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The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological - Religion - Nairaland

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The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by nora544: 5:36pm On Oct 08, 2014
Just over one hundred years ago, the renowned pastor and statesman Charles H. Spurgeon spoke these words to the then-largest congregation in all Christendom:

I believe that it is anti-Christian and unholy for any Christian to live with the object of accumulating wealth. You will say, “Are we not to strive all we can to get all the money we can?” You may do so. I cannot doubt but what, in so doing, you may do service to the cause of God. But what I said was that to live with the object of accumulating wealth is anti-Christian.1

Over the years, however, the message being preached in some of the largest churches in the world has changed. Due, in part, to the rise of several ungodly philosophies and movements,2 a new gospel is being taught today. This gospel has been ascribed many names, such as the “name it and claim it” gospel, the “blab it and grab it” gospel, the “health and wealth” gospel, the “word of faith” movement, the “gospel of success,” the “prosperity gospel,” and “positive confession theology.”3

No matter what name is used, though, the teaching is the same. Simply put, this egocentric gospel teaches that God wants believers to be materially wealthy. Listen to the words of Robert Tilton, one of the prosperity gospel’s most well-known spokesmen: “I believe that it is the will of God for all to prosper because I see it in the Word [of God], not because it has worked mightily for someone else. I do not put my eyes on men, but on God who gives me the power to get wealth.”4

Teachers of the prosperity gospel encourage their followers to pray, and even demand, of God “everything from modes of transportation (cars, vans, trucks, even two-seat planes), [to] homes, furniture, and large bank accounts.”5 By closely examining the faulty theology and errant biblical interpretation of the teachers of this movement, this study will prove that the prosperity gospel teachings regarding the acquisition and accumulation of wealth are ethically incorrect.

The Theology of the Prosperity Gospel

“Theology is important,” wrote scholar Millard J. Erickson, “because correct doctrinal beliefs are essential to the relationship between the believer and God.”6 A corollary to this statement is that an incorrect theology will lead to incorrect beliefs about God, His Word, and His dealings with men. The thesis of this paper is that the prosperity gospel is constructed upon a faulty theology. Consequently, many of its doctrines, including the teachings concerning wealth, are erroneous. While it is beyond the scope of this study to examine in detail all of the specific doctrines of prosperity theology, there are four crucial areas of error relating to their teachings on wealth that may be isolated and examined. These areas are the Abrahamic covenant, the Atonement, giving, and faith.
Prosperity Theology and the Abrahamic Covenant

The theological basis of the prosperity gospel is the Abrahamic covenant.7 While this is good in that prosperity theologians recognize that much of Scripture is the record of the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant, it is bad in that they do not maintain an orthodox view of this covenant. Prosperity theologians hold an incorrect view of the inception of the Abrahamic covenant; what is more germane to the present study, however, they hold to an erroneous view concerning the application of the covenant.

Researcher Edward Pousson best stated the prosperity view on the application of the Abrahamic covenant when he wrote, “Christians are Abraham’s spiritual children and heirs to the blessings of faith.... This Abrahamic inheritance is unpacked primarily in terms of material entitlements.”9 In other words, according to the prosperity gospel, the primary purpose of the Abrahamic covenant was for God to bless Abraham materially. Since believers are now “Abraham’s spiritual children,” they consequently have inherited these financial blessings of the covenant.

Prosperity teacher Kenneth Copeland wrote, “Since God’s Covenant has been established and prosperity is a provision of this covenant, you need to realize that prosperity belongs to you now!”10 Referring to the prosperity theology of Kenneth Hagin, author Harvey Cox wrote, “Through the crucifixion of Christ, Christians have inherited all the promises made to Abraham, and these include both spiritual and material well-being.”11 To support this claim, prosperity teachers such as Copeland and Hagin appeal to Gal. 3:14, which says “that the blessings of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus. . . .”12 While it is not an understatement to say that the problems with this argument are legion, two glaring problems need to be addressed. First, in their appeal to Gal. 3:14, prosperity teachers ignore the second half of the verse, which reads, “That we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”13 In this verse Paul clearly was reminding the Galatians of the spiritual blessing of salvation, not the material blessing of wealth.

