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Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi - Religion (7) - Nairaland

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 7:36am On May 31, 2021
Monday, 31 May 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: In Pursuit of your dream

OUR TEXT: "¹⁸ For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.
¹⁹ Hear thou, my son, and be wise, and guide thine heart in the way." (KJV+ Prov 23:18-19)

Dream in the context of our study is your hope, wish, imagination and expectations. Vision is the picture of your future, dream is seeing and imagining the manifestation of that Vision. What do you see about your future? It is your picture that determines your future. Your imaginations are achievable if you are united with your subconscious and Persistent. "⁶ And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do." (KJV+ Gen 11:6)

Dreaming without pursuit in the direction of your dreams is waste of creative energy. Having a dream or Hearing the counsel of the Lord is not enough, guiding your heart(Spirit and Soul) in the way is what provokes Manifestation. It's the thirsty that will be filled, it's those that seek that will find and its those that knock that will experience open doors.
"³⁷ In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink." (KJV+ John 7:37).

Beloved of God in Christ Jesus, the Bible was given to us so we can picture our future accurately and have an accurate imagination of God's will (see Eph 1:3). It is the pursuit of God's will for us that guarantees Divine assistance. When God is for us, who can so hate himself or herself to be against us? Focus on the Word of God, Focus on your dreams, don't believe what is contrary to the word of God, follow Jesus, aspire to be better daily and work towards it. Your tomorrow shall be better that your yesterday and your week is blessed in Jesus Name! #Amen

My Father My King, thank you for your Word that gives life to the hearer. Holy Spirit please help me to pursue my dream tirelessly in Jesus Name! #Amen

I Believe in Christ Jesus. I'm Born of God. I first see the manifestation of my dreams in my mind, I pursue them by the Grace of God, I see them with my eyes and I touch them with my hands. I'm the one the Lord has Blessed, Healed, Prospered, Made Fruitful and Made wise. I'm a success! Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus #PossessYourPossession

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 1:16pm On Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday, 2 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: How yielded are you?

OUR TEXT: "¹⁶ Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you." (KJV+ John 15:16)

God does not disappoint the Faithful. He do not lie, He does not fail and what is hard for Him to do does not exist. What matters is how yielded are we to His divine mandate and plans for our lives. Dominion is activated automatically when we are doing what we are Born to do in His will. No one can beat/defeat you for long when you are being your best in Christ. "¹⁸ But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." (KJV+ Prov 4:18)

How yielded we are in Christ Jesus determines how much fruit we produce in Christ Jesus. Fruit here means manifesting the Virtues of God's kingdom in Prosperity, Health, Holiness, Righteousness etc. Jesus said.. "⁴ Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me." (KJV+ John 15:4). Our mission to manifest what the Bible says about us is impossible except we abide/dwell in Christ. The righteous must hold on His way.. See... "⁹ The righteous also shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger." (KJV+ Job 17:9)

Beloved in Christ Jesus, we are called to Manifest God's Glory and Virtue but the individual that doesn't take up his cross and follow Jesus is not worthy of God's Glory and Virtue(see Matt. 10:38). It's time to drop every distraction and weight that easily beset us and run the race that is set before us. It's time to replace the love of this world with the love of God. You can not be unfortunate, poor, sick or pitied Loving God because... we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (KJV+ Rom 8:28). How yielded are you? This is your month of Dominion! You shall rule over anything or any personality that strive against you in Jesus Name. #Amen. Your week is blessed in Jesus Name! #Amen

Abba Father, Thank you for your love for me. Holy Spirit Help and empower me to carry my cross daily and follow Jesus in Jesus Name! #Amen

I Believe in Christ Jesus. The Almighty is my Father. I'm yielded to The Word of God(Christ) and circumstances around me don't move me to doubt. I abide in Jesus, I live for Him and I follow Him in all situations. I Manifest Vividly the Royalties in Christ Jesus. I have Dominion! I'm a Winner! I'm a Success! Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 9:09am On Jun 03, 2021
Thursday, 3 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: You are responsible for your reigning

OUR TEXT: "¹⁷ For if by one man's offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)" (KJV+ Rom 5:17)

Jesus came so that we might have Life and might have it more abundantly. The Bible didn't say so that we will have Life, it says so that we might have Life. See... I am come that they MIGHT have life, and that they MIGHT have it more abundantly." (KJV+ John 10:10b) "Might have Life" is conditional because we have a role to play for us to have this abundant life.

