance for studies (CAS) reference number (used to be visa letter), from a UKBA approved education provider (called your sponsor to make sure your course provider qualifies) and all documents used to obtain it stated in the CAS letter you received (any documentary evidence provided should be original unless otherwise stated). The course must be at an approved level (level 3 or above on NQF or equivalent in most cases). Universities electronically fill a UKBA database holding your CAS number and the documents used to assess you. If there is a discrepancy between the database and what the university told you when giving your CAS number the UKBA has the right to reject you as the onus is on you to provide the evidence not the university. This is not a good part of the system and UKBA so err on the side of caution and include all documents you submitted to apply for the course itself even if [b]not [/b]listed on the CAS letter - more is better than less. If you only include what was on the CAS letter, it is likely this will be overlooked especially if the document type missed has been regarded by UKBA as being easily/frequently faked or not requested by universities. This equals 30 points. • You must have evidence the maintenance costs of your education, have been held for at least 28 consecutive (continuous) days AND the date of the closing balance must not be more than one month before the date the application was lodged at a visa application centre. Maintenance costs your course fees (first year) and living costs (living costs for nine months and above are estimated as £9000 for inner London and £7200 for outside inner London). Under the points based system, UKBA cannot reject you because money came in suddenly from elsewhere, it is for non points based applications like general visitor and family visitor that the UKBA may question you more on the source of these funds. You must write your OANDA conversion rate (from and amount this equals in Pounds Sterling for the day you are applying for your visa on the statement of accounts (currenty adding this point to my fist post). This equals 10 points. You must of course fill in the relevant form (correctly, get help if needed) and arrange to record your biometric information (photograph and fingerprints) with UKBA. See UKBA website for further details on photograph requirements and Biometrics. FAQ 2 How long does it take to get the visa? In May 2011 the following statistics were recorded for the Abuja office where all applications (including Lagos) are forwarded to or you can apply here directly. Please note days here refers to working days i.e. 10 days is NOT a week and a half here, it is 10 working days meaning 2 weeks. 373 applications were processed this month. 39% of applications were processed within 2 Days. 53% of applications were processed within 3 Days. 64% of applications were processed within 5 Days. 88% of applications were processed within 10 Days (2 weeks). 95% of applications were processed within 15 Days (3 weeks). 99% of applications were processed within 30 Days. 100% of applications were processed within 60 Days (3 months). This shows whilst some people are lucky to get back a response the same day they apply the vast majority here back between 2 weeks and 3 weeks of their application deadline and no one should really hear back after three months. If applying from Lagos, it may add 2 extra days to ship your application to Abuja. Previously, applications were processed in Lagos also, so applications here were considerably quick for many, but this was abolished some time ago it is at your discretion for which to use. FAQ 3 How much is the visa? N66,300 correct July 15th 2011 FAQ 4 Do I need accommodation to apply for the visa? No you are not required to under UKBA assessment, you must shoe you have the funds to pay for accommodation. Any accommodation you arrange you must have a receipt for so that this amount can be deducted from your total cost of maintenance. It is often cheaper to stay with family and friends or in a hostel first and then find someone who has a room to let to students. DegreeAngel UK Ltd assists its students in finding such deals. Halls of residence are often expensive depending on the city and may lock you into a permanent one year contract. FAQ 5 For my funds can I use another person’s money/account? Yes, under certain circumstances, this “person”, must either: • Have paid the money into your account which is held there for at least 28 days OR • Be an official financial sponsor with letter and/or statement of accounts (i.e. a bank offering you a loan or an international company offering a scholarship/loan, please see Tier 4 policy guidance for who is classed as an official financial sponsor) OR • Be your parent, and hold enough money to gain the maintenance points you need, you must provide evidence of the money in your parent’s name together with the link between the parent(s) named in the document(s) and yourself. A letter confirming your parent(s) named in the document(s) give permission for the you to use the money also be provided by your parent(s). Unfortunately, brothers, sisters, aunts etc do not count unless they legally have adopted you in court. For any of these sources of other people’s money, if the amount of money doesn’t equal the full amount needed for maintenance points, you must show that you have the balance of funds necessary using appropriate evidence (bank statement including balance of