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Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead - Literature (3) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead (9950 Views)

The Guardians Of Tankute { The Manhunters} / Fredrick Nwabufo: Chimamanda Adichie Will Lead Women To ‘Hell’ / When Hell Overflows. Story By Ufuoma Seunnla (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Babysuccess02(f): 8:19pm On Dec 03, 2021
Getting more interesting

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by elpochas: 8:44pm On Dec 04, 2021
Our Ancestors really made mistakes in the past by trading with the Devil.My Mum told me her great grand parents were so rich but had no child.They had to exchange wealth for Children and its still affecting them till now.All of her relatives have plenty Children bt no money.

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 5:54pm On Dec 06, 2021



On the seventh day, twenty-one rulers across Kingdoms gathered in the council hall of Egypt to deliberate on the growing concern on how best to destroy Baruu.
“Let’s poison their water sources” ruler Rinachi of Truki offered.
“Let’s all join forces and strike them off guard in the middle of the night” another suggestion offered by the ruler of Gazara.
“We should bring together our powerful magicians and socrers to curse Baruu with plagues of all kinds”
“I think we should bribe their guards with plenty of rewards, lure them to our side and when we are done defeating Baruu, we kill them all”. Another ruler suggested.
The ruler of Egypt sighed in disappointment as it appeared all the ideas suggested had been implemented in the past and all of it had failed woefully, Baruu had always been steps ahead of any of it opponent’s moves due to the help from Zendaya’s three daughters who had the power to foresee the future.

“You’re all ignorant, like little boys you’ve merely gathered to play with fire and you shall be burnt if you dare touch it” a voice from a woman was heard as she slowly walks into the hall using a long black stick, she appeared haggard in her wears, looking frail with youthful twinkle in her eyes as one might expect of a grand witch.
Eyes locked surprisingly at the stunt frame of an old woman who’d suddenly appeared in their midst.
“Who are you?” Lord Pharaoh inquired “How did you get pass the guards outside?” he probed further and beckoned to the guards behind him to get her out.
“You are asking the wrong questions”, she said then paused for a while as she watches two guards aggressively walking up to her with intent to kick her out of the hall, the guards vanished into thin air as they touched her. The men in the hall pushed back in awe.
The strange woman laughed eccentrically and suddenly paused to look into everyone’s eyes. “Twelve days” she said.
“Twelve days for what?” Pharaoh asked puzzled.
“Give me twelve days and you shall hear no more of Baruu and the daughters of death…and when I’m back, you shall all pay my price” she hits her long walking stick to the ground and disappeared into thin air causing fear and commotion within the council of rulers.


The next afternoon inside the Kingdom of Baruu, the sun appeared to be at its peak and everyone seem to go about their prosperous businesses and jolly lifestyles, when suddenly a large black eagle flew into the city up above it gigantic wall meant to camp it citizens within. It flew into an isolated corner of the street and perched to the ground elegantly before taken into the shape of a human. Aidan the grand Sorceress limped out into the open streets in an air of proposed consciousness. She grinned when she sighted a concrete podium in the center of the market square. Fragile but carefully she made it to the top of the podium with no one paying her no attention.
“Citizens of Baruu, I sell you freedom!” her voice mysteriously echoed so loud that it captured everyone's attention in the market. Many had walked up to her and within a short period, she was the main center of attraction, ones again she grinned.
“Death knocks upon the city in a forth night…I see it” she informed.
Many mumbled away angrily blaming her insanity, the city guards had ignored her not surprised at another foolish talk.
“Zendaya and the daughters of death will crush you; Zendaya will conquer the world only for himself” she realized her words captured no one as everyone slowly drifted away. She angrily hits her staff to the ground and everything within the market instantly went silent, it was unusual of the busy market and everyone turned to face the fragile looking old woman who now had an angry frown on her. Aidan raised her hands up to the sky and made a circular pattern in the air as she chants in-distinctive words rapidly to herself, suddenly the space in front of her was unceremoniously filled with a large transparent bubble-like object. People wowed and ahhhed! in disbelief hoping it’s a magical show but feared it would soon be short lived as the guards forbids such sorcery under Lord Zendaya’s ruling. But not, even the guards stood watching.
Inside the bubble-like object which hanged midair right above Aidan appeared the exact image of Baruu as it people were attacked and struck down by the three daughters of death one after the other, the people watched in disbelief as they saw their exact images calling for help while Zendaya kept ordering the daughters of Death to kill them.
“How could this be? We thought he loved us” a woman from amongst the crowd protested angrily and people murmured in support filling betrayed.
“He will eventually have your souls to himself only when the time is right, he feeds you all with booties from his victories but you all are merely been fed to look healthy for sacrifice” she giggled to her own choice of words knowing she had manipulated them all into fear.
“But how do we stop them from killing us? The daughters of death are powerful, Help us!” a woman with a child cried out from amidst the crowd.
“Rub your bodies with ashes of an Oak tree, it will make you immune to their powers, attack them and when you finally grab them, bring them right here, the center of the market, I will tell you what next to do” She hits her staff to the ground to transform into a large black Eagle and flew into the sky before anyone could further ask question.
The small group of protesters from the market square informed others of all they’ve seen and heard, soon they were joined by many other till a protest enveloped every street of Baruu with the aggrieves . A revolt erupted with almost all citizens equipping themselves with dangerous weapons headed to the Palace, but they were suppressed by the heavy force of guards.
Zendaya got wind of the protest and ordered for the head of whoever instigated it but the person was nowhere to be found, the few people who spare headed the protest where beheaded in the presence of everyone within the same market square the next day as a warning from the king to the people.
Three days later and everything seemed to have gone back normal, Aidan the sorceress suddenly showed up in another part of the kingdom, this time she believes her words would easily provoke the citizens of Baruu, her plan was going as she’d hoped.
. “You all saw what happened to your brothers yesterday, Zendaya has begun, he is power-drunk, he will kill you all one by one and by the time we all try to attack, he will order his daughters to drain lives from us all . . . do you want that to happen?” Aidan asked.
“NO!” handful of crowd around her chanted in union,
“Then let me lead you all to battle, let me fight side-by-side with you all….and this day we will bring down Zendaya and the daughter’s of death”
Everyone cheered, feeling a sense of victory.
Like stone thrown into water, her words sank into their hearts, it gave them all courage and emotional strength to face their fears ones more, and they somehow believed the words of the stranger whom they thought had come to liberate them.
Aidan saw it was time to hit the nail on the head, time to ignite the fire of destruction in Baruu “Tonight will be the night” she continued her words and pulled up a fist as a show of strength “the day you will all take back your kingdom from the daughters of death, have yourselves all covered with the mixture of ashes of oak tree and blood of a virgin girl, that will make you invincible to the powers of the daughters of death and by that you capture them and leave me to the rest.
“Who are you and how do we trust your words this time?” a naïve looking man asked
“I am a messenger of the gods sent to save you from the doom that await you all if you doubt my words” She blew a powdery substance towards the crowd around her causing them heightened senses, she suddenly transformed into an eagle and flew away into the sky. Re-energized and reassured, the crowds were again convinced beyond doubt that truly the gods intend to save them from the evil plot of Zendaya and the daughters of death. Few loyalists to Zendaya were hunted down house to house. The people were all naked and their bodies covered with the mixture of ashes and blood as instructed. The revolt was fiercer as every strong and brave man and woman matched towards the palace; even the guards couldn’t hold them back as they eventually made their way into the palace after injuring and killing many guards. Zendaya was surprise to see his own people turn against him as he had been surrounded, he was made to watched as his loyal kinfolks and advisers were been slaughtered with sharp knifes through their throat one after the other.
“Who made you all do this to your own people?” Lord Zandaya asked looking around furiously; he wishes to know who led the revolt but no one talked. “Answer me you fools, I said who made you all do this to your kingdom?” He ordered shouting at everyone around but no one talked, the citizens all armed with weapons looked at one another not knowing what to say or do and then suddenly, a large eagle flew into the palace through the window and transformed into Aidan in midair before landing.
“You” Zendaya pointing at the familiar face in ahead of him, he continued “I thought you died that night”
Aidan majestically walked up to him “Almost, but here I stand today commanding you to hand over the girls to me, their power grows stronger day by day and they will soon destroy the entire world including Baruu, I had foreseen it” Aidan said.
It then dawned on the King that his people had only been lured by the old witch “You fools” Zendaya scanned across at the people all scattered in the palace, “she is a traitor and not me, she wants the girls for herself, can’t you all see?” he tried to warn but the people seemed determined and tend not to care, and so he stood up from his throne to summon Shebaa, Sayaa and Shironaa for protection by mere calling their names.