From our text the greek word for receive is "λαμβάνω (lambanō)" meaning to get hold of. This is beyond hearing and believing. We have to get hold of abundance of Grace and the Gift of Righteousness that is in Christ Jesus to enable us reign in life. Reigning in Bible terms is living a life of Holiness without secret or open sin, living in Prosperity, enjoying Good Health, Fruitfulness etc. This is only possible when we get hold of abundance of Grace and His Gift of Righteousness. This Abundance of Grace is only given to the Humble(see James 4:6, 1 pet. 5:5) and increased through the knowledge of God and Jesus (see 2 pet. 1:2)

Beloved of God in Christ Jesus,.. as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly." (KJV+ 1Cor 15:49) never forget that as.. flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption." (KJV+ 1Cor 15:50). You have a part to play for your reigning in this life. Refuse to be passive in Christ Jesus. Live for Jesus, Take responsibility of your actions, choose humility over pride and study the Word of God for yourself with the aim of increasing in the knowledge of God and Jesus.. This is how we get hold of Abundance of Grace. God bless and prosper you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

Father Thank you for your Word that brings life to the hearers. Forgive me for my pride and ignoring your word. Lord Help me to be get hold of Abundance of Grace in Jesus Name! #Amen

I believe in Christ Jesus. I'm God's kid. I submit to the Lordship of The Word of God. What He says is what I do. My life is for the Glory of Him that died for my sins. I have Dominion, I live in Dominion. By His Mercy, I get hold of Abundance of Grace and His Gift of Righteousness. I reign in Health, Prosperity, Fruitfulness and Holiness. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 7:12am On Jun 07, 2021
Monday, 7 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: Refuse Failure

OUR TEXT: "⁷ For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:" (KJV+ Prov 23:7a)
"⁸ Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." (KJV+ Phil 4:8 )

Dominion and Failure starts from the mind. No one can Manifest anything on Earth beyond their thought pattern. What makes a man or woman is first his or her thought and second his or her actions. We attract what we constantly think about. So it will be an error to fill our mind with failure when working towards Success and Dominion. This world belong to those that are thinking their way through. God gave us a sound mind for life to be easy for us. "⁷ For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (KJV+ 2Tim 1:7)

Refuse failure not only in your mind but also with your actions because.."¹⁵ Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger." (KJV+ Prov 19:15) (see Prov 28:19, Prov 10:4). Don't only think of good and lovely things. Think of how you can make them a reality in your own life and focus your attention in bringing them to pass. Don't accommodate fear because God didn't give us the spirit of fear and fear and failure are close relatives.

Beloved of God in Christ Jesus, no one was created to fail. People choose to fail by their actions. Refuse failure by not being slothful, by renewing your mind with the Word of God daily and by being Diligent in your work. You are a success in Christ Jesus. You are the Head and not the tail. You the seed of Abraham. Excellence and wealth is in your spiritual DNA. Don't settle for less. To beat the best of you is the target. You are unstoppable! This is your week of advancement! Take Dominion! Your week is blessed in Jesus Name! #Amen

Father Thank you for your ability working in me. I refuse failure in my life and around me in Jesus Name! #Amen

I believe in Christ Jesus and I live for Him. I'm a child of God. I'm the seed of Abraham. In my Spiritual lineage we do not fail. Success, Wealth, Excellence and Prosperity is my birth right in Christ Jesus. I'm not lazy, I'm not slothful. I'm diligent in all I do. I refuse failure. I'm a Success in Christ Jesus! Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 8:49am On Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday, 9 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: Don't settle for yesterday's Glory

OUR TEXT: "¹⁶ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (KJV+ Mat 5:16)

Who we follow determines what follows us. Where we stand influences what happens to us and around us. It's Our responsibility to let our light shine by following Jesus after accepting Him"¹² Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." (KJV+ John 8:12)
Don't settle for yesterday's Glory. Your path is like a shining light and is expected to shine brighter and brighter unto the perfect day as we abide in Christ Jesus (see Prov 4:18)

Holding on in the way of the Lord is what guarantees Dominion because we grow from strength to Strength in Zion. "⁷ They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God." (KJV+ Ps 84:7). When we hold on in His way, we live our life to please Him in integrity and Holiness(clean hands) and the Bible affirms we shall be stronger and stronger in all our affairs. "⁹ The righteous also shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger." (KJV+ Job 17:9)

Beloved of God in Christ Jesus, you are the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, the seed of God is in you. So, you should live righteously because it is he/she that does righteous deeds that is truly righteous. "⁷ Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous." (KJV+ 1Jn 3:7). Don't settle for yesterday's glory, it's time to get Better, it's time to get Smarter, it's time get Stronger because "¹⁹ ... the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God." (KJV+ Rom 8:19). You are a child of God, Dominion is in your DNA. Rise up and get better by studying more, praying more, fasting often, loving more and doing more. God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! You are lifted!

