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Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] - Romance - Nairaland

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Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 10:03am On Nov 20, 2017
Warning to All Male Romancelanders

This is to all the guys here on Romance section.

I don't like what you guys are doing to the female gender here.

The abuse and the stalking is too much!

Yesterday, I was online and got messages from 3 different female Nairalanders. Two on WhatsApp and email.

The first one said, "Legend, I have been trying to deactivate my account for more than 20 times now but it isn't working. Maybe it's network."

I teased her by saying, "Climb a pole to get a better reception," and she laughed. Seconds later, she sent me a screenshot of her deactivated account and I teased her again by saying, "You see? Now you've climbed a pole, it worked," and she laughed my calling me crazy.

As this was happening, I began to wonder why she deactivated? This forum is fun and educative 60% of the time. "Why did you deactivate?" I asked. "Male Nairalanders are assholes," she replied.

Now, let me analyze this. Some of you (men) read online where some dating coaches say women love bad boys. The moment you read this, you become excited, create an account on social media platforms and start abusing innocent women for no reason or maybe, you want to be seen as a bad boy.

My brother, you're doing it wrongly. Good-bad boys don't abuse women. They're smart, intelligent, and futuristic. Only typical bad boys (aka touts) abuse women. Good-bad boys "tease and lead." The only time they abuse women is in the room—I mean, satisfying her in za oza room—be it slow, rough, or BĎSM.

Minutes later, another female Nairalander messaged me with the title: I Deactivated. Then she wrote something which I won't say. I was surprised, so I asked, "Why?" and her reply was about guys stalking her.

Minutes later, another one again. "Ah ah! What's going on? Abi una do deactivation meeting?" This one was about stalking, too many PMs, and abuses. These same people abusing her are the same people PMing her.

If she doesn't reply because of too many messages, they start to stalk with alternates or create a new thread with an alternate to abuse them. No real man does these. This is childishness. Rejection sucks, but men should learn to deal with it. We've all been there.

One thing you guys should know is, lots of monikers you see with (m) and male names are actually women. Some people posting numbers when a Nairalander shares money or credit are women. They have devised a means to hide under a male moniker. Almost all female Nairalanders have a male moniker.

And another thing for the guys, if all women deactivate, this forum will become boring. The yin and yang energy is what's keeping this forum fun. The feminine and the masculine energy is contagious, except you've been Bobriskylized.

If all these girls leave or secretly convert to male monikers, most of you guys will deactivate saying this forum looks too archaic and boring. Only those who use this forum resourcefully will stay. What you guys are doing is to the detriment of my boss, Séun. He won't be happy knowing you guys are making him lose visitors.

I'll give you guys some tips.

1. Stop stalking women.
2. Stop abusing women.
3. Stop asslicking women.
4. Stop bombarding women with PMs.

I'll use myself as an example.

If you really want to have your way here, be known like Explorers, Airfoce1, Tosyne2much, Lefulefu, IamSinz, and many more.

You can't be unknown and want her to reply you. If you don't have the time to make yourself known, then forget about female Nairalanders and focus on making money.

Another way to be known is to make sensible posts like Explorers, controversial comments like Nwamaikpe, be friendly with the ladies like Lefulefu without asslicking like Deadrat, or be unstoppably on your lane like Airforce1. It's called, "IDGAF. I dey my house. Cum and beat me."

All I'm trying to say is, you must stand out. No woman wants to associate with the unknown. If you're unknown, then you should be intelligent or rich.

You can't be unknown, unintelligent, or broke and expect a woman to reply you. This is not about gold digging, but replying sensible and potential men.

The people you mingle with will influence your attitude and this is why women want to mingle with the best or at least, the known, or the intelligent.

Read this: I haven't PMed more than 5 ladies here. The only ones I PMed were to wish them Happy New Year. I didn't woo them.

You'll be shocked to know I have 500+ Nairalanders on my WhatsApp. Most are my students / clients. And I have 1000+ Nairalanders registered on my site.

Everything happened in less than a year. "How did you do it?" you asked. It's my darling secret. I won't reveal it yet.

