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For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory - Celebrities (9) - Nairaland

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Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Novaccines: 6:54pm On Jan 27, 2020
Sodomy is worst than White Supremacy

sodomy the worst of evils
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 9:54pm On Jan 27, 2020
The church is a homo factory
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 11:21pm On Jan 27, 2020
There are a ton of books and publications written on the satanism within the Church. Mormons are especially a hidden Baal worship under the guise of Christ. Sodomy is a religion.

Wake up out your slumber

Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 11:32pm On Jan 27, 2020
Don't consider this religious bias because the revelation of these satanic deeds are Christiand themselves. Lots of the writers exposing the Roman perverted Baal worship are Christians giving first hand testimony. They never received any help in their just cause to expose darkness in the Church. It is there plenty of darkness.

Wake up out your slumber

Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 12:45am On Jan 28, 2020
Sodomy the worst of evils
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Novaccines: 1:46am On Jan 28, 2020

How men saw God shaped how they saw themselves, and in turn, how they saw women. WikimediaGod as man, man as God: no wonder many Christian men today are having a masculinity crisisWilliam Loader, Murdoch UniversityDecember 13, 2019 3.12pm AEDT

This article is part of our Gender and Christianity series.

To understand contemporary Christian ideas about gender, and specifically masculinity, we need to go all the way back to the values that shaped Christian origins in the first century.

The pattern across Greek, Roman and Jewish society was that men were the heads of households, and households were the primary economic unit. Women managed the internal affairs, while men managed the external ones.

Most men, at around 30 years old, married a girl barely more than half their age. With such an age difference, the girls were less experienced and less emotionally mature. So men believed themselves to be superior to women – a fallacious conclusion that, to them, seemed obvious.

Females were failed males, argued Plato, and people often read Genesis in the Bible as saying man was made in God’s image, while woman was made in man’s.

Paul, one of the most influential Christian leaders, argued that male and female, slave and free, were all loved by God and were one in Christ, but women should dress like women, even in leadership, and should normally leave public discourse to men.

This tension – between equality and the conformity to social norms – still has a long way to go for women in some Christian circles and in the wider community.

For men, how they saw themselves shaped how they saw God, and they saw God shaped how they saw themselves. This also had implications for how they saw women.

Jesus is the exception

Powerful men, kings and fathers were most often used to portray God. Greek sculpture, Roman macho ideals and oriental images contributed to an image of God who behaved just like such men: he was concerned primarily with power and control and, at best, fatherly benevolence.

But other voices challenged such masculine models – including Jesus of Nazareth. In Mark’s gospel, Jesus declares:

The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many.

In a three-step narrative, it depicts Jesus’ disciples reflecting traditional aspirations of power, arguing who would be the greatest, wanting the top jobs and trying to persuade Jesus that to be the Messiah he has to win, not lose.

Every time, Jesus refutes their values. Mark then subverts their assumptions by depicting Jesus as a king enthroned on a cross and wearing a crown of thorns. This turned the disciples’ values upside down. Here was a model of being a person, including being a man, which put love and service at the centre.

A 19th century depiction of Jesus by artist Bernhard Plockhorst. Jesus challenges the Christian view of masculinity. Wikimedia Commons

Elsewhere, Jesus had appealed to parental compassion, arguing we need to see God as caring and compassionate, not as aloof and unforgiving, much less obsessed with power and control.

Such a radical alternative model of masculinity was difficult to sustain.

What often prevailed was the notion that Jesus was, in effect, an exception to the masculine ideal and the way God is. This notion is still alive and well for many today, who see God’s love and forgiveness as only temporary, and believe God will finally resort to violent punishment of those who refused to respond.

Such violence, sometimes horrendously depicted as being tormented with fire, was deemed fair, because God is just and had made the options clear. This is a view many will still defend.

Two opposing Christian views of masculinity

So there’s not one Christian view of masculinity, but at least two. They are diametrically opposed and reflect two very different understandings of God.

One sees greatness in power and control and the right to exercise violence when one is in the right, and is depicted predominantly in male terms.

The other sees greatness in love and compassion; it confronts violence and abuse of power.

What people value in their God, they value in life. Today, this might mean men can conclude that if they are right, they, too, have the right to be dominating. That may show itself in physical cruelty, but also in the subordination or exclusion of women.

In religious contexts, it can be associated with appeals to the authority of the Bible above reason and reasonable love, whether in church communities or in the home.

But where people give priority to reason and the reasonable love that lies at the heart of the Christian tradition, the effect for both men and women is liberating.

Significant social changes also play a role here. If, in the first century, women were deemed inferior and lived pregnancy to pregnancy, nearly half of them not surviving beyond the age of thirty, over the past half century effective contraception has helped even the playing field for women to engage in leadership as much as men. Though sadly that is still not the case in many communities including churches.

This has gone hand in hand with a reassertion of women’s rights, to the benefit of both women and men.

For many men, schooled in traditional models of masculine superiority, this has caused a crisis of identity.

Despite the advent in the 20th century of pop psychology, which gave men permission to cry, many still have not made it.

Sadness morphs into anger and anger, violence, towards others and sometimes towards themselves. We need to call out the myth of masculine superiority and the abuse it generates.