A strange wind blew across the palace when all of a sudden the three identical girls appeared from thin air to Zendaya’s defence but Aidan knew better when she quickly blew a handful of powdery substance upon the girls and instantly they collapsed to the surprise of everyone including Zendaya who seemed awed, everyone chanted in victory. Aidan grinned seeing as the event was going as she’d planned, she knew Zendaya would be tempted to summon the girls into his defense so she’d already had her palm filled with the ashes of an Oak tree jinxed with powerful spells. Everyone shouted in joy as they tortured, chained and dragged the King and the girls out in the middle of the market square. The once powerful girls seemed so vulnerable to the maltreatment. Their hands were cuffed to pillars and wiped several lashes to the amusement of everyone around for hours, the people of Baruu took pride seeing how they now have powers to themselves and the men satisfied knowing the girls have no more control upon them.
Aidan further instructed the people to rub mixtures of ashes and blood of a virgin girl on the girls one by one till the girls are drained off their super-powers; Delightfully, every man, woman and child in the kingdom dipped their hands into the bowl of mixed blood with ashes and rubbed it on the chained girls one after the other. Every touch on the girls caused them an excruciating pain, they screamed so loud that it made few women collapsed. Some men prevented the noise by hitting the girls with heavy objects and had their mouths covered. Few hours later, the girls were totally unconscious, they felt weak and drained of powers while Zendaya helplessly watched the girls from the corner of his swollen-bloody eyes as their bodies dangled uprightly.
“You will all regret this day for what you’ve done, woe upon you all!” Zendaya screamed in anger, still finding it hard to belief that the people whom he had scarifies many thing for had suddenly turned on him, fools!. A man hits Zendaya a blow with a stone to the back of his head making him fell unconscious instantly. The crowd cheered with joy on seeing that they all now have the power to control themselves without the tyrant Lord Zendaya and his daughters of death.
Later that evening, six hefty men under the instruction and supervision of Aidan the bodies of the three girls were secretly concealed deep into a caved rock. Their bodies were tightly bounded in ropes laced with ashes of an Oak tree and the blood of a virgin was sprinkled on their heads, an act aimed to suppress and trap the powerful spirits of the girls inside their bodies. As soon as the deed was done and the six men turned to leave, Aidan called back the men and jinxed them with a deadly spell, they immediately fell to the ground dead.
“Fools” she cursed as she hit her walking stick to the ground and transformed into an eagle, dived upwards into the sky and flew towards Egypt, the eagle flew effortlessly across forests and rivers for moments but after a while it landed uncontrollably to the ground in the middle of a thick forest, Aidan transformed back to herself realizing she had broken one of her arms. She was surprise to have falling, she sat up groaning in pain as she rested her back to a tree and warily around to see what might have caused her fall. Aidan been a powerful witch knew too well she could only have been stuck down by a more powerful enchantment from another witch possibly lurking around in the forest. She hoped to see who it was but after a while she knew there was more to the forest itself, she realized there were various animals lying dead on the ground including birds of all kinds. It appeared the birds had all fallen from the sky likewise the animals on the trees just like she did. The air became so cold and her body began to shiver, It didn’t take her long as an old and powerful witch to realize that there is the presence of an extremely greater evil force than hers lurking somewhere in the forest. Knowing what danger she could be in by staying any longer, she rose up her weak body using her staff and as she tries hitting it to the ground, something grabbed her firmly on her neck from behind and rose her up. Aidan knew it was too late to fight back realizing who it was. Her soul swiftly faded away from her crinkled body.

Baruu had celebrated their victory over Zendaya and the daughters of death, the celebration lasted into the late hours of the night, every street in the city had a feast going on. Every man, woman and child wined and dined till the last person fell asleep. As the night darkens and calmness enveloped the city so was the treacherous wind blowing across the quiet streets. Zendaya still chained and abandoned in the market square suddenly jerked up to life from his unconscious state, he looked around and saw the whole city was quiet and deserted like there was no one else inside of it. He realized he had been woken up by the sound of some barking dogs in distance, the dogs kept barking furiously and Zendaya was certain they must have seen something strange.

He feared realizing it could be enemies approaching as he could see the entire city obviously seemed unguarded. He tried so hard to free the chains off his legs and hands but he couldn’t, he could pray and hope nothing bad happens through the night. Few minutes, he heard the wimpy sound of the dogs before they all went quiet. Instinctively, he knew something bad had invaded the great city. Again, he tried harder to pull off the chains but couldn’t, he resorted to alarm the people by screaming
“Haaaaa!!” he shouted and kicked harder so as to get anyone’s attention but he was too weak to get it on for long, he tried screaming harder again and again…and again but he realized he had sounded more like a dyeing bird. Suddenly, while gasping for breath and down-casted for his people, a very cold wind blew on him, his body was icy and the cold unbearable. He was sure something strange was happening as he heard screams and loud cries coming from every part of the city, he looked around in confusion not knowing exactly what was happening, again he tried harder to free the chains off his hands but he failed, he watched helplessly and in horror as the cries got louder from every part. He couldn’t see anyone run across the city neither his people nor the invader, everywhere was still deserted. Soon the cries faded and an awkward silence replaced it but the severe cold still lingers. Moments later, Zendaya’s eyes caught a man in the dark running and screaming towards him, the man looked terrified and would once in a while look back like someone was on his trail. He had a key in his hands and looked desperate to give it Zendaya.
“It’s coming for me, I saw it!” he kept screaming as he ran. “My Lord, you must…”
Zendaya recognized the man by his voice; it was one of his Kinsmen who had survived the attack. And he had hoped to free him. Zendaya wasn’t sure what it is when he saw a darkish material swop over the man before he could complete his sentence. Right before Zendaya’s eyes, the man turned into a pillar of gold. Swiftly, Zendaya pulled back in fear looking around for what might have caused it but he saw no one. He knew for sure the sisters of death under oath can never attack any citizen of Baruu but rather to protect them no matter what. He looked around and it was still quiet but cold.
“Who are you?” he screamed into the cold silent night, looked around and waited for a reply but rather he heard his echo talk back in the distance.
“My people…what have you done to my people!!” he feared everyone in the city must have suffered same fate as the man ahead of him. He cried in his lost faith fearing he’d cursed his own people with such calamity.
Suddenly the chains broke off by itself to drop on the cold ground on which he stood. He raised his head to meet a familiar figure closely ahead of him. A colossus, it appeared to had formed from dark flames with it eyes blazing like hot coal, he quickly fell to his knees, his head and hands upon the cold ground in fear and total submission.
“Spare me…please spare my life!!”
Spookily, the creature gazed at him and upon his soul.
“For this day…this time…I curse you Zendaya for the sins of your people” the strange figure said in cold and gravel tone that echoed into his head painfully.
He screamed to the excruciating pain dwindling inside him.