In summary:

Stop abusing women like IamJ thinking you'll be seen as a bad boy. No, you'll be seen as a tout and a hoodrat. #Yaga

Stop asslicking women like Deadrat thinking it will make you appear humble. No, you'll appear desperate and needy. #Skiboroboskibo

Stop mentioning your crush in all threads to appear lovely. No, it'll make you lose your value and appeal. #Zagadat

Stop stalking women like that guy that stalked Ivyy or Mimzyy last year. I don't even know his name. #OBO baddest.

Stop bombarding women with unsolicited PMs and don't even solicit for PMs either. Learn the way we do it like smooth criminals. #Yes o! Nothing dey happen

"Wisdom is free but kneeling and asking God for our portion of weed is where the indolence lies." — Joe Clef, 2017.

Stop smoking everything you see. Smoke wisdom, not weedsdom.

Best regards,
Thank you.

Joe Clef (iLegend)

28 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by YoungDaNaval(m): 10:07am On Nov 20, 2017
Most of them here lack home training. I mean the females. So I don't blame the guys for bashing them


Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by GucciChic(f): 10:07am On Nov 20, 2017
I like your diction!
Warning to All Male Romancelanders

This is to all the guys here on Romance section.

I don't like what you guys are doing to the female gender here.

The abuse and the stalking is too much!

Yesterday, I was online and got messages from 3 different female Nairalanders. Two on WhatsApp and email.

The first one said, "Legend, I have been trying to deactivate my account for more than 20 times now but it isn't working. Maybe it's network."

I teased her by saying, "Climb a pole to get a better reception," and she laughed. Seconds later, she sent me a screenshot of her deactivated account and I teased her again by saying, "You see? Now you've climbed a pole, it worked," and she laughed my calling me crazy.

As this was happening, I began to wonder why she deactivated? This forum is fun and educative 60% of the time. "Why did you deactivate?" I asked. "Male Nairalanders are assholes," she replied.

Now, let me analyze this. Some of you (men) read online where some dating coaches say women love bad boys. The moment you read this, you become excited, create an account on social media platforms and start abusing innocent women for no reason or maybe, you want to be seen as a bad boy.

My brother, you're doing it wrongly. Good-bad boys don't abuse women. They're smart, intelligent, and futuristic. Only typical bad boys (aka touts) abuse women. Good-bad boys "tease and lead." The only time they abuse women is in the room—I mean, satisfying her in za oza room—be it slow, rough, or BĎSM.

Minutes later, another female Nairalander messaged me with the title: I Deactivated. Then she wrote something which I won't say. I was surprised, so I asked, "Why?" and her reply was about guys stalking her.

Minutes later, another one again. "Ah ah! What's going on? Abi una do deactivation meeting?" This one was about stalking, too many PMs, and abuses. These same people abusing her are the same people PMing her.

If she doesn't reply because of too many messages, they start to stalk with alternates or create a new thread with an alternate to abuse them. No real man does these. This is childishness. Rejection sucks, but men should learn to deal with it. We've all been there.

One thing you guys should know is, lots of monikers you see with (m) and male names are actually women. Some people posting numbers when a Nairalander shares money or credit are women. They have devised a means to hide under a male moniker. Almost all female Nairalanders have a male moniker.

And another thing for the guys, if all women deactivate, this forum will become boring. The yin and yang energy is what's keeping this forum fun. The feminine and the masculine energy is contagious, except you've been Bobriskylized.

If all these girls leave or secretly convert to male monikers, most of you guys will deactivate saying this forum looks too archaic and boring. Only those who use this forum resourcefully will stay. What you guys are doing is to the detriment of my boss, Séun. He won't be happy knowing you guys are making him lose visitors.

I'll give you guys some tips.

1. Stop stalking women.
2. Stop abusing women.
3. Stop asslicking women.
4. Stop bombarding women with PMs.

I'll use myself as an example.

If you really want to have your way here, be known like Explorers, Airfoce1, Tosyne2much, Lefulefu, IamSinz, and many more.

