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Crime / Re: Man Killed His Girlfriend For Burning His Rice In Cross River (Photos) by Bidemi1997(f): 10:59pm On Jul 21, 2023
His murderous face is harder than Olumo rock. Bloody murderer.

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Religion / Re: Traditional Marriage Without Church Wedding, Is It A Sin To..... by Bidemi1997(f): 9:10am On Oct 18, 2015
FALSE...there was no church wedding in the bible from Genesis to Revelation.
Family / Re: What Can Make You Turn Your Partner's Intimacy Approach Down? by Bidemi1997(f): 9:53am On Mar 16, 2013
LOL. I dey gbadun dis thread seriously o! cool
Health / Re: How Are You Coping With The Current Heat Wave? by Bidemi1997(f): 11:06pm On Mar 03, 2013
Give me the heat over the cold anyday!! It's very cold over here in England. We are spending so much on gas just to keep warm.
Pls people of naija send some of that heat to England. smiley
Religion / Re: The Genetically Engineered Church by Bidemi1997(f): 9:05am On Feb 01, 2013
Very good post Frosbel. Religion is killing people world wide and a lot of them have left the sound teaching of the bible
and gone after philosophy.
Religion / Re: The Queen Of Heaven by Bidemi1997(f): 8:53am On Feb 01, 2013
I pray to the Most High God through His Son Christ (who is wrongly called iesous/Jesus) our Redeemer & Saviour that people's eyes will
beginning to open to all these religions of this world.
"Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Rev 18:4.
Religion / Most Christians Will Take ‘mark’ by Bidemi1997(f): 8:38pm On Jan 28, 2013
A great majority of Christians are going to take the 'mark of the beast' when the Satanic New World Order have finished destroying the economy. Christians believe their place in heaven is a right, because of their belief in Jesus. It will not bother them in the least to take a chip in order to pay the bills and feed the kids.

Christians are not at all prepared to walk away from everything they own, pack up their children, and then go hungry and homeless. The Lord spoke through a prophet David Terrel some years back that preachers would tell their followers to go ahead and take the mark of the beast, that it would be allright. There is no doubt in my mind that this will indeed turn out to be the case.

Christians today have no real foundation in Christ. They have been led astray by the proverbial 'wolves in sheep's clothing' running the churches. The foundation of Christian's today is a foundation in Hollywood and a foundation in the material world. It is a foundation filled with the idoltry and worship of the violence and perversion within the entertainment industry.

Christians have not been taught that frienship with the world is enmity with God. They have not been taught, that the way is narrow, and the gate is straight, which leads to eternal life. Most Christians do not spend time reading the Bible as they are too busy with the material world. Their spiritual life is a visit to church once a week to let the pulpiteer interpret scripture for them and make them feel good about their belief in Jesus.

Christians will quote the following to prove how they are saved by Grace.

Acts; 15, But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.

Ephesians; 2 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.

These scriptures are the ones that are going to cost them their Salvation

Matthew 19; And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.

John 14; He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me.

1 John 2; He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

1 Peter 4; For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

Rev 3; So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth

It is through the Grace of God that we are saved, but he is not interested in those who will not sincerely repent and quit sinning period. The blood of Jesus cannot be used like a bar of soap. The message of Jesus was, repent, the Kingdom is at hand.

Pastors all over America, Canada and the rest of world have been emailed the Obama Antichrist prophecies of Linda Newkirk and a few others, but they do not believe and they will not warn their followers who he is. It has now gotten to the point where it is blatantly obvious who Obama really is, but people will still not believe, Will Christians listen to their pastors and take the mark? You bet they will! http://obamaprophecy.blog.com

Come out of the world if you want to be saved, come away from movies and television, sports and video games, sex and drugs, come out of your church if they are teaching erroneous salvation doctrines, the deceptions are going to be hard to see through. There will be false signs and wonders in the churches coming straight from Satan. Do not fall for the false rapture/alien invasion.

The Ten Commandments

And God spoke all these words, saying: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

You shall have no other gods before me.
You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”
The above 10 commandments need no explanation. They mean exactly what they are saying. It’s quite amazing how many of these commandments are being broken on a regular basis, even by Christians themselves. If you look very closely at each of these commandments, they really do cover a broad spectrum as to what God is expecting from each one of us.



Health / Israel, US Conduct Deadly Drug Tests On African Women: Analyst by Bidemi1997(f): 11:52pm On Jan 27, 2013
The racist Israeli regime and the US intentionally test a deadly banned birth control drug on African women, Press TV reports.

“The drug that the people are using is Depo-Provera. It’s being used on African American women by the Pfizer Corporation (the world's largest research-based pharmaceutical company). They know that it kills; they know that it sterilizes they know that it destroys people,” said a member of the Dignity Human Rights and Peace Organization, Randy Short in an Interview with Press TV on Friday.

“It causes cancer, contributes to AIDS and Chlamydia (infection) and osteoporosis. It is illegal in Canada and in Europe, but it’s being used all over Africa,” he further added.

Recent reports show that the medium-term birth control drugs, banned in many countries due to their deadly side effects including death, are used by African Jewish women living in Israel. The US government and the Pfizer Corporation also encourage African women to use these drugs.

Described as the deadliest birth control drug on the planet, a billion-dollar campaign led by Bill Gates has been launched to increase the distribution of Depo-Provera throughout Africa.

Short went on to say that the Zionists see black people as sub-human and that they are “on the front lines to face confrontation with the Palestinians.”

Referring to one of his friends who was a former US Senator, Cynthia McKinney, the analyst said that “when she (McKinney) was in jail trying to make a Gaza boat run, the jails were full of Africans. They’ve a prison camp in Sinai; there were riots last year.”

Describing an Israeli politician Avigdor Lieberman as a racist, Short also said that Lieberman has publicly announced his hatred for the blacks and Africans.

He further argued that, in Israel, there are other racist people such as the greatest Jewish scholars Maimonides who believe “the people who were black were essentially apes, just above monkeys.”