Comment on this article

William LoaderEmeritus Professor of New Testament at Murdoch University, Murdoch University

They worship a puny man as Allah and this is how they submit themselves to men in anal sodomy rituals of hierarchy. This man as Allah came from the rebellious Moor King Nimrod passed down from the Moors to the Roman Jews.

Wake up out your slumber
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 2:13am On Jan 28, 2020
Harry Hay founder of LGBT a pedophile Catholic. He was raised Catholic, attending St. Gregory Catholic Church on Ninth and Norton Streets in Los Angeles.

The Roman catholic church is LGBT

Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 12:50pm On Jan 28, 2020
Them pedophiles are coming out of the church and nowhere else
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 7:26pm On Jan 28, 2020
They baby rapists and baby killers

Baal worship

Wake up out your slumber
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 12:08am On Jan 29, 2020
Them pedophiles are coming out of the church and nowhere else
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 1:13am On Jan 29, 2020
9 Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of Allah? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, 10 thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of Allah.

Wake up out your slumber
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 2:29am On Jan 29, 2020
Sodomy is a rite

By Dan Popp

March 30, 2013

The term "gay Christian" is either an oxymoron, like "sunshiny night," or a non sequitur, like "spicy arithmetic." If the assertion is that someone can pursue sin while turning away from sin (which is the first requirement of the gospel; repentance), that's nothing but nonsense.
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11, NAS95)
But if, instead, "gay" means "a person with a certain predisposition (without regard to his actions)," then "gay Christian" is a phrase like "frugal basement," with no inherent meaning. The manual for Christians, the Bible, recognizes that certain people have tendencies toward certain sins, but it does not hold those people to a different, lower standard of behavior.

I don't know of any scientific evidence to support the view that some people are by nature attracted to those of their own sex. I do know that this view has no basis in the Christian religion, or in any of the major religions around us today. But if we look back very long ago, we'll find that there were religions that exalted homosexual acts. These were all the rage back in the Bronze Age. (And why do "progressive" ideas invariably turn out to be failed relics?)

There shall be no LovePeddler of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. (Deuteronomy 23:17, KJV) And there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel. (1 Kings 14:24, KJV) Other translations render this word "male temple prostitutes" and variations. It's the word qadesh, from a root that means to sanctify or dedicate. (See Smith's Bible Dictionary, entry for "sodomites."wink The worship of Baal and Ashtoreth included ritual homosexual acts, just as the fidelity of one man to one woman for life is an expression of faith in the one true God.

The first chapter of Paul's letter to the Romans shows the connection between paganism and homosexuality.
For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper.... (Romans 1:21-28 NAS95)
The Holy Spirit here says that homosexual acts, and acceptance of homosexual acts, are obvious features of God's judgment on a group of people. They're proof of the heathens' rejection of God, and His rejection of them.

Whether "gay" is made to refer to acts or attraction, it does not belong with the word "Christian." Yes, there's plenty of room in the Christian church for those who recognize that they are prone to evil. That would describe almost everyone in it. But the Lord will show Himself distressingly "intolerant" of those who call evil "good" and "right."

If you want a god that celebrates sodomy, try Baal. I'm sure he'd appreciate the attention after all these millennia.

Dan Popp

Sodomy is a sacred act of devil worshippers. Devil simply means evil spirit. Evil cults through history seeking imperial domination, slavery of others and absolute rule have turned to evil spirits for aid. These spirits require debauchery as an offering. The entire history Rome founded by dirty Moors and Jews enslaving Slavic Whites and other Africans has continued until today. Both of them together created the man image of God the pale faced Jesus Christ. Black Romans and Greeks are heavily involved in satanic worship.

Wake up out your slumber
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 1:17pm On Jan 29, 2020
 January 29, 2020

Home>Highlight>CA Democrats Author Bill To Protect Sex Offenders Who Lure Minors

Senator Wiener with fellow LGBT Legislative Caucus members Susan Eggman, Todd Gloria, Toni Atkins, Ricardo Lara, Cathleen Galgiani, Evan Low, and Sabrina Cervantes. (Sen. Wiener photo gallery)

CA Democrats Author Bill to Protect Sex Offenders Who Lure Minors

No sex offender registry if perpetrator within 10 years of age of the minor

By Katy Grimes, February 19, 2019 3:03 pm

State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) introduced recent legislation “to end blatant discrimination against LGBT young people regarding California’s sex offender registry.”

However, under their bill, SB 145, the offenders would not have to automatically register as sex offenders if the offenders are within 10 years of age of the minor.

State Senator Scott Wiener. (Kevin Sanders For California Globe)

Wiener claims the current law “disproportionately targets LGBT young people for mandatory sex offender registration, since LGBT people usually cannot engage in vaginal intercourse.”

Existing law, the Sex Offender Registration Act, amended by Proposition 35 by voters in 2012 (Ban on Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery), requires a person convicted of a certain sex crime to register with law enforcement as a sex offender while residing in California or while attending school or working in California.

Wiener says, “Currently, for consensual yet illegal sexual relations between a teenager age 15 and over and a partner within 10 years of age, ‘sexual intercourse’ (i.e., vaginal intercourse) does not require the offender to go onto the sex offender registry; rather, the judge decides based on the facts of the case whether sex offender registration is warranted or unwarranted. By contrast, for other forms of intercourse — specifically, oral and anal intercourse — sex offender registration is mandated under all situations, with no judicial discretion.”