Second, prosperity teachers claim that the conduit through which believers receive Abraham’s blessings is faith. This completely ignores the orthodox understanding that the Abrahamic covenant was an unconditional covenant.14 That is, the blessings of the Abrahamic covenant were not contingent upon one man’s obedience. Therefore, even if the Abrahamic covenant did apply to Christians, all believers would already be experiencing the material blessings regardless of prosperity theology.
Prosperity Theology and the Atonement

A second cracked pillar upon which prosperity theology stands is that of a faulty view of the Atonement. Theologian Ken Sarles wrote that “the prosperity gospel claims that both physical healing and financial prosperity have been provided for in the Atonement.”15 This seems to be an accurate observation in light of teacher Kenneth Copeland’s comment that “the basic principle of the Christian life is to know that God put our sin, sickness, disease, sorrow, grief, and poverty on Jesus at Calvary.”16 This misunderstanding of the Atonement stems from two errors that proponents of the prosperity gospel make.

First, many who hold to prosperity theology have a fundamental misconception of the life of Christ. For example, teacher John Avanzini proclaimed that “Jesus had a nice house, a big house,”17 “Jesus was handling big money,”18 and He even “wore designer clothes.”19 It is easy to see how such a warped view of the life of Christ could lead to an equally warped misconception of the death of Christ.

A second error of prosperity theology, which also leads to a faulty view of the Atonement, is the misinterpretation of 2 Cor. 8:9. Without exception, this is the verse to which prosperity teachers appeal in order to support their view of the Atonement. The verse reads, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.”20 This problem with this interpretation is, of course, that in this verse Paul was in no way teaching that Christ died on the cross for the purpose of increasing anyone’s net worth materially. In fact, Paul was actually teaching the exact opposite principle.

Contextually, it is clear that Paul was teaching the Corinthians that since Christ accomplished so much for them through the Atonement, then how much more ought they empty themselves of their riches in service of the Savior. This is why just five short verses later Paul would urge the Corinthians to give their wealth away to their needy brothers, writing “that now at this time your abundance may supply their lack.”21 Commentator Philip E. Hughes wrote of 2 Cor. 8:9, “The logic implicit in the statement of this great truth is too obvious for anyone to miss it.”22 Apparently, however, the champions of the prosperity gospel have indeed missed it.


Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by nora544: 5:37pm On Oct 08, 2014
Prosperity Theology and Giving

One of the most striking characteristics of the prosperity theologians is their seeming fixation with the act of giving. Students of the prosperity gospel are urged to give generously and are confronted with such pious statements as, “True prosperity is the ability to use God’s power to meet the needs of mankind in any realm of life,”23 and, “We have been called to finance the gospel to the world.”24 While at face value these statements do indeed appear to be praiseworthy, a closer examination of the theology behind them reveals that the prosperity gospel’s emphasis on giving is built on anything but philanthropic motives. The driving force behind this emphasis on giving is what teacher Robert Tilton referred to as the “Law of Compensation.”25 According to this law, which is supposedly based on Mark 10:30,26 Christians need to give generously to others because when they do, God gives back more in return. This, in turn, leads to a cycle of ever-increasing prosperity.

As Gloria Copeland put it, “Give $10 and receive $1,000; give $1,000 and receive $100,000;... in short, Mark 10:30 is a very good deal.”27 It is evident, then, that the prosperity gospel’s doctrine of giving is built upon faulty motives. Whereas Jesus taught His disciples to “give, hoping for nothing in return,”28 prosperity theologians teach their disciples to give because they will get a great return. One cannot help but agree with author Edward Pousson’s observation that the stewardship of “the prosperity message is in captivity to the American dream.”

Prosperity Theology and Faith

A final area of prosperity theology that merits investigation is that of the doctrine of faith. Whereas orthodox Christianity understands faith to be “trust in the person of Jesus Christ, the truth of His teaching, and the redemptive work He accomplished at Calvary,”30 prosperity teachers espouse quite a different doctrine. In his book, The Laws of Prosperity, Kenneth Copeland wrote that “faith is a spiritual force, a spiritual energy, a spiritual power. It is this force of faith which makes the laws of the spirit world function. . . . There are certain laws governing prosperity revealed in God’s Word. Faith causes them to function.”31 This is obviously a faulty, if not heretical, understanding of faith. Later in the same book Copeland wrote that “if you make up your mind . . . that you are willing to live in divine prosperity and abundance, . . . divine prosperity will come to pass in your life. You have exercised your faith.”32 According to prosperity theology, faith is not a theocentric act of the will, or simply trust in God; rather it is an anthropocentric spiritual force, directed at God. Indeed, any theology that views faith solely as a means to material gain rather than the acceptance of heavenly justification must be judged as faulty and inadequate.