Food / Re: Maggie E-book by Bidemi1997(f): 7:30pm On Jan 09, 2012
Thank you so much Missy B. kiss
Food / Re: Maggie E-book by Bidemi1997(f): 9:36pm On Jan 08, 2012
Pls can i have a copy of the Maggi E-book. whosdatgal@yahoo.co.uk. Thanks
Religion / Re: World War Three And Chaos In 2012 by Bidemi1997(f): 7:44pm On Dec 02, 2011
You are very correct my brother. As from 2012 the world as we see it now will NEVER be the same again once WW3 kicks off. It's all documented with every details in the bible. The sad part is that a lot of people especially the Christians are fast asleep in prosperity land. SMH. The coming of our Saviour Christ is so near and I sincerely believe that it will be in this our generation. Pray without ceasing brothers and sisters and hold on to your faith without wavering.
Religion / Who Are The Synagogue Of Satan? by Bidemi1997(f): 9:33pm On Nov 29, 2011
codex magica

Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report

Texe Marrs
Synagogue of Satan

"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan."

Revelation 2:9

0ne group and one group alone is responsible for virtually all wars and bloodshed on the face of this planet. This evil cabal is few in numbers but, like a deadly octopus, its tentacles reach out to grip and strangle untold multitudes of innocent victims. The initiates of every secret society and internationalist organization, from the Council on Foreign Relations and the Jesuits to the Bilderbergers and the Order of Skull & Bones, obey the dictates of this sinister group and tremble when standing before its leaders.

The cabalist group I refer to is the Synagogue of Satan, an ancient, yet modern, elite so politically powerful and so fabulously wealthy that even past history has been twisted, reshaped, and revised to meet its preferred version of humanity's gloomy, totalitarian future.

Religious in nature, the Synagogue of Satan is, at its essence, a grotesque, satanic cult. It's high council is composed of High Priests of Lucifer; these are men who literally worship death while practicing sexual magick and occult rituals of the blackest nature.
Fanatical Support By Zionists

Regrettably, this Luciferian cabal of high priests is supported by the vast majority of over eighteen million people around the globe who call themselves "Jews." Some of these people, a great many, are fanatical in their support of the Synagogue of Satan. They go by the name, "Zionists." Other Jews provide the Cabal with only token, often nominal, support.

The millions of Zionist Jews are joined in their zealous embrace by a great number of Gentiles who are also boastful of being Zionists. While these Gentile supporters are, on the whole, woefully ignorant of the horrific, ultimate goal of the Synagogue of Satan, their support and service to the cause of Lucifer helps drive the global Synagogue of Satan's never-ending successful campaigns of revolution, war, famine, financial calamity, and bloodshed.

Thankfully, there are a few Jews—but only a few—who have been able to escape the almost irresistible spiritual impulse to ally themselves with the Synagogue of Satan. Their escape has been made possible due to their faith in the only One who has the power to resist the Evil One's grip. I refer, of course, to Jesus Christ our Lord, Deliverer of Israel. But, watch out! I have discovered that many Jews who claim to be "Christians" are actually Zionist deceivers. Masquerading as "Messianic Jews," in fact they are covert propagandists for the Synagogue of Satan. "By their fruits ye shall know them."
Courage Required to Expose this Group

Given the proven fact that the elitist High Priests of Lucifer who comprise the Synagogue of Satan and their servants
Click Here to Order Now! The Synagogue of Satan
control Big Brother's police and spy organs and possess ownership of every major book publishing firm in the world, rarely is a book or volume ever printed that has the courage and audacity requisite to expose the ongoing conspiracy of this monstrous group.

I am, therefore, extremely pleased to recommend to thinking men and women an excellent, new volume, The Synagogue of Satan, by Britain's Andrew Hitchcock. You will find it to be a useful, revealing, and accurate historical guide to the sinister crimes and dark events that have propelled the Synagogue of Satan to the precipice of world power. So impressed was I with Mr. Hitchcock's new book that I volunteered to write the introduction for an American edition, which Power of Prophecy, is pleased to publish and distribute under our RiverCrest Publishing imprint.

The term Synagogue of Satan is biblical in origin. As Mr. Hitchcock notes, the book of Revelation in the Holy Bible minces no words. God warns us of the horrendous and diabolical power to be wielded in the last days by the entity identified as the "Synagogue of Satan."
Jews Who Are Not Jews

What is most fascinating, however, is that the scriptures clearly tell us that the evil leaders of this entity are not Jews! Yes, they say they are Jews, and the world recognizes them as Jews, even as "Israel," but they lie! Listen to what God's Word reveals:

"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan." (Revelation 2:9)

Mind-boggling, isn't it? These wicked, world power-brokers want us to believe they are Jews; they boastfully lay claim to Israel as their heritage. But, in reality, they are blasphemous liars. What is going on here?

The masters of the Synagogue of Satan today possess extraordinary influence over the media. Most people believe in the pro-Zionist propaganda that gushes forth daily from Hollywood, New York, and Washington. It therefore stands to reason that the average world citizen easily falls for the Lie. People everywhere trust these great and beneficent leaders who say, "We are Jews" to be exactly that: Jews. No wonder the Apostle Paul warned that Satan's disciples come disguised as "ministers of righteousness" and as "angels of light."

In the case of the minions of the Synagogue of Satan, they come to us disguised as "God's Chosen," as "Israel," as the One Race selected by God to produce in the future a Messiah (not Jesus!) for eternity. We are Jews, they proudly boast while, at the same time, they suggest that others—that is, the defective lower and inferior races—are obligated by God to bless them, to follow the Jews' lead, to bow down and serve them as "God's Chosen."

"Yes," they arrogantly explain, "we are Jews, and you are goyim (cattle), and we have been chosen by divine edict to rule over you and over the entire planet."

So complete is Jewish domination of the media that Americans are left totally in the dark about Jewish hate crimes and atrocities. In 1994 in Hebron, Israel, Baruch Goldstein took a machine gun into a Moslem mosque during worship. Goldstein, a believer in the Jewish holy book, The Talmud, which teaches that Jews are a superior god race, but Gentiles are like insects and cattle, savagely massacred 29 unarmed worshippers and wounded 125.
Click this image to view readable article Baruch Goldstein
Celebrating the Hebron massacre, Jewish admirers of mass murderer, Baruch Goldstein, carried automatic weapons similar to the one Goldstein (right) used to carry out his "mission."

