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Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by newbornmacho(m): 11:37pm On Apr 26, 2017


You have two options: You will get married or you won't get married. If you will get married then this article is for you. We will not review whether or not you should get married but we will review how to pick the right wife.

Picking the right wife is of utmost importance. Marriage is a life-long commitment and requires a great deal of forethought. Getting married without a plan and without any forethought is a terrible decision.

Getting married is a business decision. Marriage is a contract between two entities. You've got to enter into it with the ruthless mind of a determined businessman for it to work.

You've got to pick the right wife like a businessman picks a company to invest in. It shouldn't be left to chance (“love”) – you've got to be pro-active, know what you want and then go after it.

Marriage isn't about love or connecting with your soul-mate. Those are inventions of TV and movies. Marriage is an exchange of resources. Your wife shall provide A and you will provide B. If your wife doesn't, or won't, provide her share then she should not have the privilege of marriage with you.

Marriage is a contract and you've got to try your hardest to make sure that contract is reinforced. You cannot make the best decision when you're emotionally love-sick like a 16 year old school girl. No businessman who wants to stay in business will sign a contract in an emotional state of mind and no man who wants to stay married will sign all of his power away just because he loves her. It takes rational, clear-headed planning and thinking to pick the right wife material.

There are only two reasons a man should ever get married:

1) He wants to start a family.

2) His career or political ambitions demand he has a wife (he is interested in going into politics). We will not talk about this except to say that a political wife is for show and show only. For this article we will assume the reader falls into the first category.

There is absolutely no other reason to ever get married. Love is not a reason to get married. When you get married you sign all your power over to your wife – it must be of some benefit for you to do so. That benefit is to grow old with your family.

The goals of a marriage should be:

1) Minimize the chance of divorce theft and child robbery.

2) Maximize wife's happiness with her wifely and motherly duties (the complete opposite of everything you will see, read or hear). It's not about empowerment (or any other buzzword designed to kill the traditional family), she should be completely devoted to her family. True happiness for a woman comes from her family, it does not come from her career, or her “independence”, or her sexually liberated point of view.

3) Have a healthy, happy family with well educated, respectful children – non-sissified sons and girlish daughters with strong family values.

Be honest about what you want:

Most men don't want an “independent, empowered” woman. That's code for bitchy slut with a chip on her shoulder.

We all want a sweet, nice, joyful, feminine woman who treats her man like a King.

Bullshitters will suck up to the dregs and say the opposite in a futile attempt to get some action. These poor suckers get shit on the most and never understand why. Hear this gentlemen – women love men who go after what they want, who don't take a woman's BS seriously, and treat her like a woman, not like a man in drag. Women hate suck-ups as much as they hate stepping in dog poop on the street. To a woman, a male suck-up is less than human.


There is no denying that marriage is a very, very bad deal. When you get married you immediately give your wife all the power over your money and your children. “No-fault” divorce really means “his-fault” divorce. If your wife is to decide she wants a divorce she can have all the benefits of being married and none of the drawbacks. Divorce is theft from the man. It's a redistribution of wealth from men to women. She can live off of your paycheck via alimony and child support and she can keep your children and raise them in a single-mother or step-daddy household. She has the complete and full support of Papa Government behind her. In the eyes of the law she can do no wrong and you can do no right. And there is nothing you can do about any of that. That's why you have to choose the right wife in the first place to eliminate much of that risk.

Steps should be taken to minimize the chances of divorce. You must take extra special precaution to choosing the right wife so you can avoid the possibility of a financially devastating and family ruining divorce.

When to get married:

The best time for a man to get married is after 30 years of age. At that age he has had a long time to live life, earn money, think of what he wants in a wife, and settle down a little bit. The ages of 20-30 are the wild years but after the 30 year mark men will tend to settle down. Most men under 30 years of age aren't mature enough to make the best decision about who to spend their life with.

Now remember, 30 years old is the starting age to think of marriage. That doesn't mean you should get married at 30 or by 30. Anytime between 30-45 is a good time to tie the knot. Between the ages of 30-45 is when a man's marriage value is at its highest.

We have spoken about the need for a good woman here. In the following section we will look at how to determine good women from bad women.

The top 12 rules for picking the right wife to maximize a happy life and minimize the chance of divorce…

1) She should be young.

The woman should 30 years of age MAXIMUM. 25 is even better and 20 is the best age.

A woman's body does not age well. You want the most amount of years with your wife having a tight, young, firm body. After 30 it goes downhill fast. At around the age of 31 a woman's beauty really declines fast.

It's a tradeoff, she gives you her good years and you put up with her in her bad years. Never take a woman already in her bad years.

Women do not age well. “Cougars”, older women that younger men find irresistible, are an invention of the movies. Single women over the age of 30 have wasted all their pretty years having a lot of random sex and now they want to find a sucker who will take care of them without having to give him any of her good years. Don't be that sucker.

A young body is especially important for bearing children. Old women cannot have and don't have healthy children. At 30 years of age a woman is already 15 years past her child-bearing prime.

