Autos / Re: Best SUVs For Sale, Save With Our Offers by Palantir: 9:31am On Sep 11, 2020 |
are your posted prices inclusive of freighting to Nigeria? If not, what is the average freighting cost? |
Family / Re: How I Was Scammed By Selfpaiid On Nairaland. by Palantir: 8:18am On Jul 29, 2020 |
So u never hear say escrow/picker self dey japa? The koko be say, " do face to face transaction " Since everyone will "japa", let us all go back to trading by barter. You don't identify a problem and say "because of this problem, I will not develop in my ways of doing things". You identify the problems and find solutions to it. My solution is to create a trusted third party for Nairaland transactions. Like others have said here, I will not allow negativity to keep me down. You should do that too. 3 Likes |
Family / Re: How I Was Scammed By Selfpaiid On Nairaland. by Palantir: 8:10pm On Jul 28, 2020 |
I have taken note of your page and will patronise you when needed.
Sweetness4, now liase with the donor and have @spenserservices pick up the product and bring to you at a neutral location close to you. Thank God delivery is now free too!
Call donor and tell him dispatch rider will come pick up. Very good. While I appreciate your comment, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw your moniker together with your comment. In my head, I see an Igbo chief sitting on his big chair with a calabash of palmie in one hand and his staff in the order going "you, you've done this, good. Now you go and do that" Your moniker was well selected sir. |
Family / Re: How I Was Scammed By Selfpaiid On Nairaland. by Palantir: 7:50pm On Jul 28, 2020 |
Family / Re: How I Was Scammed By Selfpaiid On Nairaland. by Palantir: 7:41pm On Jul 28, 2020 |
Family / Re: How I Was Scammed By Selfpaiid On Nairaland. by Palantir: 7:16pm On Jul 28, 2020 |
Whoever you are going to meet, let it be in an open place and please go with a guy or a macho lady.
Maam please, you sound genuinely like a nice person and I pray to God to help you in this animal nation called Nigeria. Even your most trusted family member can stab you to take over your worldly possession. People are so mean and wicked these days.
Whatever you do, "Loose Faith in Humanity" and protect your life. That your notion of not loosing faith in humanity has cost a lot of people their lives.
Bad people don't like it when you are woke. They prefer you remain stupid and weak so they can exploit you so easily.
Regarding the GOTV transaction, go with a guy or people and let the transaction be in an open place where there is cctv. At the worst, tell the donor to use all these dispatch riders like kwik delivery. There is even a mechanic here called Gazzuzz that has an outpost in Mushin.
Tell the kind hearted donor you will pay for the dispatch rider... Las Las 1,000 or 1,500.
I believe the donor is reading this. If he is a good man, he will hasten up and follow the safety procedures and help to maintain his image. If he is a bad man, watch as he backs down from the deal after reading this and give a silly excuse. Never mind if he does that. He had ulterior motive all these while and never intended helping. Better still, donor should contact @spenserservices on instagram. They'll deliver at my cost. My contribution. Sweetness4, if you have been given full details by the donour, you can initiate that contact too. 4 Likes |
Family / Re: How I Was Scammed By Selfpaiid On Nairaland. by Palantir: 7:09pm On Jul 28, 2020 |
MrReeseG: Next time
Always remember to use escrow services for goods which you aren't readily available to go and confirm.
We have lots of people (credible people) on nairaland willing to stand as escrow for such deals... *DO NOT* send money - no matter how little - to anyone on the basis of trust (na only yourself you know)....
If him no gree escrow leave am, no deal is as good as losing your hard earned money.