Today, in Israel and in Jewish communities worldwide, Goldstein is a hero. Rabbis portray him as a "saint." Joyful celebrations take place at his grave site on the anniversary of the Hebron massacre. All this is widely reported in the Jewish media, but carefully hidden from ordinary Americans.
Baruch Goldstein Gravesite
The massive, park-like memorial made of killer Baruch Goldstein's grave indicates the high esteem in which he was held by Jews following the massacre. Goldstein's grave describes him as an honorable man, even a saint.
Gullible Evangelicals Fall for Lie

Shocking as it is, claims by the Jewish pretenders of racial and spiritual superiority have been accepted by most Christian evangelicals as legitimate, authoritative, and coming direct from God. Christian evangelicals say it is the lot of the Gentiles to bow down and accord virtual god-like status to the "Jew" and to their newly formed political entity, Israel, lest God be angered and curse and punish those who resist the Jews and their artificially created nation, "Israel."

Sadly, almost nowhere in the established Christian Church can be found a pastor or evangelist today who has the spiritual wisdom, or even the common sense, to ask the cardinal question, "Who is this Synagogue of Satan that God warns about in the book of Revelation?" And nary a soul seems to ask the correlating question, "Just who are these wicked imposters of whom God warns will say they are "Jews" and are not, but do lie?"

One thing is for sure—the Bible regards these false, lying Jewish imposters as dangerous, murderous vessels in the hands of their infernal lord, Satan. Revelation 2:10 says the Synagogue of Satan will cast some Christians into prison and kill many others. Their evil plot to conquer the world by stealth and deceit will finally bring about a precarious Hour of Temptation for all mankind (Revelation 3:10). So, why aren't pastors and evangelists today warning us to watch out for and beware of these imposter Jews of the Synagogue of Satan?

It is as if the modern-day descendants of Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, or Japan's World War II Emperor Hirohito were to falsely declare, with absolutely no proof or evidence to back up their contention, that they are "Jews," and the whole world were to foolishly accept their preposterous, juvenile and unscientific bloodline claims.
Their Destiny Revealed in Scripture

Jesus Christ Himself prophesied that all who ally themselves with the Synagogue of Satan, including those millions of deceived evangelicals who foolishly reject or disregard Jesus' warning about this evil Luciferian cult group, someday shall see their Zionist ambitions go down in flames. On that day, the butchers of history will be forced to grovel at the very feet of those whom the Synagogue of Satan have so viciously and cruelly robbed, persecuted, and killed.
"Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie: behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Revelation 3:9

NOTE: Power of Prophecy is proud to announce the release of The Synagogue of Satan: The Secret History of Jewish World Domination.
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The Synagogue of Satan
The Synagogue of Satan: The Secret History of Jewish World Domination

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Religion / Re: Christian Attrocities On Pagan Peoples by Bidemi1997(f): 8:08pm On Nov 16, 2011
Christians are actually pagan they just don't know it. The Roman Catholic Church is the head of all pagan religions. People should do their research. It's all there in history.

1 Like

Religion / The New World Order by Bidemi1997(f): 7:10pm On Oct 03, 2011
The New World Order

Is this scheme to establish a New World Order in fact a reality? Yes it is. If you do not believe this I encourage you to study the United Nations documents and also the treaties which, once ratified by individual nations, become INTERNATIONAL LAW. The United Nations created the Commission for Global Governance, if you don't believe this, visit the United Nations website and look it up.

The Commission for Global Governance released a report: Our Global Neighbourhood, that predicates a world court, a global tax, and global police force. And the U.S. State Department Publication 7277 outlines a one world police force under the United Nations. So many prominent world leaders are calling for a one world government the intention is obvious. Yet most people are so occupied by life's responsibilities, careers, sports and television, they have little time to study what's going on in the corridors of power.

The coming one world government is being set up in the political arena under the flag of the United Nations, through organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderbergers, and the Club of Rome whose members include many world leaders, media personalities and other influential people. The published goal of the Council of Foreign Relations for example is a one world government. And although most have never heard of many of these groups, they do exist, and they are very influential. The core of these groups hold to "illuminist" philosophy.

A second focus is economics with free trade agreements, the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements. The coming global monetary crisis is intended to institute a universal debt-based currency controlled by the International Financiers and issued to individuals against biometric identification cards. This is all about control!

The third area of focus is religion. Organizations like the World Council of Churches and the Parliament of World Religions were established to introduce a new world religion. It is based on a pantheistic/humanist philosophy. Pay careful attention when you study the documents and reports published by the United Nations and related organizations. This philosophy is now being taught in the education system and has been implemented under programs such as Goals 2000.

The New World Order will be SOCIALISM. Read the United Nations declarations and treaties for proof of this fact. The individual will be subservient to the state. Rights and power reside in and derive from the state, not the individual.

United Nations documents all speak of collectivism. They claim that private ownership and management of property is not to the benefit of the human race. These things are cloaked in a pleasant language, and most people are taken in and deceived. Yet few bother to study these documents.

In the New World Order you will be in serfdom to the controlling elite! You will have no liberty, and no rights. The State will look after you for your best interests. Do you see how the governments of the free world are slowly becoming more involved in everyday life? This is exactly what socialism is. The government becomes involved in every aspect of personal life. Today we require a license for so many things. In Australia, farmers now require permission to farm the land they own. This is not freedom.

In the New World Order, private ownership of property will be abolished. You will only own what you need "after all this is best for the world." "We need to be looked after."

Terms such as 'sustainable development' mean depopulation and serfdom. The masses continue to fall for lie after lie after lie. Study history and you will discover that there have been very few free societies. Those that were free were either overthrown or fell into the trap of socialism, totally unaware of the dangers until it was too late. Socialism (communism) is always implemented through deception. History portrays a repetitive phenomenon . . . enslavement-revolt-freedom-apathy-enslavement. Enslavement frequently followed revolution because the people did not realize that socialism was slavery, not freedom.

Today environment is being used to make people feel guilty, enticing them to accept socialism as necessary. The environmental movement has been co-opted to strip private ownership of control and exploitation of resources. Many environmental 'facts' are lies, exaggerations and unscientific claims to manipulate the masses in the classic Hegelian Dialectic: create the problem, create opposition to the problem, then present your own predetermined solution. Global warming is a perfect example.