But I like talking to smart women. 20 year olds are stupid.

Her IQ won't grow much with age. A dumb 20 year old is a dumb 30 year old. The difference is that the 30 year old dumb woman is a lot more bitter and has a whole lot less to offer.

2) She has to come from an intact family with original mother and father.

No step-mommies and step-daddies. Children from single mommy homes cannot be healthy. A mother simply cannot raise healthy children alone or with step-daddies. You want an emotionally healthy wife. Women who grew up with divorce have too much baggage, use sluttery as a way to get attention from daddy, and will not know how to act in a proper family setting.

3) She cannot believe in divorce or even imagine getting a divorce.

If she mentions the word ‘divorce', what to do in case of divorce, praises a friend who got a divorce, or says divorce is an option then she is not a keeper. Throw her back in the water and go fishing some more.

To make a marriage work, both the man and wife must think of divorce as no option at all.

4) She must have the natural body type you prefer.

Every woman will gain a few pounds when they settle with a man. It's unavoidable. What is unacceptable is a woman blowing up to whale proportions. If a woman was once very fat, lost the weight on crash diets and ultra-gym sessions, that weight will ALL come back plus more when she gets married.

If she has to constantly diet and go to the gym she is about to blow up like a balloon when the ring is on her finger and the vows are spoken.

You must pick the natural body type you like. That means she must have the same body type her whole life, never yo-yo'ing up or down in weight.

She should have a pretty face. When her body goes the only thing that will be left is her face and you will have to see it every single day.

5) She must be image conscious.

A woman who gets pig-fat after marriage is a disgrace to herself and her family. She must be aware of her image and keep her body trim for you. Women will always gain a few pounds after marriage, but there is a difference between a few pounds and one hundred pounds. Take a look at all the women in her family, if they are all pig-fat it's a good idea to walk away as fast as you can. You will have to see your wife daily, you don't want to be thinking about skinning some bacon off of her back to cook breakfast.

6) She must be family oriented and not career oriented.

This is going to be the mother of your children and the keeper of your house. An Ass-kicker doesn't need two incomes, he can provide, what he needs is a keeper of home and heart.

Two income households leave the raising of their children to expensive day cares and schools, and then mommy goes to work so they can afford to pay for day care and babysitters.

I don't want children.

Don't get married. The only reason to get married is to have a family.

But I want a career woman.

Doesn't matter, even if she is a career woman when you meet she will not be when she is older. No woman wants to work but it takes some of them a long time to figure that out. They waste all their youth playing/working their career and then realize what a huge mistake they made and leave their jobs to take care of their (quite possibly retarded – that's what happens when old ladies have babies) child. How many 45 year old married female lawyers or other professionals do you know?

The women who work in middle age do so because they have no choice and they whine about it every day of their life. They would give anything to leave their jobs and take care of their family instead.

No woman truly wants to work. Work is a man's world and always will be. A woman's work should be in the home taking care of the home and children.

7) She must be a “good” girl.

She cannot be a drinker or a smoker or have any tattoos. She cannot have a party girl past, a sordid past, and she cannot have gone out more than a couple times drinking. You cannot turn a LovePeddler into a housewife. The more sexual partners she has had the more likely the marriage will end in divorce.

Are you saying all party girls, smokers and drinkers are sluts?


The fewer sexual partners your wife has had, the better. The ideal wife should be a virgin. Remember: The more sexual partners she has had the more likely you are to be divorced in about 6 years and lose most of your money, possessions, and your children.

If you think she needs help or that you are helping her and she is changing then you are being foolish and you are being played. It's going to end badly for you when you get hitched to a woman like this.

Always pick a good girl. That means a virgin (or close), family oriented, pleasant, eager to help, a smiler, and patient.

cool She must have no problem signing a pre-nuptial agreement.

A Pre-nup probably won't save you much money, if any, in the case of divorce but her signing a pre-nup does one very important thing for you: it shows you she is serious about making the marriage work.

9) She should change herself for you.

When a woman is in love she will change herself to please and conform toyou. Her new favorite food will become steak and eggs, she will enjoy watching all six Rocky movies with you, and she will do things to please you she has never done or liked before.

I don't want a woman who flip-flops!

A woman who doesn't flip-flop is a woman who does not respect you.

Women are not men and should not be held to the standards of men. A man who changes his views on the whims of a woman is a sissy. A woman who changes her views on the whims of a man is a woman who is in love. She should not be degraded for that because that's what ‘keepers' do.

10) She must look up to you and respect you.

Women marry up and men marry down, since the dawn of marriage. If she looks down on you she will leave with your money and your children. You've got to be a man that she can look up to, admire, love and respect – always.

11) She should not have any children from a previous affair.

In the animal kingdom when a Lion takes over a pride he kills the cubs of other Lions.

Raising someone else's child is cuckoldry with your full knowledge and consent.

If you raise someone else's child you will be taking care of another man's seedling and there will always be another man in the picture.