account). OFFICIAL FINANCIAL SPONSOR An 'official financial sponsor' is an organisation that supports you to study in the UK by giving you money to cover PART or ALL of your course fees and your living costs. The UK government, your home government, the British Council or any international organisation, international company, university or UK independent school can be an official financial sponsor. FAQ 6 Can I bring my dependents? If so must I apply for them at the same time I apply for visa and what benefits does this hold? UKBA prefers if you provide information on the names of any dependant who is applying at the same time as you are on your form (although each dependant must complete a separate PBS (Dependant) form normally at a reduced fee if submitted at the same time as the Tier 4 form if a spouse, civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner, or child under 18 of the yourself). Furthermore the dependant’s application must be made at the same time as the student’s application. Dependant applications that are submitted at a later date and/or applications for dependent children who are aged 18 years or over incur full charge but this does afford you time to raise money to bring the dependent over. Remember £600 per month (inside inner London) or £800 per month (outside inner London) up to a maximum of 9 months needs to be proven to be held for your dependent living costs. However, if you have an established presence studying in the UK you only need to prove up to a maximum of 2 months. Once your dependent come to UK they are eligible to work but only if your course of study is not below degree level, (unless foundation degree course), or less than 12 months leave given to yourself (unless Government Sponsored). Work can be obtained for yourself and your dependents through Student with established presence A student has an established presence studying in the United Kingdom if: • He/she has completed a course that was at least six months long within their last period of leave, and this leave finished within the last four months; or • He/she is applying for continued study on a course where he/she has studied at least six months of that course and has been studying within the last four months; or • He/she is applying to continue in Tier 4 as a Sabbatical Officer or as a Postgraduate Doctor or Dentist and he/she has completed a course that was at least six months long within his/her last period of leave, and this leave finished within the last four months. FAQ 7 Should I include my previous applications for visas? Will it go against me if they are failed applications? All UK Home Office applications are given an individual reference number to track and link past applications. You should provide details of past applications and Home Office reference number if you have it (found on any previous Home Office correspondence relating to the student). This submission will only go against you if you have been refused for fraud or criminal activity before, have overstayed in a previous visit, have been deported, have had a previous criminal conviction against you whilst abroad. MOST PEOPLE have failed applications due to errors in their forms or lack of supporting documents or evidence of funds and the UKBA is happy to accept student sin the UK with such backgrounds without prejudice. Indeed, the average Nigerian accepted into the UK has come in after being rejected before. FAQ 8 After my degree in UK what next for employment? One obvious answer (and easiest), is to go back home to Nigeria or perhaps to stay in UK to do another university course. But for various reasons you may prefer to stay in the UK to work (paying back debts, not able to secure a job with your new international degree, not able to save enough for another course, not able to get a grant/sponsorship for a course etc). Here are your best fund producing options: 1) Apply for Post Study Work Visa (PSW) Where you must score 95 points and meet all the other requirements of the Immigration Rules (i.e. no using public funds, no overstaying, fraud etc see UKBA website). Your score must consist of: - 75 points for your attributes, which are a UK qualification, study at a UK institution, your immigration status during UK study and/or research (being a Tier 4 general student), and the date of award of the qualification (apply with original certificate and original letter on official letterheaded paper, stamped/sealed by the UK institution confirming award of your qualification at least one month before your leave runs out and as soon as you can after receiveing your degree); and - 10 points for English language; (satisfied by studying in the UK) and - 10 points for available maintenance (If applying from within the UK, balance must show you have had at least £800 in your account at all times over the three-month period. If applying from outside UK, balance must show that you have had at least £2,800 in your account at all times over the three-month period. Evidence must be in the form of cash funds. If you wish to rely on a joint account as evidence of available funds, you must be named on the account along with one or more other named individual(s). For applications made either in the United Kingdom or overseas, all evidence must be dated no more than one month before the application is submitted. Do not overstay it is better to go back to Nigeria and round up the £2,800 than do this). Upon receiving your PSW, you are entitled