Father Lord, Thank you for your Word that Energize the Believer. Holy Spirit please Help me get better, Stronger and Smarter in all things in Jesus Name! #Amen

I believe in Christ Jesus. I'm the child of The Most Holy and Most High God. His seed is in me. I'm not born of Blood, I'm Born of God. God runs in my veins. I get Better, Smarter and Stronger daily because I have Eternal life. The greater one live in me. I'm the one the Lord has Healed, Lifted, Blessed and made Fruitful. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 7:29am On Jun 10, 2021
Thursday, 10 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: Get understanding & Be the Best

OUR TEXT: "⁹⁹ I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation." (KJV+ Ps 119:99)

Understanding is what distinguishes the results of men. What we don't really understand we can't master. What we don't master, we can not shine in it.
Knowledge and Wisdom is good but without understanding, the wisdom we acquire will not profit us. It's the application of wisdom to our affairs that produces the required result not the acquisition of wisdom.. "⁷ Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." (KJV+ Prov 4:7)

Meditating on the Word, Following Jesus(The Word) and walking in the way of truth is how understanding is acquired and sustained. Higher Truth is delivered and only discovered by the pure in heart. "⁸ Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." (KJV+ Mat 5:8 ). When we seek God with the whole of our heart we surely find Him. Don't just be a Believer be a seeker. There are lesser truth and higher truth. We reign through higher truth. Dominion is achieved and sustained through the engagement of Higher truth obtained through obedience. "¹⁰⁰ I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts." (KJV+ Ps 119:100)"¹⁰⁴ Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way." (KJV+ Ps 119:104)

Beloved of God in Christ Jesus, it is the engagement of the truth that gives you the understanding needed for Dominion in your field. The Word of God was designed to make you wise and raise you up. Keep studying, meditating and doing the Word. Deep understanding of the word and doing what it says is what makes you the best. Get more understanding! You are lifted in Jesus Name! #Amen You are the best!

Abba Father Thank you for your Word. Holy spirit give me access to more understanding of God's Word for my lifting in Jesus Name! #Amen

I believe in Christ Jesus. He is my Lord and Saviour. I live for Him daily. Christ has been made unto me Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption. I get understanding. I grow in Grace daily. I improve on my best daily. I'm Blessed, Protected, Prosperous, Fruitful, Healed and Victorious in Christ Jesus! Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 11:20am On Jun 14, 2021
Monday, 14 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: Take Financial Dominion

OUR TEXT: "³⁸ Give, and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again." (KJV+ Luk 6:38)

Financial Dominion means living above financial needs. It means Having Abundant Wealth and Riches that is more than enough for you and your family. It means having more than enough money to give for any good cause you desire. "⁸ And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:" (KJV+ 2Cor 9:8 )

Financial Dominion in Christ Jesus is real but it is not Manifested by everyone because it is not a gift. You need to take it. Observe "might" in this scripture.. "⁹ For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty MIGHT be rich." (KJV+ 2Cor 8:9 ). Listen sir/ma, No amount of Prayer or Fasting will give you access into Financial Dominion. Financial Dominion only answers to Covenant practice. Knowing the covenants and doing them is what gives you access. If your part is not played, God is not committed. Discovering the covenants doesn't help anyone but practicing what the Covenant requires. Let's see some of the Covenant requirements.

"⁴ He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich." (KJV+ Prov 10:4)
"¹⁵ Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger." (KJV+ Prov 19:15)
"⁶ But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully." (KJV+ 2Cor 9:6)
"²⁵ The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself." (KJV+ Prov 11:25)
"¹⁷ He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again." (KJV+ Prov 19:17)
"¹⁶ Honor thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee." (KJV+ Deu 5:16)

Beloved of God in Christ Jesus, obedience to the requirements of the Covenant of financial Dominion is what ushers us into financial Dominion. The earlier we believe and begin to do the requirements the better for us. Take responsibility of your success now. Take your financial Dominion by doing what the Covenant entails. Your week is blessed in Jesus Name! You are lifted! Take Financial Dominion by your Actions!

My Father My Lord, please give me the Grace to know and obey the Covenant requirements for my Financial Dominion in Jesus Name! #Amen

I believe in Christ Jesus. I'm Born of God. I have the mind of Christ. I Receive Abundance of Grace for swift Obedience into abundance of wealth. I do what is required for my Financial Dominion. I'm diligent in my work, I give for good cause, I honour my parent and I give to the poor. I take Dominion. I'm Rich and Successful in Christ Jesus. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 9:18am On Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday, 15 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: We reap what we sow

OUR TEXT: "⁷ Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (KJV+ Gal 6:7)

Jesus died and rose on the third day to take away our sins(see 1Cor. 15:3) but not the consequences of our actions(see Gal 6:8 ) only The Mercies of God can deal with the consequences of our Actions. His Grace brought us in and only His Truth will keep us safe and prosperous in Him. Don't be deceived.. "⁸ For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." (KJV+ Gal 6:8 )

Our Actions are seed and we will surely harvest what we are sowing. Be very careful the kind of life you are living as a Believer or an unbeliever because.. "⁸ He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity: and the rod of his anger shall fail." (KJV+ Prov 22:8 ) and "⁴ By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honor, and life." (KJV+ Prov 22:4). God is not a respecter of Persons . He keeps His Word. He is the Most Righteous Highest Judge of the Universe and very incorruptible. Without Peace and Holiness no man shall see Him(see Heb. 12:14).