“This bill would authorize a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors to seek discretionary relief from the duty to register if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor,” SB 145 states.

Proposition 35 was created and passed to protect children from sexual exploitation and sex trafficking. Victims of sex trafficking are often vulnerable children, “afraid for their lives and abused—sexually, physically, and mentally,” the Proposition said.

What Does SB 145 Also Do?

Legislators Wiener and Eggman say they are trying to shield LGBT young people from having to automatically register as sex offenders for specified sex crimes. But their bill does much more.

Assemblywoman Susan Eggman

SB 145 would allow a sex offender who lures a minor with the intent to commit a felony (i.e. a sex act) the ability to escape registering as a sex offender as long as the offender is within 10 years of age of the minor.  No specification is made as to whether the sexual offender is straight or LGBT.

SB 145 would add a section to the state’s penal code (Section 290.55) stipulating that as long as the offender is “not more than 10 years older than the minor,” they are not automatically mandated to register as a sex offender. There is no age limit or range specified, except for existing law which already excludes lewd acts with children under 14.

SB 145 appears to allow adults to victimize minors by luring them with the intent to have sex, and then shields the predator from being automatically registered as a sex offender, as in the case of a 25 year old luring a 15 year old for sex, or a 22 year old luring a 12 year old.

SB 145, as currently written, appears to allow certain sexual predators to live among the population without anyone being aware.

Why is this bill needed?

Here is the text from SB 145:

This bill would authorize a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors to seek discretionary relief from the duty to register if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor.

Digest Key – Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: YES   Local Program: NO


SECTION 1. Section 290.55 is added to the Penal Code, immediately following Section 290.5, to read:

290.55. (a) A person convicted of an offense specified in subdivision (b) may, by writ of mandate, seek discretionary relief from the duty, imposed as a result of that conviction, to register pursuant to the act if, at the time of the offense, the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor, as measured from the minor’s date of birth to the person’s date of birth.

Here is the current California Penal Code § 288.3(2017)

(a) Every person who contacts or communicates with a minor, or attempts to contact or communicate with a minor, who knows or reasonably should know that the person is a minor, with intent to commit an offense specified in Section 207, 209, 261, 264.1, 273a, 286, 287, 288, 288.2, 289, 311.1, 311.2, 311.4 or 311.11, or former Section 288a, involving the minor shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for the term prescribed for an attempt to commit the intended offense.

(b) As used in this section, “contacts or communicates with” shall include direct and indirect contact or communication that may be achieved personally or by use of an agent or agency, any print medium, any postal service, a common carrier or communication common carrier, any electronic communications system, or any telecommunications, wire, computer, or radio communications device or system.

(c) A person convicted of a violation of subdivision (a) who has previously been convicted of a violation of subdivision (a) shall be punished by an additional and consecutive term of imprisonment in the state prison for five years.

Last week, California Globe reported on another sex crime bill introduced by California Democrats: “legislation to shield a person from the consequences of crimes they commit in California, even violent ones, as long as the person reports the crimes to authorities.The language of the proposed statute appears to immunize a person from ANY crime so long as they are reporting a violation of a sex crime law.”  Sen. Scott Wiener is the author of California Senate Bill 233.

Katy Grimes

Katy Grimes, the Editor of the California Globe, is a long-time Investigative Journalist covering the California State Capitol, and the co-author of California's War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses?

Spread the news:

They are taking away punishment and lessening the sentencing for those found guilty of child rape and defilement in California home state of Harry Hay.

Greeks and Romans are perverts. These are the ones in America who are into the state deep changing Allah's holy laws.


Wake up out your Slumber

Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 2:02pm On Jan 29, 2020
Black Romans and Black Greeks held the same culture as the White Greeks and White Romans. This is what Paul saw and recorded in Roman's 1 chapter. They were Baal worshippers masking as Christians this had become their cover up.

The Blacks are out front in the rebellion against Allah's holy laws.

Wake up out your slumber

Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 2:09pm On Jan 29, 2020
The sexual relationship between 
these false gods set an example 
for unbridled sensuality 
among their worshipers.

Anal sex between male and male worshipers and male and female worshipers was viewed as an offering to the goddess. Some 1450 years after Leviticus, the Apostle Paul references pagan worship in Romans 1:26-27, when he blasts the same kind of fertility goddess worship in first century Rome.

Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 3:10pm On Jan 29, 2020

Local church connects with black college students at Greek Day
Albany congregation praises the power of youth
Lynda Edwards | on December 2, 2019

Photo: James Franco
IMAGE 10 OF 16
Michelle Smith, of Lambda Lambda Lambda and other members of the choir sing a song during Greek Day at the Metropolitan New Testament Baptist Church in Albany on Sunday, Nov. 17, 2019 (Jim Franco/Special to the

Photo: James Franco
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Sorority sisters dance during the Greek Day stroll at the Metropolitan New Testament Baptist Church in Albany on Sunday, Nov. 17, 2019 (Jim Franco/Special to the Times Union.)