to work for up to 2 years in the UK for any company and/or carry out business/self employment activities (rarely less time than 2 years is given). Previously, you were able to switch when possible to Tier 1 general, the most popular conversion to go on your way to permanent stay, but this has been stopped by the government. You are now face with one of two options for the vast majority: 2a) Tier 2 General also known as Work Permit visa The Tier 2 (General) category is for foreign nationals who have a skilled job offer to fill a gap in the workforce that cannot be filled by a settled worker. Before you apply under Tier 2 (General), you must have: - a sponsor; and - a valid certificate of sponsorship. When you apply, you are awarded points based on your: - salary and allowances; - sponsorship; - English language skills; and - available maintenance (funds). FOR THIS CATEGORY YOU MAY ONLY WORK FOR YOUR SPONSOR. 2b) Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Actually you can switch in this category straight from Tier 4 student visa also! [/b]You must score a total of 95 points and meet all the other requirements of the Immigration Rules. - Access to investment funds (25 points): You have access to not less than £200,000 or access to not less than £50,000 from: * 1 or more registered [b]venture capital firms regulated by the Financial Services Authority; * 1 or more UK entrepreneurial seed funding competitions listed as endorsed on the UK Trade and Investment website, or * 1 or more UK government departments, which have made the funds available for the specific purpose of establishing or expanding a UK business. For details of venture capital firms and seed funding competitions, please contact as we are in the process of obtaining funding for entrepreneurs. - These funds are held in 1 or more regulated financial institutions (25 points) - These funds are disposable (free to spend) in the UK (25 points) - English language: 10 points: You can speak English to the required standard - Maintenance: 10 points: You have enough money to support yourself while you are in the UK You and 1 other person can form an 'entrepreneurial team', which means that you can both apply under Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) and score points for access to the same investment funds. Both of you must have equal access to and be able to dispose of the money freely in the UK. If either of you has successfully applied under Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) with any other applicant in the past, based on the same funds that you are using in this application, you cannot form a new entrepreneurial team with those same funds. THIS visa will be issued for a period of three years plus four months (sometimes two years is given initially). If in this category for five years, this visa can lead to indefinite leave to remain. Contact for more information Dear Nairalanders It has been a long time since I have been on this forum and after posting on a couple of topics today, I have realised a lot of people are receiving inaccurate or no advice in regards to tier 4 of the PBS system in relation to student visas in the UK. There are so many different types of visas and so many different types of applicant that this information cannot be contained in one thread lumped with every single visa the UK offers. So I am offering this thread as a platform for those who have queries relating solely to Tier 4 - the UK student visa (greater than 6 months stay for approved education). Everyone is free to post questions on this page and even answers! But I will endeavor to answer all questions as an experienced education consultant. I realise many people are destroying their futures by following the wrong advice or following their own reasoning without looking at what the UKBA has to say about the application process, and I find this extremely upsetting. You may also post your experiences of different visa centres in Nigeria. My advice is free of charge, and will be displayed here for everyone to see as a public reference. Happy posting! Regards, DegreeAngel UK Ltd 9 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by chigsmith: 10:24pm On Oct 03, 2009 |
Pls i need to b put thru on these. how will u get ur appl. ref. no? where and how will u pay for d visa fee? which of d appl. centers is better? Also can i have ur e-mail i need ur assistance in getin an info for me about a sch in uk pls, |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ybab: 11:19pm On Oct 03, 2009 |
why create another thread Their is already a GENERAL UK VISA ENQUIRIES THREAD which has been very useful in answering various enquiries. The good thing about that thread is its continuity. New information is updated from time on to time. It is only a lazy individual that will fail to read through the thread. Even if its the last few pages. Those that had unsuccessful visa applications were either as a result of late submission, inadequate preparation ahead of the school resumption time and also not posting questions on the general thread on issues they needed clarification on. Others were wrongly advised by visa agents Besides, this thread is a bit belated. All UK universities have resumed for their september admission |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ybab: 11:22pm On Oct 03, 2009 |
