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The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors - Religion - Nairaland

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The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Nobody: 2:51pm On Jan 21, 2018
The controversial question of whether or not it’s right for women to pastor churches or co-pastor with their husbands has come up again. This time, in one of my circles. My view has been that God prohibits this practice. So I did another study to be sure if my view aligned with God’s.

What prompted this study was when a prominent, well-loved and respected pastor by me and many others came out and said that he supported the practice of women pastors. After launching his new ministry page on Facebook, it featured him and his wife as pastors of their church.

His announcement, through a public video on Facebook, drew almost 300 comments. Half of which included the pastor and those that agreed with the practice, and the rest that didn’t.

It was that argument with both sides bringing up scriptures to justify their position. In those 300-plus comments, all I saw was a back-and-forth about what the Bible says. But no one talked about the dangers of this practice and the end effect on the human soul. And so, this is the reason behind this article.

First off, I’m not against women teaching other women or children. I do believe women can prophesy, and share the gospel. However, I do believe God prohibits women from leading his flock.

So, I will present to you the real reason why women are not allowed to lead and teach men in the Church, I’ll submit scripture to back it up, and then I’ll talk about the adverse outcome of this disorderly practice.

The real reason

The real reason women aren’t allowed to pastor is not because they’re easily manipulated, or too emotional for the pulpit, no, it’s simply because it’s not in their assigned roles as women.

God assigned roles to men and women from the beginning of creation. He expects those roles to be played out in his church as well—there are no exceptions. When the roles are switched, God is angry, and Satan has an entry point.

Let’s see what the Bible explicitly says (this is the apostle Paul speaking):

Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer [tolerate] not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. (1 Timothy 2:11-14)

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Nobody: 2:52pm On Jan 21, 2018
There are 5 points I want to bring out about these passages:

Learn in silence
All subjection
Not to teach
Nor usurp authority over the man
Adam was first formed, then Eve
Learn in silence

It’s commanded that women should learn in silence and it’s mentioned twice. Why is this? Perhaps this passage in first Peter will shed some light on that:

1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; 2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. 3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: 6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement. (1 Peter 3:1-6)

We see in the latter part of verse four that God considers a woman who is meek and quiet (silent) to be precious. This doesn’t mean women can’t ever speak; it just means they should guard against the fallen nature which is loud and proud (Prov 9:13; 7:11).

Silence and meekness are how godly women ought to behave because this is God’s will. So all Paul is doing is repeating God’s will, but this can’t be accomplished if she’s shepherding a church.

All subjection

The next word we find is “subjection;” this means obedience, yielding to another’s admonition or advice. This is the role of the wife concerning her husband. If the man isn’t telling his wife to disobey God, she should be submitting to her husband’s direction in all areas.

We must also remember why women were created: to help the man fulfill the call of God for his life (Gen 2:18-24). After the fall, God said that the husband would rule over his wife (Gen 3:16). This is because Adam initially submitted to his wife’s advice, disobeyed God, and perverted the roles. So God had to re-establish his order again. So how can a woman co-pastor the flock and be in subjection to her husband? She can’t.

Not to teach

Because a woman’s role is to support her husband in all subjection, she can’t fulfill her role as a woman if she’s teaching men at her local church. Teaching men requires authority and leading which isn’t in her role as a woman in relation to men and especially husbands. Instead, she should be learning, and if she has children, teaching them.

Nor usurp authority over the man

Usurp means to take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force; this may have been what was happening in Timothy’s church back then, and what’s surely happening in many churches today—women taking the authority of men; and by force! As Paul says, this must not be tolerated.

Adam was first formed, then Eve

By stating that Adam was made first and then Eve, Paul was re-establishing order once again. God has set up an order, and it must be followed. It doesn’t matter if a woman has an anointing on her life, or a revelation to start a church, this isn’t her role.

She should be focused on supporting her husband in his duty as pastor. And if she’s not married, to concentrate on learning how to be that meek and quiet spirit God so treasures so she can adequately support that husband God brings her.

The order is: the husband leads, the wife follows and supports. The wife cannot co-pastor the church of God, this is not her role.

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Nobody: 2:54pm On Jan 21, 2018
So what are the consequences of female pastors?