The Biblical Interpretation of the Prosperity Gospel

As has already been demonstrated in this paper, the hermeneutics of the prosperity movement leaves much to be desired. Author Ken Sarles wrote of the prosperity teachers that their “method of interpreting the biblical text is highly subjective and arbitrary. Bible verses are quoted in abundance without attention to grammatical indicators, semantic nuances, or literary and historical context. The result is a set of ideas and principles based on distortion of textual meaning.”33 Indeed, a survey of the volumes of literature produced by the prosperity teachers yields numerous examples of such misinterpretations. As was the case in the theological study of this movement, an analysis of all such examples of misinterpreted texts would fall beyond the scope of this study. However, it is possible to choose one verse as an example and to examine both the prosperity gospel and orthodox interpretations of the text.

A suitable verse for this study is 3 John 2.34 In this verse, the Apostle John wrote, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”35 This verse is interpreted by prosperity teachers to mean that God wants all believers to “prosper in all things.” Furthermore, their interpretation of this verse makes clear their claim that material prosperity is inseparably linked to spiritual growth. Oral Roberts, regarded by many to be the father of the prosperity gospel movement, claimed at the beginning of his ministry, during a time of search for direction, that God miraculously led him to 3 John 2, which he understood as a revelation of the prosperity gospel.

Another faith teacher who has built his ministry around this faulty interpretation of 3 John 2 is Kenneth Copeland. Author Kenneth Kantzer noted that “Copeland misinterprets this [verse] as a universal promise,”37 and writer Bruce Barron remarked that “the Copelands use these words so often that they appear to be the key verse of their ministry.”38 A careful study of 3 John 2, however, reveals that this verse is not a carte blanche approval of prosperity gospel teachings.

Those who use 3 John 2 to support the prosperity gospel are committing two crucial errors, the first contextual and the second grammatical. First, con-textually, one is wise to note that John’s purpose in writing 3 John 2 was not to teach doctrine; it was simply to open his letter with a greeting. This is not to say that doctrine cannot be derived from a nondoctrinal passage, for all Scripture is profitable for doctrine, but it is to say that one must be sensitive to the original author’s intent. Therefore, the claim that 3 John 2 teaches the doctrine of prosperity ought to be regarded as suspect at best. Second, one is wise to note the meaning of the word “prosperity” as it occurs in this verse. The term translated “prosperity” is a form of the Greek word eujodovw. This word, which is used only four times in Scripture, does not mean to prosper in the sense of “gaining material possessions,” but rather means “to grant a prosperous expedition and expeditious journey,” or “to lead by a direct and easy way.”39 The wording of modern translations such as the New International Version even reflect this nuance of the word.40 Therefore it is evident that teachers who understand 3 John 2 to teach prosperity theology are misinterpreting the text.

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Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by nora544: 5:38pm On Oct 08, 2014

Through this study of the theology and the biblical interpretation of the prosperity gospel, one may discern five clear reasons why this movement’s teachings concerning wealth are incorrect:

1. The prosperity gospel is built upon a faulty understanding of the Abrahamic covenant.

2. The prosperity gospel is built upon a faulty understanding of the Atonement.

3. The prosperity gospel is based upon a faulty understanding of the biblical tachings on giving.

4. The prosperity gospel is based upon a faulty understanding of the biblical teachings on faith.

5. The prosperity gospel, in general, has been constructed upon faulty biblical interpretation.

Aside from these five specific theological and biblical arguments against the prosperity gospel, and without even considering the practical implications of this movement,41 there is perhaps one general, summary reason why the prosperity gospel is a wayward gospel: its faulty view of the relationship between God and man. Simply put, if the prosperity gospel is correct, grace becomes obsolete, God becomes irrelevant, and man is the measure of all things. Whether it is the Abrahamic covenant, the Atonement, giving, faith, or the biblical interpretation of any given verse, the prosperity teacher seeks to turn the relationship between God and man into a financial quid pro quo transaction. As scholar James R. Goff noted, God is “reduced to a kind of ‘cosmic bellhop’ attending to the needs and desires of his creation.”42 This is a wholly inadequate and unbiblical view of the relationship between God and man and the stewardship of wealth.

Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by paulGrundy(m): 6:49pm On Oct 08, 2014
Nora544 cannot write eligibly like that ^^
That was a beautiful copy and paste. grin grin

Please try and provide us with the source.
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by nora544: 6:56pm On Oct 08, 2014
Nora544 cannot write eligibly like that ^^
That was a beautiful copy and paste. grin grin

Please try and provide us with the source.

I can write it in my language !!

David Jones

David is currently Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, and Director of the Th.M. program at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he has been teaching at since 2001.

He is the author of six books and more than a dozen articles over a wide range of moral and theological issues that have appeared in various academic journals as well as other scholarly publications.

