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Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 1:46pm On Jun 04, 2012
The true racial composition of Europe has been presented to us as a White continent so that we do not know
that Africans were the rulers of Europe and it was through inter-marriage that White people penetrated the
Black aristocracy until the 1841 when the aristocracy became whitened and decided to partition and colonize Africa.

It is time to re-examine all the images we have been shown in our textbooks and claim our heritage which included
Europe. In ancient times, Europe was practically Northern Africa, because military and scientific knowledge was
controlled by Africans called Moors (pre-Christian and later Christian and Muslim)
It was Africans who introduced Christianity into Europe and converted the arriving white Europeans to a Black Mary
and a Black Jesus.

The racial composition of the ancient world was very different when religious books were written
so we need to re-evaluate the images that we daily associate with the persons in these books.

Culture is the most powerful weapon holding down the big continent of Africa, because we have been deceived
about our History in the Faculty of Arts of tertiary institutions that were established by Europeans
to reinforce propaganda about the assumed Euro-Arab superiority over Black People.

Our development begins in our minds and will manifest in our ability to produce our needs, from toothpicks to petrol.

Here are useful hyper-links:

When Saxony was Black and England had Black Royal Families http://www.beforebc.de/all_europe/02-16-800-00-73..EnglandsFirstRoyalFamilyWasBlack.html
African featured nobility of Early Europe http://www.beforebc.de/all_europe/02-16-800-00-51.html
Kings of England and When Africans had straight hair http://www.beforebc.de/all_europe/02-16-800-00-65a.html
Africans of Ancient Germany http://www.beforebc.de/all_europe/02-16-800-00-90.html
Ferdinand and Isabelle, the Catholics http://www.beforebc.de/all_europe/02-16-800-40-NW-cas-88-000-20-10-00..Ferdinand-II.and.Isabel.of.Castile.jpg

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Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by PAGAN9JA(m): 4:06pm On Jun 04, 2012
what a load of Bullsh!t angry


Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 8:07am On Jun 05, 2012
The Bull is the Zodiac symbol of Taurus which is followed by Aries (Lamb/Ram) Pisces and Aquarius.
Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 8:28am On Jun 05, 2012
I forgot to add: Pisces means the Fish, Aquarius is the Water-bearer
Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by ifyalways(f): 4:59pm On Jun 06, 2012
Funny OP.
Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by PAGAN9JA(m): 10:01pm On Jun 06, 2012
jantavanta: The Bull is the Zodiac symbol Taurus which coolfollowed by Aries (Lamb/Ram) Pisces and Aquarius.

are you mad
Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 11:56am On Jun 08, 2012
The greatest discoveries always look mad at first sight.
How many scientists believed it would be possible to travel faster than sound?
Who believed that controlled explosions would be the basis for automobile engines

The Ethiopian Empire of 650 BC spread into Europe and introduced castle-building.
The word Knight originated from being black as night. That is the secret no one will tell you.

Here are European names which were originally names of Black people:

From Moor: Maur ice, Mor ien, Moor e, Maur een
From Char: to be char red: Char les, Char lemagne, Char lotte

Find attached the 3 Brothers Thaler showing three of the children of Christian I of Saxony (Dresden, 29 October 1560 – Dresden, 25 September 1591) was Elector of Saxony from 1586 to 1591. His sons shown in the coin are Christian II (successor of his father as Elector), Johan Georg I(successor of his brother as Elector) and Augustus (no title)

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Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 9:06am On Jun 21, 2012
Edith of England (Old English: Ēadgȳð) (910 – 26 January 946), also spelt Eadgyth or Ædgyth, was the daughter of Edward the Elder, and the wife of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor. From Wikimedia

Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 10:22am On Jun 26, 2012
Ulric I , Duke of Württemberg 1498-1519 & 1534-1550

Notice his kinky hair depicted on the coin in his image on the Guldiner during his first government 1498-1519

During his second government, from 1520 to 1534 Ulric was dethroned and during this period Emperor Charles V and his brother Ferdinand were entitled to mint in occupied Württemberg. Emperor Charles V had his own image put on the Gold Ducat shown below.

Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 7:15am On Jul 01, 2012
Here is the matching painting of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V from http://realhistoryww.com

Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by Nobody: 10:17pm On Jul 03, 2012
what a load of Bullsh!t angry

Shut your dirty mouth. What research have you done to know the truth?