You can't be unknown and want her to reply you. If you don't have the time to make yourself known, then forget about female Nairalanders and focus on making money.

Another way to be known is to make sensible posts like Explorers, controversial comments like Nwamaikpe, be friendly with the ladies like Lefulefu without asslicking like Deadrat, or be unstoppably on your lane like Airforce1. It's called, "IDGAF. I dey my house. Cum and beat me."

All I'm trying to say is, you must stand out. No woman wants to associate with the unknown. If you're unknown, then you should be intelligent or rich.

You can't be unknown, unintelligent, or broke and expect a woman to reply you. This is not about gold digging, but replying sensible and potential men.

The people you mingle with will influence your attitude and this is why women want to mingle with the best or at least, the known, or the intelligent.

Read this: I haven't PMed more than 5 ladies here. The only ones I PMed were to wish them Happy New Year. I didn't woo them.

You'll be shocked to know I have 500+ Nairalanders on my WhatsApp. Most are my students / clients. And I have 1000+ Nairalanders registered on my site.

Everything happened in less than a year. "How did you do it?" you asked. It's my darling secret. I won't reveal it yet.

In summary:

Stop abusing women like IamJ thinking you'll be seen as a bad boy. No, you'll be seen as a tout and a hoodrat. #Yaga

Stop asslicking women like Deadrat thinking it will make you appear humble. No, you'll appear desperate and needy. #Skiboroboskibo

Stop mentioning your crush in all threads to appear lovely. No, it'll make you lose your value and appeal. #Zagadat

Stop stalking women like that guy that stalked Ivyy or Mimzyy last year. I don't even know his name. #OBO baddest.

Stop bombarding women with unsolicited PMs and don't even solicit for PMs either. Learn the way we do it like smooth criminals. #Yes o! Nothing dey happen

"Wisdom is free but kneeling and asking God for our portion of weed is where the indolence lies." — Joe Clef, 2017.

Stop smoking everything you see. Smoke wisdom, not weedsdom.

Best regards,
Thank you.

Joe Clef (iLegend)

5 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 10:10am On Nov 20, 2017
You always make a lot sense. I CHIEF PIIKO endorse this message
Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Maxi112: 10:14am On Nov 20, 2017
Nice one bro!


Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 10:16am On Nov 20, 2017
I don't normally read long message like this, but since i am in my sickbedcry i need to keep my eyes busy without fallen asleep. embarassed
Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by divinehand2003(m): 10:18am On Nov 20, 2017
Nice post.
I don belleful.
Over to you guys. Repent and treat the ladies with respect.
Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 10:19am On Nov 20, 2017
Nice one Op. And you don't have to quote the whole post before making ur four words comment. Walks out.
I like your diction!


Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 10:19am On Nov 20, 2017
I agree with your post. The first and only Nairalander to curse my parents later sent me a pm telling me he would marry me immediately, I should just say yes to his proposal. Lol, kole werk!

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by adajoe555: 10:20am On Nov 20, 2017
Nice talk op

Always making sense. The abuse here is just too much especially in the romance section

1 Like

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 10:26am On Nov 20, 2017
You can never hear that kyle sent anyone a pm here...just some ugly guys who can't get real pussy in the real world, come on here and try to save their self-esteem by trying to get the attention of a female, at least, she won't get to see his ugly face... The attention he gets is enough...

1 Like

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by ayokellany: 10:30am On Nov 20, 2017
I like your diction!
Diction or dic-action ? Lol.

1 Like

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 10:31am On Nov 20, 2017

Well said... But respect is also reciprocal.. Some females are unnecessarily aggressive and abusive. I won't mention names.

Some of them use derogatory words to describe males.

They should also stop presenting themselves as sexual objects.

Activation and deactivation of account is nothing really. Anyone that wishes to deactivate his/her account should do that quietly.

Stop thinking that females are the only underdog here.

8 Likes 1 Share

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by ubunja(m): 10:34am On Nov 20, 2017
im curious as to how u workked out that most users with(m) are females

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 10:39am On Nov 20, 2017
im curious as to how u workked out that most users with(m) are females

That one na just sweet mouth!!!