Photo: James Franco
IMAGE 12 OF 16
Brittany Peoples, financial secretary and deaconess, Rev. Michael-Aaron Poindexter and Dafney Amilcar-Rodriguez, organizers of Greek Day at the Metropolitan New Testament Baptist Church in Albany on Sunday,

ALBANY — On Metropolitan New Testament Mission Baptist Church's recent fifth annual Greek Day, 650 worshippers crowded the sanctuary where vibrant colors of the Divine Nine — historic black fraternities and sororities — are everywhere. The church sends two school buses to University at Albany and College of Saint Rose for the celebration. Dozens of students put on sorority or fraternity colors, then board the buses — and not just because the church throws an after-worship service feast in their honor with fried and baked chicken, delicious homemade side-dishes and desserts.

Metropolitan invites Black Greek Letter Organizations (BGLOs) to set up Greek Day informational tables in the church foyer. Alpha Phi Alpha men wear the black and gold of Martin Luther King Jr.'s fraternity. It's America's oldest BGLO founded in 1906 at Cornell University.

Metropolitan's Rev. Damone Johnson is an APA man.

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc.'s white and blue was worn by UAlbany alum Jimmy Dilone, lab technology coordinator for SUNY's Research Foundation. Like most Divine Nine members, he's devoted to his fraternity long past graduation, volunteering for its charitable efforts like Habitat for Humanity. He manned Sigma's table with UAlbany senior Moises Urena.

Urena is too modest to mention news reports, including a New York Times story, about his tenacious journey from homelessness in the South Bronx to history major.

"Phi Beta Sigma is in my blood and brotherhood in the Divine Nine is for all my life," Urena said. "There were people who helped me get out of homelessness. A lot of people who work hard, don't. My fraternity's community outreach helps me pay the help I got forward."

Mentoring black youth powerfully engages the Divine Nine. (Urena was already praised on UAlbany's website as an outstanding campus mentor.) For example, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.'s Albany Alumnae Chapter has programs to guide at-risk African American girls from age 10 to 18 with cultural activities, financial education, STEM, beauty and etiquette classes.

Like other BGLO sororities, UAlbany Deltas host an elegant cotillion, a showcase for grace and achievement.

The sense of representing, of being an example to a world beyond the community, is also a strong BGLO theme.

Urena and Dilone realize there will be times that they are the only black employees in a workplace, the only black students in a class or the first, maybe only, black buddies some white friend may know. That sounds like it could be an annoying burden but they discuss it with ease and confidence.

"When I'm with my Sigma brothers, we always remember that wherever we go, we're representing something greater than ourselves," Dilone explained. "That can include family and the fraternity, but also the black community, black men in America. People look at what we're doing, how we conduct our lives ... it has an impact."

An unknown universe

Although Beyoncé paid tribute to BGLOs in her April Netflix special, Homecoming, many white Americans don't know the Nine's rich history — or their current relevance.

Black leaders filled Twitter with groans when a white Washington Post reporter thought women were shrieking at presidential candidate and Alpha Kappa Alpha sister Kamala Harris during a rally. They were AKA sisters making their signature "skee wee" call.

The worship service features Greek Day roll call. As each BGLO name is read, members respond with their calls.

UAlbany's Asha Smith and Mmutaka Ajulu-Okeke wore AKA pink and green for America's oldest black sorority, founded in 1908 at Howard University.

Although CNN recently called AKA Harris' "secret weapon" due its skill at grassroots organizing, "the sorority is about more than networking and socializing," said Ajulu-Okeke, who plans to return to home in Nigeria to use her public health degree one day.

Metropolitan's Greek Day is joyous, exuberant, especially the finale. Divine Nine students sing as they do a stroll — the dazzling, stylish, line dances BGLOs made famous.

It's a work of art, a performance of pride, a way BGLO founders claimed the right to be seen and heard in an era when keeping a low profile was safer.

Students dance down the aisles past the pulpit and back to the doors. All the colors flowed by, from Omega Psi Phi brothers' purple, green and gold to the Delta sisters in luminous red. It's exhilarating, so infectiously fun that toddlers bounce in pews in time to the music.

Metropolitan youth pastor Michael-Aaron Poindexter, 31, was asked whether some churches would balk at the lively stroll in a worship service.

"Yes!" he replied, chuckling. "No one here felt like that. For us, embracing that enthusiasm is part of making the new generation feel welcome... Understanding why the fraternities and sororities are still so relevant is a way for us to reach out to them."

Seven of the Divine Nine were founded about 100 years ago, when white college clubs refused to admit black members. They looked out for each other's physical safety in an era when Jim Crow laws were the rule and lynching was rampant in the South.

Crucially, the Nine were also a potent blend of study group, community activism, social networking and, always, mentoring. That role still feels fresh and relevant to Smith.

"(AKA) cares about social justice; that attracted me," said Smith, who comes from Jamaica, Queens. "The mentoring and tutoring opportunities interested me. Girls' education is an issue I care about deeply."

Many Greek Day guests enjoy Metropolitan's welcome enough to become church members. (Some local churches invited Rev. Damone Johnson to teach a recent seminar about attracting Gen Z and millennials to church.) Johnson believes BGLOs' social justice champions wield enough influence to draw more youths in the door.

"If they see a church is worth their time and effort, perhaps their friends and young people who respect them may give it a try, too," said Johnson. "Cities want to keep talented, educated young people from leaving. If students have a church home in the city where they attend college, they're more likely to stay."