Empty skull.


Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 9:30am On Jul 05, 2012
Over 50,000 years ago, Africans spread out to Europe.There are remains onf Africans in the Paleolithic layer of the
Earth. Whites came into Europe only in 1,200BC.
The Franks and Celts were Black people. White fantasy images were created only in the post Renaissance era
to justify the notion that Black People were not to be found outside Africa

Maurice, Duke of Saxony 1541-1553, elector from 1547


The Legend of St Maurice of Egypt was propagated to conceal the fact that the Holy Roman Empire was
a Black One. All images of St Maurice show him in Medieval Armor and not Roman Military uniform
Please note that the Holy Roman Empire came after the Roman Empire; they were two different empires.

Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 9:46am On Jul 05, 2012
Roman Emperor Elagabalus; notice his nose has been broken of by White People, like many ancient Egyptian sculptures, because it is not pointed.

He is just one out of many Black Roman Emperors and Black Popes

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Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 10:34am On Jul 05, 2012
The word "K night" originated from the word "night", because Knights of Medieval Europe were as black as night.

Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 11:25am On Jul 05, 2012
Lindsey Family Crest of Black Britain http://realhistoryww.com/world_history/ancient/Misc/Crests/Crests_2.htm; one out of so many Black families

Black Men should tell Black Women: "You are beautiful as you are, without bleaching or straightening your hair"

Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 8:49am On Jul 06, 2012
Ealhswith, Queen consort of Wessex. Tenure: 23 April 871 – 26 October 899

Edith I of England was the daughter of Edward the Elder who was the son of Ealhswith, royal wife of Alfred the Great.

Thus Ealhswith, Queen consort of Wessex and daughter of a Mercian nobleman was the paternal grandmother of Edith I, Queen of England.

Notice that her right hand has been over-painted white.

Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 10:54am On Jul 06, 2012
The Story of Princess Scotia of Ireland, Exile princess from Ancient Egypt.

Research work done by Lorraine Evans; published in 2001 in http://www.amazon.com/Kingdom-Ark-Startling-Descended-Pharaohs/dp/0671029568 Kingdom of the Ark : The Startling Story of How the Ancient British Race is Descended from the Pharaohs, confirms earlier research work by Gerald Massey; first published in 1881, on the Kamite (Black Ancient Egyptian) origin of Irish legendary lore. See http://www.masseiana.org/aebk6.htm#366 The Irish Amenta

From: The Story of Princess Scota, http://realhistoryww.com/world_history/ancient/Misc/Crests/Crests.htm Black Britain

"Lorraine Evans in her compelling book, Kingdom of the Ark, reveals archaeological connections between Egypt and Ireland. Evans argues that the connections between the two distant lands were plausible and there is archaeological evidence to support the theory. In 1937 in North Ferriby, Yorkshire, the remains of an ancient boat were discovered. While thought to be a Viking longship at first, continued excavation produced additional ships, wrecked in a storm. Further investigation showed that the boats were much older than Viking ships and were of a type found in the Mediterranean. It was concluded that these boats originated from 2000 years before the Viking age and were radiocarbon dated to around 1400 to 1350 BC. Evans then makes connections to argue that these boats could originate from Egypt, as the time frame fits the dating of the faience beads. While investigating the origins of the people of Scotland in the Bower manuscript, the Scotichronicon, she discovers the story of Scota, the Egyptian princess and daughter of a pharaoh who fled from Egypt with her husband Gaythelos with a large following of people who arrive in a fleet of ships. They settled in Scotland for a while amongst the natives, until they were forced to leave and landed in Ireland, where they formed the Scotti, and their kings became the high kings of Ireland. In later centuries, they returned to Scotland, defeating the Picts, and giving Scotland its name".

This is the sculpture of Princess Meritaten, daugther of Pharoah Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti, who sailed away in political exile,
to Ireland sometime between 1400 to 1350 BC to become Princess Scotia, after whom Scotland is named.

Princess Meritaten, Princess Scotia of Ireland

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Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 11:58am On Jul 06, 2012
King George III (reign 25 October 1760 – 29 January 1820) of United Kingdom and of Hanover and Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz

These are the great-great-great grandparents of the present Queen Elizabeth II

All the nobility of Europe are intermarried across different countries. Beware of the white fantasy paintings of George III. The French Revolution was a revolution against the ruling Black Nobility.