chigsmith: see this guy he is still asking for assistance in getting info about schools in UK Yet he wants to know HOW to pay visa fee and get application reference number people sef ![]() Talk about putting the cart before the horse |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by justwise(m): 12:24am On Oct 04, 2009 |
chigsmith: I'm not sure u are for real. Keep asking dis-jointed questions |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ell77(f): 1:49pm On Oct 04, 2009 |
ybab: @ylab - I appreciate your opinion, I assume some others share this opinion and i am glad you brought this up. QUESTION 1 why create another thread Their is already a GENERAL UK VISA ENQUIRIES THREAD which has been very useful in answering various enquiries. The good thing about that thread is its continuity. New information is updated from time on to time. It is only a lazy individual that will fail to read through the thread. Even if its the last few pages. ANSWER 1 You are perfectly right in the fact the thread has been very useful in answering VARIOUS enquiries. Superb in fact and I am glad Siena started it as he is a very straightforward and conscientious individual. However, he is not the one doing all of the advising and it is hard for any one individual to be an expert on all areas of visas for the UK as it is complex and varied. I have personally witnessed incorrect advice being dished out on the thread, which are so numerous I don't have enough time to go through the 75 pages to comment on or correct. Some updates cancel out previous schemes, whereas some are in addition to previous schemes/methods/criteria. In the thread some people state when the former or latter applies but not always. I see a lot of people advising others based on passed principles. You state only a lazy individual would fail to look at the page. But by your reasoning this must be the same reason people look at the thread you suggested in the first place as most accurate information posted there has been taken from UKBA and VFS readily available to everyone. QUESTION 2 Those that had unsuccessful visa applications were either as a result of late submission, inadequate preparation ahead of the school resumption time and also not posting questions on the general thread on issues they needed clarification on. Others were wrongly advised by visa agents Besides, this thread is a bit belated. All UK universities have resumed for their September admission ANSWER 2 Actually I would like to add to much of what you have said here. Unsuccessful visa applications have also been the result of fraud, spelling/administrative errors, university errors and wrong information posted on the very thread you referred to as many people post based on passed theories. Even if all universities had resumed, knowing why people failed can help prevent people from failing the next time they apply (assuming no major changes were made before then) or at least knowing where to attribute the blame and learn some lessons. HOWEVER, all universities did not resume in September, some resumed in October and have even given extensions up to a month long. Some will resume in November and some will even resume in January, February and March. So it is not belated at all, in fact with the new system we now have more fact under our belt as to the process thanks to the September batch. If I told you to tell me the answer to for example, 'the meaning of life' lets say. Then gave you an hour to read a 75 page document which had the answers in there, updated daily over the period of a year. What would you do? Skip to the last page? Great! But what if you later found out that the person who wrote information on the last page actually was writing from his own view and not from fact. Then how many pages back do you go to find the fact? Then when you find the fact, does the fact, stand on its own or must it be read in conjuction with previous pages of known facts? How long would it take you to work out all this from the 75 pages? More than the allotted hour? Would it not be easier if everything was regulated so that outdated pages were removed, or highlighted as being outdated or based on opinion or experience rather than fact? How can one person possibly do all of this? The purpose of my thread therefore is not to replace the thread you mentioned, I myself have learnt a thing or two from that highly informative thread. But, this thread is to provide a running summary of the situation at a given point in time. For example if in September 2010 visas were free and someone asked me at that time I would display it in September 2010 on the forum. However, In March if visas are now £1,000, even though no one asked me again. I will still display it as being £1,000 based on knowing what people needed to know before. I can't have enough time to do this for all visas and I have specialised in STUDENT VISA's. As an agent myself, I can charge for this information and tell people false information on a private basis then deny it in public. However, when I display information on a forum like this I am making information available to more people and preventing mistakes for those who can't afford to pay for help and don't research for themselves. It also means any advice I give may be questioned or criticized openly to prevent false information given by agents. I feel this is now necessary. I need not do this as the opportunity cost for me is high, but I am dismayed by people whose dreams are dashed because of recklessness by others. I know how it feels to fall victim to someone else. Emotionally and economically I don't wish it on anyone. Hopefully you understand my reasons now, sorry if I did not make it clearer to all Nairalanders. Thank you, Warmest Regards 4 Likes |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ell77(f): 2:23pm On Oct 04, 2009 |