Greek Day guests often return to volunteer with Metropolitan's Thanksgiving project that feeds 500 families. Metropolitan also enjoys their help with a summer youth camp offering 300 teenagers STEM and financial literacy classes plus field trips to national parks, museums and colleges.

In 2014, APA member Gregory Parks co-authored "African American Fraternities and Sororities: The Legacy and the Vision," which pondered whether BGLOs were still relevant. It noted that Barack Obama never joined a BGLO and was in the middle of his second term as U.S. president.

But the last two years may have made BGLOs feel current, even urgent, Johnson observed.

"Issues that explode nationwide engage these fraternities and sororities; Black Lives Matter, gun violence, student loan crisis, getting souls to the polls," Johnson said. "This new generation is the most educated and most imprisoned. Mass incarceration is a huge issue they want us to examine."

Brothers, sisters for life

All of the Divine Nine include mentoring youth in their community outreach.

APA Capital Region chapter president Dean Akinleye bid a Greek Day goodbye to such a mentor: SUNY Student Affairs Director and Metropolitan member George Tiggle who died at age 45 in a car crash last month. Tiggle was an APA man who recently organized college tours for 40 Capital Region teens.

As Akinleye describes Tiggle's volunteer work, screens above the pulpit show photos of his life.

"If George were here, he'd want me to remind everyone he lived a full life," Akinleye says gently. He lists Tiggle's earthly appetites as friends laugh softly and brush away tears: "He loved bacon, fried fish, steak ..."

Akinleye imagines what Tiggle would say now: "He'd ask us to resist the urge of fearing death. He'd want us to live full lives."

Embrace history and the future

Sigma's history inspired Urena to become part of its future. He refers to famous photos of the Rev. King giving the I Have a Dream speech to a sea of people at the Lincoln Memorial.

"Not many people know that the man who did a lot of the organizing for the March on Washington was a Sigma," Urena said proudly.

Several students at Greek Day own a poster of a blown-up photo showing Dr. King and three dear friends enjoying spring air outside the Lorraine Motel. It was taken the day before King was killed there on April 4, 1968.

Next to each man are his fraternity's Greek letters. Omega Psi Phi (fraternity motto: "Lifting as We Climb"wink is above civil rights legend Jesse Jackson. Phi Beta Sigma's is by World War II hero Hosea Williams, who was still in uniform when a mob almost beat him to death for drinking from a Whites Only fountain. His personal motto was: "Unbought and Unbossed." The Rev. Ralph Abernathy is Kappa Alpha Psi. King was speaking in Abernathy's Montgomery church when a white horde surrounded it threatening to kill all inside. Attorney General Robert Kennedy sent the National Guard the next morning, unsure anyone in the church would survive the night. King, an APA man, died at 39, leaving an enormous legacy.

Johnson's Greek Day sermon message was: God has a destiny, a purpose for every human.

It resonates with Divine Niners who seem ready to connect with heroic causes. "(Sigma) is a place to talk with people who understand what you are going through, what you're hoping to achieve," Urena said. "It helps us find the path to who we're meant to be."

I keep telling you they are coming out of the church. In the church are Black Romans and Black Greeks who are perverted Baal worshippers parading Christianity.

Wake up out your slumber

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Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 3:24pm On Jan 29, 2020
The Illuminated History of Phi Beta Kappa and Other College Fraternities

P. D. Stuart

Lux-Verbi Books, 2007 - College students - 150 pages

1 Review

P.D. Stuart makes strong connections between Cecil Rhodes, the Clintons, the Bush dynasty, the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, Skull and Bones, Phi Beta Kappa, the Council of Foreign Relations, and several other secretive fraternities and associations.

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It all started on a Thursday evening, December 5, 1776, when five young undergraduates had dinner in the Apollo Room at the Raleigh Tavern in Williamsburg, VA. They were members of the notorious “Flat Hat” Club organised at William & Mary College in 1750. On this particular night however these five men decided to form a secret organization patterned after that of one formed in Germany. The called it Phi Beta Kappa. It was the first American secret society bearing a Greek-letter name—and it was formed in the same year Weishaupt announced his Illuminati Order.
Later the order devised two signs: “a salutation of the clasp of the hands, together with an immediate stroke across the mouth with the back of the same hand, and a return with the hand used by the saluted”; these new gestures were for the purposes of distinguishing Phi Beta Kappa members “in any foreign country or place.” All members are required to obligate themselves to preserve the secrets of the fraternity, and take an oath as follows: “I, [name], do swear on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God, or otherwise as calling the Supreme Being to attest this my oath, declaring that I will....
What significance is this to Phi Beta Kappa?...
In the Phi Beta Kappa Spring Program Bulletin 2005, Henry Wade Rodgers states, “In Germany [birthplace of Weishaupt’s Order] and America students’ societies form an important feature of university life. These organizations influence in no small degree the daily life of their members.... It was a period when literary societies of an exclusive and secret nature were being formed... The origins of this movement are not easy to trace... partly because the members could not disclose some of the mysteries but Baird’s Manual of American College Fraternities presents the bare facts.... Baird suggests that the model for all three was Phi Beta Kappa, established on December 5, 1776... Originally Phi Beta Kappa, like the Masonic Order, was esoteric, with a badge, a grip, an oath of fidelity, a ritual, and an idealistic and spiritual purpose... In the interval between 1776 and 1821, literary societies grew in importance…. ”