From http://freemuur./2011/02/18/his-most-sacred-majesty-king-george-iii/

[img]http://freemuur.files./2011/02/king-george-iii.jpg[/img] [img]http://freemuur.files./2011/02/queen-charlotte2.jpg[/img]

The half-caste Queen Charlotte
Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 10:24am On Jul 14, 2012
The Inca King List

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (reign 28 June 1519 – 27 August 1556), Black Man and Colonizer of South America

Emperor Charles V was a black man as shown in the painting of the Inca King List from 1800s

In this picture, Charles V is the only person wearing the crown. Within the Empire, there were Black Kings of Spain,
the last one being Felipe Quarto Phillip IV, King of Spain 1605-1666


Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (Carlos Quinto)wearing the crown is the 15th Inca Emperor

zoom of picture showing Emperor Charles V wearing the crown

The fake whitened painting is shown below. For two hundred years 1800s to 2000s, paintings of Black Rulers of Europe have been whitened to illustrate the recent
White supremacist ideology. Black people ruled Europe because White people migrated into Europe from Central Asia only as from 1200BC and met Black Civilization there.
Black People from Africa have been in Europe as early as 45,000 BC. For thousands of years the accepted image for divinity was Black all over the world. it is only in the past
200 years that it changed to White. One example is the Italian Renaissance sculptor Michelangelo's depiction of Jesus as a White Northern Italian blonde that is in circulation
up till today.

White Supremacist Fake Painting

Read more from: http://realhistoryww.com/world_history/ancient/South_America_2.htm
Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 11:01am On Jul 14, 2012
The Big question now is: Who colonized the U.S.A. of today?
USA was a colony of the reigning King of Engand. the Black Nobility of Europe were colonizing the U.S.A. Starting from King James I of England 1603-1625(at the same time King James IV of Scotland 1566-1625) from the House of Stuart and Orange and continuing to King George III of Great Britain & Ireland 1730-1820.

Third President of the Confederation of American States according to the adoption of the Articles of Confederation(before the adoption of the Constitution of
the United States of America) was a Black Man called John Hanson, a subject of the British House of Hanover via the Swedish Ruling House of Oldenburg.


Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 12:57pm On Jul 17, 2012
Re-thinking Shakespearean England

The images that we associate with the name Shakepeare are White People in a white drama, except for
the character of Othello the Moor. But from the findings on this thread, Europe in the 1600s was being ruled by the Black Nobility.
So we should question the images we have been programmed to associate with the name Shakespeare.

We have been taught that to read Shakespearean Plays is to be educated [in White Imagery].
This is a false concept because what has been going on in Ancient Egyptian archeology starting from the invasion by Napoleon
Bonaparte is the falsification of a lot of sculptures to make them appear White European. Where they cannot re-work the noses
to look pointed, they simply break them off.

The same thing has been done with the Shakespearean England history. King James I (The Black Colonial master of the present USA) and
and copyright holder of the King James Bible has been falsely presented as White to re-inforce the notion that Black People had to learn how to
read and write from White Europeans. Whereas, it was the late migration of Whites into Western Europe about 500AD who had to learn writing from
the Black Europeans.

So we may ask how come we ended up as slaves on the Plantations of the Americas? : The answer is Invasion via the Bedroom.

Intermarriage by the Black European nobility with Whites was the pathway for the White invasion of Africa!

The Archer below was an indigene of Europe and NOT a slave from Africa, as we have been programmed to think.

Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 1:34pm On Jul 17, 2012
The Russians have Also been Lying

Apart from Abram Petrovich Gannibal, who is the Eritrean ancestor of Alexander Pushkin,
the Soviets have never told us about the indigenous Black People of Russia. Behind the
Ideology of Communism was a competition for White Supremacist domination of the world.

To avoid posting too many pictures, here is link that will explain more

In summary, our present predicament started out with the Whitening of Europe.
So what should we do now?
Even though the Black Europeans are no more alive, those of us who have the means should try to
see into the souls of the present day White Europeans, beyond what they show us in the media.
We should stop bombarding African Children with toxic White images in their Schools.