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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by dawno2008(m): 10:15pm On Dec 06, 2021
Thanks so much @ghostwritter, enjoying every bit of this interesting and intriguing story,pls keep it coming. cool

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Adesina12: 4:44pm On Dec 07, 2021
This is incredible
Your knowledge of external world is second to none
This day I pronounce you as Emeritus Professor of Philosophy
But I didn't expect Lord Zandeya to be punished for his people sin
He was sincere with his mission but just let me say that is the price to pay for his hunger for power
Quickly take us back to the three sisters...we are eager to know their fate and how they escaped
Sweet popcorn for you Sir
You are the real ghost

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Babysuccess02(f): 9:59am On Dec 15, 2021
I'm itching for another update please

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 8:58pm On Dec 17, 2021
I'm really surprise as no one has yet castigated me or say 'we talk am, d idiot no go finish the story'. I've been distracted by some real life shit lately causing me alot of psychological imbalance. I appreciate you all for your patience.
I will find the time this weekend to update. Love you.

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Babysuccess02(f): 9:14pm On Dec 17, 2021
I'm really surprise as no one has yet castigated me or say 'we talk am, d idiot no go finish the story'. I've been distracted by some real life shit lately causing me alot of psychological imbalance. I appreciate you all for your patience.
I will find the time this weekend to update. Love you.
Love you too

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 12:38pm On Dec 18, 2021

“Please tell me this isn’t true, or is it?” Sewa asked the two ladies sitting beside her hoping what she just heard was just a folktale and has got nothing to do with her or the girls.

Eva and Nana appeared confuse likewise, the trio appeared unsure what to make of the information in the dairy, they thought it more of a folklore, too mystical and supernatural to be true and they all made it known to one another.
“But my mother wouldn’t have insisted I read it through with you two if fabricated and besides, my mother wouldn’t lie” Nana said firmly trying to convince herself that the diary held something more important they’re missing.
“And how do I relate this to my present predicament? Can’t you see, this thing here…” Sewa pointing to the dairy on the bed “…I mean your mother’s dairy has got nothing to do with me”.
“You mean us” Eva added
“Okay, I mean us”
“wait girls, we need to calm down and try figure it out, why not let’s meet tomorrow and see what to make of it” Eva suggested, she stood up from the bed looking tired and realizing how late they’d stayed awake, Sewa followed suit.
“You mean you girls are leaving?” Nana was surprise, not sure she’d want them to leave, she’d enjoyed their company so much and desire that they stay the night. More so, she’d grown frightened with the story enough not wanting to be alone in the room through the night.
“Yes” Eva answered
“We lodged in a nearby hotel not too far from here” Sewa explained. The girls had arrived Ghana the previous day and lodged into separate rooms in a hotel not too far from Nana’s.
Nana urges they spend the night with her as she has got the entire house to herself that night “and we can even watch movies” she added pointing to the huge television screen on the wall of her room, she saw how the two girls looked hesitant of her request especially Eva who looked in haste to dash off but later agreed to stay the night.
Moments later, the girls happily slept side by side on the bed when a reality show came up to the television screen ‘KEEPING-UP WITH THE KARDASHIAN’. Nana had earlier given the girls her extra pygmies after they’d eaten and taken their bath.
“That’s my favorite show, I love how the girls are always there for one another” Sewa admitted in excitement pointing to the screen frantically as it’s been awhile she watched the show.
“I love Klohe more; you know she’s got a strong personality…right?” Nana asked as she rolled herself under the pink duvet.
“For me it’s Kim all the way, I love her style of fashion and her absorption of life as it comes her way” said Sewa.
Eva was disinterested with the girls talk or the show; she was engrossed with her thought. She couldn’t help but feel a connection to the event in the story. Many a time, she’d had weird dreams of being a great warlock, fought different battles in different dreams. And in all of it she would always wake to feel a strong connection to the weird character in the dream.
“Kourtney and Scott should just get over with being childish and marry, they’ve been together for…” Nana was saying when Eva interceded.
“Do you think your mother is right?” Eva asked thoughtfully. Nana and Sewa pause and looked at her while trying to make sense of her words.
“About what?” Nana asked not too sure if was about the diary.
“The events inside the dairy, I mean I still can’t bring myself to believe your mother had written all that for nothing, or had she?” she looked at the girls curiously like they had the answer.
“My concern is who are the three daughters of death and how are how are we related to them in anyway?” Sewa enquired before she gulped her bottle of water for the late night.
“I don’t think that’s possible, the daughters of death had been trapped…have you forgotten?” Nana said
“Girls please can we just talk about something else” Sewa had been uneasy with the story and had try sway the girls into discussing on the reality show which Nana likewise had gladly obliged as she was uncomfortable as well.
Nana to Eva “So what about your love life, any cute guy?”
“None,” Eva replied sharply not wanting to dwell on the new topic of sober memory “and you?” she consciously asked Nana in return.
“Yes, once had this guy who was all over me but we parted ways, he was then my everything, he had this strong arms, broad shoulders, athletic, dark and handsome but…” she paused and looked thoughtful before she continued “He left and never showed up till this moment” She lied and had promised to keep it that way forever. She framed a smile recollecting the tragic event that led to Ibrahim’s death and by the time she snapped into the moment Sewa and Eva had long slept.
Nana still awake in her restlessness ones again swiftly flipped through the dairy, she had a urge to probe further and hopes to find any link she’d got with the main characters in the diary
“What do you want me to see mother, what could have happened to the Daughters of Death…could they still be buried within the rock? Surely they must have died long ago” she sighed disappointed with no further source for answers. She threw the dairy on a table ahead of her but missed and fell to the floor faced open, she hesitantly crawled out of the duvet to pick it up when she noticed a small old business card beside it, it had been within the dairy for long, and she looked at it to see it was indeed a business card. ‘MARY-MARY CONSULTANCY’ was boldly written on the card with it address in Kanyakumari located in India. She wondered how a card from far India found its way into the dairy. She made a mental note to ask her father the next morning.
She flipped to the back of the card and saw a hand-written phrase on it which reads


The Egyptian army with cold hands gripped their gelid swords and glittering spears under the ghostly moonlight and even as the wind screamed and splashed at their faces, the soldiers from Baruu could easily see the fear they held even from afar.
Swiftly, Baruu armies led by the beautiful but mysterious looking Shebaa, Sayaa and Sihonaa crashed upon their thousands Egyptian foes with deadly intent. The girls with their mysterious powers overwhelmed their opponents with so much mortality, Swayed and swamped above the Egyptians like corn in a field. Men were snarling and squealing as the ground became greasy with gore. And soon, the girls stood gallant upon the effluvium of death around. The battlefield had been baptized in blood and the bitter, mordant perfume of corpses emanated from it.