... The year 1776 was the very year the Jesuit trained professor, Adam Weishaupt, founded the Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt wrote: “... a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose.” 
Phi Beta Kappa members are told that the initials of the words comes from Philosophia Biou Kubernetes, meaning `”The love of wisdom is life.” However, this is no more than ingenious creativity on the part of their founders. Greek letters are not chosen randomly or arbitrarily; each letter represents a SECRET meaning—that bear the highest symbolism within the upper echelons of the fraternities. In this respect, Phi is really a secret occult code. 
Despite its modern prestige at one time all the fraternities that sprung from Phi Beta Kappa were called a “giant evil.”1 Today, however, as John Addison Porter, private secretary to President McKinley, states: “The most prominent characteristic of American undergraduate social life is the college fraternity.”2 
Were there fraternities before Phi Beta Kappa? Why did the men who founded Phi Beta Kappa believe its creation necessary? And why where all the offsprings of Phi Beta Kappa considered a “giant evil.”? Were did the idea for the Phi Beta Kappa literary society originate? This book answers all these questions and more.
British Library Cataloguing-in Publication/Classification Data for this book:
Stuart, P.D.

All Greek cults are owned by Spanish Jews who became Catholics and Crypto Jews in 1492. These Catholic Kabbalah Jews took over the throne of Rome from the Black Romans. They are the Jesuits or Jesus Society the military branch of Catholic priests who run Freemasonry and Greek fraternities and sororities. Black Greek is not a Black organization its Greek.

Wake up out your slumber

Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 6:08pm On Jan 29, 2020
1492- The Moorish Kingdom of Granadacontinued for three more centuries in southern Iberia. On January 2, 1492, the leader of the last Muslim stronghold in Granada surrendered to the armies of a recently united Christian Spain (after the marriage of Ferdinand II of Aragón and Isabella I of Castile, the “Catholic Monarchs”). They forced the remaining Jews to leave Spain, convert to Roman Catholic Christianity, or be killed for refusing to do so. In 1480, to exert social and religious control, Isabella and Ferdinand agreed to allow the Inquisition in Spain. Granada’s Muslim population rebelled in 1499. The revolt lasted until early 1501, giving the Castilian authorities an excuse to void the terms of the Treaty of Granada (1491).
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 9:24pm On Jan 29, 2020
Them pedophiles are coming out of the church and nowhere else
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 10:23pm On Jan 29, 2020
Sodomy the worst of evils
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 11:37pm On Jan 29, 2020
Many of the planetary controllers are blood feasting pedophiles, parasitic monsters literally and predatorily feeding off the 8 million children gone missing each year around the world.

“Pedophile” has reverberated throughout America. But beneath our anger and revulsion, a fundamental question pulsates: Are those who abuse their positions of trust to prey upon children—a category certainly not limited to those in religious orders—sick … or are they evil? We need the answer to that fundamental question. Because, without the truth, we cannot act. And until we act, nothing will change.

Global child sex trafficking networks generate huge profits, run by the world’s most powerful individuals. A 2014 International Labor Organization report estimates that two-thirds of the annual profits from forced labor come from sexual slavery that amounts to $99 billion USD each year. And of that $99 billion, most is produced off the blood, sweat, tears, and flesh of helpless underage child sex slaves caught up in global trafficking rings operated by this same diabolical global elite. At the head of this planet’s ruling elite are 13 family bloodlines that include the Rothschilds and Rockefellers as well as European royalty, controlling thousands of compromised, bribed and blackmailed puppet politicians, bankers, judges, CEO’s, military generals, entertainers, top-level spies, and police chiefs.

“Even in the Bible, you find references to these practices with Israelites. The reason the first 10 tribes were banished to Babylonia was because of these rituals with children”

Blackmailed pedophile politicians, many of whom are well known elected representatives occupying critically important positions in virtually every national government, particularly in the West, have remained insularly protected and immune from investigation and prosecution. Why? Because those running these global child sex networks internationally control both them and law enforcement and high courts. Pedophiles are disbursed amongst such elitist think tanks as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission as well as various covert organizations like Yale’s Skull and Bones Society and 33rd degree and higher Freemasonry. The bottom line is too many of these “upstanding” members are secretly satanic worshipping, bloodthirsty child rapists and killers. Pizzagate, the Clintons, the Weiners and Jeffrey Epstein are merely the tip of the iceberg.

With last year’s Pizzagate turned this year’s Pedogate scandal exposing the cockroaches like never before, 2017 finds this diabolical elite frantically heading for the hills, buying up private islands and heading underground, while aggressively acting out above ground with false flags every week and by the day desperately pushing humanity closer to world war and global economic collapse. Faking staged events have become an unholy racket of government theater. With the public masses forced to be preoccupied by everyday signs that their world is fast falling apart, the desperate monsters fearing loss of control are banking on their sins against our children getting drowned out by the elite’s manufactured storm of earthly chaos, shock and awe noise and escalating terror of ongoing violence, war, and ultimate global destruction.