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Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Image123(m): 12:32am On Oct 09, 2014

I can write it in my language !!

Lol, don't mind him jare Nora. You and him sef, the same thing.There's nothing like writing eligibly. Tell him.

1 Like

Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Nobody: 8:16am On Oct 09, 2014
All these PROFESSORS in theology sef...are they not the same folks condemning spiritual gifts and healings? SMH!
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by nora544: 9:21am On Oct 09, 2014
All these PROFESSORS in theology sef...are they not the same folks condemning spiritual gifts and healings? SMH!
You don't understand that is the gospel what is mostly preach in nigeria and that is why the pastos are still rich.

I know the truth is hard to belief.

This Incredible Season of Miracles Begins Now
That’s why I am now coming to you through this urgent and time-dated letter. We have an astonishing opportunity to release an amazing $5 million harvest into this ministry by matching an incredible $2.5 million gift in the next 90 days, or the opportunity will pass. We cannot let that happen. Not now. Not during this incredible season!
My dear friend who is planting this seed has lived the principle of giving unselfishly to the Gospel throughout his life and ministry, and he has been fabulously successful. I believe, with him, that this is a unique moment in time—an awesome season of debt cancellation—as the wealth transfer takes place to God’s people around the world.
God’s Word proclaims that His grace is “sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). Because of God’s grace, He wants to restore your home, your favor, your protection, your fellowship with Him, and so much more. And I truly believe that as you take part in this great challenge as we match this $2.5 million gift together, you will see a miraculous breakthrough in breaking the bondages of debt during the next 90 days.
Your Double Harvest Miracle
Are you ready for God to do the “impossible” in your life!
Are you ready to see your harvest doubled?
Are you ready to see your debt cancelled in the next 90 days?
Imagine not dreading going to the mailbox, no bills piling up on your counter, and no calls from collectors coming to your home. God wants to wipe your debt out! Every bit of it…and in the next 90 days!
This is an appointed hour. Imagine: Your $100 gift immediately doubles to $200. Your $500 seed literally becomes $1,000. If God leads you to plant $10,000, it instantly grows into a $20,000 seed! And your double seed, sown bountifully, will reap bountifully through the supernatural law of multiplication!
Only God could provide something like this—a double harvest for you. And the more you plant, the more you will reap!
The anointing for biblical abundance is being released. As you step into this miracle by faith, it will be poured out upon you, too! Your giving is literally the weapon that breaks the bondage of debt in this ministry and in your home during the next 90 days.
Plant your seed-gift now, then begin confessing over every bill, every debt, and every area of financial struggle in your life:
“With God I’m coming out of debt in 90 days!!!”
These repeated confessions will be constant reminders of the financial breakthrough that is coming to you.

Prosperity Gospel, Word of Faith heretic Benny Hinn of the Trinity Broadcast Network, who has made hundreds of millions of dollars over the years spreading his false gospel, is now pleading with his followers to send him $2.5M over a 90-day period in order to rescue his ministry from debt. In return for giving him money, Hinn promises his followers a “double return on investment” for every dollar they spend. This is yet another example of the shameless scams and manipulation by false teachers in the Christian church who use the love of money to lure unwitting believers into trying to use money to “buy favor and blessings” from God. Not only is this teaching not in the Bible, it goes against the true Gospel and is in fact a part of the apostasy – the end times falling away of much of the Christian church away from biblical Christianity and into false doctrine and satanic worship.

Hinn’s Plea
Here is an excerpt from Hinn’s request, which was emailed to his millions of followers worldwide, as stated on his ministry website:
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by PastorKun(m): 9:49am On Oct 09, 2014
Thanx for sharing this Nora, prosperity "gospel" remains a cancer that must be weeded out from the church.


Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by BlackBaron: 9:52am On Oct 09, 2014
Love this.
I've struggled lately looking all around and this is mostly what I see and hear especially in the Nigerian setting. I had also convinced myself that it is a major reason Nigerians love 'Churchin' (my own coined word) considering the economic climate.

1 Like

Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by nora544: 10:09am On Oct 09, 2014
Thanx for sharing this Nora, prosperity "gospel" remains a cancer that must be weeded out from the church.

I have this book at home

Health, Wealth & Happiness: Has the Prosperity Gospel Overshadowed the Gospel of Christ?
by David W. Jones, Russell Woodbridge

Christianity In Crisis: The 21st Century - by Hank Hanegraaff

Publisher's Description

Nearly two decades ago Hank Hanegraaff’s award-winning Christianity in Crisis alerted the world to the dangers of a cultic movement within Christianity that threatened to undermine the very foundation of biblical faith. But in the 21st century, there are new dangers—new teachers who threaten to do more damage than the last.