Eva, Sewa and Nana awoken almost the same time breathing heavily upon their nightmares, they were astonished to realize they’d had same dream of the battle scene where each took to a character like an avatar. They took turns to open up about their previous nightmares and they realized they’ve been having same nightmares at exact times. The trio concluded they were the daughters of Death in the diary but they couldn’t figure how it came to be. And while Eva and Sewa were figuring a possible means of way forward, Nana stretched the card she saw the night before. She had stood up to go get it from the dairy on the table.
“And what is this? I don’t understand” Eva looked at the card long enough but still unable to comprehend it relevance to the situation on ground.
Sewa collected the card likewise starred at it for awhile, and she looked disturbed realizing what it could mean.
“Where did you get it from?” Sewa turning to Nana
“Inside the dairy”
The other two stared at it long enough but yet couldn’t figure it relevance to them.
“Girls, I think there is someone in India we need to meet” Nana said.
The other girls stared blankly at each other wondering if such journey would worth it “Fine that’s it, you girls can go without me….” Sewa was reluctant to embark on another goose chase seeing how messed up her live had turned. She fear the journey could only reveal more horror about her which she isn’t ready for. Eva held such notion too but if the journey to india would reveal the mysteries surrounding her then she’s ready to go with Nana. Sewa picked up her things and was about to leave the room when she again stopped abrumptl by the door way. She realized she had nowhere else to go to if she goes back to Nigeria except her mother who she wasn’t sure knew who her husband really was or his where about, she even feared her mother could be an accomplice to the entire scheme all along, she burst into fresh tears at the thought of Raymond and what she’d caused him, at least he deserves a proper burial for what he was.
“Sewa this isn’t the time to cry, we need to think fast on what next to do” said Eva impatiently.
Sewa wiped off the tears and turned to the girls “Okay, let’s not jump into conclusion, India is too far a trip for mere speculation, I think we should ask your father if he knows about the card”
Good idea. Nana called her father.
About two hours later, Dr. Kofi was back home to come see his daughter’s friends she spoke of on phone, he couldn’t understand what his daughter had said on phone about the card they’d found so he promised to come see her. The girls had planned before his coming on hiding the truth from him and fabricate something reasonable and convincing.
“I know nothing of this” said Mr. Kofi after thoroughly inspecting the card. “It could only be for your late mother if truly it had been in that dairy.
“And did she ever spoke of anyone in India to you”?
“Not at all.


“I think your mum was trying to hide something from your dad and that begs the question why she didn’t tell him about the card,” Eva noted shortly Mr. Kofi was out.
“Maybe it’s all just a coincidence you know; maybe she got the card from one random friend of hers who might have resided in India long ago, what about that?” Sewa said trying to sound convincing.
“And what about the ‘sisters, find me’ phrase behind the card, it must mean something. I guess someone long knew about us” Eva noted.
It dawned on Nana that her mother could have confided in someone else, someone with her kind of power who could see far into the future and could help them.

But why India?

Desperately, she wishes to know what revelation India holds of her and the others, but even at that she fears more of the uncertainty behind the walls of their unknown.
“Girls, we must go to India!!” Nana sounded determined.


India: New Delhi

Yezir a stout man in his late fifty blared the car horn for the umpteenth time as he tries to maneuver his taxi out of the grid-lock, wondering if the rain would ever stop, he felt his day couldn’t be worse than this after he’d realized his screen-wiper had stopped working when he needed it most. His morning had been bad enough when his daughter Amrita made him know she is few months pregnant under his own roof for a German boy. And while he was trying to figure how to handle the situation his old mother had called sick as usual, she had battled sickle-cell all her life with the help of Yezir who had supported with his little earnings.
“Move, get out!!” Yezir angrily yelled at an old man who was sluggishly pushing his loaded cart in front of his taxi, he would frequently use his hand to wipe away water off the wind-screen. He accelerated a little further but again stopped, he watched as many tricycle also tried maneuvering their way into the already existing grid-lock. He peeped through the rear mirror to see how his passengers were fairing. He concluded they must be tourists on seeing their outfit and how they acted enthusiastically to everything they saw.
“I see you ladies like India” Yezir said as he still had his eyes on the rear mirror.
He loves to make his passengers happy, comfortable, and most of all he wanted a distraction from his worries.
“Yes, it’s a different world here” Nana replied as she turned to the cheerful looking driver “Are you Indian?” she enquired
“No. Me Palestine”
“So you live in India?”
“Yes, India peace. Palestine war”
He blared further once again clearing more pedestrian and cars off his path while he pushes calculatedly through the grid-lock “And you, where are you from?”
“Aaah!” he seemed amazed for a second “Your team, the black moon of Ghana. Good team, good team!”
“You mean the Black Stars of Ghana?” Nana asked hoping to correct him”
“I mean the football team, it’s the Black stars and not black moon”
“I’m sorry!” he apologized and concentrated on the road for a while, now the rain was heavier and without his screen-wiper he could barely see what was happening ahead. Ones in a while, he peeped to see ahead through the side door enduring the wet splash to his head. He stole a glance to the rear mirror ones more; he saw how beautiful the three ladies appeared. He concluded they were the most beautiful set of people to have ever boarded his taxi in the past twenty-three years of his career.
“And you madam, from Ghana?” he spoke to the rear mirror as he had his eyes on Sewa who sat between the girls.
“I’m from Nigeria”
“Good!!” he nodded his head like he concord with her, he didn’t want to go any further with questions but thought he might appear boring to his beautiful passengers.
“Nigeria…in South Africa, right?” seriously hoping he wasn’t wrong this time.
The three girls busted into laughter, they laughed at his wrong answer and obviously his strange accent for ‘South-Africa’ which sounded more of ‘Salt-Afrinka’. Yezir looked disappointed realizing his lack of knowledge in so many field due to his lack of education and poor background which had made him seem foolish to various enlightened passenger when he tries to get them engaged.
“And your name ones again?” Eva asked as she tries to control herself from laughing any further.
“Yezir…Yezir ibn Adeeb”
“Mister Yezir, Nigeria is in West-Africa and if you hope asking where I’m from, I’m from the United state of America, Texas to be precise”
“Three of you from three place?” Yezir indicating with three fingers as he tries turning his head backward. “Are you friends?” he enquired further hoping for the affirmation.
“No… we are sisters” Sewa replied.
“You mean sister-sister, like sisters from plenty mother and one father?” he looked surprised as he indicated with one finger.
“No mister Yezir, same father same mother but were given birth to in different countries” Nana tries to play along.
He gasped “I don’t belief you” said Yezir after looking closely into the rear mirror. He rolled down the glass to the side door and pushed his head through it ones again as the rain kept pouring harder.
“We look facially different because of the weather in our various place of birth” Eva said after realizing Yezir had noticed the complexions.
Yezir looked himself up at the side mirror thinking his twenty-five years stay in India should have him look like a true Indian he desires.
Still confuse but admitted after all. “Aaah!, I see now… you remember me of a story”
“And what story is that mister Yezir?” asked Eva
“It is a long time ago story, my mother tell me when I am small, she also say her mother tell her, but now I don’t even remember the story very well again…”

