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On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by Seun(m): 10:52am On Jul 02, 2011
[font=Courier New, Fixed]I'm not really sure why SahalaReporters is making a clumsy attempt
to spoil my good name by posting my pictures on an article that has
nothing to do with me and trying to link me with a case of fraud.

Perhaps it's because many times in the past I've openly expressed the
opinion that the stories they publish are mostly lies and not news.

I want to make it clear that I've never been involved in any business
with Seun Noibi. I have not founded any company with him, or anyone else.

For some reason best known to him, the young man tagged me as ‘cofounder’
of his ‘company’ on Facebook. And his company name was automatically added
to the info page of my Facebook profile. I didn't see it until my Facebook
profile data and pictures were splashed all over the infamous 'news' site.

When SahalaReporters contacted me at 6pm that day, I did not know about
the Facebook tag. In their email, they said he claimed I was his cofounder,
but didn't tell me where he made the claim or about the tag on my profile.

I hastily composed a reply to deny my involvement in any business dealings
with him, but later when I calmed down, I decided not to send it, because
I was afraid that SahalaReporters would find a way to twist my statement.

I did not realize that they didn't require a reply from me to do damage.

The next day, they posted my Facebook pictures alongside his pictures,
as if we were accomplices or something. They did not post pictures of
his family, classmates, friends, etc. They were not even mentioned.

I've been telling myself that I'm not bothered, but the truth is that I
am bothered. Even if I was his business partner, which I never was,
it would be unethical to splash my photos alongside his photos unless
I was implicated in the crime he was arrested for, which is impossible.

Even when Muttalab, who was a terrorist, not just a prankster, was caught,
no one posted the pictures of his friends, or even his family, not to
talk of posting the pictures of innocent people he tagged on Facebook.

Perhaps they felt pissed because I didn't respond their enquiry, but is
this a reason to embarrass me over what THEY KNOW I know nothing about?

Please join me in asking them to remove my pictures from the story.[/font]


Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by jmaine: 11:05am On Jul 02, 2011
You just got served by those lying and malicious junks . . . Their terrible means of distorting facts is so alarming . . . But Seun . . . where is the source of the article . . .
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by mukina2: 11:06am On Jul 02, 2011

[font=Courier New, Fixed]I'm not really sure why SahalaReporters is making a clumsy attempt
to spoil my good name by posting my pictures on an article that has
nothing to do with me and trying to link me with a case of fraud.

Perhaps it's because many times in the past I've openly expressed the
opinion that the stories they publish are mostly lies and not news.

[size=20pt]I want to make it clear that I've never been involved in any business
with Seun Noibi. I have not founded any company with him, or anyone else.

For some reason best known to him, the young man tagged me as ‘cofounder’
of his ‘company’ on Facebook. And his company name was automatically added
to the info page of my Facebook profile. I didn't see it until my Facebook
profile data and pictures were splashed all over the infamous 'news' site.

When SahalaReporters contacted me at 6pm that day, I did not know about
the Facebook tag. In their email, they said he claimed I was his cofounder,
but didn't tell me where he made the claim or about the tag on my profile.

I hastily composed a reply to deny my involvement in any business dealings
with him, but later when I calmed down, I decided not to send it, because
I was afraid that SahalaReporters would find a way to twist my statement.

I did not realize that they didn't require a reply from me to do damage.

The next day, they posted my Facebook pictures alongside his pictures,
as if we were accomplices or something. They did not post pictures of
his family, classmates, friends, etc. They were not even mentioned.

I've been telling myself that I'm not bothered, but the truth is that I
am bothered. Even if I was his business partner, which I never was,
it would be unethical to splash my photos alongside his photos unless
I was implicated in the crime he was arrested for, which is impossible.

Even when Muttalab, who was a terrorist, not just a prankster, was caught,
no one posted the pictures of his friends, or even his family, not to
talk of posting the pictures of innocent people he tagged on Facebook.

Perhaps they felt pissed because I didn't respond their enquiry, but is
this a reason to embarrass me over what THEY KNOW I know nothing about?

Please join me in asking them to remove my pictures from the story.[/font]
wahala reporters will do  anything for more traffic. they know if they mention 'seun osewa' many Nairalanders will want to go look and comment.  
They deliberately painted the story one kind . They just shot themselves in the foot sha.

no worries seun , we know you had nothing to do with  that guy. chillax shogbo? wink
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by Afam4eva(m): 11:10am On Jul 02, 2011
Saharareporters are a huge joke.
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by Mobinga: 11:12am On Jul 02, 2011

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin


Seun no dey waste time, he has filtered "Sahararep, " hahaha
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by jmaine: 11:13am On Jul 02, 2011

[size=18pt]wahala reporters  cheesy cheesy [/size] will do  anything for more traffic.
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by Mynd44: 11:19am On Jul 02, 2011
They are just jealous that more Nigerians are getting tireg of their BS
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by baslone: 11:20am On Jul 02, 2011
I love Sahara reporters sha!
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by macjive01: 11:21am On Jul 02, 2011
Seun, what kind of silly defense are u putting up.

someone named you as a co-founder of a fraud front.