These are not obscure teachers that Hanegraaff unmasks. We know their names. We have seen their faces, sat in their churches, and heard them shamelessly preach and promote the false pretexts of a give-to-get gospel. They are virtual rock stars who command the attention of presidential candidates and media moguls. Through make-believe miracles, urban legends, counterfeit Christs, and twisted theological reasoning, they peddle an occult brand of metaphysics that continues to shipwreck the faith of millions around the globe:

“God cannot do anything in this earthly realm unless we give Him permission.”

“Keep saying it—‘I have equality with God’—talk yourself into it.”

“Being poor is a sin.”

“The Jews were not rejecting Jesus as Messiah; it was Jesus who was refusing to be the Messiah to the Jews!”

“You create your own world the same way God creates His. He speaks, and things happen; you speak, and they happen.”

Christianity in Crisis: 21st Century exposes darkness to light, pointing us back to a Christianity centered in Christ.

From the Preface:

“Having lost the ability to think biblically, postmodern Christians are being transformed from cultural change agents and initiators into cultural conformists and imitators. Pop culture beckons, and postmodern Christians have taken the bait. As a result, the biblical model of faith has given way to an increasingly bizarre array of fads and formulas.”

it is very good and now I know why the prosperity gospel is not working in Main europa and the few chuches we have who preach this their followers are mostly africans/nigerians.

1 Like

Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by JPpresh406(m): 11:22am On Oct 09, 2014
I laugh when I see your articles against prosperity..smh..its your opinion sha
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Nobody: 12:47pm On Oct 09, 2014
Wrong. Pastors are not rich because prosperity is preached. Why not try and preach the message lets see whether u will become rich na.You make it sound easy..Folks are not that gullible you know.

You don't understand that is the gospel what is mostly preach in nigeria and that is why the pastos are still rich.

I know the truth is hard to belief.

I read your copy paste article. I am not much of a fan of Hinn and his kind of gospel. But people can write all sort of stuffs just to discredit and condemn ministers of the gospel. The essence of material wealth in the body of Christ is to propagate the gospel, i agree that not all are called to be rich...but examples abound in scriptures where Jesus and Paul had disciples who are rich and are willing to distribute their resources for the furtherance of the gospel.

Another mistakes folks like you make is the wrong insinuation that prosperity is materialism. Bible never defined it as such...Prosperity is the TOTAL WELL BEING( Spirit,Soul and Body) of a Christian. There is no such thing as Gospel of prosperity..You and others tagged it..It is simply called Prosperity.

I agree the love of money is a snare.God is not magnified if christians live extravagantly focusing all attention and time on money and worldly possesions rather than the gospel neither is God magnified when Christians are scraping along, living from hand to mouth.. NO! Have you ever heard the phrase "as poor as a church rat"...these were the phrases used in the good old days to spat and discredit christians who sowed their lives for the gospel.

In terms of materialism there must be a balance and common sense. Poverty is a curse and the antidote of it is prosperity. What am against is EXCESSES not prosperity.Stay blessed.

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Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by nora544: 12:59pm On Oct 09, 2014
Wrong. Pastors are not rich because prosperity is preached. Why not try and preach the message lets see whether u will become rich na.You make it sound easy..Folks are not that gullible you know. I read your copy paste article. I am not much of a fan of Hinn and his kind of gospel. But people can write all sort of stuffs just to discredit and condemn ministers of the gospel. The essence of material wealth in the body of Christ is to propagate the gospel, i agree that not all are called to be rich...but examples abound in scriptures where Jesus and Paul had disciples who are rich and are willing to distribute their resources for the furtherance of the gospel.

Another mistakes folks like you make is the wrong insinuation that prosperity is materialism. Bible never defined it as such...Prosperity is the TOTAL WELL BEING( Spirit,Soul and Body) of a Christian. There is no such thing as Gospel of prosperity..You and others tagged it..It is simply called Prosperity.

I agree the love of money is a snare.God is not magnified if christians live extravagantly focusing all attention and time on money and worldly possesions rather than the gospel neither is God magnified when Christians are scraping along, living from hand to mouth.. NO! Have you ever heard the phrase "as poor as a church rat"...these were the phrases used in the good old days to spat and discredit christians who sowed their lives for the gospel.

In terms of materialism there must be a balance and common sense. Poverty is a curse and the antidote of it is prosperity. What am against is EXCESSES not prosperity.Stay blessed.

sorry but the story of Hinn is tru it is not a fake.
I will show you and I know that you dinot lean an other gospel in nigeria like the gospel about money and rich.