He saw he had disappointed his passengers who had looked eager through the rear mirror to listen to his story he himself wouldn’t belief, how stupid would he sound like telling three beautiful and enlightened passengers of how once three powerfully possessed women had once lived in three different parts of the world and how they manifested all sought of supernatural powers the world never imaged exist.
“Wallahi!” he swore knowing he is been doubted.
Yezir would have told the story to any other passenger who would not make him feel foolish and ignorant or less enlightened but he feared the girls would be delighted to make a fool out of him and that he wasn’t ready for. Besides, how would he have pronounced some of the names of people, place and important things in the story? Truly, he could barely remember how the event in the story had linked to each other and most importantly, how it ended.
“Aaaah!, at last we are free” Yezir sighed heavily seeing the road ahead of him, he was out of grid-lock, he pressed on the accelerator of his taxi which was now heading directly towards Kanyakumari.


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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by dawno2008(m): 10:54pm On Dec 18, 2021
Welcome back @ghostwritter, good to have you back

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Adesina12: 5:16pm On Dec 20, 2021
Sweet popcorn for you Mr. Ghostwritter


Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 10:23pm On Dec 23, 2021


Memphis: Egypt
The city gate was swung open to a man who hurriedly rode in on his horse, he had news for the King, good news but the strangest of it. The palace door was opened to him by guards; he saw the Pharaoh was with his chief adviser.
“He said it’s urgent my Lord” the guard bowed to Pharaoh
“You can leave” Pharaoh ordered and turned to the man who looked all dusty, scared and eager to speak.
“So what news have you for my Lord?” The adviser enquired hastily and with hostile tone like the man had intruded an Important discussion.
“Long live Pharaoh!” the man knelt and bowed his head to the feet of Pharaoh “I’m Tak the eleventh son of Nahak from the descendant of Abraham, I bring strange news my Lord which is of important to you and your Kingdom and others around.
“Speak of it and let thy tongue and heart hide no truth from my Lord’s hearing” Gadar a close adviser to the Pharaoh barked more harshly looking aggressively and impatient.
“Four days ago I had Sheppard my flocks down the hills to the path leading to Baruu” Tak nervously began.
“Baruu?” Gadar barked in enquiry.
“Yes my Lord” Tak replied with his head still bowed to the ground.
“So what happened?” Pharaoh calmly asked as he hopes Baruu’s army aren’t on their way yet matching towards Egypt for war, he feared the worst.
“I saw dead animals everywhere, birds, sheep, cattle…even rats all dead on my path”
“And so what happened son of Nahak?...speak!” Gadar barked again impatiently
“The forest was empty, everything was dead, even the leafs and trees had dried up, all the trees on the way to Baruu from upon the mighty hills of Nokot were lifeless”
“Liar, you are a drunk…for your words bear no truth. That is impossible” jumped in Gadar
“I swear by the God of Abraham that I saw it”
“Gadar, let the man speak” Pharaoh gently cautioned eager to hear what message the man would reveal “How many of them?...how many soldiers followed the daughters of death?” Pharaoh wishes to know before hand so as to get his army prepared and send message to other neighboring kingdoms who had earlier pledged their allegiance to him.
“I saw no man, none of them my lord”
“So what happened?” asked Pharaoh now more curious.
“I had then Sheppard my flocks down to Baruu to meet my brothers and tell what I had seen on my journey but the city had turned grave, a city of statue, every human had turned into gold, they were lifeless, nobody alive, I had to quickly come inform you of it.
“Guards!!” Gadar ordered and two guards walked in “I’m sure that my Lord would want you to get this drunkard out of his presence”. Pointing to Tak who was already shivering in great fear.
Pharaoh watched speechlessly and disappointed as Tak was dragged out of the palace and ordered to be thrown in prison. He ordered that chariots and reasonable numbers of soldiers immediately journey through every route leading to Baruu to spy upon intending invasion.
The journey had taken three days and three nights, the Egyptian army saw it all, they walked unchallenged into Baruu’s guard-less gate and saw in every houses and rooms pure gold in human form. They saw in every statue an unknown fear and horror as they searched for possible live.
“The gods had turned our enemies to wealth” one of the army laughed as he laid his hands on one of the gold statue. Immediately, all his body turned into gold. Every Egyptian soldier drew their sword at alert ready to attack whatever unseen force was around, they all stood ready back-to-back for confrontation.
“My daughters!” a harsh voice whispered from everywhere causing pain to the men, they dropped their swords and shield to quickly place their hands to their ears.
“This city is cursed and haunted…Run!!” the commander realized and immediately everybody started running out through the city gate but it was too late for many who were not so fast to get pass the walls, they slowly turned gold with their hands stretching towards the city gate hoping for the vain. Only three made it out with strange tales to tell.


Egypt and other kingdoms around it were free and so was Tak freed from prison. Gadar the chief adviser to Pharaoh had heard about what had happened to the army, he enquired from the three soldiers who survived and realized Zendaya and the daughters of death were not seen in the palace. Gadar then called for the attention of Tak in private when he saw him ready to leave Egypt after been rewarded for the information he’d rendered.
“I want you to do something for me” Gadar calmly said as he gently tapped the young man on his back.
“What is that my Lord?” Tak asked naïve.
“Ride with me, I want you to ride with me back to Baruu” Gadar whispered in hush tone careful not to be heard by anyone else.
Surprised “But that land had been cursed, I heard the city is now haunted” Tak said as he shook his head to the idea.
“Shuu!!...keep your voice down”
“My lord, I do not mean to be rude, but what have you to gain in the cursed land” the young Tak enquired
“You just follow me and I will reward you so richly. Will you?” Gadar promised and smiled when the young man nodding in affirmation.