Beloved Child of God in Christ Jesus, Your father is very Holy and keeps His Word no matter who is involve. He said while the Earth is still in existence, there will always be day/night and everyone will surely reap what they sow(see Gen. 8:22). Whenever you see the sun know that this Covenant is still working. So, deliberately sow with all your might what you will be proud to harvest. What if you have sown bad seed in the past. Our Daddy is a merciful God. Ask for his forgiveness now and cancel the consequences of those actions by the Blood of Jesus. (see Act 17:30, 1John 1:9). You are Forgiven, go and sin no more. I speak God's blessings and Favour upon your life and affairs. Hardship, pain and sorrow is not permitted in your life now in Jesus Name! #Amen You are lifted!

Daddy thank you for your love for me in Christ Jesus. Please daddy, Have have mercy on me in Jesus Name! #Amen

I'm Born of God. I believe in Christ Jesus. I live for Him daily in Holiness and with a pure conscience. I come boldly to the Throne of Grace by the Blood of Jesus. I obtain mercy and find Grace for my lifting. By His Grace I'm sowing the right seeds and by His Mercy, I'm reaping a Bountiful Harvest. I reap Divine Health, Blessings and Favours! Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 7:32am On Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: God is not partial

OUR TEXT: "¹¹ For God shows no partiality [ undue favor or unfairness; with Him one man is not different from another]." (AMPC Rm 2:11)

The Dominion we enjoy on Earth is dependent on our obedience to our maker. God is never unfair. God shows no partiality. He accept anyone that fear him and do His will in Righteousness. Listen to Apostle Peter.. "³⁴ Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
³⁵ But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." (KJV+ Acts 10:34-35)

We all were created for a purpose and on assignment. Our Focus, Persistence and Diligence in our purpose and assignment is what gives us more Dominion for more impact on Earth(see John 15:2, Job 17:9). How we use the talent God gave to us will determine our reward and usefulness (see Matt. 25:20-21, Matt. 25:24-29). No one climbs the ladder of success wishing and believing only. There is "Believing and Working" required for every success. "⁸ Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:" (KJV+ Mat 3:8 )

Beloved of God in Christ Jesus, you are not just anyone. You were called Peculiar, Royalty and Holy because Jesus paid the price for your sins and gave you the power to live above sin and poverty. How we live our life will determine how we are treated in the kingdom and what we manifest here on Earth. Truth is truth, is either we believe it and be free or we twist it and become slaves. Choose to live for God in sincerity and with a clear conscience and see How The Most High will decorate your life. (see Exo. 23:24). Receive the Grace for total obedience to the will of God for your lifting in Jesus Name! #Amen. I speak God's Ability into your life. You are lifted in Jesus Name! #Amen.

My Father, My God, thank you for your Word. Daddy give me more ability to do you will in all things in Jesus Name! #Amen.

I believe in Jesus's death and resurrection. He is the Lord of My life and the Saviour of my Body. I'm Born Again. I'm Born of God. I live for God in Obedience and with a clear Conscience. God blesses my bread and water. My Business is blessed and I enjoy Good Health. I'm Complete in Christ Jesus. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 6:51am On Jun 17, 2021
Thursday, 17 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: Personal Prayer and Fasting

OUR TEXT: "²¹ Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." (KJV+ Mat 17:21)

How often we pray and fast determines how far we move away from enticing temptations.. "⁴¹ Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation:.." (KJV+ Mat 26:41). How much we pray is a reflection of the state of our spiritual health. A weak flesh will not allow prayer/fasting. it is a weak flesh that falls into temptation and lives in slavery instead of dominating his or her circumstances. "⁴¹ ... the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." (KJV+ Mat 26:41b)

Dominion in Christ is personal. Our work of faith determines our walk in Dominion. The disciples of Jesus could not cure the lunatic man, "¹⁶ And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him." (KJV+ Mat 17:16) not because they don't believe in Jesus Name or they didn't use it but because they have not engaged enough in Prayer and Fasting to be able to confront the demon in charge of sanity.(see Mat. 17:21). Fasting and Prayer enhances our spiritual stamina to confront and resist strong oppositions. What we don't confront stays and what we don't resist grows. "⁷ Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (KJV+ Jam 4:7)

Beloved in Christ Jesus, stop waiting for your church to fix fasting and Prayer before you Fast and Pray. Stop begging people for prayers, how will you know if they are genuine? At least you know yourself, then engage yourself in Prayer and Fasting with all sincerity to Receive your heart desires. As far there is life, there is Hope so don't give up and stop tolerating nonsense. Enough is Enough! Divine Health, wealth, Riches, Sound mind, Peace, Joy, Favour, Holiness, Righteousness etc are your inheritance in Christ Jesus. Take them! You are lifted above oppression in Jesus Name! Receive your good heart desires in Jesus Name #Amen