Benny Hinn Asks for 'Seed' Donations at Trinidad and Tobago Crusade
Christian Evangelist Said to Request $100 Donations From Thousands at 'Miracle Healing Service'

Benny Hinn Asks for 'Seed' Donations at Trinidad and Tobago Crusade
Christian Evangelist Said to Request $100 Donations From Thousands at 'Miracle Healing Service'

The April 13-14 crusade was Hinn's fourth visit to Trinidad and Tobago, with previous visits occurring in 1999, 2006 and 2011. The popular evangelist, who recently remarried his wife Suzanne Hinn at TBN's the Holy Land Experience in Orlando, travels all over the world throughout the year holding evangelistic "miracle healing" services. The services are marked by Hinn praying for those seeking to be healed from various ailments, a practice common among some Christians. However, the charismatic evangelist attributes his ability to heal people to an "anointing," or supernatural power from God.

While his purported healing claims have come into question, Hinn has also been criticized for his prosperity gospel, or word of faith teachings that promise worshippers material blessings from God in exchange for giving money, sometimes described as a "seed offering," with the extent of their return tied to the depth of their faith.

Hinn, who is reportedly worth $42 million, has been involved in Christian ministry for 36 years and helps to house orphans through global missions organizations, explains the concept of "seed offerings" in a recent newsletter on his website in which he makes an appeal for an "unusual seed."

"It is time we step out and do the unusual with our giving, for unusual days are here. God is looking for a people who will do the unique with Him and for Him," reads the newsletter signed by Hinn. "I am asking you today to sow an unusual seed, believing God for an unusual harvest. As you do this, I believe you will see extraordinary miracles come your way. The days ahead are dark for the world and bright for you!"

The newsletter adds, "Plant your seed-gift into the fertile soil of this ministry, knowing our Lord's clear-cut instructions: 'Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again' (Luke 6:38). Sowing and reaping works! Unusual faith moves the hand of God!"

In the newsletter, Hinn specifically mentions "massive financial" needs for each of his 2013 crusades. He adds that "as we sow heavily into the harvest of souls ... I ask you to prayerfully consider being part of it!"

The minister, whose World Healing Center Church is located in Grapevine, Texas, has explained previously his views on prosperity teachings, saying, "I believe biblical prosperity is scriptural, and it is taught throughout the Bible." Hinn has tied such teachings specifically to his ability to "take the life-saving, miracle-working Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations!"

Hinn was included in a 2007 Senate investigation into the financial dealings of several high-profile prosperity preachers, and shared his financial information as requested. He claims he was recognized by the U.S. Senate Finance Committee for "[engaging] in open and honest dialogue" and for "[providing] information over and above what was requested."

The evangelist, who was recently highlighted negatively in a song called "Fal$e Teacher$" along with Christian ministers T.D. Jakes, Paula White and others, shares information regarding his ministry's financial accountability on his website
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Nobody: 1:06pm On Oct 09, 2014

sorry but the story of Hinn is tru it is not a fake.
I will show you and I know that you dinot lean an other gospel in nigeria like the gospel about money and rich.
I am not ruling out the fact that some folks have abused and twisted bible passages to milk unsuspecting people. But the truth is prosperity is a doctrine and there is always a purpose for it in the body of Christ.
It is wrong for you to say God never want Christians to prosper materially. God's blessings is both physical and spiritual.

1 Like

Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by nora544: 1:30pm On Oct 09, 2014
I am not ruling out the fact that some folks have abused and twisted bible passages to milk unsuspecting people. But the truth is prosperity is a doctrine and there is always a purpose for it in the body of Christ.
It is wrong for you to say God never want Christians to prosper materially. God's blessings is both physical and spiritual.

Sorry what you write is not tru that is what you hear from most of this charismatic/pentecost pastors

read this book and it will open your eyes

Health, Wealth & Happiness: Has the Prosperity Gospel Overshadowed the Gospel of Christ?
by David W. Jones, Russell Woodbridge

the prosperity gospel is a heresy gospel!


