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What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by jiggaz(m): 3:13pm On Dec 20, 2019
What Happens When A Believer “Dies In Sin”. A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Really Is And What Jesus Did To It

A Bible Study by Prince Gabriel Okocha

One of the most common question I get asked after teaching on the wonderful gift of Salvation given to us in Christ is, “What if the believer dies in sin?”

The other formats the question usually comes in includes, “what will happen to a Christian who died in sin?”, “where will a Christian who died in sin go to?” Oftentimes, they usually expect me to say “Hell”.

While I am aware some people ask these questions with the intent of trapping you into saying something they will cherry-pick and use against you, I am also aware some do so out of the sincerity of heart, to learn the truth of God’s word. However, the question wouldn’t have even been an issue in the first place if we had taken some time to study what the Bible has to say concerning sin.

What does the Bible call sin?

There are two of them. Unfortunately, the first is where most people stop at. I implore you to not learn about the first alone but also pay enough attention to the second.

The first thing the Bible refers to as sin is wrongdoing or wrong acts. That is not rocket science. Nearly everyone knows this. The wrong acts here includes lying, cheating, stealing, idol worship, fornication etc. But that is not all there is to sin. As a matter of fact, these wrongdoings are better referred to as sins.

The second thing the Bible calls sin which is actually the main thing the sacrifice of Jesus dealt with on the cross, is the evil “nature” passed onto every man from Adam. This nature is the main thing that separated us from God, or you can say “killed us spiritually” since spiritual death is simply a separation from God. It qualified every man a sinner even without doing anything evil.

Rom 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned

The sin nature is what produces the sins (the wrong acts) we see present in the world. As long as a man has not received or accepted the sacrifice of Jesus for himself personally, this nature is still very much active in him. It can drive him to do anything, all manner of evil, without remorse. It is just his nature.

Apostle Paul explains it better like this;

Eph 2:1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;

Eph 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

Eph 2:3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

Did you notice in that verse 3 how he referred to us before encountering Christ as the Children of wrath by nature? He took time to explain that the reason we committed all manner of sins as in wrong acts, was because we had the nature of sin within us. As long as that nature was within us, we could do anything, anytime, anywhere.

Without minding what anyone would say or do.
In his prophetic explanation of the reason for Christ’s coming, John the Baptists tells us clearly “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1 :29)

What sin was he talking about? Lying, stealing or fornication? Not exactly.
He was referring to the root of sins which is sin itself, i.e the nature.

So how will Jesus take away that sin seeing that He was not born into it like every other man? How will take it away if he never had it in the first place?

On the cross Jesus willingly had His nature of righteousness stripped from Him and took upon Himself that sin nature and became “sin” or a “sinner” like every other man. Not by evil actions but by nature.

2Co 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

In His death, he died bearing that sin nature in Himself for all who would believe and come to God through Him. He died and was buried with it. But in His resurrection, He resurrected a new man, with a new nature- the nature of righteousness.

This new nature of righteousness is automatically reproduced in all who receives it by Faith in His death, burial and resurrection for them. By receiving it through faith, they become qualified to be called Righteous men, even without doing any good thing at the moment. They become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

2Co 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

So, the major thing the Bible refers to as sin in the Bible is the nature of sin. That is what makes a man a sinner before God. As long as you don’t have this nature any more through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus, you are not a sinner anymore. You may still do some bad stuffs occasionally, but that doesn’t make you a sinner again in God’s eyes.

In the same way, you can do all the good things in the world, help the poor, pray etc as many times as you lie. As long as you have not accepted the sacrifice of Jesus for yourself, you are not a righteous man. You are a sinner in God’s eyes. If you die that way, you will perish in Hell.

So what will happen to a Christian who dies in sin (nature)?

First the Christian can never die in that state seeing that His sin nature has been taken away by Jesus according John 1:29. He has a new nature in him which is the nature of righteousness. Also if he dies committing a sin (wrongdoing), apostle John tells us his fate.

1Jn 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:

1Jn 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

That scripture is not only valid when the Christian is alive, it is valid as long as the word of God is valid. That is forever, and ever , and ever! When the Christian is present on this earth or gone.
That is what the Bible teaches. Not that he will end up in Hell even after being born again in the image of God. There is no single scripture in the Bible that supports that notion that if a sinful believer dies, he will end up in hell. If that were to be the case then everyone will end up there since there are over 613 sins that we can consciously or unconsciously commit before dying. Saying we didn’t do any of it intentionally is not a valid excuse before God. Claiming ignorance does not also work with Him.

Our only hope is His words, His sacrifice and forgiveness. At all times.
Should we then take that as a license to go on sin rampage? God forbid! Apostle Paul tells us:

Col 3:8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.

Col 3:9 Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;

Col 3:10 And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him

He says “put off” all forms of wrongdoings. That is, stop them.
Why? Because you no longer have the “old man” which is the nature of sin in you. You now have the “new man” which is created in the image of God. In righteousness and true holiness.