Father, Thank you for your Word. Holy Spirit please Help me engage often in Fasting and Prayer for my lifting in Jesus Name! #Amen

I believe in Christ Jesus. I'm Born of God. I fast and pray often. I live a life full of God's blessings and Favour. My life is for the Glory of God only. No weapon formed against me prospers. Any witch or wizard that rise up against my Health, Blessings and Success, dies. Every opposition on my path of increase is removed now. I'm more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 9:39am On Jun 21, 2021
Monday, 21 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: Dominion over sickness

OUR TEXT: "¹¹ But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you." (NKJV Ro 8:11)

Jesus is the Healer and Holy Spirit is the life giver. Our contact with Jesus brings healing and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in us, gives us life. This life that the Holy Spirit gives is the life of God. This life of God can vitalise and rejuvenate our mortal bodies consistently. Divine Health is made possible by this life of God brought to us by the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit.
"³⁸ He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
³⁹ But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified." (NKJV Joh 7:38-39).
We thank God Jesus has been Glorified.

The life of God in Christ gives us Dominion over sickness. The Holy Spirit and The Communion(Flesh and Blood of Jesus) is our access to this life. The more we engage the Holy Spirit through Prayer, study of the Word and taking of the Communion, the more He gives life to our mortal bodies. The more we ignore Him the more He becomes passive in our bodies. Don't forget that Grace and Peace is multiplied through the knowledge of God(see 2pet. 1:2). Same thing is applicable to Healing and wholeness. The knowledge not applied is almost useless. "⁵ .., "Whatever He says to you, do it. "" (NKJV Joh 2:5b)

Beloved of God in Christ Jesus, nothing works on its own. Dominion over sickness doesn't happen on its own. Application of the Divine Principles for Divine Health ushers us into Divine Health. See some Divine principles..
"⁴ He who speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself;. ." (LHB 1Cor 14:4)
"⁵⁷ As the living Father has sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eats me, even he shall live by me." (LHB John 6:57).
Praying in an unknown tongues and taking the Holy Communion is our Covenant access to Divine Health. Dominion over sickness is your heritage in Christ Jesus. Take it. Your week and the labor of your hands are blessed with God's Favour in Jesus Name! #Amen Go and prosper!

Father Thank you for your Word. Holy Spirit, Help me to do all required for my lifting above sickness and poverty in Jesus Name! #Amen

I Believe in Christ Jesus. I live for Jesus daily. My life and Health is for the Glory of God. Divine Health is my now inheritance. Holy Spirit lives in me, the life of God is in me and I live in Divine Health. No plague is permitted to come near me or my dwelling. I have good health and Prosperity in Christ Jesus. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 8:27am On Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday, 22 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: Dominion over principalities and powers

OUR TEXT: "¹⁹ Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you." (NKJV Lu 10:19)

God is not limited like a man. No one rules above Him and He does not take orders from anyone. He does as He pleases and no one can stop Him when He want to do anything. Our worshipping Him or refusing to worship Him does not make Him bigger or lesser God, it only makes us better. He is always The Almighty and The Most High. On the other hand, there are powers and principalities that influence people negatively. They make people do what they don't like. Does this sound familiar ?.. "¹⁵ I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do what I hate. ...¹⁹ I want to do what is good, but I don't. I don't want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway." (NLT Rom 7:15,19).. This is satanic influence from controlling powers.

Christ Jesus has given us freedom against this controlling powers. The main purpose of Principalities and power is to make you sin because they know that sin lead to death(see Rom. 6:16). "² And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death." (NLT Rom 8:2). We have a choice now to live in sin or live in Holiness. Sin is no longer permitted to rule over you because you are not under law but under the freedom of God's Grace that gives ability. "¹⁴ Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God's grace." (NLT Rom 6:14)

Beloved in Christ Jesus, Dominion over Principalities and Powers is resisting their agenda to kill, steal, destroy and living above their influences(sin, poverty, sickness). You don't need to be afraid because the Bible affirmed that nothing shall by any means hurt you. What we don't resist we permit and what we don't refuse we allow. God gave you the spirit of power, love, sound mind/self control/Self Discipline (see 2 Tim 1:17). You can control and discipline self! So, Take charge of your affairs by living for God, being diligent in your work, praying ceaselessly and resisting the devil and his host/armies of wickedness. In Christ Jesus, You are Born to win don't settle for less. God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen You are lifted! You are a success!