Be selfish and keep your wife and children to yourself. They should be yours and only yours. Don't settle for another man's leavings and sloppy seconds.

Here is what women with children do: They have unprotected sex with a stud, get knocked up, and look for a sucker to raise the bastard.


She has already been married, had children, and then divorced the father and left.

In each case the woman is unfit for marriage.

12) She should be a smiler.

She should smile when she sees you. Her eyes should light up. She should be excited each time she sees you and reward you with her beautiful smile.

A big, bright shining smile from a pretty girl is worth more than any university degree she has, worth more than any job she has, worth more than any other baloney modern women wrongly believe makes them attractive to men.

You want a happy woman. You don't want a frowning, nagging, pessimistic bride.

Always pick a smiling, warm, happy-go-lucky woman to share your life with.

Things to remember:

American women have been indoctrinated since birth to believe in and embrace divorce. They have been indoctrinated and instructed to believe that their feminine instincts are wrong and bad. This causes a great deal of confusion in their minds and, to put it plainly, many of them are unfit for marriage and raising a family. Especially avoid women who use psychiatric drugs and especially avoid women who go to therapy. Therapy only makes women more insane and teaches them to blame men more for their problems.

Party girls are for fun, good girls are for marriage.

If a woman cannot or will not cook daily, how will she ever care for children? She can't. To raise non-fat children you must marry a woman who can and will cook.

As a man your options do not dwindle as you age. Your options only increase with your age and wealth. Conversely, as a woman ages her options plummet. That's because men age gracefully, like a fine wine, and women age like milk. That's why you must pick a beautiful young lady. It is highly advisable for a man to wait until he is a little older to get married. 30 years of age is an acceptable starting age for a man to start thinking of marriage.

Never, ever take advice from a woman on how to be attractive to women. Be nice, be yourself, be courteous, buy her gifts only works to put you in the friend zone and rightfully so because it's pathetic behavior.

You should avoid women who have a lazy, entitled, “me-first” attitude.

Don't let your wife have complete and utter control of the home decor. You don't want to live in emasculation-station with throw pillows and doilies and dolls and flowers everywhere.

Men are not women and women are not men. Things that women should do do not apply to men and vice versa. Double standards exist. That's life.

You are the leader. She is the follower. Lead her.

When she loves and respects you she will enjoy all things about you. She will not demand and nag you into changing. If you smoke a big fat cigar and your clothes smell like an ashtray she will enjoy the smell. She should want to sleep in one of your shirts because it has your smell. That's the power you should have over your wife for her to be happy and content.

If she's a nagger before marriage then that is a sign you need to give her her walking papers. Nothing is going to get better with marriage, it will only amplify.

Marriage should be old school traditional for it to work. Pick a non-traditional woman and have some baloney non-traditional marriage and you can expect non-traditional results: Alimony payments, child support payments and seeing your children every other weekend.

Never get married just because. Have a purpose and a reason for the things you do.

Getting married is a dangerous proposition – make sure you know how to swim before you dive in head-first.

Dealing with the one who got away:

There are over 3 billion women in the world. The median age for women the entire world over is 29 years old. There are millions of women who are possible marriage material. “She” isn't the one or your soul-mate or other baloney. There are millions just like her. And if she was your soul-mate you'd still be together. Let her go and move on. There are plenty more where she came from.

Personal recommendation from BOLD & DETERMINED to find a suitable wife:

Picking a woman from your own country and culture is always the best solution. Unfortunately, there is wholesale, systematic destruction of marriage and family in many 1st world countries, especially America and England, which has narrowed the options tremendously. One may have a broader selection if he were to go abroad to another country where marriage and family are still valued. But, and this is a big but, think long and hard before you marry a woman of another race and father half-breed children.

Remember, it is best to marry a woman of your culture and race. If that option is unappealing for the reasons described above there is a whole, big, wide world for you to choose from.


Growing old alone and with no children to carry on your name seems a worse prospect than following this checklist and picking the best wife you can.

Civilization exists because of the nuclear family. Certainly marriage has been tainted in the last 50 years, to the detriment of all, but if you make smart decisions you can cut down your risk tremendously.

If you are going to get married, do it the smart way.

If you aren't going to get married go ahead and have a beer.

Good luck and Godspeed.

9 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by newbornmacho(m): 11:41pm On Apr 26, 2017
Serves feminists and sissified BSers wella

1 Like

Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by newbornmacho(m): 11:50pm On Apr 26, 2017
Men, do this and have a peaceful marriage. Enough of the politically correct bs.