By allowing women to pastor and teach men, they commit the sin of disorder and this gives the devil entry into the family and the church to destroy it. What is sin? Whatever you know to be right, but you do the opposite. If God commands one thing and you do another, this is sin. And if we continue in unrepentant sin, we give a place to the devil (Eph 4:27, 2 Cor 2:11).

Satan is the antithesis of God.

We shouldn’t be ignorant of Satan’s devices. He’s always suggesting something contrary to God’s word. If we obey Satan rather than God, Satan becomes our master and he has control over us.

When God says, “Man must be with woman,” Satan says, “Man can be with man.”
When God says, “Humble yourself,” Satan says, “Pride is strength and humility is weakness.”
When God says, “Tell the truth,” Satan says, “Lie.”
What God calls evil, Satan calls good.
When God says, “The man leads and the wife follows,” Satan says, “The woman should lead and the man should follow.”
Satan appeals to our human emotions and says, “Women should be in authority. They should be in control. They have an anointing too!” But with the woman in control, Satan knows that he gains the advantage. That co-pastor-wife, her pastor-husband, the children and the church will gradually lose the protection available from God because of the sin of disorder. No matter how well things are going for a church that practices this sin, they will eventually fall.

The Bible is clear about proper headship:

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Nobody: 2:56pm On Jan 21, 2018
You tolerate that woman Jezebel

In the book of Revelation, Jesus addresses several churches, one of which was commended for their love, faith, and patience, but they were tolerating a woman who called herself a prophet, and who was teaching the people to commit fornication (Rev 2:18-24). Jesus refers to her as Jezebel. We know this isn’t the same Jezebel of the Old Testament because she was killed for leading God’s people to rebel against him; this is a spirit of Jezebel.

Now, this is not to say that all women who desire to teach or pastor have a spirit of Jezebel or want to bring the people into sin. I believe that this spirit is always looking to get in and if men and women of God reject the word of God about his creation roles, they will eventually come under this spirit’s control. It doesn’t matter how great the church is doing, if they allow this sin of disorder to go unchecked, Satan will take advantage.

So why can’t women pastor or co-pastor with their husbands? It’s not in their role. What’s the danger? It allows Satan entry to destroy the Church.

© Copyright by Neal Chester, www.letspleasegod.com


Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Hiswordxray(m): 3:05pm On Jan 21, 2018
shocked What! this is just terrible. This can only be a lack of a proper understanding of Christ. We do not understand Christ as a result we create all kinds of terrible doctrines, doctrines that deny us of our glory.

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." (Gal 3:28).

In Christ there is nothing like male or female. Male and female only exist in the natural world but in the new creation there is no male or female all are one.

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by twosquare(m): 3:08pm On Jan 21, 2018
Geeklady, please, this doesn't capture what is said. Paul was against this: "nor to usurp authority over the man". It is still about the spiritual order. Is God debarring the female gender from ministering the gospel? No. But they should learn in silence...this talks of the state of a soul ready to receive the truth of the Word in meekness. That silence there is not keeping the mouth shut physically, a person might not say anything physically, yet the soul is shouting.

"But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." God still recognizes spiritual order. A woman is not to usurp authority...to ursurp is to take forcefully---"take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force" Men can give a woman the right to preach, teach, and coordinate if she has the anointing---(irrespective of gender), but what God abhors is breaking of spiritual rank. That is why usurping equals rebellion...the silence there means humility and meekness. It is not human speech but the activity of the soul. How silent is your soul to the authorities and dignitaries placed over you/below despite you having the assignment? Some individuals in the Epistle of Jude spake evil of dignitaries, authorities, their souls were not silent; they blasphemed (Jude 1:8; likewise in 2 Peter). So, don't usurp authority by teaching men (male and female) to rebel because it will also come via teaching at the end of the age (Matthew 5:19).

Jezebel is a spirit which war with churches of the last veil...they call it the spirit of Jezebel because it was that same spirit that found expression and was operating via Ahab's wife. Spirits are neither male nor female....and they use anybody...one main ministry of Jezebel is to convert men from worshipping the Living God to Idols (spiritual) (this world).

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by zionmde: 3:17pm On Jan 21, 2018
but Philip had 4 daughters and they all prophesied. Where else did they prophesy if not in the church? A

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by JesusPeople: 3:33pm On Jan 21, 2018
I never mean to be rude ma

but what do you think of Anna the prophetess that prayed for Jesus during his dedication in the temple

Luke 2:36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;
2:37 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.