1 Like

Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by asalimpo(m): 5:02pm On Oct 09, 2014

Sorry what you write is not tru that is what you hear from most of this charismatic/pentecost pastors

read this book and it will open your eyes

Health, Wealth & Happiness: Has the Prosperity Gospel Overshadowed the Gospel of Christ?
by David W. Jones, Russell Woodbridge

the prosperity gospel is a heresy gospel!

so God doesnt want His people to prosper. Who then shud enjoy the prosperity He created? The Devil, the ubelieving world?
The gold,the diamond the crude oil, the cocoa, the pearls ,the copper and bronze who created them and for who?
Stop talkg bullsh*t.
If you ar a father, dont u want ur children to hav and enjoy the best? And you maynt even b a christian but u'll hav this feeling, where did it come from? How much more God.
There's a clear abuse of this gospel, idolizing things. Worshipping things but it is as scriptural to prosper as anything else.
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by JPpresh406(m): 12:53am On Oct 11, 2014
Bidam and asamlipo thank u guys for your thoughts about her article.
my question to her which she has not answered is does God want Christians to be poor?
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by seagulsntrawler: 2:54am On Oct 11, 2014

so God doesnt want His people to prosper. Who then shud enjoy the prosperity He created? The Devil, the ubelieving world?
The gold,the diamond the crude oil, the cocoa, the pearls ,the copper and bronze who created them and for who?
Stop talkg bullsh*t.
If you ar a father, dont u want ur children to hav and enjoy the best? And you maynt even b a christian but u'll hav this feeling, where did it come from? How much more God.
There's a clear abuse of this gospel, idolizing things. Worshipping things but it is as scriptural to prosper as anything else.
Kindly back your assertions with biblical quotations.

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Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Nobody: 6:07am On Oct 11, 2014

Sorry what you write is not tru that is what you hear from most of this charismatic/pentecost pastors

read this book and it will open your eyes

Health, Wealth & Happiness: Has the Prosperity Gospel Overshadowed the Gospel of Christ?
by David W. Jones, Russell Woodbridge

the prosperity gospel is a heresy gospel!

Why not search scriptures for yourself instead of endorsing peoples opinion. The fact is people differ in non essentials doctrines of the christian faith.

Pls note what i have been trying to emphasize all along that poverty is EVIL if it becomes the foundation of an ideology or ministry. Consider scriptures like Prov13:4, 20:4;26:16.
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Nobody: 6:15am On Oct 11, 2014
Bidam and asamlipo thank u guys for your thoughts about her article.
my question to her which she has not answered is does God want Christians to be poor?
Bro..i tire o..There is no verse in the bible where Jesus promised believers that they will be poor. She should quote it if there is.

We should be thankful and put our trust in God who provides us with everything for our enjoyment.( 1 tim 6:17).
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Nobody: 6:16am On Oct 11, 2014
Kindly back your assertions with biblical quotations.
1 Timothy 6:17.

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Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Gombs(m): 6:17am On Oct 11, 2014

Lol, don't mind him jare Nora. You and him sef, the same thing.There's nothing like writing eligibly. Tell him.

Oga image... grin grin

Paul it's legibly not eligibly... English sha o

Nora, I'm here now... can you show me one scripture where we are encouraged not to be prosperous? Is poverty the will of God for those His Son died for?

Thank you!

Zechariah 1:13-17 MSG
13-15God reassured the Angel-Messenger—good words, comforting words —who then addressed me: "Tell them this. Tell them that God-of-the-Angel-Armies has spoken. This is God's Message: 'I care deeply for Jerusalem and Zion. I feel very possessive of them. But I'm thoroughly angry with the godless nations that act as if they own the whole world. I was only moderately angry earlier, but now they've gone too far. I'm going into action.

16-17"'I've come back to Jerusalem, but with compassion this time.'

This is God speaking.

From tbe above, God was pissed unbelivers were richer than His chosen ones...and He acted
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Gombs(m): 6:32am On Oct 11, 2014
Thanx for sharing this Nora, prosperity "gospel" remains a cancer that must be weeded out from the church.

How? grin
How do you and Nora intend doing so? Creating more Nairaland threads? Those who wrote these articles nora quoted are in stack poverty. cheesy

Why pattern my life after poverty minded folks? Ehen by the way, call frosbel na and DB... that una anti tithe tract hread will be 3 month old next tomorrow, no action... talking is truly cheap grin

WinsomeX aka Drummaboy
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by vooks: 11:44am On Oct 11, 2014
Prosperity myths that giving tithes and offerings to men is a ticket out of lack and misery are actually fraudulent and they mightily distort how we relate to God. Paul must have missed this revelation for not prescribing it to Macedonians or God who neither sleeps nor slumber forgot about the poor saints of Jerusalem who were dirt poor despite many giving their all
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Candour(m): 12:29pm On Oct 11, 2014

How? grin
How do you and Nora intend doing so? Creating more Nairaland threads? Those who wrote these articles nora quoted are in stack poverty. cheesy

Why pattern my life after poverty minded folks? Ehen by the way, call frosbel na and DB... that una anti tithe tract hread will be 3 month old next tomorrow, no action... talking is truly cheap grin

WinsomeX aka Drummaboy

My friend Gombs, how u dey?