1 Like

Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by tripplephi: 11:51pm On Apr 26, 2017

Ladies under 28 are usually foolish and childish and materialistic.

this list discriminates many who are victims of being raised by SINGLE PARENTS or In a POOR ECONOMY


Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by Nobody: 11:53pm On Apr 26, 2017
Summary please
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by marvin902(m): 11:55pm On Apr 26, 2017
you lost me when you said the ideal wife must be virgin
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by newbornmacho(m): 11:56pm On Apr 26, 2017

Ladies under 28 are usually foolish and childish and materialistic.

this list discriminates many who are victims of being raised by SINGLE PARENTS or In a POOR ECONOMY
No one is dictating to anyone.
Ladies under 28 foolish and materialistic Nope. Child like maybe , but not foolish. Single parenting is not ideal and should be highly discouraged.
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by newbornmacho(m): 11:58pm On Apr 26, 2017
Summary please
Sorry dear but the message sinks in if you read through. However, in summary it cuts the crap out of marriage guidelines and says things as they really are.
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by newbornmacho(m): 12:00am On Apr 27, 2017
you lost me when you said the ideal wife must be virgin
A virgin or CLOSE. Not a party girl or a hoe.


Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by Nobody: 12:18am On Apr 27, 2017
13. Take off all your clothes and masturbate in front of a lady
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by lifedynamics: 12:50am On Apr 27, 2017
This guy has officially discouraged and changed my view of marriage , talkless of marry a woman of another race. So this is what marriage is?
Nehh, i am good if that is the case. I'd rather live out the rest of my days happy and with all my hard-earned money intact. Thank youvery much op, maybe later in life i'll change. Some might tell me "it's not the case if you make the right choice", this won't help matters sadly grin. Thanks op i'd rather have the beer mahn.
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by Nobody: 1:03am On Apr 27, 2017
Very interesting write up

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by freddaboh(m): 2:58am On Apr 27, 2017


You have two options: You will get married or you won't get married. If you will get married then this article is for you. We will not review whether or not you should get married but we will review how to pick the right wife.

Picking the right wife is of utmost importance. Marriage is a life-long commitment and requires a great deal of forethought. Getting married without a plan and without any forethought is a terrible decision.

Getting married is a business decision. Marriage is a contract between two entities. You've got to enter into it with the ruthless mind of a determined businessman for it to work.

You've got to pick the right wife like a businessman picks a company to invest in. It shouldn't be left to chance (“love”) – you've got to be pro-active, know what you want and then go after it.

Marriage isn't about love or connecting with your soul-mate. Those are inventions of TV and movies. Marriage is an exchange of resources. Your wife shall provide A and you will provide B. If your wife doesn't, or won't, provide her share then she should not have the privilege of marriage with you.

Marriage is a contract and you've got to try your hardest to make sure that contract is reinforced. You cannot make the best decision when you're emotionally love-sick like a 16 year old school girl. No businessman who wants to stay in business will sign a contract in an emotional state of mind and no man who wants to stay married will sign all of his power away just because he loves her. It takes rational, clear-headed planning and thinking to pick the right wife material.

There are only two reasons a man should ever get married:

1) He wants to start a family.

2) His career or political ambitions demand he has a wife (he is interested in going into politics). We will not talk about this except to say that a political wife is for show and show only. For this article we will assume the reader falls into the first category.

There is absolutely no other reason to ever get married. Love is not a reason to get married. When you get married you sign all your power over to your wife – it must be of some benefit for you to do so. That benefit is to grow old with your family.

The goals of a marriage should be:

1) Minimize the chance of divorce theft and child robbery.

2) Maximize wife's happiness with her wifely and motherly duties (the complete opposite of everything you will see, read or hear). It's not about empowerment (or any other buzzword designed to kill the traditional family), she should be completely devoted to her family. True happiness for a woman comes from her family, it does not come from her career, or her “independence”, or her sexually liberated point of view.

3) Have a healthy, happy family with well educated, respectful children – non-sissified sons and girlish daughters with strong family values.

Be honest about what you want:

Most men don't want an “independent, empowered” woman. That's code for bitchy slut with a chip on her shoulder.

We all want a sweet, nice, joyful, feminine woman who treats her man like a King.

Bullshitters will suck up to the dregs and say the opposite in a futile attempt to get some action. These poor suckers get shit on the most and never understand why. Hear this gentlemen – women love men who go after what they want, who don't take a woman's BS seriously, and treat her like a woman, not like a man in drag. Women hate suck-ups as much as they hate stepping in dog poop on the street. To a woman, a male suck-up is less than human.


There is no denying that marriage is a very, very bad deal. When you get married you immediately give your wife all the power over your money and your children. “No-fault” divorce really means “his-fault” divorce. If your wife is to decide she wants a divorce she can have all the benefits of being married and none of the drawbacks. Divorce is theft from the man. It's a redistribution of wealth from men to women. She can live off of your paycheck via alimony and child support and she can keep your children and raise them in a single-mother or step-daddy household. She has the complete and full support of Papa Government behind her. In the eyes of the law she can do no wrong and you can do no right. And there is nothing you can do about any of that. That's why you have to choose the right wife in the first place to eliminate much of that risk.

Steps should be taken to minimize the chances of divorce. You must take extra special precaution to choosing the right wife so you can avoid the possibility of a financially devastating and family ruining divorce.