SHR had the decency to even call you up to question you before the published, yet u didnt thought it wise to defend ursef at that point, thereby making ursef A FRAUD CO-FOUNDER.

if a judge was to ask you :" guilty  or not guilty ?"

and u "I decided not to send it say anything because
I was [size=18pt]afraid[/size] that SahalaReporters the judge would find a way to twist my statement."

How incongruous !

(better return the money ooh if u hv de-frauded any body)

No wonder Aisha left, ceased any association with ur arse.
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by jmaine: 11:24am On Jul 02, 2011
Sahara shitty reporters link finally nailed on the land  grin grin . . .Camp  lipsrsealed lipsrsealed . . malicious salvos has just been limited
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by mukina2: 11:26am On Jul 02, 2011

Seun, what kind of silly defense are u putting up.

someone named you as a co-founder of a fraud front.

SHR had the decency to even call you up to question you before the published, yet u didnt thought it wise to defend ursef at that point, thereby making ursef A FRAUD CO-FOUNDER.

if a judge was to ask you :" guilty  or not guilty ?"

and u "I decided not to send it say anything because
I was [size=18pt]afraid[/size] that SahalaReporters the judge would find a way to twist my statement."

How incongruous !

(better return the money ooh if u hv de-frauded any body)

No wonder Aisha left, ceased any association with your arse.

Please do not drag Aisha into your post, you people should leave her alone, she requested to leave, let the lady's name rest, must you guys make every post referring to her. leave the lady's name in peace, haba undecided

Everyone knows wahala reporters peddle rumours faster than anyone, if you were in his shoes what will you do?
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by Seun(m): 11:29am On Jul 02, 2011
No wonder Aisha left, ceased any association with your arse.
Aisha2 left the forum because, on her Facebook page, in response to the Buhari crying story,
I responded by saying the reason he was crying is because he knew he was going to lose.
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by Horus(m): 11:30am On Jul 02, 2011
Seun should decide to take legal action against Sahara Reporter.
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by Godalone(m): 11:32am On Jul 02, 2011
You and your lawyer(s) need to act fast. You should have replied their e-mail.
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by EkoIle1: 11:35am On Jul 02, 2011
What exactly did Sahara Reporters did wrong?

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Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by Nobody: 11:36am On Jul 02, 2011
Hahahahaha Seun. So now you know how it feels, when you were busy posting half truths and twisting stories about Buhari ans Bakare you never knew something like dat will happen to you. Yeye go and cry to someone who cares, what goes around comes around. Am laughing at you, serves you right
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by mukina2: 11:36am On Jul 02, 2011
Eko Ile:

What exactly did Sahara Reporters did wrong?
They posted seun's fbk screen shot with his pictures directly underneath Seun Noibi's picture on their site.
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by Seun(m): 11:40am On Jul 02, 2011

You and your lawyer(s) need to act fast. You should have replied their e-mail.
People keep saying that I should have replied their email, but it's my honest belief that,
even if I replied them, they would still have posted the photos and profile. These are people
who post false stories about high-ranking politicians regularly, despite fervent denials by their
publicists.  So why would they care about a denial by a lowly webmaster like me?  Bear in mind
that I only had a couple of hours to think about what to do before they published the 'story'.
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by wesley80(m): 11:51am On Jul 02, 2011
Shiorrrr, Your chicken has come home to roost and ure crying wolf. Every silly gossip from SR no matter how ridiculous is guaranteed the homepage on your site and uve loved it cos cheap and ridiculous gossip draws traffic and u know it. Well, its your turn to have a taste and one wld expect u to take it like a man!
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by aljharem3: 11:54am On Jul 02, 2011

People keep saying that I should have replied their email, but it's my honest belief that,
even if I replied them, they would still have posted the photos and profile. These are people
who post false stories about high-ranking politicians regularly, despite fervent denials by their
publicists.  So why would they care about a denial by a lowly webmaster like me?  Bear in mind
that I only had a couple of hours to think about what to do before they published the 'story'.

no, u are also have a very high profile

seun nairaland is among the big websites in africa now so why do u think nairaland is low

i still think a replied would have been good but now my advice for u is to get a lawyer to look into this case
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by aljharem3: 11:55am On Jul 02, 2011

Shiorrrr, Your chicken has come home to roost and ure crying wolf. Every silly gossip from SR no matter how ridiculous is guaranteed the homepage on your site and uve loved it cos cheap and ridiculous gossip draws traffic and u know it. Well, its your turn to have a taste and one wld expect u to take it like a man!

and this is when mumu s come into play undecided

is this the solution or what exactly are u whining about
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by Godalone(m): 11:57am On Jul 02, 2011
I hardly believe in SR because they have lost it after the death of President UMY. I still want you to take legal action. SR is known for these kind of reports. Your response would have checked them before that malicious report.
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by KAYD007(m): 11:58am On Jul 02, 2011
or some reason best known to him, the young man tagged me as ‘cofounder’
of his ‘company’ on Facebook. And his company name was automatically added
to the info page of my Facebook profile. I didn't see it until my Facebook
profile data and pictures were splashed all over the infamous 'news' site.