Father Thank you for giving me Dominion over principalities and Powers. I take Authority over satanic influences in my life and I command them to stop in their manoeuvre in Jesus Name! #Amen

I believe in Christ Jesus, I'm Born of God. I'm living for Jesus in Dominion. I live above sin, poverty and sicknesses in Christ. I live above the influence of Principalities and Powers. I'm living right by God's Grace, doing excellent things by His Favour and producing excellent result by His Mercy. I'm a success in Christ Jesus. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 10:04am On Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: Dominion over wickedness

OUR TEXT: "⁹ Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good." (NLT Rom 12:9)

God's way of dominating wickedness and evil is by being a good God and a God of Justice. If we want to Dominate over wickedness, we have to live our life in Love and Justice. The opposite of Righteousness(justice, good) is wickedness(evil). Is either we are on the side of good(justice) or on the side of evil(wickedness, lawlessness). You need the oil of Joy? You want your life and family to be filled with love and Prosperity? Then you have to love Righteousness(Justice, Holiness etc) and hate evil(wickedness, lustful pleasures, sexual immorality, fraud, cultism etc) "⁷ You love justice and hate evil. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else." (NLT Ps 45:7)

Our God and Father is a good God and loves what is good. He is a merciful God and a God of justice. The Righteous will surely reap the good that they sow and the wicked will surely reap the bad that they sow. When the wicked turn away from wickedness to Righteousness, Our Good God accepts them. He gives the wicked enough time to change his/her ways before He executes His justice. Same with the righteous. "²⁴ However, if righteous people turn from their righteous behavior and start doing sinful things and act like other sinners, should they be allowed to live? No, of course not! All their righteous acts will be forgotten, and they will die for their sins...²⁷ And if wicked people turn from their wickedness, obey the law, and do what is just and right, they will save their lives.²⁸ They will live because they thought it over and decided to turn from their sins. Such people will not die." (NLT Ezek 18:24,27-28)

Beloved of God in Christ Jesus, we have to dominate evil and wickedness by being good and shining as light continuously wherever we are placed by God. Let your love towards others be real and don't live a life of pretence. Our reward is from God only and He sometimes uses human figures. So, be sincere with God and be nice to people. There is nothing wrong with being nice. Study the Word of God and live by it. Submit to God, resist the devil, Hate what is wrong and hold tight to what is good. This is how we dominate wickedness. God bless you abundantly in Jesus! #Amen Receive Grace for Dominion in Jesus Name! #Amen

Father Thank you for your Word. I Receive Grace to live by your word and dominate wickedness with good in Jesus Name! #Amen

I believe in Christ Jesus. He is my Lord and Saviour. I live by His Word. I live for Him. My life, Career, Business and Health is for His Glory. I live right and do good. Evil and Wickedness does not find expression in me. I love justice and hate evil. I'm anointed by God with the oil of Gladness. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 9:07am On Jun 24, 2021
Thursday, 24 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: Don't spare that witch

OUR TEXT: "¹⁸ You shall not permit a witch to live." (LHB Exo 22:18)

What we permit determines what we experience in life. Our interpretation of the New Covenant influences the intensity of our victory on Earth. Nothing works continuously in the Kingdom without total dedication to God and some level of violence. "¹² And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." (LHB Mat 11:12)

How we interpret scriptures will either inspire us or tame us. Let the Holy Spirit interpret the scriptures for you. Commentaries, Dictionaries and different versions of the Holy Bible are good but let the Holy Spirit lead you. Our best guide and teacher is the Holy Spirit. Submit to His leading. That witch should not be permitted to continue their evil and Wicked practice in your life. Their right to life is in our tolerance. Is witchcraft allowed in Heaven? Why should they be allowed to practice freely in your life and family? "¹⁸ Truly I tell you, whatever you forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on earth must be what is already forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit and declare proper and lawful on earth must be what is already permitted in heaven." (AMPC Mt 18:18).

Beloved of God in Christ Jesus, Apostle Peter didn't spare Ananias and Sapphira for lying against the Holy Spirit(see Act. 5:1-10) then, why are you sparing that witch tormenting your body(Temple of the Holy Spirit) and scattering your finance ? We need to stop the activities of the wicked in our family and life by dealing with the human agents. Permitting witches to live is same as allowing wickedness to operate. Take your prayer life seriously. No fly can perch on fire and live. They are not permitted in Heaven, so they should not be allowed in your life. I ask for God's mercy for you and your family, I decree God's vengeance on the wicked tormenting your life and finance in Jesus Name. Your prayer life is revived now in Jesus Name! #Amen You are lifted in Jesus Name! #Amen

Father Thank you for your Word. Every power and human influence against me, be destroyed now in Jesus Name! #Amen

I'm a child of God. I believe in Christ Jesus. I'm the temple of the Holy Spirit. No witch is permitted to live around me or my dwelling. The fire of God is Burning in me and around me. Good flourishes around me and Wickedness perish around me. I'm Blessed, Prosperous, Fruitful, and Fortified In Christ Jesus. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 7:41am On Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: Dominion by Light