When to get married:

The best time for a man to get married is after 30 years of age. At that age he has had a long time to live life, earn money, think of what he wants in a wife, and settle down a little bit. The ages of 20-30 are the wild years but after the 30 year mark men will tend to settle down. Most men under 30 years of age aren't mature enough to make the best decision about who to spend their life with.

Now remember, 30 years old is the starting age to think of marriage. That doesn't mean you should get married at 30 or by 30. Anytime between 30-45 is a good time to tie the knot. Between the ages of 30-45 is when a man's marriage value is at its highest.

We have spoken about the need for a good woman here. In the following section we will look at how to determine good women from bad women.

The top 12 rules for picking the right wife to maximize a happy life and minimize the chance of divorce…

1) She should be young.

The woman should 30 years of age MAXIMUM. 25 is even better and 20 is the best age.

A woman's body does not age well. You want the most amount of years with your wife having a tight, young, firm body. After 30 it goes downhill fast. At around the age of 31 a woman's beauty really declines fast.

It's a tradeoff, she gives you her good years and you put up with her in her bad years. Never take a woman already in her bad years.

Women do not age well. “Cougars”, older women that younger men find irresistible, are an invention of the movies. Single women over the age of 30 have wasted all their pretty years having a lot of random sex and now they want to find a sucker who will take care of them without having to give him any of her good years. Don't be that sucker.

A young body is especially important for bearing children. Old women cannot have and don't have healthy children. At 30 years of age a woman is already 15 years past her child-bearing prime.

But I like talking to smart women. 20 year olds are stupid.

Her IQ won't grow much with age. A dumb 20 year old is a dumb 30 year old. The difference is that the 30 year old dumb woman is a lot more bitter and has a whole lot less to offer.

2) She has to come from an intact family with original mother and father.

No step-mommies and step-daddies. Children from single mommy homes cannot be healthy. A mother simply cannot raise healthy children alone or with step-daddies. You want an emotionally healthy wife. Women who grew up with divorce have too much baggage, use sluttery as a way to get attention from daddy, and will not know how to act in a proper family setting.

3) She cannot believe in divorce or even imagine getting a divorce.

If she mentions the word ‘divorce', what to do in case of divorce, praises a friend who got a divorce, or says divorce is an option then she is not a keeper. Throw her back in the water and go fishing some more.

To make a marriage work, both the man and wife must think of divorce as no option at all.

4) She must have the natural body type you prefer.

Every woman will gain a few pounds when they settle with a man. It's unavoidable. What is unacceptable is a woman blowing up to whale proportions. If a woman was once very fat, lost the weight on crash diets and ultra-gym sessions, that weight will ALL come back plus more when she gets married.

If she has to constantly diet and go to the gym she is about to blow up like a balloon when the ring is on her finger and the vows are spoken.

You must pick the natural body type you like. That means she must have the same body type her whole life, never yo-yo'ing up or down in weight.

She should have a pretty face. When her body goes the only thing that will be left is her face and you will have to see it every single day.

5) She must be image conscious.

A woman who gets pig-fat after marriage is a disgrace to herself and her family. She must be aware of her image and keep her body trim for you. Women will always gain a few pounds after marriage, but there is a difference between a few pounds and one hundred pounds. Take a look at all the women in her family, if they are all pig-fat it's a good idea to walk away as fast as you can. You will have to see your wife daily, you don't want to be thinking about skinning some bacon off of her back to cook breakfast.

6) She must be family oriented and not career oriented.

This is going to be the mother of your children and the keeper of your house. An Ass-kicker doesn't need two incomes, he can provide, what he needs is a keeper of home and heart.

Two income households leave the raising of their children to expensive day cares and schools, and then mommy goes to work so they can afford to pay for day care and babysitters.

I don't want children.

Don't get married. The only reason to get married is to have a family.

But I want a career woman.

Doesn't matter, even if she is a career woman when you meet she will not be when she is older. No woman wants to work but it takes some of them a long time to figure that out. They waste all their youth playing/working their career and then realize what a huge mistake they made and leave their jobs to take care of their (quite possibly retarded – that's what happens when old ladies have babies) child. How many 45 year old married female lawyers or other professionals do you know?

The women who work in middle age do so because they have no choice and they whine about it every day of their life. They would give anything to leave their jobs and take care of their family instead.

No woman truly wants to work. Work is a man's world and always will be. A woman's work should be in the home taking care of the home and children.

7) She must be a “good” girl.

She cannot be a drinker or a smoker or have any tattoos. She cannot have a party girl past, a sordid past, and she cannot have gone out more than a couple times drinking. You cannot turn a LovePeddler into a housewife. The more sexual partners she has had the more likely the marriage will end in divorce.

Are you saying all party girls, smokers and drinkers are sluts?


The fewer sexual partners your wife has had, the better. The ideal wife should be a virgin. Remember: The more sexual partners she has had the more likely you are to be divorced in about 6 years and lose most of your money, possessions, and your children.

If you think she needs help or that you are helping her and she is changing then you are being foolish and you are being played. It's going to end badly for you when you get hitched to a woman like this.