Before sunrise the next morning, Gadar disguised himself looking like a city commoner, he found his way out of Egypt’s gate in company of young Tak. They rode on separate horses and avoided major routes so as not to be seen. It was what Gadar wanted, a secret journey.
The journey took three days and four nights and finally they halted around a huge rock behind the mighty walls of Baruu, there were six dead bodies around of it.
“Here it is my Lord” Tak said pointing to the rock that serves as a door to a cave in front of him.
Gadar quickly came down from his horse, walked around the rock like he was inspecting it, he looked at the dead bodied around and laughed, he looked so pleased with what he’d seen.
“And the witch?” Gadar asked Tak
“She flew away up west” he replied pointing to the sky
Gadar appeared thoughtful as he looked up to the sky like he intends verifying Tak’s claim.
“What else did you see... tell me, or what did you hear? I promise to pay you more” Gadar asked slowly walking back to Tak
“Nothing my Lord, I had told you all I had seen, I swear” Young Tak spoke timidly.
“Are you sure?” Gadar asked looking at Tak suspiciously.
“Yes my Lord, that was all I saw”
Gadar pulled out a dagger and swiftly pushed it into Tak’s throat, Gadar held him back from falling to stab him three more on his chest. Tak fell to the ground upon Gadar’s feet and quickly bled to death.
“Tak…son of Nahak, that is your reward” Gadar said conclusively staring down at the dead Tak
The Kings can rule, army can go on fighting the wars and citizens defending what is left of them but While Baruu was conquering the world, other’s were conquering their hopelessness through the search for hope in places that seemed hopeless. Zendaya might have been a tyrant to the world but never to his people, he used his power on other kingdom to build Baruu into civilization of its own era. As long as the daughters of death lives, defeat was inevitable upon other kingdoms, it was all a question of when. And only the smart ones knew this.
Gadar, one of the council elders and the chief adviser to Pharaoh had all his life falling to the service of Pharaoh his cousin who had since birth ruled Egypt. Gadar had given the best of his years through advice to his cousin and in turn received bounty favors.
As the year slowly passes, so was Gadar’s ego rising. He felt he had made Egypt what it was through his advices and deserved more. Even though he had been careful in keeping check of his ego, he sometimes reveals it unconsciously through open arguments with pharaoh. Gadar a very smart and canny man thought higher of himself which he tries not to make obvious. He had always thought himself the smartest of his generation and felt Egypt was too luck to have him with little in return.
When the war rises and began to spread, he felt challenged and his smartness was put to the test when pharaoh was in great need for victory against Baruu. Gadar thought if Zandaya could have gone in search for the daughters of Death then it was in his place to search even further for the perfect weapon in destroying then. He journeyed all alone half across the world, kingdoms to kingdoms, hills to mountains, riding upon lands and seas, paying greatly for every knowledge about the daughters of death he comes across, he meet magicians, sorcerers, soothsayers, witches and wizards of all sought but all feared the mere mention ‘daughters of death’ urging him that any kingdom that wishes to survive must surrender and pledge it loyalty to Baruu. Gadar had so many times felt disappointed, he wouldn’t allow Egypt bow to a once lesser kingdom and wouldn’t go back to Egypt till he finds the perfect weapon to destroying the girls.

Days passed, months passed and he wallowed in his disappointment but still determined in fulfilling his aim. One sunny afternoon, he came across an adventurous traveler by the name Azzarah, both men had met on a voyage, they talked at length and became friends. Gadar realized Azzarah was as smart and knowledgeable as he is, both men were of same age and had so many things in common. While Gadar was in search for power to conquering his enemies, Azzarah was searching for adventure in conquering his miserable past, he wanted to pass through life and see for himself what it is, he wanted inner contentment. Gadar informed his new friend of his mission and Azzarah swore he knows one person who created daughters of death, he told of how he heard people spoke of her in one the voyage he once boarded.
Immediately, Gadar set off with Azzarah after being assured of great reward for his service. Azzarah was more delighted for being paid for what he loves doing. Both men journeyed for days and finally got to a place they ought to find ‘Aidan’, Aidan was the name Azzarah had them called her. It was a cave in the middle of dead woods. In it was a woman looking old and haggard who’d welcomed them.
Gadar was extremely delighted as Aidan told of how she helped summoned death itself to the request of Zendaya, he told him how it happened that day, Aidan felt pained and cheated ever since for being abandoned by the ungrateful Zendaya who’d left her for dead, she had wanted to take revenge but realized that the power Zendaya wielded was far powerful than hers. Zendaya had always used the daughters of death as his shield, she could see it.
Gadar promised Aidan of her getting her revenge, he promised to help her destroy Zendaya if only she will help him summon a greater power capable of destroying the daughters of death. Aidan warned against it, she warned knowing Death was too powerful and far too dangerous to be summoned twice but suggested it is possible to tap through the portal that leads to the corridor of hell. Aidan explained that the corridor of hell was the link between life and death, a place where the dead summons the living and the living summons the dead, a place where souls are traded for wealth, power and knowledge. A place that holds the secret of all life and death, a place that hoards the ultimate scream of fear and horror. Aidan hopes to break the veil leading to the portal, she would tap through it in finding the secret to death but in doing so, a human life must be dragged along as a key to the passage through the veil.
Unknown to Azzarah, Gadar had made further promises to Aidan that he would instruct Pharaoh to erect a mighty statue in her honor which would be worshiped by all Egyptians, and also grant her wealth as Gadar planned on using Azzarah’s life as the key to the veil knowing too well that Azzarah had known too much of him to be let loose, a chance he never likes taken and obviously the last alternatives around the deserted place.
Unknown to Gadar either, Aidan wasn’t so much angry for the betrayal of Zendaya that she earlier made Gadar and Azzarah believed but rather she was jealous and envious of the power wielded by him, she wishes to have the daughters of death at her disposal. She wanted power and power she must get. She planned to hide the bodies of the girls somewhere enclosed for a long time so as to weaken their powers and come back to awaken them for a new reign.
And unknown to Gadar and Aidan, Azzarah had his own plan, he was nowhere to be found on the day scheduled for the ritual. He was gone, gone with all of Gadar’s valuables.
Gadar was furious on realizing, furious not for his stolen valuables but furious for being outsmarted, he felt unbelievably foolish; he had trusted a thief all along and had been played by the smarter one. He promised himself of searching and killing Azzarah when he ever sets eyes on him. Gadar kidnapped a woman whose life was dragged along with Aidan’s sacrifice to reaching the portal to the corridor of hell.
Aidan was unconscious for hours while Gadar watched over her all through the ritual. Aidan mumbled in her unconscious state, mumbling of things she shouldn’t. Gadar listened carefully as he sat besides her nodding to the unbelievable realization.

Gadar pulled out a dagger and swiftly pushed it into Tak’s throat, Gadar held him back from falling to stab him three more on his chest. Tak fell to the ground upon Gadar’s feet and slowly bled to death.
“Tak…son of Nahak, that is your reward” Gadar said conclusively staring down at the lifeless body of Tak.
Gadar carelessly dragged Tak’s body closer to the rock, his blood, flesh and bone are all part of the magical ingredients he would be needing for the ritual. Gadar mercilessly butchered Tak’s corpse into piece and burnt it up with some feather of a phoenix, eyes of a snake, a dried-up skull of a virgin girl and a drop of his own blood. He had well prepared for this day to come when he would live to rule the world through the powers that dwells within the rock.
He rubbed part of the rock with the ashes of the burnt ingredient, be pulled out a scroll to recite what was inscribed upon it. Gadar anxiously screamed out the strange incantations stretching out his hand to the air, slowly the wind blew and the thunder struck. The atmosphere was electrifying, Gadar was certain things are in motion, he seemed certain that soon the world was about to fall under his power.
All of a sudden, Gadar felt a sharp excruciating pain as an object pieced through his back, certain it was a dagger, his own dagger. Gadar turned slowly to see who it was, he gasped at the frame holding a bloody dagger behind him.


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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by DebbieSylvex(f): 12:06pm On Dec 24, 2021
I do not understand this last part@ghostwriter
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 12:43pm On Dec 24, 2021
I do not understand this last part@ghostwriter
My dear, that is expected as I myself almost got lost and frustrated while writing it. But be rest assured that the next update will fill you in.
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Adesina12: 6:33pm On Dec 24, 2021
Thank you @ghostwritter the king of suspense
Ghadar wants to rule the world like Zendan
Waiting impatiently for the update
Sweet popcorn for you sir.
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by DebbieSylvex(f): 11:26pm On Dec 24, 2021

My dear, that is expected as I myself almost got lost and frustrated while writing it. But be rest assured that the next update will fill you in.

Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by darkelf: 11:34pm On Dec 24, 2021
Your writing needs a lot of work

Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Lakesc: 9:35am On Dec 26, 2021
More inspiration Sir... Ride on
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by enirock(m): 10:51pm On Dec 27, 2021
I wish this piece was already finished. Thanks op for this. We await.
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 12:05am On Dec 28, 2021
Azzarah wasn’t just an adventurous traveler, he was a wanted criminal in many cities and most especially in the Kingdom of Kai, his place of birth but was smart enough never to be caught due to his perfect disguise, he had travelled many kingdoms stealing anything of value all for pleasure which he believed life was full of. Azzarah believes the gods themselves had always favored and protected him from being caught in his dodgy ways, and he had always been conscious of that in all of his actions knowing full well he might get killed if not careful.
On one of his numerous voyages, he came across a man he had once known too well, Gadar was his name. Azzarah had known Gadar in one of his exploits in Egypt hoping to steal some valuables he had been hinted about. There he could tell Gadar was a shrewd man and when both men had suddenly met on the voyage, he knew too well that he ought to be careful of such a man. He was careful with Gadar by portraying to him what he wanted him to believe of him, a well behaved adventurous traveler sober of his past life.
Gadar had spoken of his mission to him and he was willing to help him if Gaddar paid his price. The men agreed and search for Aidan, he listened with rapt attention as Aidan spoke to them, and he watched with keenness every attitude Gaddar unknowingly portrayed. Azzarah was conscientious in his attention to details, and he had to be meticulous in his act. For him, Gadar was too cunning to be trusted and Aidan was as well mendacious with her words, there was more to her either.

Before the night of the ritual, Azzarah ran away with most of Gadar’s valuables with intent to sell them off, he knew likewise that his life wasn’t safe knowing he was the only convenient alternative around for the ritual. He trusted no one but himself.
Gadar was furious to know he had been played, Azzarah had made him look foolish and that, he never liked. He promised to search and kill him when he is done with his mission. He had rode miles to kidnap an unsuspected traveler whose soul was the key to veil leading to the corridor of hell.

That night while Gadar sat next to Aidan to watch over her body as her spirit journeyed away in search of the secret of destroying the daughters of death, he heard her mumbling, he heard her mumbled names of object and materials, he also heard her speak of her deep hidden intentions. He was surprised. Gadar was astonished. Quickly, he drew out a scroll and inked every word he heard and forged his own plan upon it.
While Aidan was back to her conscious state, she revealed to Gadar what she saw and told him only what she thought he needed to know. Gadar appeared to believing her, but then he was certain that there was more to her that she revealed.
The two had parted ways with the plan that Aidan destroys the Daughters of death through an idea suggested by Gadar, an idea into making Baruu destroy itself from within by letting them think their weapon would be their threat…. Gadar had carefully drafted it all putting it to Adian to act. Adian in return would be wealthy, acknowledged and made immortal by Egypt.

Gadar was in no way fooled by the mere words of the witch, he knew too well to be fooled by the words from those he choose to trust, not after what Azzarah had done. As Gadar journeyed back to Egypt, he thought of a suitable strategy to effecting his plan, he won’t be cheated the second time not by a witch, never. As he was riding pass a small village, he saw a small crowd of villagers gathered around a young men, they had beaten him, his body bruised and eyes swollen. Gadar was mindless of neither the crowd nor the young victim; he rode passed with mind filled with more important thought to achieving his aim. Suddenly, something came to mind, he turned back and rode towards the crowd, he got off his horse to enquire what had happened and he was made known that the young man was a thief who had stolen food from a trader. Gadar pleaded that the young man be freed to him but the crowd refused only if he would pay for what he had stolen, Gadar paid double the fees charged and rode away with the young man whose name was later known to be Tak…Tak the eleventh son of Nahak.
Tak wasn’t a son of Nahak but rather the only bastard son after Nahak’s tenth sons. He was never claimed by Nahak as a son but a bastard, a product of unlawful sexual lust. Tak took to waywardness, he stole, and pick pocketed, lied just to survive each day. Tak felt he was smart and could never be caught, but he was caught and beaten but was eventually saved by a stranger who introduced himself as lord Gadar.
Tak and Lord Gadar had stopped by the bank of a river to rest and there they talked. Tak was promised wealth and comfort by Gadar if he can in return carry out an assignment. Tak was to go to Baruu, blend with the people and observant, he wants him to be his eyes and ears, to see and hear whatever Aidan the witch does in the kingdom when she comes. Tak had done as instructed, he had followed Aidan as she walked through the market square and he listened to her speak, and he had even asked her question from among the crowd about her powers when he felt everyone seemed to doubt her. Tak had watched as Zendaya and the Daughters of Death were tortured, he watched from amidst the crowd how the victims fell unconscious and was smart enough to had followed Aidan and the six hefty men who carried the bodies of the girls' out of the city unseen. He had followed into the forest and few times Aidan suspected someone or something following, she would look back but see nothing. Tak was quick to hide behind the woods. He would hear Aidan’s quirking voice urging the six men to move faster as she follows liked she was scared of something to come. At last Aidan and the men stopped at the front of a huge rock. Tak wondered what was to happen but was shocked moments later to see the rock mysteriously opened as she shouted strange incantations to the air. Tak watched with fear the mystery before his eyes and even more terrified to see Aidan mysteriously killed the six hefty men so swiftly. Tak came out of hiding when he saw Aidan transform into an Eagle which flew into the sky. He carefully came out of hiding, walked up to the front of the rock that now holds the daughters of death, touching it with utmost caution, he noticed the rock looked so sealed up like nothing was in it, he tried cracking the rock with a stone but nothing cracked. Tak walked back towards Baruu to go get his things before heading to Egypt as planned, his job was done. But as he was about reaching Baruu’s mighty gate, a man dashed out through the gate running far away into the forest as he kept screaming. Tak couldn’t see clearly who he was; he concluded it must be a mad man going by how fast he ran and screamed.

As he entered the city, Tak was surprise to see everywhere unguarded, and soon realized every man, woman and child had turned into a statue of gold. Tak ran out of the city gate screaming like a mad man also.

Azzarah rode into the kingdom of Baruu through it mighty gates, selling his stolen items to disguise himself as a trader, he had for long been wanted in Baruu for theft and if caught, he will be killed. As an experienced gambler, Azzarah took his chances as usual, he thought Egypt would come for war, he was almost certain of its invasion ones the daughters of death had been captured, he knew Gadar and Aidan must have come up with an idea to destroy Baruu. He waited for war to invade Baruu so he can steal plenty valuables as booty, disguise and run away but as the days passed he felt disappointed, disappointed to see nothing of such but was skeptical to see Aidan show up and had tried convincing the people against Zendaya and the daughters of death, it took him no time in figuring-out what was about to happen, he lingered around Baruu hoping for war to come soonest. At last, Baruu finally destroyed itself as expected. Azzarah watched, he was careful and treaded with caution, predicting correctly what move Aidan was to make. He wasn’t surprise when Zendaya and the daughters of death were captured and were being tortured; he knew it had been well planned by Gadar. He respected him for that. He knew it was the easiest way to destroy any powerful kingdom… you destroy them from within by using themselves against themselves.

