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Men Supporting Men - Romance - Nairaland

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Men Supporting Men by YourGFsnatcher: 3:14pm On Jan 06, 2024
Being part of the men's world Is a blessing.

Here's what I learnt about older Men

1. They always want to give you the right advice: Older men will always want to give you a genuine advice to avoid the same mistake they made. Unfortunately, some gender(s) will never tell the younger ones the truth. When they mess up their life, rather than telling the younger ones to be careful, they go about telling them it's okay to mess around, and that any man that doesn't accept them the way they are is not worthy of them. They hardly encourage them to be better. cheesy

2. Older men don't see younger men as competition: Oder men will not compete with younger men on anything. They don't compete on fashion or relationships. Unfortunately it's not like that for some gender(s), they feel the younger ones are their competitors.

3. Men have no issues with having bosses of the same gender: men can work under male bosses without any issue. But other gender (s) that feel they know everything cannot even work with their kind. grin

4. Men easily get along: men can find themselves On the street and become acquainted regardless of class, age or locality. They can even sit and buy drinks for themselves without knowing each others names

5. Men can stay with each other for a long time: if not because we are always expecting the other gender and we need privacy.. men can stay together for a long time without any issue. They don't see issues where there are no issues. They start seeing issues when they start getting advice from the other gender.

NOTE: This is not exclusive and most importantly, this is not against the other gender(s) we love the other gender to death... but we have to appreciate ourselves

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Re: Men Supporting Men by Xscape047: 4:55pm On Jan 06, 2024
On point 💯

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