chigsmith: Lol. @Chigsmith. You have asked a lot of questions here, but the issue of visas needs to be separated from your university application to a some extent. The only thing I will advise you to consider in relation to the visa at the moment when applying to universities 1) The total fees needed. The first year tuition fee + the maintenance fee must be held for 28 days before applying to visa office ending no more than a month before applying (maintenance fee for a course lasting more than 9 months is £7,200 for inside London and £5,400 for outside London - though some geographical areas in London are not classed as London for the purpose of maintenance fees by the UKBA), tuition fees can range from £3,000 for a BA/PGDip in a private university to over £20,000 for such a degree or MSc/MA/MBA in public universities. 2) The university must be listed on the UKBA sponsor register to receive a visa also. 3) Certain types of qualification you receive in the UK will make it easier for you to later apply for a UK Post Study Work Visa - a category belonging to tier 1 (formerly making up HSMP which has been replaced with four categories of tier one). So if you plan to stay in the UK, permanently this will impact the type of course you apply for. If however, you wish to update your CV to return to Nigeria, then again this will impact the type of degree you choose. It depends on your aims and aspirations. For example, you will not be awarded points for a postgraduate certificate or postgraduate diploma, except a Postgraduate Certificate in Education - you need a Bachelors or Masters degree from UK, or HND from Scotland. However, this scheme last for two years and does not count towrds years spent in UK qualifying you for settlement status! But your salary and qualifications earned in this period will have huge determinants on switching to a longer category of tier one that does count towards settlement status: the Highly skilled worker. Points relating to course are PhD-50, Master's degree-35 and Bachelor's degree (extension applications only) - 30. Since you would have been switching from another category (Post Study Work Visa), and not extending. In this case would have been your best bet. So either you would have studied the Master's part-time in the two years for your post study work visa or you would have studied the Msc from the outset on your student visa. Short term the latter is more expensive but cheaper in the long run. The choice you make really depends on how much you can afford at the time of applying also. If you opted for a PGDip, and had completed it within the last four months (course must have been greater than 6 months), you could extend it in the student category and apply for a Master's only having to show one year of tuition fees and £1,600 for inner London or £1,200 for London (greater London and elsewhere). As you are able to work part-time during the PGDip some people prefer to use this method if they do not have enough money or do not meet entry requirements for an Msc. But saving the money for an Msc in one year from such work is extremely difficult and only a minority are successful (mainly those with assistance or running some sort of business/self-employment). To summarise, please figure out where you see yourself in five/ten years time and it will become easier for you to choose a university course and a path in life. You should also look at skills demands/shortages in the country you wish to wind up in, or even future projected shortages. The said country does not necessarily have to be the UK/Nigeria as having certain British qualifications can take you almost anywhere. All the best. DegreeAngel N.B. Any additions or subtractions are welcomed! ![]() |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by chigsmith: 2:31pm On Oct 04, 2009 |
@ybab ad justwise Why cnt we jst b our brods keeper instead of crucifying me u cld hav jst givn me a hlpin hand. It a stupid idea to wait for d rain to start falling b4 u buy an umbrella. I hav gone through d visa form but was nt clear abt those issues i raised. On d sch issue since she is an agent i need a vital info abt a sch which i hav not being able to get frm their site. 'Even if i was caught in d act d law still say i have a right to an artorney and a fair hearing' So can anyone giv me a hlping hand? |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ell77(f): 2:37pm On Oct 04, 2009 |
@Chigsmith - did you see the post? This thread is more about visas themselves than applications, I will try to provide a separate resource on applying for universities/career choices. Okay. Hope my post was helpful anyway. ![]() DegreeAngel |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by chigsmith: 2:48pm On Oct 04, 2009 |
thks ell77 I have already applied and gotten al those info. I am gtin ready for visa application at most 4 jan intake. But one of d schs i applied to did nt give me an info on weather d 2009 admission is still open as if deir nxt intake is in nov, jan or feb. So dats jst d info i am yet to get so i wil not b taken unawares |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ell77(f): 2:57pm On Oct 04, 2009 |