Always pick a good girl. That means a virgin (or close), family oriented, pleasant, eager to help, a smiler, and patient.

cool She must have no problem signing a pre-nuptial agreement.

A Pre-nup probably won't save you much money, if any, in the case of divorce but her signing a pre-nup does one very important thing for you: it shows you she is serious about making the marriage work.

9) She should change herself for you.

When a woman is in love she will change herself to please and conform toyou. Her new favorite food will become steak and eggs, she will enjoy watching all six Rocky movies with you, and she will do things to please you she has never done or liked before.

I don't want a woman who flip-flops!

A woman who doesn't flip-flop is a woman who does not respect you.

Women are not men and should not be held to the standards of men. A man who changes his views on the whims of a woman is a sissy. A woman who changes her views on the whims of a man is a woman who is in love. She should not be degraded for that because that's what ‘keepers' do.

10) She must look up to you and respect you.

Women marry up and men marry down, since the dawn of marriage. If she looks down on you she will leave with your money and your children. You've got to be a man that she can look up to, admire, love and respect – always.

11) She should not have any children from a previous affair.

In the animal kingdom when a Lion takes over a pride he kills the cubs of other Lions.

Raising someone else's child is cuckoldry with your full knowledge and consent.

If you raise someone else's child you will be taking care of another man's seedling and there will always be another man in the picture.

Be selfish and keep your wife and children to yourself. They should be yours and only yours. Don't settle for another man's leavings and sloppy seconds.

Here is what women with children do: They have unprotected sex with a stud, get knocked up, and look for a sucker to raise the bastard.


She has already been married, had children, and then divorced the father and left.

In each case the woman is unfit for marriage.

12) She should be a smiler.

She should smile when she sees you. Her eyes should light up. She should be excited each time she sees you and reward you with her beautiful smile.

A big, bright shining smile from a pretty girl is worth more than any university degree she has, worth more than any job she has, worth more than any other baloney modern women wrongly believe makes them attractive to men.

You want a happy woman. You don't want a frowning, nagging, pessimistic bride.

Always pick a smiling, warm, happy-go-lucky woman to share your life with.

Things to remember:

American women have been indoctrinated since birth to believe in and embrace divorce. They have been indoctrinated and instructed to believe that their feminine instincts are wrong and bad. This causes a great deal of confusion in their minds and, to put it plainly, many of them are unfit for marriage and raising a family. Especially avoid women who use psychiatric drugs and especially avoid women who go to therapy. Therapy only makes women more insane and teaches them to blame men more for their problems.

Party girls are for fun, good girls are for marriage.

If a woman cannot or will not cook daily, how will she ever care for children? She can't. To raise non-fat children you must marry a woman who can and will cook.

As a man your options do not dwindle as you age. Your options only increase with your age and wealth. Conversely, as a woman ages her options plummet. That's because men age gracefully, like a fine wine, and women age like milk. That's why you must pick a beautiful young lady. It is highly advisable for a man to wait until he is a little older to get married. 30 years of age is an acceptable starting age for a man to start thinking of marriage.

Never, ever take advice from a woman on how to be attractive to women. Be nice, be yourself, be courteous, buy her gifts only works to put you in the friend zone and rightfully so because it's pathetic behavior.

You should avoid women who have a lazy, entitled, “me-first” attitude.

Don't let your wife have complete and utter control of the home decor. You don't want to live in emasculation-station with throw pillows and doilies and dolls and flowers everywhere.

Men are not women and women are not men. Things that women should do do not apply to men and vice versa. Double standards exist. That's life.

You are the leader. She is the follower. Lead her.

When she loves and respects you she will enjoy all things about you. She will not demand and nag you into changing. If you smoke a big fat cigar and your clothes smell like an ashtray she will enjoy the smell. She should want to sleep in one of your shirts because it has your smell. That's the power you should have over your wife for her to be happy and content.

If she's a nagger before marriage then that is a sign you need to give her her walking papers. Nothing is going to get better with marriage, it will only amplify.

Marriage should be old school traditional for it to work. Pick a non-traditional woman and have some baloney non-traditional marriage and you can expect non-traditional results: Alimony payments, child support payments and seeing your children every other weekend.

Never get married just because. Have a purpose and a reason for the things you do.

Getting married is a dangerous proposition – make sure you know how to swim before you dive in head-first.

Dealing with the one who got away:

There are over 3 billion women in the world. The median age for women the entire world over is 29 years old. There are millions of women who are possible marriage material. “She” isn't the one or your soul-mate or other baloney. There are millions just like her. And if she was your soul-mate you'd still be together. Let her go and move on. There are plenty more where she came from.

Personal recommendation from BOLD & DETERMINED to find a suitable wife:

Picking a woman from your own country and culture is always the best solution. Unfortunately, there is wholesale, systematic destruction of marriage and family in many 1st world countries, especially America and England, which has narrowed the options tremendously. One may have a broader selection if he were to go abroad to another country where marriage and family are still valued. But, and this is a big but, think long and hard before you marry a woman of another race and father half-breed children.