I recommend reading the study, 'The Report From Iron Mountain,' which suggested the environment as a tool by which to manipulate the masses to accept loss of freedom to a one world government.

Although a landowner pays taxes, and is steward of his land, its usage is dictated by international bureaucrats, 'empowered' by vague treaties, driven by an insane 'theology', genocidal philosophy 'approved' by the bullying bribing tactics of governments.

"The United Nation’s goal is to reduce population selectively by encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control human reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day." Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, November 1991.

Anyone who speaks against the incoming system will be labeled 'anti government' or a 'trouble maker', and either executed or imprisoned with majority assent. Citizens will support the new order because they will have been brainwashed by propaganda and will not understand what is really happening. Already in the United States those who support the Constitution, Patriots and the Militia groups are ridiculed as crazy paranoids and dangerous extremists. In Australia, it's the supporters of Pauline Hanson's One Nation and Graham Campbell's Australia First Parties who are ridiculed and persecuted. These are merely people who are aware of what is going on. If you are one of those who believe that these patriots who are against globalism are crazy and deluded, I ask, have you ever spoken to one? Have you checked validity of their claims? or are you blindly following what the media feeds you?

Currently the United Nations is trying to establish the framework for an international criminal court. When this is established the United Nations will be able to detain anyone from any nation and bring them before a panel of judges who will hear the case and pass judgment. This international court will deal with are 'crimes against humanity' and 'environmental crimes.' If you think there is nothing wrong with this I suggest you read how the U.N. defines 'environmental crime.' A system is being created whereby those in control will be empowered to manufacture a crime and arrest anyone they deem a threat. The courts have no jury, one is guilty until proven innocent, and there is no appeal. Also, because this Court is international, and your nation has surrendered its authority, your own country cannot protect you. This is going to affect YOU directly!

In the coming world government YOU will have no personal liberty and no freedom. Did you know that the Global Biodiversity Assessment calls for human population to be reduced from 5.6 billion to 1 to 2 billion within the next decade? (reference GBA Section You didn't see that on the six o'clock news, did you? Read the Declaration Towards a Global Ethic and learn what it classifies as 'authentically human.' This is a UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program) prepared by Hans Kung.

Learn how the United Nations define a 'hate crime.' Did you know for instance, that under Canadian law this website is classified as a 'hate' site? Pending U.N. legislation, and also 'Genocide Convention', classify this as a 'hate' site. However there is no hate whatsoever on this site, just a call for people to wake up to what is going on, and to receive God's Word. The only groups and/or people that I am against are those who believe in and seek to enforce socialism/Illuminism upon others.

Deskilling of Trades

People have slowly been deskilled in recent years. Mechanics no longer FIX a problem so much as they REPLACE the component. Body and fender men no longer beat panels so much as they replace plastic moldings. I am in a trade myself and my trade has been deskilled in similar ways. I have talked with other tradesmen and this is happening in all trades.

Of course technological progress will bring about change but deskilling goes far beyond this. For example many car parts now come as a complete totally enclosed unit, if a small part breaks down the whole unit must be replaced. Less skill is required to loosening a few screws and install a new unit than to repair the component. Yet it would be cheaper and less wasteful to fix the unit. This deskilling is intended to make the new society wholly dependent on the system. People will be unable to maintain private transport and will become dependent upon public infrastructure and the STATE. This is why small farming has been replaced with large scale operations. In Australia for instance, the farming industry has been all but destroyed. Most farmers are deep in debt because of rising interest rates (and all fiat money) and loss of markets due to the government programs of economic rationalism opening the doors to cheaper imported produce.

Many people have been lured into dependence on the state through welfare programs such as the single mother pensions. Such easily obtained benefits encourage people to rely upon government support. The more one is dependent upon the State the more one is bound to State rules. I am not against helping those who need support, I am trying to explain the principle involved. The welfare system is a plank towards socialism.

"A nation of well-informed men, who have been taught to know and prize the rights that God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins!" Benjamin Franklin

All this is designed to destroy the existing world order from within to bring about a New World Order (a new way of doing things). The present order is based upon Christian principles. This foundation proved very successful. Contrast those nations built upon Christian foundation with nations that were established on a pagan or Islamic foundation. The Christian nations have had freedom, liberty and opportunity for all citizens, whether Christian or not. In these nations, the people have sovereign inalienable God-given rights, and government is responsible for protecting those rights. The rights of personal freedom, individual liberty and private property are granted by an authority higher than man, thus this authority cannot be overruled by men. This is the foundation upon which the United States was built. These are principles the Establishment has attempted to quash. At the other end of the spectrum we see the United Nations Charter and related documents wherein individual rights are a privilege granted by government. A big difference!!! If our individual rights are a privilege granted by the State, these individual rights can be taken away! Don't fall for the lie that they will not be. Every governing system that denies unalienable rights come from our Creator has been a system of slavery of the masses. The blood runs!

This Christian foundation has been intentionally eroded through mass manipulation and mind control techniques. Members of various secret societies in key positions in society have played a major role in this breakdown, gradually changing and enacting legislation, employing the media, religion and education, to move the ancient landmarks, and bring us closer to one world government. The way people view the world nowadays has been altered. They created the term 'generation gap.' Yet the generation gap is a lie and is not real. Human needs and nature remain remarkable constant, only technology changes.

You may be wondering why anyone would want to do this to society. You must understand what these people actually believe. It is all about religion and it matters little whether you believe their religion or not, they believe in it, so it is going to affect you!

Secret Societies and the New World Order

The plan to establish one world government is not new. It is a long established goal of those who practice the 'Mysteries'. The Mystery Religion is the oldest of all the world's religions. In fact all the worlds religions stem from the Mysteries except true Orthodox Judaism and true Biblical Christianity. The Mystery Religion stems back to ancient Babylon.

The Initiates of the Mysteries have a goal they term the 'Great Work.' They hold this to be a benevolent world dictatorship. It is the sort of benevolent dictatorship Adolf Hitler wanted. Adolf Hitler was himself an Illuminist and a member of the Thule Society. The entire SS were also initiates.