Just posting this information here as well: Some points to consider 1. Please always proof read your application, you may print the application at home or in an internet cafe before you go to the VFS. The people at the VFS are not qualified to advise you. The last thing you should do is fill in everything in five minutes at the office. Provide all supporting documents as stipulated and leave yourself enough time to apply for a visa in time! It is better to pay the VFS with a cash deposit than a cheque as they will wait for the cheque to clear before sending your documents to the BHC. This can take up to 5 extra working days depending on the bank you use - so cash is faster, you should be issued a document/receipt with your application number and barcode number. Your application number will normally start with abbreviations of the VFS centre you used i.e. VIAC or IKAC for VI and Ikeja respectively. This with your date of birth can help you track progress online. If it has passed two weeks since you handed in your documents contact the centre to find out if your application is ready computer failures/delays in updating application progress may be playing a role in your application. 2. On the 30th September 2009 visa application centres were closed due to IT failures all visa applications centres in Nigeria were also closed for National day on 1 October 2009, so if you applied for a visa recently this may be affecting the length of your outcome. 3. If you are applying near the start date of your course some universities may write you are entitled to resume up to 4 weeks after the course start date. However, many do not put this on the visa letter unless you ask even though many others do so without asking - BEG THEM, they know the PBS is a new system and with the national holidays and failures they may be more sympathetic to your plea. Contact the international student advisor(s) at your university for assistance in this respect. You may be rejected if the UKBA feels the latest course start date for your intake has lapsed. 4. Students already in the United Kingdom will not need to show the maintenance and tuition fees in their account for 28 days and can benefit from an extended concession of showing funds as at the day of application until February 2010 along with the correct documents to support their application. Those outside the UK applying for a student visa, however, must show this money has been available for the full 28 days ending no more than one month before the date of their application. 5. If a student wants to study with a new Tier 4 sponsor (i.e. switch university), and they made their last application for a Tier 4 visa before 5th October 2009, they will continue to be allowed to change their sponsor (education provider/university/school) without making a new Tier 4 application! They must, however, seek permission from UKBA to change their sponsor. Please note that after 5th October 2009, doing such will be illegal! If you would like advice on anything relating to student visas feel free to ask me by posting on this forum. |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ell77(f): 3:07pm On Oct 04, 2009 |
chigsmith: I am not sure I understand you. Did you apply to university already or did you make an enquiry. Applying would have required you sending supporting documents i.e. transcripts/certificates etc. You would then have been issude with a conditional offer letter, perhaps contingent on you paying a deposit or an unconditional offer letter if you then accept this offer you will be issued with the visa letter which contains all the information the UKBA requires you to submit from the sponsor. If you are applying for January intake you should have you money by now so that the 28 days ending roughly the end of this month you can use to apply to the BHC for a student visa, through the VFS. You should normally allow up to three months for this process and not one month but a lot of evidence suggest most people receive their visa around 2 weeks (10 working days). January is the earliest admission you should look at unless , you have already had the money in your account for 28 days and have the offer letter and all else then you can hand the application form and supporting documents to the VFS immediately, expecting results before the end of this month. This would be cutting it extremely close for a November entry however. I cannot advise you what to choose it depends on your feelings. Phone or email the school for all course start dates - the intake you applied for should be written on your offer letter, so if you change you will need to be issued a new one which may take time and you need the original hard copy (sent by post/courier - no scans even if in colour). Not all universities list their non-Septemeber/October intakes as it varies from year to year and depends on demand. When they do list it, it is usually for January intake. Regards. |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by maileby(m): 3:45pm On Oct 04, 2009 |
@ell77, thanks for ur contributions on this thread. Pls I have an offer to study in Australia(Feb., 2010). I got part of the fund I will use for this 2yrs masters program from my busines(I am self employed), the remaining part of the fund was given to me by my sister. The Australian Embassyy require evidence of source of fund e.g Tax Clearance Certificate, Income tax, pay slips or other evidence of regular income. e.t.c. My question is that the money in my account balance does not tally with the Tax Statement, can I include only my receipts, some documents of business transactions and my business registration certtificate? Pls advise me. Thanks. |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by chigsmith: 5:16pm On Oct 04, 2009 |