OUR TEXT: "¹³⁰ The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple." (NKJV Ps 119:130)

Hearing the Word of God is not enough but accepting the word. It's the entrance of the Word of God that gives light. Without the word gaining entrance into our consciousness and subconsciousness our lives can't be flooded with light. Without light we cannot discern properly. Our concept of what is right is dependent on the level of our submission to the Word of God. "¹⁰⁴ Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.¹⁰⁵ Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (KJV+ Ps 119:104-105)

Dominion is dependent on Light in the kingdom of God. We shine by good works in the kingdom of Light(see Matt. 5:16). There are levels of truth. For example; giving is good and God loves a cheerful givers but the motive behind our giving is more important to God than what we are giving. God want to heal every one that is sick, depressed etc, but He want us to come to Him not because of our needs but because of his love for us. How much you know and believe God's love for you the more you love him and others.
"¹⁶ And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him..¹⁹ We love Him because He first loved us." (NKJV 1Jo 4:16,19)(see 1John 4:16-20)

Beloved of God in Christ Jesus, you are loved, forgiven and abundantly provided for in The Kingdom but seek first the kingdom and every other thing you need but didn't seek will be given to you(see Matt. 6:33). The kingdom doesn't revolve round your church only. The kingdom is God's Kingdom and doing the will of the Father for you is seeking His Kingdom. You were created for a purpose, fulfilling that purpose excellently is seeking God's kingdom. Loving your enemies and blessing those that curse you is seeking God's kingdom. Being your best and getting better daily is seeking God's kingdom. Doing good is seeking God's Kingdom. Giving to your parents, the poor and less privileged is seeking God's kingdom. Our Dominion is by the intensity of our light. Let your light so shine. God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen. See you tomorrow. smiley

Father, Thank you for your Word. Daddy, Enlighten the eyes of my understanding that I may know the hope of your calling in Jesus Name. #Amen

I believe in Christ Jesus. I live for Him daily. I receive Abundance of Grace and the Gift of Righteousness to do good. I shine in my place of work as light through diligence, integrity and productivity. I seek the kingdom of God daily and every other things are added to me. I'm Blessed, Healed, Prosperous, forgiven and loved in Christ Jesus. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 7:59am On Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: You have Dominion in Christ Jesus by precise knowledge of Jesus

OUR TEXT: "³ as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue," (NKJV 2Pe 1:3)

In Christ Jesus, God's Divine power has made available all things we need for a good, healthy and Prosperous life. We receive all Jesus paid for (on the Cross of Calvary and by His resurrection) through precise and correct knowledge(epignosis) of Jesus. For the Word to work we have to apply it accurately. Listen carefully, truth is universal. The Word of God is Truth and can work in any circumstances and on any person when applied accurately.

You still have to note this... That something worked doesn't mean its from God or approved by God. It's not Every word demonstrated with Power, is approved by God. The principles applied to get the results is what matters. It worked doesn't mean it is right. It worked using the name of Jesus doesn't still mean it's right. The principles applied has to be in line with the new covenant in truth and in Righteousness. "²² For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." (NKJV Mr 13:22) why the elect? Because they will come in the name of Jesus as Men of God."⁵ For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many." (NKJV Mt 24:5)

Beloved of God in Christ Jesus, you need to study the New testament for yourself. You need the precise and accurate knowledge of Jesus to reign with God in this end time. The more you know God/Christ the more Grace you enjoy(see 2 pet 1:2) and the more you manifest the power of His resurrection(see Php 3:10) in your affairs. To avoid compromise, stop chasing Men/Women called poweful because of signs and wonders. Focus your Maker and seek to know Him. Seek the kingdom of God and His Righteousness and everything unbelievers/pagans are dying for, will be given to you. Your day is blessed in Jesus Name! #Amen. You are a success and a Blessing in Jesus Name. See you tomorrow

Daddy thank you for your Word. Holy Spirit unveil Jesus more to me in Jesus Name! #Amen

I believe in Christ Jesus. I'm a Child of God. I seek God and not men. I seek the kingdom of God and His Righteousness. I don't seek signs and wonders. Signs and wonders follows me. I have Dominion over principalities, powers, poverty and diseases in Christ Jesus. I am blessed. I'm a success. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus

We celebrate You!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

If "Today with Jesus Devotional" impacted your life positively, please share with Friends. Thank you!