The 'Great Work' is a process of illuminating the human soul to a state of 'apotheosis'. It will be completed when the whole human race achieves this state. The Mysteries hold to the Platonic ideal wherein humanity is a singular organism. Adherents view humanity as one collective being, and the individual must sacrifice for the benefit of the whole. Yet the individuals in question are you and me.

Socialism and communism have their roots in the Mystery Religion. And despite what so-called experts may say, there is little difference between socialism and communism. The U.S.S.R. stood for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

People are initiated into the Mysteries by degrees. Those who possess the correct attributes continue to rise to the higher degrees. This method of progression through initiation ensures the complete indoctrination of the initiate into the philosophical teaching of the Mysteries.

Who are these people? They are the members of all the various secret societies and fraternal organizations such as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, the Vatican and many many more. It should be stressed that the majority of the members of these secret societies are absolutely unaware of the true nature of their society, church or lodge. The higher initiates are known as the 'adepts' or 'keepers of the secrets of all ages.' The members may belong to any religion when they join the society, yet when they reach the higher echelons and become the adepts, I assure you they all practice the same religion.

One thing to remember with regards to these secret societies is that they are all the same at the higher levels. All the adepts belong collectively to what is known as the 'Illuminati' which means the 'illumined ones.' The Illuminati are those who have progressed through the various initiations in the particular branch of the Mystery Schools to which they belong until they have reached the stage of true illumination. Thus these people actually believe that what they are doing is right, just as Adolf Hitler thought that what he was doing was right and beneficial to humanity.

If you study back to the thirteenth century you will see that the Knights Templars were financiers. The International Financiers of today are still Knights Templars.

The worship of this religion is practiced in secret. The dogma and intentions of this religion are hidden by way of symbology. The average person sees the exoteric, outward or literal meaning of the symbols, while the Adept, Initiate or Illumined see the esoteric or hidden meaning of the symbol. For example if you study ancient history you will see that all the ancient cultures practiced sun worship. The average person (the uninitiated whom they term the 'profane') saw the sun in the exoteric and worshipped it as a god. While the High Priest saw the esoteric meaning and realized that the sun was only a symbol which represented a greater truth.

The sun actually represents the intellect and this is the doctrine or secret of the Mystery Religion. The moon represents the Church of the Mystery School and the stars represent the initiates. The moon does not shine with its own light but with the light of the sun. The Church of the Mysteries is itself lit up from the INTELLECT. The characters in the stories of ancient civilizations represented these objects. For example Osiris and Isis in Egypt represented the sun and the moon respectively.

The movie, "2001, A Space Odyssey" was an esoteric message to the body of initiates. Very few people understood its true meaning. It was not meant to be understood by the profane. But the Adepts of the Mystery Schools understood it perfectly.

The ancient stories of Babylonian, Egyptian and Greek mythology have more meaning than most people realize. Archeologists and historians only see the EXOTERIC and thus miss the whole point of what it all really means. When George Bush referred to a "Thousand Points of Light" in his speech in 1991 he was using the symbolic language and was referring to the body of initiates. When Bill Clinton in his State of the Union Address was speaking of about the "setting sun and then the dawning of the new era" he was also using symbolic language. The average person heard the exoteric meanings of these statements while initiates the world over smiled to themselves, as they understood the true meaning. You see George Bush is a member of the Order of Skull and Bones Society. Bill Clinton holds the 33rd degree in the Masonic lodge. Bob Dole, a Republican, is a 33rd degree Freemason. So it doesn't really matter for whom you vote, you are in effect voting for the Mysteries. These people and many others are all practitioners of the Mysteries and know exactly where the world is going. Many judges belong to secret societies. These people are everywhere and are all indoctrinated in the philosophy of the Mysteries.

These people believe they have reached a higher point in their evolution (another deception) and have the necessary wisdom to rule the rest of mankind. They believe there are but a few mature minds in the world and that those with the mature intellect need to guide humanity. They consider themselves 'illumined.' All this is true and can be verified in their own writings, this is what they believe. Unless you are willing to open your mind and research this topic you will continue to be deceived.

The coming New World Order is based on an occult philosophy known as the 'Pure Luciferian Doctrine' or 'Illuminism.' The symbology for this religion is everywhere.

Unveiling of the Mystery Religion

This religions public unveiling is has been occurring for quite some time. Although the average person who sees only the exoteric so will miss it completely.

In Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the 30th to 33rd degrees are degrees of Illumination, with the 33rd being the most sought after by the 'illumined man.' The 33rd degree is the highest publicly known degree in Freemasonry. The number 33 signifies 'Illumination' and freedom from religious dogma (superstition). The human backbone contains 33 vertebra with the cranium (intellect) on top.

The number 13 is also significant in the Mysteries. In the occult Gematria (number system) the number 6 represents man. The number 7 represents divine perfection or God. The Hebrew (Biblical) Gematria system is identical for these particular numbers. Thus it can be seen that the number 13 is a combination of man and divine perfection which is exactly what Illuminism actually is, man becomes a god. The York Rite of Freemasonry has 13 degrees (only 9 publicly). The Bavarian Order of Illuminati (Adam Weishaupt's branch) also had 13 degrees.

The obelisk, a phallic symbol pertaining to Osiris, is another important symbol in the mysteries and symbolizes the lost word of Freemasonry or the 'secret' of the Mysteries. The obelisk is a symbol of the sun god (intellect) or generative force. To understand this fully it is necessary to study the Osirian cycle but I will not go into that now.

Consider the following examples . . .