My 2 pence. Very true. I tried setting my company up as an escrow service a few years back. Especially as I also run a delivery service in Lagos, it seemed like an excellent option. I recieve the goods from the seller, I hold on the payment from the buyer and I deliver to the buyer once everything is confirmed before fowarding the payment to the seller. I gave up as people didn't seem interested in it. Maybe I'll try again. 1 Like |
Family / Re: How I Was Scammed By Selfpaiid On Nairaland. by Palantir: 7:00pm On Jul 28, 2020 |
I've done that already today. Did the bank show any indication of acting on your complaint? |
Family / Re: How I Was Scammed By Selfpaiid On Nairaland. by Palantir: 6:58pm On Jul 28, 2020 |
What do I do. Kids. I just booked somewhere overnight and returned. I'll publish his company names etc here soon as he had many handles so people can beware. I spoke to Dominique and thought she'll do something besides telling me sorry. He used his address so I thought it was an office. I was there to have him nailed. You needed to have seen the shock and concern on the wife's face I'm sorry to say this, but you are enabling this scammer. It is only right that once you got this much inofrmation abiut him you make it available to as many people as possible to prevent this thief from stealing from other people. Please post his company names and phone numbers at least. I can understand your reluctance to dox him because of his kids but a thief caugjt by the police will still have his information in the general public for others to know he is a thief. 7 Likes |
Business / Re: Starting Your Own Logistics/ Delivery Outfit With Less Than 300k by Palantir: 8:20pm On Jul 22, 2020 |
deprinceAO: Very interesting reading through all the threads and i must say am challenged to continue my business plan on logistics services but my concern now is this licencing of a thing. Offcuz i no there mustbe a regulatory bored but the money is way too much for starters like us that wants to start with maybe just one or two motorbikes and i must say is discouraging, pls guys for those already into the business is there any other way to go around this licencing matter especially in PH? Have you asked around in PH for registration requirements? I'l like to know how different it is from Lagos. |
Business / Re: Starting Your Own Logistics/ Delivery Outfit With Less Than 300k by Palantir: 12:54pm On Jul 21, 2020 |
Is it free ??
I’m also interested in starting a delivery business here in Lagos ... Is it free? Well I am always willing to advice and discuss with others in the business with the intention of learning something myself. So I will respond to every mail. But my book will give you everything you need to know to start up especially in Lagos. Your choice. 1 Like |
Family / Re: How We Withdraw And Spend Dead People' 's Money - Bank Manager by Palantir: 9:27pm On Jul 17, 2020 |
Naijboy: No one is praying to die unexpectedly but the obvious truth is that people die unexpectedly everyday.
As you leave your house, it's only God that knows whether you will make it home alive or not. We are not praying for the worst but we need to let at least one person in our family especially wife or children to know all the secrets of our bank accounts, ATM pins and everything they need to know in order to withdraw money from our accounts in case something happens.
Read the confession and warnings of a bank manager. After reading this, share to your husband or wife or children of the assets and money you have in bank accounts. Wives also inform your husbands.
Please read the warnings of a female bank manager.....
While talking with a female bank manager she made a scary revelation to me. She told me how Nigerian bank vaults are filled with monies of dead men who kept their bank accounts secret from their wives.
She explained it was against bank ethics or policies for an account officer to inform the relatives of a deceased customer of his account (without his permission). And since the man is dead without giving his permission the bank dubiously keeps silence on the money. She told me it is rampant among many businessmen, even the Christians. She revealed many instances of dead men whose families are still suffering even though they have millions stashed in their secret accounts.
She mentioned one that happened few months back. The man died and the wife was crying all over the place, looking for money to bury him or even do his funeral. Whereas the man had nothing less than 60 million naira in his accounts. The banker said it got to a stage that she could no longer bear it, her conscience was pummelling her.
She had to go against her bank rules, and got in contact with the widow and revealed to the woman how much her husband had in his accounts and how to claim them. She also told of another story of one man who escaped death but his right hand was paralysed.
He couldn't sign his chequebook with his left hand and he was in a desperate situation that needed him to sign papers and cheques. That was how he learnt his own lesson the hard way. As soon as he got better, he immediately made his wife co-signatory to all his accounts and involved her in all his businesses. What if he had died? So, that was how his family would have suffered in the midst of plenty.
This stupid behaviour is not reserved for wealthy men alone, even paupers who earn little too have their own complex issues. I just read on the wall of an Igbo group where a man complained of how his friend refused to release his ATM Pin Number to his wife even though there was an emergency at home, and his ATM was at home.
Many orphans and widows that are suffering today are put in that condition by their stupid dead father. Women and Retirees are not left out; someone told me how a relative of hers died and none of her relatives knew where all her properties scattered all over the world are.
Not even one house. Not even a dime in her accounts. If you knew billions unclaimed in banks belonging to selfish dead people, you would weep. Banks and Bankers grow fat on these oafs. Please do the needful now that you still have the breath to do so, of course tomorrow is pregnant and only God knows what it will deliver. A word is enough for the wise daddy and mummy.
What is your opinion on this? Does your family know all your accounts and how to withdraw money from them In case something happens?
