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I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me - Romance - Nairaland

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I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by GeneralKoko(m): 11:11am On May 15, 2024
Good day Nairalanders!

I'm 21 years and would be 22 this year. I would be finishing school by September and I plan to leave my parents house totally by the end of this year.
Although staying with my parents guarantee me free food and comfort I think on the long run it would limit me.

What's your advice??


Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by gratefulheart(m): 11:21am On May 15, 2024
That's a good one. I left home at 19, many years ago and it worth it. Try and get something doing, get apartment in a good area, change your circle to people you can look up to, focus on your future and be prayerful...

It wouldn't be easy but it will worth it...

Good day Nairalanders!

I'm 21 years and would be 22 this year. I would be finishing school by September and I plan to leave my parents house totally by the end of this year.
Although staying with my parents guarantee me free food and comfort I think on the long run it would limit me.

What's your advice??


Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Caspry5: 11:30am On May 15, 2024
Don't be in a haste to leave if you don't have the necessary skills or relationships you've built to survive because things are so bleeped up right now. Free food and free shelter will help your savings for now. Life is in phases. For now, GROW.

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Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Sonnobax15(m): 11:31am On May 15, 2024
Omoh,if your parents aren't pressuring you to leave their house,abeg stay......

At 21,you are still young......This is the age where you need the guidance of your parents and not that of the streets!!!

Tho many people will tell you to leave your comfort zone so that you can go and face what real life is all about.....

But lemme tell You this for free of charge--"that the streets ain't got no love for a young struggling nigha". Na when you don enter the street life,na then you go realize your mistakes,and by then,you go begin reason am say na fvck up for you to return to your parents house sad

Op,stay put,and don't be in a hurry to be a man....cuz the streets ain't smiling!!!

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Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Coolestguy2023: 12:00pm On May 15, 2024
Good day Nairalanders!

I'm 21 years and would be 22 this year. I would be finishing school by September and I plan to leave my parents house totally by the end of this year.
Although staying with my parents guarantee me free food and comfort I think on the long run it would limit me.

What's your advice??

Stay away from women and focus on yout hustle while staying alone. It is a big temptation staying alone as a young boy as there will be that urge to always bring different girls to your house for knacks


Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by gammarays(m): 12:32pm On May 15, 2024
Good day Nairalanders!

I'm 21 years and would be 22 this year. I would be finishing school by September and I plan to leave my parents house totally by the end of this year.
Although staying with my parents guarantee me free food and comfort I think on the long run it would limit me.

What's your advice??
It's a good decision to take up your personal responsibility. However this Balablue economy is really harsh.

Only move out if you have something doing that fetches you good money. Otherwise you go know say mama thank you no be bad thing.

I've been living on my own for a long time. It's a life to experience and what makes you a man


Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by EreluRoz: 12:36pm On May 15, 2024
Men always eager to leave their father's house secretly because of freedom to be having sex but they'll be disguising that they want to go and hustle. Did they forbid you from hustling from your father's house?

Op can you swear that freedom to be having sex as you like isn't part of why you want to leave? I hate pretense

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Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by zed7: 1:26pm On May 15, 2024
Why exactly are you leaving? I left in my late 20's. It gave me the opportunity to develop myself properly, got post graduate degrees and certifications. By the time I left and stayed on my own, I was in very comfortable place as I had built myself well and was equipped to survive as an Independent man.

There is no sense in suffering if your family home provides comfort and allows you focus on building on yourself. Staying alone without being mature can lead to many setbacks. Think about it properly.

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Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by MikeofKd(m): 1:40pm On May 15, 2024
Lol young boys of these days ,always in a rush. Look boy , life is step by step. The responsibilities of living alone would kill you by the time u start paying bills and house rent.

So I would advice you to stay in your parents house ,learn a good skill , master the skill, earn and save money , u can contribute to paying little bills for ur parents and maybe when your in your late 20s you can get ur own place.


Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by wizrose(m): 1:54pm On May 15, 2024
Good day Nairalanders!

I'm 21 years and would be 22 this year. I would be finishing school by September and I plan to leave my parents house totally by the end of this year.
Although staying with my parents guarantee me free food and comfort I think on the long run it would limit me.

What's your advice??

Staying with your parents now come with an advantage off having enough saving in your account.. because you won't be paying for house rent NEPA bill food peace of mind and so one but still you staying on your own it's cool most of all you will have your own privacy but after school don't expected life to be easy staying on your own depending on your self but If you think you can take care of your self you are good to go
Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Anunakeeh: 2:00pm On May 15, 2024
Good day Nairalanders!