Come o, the way you talk about this 'prosperity' and 'poverty' things, you make it sound and look like everybody in CEC and other like minded organisations are swimming in mega wealth while all those against your beliefs are grinding in abject poverty.

With all sense of honesty, can you confidently say you have no needy person in your assembly? Why tag everyone against the fraud in Christianity as poor?
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Hiswordxray(m): 12:59pm On Oct 11, 2014
I agree that some preachers have take prosperity to the extreme but Jesus died to save us from death. Death according to the Bible means sin, lack, sickness, diseases, poverty, depression, fear and hell. All these are part of the atonement. For us to know the God who is love we have to experience his love and for us to experience his love we have to receive and enjoy all that he has done for us and all that he has given to us. Remember the Bible says we are blessed with all spiritual blesses in the heavenly places.

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Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Gombs(m): 3:28pm On Oct 11, 2014

My friend Gombs, how u dey?

Come o, the way you talk about this 'prosperity' and 'poverty' things, you make it sound and look like everybody in CEC and other like minded organisations are swimming in mega wealth while all those against your beliefs are grinding in abject poverty.

With all sense of honesty, can you confidently say you have no needy person in your assembly? Why tag everyone against the fraud in Christianity as poor?

Bobo, I dey o, you scarce sha.

Jesus said we'd always have the poor with us, and this is because of lack of knowledge, not lack of money. I never said those against my beliefs are in abject poverty, my beliefs are a unique set of beliefs, well grounded in the scriptures, not many accept it.

Please don't turn this into a tithe thread
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Candour(m): 4:04pm On Oct 11, 2014

Bobo, I dey o, you scarce sha.

Jesus said we'd always have the poor with us, and this is because of lack of knowledge, not lack of money. I never said those against my beliefs are in abject poverty, my beliefs are a unique set of beliefs, well grounded in the scriptures, not many accept it.

Please don't turn this into a tithe thread

@the bolded. You and others always insinuate and tag those who disagree with the so-called 'prosperity' gospel as suffering from poverty so if you're retracting that notion now, I'll note it for possible reference in future.

No one I know preaches against prosperity or called prosperity a sin. If anyone preaches that, they are wrong. Some are so lucky and fortunate that without thinking of prosperity or applying any fanciful principle, they land in it. Its the doing of God and apart from knowledge; hard work, smart work, diligence, tenacity etc also can make a man succeed according to the bible. Also living in this fallen world can make a man face unforseen circumstances that affect his lot in life despite his well laid out plans hence Solomon said the below

Ecclesiastes 9:11 KJV
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

If God blessed you with goodies, be grateful. He is the God that also favours atheists, satanists etc with the good things of life like health, wealth etc. Jesus even attested to this in the below

Matthew 5:45 KJV
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

This is why we as Christians who have been favoured with the good things of life should endeavour to be blessings to those we come across as we journey through life.

On the tithe issue, na you mention am. I'm not interested in talking about the almighty 10%.


Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Gombs(m): 4:12pm On Oct 11, 2014
I agree with you bro! Great!
Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by Candour(m): 5:00pm On Oct 11, 2014
I agree with you bro! Great!


Re: The Bankruptcy Of The Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise In Biblical And Theological by christemmbassey(m): 7:25pm On Oct 11, 2014

@the bolded. You and others always insinuate and tag those who disagree with the so-called 'prosperity' gospel as suffering from poverty so if you're retracting that notion now, I'll note it for possible reference in future.

No one I know preaches against prosperity or called prosperity a sin. If anyone preaches that, they are wrong. Some are so lucky and fortunate that without thinking of prosperity or applying any fanciful principle, they land in it. Its the doing of God and apart from knowledge; hard work, smart work, diligence, tenacity etc also can make a man succeed according to the bible. Also living in this fallen world can make a man face unforseen circumstances that affect his lot in life despite his well laid out plans hence Solomon said the below

Ecclesiastes 9:11 KJV
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

If God blessed you with goodies, be grateful. He is the God that also favours atheists, satanists etc with the good things of life like health, wealth etc. Jesus even attested to this in the below

Matthew 5:45 KJV
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

This is why we as Christians who have been favoured with the good things of life should endeavour to be blessings to those we come across as we journey through life.

On the tithe issue, na you mention am. I'm not interested in talking about the almighty 10%.

prosperity gospels is the another BIG FRAUD 2nd to tithe, they go hand in hand driven by greed and self.

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