Azzarah was in the midst of the jubilant crowd, he saw them all chanting for joy at the downfall of their ruler and protectors. One after the other they had killed their protectors and he knew they would soon be vulnerable to attacks from rivalry kingdoms. He saw how foolish they were. Later, he saw Aidan and six other men walking out from the city gate carrying the daughters of death. Then he was sure there was more to Aidan’s mission to Baruu. His curiosity took the best of him so he followed but was surprised to see another young man ahead of him suspiciously following, he assumed there was more to what he had thought and that made him followed closely and unseen.
Moments later, Azzarah from reasonable distance saw the young man hitting a rock with a stone repeatedly like he aims to crack it open but couldn’t. The young man had passed by him hurriedly going back towards the direction he came from. Azzarah had hidden himself carefully not to be seen, he waited for the young man to be off sight before he slowly came out from hiding and walked towards the rock, he looked at it carefully hoping to find a crack but there wasn’t any. He hid himself in the forest all through that night hoping Aidan or the young man would be back, but he saw no one all through the night and decided to go back to Baruu the next morning, he was shocked by what he saw, an entire city turned gold. Azzarah been a lover of gold was canny enough to keep-off from cursed property, every gold shined so bright and attractive to the eyes, he knows when an opportunity is too good to be true and he was certain that was one. Azzarah knew Baruu had been punished for what they had done, they had betrayed death and had suffered greatly for it with their lives, he knew death had turned them all to gold as an eternal warning and lesson to other kingdoms as a reminder for the punishment of betrayal.


Azzarah was back to the rock, he slept beside it and ate from fruits in the forest, he was determined to see who comes back for the rock, he knew for sure Aidan would be back for the rock, and he wishes to wait for her. His perseverance paid-off after many days of waiting in the forest. One night while the moon was bright, he was sleeping with his back resting on the rock while he heard stepping of horses coming towards him, he rushed into the bush near-by and hides himself, he saw the young man who he had earlier seen and was more surprised to see Gadar following. The two men spoke inaudibly as he watches from hidden distance. Moments later, he saw Gadar dip a short dagger into the young man’s throat and had even gone further to stab him trice on his chest, he saw Gadar was unremorseful and must have seen him grinned satisfactorily as he stood above him uttering inaudible words.

Azzarah was so much terrified to see Gadar go further in using a cutlass in tearing the corpse of the young man into pieces. He had thought of hitting Gadar with a stone then but thought better of it by waiting to see what he was up to. So, he waited patiently for the perfect time as he watched furiously in his hiding. The perfect time came when Azzarah from his hiding saw Gadar fully turned his back at him to face the rock, he had earlier seen him poured various things into the fire and had rubbed it ashes on the rock, he saw him try enchanting the rock with incantation as the wind blew and the atmosphere was electrified with thunderous strikes.
Slowly and carefully, Azzarah moved forward in anger and despise for Gadar and quickly picked up the dagger beside Gadar to swiftly pushed it through his back, Gadar slowly turned in pain trying to reach for the stuck object with one of his hands but he couldn’t. Gadar surprised to see Azzarah, he groaned in pain, and slowly fell to his kneels as he kept trying to reach for the dagger tightly stuck behind him. Gadar was pointing to the rock with his other hand trying to say something but Azzarah was too furious and enraged to notice; he rose up a huge stone and mercilessly hits it upon Gadar’s head. Gadar fell lifeless to the ground with a broken skull as blood gushed out of it.
Azzarah was still breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath when he heard something crack; he slowly turned to the rock, gazed at it, hoping it’s not what he thinks. Slowly, the rock cracked heavily, fully exposing the creatures it had harbored. Azzarah carefully moved forward to have a clearer look; he watched with disbelief the once mighty daughters of Death lying still within a specious confine of the cracked rock. The light from the full moon had made him realize the three bodies were motionless and he doubted if they were alive but he wouldn’t dare risk his life to confirm. As he stood there thinking of what to do, he heard a sound behind him, it was a threatening growl, he turned around and realize it was a snarl of a beast with it glowing eyes directly at him. Shocked and trembling, Azzarah watched as the huge black hairy wolf gentle padded out from within leafs into the open reflection of the moon. Azzarah had no tool on him, he saw the dagger stacked to Gadar’s back and not too far was also a bloody machete but he realized it would be disastrous and foolish of him to make any confrontational move against such a beast. It snarled more aggressively at him with its body extended, back arched and tail vibrating , Azzarah knew he was done for, it was over for him, he stood still like an erected wood waiting to be pounced upon when suddenly a gentle wind blew from within the cracked rock where the daughters of death laid still into the open air. The Wolf fearfully pushed back, whining as it had its tail tucked between legs; it dashed back in hurry into the forest. Azzarah turned to the rock, closely looked at the unconscious creatures in it and try to figure out what just happened but he couldn’t and after a while, he decided to do what he had to do.


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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 12:37am On Dec 28, 2021
Merry Christmas to all of my Christian followers.
I pray that this season will be a turning point to greater things in our lives inshaAllah �

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ashatoda: 7:42am On Dec 28, 2021
Omo this is action packed always on the edge all through thanks @ghostwriter

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by slimsophiediva(f): 8:57am On Dec 28, 2021
Wow this is epic, your creativity is out of this world. Your story deserves an award
Please don’t stop it half way

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Adesina12: 6:29pm On Dec 28, 2021
This can only be from ghostwriter
Sweet popcorn for you sir.

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Nobody: 10:40am On Dec 30, 2021
I want to buy your story. How can I, Sir?
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 5:10pm On Dec 30, 2021
I want to buy your story. How can I, Sir?
Send your WhatsApp number to lucidpublishers@gmail.com or you can just WhatsApp me directly on 09045956287 let's talk.
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 1:56pm On Jan 01, 2022
Happy new year to you all lovers of ghostwritter and his works. My prayer for you all is that God will continue to enrich you in all sphere of your lives. And may you all live long enough to read more of my stories in good health and in abundance of wealth, and God should pls help me improve on my writing skills and remove every spirit of procrastination inside this 2022.
For those making enquiry on how to buy my completed books, all you need to do is send me a direct message to my business WhatsApp line. 09045956287 or my email lucidpublishers@gmail.com I will have it sent to you immediately after payment.
I really appreciate those that went far in encouraging me by buying my books and one who even paid in advance for my uncompleted book. God no go shame you. I swear.
Abeg make una patronize me, I will need money this year o. Make una help my ministry.

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 2:11pm On Jan 01, 2022
If you wish to my completed stories: WhatsApp me on 09045956287
Email: lucidpublishers@gmail.com
Abeg help my ministry.

Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by Lakesc: 10:59am On Jan 02, 2022
How much for the one
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by ghostwritter(m): 10:42pm On Jan 02, 2022
How much for the one
let's talk on whatsapp or send me an email.
Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by lammy197(m): 8:00am On Jan 11, 2022
Na wa ooo
No update at all

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Re: Corridor Of Hell: Guardians Of The Dead by dawno2008(m): 12:45pm On Feb 10, 2022
Hi ghostwriter, it's been a while,and no updates,hope all is well?

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