2:38 And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Nobody: 3:43pm On Jan 21, 2018
but Philip had 4 daughters and they all prophesied. Where else did they prophesy if not in the church? A

Prophesying and Pastoring are different... check your dictionary.


Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Nobody: 3:49pm On Jan 21, 2018
I never mean to be rude ma

but what do you think of Anna the prophetess that prayed for Jesus during his dedication in the temple

Luke 2:36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;
2:37 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.

2:38 And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.

Yes women are given the gift of prophecy as the bible says in Acts 2: 17-18
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.
But is there a place it's stated in the bible that a woman taught the scriptures in the bible?


Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by zionmde: 4:11pm On Jan 21, 2018

Prophesying and Pastoring are different... check your dictionary.
they were the same. can God give women the office of prophetess only to forbid them from being pastors. wat of Priscilla who pastored a church located in her house?


Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by JesusPeople: 4:57pm On Jan 21, 2018

Yes women are given the gift of prophecy as the bible says in Acts 2: 17-18
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.
But is there a place it's stated in the bible that a woman taught the scriptures in the bible?

Anna spoke in the temple to those who sought redemption

moreso, Priscilla is a woman that taught Apollo alongside Aquila, Acts 18

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Nobody: 6:54pm On Jan 21, 2018
shocked What! this is just terrible. This can only be a lack of a proper understanding of Christ. We do not understand Christ as a result we create all kinds of terrible doctrines, doctrines that deny us of our glory.

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." (Gal 3:28).

In Christ there is nothing like male or female. Male and female only exist in the natural world but in the new creation there is no male or female all are one.
false teaching that has peverted this era is alarming. What op wrote is true! You don't bring worldly philosophy into Christ and call it freedom! Man and Woman are equal heir of salvation , yes but both have different roles in the kingdom.
God's order has always been.

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Nobody: 6:57pm On Jan 21, 2018
but Philip had 4 daughters and they all prophesied. Where else did they prophesy if not in the church? A
prophecy is not the same as teaching the church or leading the church. Having a gift does mean you shouldn't be subject to authority.


Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Nobody: 7:04pm On Jan 21, 2018

Anna spoke in the temple to those who sought redemption

moreso, Priscilla is a woman that taught Apollo alongside Aquila, Acts 18
yes pricilia Apollo taught alongside with Aquila not the church. Note she and her husband as her head.


Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Nobody: 7:06pm On Jan 21, 2018

they were the same. can God give women the office of prophetess only to forbid them from being pastors. wat of Priscilla who pastored a church located in her house?

Pricilia never pastored any church.


Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Nobody: 7:11pm On Jan 21, 2018
Op God bless you for this teaching. It is already stated that in this last day people will not endure sound doctrine only what suits their own lusts, following the philosophy of this age.

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by zionmde: 7:18pm On Jan 21, 2018

Pricilia never pastored any church.
so who was the pastor of the church in their house because last time I checked Paul said Priscilla and Aquilla and not Aquilla and Priscilla 1 corr 16:19
now let me give u a little roman background. A wife is never mentioned before a husband unless in case of societal hierarchy. there were only 2 possible pastors of the church in the couples house either Priscilla or Aquila. the fact the Paul always mentioned Priscilla before Aquila showed that Priscilla had more authority in the church than Aquila. Meaning Priscilla was the head of that church

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Nobody: 7:24pm On Jan 21, 2018

so who was the pastor of the church in their house because last time I checked Paul said Priscilla and Aquilla and not Aquilla and Priscilla 1 corr 16:19
now let me give u a little roman background. A wife is never mentioned before a husband unless in case of societal hierarchy. there were only 2 possible pastors of the church in the couples house either Priscilla or Aquila. the fact the Paul always mentioned Priscilla before Aquila showed that Priscilla had more authority in the church than Aquila. Meaning Priscilla was the head of that church
you don't use assumptions to interpret scriptures.

1 Corinthians 16:19 The churches of Asia salute you. [b]Aquila and Priscilla [/b]salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.


Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Daviddson(m): 7:34pm On Jan 21, 2018
Solite3 and Geeklady, I have this question for you: Are you saying a woman should refuse to answer the call of God if He calls her to start a pastoral ministry?

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by zionmde: 7:45pm On Jan 21, 2018
you don't use assumptions to interpret scriptures.