When SahalaReporters contacted me at 6pm that day, I did not know about
the Facebook tag. In their email, they said he claimed I was his cofounder,
but didn't tell me where he made the claim or about the tag on my profile.

I hastily composed a reply to deny my involvement in any business dealings
with him, but later when I calmed down, I decided not to send it, because
I was afraid that SahalaReporters would find a way to twist my statement.

I did not realize that they didn't require a reply from me to do damage.

The next day, they posted my Facebook pictures alongside his pictures,
as if we were accomplices or something. They did not post pictures of
his family, classmates, friends, etc. They were not even mentioned

U re not a groundnut seller on the street. u re a owner of a popular  online forum,
suddenly ur name popped up on the facebook profile of a person that was being investigated,
what exactly did u expect? reading the article by Sahara reporter, they never alluded that u were a criminal or had
any thing criminal to do with the guy in question, '' after all una share d same name "seun" angry wink aside the fact that
he taged you on his profile, & sahara only stated what  the boy claimed,
Born in Ames, Iowa, Noibi claimed to have co-founded ‘Unleash Nigeria’ with his namesake, Seun Osewa, the founder of the popular Nigerian forum Nairaland.com. He told investigators that he has an office in the Southwest Side of Chicago. SaharaReporters contacted Mr. Osewa via email to ask about  their relationship but he did not respond to our requests.

its was only a claim which was subject to verification which your letter if sent would have put to rest.

perhaps the mistake u made was hesitating in sending the said reply  u hastily composed
irrespective of what you thought Sahara reporter might do with it, that might
have gone a long way in changing the out look of the story before publishing.
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by werepeLeri: 12:02pm On Jul 02, 2011
Excuse me? Have they changed their name to Sahala Reporters?
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by Nobody: 12:10pm On Jul 02, 2011
Why are you whinning? They told their own version of what they perceived to be true. At least they gave you the opportunity to defend yourself unlike when you twisted Bakares intereview and presented Buhari and a woman hater for not adopting obasanjos handpicked running mate (okonjo iwela) for him.
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by abacus(m): 12:10pm On Jul 02, 2011
@debrief - I second your post. It serves Seun right. Eni to ba de kun ati ba ni je, ao ba je kan le ni-- simple what goes around comes around.  Now let see who laff last and who cry more!

SR has more story in offing on Seun, NLders expect more.

You are reaping from  all those malicious posts you did on Buhari and Bakare. You never take your time investigate your posts on them, now SR is doing the same on you, your are crying. As for me and my household, we are on SR side.
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by KAYD007(m): 12:19pm On Jul 02, 2011
I don't think the story have in anyway dented your image. image? grin

mere reading the article will show it has nothing to do with you.

me think u shouldnt even bother going legal on it.

perharps you may wish to write sahara to  publish your concerns.

it should not be a quarrel with them as indicated on your"
On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image

they did not quarrel with you in the article,  when u do not hold the title of "Are Ona Kakanfo of yoruba land, why do u want to beat
your flat hairless chest?  angry
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by otokx(m): 12:25pm On Jul 02, 2011
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by tpia5: 1:20pm On Jul 02, 2011
Send them a message asking them to take the pictures down.

Their response should determine your next course of action.
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by isalegan2: 1:43pm On Jul 02, 2011
"Re: On [size=14pt]Sahalareporters[/size]' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image"

[font=Courier New, Fixed]I'm not really sure why [size=14pt]SahalaReporters[/size] is making a clumsy attempt
to spoil my good name by posting my pictures on an article that has
nothing to do with me and trying to link me with a case of fraud.

. . . When [size=14pt]SahalaReporters[/size] contacted me at 6pm that day, I did not know about
the Facebook tag. In their email, they said he claimed I was his cofounder,
but didn't tell me where he made the claim or about the tag on my profile.

. . . Even when Muttalab, who was a terrorist, not just a prankster, was caught,
no one posted the pictures of his friends, or even his family, not to
talk of posting the pictures of innocent people he tagged on Facebook.


At least thrice you typed that?  Are you having a laugh?  Or trying to prevent a legal challenge?

Where is the link to "Sahalareporters' story" on you?

(No need to bring Muttalab into it.  Not yet proven the boy "was a terrorist."  Just prove your own case, if there is one.)
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by Afam4eva(m): 2:09pm On Jul 02, 2011
Where is the source of this writeup because i can't seem to find anything on their site.
Re: On Sahalareporters' Wicked Attempt To Tarnish My Image by KAYD007(m): 2:47pm On Jul 02, 2011

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