There is no reason why Children cannot pass English and Mathematics at the WAEC and NECO
post secondary (post high-school) exams. The English language is an evolution of Black and White people.
Mathematics is not a White European Man's or White Arab Man's Science.It is an African Science
that allowed the introduction of Astronomy, Physics and Civil Engineering from Africa into Europe.
There is the need to question the images in the Cinderella and Goldilocks fairy tales we feed to Black children.

There is no need to run to White Arabs to seek alternate education; that is a symptom
of Binary Conditioning (borrowed from Wole Soyinka); a psychological ailment that imposes either White European OR White Arab
path to self-realization for Africans.

Our existing institutions of spirituality are good enough for our development,
despite their misuse and the degradation done to them by Nollywood.

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Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 11:18am On Jul 22, 2012
The reason for the French Revolution

The French Revolution of 1789 sought to eliminate the ruling Black Nobility and Black Image of God through an Atheistic agenda. Napoleon Bonaparte's coronation took place in the same Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris that he had previously ransacked of its Black imagery.

Storming of The Bastille, 14 July 1789

The Right Hand of God Protecting the Faithful against Demons, ca. 1452–60 Jean Fouquet (French, ca. 1415/20–1478/81)
Notice that the clergy are Black People outside the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Paris is from Ancient Egyptian Par Isis, meaning "House of Isis"


His reason for his immediate expedition to Egypt was to find out what had been the source of the power of the French Black Nobility. His expedition opened the way for 'discoverers' such as Jean Francois Champollion, Jean-Baptiste Fourier and Pierre-Simon de Laplace
Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by mkmyers45(m): 11:31am On Jul 22, 2012
Will look everything up properly when im on PC
Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by PAGAN9JA(m): 10:56pm On Jul 22, 2012
i cant believe you fellows actually bellieve this lame stuff. seriously i mean WHAT THE HELL how can knight be?..................oh well never mind. . tongue angry

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Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by PhysicsQED(m): 11:39pm On Jul 22, 2012
jantavanta: King George III (reign 25 October 1760 – 29 January 1820) of United Kingdom and of Hanover and Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz

These are the great-great-great grandparents of the present Queen Elizabeth II

All the nobility of Europe are intermarried across different countries. Beware of the white fantasy paintings of George III. The French Revolution was a revolution against the ruling Black Nobility.

From http://freemuur./2011/02/18/his-most-sacred-majesty-king-george-iii/


This is freaking hilarious grin grin grin

That's a photograph. Now look at the photograph and look at the dates you gave for the reign of King George III. When were the first photographs taken?

Get over the Europe obsession bro. The world doesn't start and end in Europe.


Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by PAGAN9JA(m): 1:49am On Jul 23, 2012

This is freaking hilarious grin grin grin

That's a photograph. Now look at the photograph and look at the dates you gave for the reign of King George III. When were the first photographs taken?

Get over the Europe obsession bro. The world doesn't start and end in Europe.

Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by odumchi: 2:52am On Jul 23, 2012
This thread is hilarious grin

I'm contemplating moving it to the jokes section (joking) grin cheesy

Nigerians, una sabi make pesin laff o.

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Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by odumchi: 2:54am On Jul 23, 2012
jantavanta: The word "[b]K[/b]night" originated from the word "night", because Knights of Medieval Europe were as black as night.

grin grin grin grin

The second man's thighs are white but his face is black.


Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by odumchi: 2:58am On Jul 23, 2012
jantavanta: Roman Emperor Elagabalus; notice his nose has been broken of by White People, like many ancient Egyptian sculptures, because it is not pointed.

He is just one out of many Black Roman Emperors and Black Popes

grin grin grin

OP kudos for making my evening.

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Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by PAGAN9JA(m): 9:56am On Jul 23, 2012

grin grin grin grin

The second man's thighs are white but his face is black.

aaaaaaahahahahahaha i didnt notice that! grin grin
Re: Black African Nobility Of Ancient Europe by jantavanta(m): 11:11am On Jul 24, 2012


They will laugh their heads off for the same reason that people laughed themselves off when aeroplanes were proposed.

Our problems in Africa began in Europe, when we lost everything built in Europe to White People.

Photography began like GSM Technology and Internet TCP/IP. First exclusively for an inner caucus military/royalty before being released to the general public.

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