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 3:38pm On Jul 02, 2021
Friday, 2 July 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: God want everyone to be Successful. We are responsible for our success

OUR TEXT: "² Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." (NKJV 3Jo 1:2)

It is the will of God for all to prosper both in the physical and in our relationship with Him. God is not the God of only Christians. He is the God of all flesh. He is the Father of all that believe in Jesus because Jesus gave us access to Sonship through His death, burial and resurrection. God is our father but never forget that God is a Righteous Judge of the whole Earth.
"³⁵ But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him." (NKJV Ac 10:35)

The Eternal salvation we received by obeying Christ Jesus (see Heb. 5:9) saved our Spirit/Soul, gave us hope of eternal life by the justification we received in Christ Jesus through Faith. Never forget our body is not yet Redeemed(see Rom. 8:23), so we have a responsibility to keep it well and make it better. Whatever that relates to the physical or flesh is obtained through labour and hard work. We mock(ridicule) God when we reap what we didn't sow(see Gal 6:7). Favour of God is for the diligent. No one including Christians can prosper sincerely without Labouring(Hard Work), Diligence, Integrity and Excellence. "²³ In all labor there is profit, But idle chatter leads only to poverty." (NKJV Pr 14:23)(see Pr 24:33-34)

Beloved of God in Christ Jesus, Behind anything working is someone working. The success we manifest on Earth is based on our labour not Favour. Grace and Favour is for those that has paid their dues(1 Cor.15:10, see 2pet 1:2). Refuse to be lazy and don't let anyone make you lazy because we reap what we sow in this kingdom(see Prov. 13:4). The earlier we know and apply this truth the better we become who we were created to be. Taking Responsibility for our success is what differentiate the poor from the wealthy. You are a success in Christ Jesus, Take responsibility now of your Success! Our Focus this Month is Success and Prosperity. You shall get better in Jesus Name! #Amen. You are blessed! Happy Weekend! See you next week.

Father Thank you for your Word. I Receive Grace to do daily what is required for my success in Jesus Name! #Amen

I believe in Christ Jesus. I'm Born of God. I Receive Grace to Labour abundantly. I'm diligent and Persistent in excellent works. My finance goes upward and forward only. My well being is hid in Christ Jesus. My path to abundance shines brighter and brighter. I'm wealthy in Christ Jesus. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus
#Success #ProsperityRH

We celebrate You!
You are blessed abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

If "Today with Jesus Devotional" impacted your life positively, please share with Friends. Thank you!

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Re: Today with JESUS Devotional by Nkem Ndubuisi by royalhouse: 9:01am On Jul 05, 2021
Monday, 5 July 2021
By #PastorNkem

OUR FOCUS: The diligent soul shall be made fat

OUR TEXT: "⁴ The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich." (NKJV Pr 13:4)

Success on Earth is 2 percent based on desires, expectations, confessions, Anointing and 98 percent based on Diligence(Hard work/persistence) . Only two(2) percent is not enough to deliver success to the lazy no matter how anointed, this was why the Bible says "the soul of the lazy desires but has nothing". Every dimension of success has a price tag. When the price is not paid, Good Success is not in view. "⁴ Lazy people are soon poor; hard workers get rich." (NLT Prov 10:4)

Please listen carefully, the anointing service, prayer, fasting, pastors/prophects declaration and all the spiritual exercise done for you to be Successful and Prosperous only contributes 2 percent of your success. This 2 percent can make you really shine if you have done 98 percent of the Work required. Esther in the Bible was favoured by God but she completed her 12 months of preparation just like other virgins before she was allowed to see the king( see Esther 2:12). She didn't see the king until it was her turn(see Esther 2:15). So there are processes, we must follow for every success we truly desire. Never neglect diligence and due process.

Beloved of God in Christ Jesus, run from anyone emphasising on God's favour without the hard work(diligence, persistence), system and process involved. They are damaging your brain. The angels didn't tend and keep Eden for Adam. "¹⁵ Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it." (NKJV Ge 2:15). Noah was a just man. He found Favour with God and built the ark with specific measurements and design as instructed. Angels didn't build the ark for Noah(see Gen 6:14-16). Our 100 percent spirituality contributes only 2 percent of our success on Earth and 98 percent of our success in eternity. Without Jesus all we acquired on Earth is useless in eternity. We need Jesus and we need also to work hard so we can be Prosperous for ourselves, family, Nation and give for charitable donations. Your week is blessed in Jesus Name! #Amen see you tomorrow �

Father Lord thank you for your Word that impacts. I Receive abundance of Grace for diligence in Jesus Name! #Amen

I believe in Christ Jesus. I'm Born of God. I Receive abundance of Grace for diligence and persistence in my affairs. I'm anointed for good success in Christ Jesus. I do the required work and I get the required results by His Grace. My life, Business, Career and Ministry goes upward and forward only by His Mercy. I'm Blessed in Christ Jesus! Glory to God! Hallelujah!

#Devotional #Jesus
#Success #ProsperityRH

We celebrate You!
You are blessed abundantly in Jesus Name! #Amen

If "Today with Jesus Devotional" impacted your life positively, please share with Friends. Thank you!

When you are led to encourage our ministry, Kindly contact us. Thank you!


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