Don't forget like and share to others. A word is enough for the wise. The title of this thread and the content have nothing to do with each other. Title gives the impression that a bank manager is going to explain how bank staff access the accounts of their deceased customers illegally. But the content is about people who have monies in accounts they hid from their closest relatives. So which is it? Clickbait? Misrepresentations? Or just lies for likes and comments? 2 Likes |
Business / Re: Starting Your Own Logistics/ Delivery Outfit With Less Than 300k by Palantir: 5:19pm On Jul 16, 2020 |
Prenario: I stay in pH and I'm interested in starting and knowing more about delivery business, I'd need someone to put me through, preferably someone already in the business and with experience, thank you. I am willing to help you. Dm me and let's see how it goes. I am interested in seeing the difference between Lagos and PH especially with regards to registrations and such. |
Romance / Re: A Nairalander Scammed A Nairalander by Palantir: 5:41pm On Jul 11, 2020 |
This is why I advocate for the use of escrow companies for us that do business on Nairaland. I was even trying to create one sometime ago. Maybe I'll look into it again. |
Politics / Re: Coronavirus: Christians Are Exhibiting Reckless Confidence - Boss Mustapha by Palantir: 2:30pm On Jul 06, 2020 |
Read the news again please. Boss did not go against having faith or confidence. What he advised against is reckless confidence, and he rightly quoted an apt Scripture to support his point. If I may ask, do you stand on RECKLESS CONFIDENCE to prove that you are a Christian? Thank you. There is so much anger in the land that people aren't listening to what is being said anymore. They just react based on who is speaking. Fellow, a Christian, was addressing Christians in a Christian forum, rightly for that matter. But the anger of Nigerians have clouded their ability to listen to reasonable statements. Let us show our confidence in Chris and like some silly people have done, let's enter a cage of lions and confidently declear we will not be harmed by them hingry lions because we have faith in Jesus. |
Politics / Re: Coronavirus: Christians Are Exhibiting Reckless Confidence - Boss Mustapha by Palantir: 11:48am On Jul 06, 2020 |
He specifically made clear the difference between confidence and reckless confidence. He even quoted a Bible passage to back that up.
Be confident in your faith but do not be fool hardy. The wise are cautious and avoid danger. The reckless are foolish. The Bible calls them so. 3 Likes |
Business / Re: Starting Your Own Logistics/ Delivery Outfit With Less Than 300k by Palantir: 11:44am On Jul 06, 2020 |
planbbiz: @Palantir
I sent you an email. How do I get your e-book please?
Thanks Tried to reply your dm, but the email was returned. Mail me at palantir.allseeing at zohomail dot com |
Business / Re: Business For Sale by Palantir: 8:23pm On Jul 04, 2020 |
What's the price? Owner has permitted me. N8M |
Business / Re: Business For Sale by Palantir: 10:35am On Jun 25, 2020 |
What's the price? Sent you a DM |
Business / Re: Starting Your Own Logistics/ Delivery Outfit With Less Than 300k by Palantir: 9:44am On Jun 25, 2020 |
Can you drop your WhatsApp please? Send a pm or email. Thanks |
Business / Business For Sale by Palantir: 9:16am On Jun 25, 2020 |
A profitable business for sale
A busy business centre together with a mobile office in another location built on a van offering varied services with nine(9) staff are up for sale on Lagos island. exotically built mobile office/home on a Mercedes sprinter van ten(10) working/serviceable colour & black-on white photocopiers a 2-room separate offices for manager & customers three(3) working desktop computers two(2) working laptop computers 1 no.Wifi modem a six-foot drinks chiller three(3) ceiling fans 1 no. Binding machine 2 nos. Small & giant staplers exotic executive desk & visitors sofas 1 no.24-inch new led tv 1 no.Gotv decoder 1 no.Window a/c unit 1 no.7kva petrol gen. 1 no. 5kva petrol gen. (new) 1 no. 7.5kva diesel gen. (requires a kick-starter only) 2 nos. Canon passport printers 1 no. Camera for photos large customer-base
business & its location are excellent with daily money.
Autos / Re: Sold Extremely Clean Foreign Used Honda CR-V 2007 EXL sold! by Palantir: 11:15am On Jun 23, 2020 |
Business / Re: List Of People Distributing Money (and Conditions Attached) by Palantir: 3:45pm On Jun 20, 2020 |
Due to the increased number of people begging due to extreme financial difficulties, I have decided to create this thread to help people.