Remember, it is best to marry a woman of your culture and race. If that option is unappealing for the reasons described above there is a whole, big, wide world for you to choose from.


Growing old alone and with no children to carry on your name seems a worse prospect than following this checklist and picking the best wife you can.

Civilization exists because of the nuclear family. Certainly marriage has been tainted in the last 50 years, to the detriment of all, but if you make smart decisions you can cut down your risk tremendously.

If you are going to get married, do it the smart way.

If you aren't going to get married go ahead and have a beer.

Good luck and Godspeed.

Wow!!! One of the best piece I have ever read from nairaland.


Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by Allwility: 3:19am On Apr 27, 2017
Lots of fallacy of hasty generalization here.
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by Marioplus(m): 3:47am On Apr 27, 2017


Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by locosis007(m): 4:32am On Apr 27, 2017





unity or union is political and mostly a struggle whether for control, power, or happiness..
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by marvin902(m): 5:42pm On Apr 27, 2017

A virgin or CLOSE. Not a party girl or a hoe.

first of all nice
second a girl can be a virgin might not be a party type or might not screw around and still be the worst candidate for a wife
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by newbornmacho(m): 11:04am On Apr 30, 2017
Try to go for a young girl , and the useless dry va.Gina feminist horde will insult you like they did Immanuel Ifediata.
Why is it that those hurt the most by his post are pathetic old spinsters with zero option going forward, and their sissified male ass lickers Get used to it oldie, men now know that our value shoots upnwith age and wealth while yours plummet. Why would I marry a bitter old hag with a fibrous bag for a uterus and decades old bacterial swamp for a vagina Oh and a burning exploding volcano for a heart , and a bag of poop for a.brain? Go to blazes, we will catch them young. You have your lesbian pastime and cucumbers to keep you company, we will groom the good girls to be responsible wives and.mothers.
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by newbornmacho(m): 11:08am On Apr 30, 2017
Shameless old tired hoes forming feminists. Na una go tire. Any man wey go carry old cargo na him sabi. Smelly things.
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by newbornmacho(m): 11:20am On Apr 30, 2017
Old cargo slay mamas go around f...cling any pointed thing and then when they are thirty they want to b first in line for marriage grin grin grin
Meanwhile tender young girls.are.waiting to be trained in proper family behavior. Make your pick men. Old dried up hags or young women.
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by babyfaceafrica: 11:32am On Apr 30, 2017
Nice points

1 Like

Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by GeorgeTheCoder: 11:39am On Apr 30, 2017
This is one of the best posts I have ever read on NL concerning marriage. It makes up and then some, for all the bullshi.t articles I have put up with on this site

First, some points which I disagree with.

2) She has to come from an intact family with original mother and father.
No step-mommies and step-daddies. Children from single mommy homes cannot be healthy.

Generalizing and discriminatory. Its not her fault her parents broke up; but men should still be watchful

11) She should not have any children from a previous affair.
Again another generalization. There must be exceptions. Some ladies are widows and some escape bad unions.

Now for some real gems from the article!

Are you saying all party girls, smokers and drinkers are sluts?

cheesy cheesy cheesy I couldn't stop smiling. A hoe will reveal herself bro!

12. She should be a smiler.
Ignore this at your peril. A woman who doesn't smile is more dangerous than a snake.

Men are not women and women are not men. Things that women should do do not apply to men and vice versa. Double standards exist. That's life.
This is so true

Women marry up and men marry down, since the dawn of marriage....
Never thought of it this way. Its true

Getting married is a business decision. Marriage is a contract between two entities. You've got to enter into it with the ruthless mind of a determined businessman for it to work.

On the whole , a very good article! All men (and women too!) should read this.

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by Twerky101(f): 1:20pm On Apr 30, 2017
Wow when I first read this, I was just too shocked to comment(because of the mediocre thinking of the op) but here goes.

**First off, some women age well believe it or not, I have seen plenty of those.
**Secondly you can't justify saying girls from divorced parents are not healthy and wouldn't know how to act in a proper family,wat That's total rubbish. Growing up with both parents doesn't guarantee emotional stability.
**so a woman shouldn't be career oriented?? Wow. Some people thinking capacity sha. So a woman's work should be only in the kitchen and of course in the other room? No woman really wants to work? Anyway I beg to differ. I think most women have greater purpose in life than that. it doesn't mean she can't also be family oriented
**she should be a good girl? Well different people want different things
**she should change just to please you? Sorry oo brother, are you looking for a wife or u looking for a toy? Make up your mind naw oo. Nobody has to Change who she is just to please a nigga. He is free to walk if he doesn't like who you are and seriously it's better that way because when you start changing who you are to please someone then you will end up loosing track of yourself and at a point you will become bitter, and we all know how a bitter woman acts.
**Let me just end here for now.
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by GeorgeTheCoder: 2:23pm On Apr 30, 2017
Wow when I first read this, I was just too shocked to comment(because of the mediocre thinking of the op) but here goes.

