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We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu - Politics (5) - Nairaland

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Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by lawani: 5:59pm On Sep 23, 2023

How can he start it when all the local govt is connected to the grid.

There is no local govt in Nigeria that isn't connected to the national grid as at today, if u want to kick start this, the state needs to disconnect an area, then proceed with an independent power plant, connect the energy to that locality and see what will happen.
If discos won't come and start giving bills as if na them get.light

Is the RCCG camp with its own generating plant and distribution company not connected to the national grid? When there is a will there will be a way
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by Truthshotcrazy: 5:59pm On Sep 23, 2023
Lol naso he dey sweet for mouth....

Before we starts have you been able to Provide UNN 247 electricity first let's start from dere we need someone to confirm that first....

We av seen almost all this big Churches from RCCG, Winners generating derr Power dem sef when will all this Schls stop depending on DiSCOS...
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by inoki247: 6:00pm On Sep 23, 2023

Before u ask irrelevant questions,first ask yourself if UNN produces gas abi is it his duties to give the school light??

I guess the churches are producing Gas.....

The school has yearly budget so they can include the Infastructure in dere budget even if they can't build it at once they should start from somewhere...

Or are they not paying Discos for the electricity been used in the schl so they can't use that money to buy Gas ...

You people and always looking for excuse to support anything.....

He made a speech at least he should start from his working place before we can believe in him....

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Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by AareGaa: 6:00pm On Sep 23, 2023

He's lying because he's not of the ronu brotherhood cult stock.

FG will not give him a penny if he is looking for who to scam.
He should approach his state government or local government chairmen.
Make light stable in Ibo land. Or ibos don't like good things?

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Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by SpecialAdviser(m): 6:03pm On Sep 23, 2023

Power with how much them dey pay am? With his salary?? Think mr man, THINK, not just to reply, THINK
He knows quite well the FG cannot give him such money or contract. You and I knows. My comment is that he should press the UNN VC to release some fund to put light in UNN campus.

I am angered by the darkness that pervade this school while a DON from school is making proposal to lighten the entire country. Why do we deceive ourselves too much in this country?

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Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by LofP(m): 6:12pm On Sep 23, 2023
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

Do you see why Nigeria is in a deep mess?

Look at all the naysayers saying power UNN first, power one LG first.... grin grin grin grin grin grin

How did China and Japan develop?

We are our own problem, and unless someone can forcefully unite everyone in this country, we will continue to be a laughing stock.


Because research is the foundation for development. That is why we need funding for education.

Research is meant to be implemented. Pilot projects ought to be commissioned, feasibility studies conducted and project commissioning on a sustainable scale, until all LGs are covered, but no, all you dimwits can utter is negative jeers.

Nigeria will never work with this attitude. When Education does not benefit society, the result is what we have now: a failed state.
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by Phantom233: 6:14pm On Sep 23, 2023
The man is talking about gas plants not solar or hydro, for those criticizing him, gas is not enugu so it needs to be channelled from the Nations only source of sustainance....(south south region)🤔
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by Konquest: 6:14pm On Sep 23, 2023

The dude is simply refering to the use of biogas. This isn't a new technology but I like the way he put a figure to the amount of biogas
from organic wastes that can be got offgrid for producing an average of
10 MW per Nigerian LGA.
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by thedio(m): 6:21pm On Sep 23, 2023
Well said prof but what if we limit the power generation to state level instead of taking it to local government.

Also using gas for all the power plant is a waste of energy, resources and time. Each state can generate about 300mega watt with the available resources. For example Enugu and kogi state can the use of the aboundant coal in their state,Niger can use water e.t.c.
Power distribution within the state shouldn't be a big prob,mini grid can be built in each senatorial district to make the distribution and bills collection easier
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by lawani: 6:21pm On Sep 23, 2023

The dude is simply refering to the use of biogas. This isn't a new technology but I like the way he put a figure to the amount of biogas that can be generated offgrid for producing an average of 10 MW per

Of course it will help if each LG is mandated to generate power at all cost and they can do it with corporate assistance and those companies will benefit but not 10MW per LG since some LGs have population more than sovereign nations. Once generated, distribution would be simple

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Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by ilevic(m): 6:22pm On Sep 23, 2023
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by Kepukepu: 6:24pm On Sep 23, 2023
Lol naso he dey sweet for mouth....

Before we starts have you been able to Provide UNN 247 electricity first let's start from dere we need someone to confirm that first....

We av seen almost all this big Churches from RCCG, Winners generating derr Power dem sef when will all this Schls stop depending on DiSCOS...
powering Nigeria is simple if you can remove thr political huddles
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by ogawisdom(m): 6:28pm On Sep 23, 2023
Power unn community first Prof
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by onuman: 6:29pm On Sep 23, 2023


Big mind.
If na Fulani or Yaribawa man, he will think only about his region.
Ethnocentric centrifugal forces from these two ethnic groups pulled Nigeria to the present pit it's in. Both groups struggle for apex political leadership of Nigeria solely for building better infrastructures in their respective regions.

Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by rayopt(m): 6:30pm On Sep 23, 2023
You will see some ediots hailing this one for telling us what we already know. That's how fashola brag and brag until dey gave him minister spot. Where is the 24/7 electricity now? Tueh

Of course, we all know it can be done. RCCG and some church-owned communities are doing it. I am doing it in my house and it is not cheap. I keep saying this that most Nigerians can't afford the good governance.