Warning: Some people might find this insulting. Please if this is not for you, move on.
There is a lot of money being distributed, including here, but it is disguised as payment for a service. The difference between seeing this money and not seeing it (so resorting to begging) is mentality. And this difference is so big that it gives one person bad luck and the other good luck.
If you only have 48 hours data, is it sensible to use it to beg for 48 hours to convince someone to be moved with enough pity to send N5,000? Bearing in mind that because this is the easy way out, everyone is doing it and compassionate people have to deal with 30 requests and they can only spare N5,000?
Or is it better to use the same data to look for people who need help, and who are willing to pay for that help? Because this does not involve focusing on ones needs but on the needs of others, the competition is less.
There are lots people on this forum that have problems they are willing to pay others to solve. But one type of person will recognise these oppitunities and another type will not because they are focused on their problems.
So, I'm trying to make it easier for people to solve other people's lucrative problems. There are lots of lucrative problems in the Business to Business section.
Excellent idea OP. Truly excellent. |
Business / Re: Share Your Business Start-up Experience:what Challenges Did You Face? by Palantir: 2:27pm On Jun 20, 2020 |
I needed a delivery service for my products and couldn't get one around me. So I decided to start one myself.
It was obvious even 3 years ago that ecomerce was geowimg rapidly in Nigeria. So I decided to take advantage of it. Online and social media stores need a means of delivering their products and a delivery service can take advantage of that opportunity.
I started small and didn't expect much. With no prior experience, I expected to fail at anytime. But I stuck to it.
I personally find the biggest challange to business in Nigeria to be the human factor. Far too many staff are not willing to work hard. Many that want to work hard simply don't have the skill or the drive to develop the needed skills. If you can solve that problem as a startup, you have overcome one of your biggest obstacles.
Financing is also a challange for a start up. But I think one reason for that is people don't realise they can start small. This is not saying starting small is possible everytime. But there are times where starting small will suffice and you build from there. |
Business / Re: Wazobia Investment Has Crashed PHOTOS by Palantir: 2:37pm On Jun 19, 2020 |
Is it greed? Is it hopelessness? Is it foolishness?
Or is it wickedness? You KNOW it's a ponzi But you hope to cash out before it crashes. So you want to get someone else's money and let that person be stuck with the losses. Isn't that robbery? Theft? Money ritual? Wickedness!!!
See another one is advertising a new one so he can grab from other people's future pain. 2 Likes |
Business / Re: Starting Your Own Logistics/ Delivery Outfit With Less Than 300k by Palantir: 9:05am On Jun 19, 2020 |
Made payment for the Ebook..... check your mail Sent |
Business / Re: Starting Your Own Logistics/ Delivery Outfit With Less Than 300k by Palantir: 7:40pm On Jun 17, 2020 |
I have gotten a larger number of requests for my book than I expected as well as the continued interest in this thread that I feel I have to make a number of caveats.
1. I am not the guru at setting up and operating a delivery company as an SME. I am sure there are steps I have taken and things I have done that many people will know how to do better. But I enjoy what I do, and helping people get better is something that gives me a level of fulfilment. So I'll keep doing it.
2. There is such an interest in this business that some could legitimately say the business is getting saturated. I am not saying that. My fear is that many people think it is a lot easier that it actually is and may end up biting more than they can chew.
Any business in Nigeria that involves transportation is EXTREMELY difficult. Do not go into this unprepared. Do not assume it will be smooth sailing. Like any other business, you will need managerial skills to succeed.
So why this is a valid business endeavour, don't get into it lackadaisically. Be prepared, be focused. 1 Like |
Business / Re: Starting Your Own Logistics/ Delivery Outfit With Less Than 300k by Palantir: 10:04pm On Jun 16, 2020 |
Didn't get it, probably have issues with my NL email Can you please 'hi' me on Send a mail |
Business / Re: Starting Your Own Logistics/ Delivery Outfit With Less Than 300k by Palantir: 8:44pm On Jun 16, 2020 |
Business / Re: Starting Your Own Logistics/ Delivery Outfit With Less Than 300k by Palantir: 7:59pm On Jun 16, 2020 |
Just sent you a mail now, please reply. Darling4:
Interested, I sent you a message. Please respond. Replied |