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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / What Is It Like To Be A Girl In India? (399 Views)
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What Is It Like To Be A Girl In India? by 3Ebisco: 3:29pm On Jul 14, 2020 |
2. I offended an old man because I was wearing this- I don’t think I need to tell what he said. He even came to my house to insult my parents and to question their upbringing. I am very short tempered so I threw him out of my house the very next moment and I am not sorry for whatever I did. 3. I was wearing this off shoulder top on my birthday. (You can see the visible shoulders. I wasn’t showing any cleavage or it wasn’t deep) I was travelling through the metro. A guy in his late 40’s stared at me for good 1 hour. I gave him a deadly look but he didn’t move his eyes even for a second. When I was just a station away I came towards the gate, again he moved his head towards me. I wanted to slap him but his age…… but before leaving I asked him to bid goodbye to me as he was staring at me. The whole coach burst into laughter. He was embarassed as hell. 4. Again I was wearing this (It’s kinda see-through top. They aren’t bra straps. That black inner is attached with it) I was travelling through metro. Two boys were standing beside me. One of them said, “ Can you see black under yellow” and they started laughing. The metro was crowded and they said it in a loud voice and everyone present there ignored it like nothing happened. I slapped them and dragged them out of the metro at the next station. The rest is history. PS – No one will come for your rescue. Learn martial arts and do what I did. I received a lovely message. Hahahahahahahahahaha. An illiterate got triggered very very very badly. Sorry dear, you can’t do anything. It needs guts which you definitely don’t have. See fellow Quorans, these are the people who write shitty sexual stories anonymously or the people who are the reason behind incest stories. I wish a safe and secure life to the family of such people. Sorry but I really wish I could donate some money for your education so that you can become a gentleman from illiterate, mannerless person. This answer pinched many people and I was requested to take this down but I won’t take this down. You need to see a therapist if you think I am defaming India. Did I say anything wrong? Why are you so much ashamed to accept the reality? I haven’t shared any abnormal incident. Almost every girl experiences this. So, what’s wrong with my answer? This is the reality which you don’t want to hear and accept.
Re: What Is It Like To Be A Girl In India? by MrBrownJay1(m): 3:41pm On Jul 14, 2020 |
this is India now, rape is just as rampant there as in Nigeria, and women are seen as objects to wonder! what does she expect? |
Re: What Is It Like To Be A Girl In India? by Komu1048(m): 3:50pm On Jul 14, 2020 |
As a real African lady exposing our body is not part of our culture. But u aren’t representing a Nigerian there with your transparent and unclad clothe. So next time dress decently and checkout the difference |
Re: What Is It Like To Be A Girl In India? by Juliusmomoh: 4:27pm On Jul 14, 2020 |
Go and receive christ into ur life, and u will be balance |
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