The Pope's cassock has 32 buttons and his head represents the 33rd.
If you look at the roof of the United Nations General Assembly you will see a large light circular light surrounded by 32 smaller lights.
If you look at the United Nations own symbol you will see a circle divided up into 32 sections with the center being the 33rd.
On the United Nations symbol you will notice 13 leaves on the olive branch. The symbol for the Soviet Union has this feature as well as 32 rays emanating from the sun with the sun being the 33rd.
The Washington monument is an obelisk.
There is an obelisk at the Vatican surrounded by a circle. This represents the union of Osiris and Isis (exoteric). These two symbols are surrounded further out by 32 archways on each side of the courtyard, in all it is an outdoor temple of the Mystery Schools.
Examine the two Great Seals of the United States on the U.S. One Dollar Bill. Count the number of thirteens. On the eagle one wing has 32 sections while the other has 33. The symbology in these two seals is evident to all who understand the symbolic language.
13 inches is equal to 33 centimeters. Our measuring system originated in Masonic France in the 1790s.
666 divided by 212 Farenheit (boiling point of water) is equal approximately to PI (3.14, ). Ice melts at 32 degrees Farenheit, corresponding with the degrees of illumination in the Masonic Lodge. D. Farenheit was most definitely a student of the occult.
Along with these few examples you will notice that many buildings (particularly those owned by foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation) have symbology incorporated into their designs. Look out for symbols of the sun, pyramids, obelisks, the all seeing eye of Osiris, the circle with a dot in the middle, a snake in a circle biting its tale.

The list of symbology goes on and on, and is common in our civilization.

The UFO movement is laced with the Mysteries symbology. These people believe in aliens from other planets and are deceived because they do not understand the symbolic language. Were they to take time to seriously study what the theory of evolution actually teaches and the evidence upon which it is actually based, they would learn that life cannot evolve (I myself was stunned when I discovered this truth which upsets many people because of its philosophical implications, yet this is a provable fact!)

The New Age movement is full of the symbology, flick through the magazines in the New Age section of your newsagent or library. You will see the sun and other symbology everywhere. The New Age movement is a revival of occult mysticism which teaches that every human being can tap into their inner christ consciousness and become their own god. Yet because these people haven't studied history to find the roots of what they follow, they do not understand its true principles.

What I have explained here about the Mysteries is only a example of what is happening. Volumes could be written on this subject. The people who practice this religion are seated among the most influential in the world. I urge you to find out how many Presidents of the United States have belonged to the Masonic Lodge. Most of them have been Masons. Even the street plans of Canberra and Washington D.C. incorporate Masonic symbology.

I have learned from personal experience that most people when presented with this information dismiss it as a figment of the imagination of conspiracy theorists. The mass media and society in general hold to this view. Sadly, very few people think for themselves nowadays, and few are willing to check the validity of this information. However it is factual and may be readily verified from documentation in the public domain. But you must check it out it for yourself. World leaders, Established education and media will never bring light on this subject.

I find most people do not want TRUTH, they would prefer to feel comfortable. Most people do not want to learn any truth they fear may breach their comfort zone. Truth also tends to compromise their plans and preconceptions but if they ignore it, it may go away. And for the sake of pride, people don't like to admit to themselves that they have been deceived.

Human beings naturally hide from unpleasant realities which is why some women undergo cosmetic surgery as they get older, while women of all ages paint on the makeup to mask reality. People prefer fantasy and what feels good. This applies to those who refuse to investigate this particular world view I am expounding.

I consider myself a realist. I like to face up to the real world in which I live, not the fiction our political, economic and religious leaders would like us to believe.

When Adolf Hitler was building his power base in Germany some people woke up and realized what was going on. Some were sounding the alarm to what they saw happening, but these people were largely ignored. Some Jews listened and left the country. Some Germans listened and left. Those who ignored the warnings soon found themselves living in tyranny, and wondered how it could have happened. The same warning signs are being shouted from the rooftops in Australia and America today. Yet people are too busy with everyday things to stop and think. As in the 1930's, people are going to be shocked when they lose their freedoms.

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think" -- Adolf Hitler.

Every one who ignores what is going on will suffer for their indecision when plans and comfortable circumstances dissolve around them. Such people will be unable to avoid their fate because all avenues of escape will be closed. They will continue to be controlled and manipulated like a flock of sheep and know it not. They will be slaves! While those who have woken up and prepared both physically and spiritually will be in a far stronger situation, understanding what is happening and why. Troubled times will be upon us all, but is it not better to be informed and able to act, than ignorant, confused and lost?

Everything I have written above is truth I have established through documented research. It is not based on conjecture or personal beliefs. It is provable! I am not asking you to believe any of it but I am asking you to look into it for yourself. You will not regret the few hours spent at your local library. It's not my job to convince you, it is up to you to convince yourself. My task is just to put questions into your mind, encouraging you to think freely for them self.

Finally, all this may seem a somewhat negative, or even scary. But I assure you there is an answer and this answer is a positive answer. I was led to this answer through my research into the above information. If you truly have a heart and a hunger for the truth you will surely find the same answer.

I hope you found the preceding article interesting. For some well documented information I encourage you to take a look at the following link. . . .


After studying the well documented quotes in that link please proceed to examine the United Nations treaties and declarations and spend time reading some of the books and articles on this Site so you may become more fully informed. I urge you to do your best and try to disprove this subject! You will find it proven.

Here is a link to a recommended reading list I have put together so that you may become more familiar with the topic. Recommended Reading. Please be aware that there is not a lot of time remaining for you to become aware of these issues. A global economic crisis is very near and the United Nations socialistic legislation is being enacted at breakneck speed.

"Ordo Ab Chao", a latin phrase meaning 'Order Out Of Chaos' and is the motto of the 33rd degree of the Masonic Lodge

"Those who wish to be ignorant and free,
believe in something that never was and never shall be."

I would appreciate your comments:- bud@macrae.com.au


For a list of primary source proofs of the plan to form a socialist one world government primary verification is essential for making a strong case on the above information.

Economics . . . The Fed: Our Central Bank, publication by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; The Creature From Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin, Appleton, WI: American Opinion Publishing, Inc., 1994; Economic Rationalism: A Disaster for Australia, by Graham Strachan, Kalgoorlie Press, 1997; The Planned Destruction of America, by Dr. James W. Wardner, Longwood Communications, 1993.