Thks ell77 i hav already applied and sent my docs. online since last mth ad ws askd to wait 4 abt 4-6wks for processing. i hav emaild dem 4 d start day bt no reply yet. mayb i'l cal dem |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by itoro1: 9:27am On Oct 05, 2009 |
@ell77: KEEP UP D GOOD WORK, Bro.!! i`ll like 2 knw if i might hv entry issues at d UK border with immigrations cos 1. my course start date is sept 21 2. the reg dead line is 20th Oct 3. I intend 2 trvl on 15th Oct But my visa was issued on 29 Sep ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by justwise(m): 9:43am On Oct 05, 2009 |
i-toro: Don't try it only if u are coming from visa free country but if u are a Nigerian then don't even dream of it. |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by jossy26: 1:36pm On Oct 06, 2009 |
pls house, has anyone used waec confirmation of results to secure a uk student visa under tier 4.urgent response is needed plssss.tnkx |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ell77(f): 7:03pm On Oct 06, 2009 |
i-toro: @i-toro Thanks - but I am a female. Anyway in answer to your question you should be fine. As long as it states on your visa letter that you can register up until 20th Oct, you should be fine. It is quite bizarre for you to have received the visa on the 29th and waited until the 15th to fly - in the Nigerian sense. As they usually can't wait to arrive, so they could be suspicious - but they have no right to reject you. If they question you over it having just a two week gap between, visa and flight booking is acceptable and normal in other countries. Perhaps you had other things to sort out. But don't tell them you were looking for money as, you were supposed to have enough! Why did you wait 2 weeks if you don't mind me asking? |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ell77(f): 7:04pm On Oct 06, 2009 |
jossy26: Please clarify your question? Many people add WAEC to their student visa application (or other SSCE certificate). Especially if they did well in English i.e. C6 and above or if this was dependent on their admission into the school in the first place. But I am not sure if this is what you meant. |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ell77(f): 7:07pm On Oct 06, 2009 |
maileby: Sorry maileby - the UK visa system and Australian visa system are quite different, the UK visa does not currently ask you to prove your source of funds before you can obtain the visa - they only require you to have the funds (or your parents). I would not like to advise you wrongly, try creating your own thread - and hopeful someone else can be of more help! Sorry. Good luck - i am sure you will be fine! ![]() |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by dayonuel(m): 5:52am On Oct 07, 2009 |
@ell77, ur doing a g8t job. keep it up. my problem goes thus; i reapplied for a student visa since mid last month, it was just granted yesterday but the school has already resumed with extention given also lapsed. the school as however refused to grant any resumption extension again. The only option i have now is to defer till jan, 2010 but the clearance entry given states from 30/09/09, do you think i will have any problems travellin in dec as against jan that my deferrment will be confirmed on the new letter that will be issued by the school? |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ell77(f): 8:56am On Oct 07, 2009 |
dayonuel: @dayonel - you have two options: 1. Try to enter the UK with your visa for the course hoping you will not be asked for your visa letter at entry and that the school was strictly against writing visa letters with longer extension because of the UKBA but will accept you if you arrive. You can also change your school with your visa although the process is long, so maybe if you ask them straight up if they would accept you if you entered the school without the written extension you will find that this is okay. TWO MAJOR PROBLEMS WITH THAT IS: you could be reufsed at entry and will have lost your flight money without even leaving the airport or if by some chance you escape the entry officer and enter and your school does not let you in you could be seen as staying illegally as your school may report to the UKBA that you are in UK but not in their school! You can see why this option is not really recommendable although for some people in certain circumstances it may be ok. 2. Apply to your school again for January intake now you should have had money in your account for close to 28days by now so when you receive the letter apply for a new visa for January, this will leave you plenty of time. You can't use the visa you have already. You will only have lost the previous visa fee. But N150k for flight ticket is not near the visa fee is it?! Once you have that visa you can enter the UK up to one month before your course starts i.e. December. |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by itoro1: 9:00am On Oct 07, 2009 |
@ell77: Thx 4 ur advice. Actually am working so i`ve 2 make sure i hv d stamp on my passport b4 tendering my resignation notice.Moreover it was ready for collection on the 5th Oct(29Sep is just d day it was stamped). |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by biriah: 4:39pm On Oct 07, 2009 |