1 Like

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 10:42am On Nov 20, 2017
"lots of monikers you see with (m) and male names are actually women. Some people posting numbers when a Nairalander shares money or credit are women. They have devised a means to hide under a male moniker. Almost all female Nairalanders have a male moniker."

Now this is funny cheesy cheesy maybe we should swap genders. Since some men also hide behind female monikers and ladies now do same with male monikers

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by GOFRONT(m): 10:47am On Nov 20, 2017
Our ladies now hide under Male monikers funny grin grin. I wont be surprised to see a Female operating as "Abdullahi(m) on this forum.......

They say desperate times calls for desperate measures

When the Hunters(Nairaland guyz) starts to shoot anyhow, The Birs (Nairaland Ladies)start to fly anyhow too. Hence they hide under Male monikers


Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by MissWrite(f): 10:51am On Nov 20, 2017
im curious as to how u workked out that most users with(m) are females

grin What, are you guilty? Would be a fun game to decipher which female monikers are actually male; and vice-versa. Some are blatantly obvious, though.

Nice one, Op.

1 Like

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by shinarlaura(f): 10:53am On Nov 20, 2017
You re so point.


Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 10:54am On Nov 20, 2017
I like your diction!
Well appreciated, Ms. Hushpuppy.


Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Tajbol4splend(m): 10:55am On Nov 20, 2017
I agree with your post. The first and only Nairalander to curse my parents later sent me a pm telling me he would marry me immediately, I should just say yes to his proposal. Lol, kole werk!

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by shinarlaura(f): 10:56am On Nov 20, 2017
I agree with your post. The first and only Nairalander to curse my parents later sent me a pm telling me he would marry me immediately, I should just say yes to his proposal. Lol, kole werk!

Go and rest ooooo madam grin
Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 10:56am On Nov 20, 2017
You always make a lot sense. I CHIEF PIIKO endorse this message
My Chief, your servant is loyal like milk.

1 Like

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by RoyalBlak007: 10:56am On Nov 20, 2017
♤ A popular previous Miss NL contestant

♤runs a (m) moniker as one of her alts.


Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 10:59am On Nov 20, 2017
Nice post.
I don belleful.
Over to you guys. Repent and treat the ladies with respect.
You're right on the respect, but respect as a good-bad guy, not as a nice guy. wink
Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 11:00am On Nov 20, 2017
Abeg o, no talk am loud, you are a creative writer
My Chief, your servant is loyal like milk.

1 Like

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by ubunja(m): 11:02am On Nov 20, 2017

grin What, are you guilty? Would be a fun game to decipher which female monikers are actually male; and vice-versa. Some are blatantly obvious, though.

Nice one, Op.
maybe im guilty grin grin

1 Like

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 11:02am On Nov 20, 2017
I agree with your post. The first and only Nairalander to curse my parents later sent me a pm telling me he would marry me immediately, I should just say yes to his proposal. Lol, kole werk!
Hahaha. He fell in love after seeing your dp. Did you sample yansh or cleavage? And when is the wedding coming up? I don't want to miss it o! grin

1 Like

Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 11:04am On Nov 20, 2017

Go and rest ooooo madam grin
I just woke up now, I couldn't sleep.
Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Nobody: 11:04am On Nov 20, 2017
Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by YoungDaNaval(m): 11:08am On Nov 20, 2017

Well said... But respect is also reciprocal.. Some females are unnecessarily aggressive and abusive. I won't mention names.

Some of them use derogatory words to describe males.

They should also stop presenting themselves as sexual objects.

Activation and deactivation of account is nothing really. Anyone that wishes to deactivate his/her account should do that quietly.

Stop thinking that females are the only underdog here.
Word! The other day, one Blackhawk insulted a guy's mum. I confronted her in a civil Manner and the next mention I got was an Insult from her. Mehn, I just Ignored to save my head from more insults. Only few female romancelanders here deserve respect. The rest should go get a home training first


Re: Warning To All Male Romancelanders [PICTURES] by Airforce1(m): 11:09am On Nov 20, 2017
I hate nairaland girls with passion

I don't know why


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