Occult Influence, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, by Albert G. Mackey, McClure Publishing Co. 1917; Morals and Dogma, by Albert Pike, Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing 1995; The Temple and the Lodge, by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, Arcade Publishing, 1989; The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, by Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, Book Club Associates, 1982; The Messianic Legacy, by Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, Corgi Books, 1987; The Secret Teachings of All Ages, by Manly P. Hall, Philosophical Research Society, 1926; Unseen Forces, by Manly P. Hall, Philosophical Research Society, 1978; Legends of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, by Albert Pike, Southern Jurisdiction U.S.A; The Obelisk and Freemasonry. by John Weisse, 1880; Masonry: Beyond the Light, by William Schnoebelen, Chick Publications, 1991; Hitler and the Age of Horus, by Gerald Suster, Sphere Books Ltd, 1981; Circle of Intrigue, by Texe Marrs, Living Truth Publishers, 1995; The Brotherhood, by Stephen Knight, Panther Books, 1985; Inside the Brotherhood, by Martin Short, Grafton Books, 1989; Proofs of a Conspiracy, by John Robinson, American Classics, Reprinted 1967 originally in 1798; Behold a Pale Horse, by William Cooper, Light Technology Publishing, 1991; Mystery Babylon Series, by William Cooper, 1993; Video Lecture Material on Conspiracy View of History and Secret Societies, by Ralph Epperson; The Golden Dawn: An Encyclopedia of Practical Occultism, by Israel Regardie, Llewell Publications, 1982; Problems of Humanity, by Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Publishing Company, 1964; The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy, by Three Initiates, Yogi Publication Society, Masonic Temple Chicago, 1912.

Propaganda and Mind Control . . . The Nazi Years, by Joachim Remak, Prentice-Hall Inc. 1969; Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, Operations Research Technical Manual TM-SW7905.1, 1979; Britons Translation of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion, (note that the Protocols is not a Jewish document, it is in an illuminist document. It was written in a seemingly Jewish form so as to deceive, the content alone though bears such a close resemblance to todays reality to ignore this document would be foolish); Report From Iron Mountain, by Leonard C. Lewin (claimed author), 1967; Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America, by Alex Constantine, Feral House, 1997; New Lies For Old, by Anatoly Golitsyn, Dodd, Mead and Co. 1984; One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, by V.I. Lenin, Foreign Languages Press, English translation 1976; The Strategy of Deception: A study in world-wide Communist tactics, by J. Kirkpatrick, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1963; Various writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Khrushchev; Brainwashing: Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics, edited by Charles Stickley, 1955; Brave New Schools, by Berit Kjos, Harvest House Publishers, 1995; Your Endangered Mind, Robert.A.Hermann, 1994; Mind Control in America (audiotape), by Steven Jacobson, MCiA Media, 1991.

Politics and History . . . Global Tyranny . . . Step By Step, By William Jasper, Western Islands, 1992; Treason: The New World Order, by Gurudus, Cassandra Press, 1996; En Route To Global Occupation, by Gary H. Kah, Huntington House Publishers, 1992; None Dare Call it a Conspiracy by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham, Amereon House, 1976; Global Bondage: The U.N. Plan to Rule the World, by Cliff Kincaid, Huntington House Publishers, 1995; The Law, by Fredric Bastiat, 1850; Big Brother: Australia's growing web of surveillance, by Simon Davies, Simon and Schuster Publishing, 1992; Rooted in Secrecy, by Coxsedge, Coldicutt, and Harant, Published by the Committee for the Abolition of Political Police, 1982; Australia Betrayed, by Campbell and Uhlmann, Foundation Press, 1995; New Worlds For Old: A Plain Account of Modern Socialism, H.G.Wells, Constable and Company, 1908; Manifesto of the Communist Party, by Marx and Engels, Progress Publishers, 1969; Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World, Department of State Publication 7277, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1961; Interlocking Subversion in Government Departments, Report of the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws to the Committee of the Judiciary, United States Senate, 83rd Congress, 1st Session, July 30, 1953; Declaration of a Global Ethic, by the Parliament of World Religions under the United Nations, 1993; Our Global Neighbourhood, by the Commission on Global Governance, 1993; Charter of the United Nations; various United Nations and related documents; The Unseen Hand, by Ralph Epperson, Publius Press, 1985; Tragedy and Hope, by Carrol Quigley, New York: MacMillan, 1966; The Anglo-American Establishment, by Carrol Quigley, New York, Books in Focus, 1981; A History of the Ancient World, by Chester G. Starr, Oxford University Press, 1991; A Collins History of the World in the Twentieth Century, by J Grenville, HarperCollins, 1994; The Cambridge Modern History, Lord Acton LL.D, Cambridge University Press, 1904.

Evolution . . . Evolution Disproved Series (3vols), by Vance Ferrel, Pilgrims Books, 1992; Carolina Bays, Mima Mounds, Submarine Canyons and Other Topographical Phenonema (A Catalog of Geological Anomalies, compiled by William Corliss, The Source Book Project, 1988; Anomalies in Geology: Physical, Chemical, Biological (a Catalog of Geological Anomalies), compiled by William Corliss, The Source Book Project, 1989; Difficulties of the Evolution Theory, by Douglas Dewar, Edward Arnold and Co, 1931; Evolution, by Colin Patterson, University of Queensland Press, 1978; The Origin of Humankind (pro-evolution), by Richard Leakey (pro-evolution), Phoenix, 1995; In the Beginning: The Birth of the Living Universe (pro-evolution), by John Gribbon, Penguin Books, 1993; Evolution: A Theory In Crisis, by Michael Denton, Adler and Adler, 1986; Reinventing Darwinism: The Great Evolutionary Debate (pro-evolution), by Niles Eldredge, Phoenix Giant, 1995; Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds, by Philip Johnson, Intervarsity Press, 1997.

The one book to put all the above in context and for the positive answer . . . King James Bible 1611. I was led to this book through my research. I was an agnostic before I awoke to what is going on. I thank God for awakening me and cleaning up my life.

Baphomet cabalistically sets forth the aims of the Illuminati by combining two Greek words, baphe and metis, to mean "absorption into wisdom". The word is an also acronym for the title"Templi Omnium Hominem Pacis Abbas", or "Father of the Temple of Universal Peace", reversed. Thus "Tem O.H.P. Ab" becomes bAPHOmeT (Baphomet).

Baphomet is actually a symbolic representation of Luciferian divinity -- Satanael the evil brother of Jesus, who alone could enrich mankind (Genesis 3:1-5). The legendary god of the Knights Templar, it combines all of the animals and elements of nature and has it's roots in symbolic ability to visually portray the teachings of the neo-Platonists and Sabaean mysticism of the Middle East before the rise of Islam.