While we’ve never been closer to bringing the hordes of guilty child rapists to justice, it’s no accident that we’ve also never been closer to self-annihilation as a human species. Before the psychopathic criminals who only have contempt for humanity go down, they’re determined to destroy us first, drastically reducing the world population by their divide and conquer, fast kill methods of war and violence.

Expose the darkness

Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 11:47pm On Jan 29, 2020
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Be aware of human trafficking, gang stalking

By Rose A. Buchanan | Monday, October 15, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

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Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Rose A. Buchanan

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Rose A. Buchanan

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Rose A. Buchanan

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I came to (The Garden Island newspaper) to inform people of my situation that I am in so as to help me and others. It’s called “human trafficking” and/or “gang stalking. It is a billion-dollar industry that targets people for various reasons; mostly for criminals to make money off your life in any way “they” can.

Everyone always asks, “who are ‘they?’” If I knew exactly who “they” are, I’d be able to get a restraining order. “They’’ do the harassment and targeting with many people. which is why it’s called “gang stalking.’’ There has been a brief story on a news station a few years ago about it.

Nothing is being done to fix it. When a victim tries to get help, “they” have their people in as police, agents, lawyers, judges, etc. It is another form of “organized crime” with a twist of terrorism.

The criminals make the victim look like they are crazy, on drugs, paranoid, or anything they can so you won’t believe them or help them. That’s how they are a billion-dollar industry; excellent at deception and at making the victim look guilty of something.

I know in my personal situation, they have lied to make me look like a pedophile, thief, abuser, hater, etc., so people will be nasty and ignorant, and at times, violent toward me. Then they tell people it is me that is bad or have bad karma.

I have excellent karma or I wouldn’t keep rising above the terroristic, cultist tactics being used against me. They have destroyed my career of 17 years operating heavy equipment, destroyed my 18 years partnership with my friend and wife.

Yes, I am a lesbian, much of this is because of that. Homophobes assume all LGBT people are pedophiles. These guys have “teams” of people that handle smear campaigns to destroy reputations, businesses, families, friendships and whatever else they can. They are destroyers, not builders of love, faith and hope.

People have told me, sometimes, of what was said to them. An example is a woman I was working with who told me that she was told to lie to help get me fired. Then she never spoke to me again, as if she was afraid. Many people have been brave enough to tell me but many have not.

I have been on the island of Kauai for eight days. The same harassment has already started here with trying to interfere in my job prospects. I passed all drug tests and passed interviews the third day that I was here. The fifth day, the same guy that said he’d put me to work couldn’t believe that my email with my resume was blocked from getting to him until I gave him real evidence from printing it and the rejection of it.

I am telling you this to let you know I am being stalked, harassed and kept from working by people telling lies. I am not part of a game, team, volunteer or anything like it for Hollywood or anywhere else.

I have been to police and FBI in other states to file complaints. I am trying to inform good people of the tactics of these terrorists so you can understand and know if it happens to you.

I had a good life with a wonderful wife, an excellent career, lots of family and friends and activities. All of this has been stolen by terrorists using cult tactics to try to force me to marry a man, have kids and live a life other than what I had built for myself.

I have a rainbow family: a brother-in-law that is half-Japanese, two African-American sisters-in-law, a nephew-in-law that is of Mexican descent. There isn’t any group that I have been prejudiced against except the people that are doing this to me. The “they” are multi-cultural. It’s not just one group doing this.

In Hollywood, they consider it a “game” to do this to people. Human traffickers don’t have an age, color or gender preference. It is evil and evil doesn’t have a color.

I am going to go to local police to file paperwork. The only thing I can do is give the evidence when it comes up. They do have professionals who can track the cyber criminals doing the blocking of emails because it gives them numbers and trails to follow.

If these things are happening to you, please turn it in and follow through with trying to get these people put in prison where they belong. If any of their lies about me were true, I’d already be in prison! They have the ability to make fake videos, fake news and fake conversations! All of which, I have been told by various people, has been done to me.

I am here for only good intentions of island life of the aloha spirit with my beautiful, future wife. I am looking for steady employment and staying on Kauai. I hope to be able to write more information about these topics from my personal experience of being the victim of gang stalking and human trafficking.


Devil worshippers are chief among false accusers and scape goating to hide their abominations.

Wake up out your slumber

Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 12:04am On Jan 30, 2020

Christian Brothers trial hears child migrant was bashed and raped after reporting sexual abuse

By Eliza Borrello

Posted5 days ago

Brother Lawrence Murphy (right) abused John Lawrence (sitting) while he was at the Castledare Boys' Home.(Supplied: District Court Of WA)

A child migrant sexually abused by Catholic brothers in Perth has testified he was raped by his school principal after reporting the abuse.

Key points:The man claims he was abused by three Christian Brothers and then reported it to the school principal, who bashed and raped himThe principal, Brother Patrick O'Doherty, has since diedThe case is the first of its kind to go to trial since WA removed a statute of limitations on child sexual abuse

WARNING: This story contains material that some readers may find upsetting

The man, who cannot be identified, was a student at the Christian Brothers Castledare and Clontarf orphanages in the 1950s and 1960s.

He has given evidence in a trial being brought against the Christian Brothers by another child sexual abuse survivor, John Lawrence.