1 Corinthians 16:19 The churches of Asia salute you. [b]Aquila and Priscilla [/b]salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.
The bible u read is full of assumptions. Any word in italics in KJV means they were added and never part if the original manuscript. As somebody rightly mentioned Priscilla was a leader in the church, she taught timothy, apollos and phoebe.
pls read this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priscilla_and_Aquila
I rest my case

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Nobody: 8:36pm On Jan 21, 2018

Anna spoke in the temple to those who sought redemption

moreso, Priscilla is a woman that taught Apollo alongside Aquila, Acts 18
the church was in their house 1 Corinthians 16:9

The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house (1 Cor 16:19). And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly (Acts 18:26).

They used their home for fellowship and not for pastoral work. From the verse quoted, Aquila and Priscilla were helping a man understand the goodnews of God's kingdom. That's not pastoral work. That's what any follower of Christ is meant to do if led by the Spirit of God. We are called to preach the gospel when led to. Preaching and teaching isn't the same thing.

Solite3 and Geeklady, I have this question for you: Are you saying a woman should refuse to answer the call of God if He calls her to start a pastoral ministry?


My question is was it Jesus who spoke about women not teaching etc or his diciples If not Jesus, then you can as well tell me that everything pastors of this age say must be adhered strictly to because they are modern day disciples.... If Jesus didnt say it, then men's ego has been before creation

This thread has created much tension as I can see so many oppositions from both men and women. Indeed as it's said in the bible in the last days people will choose what part of the bible that suits them and leave the rest

To answer your questions @ Daviddson and diluewunmi

Women, if you feel that God called you to pastor, that wasn’t God. That was the devil seducing you into disorder and rebellion. While some of you have taken the bait, are in active ministry, and can see the nuggets of truth you teach on a consistent basis, and the lives you’ve changed, you will end up under a strong delusion (2 Thess 2:11-12).
But you may say,” Obviously God agrees with what I’m doing because the good fruit I bear.” But just because God is using you doesn’t mean he agrees with you. He uses everyone. Every soul and spirit is his property. He uses the wicked for his purposes. He uses the righteous for his purposes. He uses demons, Satan and fallen angels for his purposes. He used a donkey to save a man from the sword of an angel. Is the donkey going to heaven because God used it?
Likewise, God uses everyone, some of which are in ministry for the wrong reasons. God will use them and give them words of power to help people, but the person themselves will be called to account for their deeds. And the deeds of women pastors are rebellion and witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23).
When you stand before God, he’ll say, “Get away from me you worker of iniquity! But you’ll say, “Lord, Lord, didn’t I pastor in your name and change lives for your glory?!” (Matthew 7:21-23) And he won’t deny it, because he allowed you to do so. But he’ll say, “But you rebelled against me, my order, and my will. I gave you room to repent, but you didn’t. For that, you cannot be apart of my kingdom.”

Please don't mention again cos I won't be reply you.
God Bless.


Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Leonbonapart(m): 8:44pm On Jan 21, 2018
Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by ObamaOsama: 8:46pm On Jan 21, 2018
the same reason they are not allow to drive or walk alone in S.A.B
Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by jmoore(m): 8:46pm On Jan 21, 2018
Romans 16:3
Greet Prisca and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus,

Acts 18:26
He began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him and explained to him the way of God more accurately.

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by delishpot: 8:46pm On Jan 21, 2018
Wahala. I even thought I would find a scripture where Jesus Christ himself said women should be pushed to the back ground. During Jesus time, he NEVER mentioned anything about women not being worthy of preaching. Maybe he did not call them because they were considered properties and he did not want problem for himself. Yet Jesus NEVER turned down women who showed interest in his work. He was never known to push women away or silence them because men are talking.

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by soberdrunk(m): 8:46pm On Jan 21, 2018
Feminists will not like this grin


Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by FrenchWay: 8:46pm On Jan 21, 2018
So they wouldn't use d same mouth dey use to give 'a head' to preach on the alter.

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by Nobody: 8:46pm On Jan 21, 2018

Was it God who made that law or the apostles?


Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by tosyne2much(m): 8:47pm On Jan 21, 2018
You don talk am finish

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Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by CarlDan: 8:47pm On Jan 21, 2018
Re: The Real Reason Why God Prohibits Women Pastors by ifyan(m): 8:48pm On Jan 21, 2018

No make feminist and sissies catch you because you don't want the progress of humanity.

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