On the Day of Atonement, one goat (Jesus) was sacrificed, while its brother escaped and was banished from the congregation to bear Israel's sins into the wilderness (signifying the rest of the world). The great two-horned hermaphrodite goat bears between its horns the fiery torch and represents Moloch. The pentacle or five-pointed star between the horns of the beast signifies energy and enlightenment or power in the world and separation from God. It is a symbol of ancient secret societies and the sign of the House of Rothschild and of International Communism.

The right hand of the beast is raised with two fingers pointing upwards to a white moon. The white moon stands for the Children of Shem. On the right forearm is written "SOLVE" which means break-up or dissolve (the Church). The left hand is pointing downwards with two fingers towards a black moon. The black moon stands for the Children of Ham. On the left forearm is written, "COAGULA", which means to drive together into one mass or lump -- a little serpent's seed can leaven the whole of Adam's race "as it did in the days of Noah". (It is the reconstruction of a New World Order under the Invisible Masters of Universal Judaeo-Masonry whose motto is "Out of Chaos, Order"wink. The beast is enthroned on the world. On the stomach can be seen part of a circle which stands for (the Jewish prophet) Zoroaster, the Seed of Fire. In front of the circle is an apple on a pole around which are entwined two serpents, signifying the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The serpent is Aesculapius, the god of medicine, worshipped in Pergamos in the form of a living serpent.

This design reveals the great secret -- the race of Shem and Japheth and his civilization are to be destroyed by miscegenation with Ham's offspring through Canaan. By accomplishing this, the Idumeans will gain control of the world for which they have worked for over two thousand years.

Eliaphas Levi, whose name appears on the picture, was the Abbe Alphonse Louis Constant, who became a cabalist, and wrote History of Magic.

The Babylonian Talmud (Pes. 113b) says: "Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth." For almost four thousand years these five points have been the modus operandi of the Caananite heirs who today control the World Order. Yet this is unknown to those whom the Canaanites continue to rob, enslave and massacre. These instructions are a command to commit genocide against the people of Shem and Christians.

The self-styled Jews only use Christian symbols either in derision or as a mask for their intrigues. . . . With reference to "the Temple of Solomon," Des Mousseaux says, "This Supreme and Invisible Hierarchy of the Masonic Lodges, and which are composed of Cabalistic Jews, signifies the reconstruction of the Jewish power over the ruin of Christianity" -- the solve and coagula of Illuminized Masonry. (Patriot, May, 1924). nv2.htm

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Religion / Revealing The Illuminati by Bidemi1997(f): 11:00am On Oct 02, 2011
Religion / Re: Who Were Those Cain Was Referring To? by Bidemi1997(f): 5:47pm On Sep 12, 2011
Go and buy the book of Jubilee and the book of Jasher you'll get the answer there.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Prisoner Found In Wife Suitcase by Bidemi1997(f): 7:47pm On Jul 06, 2011
I didn't know that suitcases are allowed to be carried into prison by visitors?
Celebrities / Re: R&b Singer Ameriie Gets Married by Bidemi1997(f): 10:29pm On Jul 01, 2011
I like her music. Congrats Amerie smiley
Family / Re: Help! He Chews While Asleep by Bidemi1997(f): 4:14pm On Jun 30, 2011
[table]Next time he does it, Whooze am better slap.

People dey hungry and he dey sneak go chop for dream.

or make you chook cloth for him mouth[/table
LMFAO grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Romance / Re: I Can't Resist My Fiancée's Friends. I Lust After Them. Problem? by Bidemi1997(f): 11:33pm On Jan 17, 2011
Step 1- Agree with me, I think u r goin 2 hv one of 2 scenarios
1- your girl already knows, probably some elaborate ploy btw both friends and herself 2 fnd out if u r "faithful" u r, so far, u forkd up bigtime homeboy , Just know that if this is d case, she really does love you, , i think.
2- Her girlfriends have gone solo- vendatta on your backside
So take your pick.

Gbam!!!! Exactly my thinking.
Politics / Re: Gay Group Backs Atiku by Bidemi1997(f): 5:51pm On Jan 12, 2011
People, remember the witches and wizards association of Nigeria said if Atiku doesn't back out of the election they would disgrace him. Maybe this is how they would do it. lipsrsealed
Family / Re: 5 Years Old Boy Still Sucking Breast? by Bidemi1997(f): 7:47pm On Jan 11, 2011
Nasty!!! shocked
Family / Re: Mother And Child! by Bidemi1997(f): 7:11pm On Nov 28, 2010
No this video is not offensive. This is what happens in real life.  I have been through this 3 times and believe me it's painful. cry
Celebrities / Re: I Cant Beliv Dis, D Music Legend Is Dead by Bidemi1997(f): 6:35pm On Nov 28, 2010
@OP are you talking about Michael Jackson or someone else? I don't understand you.
TV/Movies / Re: The X Factor 2010 (who's Watching) by Bidemi1997(f): 9:26pm On Nov 08, 2010
This year's X factor is crap to the core. I can't believe that witch looking Katie Weasel is still there. angry. If they kick out Paije next week, then racism is the name of the game.
Family / Re: A Sound Slap From His Mother-In-Law! by Bidemi1997(f): 10:44pm On Nov 01, 2010
If my MIL slapped me, I think I will just go to my room and cry but her son would pay for it.
Celebrities / Re: Is Jason Derulo Gay? by Bidemi1997(f): 11:45pm On Oct 30, 2010
He looks gay! sad
Religion / Re: Strange And Funny Names Of Some New Generation Churches. by Bidemi1997(f): 10:19pm On Aug 12, 2010
New Wine Church in London, England
Religion / Re: Oyakhilome, Oyedepo, Ashimolowo, Adeboye Et Al Should be Ashamed!!! by Bidemi1997(f): 10:47pm On Jul 23, 2010
Well done @ paris10 and GNBohr. *Clap clap* I really enjoyed reading this post. @GNBohr, you have hammered the nail on the head. A lot of people not just Nigerians are so gullible about what is going on in christendom today. People need to wake up and ask the Holy Spirit to open their eyes to see what is happening in the so called church of today. May the Lord God Almighty help us all. Amen.

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