@ell77. i was recently refused a student visa to the uk--today actually,im quite devastated to be honest. Anyway, i want to re apply but i'm thinking of the 28 day rule which came into effect on the 1st and i was wondering if you knew whether it would affect me since i am re-applying. Also, if someone were to sponsor my education, like my uncle, for instance and i include a letter of consent with my application, do you think it would be suspicious, because i was refused on the grounds of incomplete maintenance funds. I scored 30 points for the visa letter, since i am going to be boarding in an independent school, i only need to show course fees for a year which is 19,507 gbp, but i only managed to show 11,300 gbp. Your views would be greatly appreciated. |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by itoro1: 4:59pm On Oct 07, 2009 |
b.iriah: @b.iriah: U just hv to play by their rules,The money in ur acc shud cover for the tuition & maintenance(accommodation which is 5400GBP-outside london or 7200GBP-inside london),If the balance of ur tuition and maintenance is 19,507 gbp,then the naira equivalent shud be in an account in ur name(not ur sponsors`) and the said amount shud b in ur acc for 28days before re-application.Also include the consent letter 2!! |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ell77(f): 5:36pm On Oct 07, 2009 |
i-toro: @i-Toro: Then you don't have a problem, one week is perfectly reasonhable to get your things together. But if you are still uncertain, how about taking your annual eave before handing in your notice? Or asking your employer for one year sabattical? All the best - either way, you are coming to UK! b.iriah: @ b.iriah : Sorry to he hear this. Your rejection was, however to be expected. There are really only two criteria: 1. Having the offer and eveidence to support this. 2. Having the money asked for and evidence to supprt this. It is not a case of they will just 'allow you' - even if you were N100 out due to currency fluctuations they have the RIGHT to reject you let alone £8,000. That's roughly N2 million Naira. They are not desperate for you to come to UK. They make thier money from your visa application anyway! You need the full maintenance fee for the year and tuition fee in your account or the acount of your parents. Your uncle does not count, unless he is your legal guardian i.e. you are an orphan and he has legally adopted you. Apply again if your course has not yet begun (you cannot do administrative review as the fault was on your part) and is still at least a month away but not more than 6 months away i.e. the rare November courses, and larger number of January, February, March and April courses. You must have the full money in your account for 28 days since it is a new application and as soon as you have this you must apply within a month of the balance statement. You must apply as if you had made no previous application i.e. you need a new visa letter if the date has changed and you must submit all supporting documents again. Hope this helps? All the best. DegreeAngel UK Ltd |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by biriah: 7:06pm On Oct 07, 2009 |
the money you need to show for the student visa, does it need to be in one account only or the money can be lodged in two separate accounts, for instance the money in the two accounts will add up to the money i need to show |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ell77(f): 8:31pm On Oct 07, 2009 |
b.iriah: @ b.iriah The money needs to be in your account, the account of your parents or a combination of the two. It can be in multiple accounts if it meets these requirements. But you must present the information clearly and write oanda conversion on each. To make it clearer you can reference and write this total of sums i.e. Exhibit A - TOTAL SUM: -Supporting bank statement 1 shows £4000 belonging to Miss Lola Thomas (the applicant), -Supporting bank statement 2 shows £4000 belonging to Miss Lola Thomas (the applicant), -Supporting bank statement 3 shows £10,000 belonging to Mr Kunle Thomas (the applicant's father - please see exhibit B for parental statement of consent/financial sponsorship). Total Sum=£18,000 please check statements for individual conversion rates and Naira amounts held. |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by BABABABA: 8:40pm On Oct 07, 2009 |
do i have to show the source of the money held in my account for 28 days ?the money was deposited into my personal account by my father but he has got no payslip or certificate of incorporation to show the source of his income ? |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by ell77(f): 8:56pm On Oct 07, 2009 |
BABABABA: It is not part of the requirements for a UK student visa. |
Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered by BABABABA: 9:14pm On Oct 07, 2009 |
thanks ell77,but if i may ask do u mean my personal bank statement of account held for at least 28 days with the required amount and a letter from my bank will be enough to prove availability of fund?becos somebody told me that the two set of documents stand in isolation and i make him to understand that the PBS is more transparent compared to the old immigation rule ,kindly enlighten me becos i am really confused about the documents to prove availability of fund apart from the two set of documents mentioned above. 1 Like |
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