The man has testified he was abused by three Christian Brothers and reported it to the school principal at Clontarf, Brother Patrick O'Doherty, who then accused him of lying and bashed him.

The man said sometime later Brother O'Doherty, who is now dead, told him he would give him a sex lesson and subjected him to rape.

John Lawrence said the abuse he suffered as a child at the hands of a Christian Brother made him feel "dirty" and "worthless".(ABC News: Hugh Sando)

He said it was the first of four times that Brother O'Doherty raped him.

He told the court that after each rape the principal told him not to tell anyone, warning him that if he did he would be in "very serious trouble".

One of the brothers, James Murray, admitted to abusing the man before he died.

The man has never told his family about the abuse.

The homestead of the Castledare Boys' Home in Wilson, Perth, run by the Christian Brothers.(Wikimedia: Moondyne)

The Christian Brothers case is the first of its kind to go to trial since Western Australia removed a time limit restricting when child sexual abuse cases could be brought.

The trial has already heard how Mr Lawrence was repeatedly raped as a nine-year-old boy by Brother Lawrence Murphy.

A similar case brought by a terminally ill man, Paul Bradshaw, was settled for $1 million before proceeding to trial in 2018.

Earlier, the court heard from David Watson, a doctor who had examined Mr Lawrence.

He testified it did not surprise him that Mr Lawrence had poor literacy and numeracy skills given Brother Murphy was also his teacher.

Dr Watson praised Mr Lawrence's former wife for teaching him reading and writing.

Christians and child rape is like 1 and 2

Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 2:07am On Jan 30, 2020
Wake up out your slumber
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 12:17pm On Jan 30, 2020
Sodomy the worst of evils
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 4:58pm On Jan 30, 2020
Them pedophiles are coming out of the church and no where else.
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 8:08pm On Jan 30, 2020
Sodomy the worst of evils
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 2:49am On Jan 31, 2020
Sodomy is worse than White Supremacy
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 1:35pm On Jan 31, 2020
Sodomy is a religion
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 2:38pm On Jan 31, 2020
The black community’s normalization of pedophila is troubling

February 6, 2019 Opinions Editor

Illustration done by Lindsay Hart.

Alexia Holloway

Contributing Writer

Allegations of sexual misconduct have plagued award-winning R&B singer R. Kelly since the beginning of his career — earlier this year, Lifetime released the six-part docuseries, “Surviving R. Kelly.” The series examines the endless list of Kelly’s atrocities from the infamous forged marriage to then-minor singer Aaliyah to modern allegations that he ran a sex cult from his home.

It was only 18 years ago that two separate videos surfaced of Kelly having sex with underage girls, one being 13. Despite all of this, Kelly was acquitted on child pornography charges in 2008 and has never experienced consequences for his actions. While the docuseries’ main goal was to expose Kelly as a predatory man, it inadvertently shed light on the adultification of black girls and the normalization of pedophilia in the black community.

As the docuseries aired over the course of three days, Twitter was ablaze. Reasonable questions were asked such as, “Where were the parents?” and, “How could R. Kelly’s entourage let these things happen?” A recurring sentiment I saw from some black people were that these young girls were not “victims.” In fact, they were often referred to as grown women who sought out Kelly. Many of the women who spoke in the docuseries were teenagers when they met Kelly and were subsequently raped and abused by him. Yet, some people believe Kelly was justified in what he did to those girls.

This disturbing thought process faintly reminds me of a troubling quote from a southern governor, Cole Blease, in the early 20th century. Blease pardoned many black and white men who had been convicted of assaulting black women and girls. In an official pardoning statement, Blease said he had, “serious doubt as to whether the crime of rape can be committed upon a negro.” Blease felt that black women and girls were incapable of being raped because they were immoral beings to him. Any unwanted sexual advance made toward black women, to him, was warranted through the behavior of black women.

Black women and girls, regardless of age, are depicted as overtly sexual beings. When black women are not shown as welfare queens and ghetto stereotypes, they are portrayed as sexual deviants. The most infamous stereotype is the Jezebel, who is seductive and manipulative to the men in her life. Being that this docuseries has sparked a conversation about pedophilia, black women have described being brutally abused and raped by the men in their family. When going to an adult in the family, victims are seemingly always in the wrong. They are blamed for “seducing” their abusers and being “fast and grown.”

Aaliyah, who died in a plane crash back in 2001, was one of Kelly’s earliest documented victims, and she’s not even here to give her side of the story. It was appalling to see some people go from regarding her as an angel with a pure spirit, to labeling her a “hot ass” that was being a LovePeddler with Kelly. As Kelly’s earliest victim, she also serves as one of the biggest examples of how black girls and women are a poorly-protected class. Every adult around Aaliyah failed her. They let a grown man destroy the integrity of a young girl, out of fear of destroying a black man and his career.

The black community failed the rest of the girls Kelly’s victimized, and continues to fail victims of abuse in the community, by allowing pedophilia and the hypersexualization of black girls remain an underlying fixture within the culture.

Them pedophiles are coming out of the church and nowhere else

They are deep in black churches

Wake up out your slumber
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 6:13pm On Jan 31, 2020
The church is a homo factory
Re: For Millenieum The Church Has Been A Homo Factory by Africomterror: 6:45pm On Jan 31, 2020
Them pedophiles are coming out of the church and nowhere else

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