I'm 21 years and would be 22 this year. I would be finishing school by September and I plan to leave my parents house totally by the end of this year.
Although staying with my parents guarantee me free food and comfort I think on the long run it would limit me.

What's your advice??

You have overstayed at your parents house. Leave that house immediately. At your age 22years, You are supposed to have your personal house and be married and also have a good business or job.

As for me i left my parents house when i was 15years old. I built my first house when i clocked 19years old. I have three houses and landed properties across the country today.

It might be very challenging at first but you will scale through. Don't let anyone discourage you.

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Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by FitCorper: 2:03pm On May 15, 2024
The advice is simple. Do not give all your vigor to women. Find and online skill and focus on it, in 5 years time u will thank yourself.

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Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Matheusmartin: 2:19pm On May 15, 2024

If my parents were still alive,nothing would have made me pack out, at least not now.

Street life nor funny at all.
One question, are you working?

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Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by PerfectStranger(m): 2:32pm On May 15, 2024
Men always eager to leave their father's house secretly because of freedom to be having sex but they'll be disguising that they want to go and hustle. Did they forbid you from hustling from your father's house?

Op can you swear that freedom to be having sex as you like isn't part of why you want to leave? I hate pretense
Sex is the only thing your brain could suggest.
This generation sha embarassed


Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by akube34: 2:41pm On May 15, 2024
Good day Nairalanders!

I'm 21 years and would be 22 this year. I would be finishing school by September and I plan to leave my parents house totally by the end of this year.
Although staying with my parents guarantee me free food and comfort I think on the long run it would limit me.

What's your advice??
nobody Dey pursue you. Go back home if you don’t have the resources yet, plan yourself while there and move out later. No follow these people wey Dey talk leave your comfort zone, na so them tell me but I no send them. I left at 26, and I am doing well. Paying bills no easy ooo and you have the most part of your life to pay

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Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Wainey: 3:08pm On May 15, 2024
Good day Nairalanders!

I'm 21 years and would be 22 this year. I would be finishing school by September and I plan to leave my parents house totally by the end of this year.
Although staying with my parents guarantee me free food and comfort I think on the long run it would limit me.

What's your advice??
u get free food and comfort?
Oga i will advice u to start something while u are still with ur father, when u begin to have a steady cash flow, u can leave.
The street is not smiling
Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by richiemcgold: 3:45pm On May 15, 2024
Make sure you've got a good source of income.
Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by id4sho(m): 3:46pm On May 15, 2024
Men always eager to leave their father's house secretly because of freedom to be having sex but they'll be disguising that they want to go and hustle. Did they forbid you from hustling from your father's house?

Op can you swear that freedom to be having sex as you like isn't part of why you want to leave? I hate pretense
Angry hornyy lady tongue


Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Blitzking: 4:00pm On May 15, 2024
Good day Nairalanders!

I'm 21 years and would be 22 this year. I would be finishing school by September and I plan to leave my parents house totally by the end of this year.
Although staying with my parents guarantee me free food and comfort I think on the long run it would limit me.

What's your advice??
Depends on many factors...if you plan to japa I advise you stay and save for your trip
If you plan on opening a business I advise you stay for 2 to 7 yrs and gather yourself before launching out
If you are from a well to do home you should have savings now but do you have skill or a ready job to maintain your independence if you u go dey call home regularly even though u dey stay alone
Note you are still young..you have like 6 to 8yrs..to get you feet but don't be a loafer..make your own money even though u stay with them I know u would want to have you special moment with one banny na the only disadvantage kongi go kill you if u wan dey go lodgeyou no go fit save.
Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Gadafii: 4:14pm On May 15, 2024
I started staying in my own when I was 24 or so, I stayed with my elder brother since I was 15, went into school, got a job, I had a saving I was doing well for my self and lacked nothing I wanted, yet I didn't see the need to stay alone until he relocated back to Abuja

My advise to you is don't be in a rush to leave now, get a job and work for a while to at least have saving, staying alone is a thing of joy and pride for every young adult, but it comes with a price, the freedom isn't free

When I started staying on my own, I had the freedom to be where ever I wanted and when ever I wanted, yet the training I had to be back home at certain time stuck with me.


Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Gadafii: 4:17pm On May 15, 2024
Men always eager to leave their father's house secretly because of freedom to be having sex but they'll be disguising that they want to go and hustle. Did they forbid you from hustling from your father's house?

Op can you swear that freedom to be having sex as you like isn't part of why you want to leave? I hate pretense
only men who are not disciplined or lacked vision have sex anyhow, to some men like me, sex is over rated

Even before I started living alone, I had a fair share of sex, there are still hotels one could lodge, quite affordable then

But leaving your father's house to be responsible for your safety, feeding, well-being, etc is a thing of pride for every young man, not necessarily because of sex like you say


Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Greystone: 4:36pm On May 15, 2024
If you rent a house in a compound, make sure you don't get romantically involved with your female neighbors.
E get why

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Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Godmother(f): 4:46pm On May 15, 2024
Be sure you have something doing that can bring in a constant flow of cash.

House rent and other bills are no joke and before you know it twelve months will be over.


Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by GeneralKoko(m): 5:09pm On May 15, 2024
The advice is simple. Do not give all your vigor to women. Find and online skill and focus on it, in 5 years time u will thank yourself.

I sell lands and quite frankly I've been making some money from it although not as consistent as I would love it
Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by GeneralKoko(m): 5:10pm On May 15, 2024

If my parents were still alive,nothing would have made me pack out, at least not now.

Street life nor funny at all.
One question, are you working?

I sell lands. Although I make small money from it but I'm not so stable yet but I think I would be stable soon.
Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by GeneralKoko(m): 5:13pm On May 15, 2024

Depends on many factors...if you plan to japa I advise you stay and save for your trip
If you plan on opening a business I advise you stay for 2 to 7 yrs and gather yourself before launching out
If you are from a well to do home you should have savings now but do you have skill or a ready job to maintain your independence if you u go dey call home regularly even though u dey stay alone
Note you are still young..you have like 6 to 8yrs..to get you feet but don't be a loafer..make your own money even though u stay with them I know u would want to have you special moment with one banny na the only disadvantage kongi go kill you if u wan dey go lodgeyou no go fit save.

I get barny already but the thing I fear is that if I stay at home the comfort may make me not to work so hard.
At my dad's house food and everything is provided even to chores.
Although,I have a house I've rented but my parents send me stipends.
I just want to stay on my own as this would make me take life very seriously.
Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by GeneralKoko(m): 5:15pm On May 15, 2024
That's a good one. I left home at 19, many years ago and it worth it. Try and get something doing, get apartment in a good area, change your circle to people you can look up to, focus on your future and be prayerful...

It wouldn't be easy but it will worth it...

Thanks for your advice.
Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Malawian(m): 5:41pm On May 15, 2024
Don't rent too far away, you fit need to branch home one day just to eat food before hunger go kee you.
Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Rexymania(m): 5:42pm On May 15, 2024
Don't go yet, save up and learn a skill
Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Blitzking: 5:45pm On May 15, 2024

I get barny already but the thing I fear is that if I stay at home the comfort may make me not to work so hard.
At my dad's house food and everything is provided even to chores.
Although,I have a house I've rented but my parents send me stipends.
I just want to stay on my own as this would make me take life very seriously.
If u av a steady job or side hustle..go for it but I were in your shoes I would stay with them earn my money and launch out..economy is not smiling..u go pay lightbill..pay waste bill pay service charge...buy fuel for gen...buy foodstuffs...pay TV sub..buy data..if u are ready for the challenge go for it.
Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Matheusmartin: 6:25pm On May 15, 2024

I sell lands. Although I make small money from it but I'm not so stable yet but I think I would be stable soon.
If u feel u have what it takes,fire down!

Goodluck mate
Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by Olachase(m): 8:09pm On May 15, 2024
I left home when I was 20, I don't KW Ur story buh here is my,

after I left home 2016 thinking life is how it was shown in the film, reality hit me then I knew what it takes to be a man, then I began to imagine what my dad could have pass through all his struggles just to feed the family, πŸ˜” πŸ˜”

(to every guys and men out there I pray God bless our hustle) πŸ™πŸ™

For three years I couldn't see my family, cus I don't want to Go back home empty handed πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

I was inside the hot sun one faithful afternoon looking for my daily bread when my mom called me and gave me the sad news that my dad had passed away (heart attack) I felt sad inside me I don't know when tears rolled down my eyes 😭😭

I left home to feed home, after my dad passed away, I became the new head of the family (first born)

Sometimes I felt like we are just here to entertain the heaven

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