There is a new law that allows states to generate their own power. Oga professor, goan do it in your state or area if it is that cheap. No kon disturb us with your okoto meow. We don taya.

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Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by saysoo: 6:41pm On Sep 23, 2023

Idiot. Tell me the square kilometer that covers the 774LGAs and show me the distribution capabilities you have? Animals decieving the government to get appiontment.
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by Burob: 6:41pm On Sep 23, 2023
Nonesense noisemakers everywhere. I recently visited UNN my alma mater and found out everywhere was dark.

Let this efulefu power UNN first. UNN is rapidly losing its glory in the hands of it's latest fraud managers.
Ok, you will not blame Tinubu & APC for this?
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by 1Dray(m): 6:43pm On Sep 23, 2023
Idiot. Tell me the square kilometer that covers the 774LGAs and show me the distribution capabilities you have? Animals decieving the government to get appiontment.

Why are you guys full of hate? Your hatred will surely consume you.
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by VEHINTOLAR: 6:45pm On Sep 23, 2023
The Prof should have demonstrated the workability of the "gasification plant" in UNN by using it to provide 24/7 electricity supply in that community. If he had done that,there wouldn't have been any need for seeking the attention of the FG now. The FG,through the Federal Ministry of Power,would have visited him in Nnsuka !

Let's see how it works in Enugu state first,Sir.
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by inoki247: 6:47pm On Sep 23, 2023
powering Nigeria is simple if you can remove thr political huddles

Is easy to Yarn let them start from the school they're managing they should add the Infastructural cost to dere Yearly budget at least they won't need to hire any engineer to put the Infastructure in place....

We blame politics for everything let this people dishing out speech do it first in derr place of work where there's no much political influence....

At least they pay Disco for electricity supplied from the schl allocation they can use that money to buy Gas to power it ...

All this people are good at speech until you ask dem for even a 1 percent evidence....
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by saysoo: 6:49pm On Sep 23, 2023

Why are you guys full of hate? Your hatred will surely consume you.
but I hate liars.
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by Slymontee: 6:51pm On Sep 23, 2023
Lol naso he dey sweet for mouth....

Before we starts have you been able to Provide UNN 247 electricity first let's start from dere we need someone to confirm that first....

We av seen almost all this big Churches from RCCG, Winners generating derr Power dem sef when will all this Schls stop depending on DiSCOS...
Dude na firebrand, recently attracted a 9B dollar project from Japan to UNN. They are constructing the building for the project with a kind of speed that can only be understood when u convert USD 9B to Nigerian Naira

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Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by 1Dray(m): 6:54pm On Sep 23, 2023
but I hate liars.
Does that Prof. look like a politician to you? Prof. Bath did deliver in the few month he was given a little chance in few months but politics in Nigeria won't let him finish what he started.
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by Konquest: 6:54pm On Sep 23, 2023

Of course it will help if each LG is mandated to generate power at all cost and they can do it with corporate assistance and those companies will benefit but not 10MW per LG since some LGs have population more than sovereign nations. Once generated, distribution would be simple

Lagos State is a case study here with several biogas pilot projects in Mile 12 market, Kirikiri correctional centre, etc, but no major desire to upgrade or scale up for community electrification and cooking.

If scaling up is done right, municipal organic wastes would dissapear from where they are usually dumped in high density areas in the various LGAs and states.
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by inoki247: 6:55pm On Sep 23, 2023
Dude na firebrand, recently attracted a 9B dollar project from Japan to UNN. They are constructing the building for the project with a kind of speed that can only be understood when u convert USD 9B to Nigerian Naira

Then they should do it first before blowing any trumpet from powering the schl alone will show they're capable...

The Church Neva make noise abt it buh if dos Church generating Electricity dem sef say they can do it nobody will ever doubt them because we already have an example.....

We need example first before we can believe any speech...

All speech are good on papers na the result we no dey see so by showing example will give us all impression they're capable....

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Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by saysoo: 6:58pm On Sep 23, 2023

Does that Prof. look like a politician to you? Prof. Bath did deliver in the few month he was given a little chance in few months but politics in Nigeria won't let him finish what he started.
Because he is a Prof? That is an education title. One simple invention from him please? Besides Mammod lied to the world and a Prof.
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by searchlight: 6:59pm On Sep 23, 2023

They will NEVER, because it's coming from of course the most despised tribe.
The collective hatred for igbos is the bane of the ZOO
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by 1Dray(m): 7:01pm On Sep 23, 2023
Because he is a Prof? That is an education title. One simple invention from him please? Besides Mammod lied to the world and a Prof.

Do you know this prof. in person?
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by jahsharon: 7:15pm On Sep 23, 2023
He should start from one local government so that we will all see

Has he powered his university first?

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Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by duro4chang(m): 7:18pm On Sep 23, 2023

Has he powered his university first?
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by YouAreNobody: 7:19pm On Sep 23, 2023

Electricity is fully deregulated.
The era of blame game is over.
Make light stable in Ibo land first.
You're totally deviating from the question I asked you
Re: We Can Power 774 LGAs In Nigeria Within 24 Months – Prof. Emenike Ejiogu by occfx: 7:26pm On Sep 23, 2023


The leaders of Nigeria dont want light... Darkness is the ruler of the zoo. More than 100 days in office, no sign of good electricity.

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