**First off, some women age well believe it or not, I have seen plenty of those.
**Secondly you can't justify saying girls from divorced parents are not healthy and wouldn't know how to act in a proper family,wat That's total rubbish. Growing up with both parents doesn't guarantee emotional stability.
**so a woman shouldn't be career oriented?? Wow. Some people thinking capacity sha. So a woman's work should be only in the kitchen and of course in the other room? No woman really wants to work? Anyway I beg to differ. I think most women have greater purpose in life than that. it doesn't mean she can't also be family oriented
**she should be a good girl? Well different people want different things
**she should change just to please you? Sorry oo brother, are you looking for a wife or u looking for a toy? Make up your mind naw oo. Nobody has to Change who she is just to please a nigga. He is free to walk if he doesn't like who you are and seriously it's better that way because when you start changing who you are to please someone then you will end up loosing track of yourself and at a point you will become bitter, and we all know how a bitter woman acts.
**Let me just end here for now.

@Twerky101 lets have a discussion about your post shall we ?
I will itemize each point and respond to them in turn.

First off, some women age well believe it or not, I have seen plenty of those
Some. Not many, and definitely not all. A woman's best years in terms of looks are between 16 and 27 on average. After that its a toss-up; she may blossom in other ways, but looks are a bonus. I have classmates who were stunners in university (10/10 beauty-wise) and now 2 or 3 kids later when I see them on Facebook everything is gone.

No woman really wants to work? Anyway I beg to differ.
I agree with you here that this is a generalization and a bad one at that. But if we are honest, a rich husband is better than a poor one.

she should be a good girl? Well different people want different things
Yes and a man wants a good girl. That's why we play the field with the hoes and marry the church girls. Would you want your brother to marry a 'slay queen' ? Or look at it another way, why do you think a great proportion of actresses are unmarried ? It cant be because they are rich; there are many rich career women who find husbands but rarely actresses. Go figure.

she should change just to please you? Sorry oo brother, are you looking for a wife or u looking for a toy? Make up your mind naw oo. Nobody has to Change who she is just to please a nigga
Lets rephrase this: she should mold herself to her husbands ideals; within reasonable limits. Nobody is looking for a toy but if she brings bad habits and a 'talk-back' attitude to the relationship, then ....

He is free to walk if he doesn't like who you are
The young men are all walking away my dear in every state and city of Nigeria. Where has that led us? Old unmarried ladies, 'baby-mamas' everywhere, single parent households.

... seriously it's better that way because when you start changing who you are to please someone then you will end up loosing track of yourself and at a point you will become bitter, and we all know how a bitter woman acts.
It comes down to women trying to compare and compete with men. Its foolish and unproductive.
A woman should be humble (not foolish). Men want to love and respect women but they get in their own way
A woman has real and potent power which will grow stronger in the fullness of time if she is patient and feminine.
I have seen this on a few occasions.
An aunt of mine runs her household and makes all the decisions despite the fact that she is married to an Air-Force General. In her house she is the boss. She never shouts. She is quiet and composed and her husband defers to her because her decisions make sense. She got to that position by making tactful use of her feminine gifts not by opposing him. Over the years he has come to trust her judgement.
How different things would be if she was the fighting type.

Finally, you may argue with the delivery, but this writer has made some deep points. Put aside political correctness. This is the shizzle.

4 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by zeezeegal(m): 3:35pm On Apr 30, 2017
Wetin The Op Mean Sef?
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by Nobody: 3:41pm On Apr 30, 2017
OP I know what you are up to but I wont tell.
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by Nobody: 3:43pm On Apr 30, 2017

Wow!!! One of the best piece I have ever read from nairaland.
Oga you can quote for Africa! angry

1 Like

Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by newbornmacho(m): 4:10pm On Apr 30, 2017

@Twerky101 lets have a discussion about your post shall we ?
I will .

He is free to walk if he doesn't like who you are
The young men are all walking away my dear in every state and city of Nigeria. Where has that led us? Old unmarried ladies, 'baby-mamas' everywhere, single parent households.

Twale for you boss

1 Like

Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by newbornmacho(m): 4:14pm On Apr 30, 2017
OP I know what you are up to but I wont tell.
What am I up to
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by newbornmacho(m): 4:30pm On Apr 30, 2017
Wetin The Op Mean Sef?
The world is being redefined into oblivion by bitter old spinsters hiding under the feminist banner to project their frustrations. People who should be in a mental home are pranting around trying to educate their betters.
The nuclear family that works is the old school model, those who have succumbed to this extreme feminist rhetoric whether male or female are useless in a proper family.
Men are advised to sieve women first, and then marry the worthy.

1 Like

Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by GeorgeTheCoder: 5:06pm On Apr 30, 2017

Twale for you boss

I hail you back! How the area? cheesy
Re: Twelve Rules For Picking A Wife...no BS by newbornmacho(m): 5:11pm On Apr 30, 2017

I hail you back! How the area? cheesy
Tight, boss

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