So, for the man in Christ, the nature of sin has been dealt with once and for all, and his entire wrongdoings has been completely forgiven. This is the Gospel. This is what the Bible teaches.
I hope this blesses you! Glory to God


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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by jiggaz(m): 3:21pm On Dec 20, 2019
Unstoppable51 Good afternoon bro.. I just saw this amazing article on your blog now and i had to post it!! God bless you exceedingly... It's all about Christ Jesus...


Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by ochibuogwu5: 5:39pm On Dec 20, 2019
Please can you explain these Scriptures in line with what you wrote here:

John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 8:33 They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? 8:34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, *Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. 8:35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever*: but the Son abideth ever. 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Look at verse-34 and verse-35 clearly.

John 8:11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: *he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness*, but shall have the light of life.

John 5:14 Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, *Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.*

John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

1 John 2:6 He that saith he abideth in GOD ought himself also so to walk, even as Jesus walked.

1 John 3:1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 3:3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. 3:5 And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin. 3:6 Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him. 3:7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. 3:9 *Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God*. 3:10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

Look closely more on verse-9

1 John 5:16 If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it. 5:17 All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death. 5:18 We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.

2 Peter 2:20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. 2:21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. 2:22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

"For the grace of God (His unmerited favor and blessing) has come forward (appeared) for the deliverance from sin and the eternal salvation for all mankind. It has trained us to reject and renounce all ungodliness (irreligion) and worldly (passionate) desires, to live discreet (temperate, self-controlled), upright, devout (spiritually whole) lives in this present world, Awaiting and looking for the [fulfillment, the realization of our] blessed hope, even the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One), Who gave Himself on our behalf that He might redeem us (purchase our freedom) from all iniquity and purify for Himself a people [to be peculiarly His own, people who are] eager and enthusiastic about [living a life that is good and filled with] beneficial deeds." (Titus 2: 11-14)

1 Corinthians 1:8 Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1:9 God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that *He may abide with you for ever*

Jude 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, 1:25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

Anybody who claims to be a Christian and dies in sin was never a Christian in the first place, You cannot have the seed of tomatoes(Christ Jesus Crucified) and be producing guava-fruit (sin whether as sin-nature or wrong-doing) just like Jesus declared in John 3:6 also check out

1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

A sinner is not a Christian and a Christian is not a sinner.

If you are a Christian and you are still sinning, ask Jesus Christ Crucified now living in you, how can He be producing or allowing sin in your mortal-body since your old-man/flesh has died with Him on the Cross of Calvary and His new flesh(the new living way; Hebrews 10:19) is living inside your spirit, soul and body?

He will reveal to you whether He is actually the Lord in your life or you are just assuming!!!

Hebrews 12:28 Wherefore we receiving *a kingdom(Christ Jesus Crucified)* which cannot be *moved(unshakable)*, let *us have grace*, whereby we may *serve God acceptably* with reverence and Godly fear: 12:29 For our God is a consuming fire.

"But the firm foundation of (laid by) God stands, sure and unshaken, bearing this seal (inscription): The Lord knows those who are His, and, Let everyone who names [himself by] the name of the Lord(Jesus Christ Crucified) give up all iniquity and stand aloof from it." (2 Timothy 2:19)

"And this is why I am suffering as I do. Still I am not ashamed, for I know (perceive, have knowledge of, and am acquainted with) Him Whom I have believed (adhered to and trusted in and relied on), and *I am [positively] persuaded that He is able to guard and keep* that which has been entrusted to me and which I have committed [to Him] *until that day*." (2 Timothy 1:12)

Great Grace Brethren!!!

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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Ladylite: 5:47pm On Dec 20, 2019
Wow am confused.... Pls jesusjnr is this truth?
Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Daejoyoung: 5:48pm On Dec 20, 2019
How did jesus take away your sin on the cross? Many Christians say jesus took away sin by dying on the cross meaning taking away the sinful nature, and you are of the belief that accepting this sacrifice in some strange automatic way removes that nature.
But how does it work? how does the cross remove the sinful nature? And why must you accept that this sacrifice took place in order to receive this gift of salvation?

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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Daejoyoung: 5:50pm On Dec 20, 2019
Wow am confused.... Pls jesusjnr is this truth?
l wonder myself, how does the cross remove the sinful nature exactly except as a figure of speech to say that we are dead to sin and now have the new life of christ so that we may start living holy?

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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by jiggaz(m): 6:10pm On Dec 20, 2019
Lord Jesus... I thank you for your eternal salvation... Thank you Lord for making me see what really happened at the Cross... You are awesome Lord Jesus!!


Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Daejoyoung: 6:28pm On Dec 20, 2019
Lord Jesus... I thank you for your eternal salvation... Thank you Lord for making me see what really happened at the Cross... You are awesome Lord Jesus!!
What happened at the cross?
Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by jiggaz(m): 6:33pm On Dec 20, 2019

What happened at the cross?
Christ Jesus destroyed Sin and redeemed us from the curse of the law. He disgraced the devil and made a mockery of him and his principalities thereby rendering them powerless.


Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Daejoyoung: 6:36pm On Dec 20, 2019
Christ Jesus destroyed sin and redeemed us from the curse of the law.
How did he destroy sin? how did the death of jesus on the cross destroy sin?

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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by jiggaz(m): 6:37pm On Dec 20, 2019

How did he destroy sin? how did the death of jesus on the cross destroy sin?
Didn't you read the article?
Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Daejoyoung: 6:42pm On Dec 20, 2019
Didn't you read the article?
You didn't answer this question in the article. How does death on the cross remove the nature of sin? l am yet to hear any explanation of this from a Christian or how this works.


Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by jiggaz(m): 6:49pm On Dec 20, 2019

You didn't answer this question in the article. How does death on the cross remove the nature of sin? l am yet to hear any explanation of this from a Christian or how this works.
At the Cross,the Lord Jesus who knew no sin became sin for us,so that we who knew no righteousness can become the righteousness of God in Christ when we believe in the death,burial and resurrection of Christ.

Are you an atheist?


Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Blabbermouth: 7:04pm On Dec 20, 2019

You didn't answer this question in the article. How does death on the cross remove the nature of sin? l am yet to hear any explanation of this from a Christian or how this works.
You are taking a wrong path by believing you can discern the scriptures with logic or human reason. What happened on the cross was a physical representation of a conquest in the spiritual realm. If you are born of the flesh, you can never comprehend the things of the spirit. So what Jiggaz is trying to pass , you might not fully understand if you are not born of the spirit.

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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Daejoyoung: 7:20pm On Dec 20, 2019
At the Cross,the Lord Jesus who knew no sin became sin for us,so that we who knew no righteousness can become the righteousness of God in Christ when we believe in the death,burial and resurrection of Christ.

Are you an atheist?
How does believing in a person's death, burial and resurrection give you righteousness? that's the question you are not answering.


Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Daejoyoung: 7:24pm On Dec 20, 2019

You are taking a wrong path by believing you can discern the scriptures with logic or human reason. What happened on the cross was a physical representation of a conquest in the spiritual realm. If you are born of the flesh, you can never comprehend the things of the spirit. So what Jiggaz is trying to pass , you might not fully understand if you are not born of the spirit.
ok so for you it is all spiritual? Explain this spiritual thing to me, maybe l would understand, even if l don't understand, at least for the benefit of those Christians who believe wrongly or who are confused.

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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Daejoyoung: 7:25pm On Dec 20, 2019
At the Cross,the Lord Jesus who knew no sin became sin for us,so that we who knew no righteousness can become the righteousness of God in Christ when we believe in the death,burial and resurrection of Christ.

Are you an atheist?
l'm a seeker of truth and righteousness.


Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by jiggaz(m): 7:54pm On Dec 20, 2019

You are taking a wrong path by believing you can discern the scriptures with logic or human reason. What happened on the cross was a physical representation of a conquest in the spiritual realm. If you are born of the flesh, you can never comprehend the things of the spirit. So what Jiggaz is trying to pass , you might not fully understand if you are not born of the spirit.
Thank you .. Exactly.. I was confused at his questions,so that's why i asked him if he is an atheist.
Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Daejoyoung: 8:02pm On Dec 20, 2019
Thank you .. Exactly.. I was confused at his questions,so that's why i asked him if he is an atheist.
Say you want to preach to an unbeliever, and he asks you how does the death of jesus make me righteous? what would be your answer?


Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by ochibuogwu5: 8:50pm On Dec 20, 2019
There is nothing you have with Jesus until your flesh(self/old-man) has died with Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Do not allow anybody to tell you, you are saved and headed for heaven while you are still married to *your flesh* and the fruits of the flesh are manifesting in your hidden and external lifestyle.

Surrender to Jesus Christ for His Grace of Crucifixion to crucify your flesh and replace *your dead-flesh* with His own flesh; the new living way (Hebrews 10:19)

Now is the time to accept *I am a sinner, I need somebody to deliver me from "the body of sin"*

Only Jesus Christ Crucified can save us *completely from the body of sin* not by fasting & prayers or having appointment with powerful men of God or engaging merely in christian-rituals/sacramentals/sacrements or hiding away from the world of going to live merely in the monastery or the deserts

but by *sincerity*; which entails "saying what you mean (Jesus Christ Crucified save me by your death and resurrection) and opening up your *whole being(spirit, soul and body)* to receive His new life"

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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Hismasterpiece(m): 9:11pm On Dec 20, 2019

Say you want to preach to an unbeliever, and he asks you how does the death of jesus make me righteous? what would be your answer?

Jesus was God's sacrificial lamb which took away the sins of the world.

During the days of the old covenant, if someone sinned they were to sacrifice an animal, usually a lamb, goat or bull, and this sacrifice would cover their sin and secure God's forgiveness for a while, but when they sinned again, they would have to appease God's wrath by carrying out another sacrifice. Read Hebrews 9-11.

So, when Jesus hung on the cross as God's own sacrificial lamb for the sins of the entire world, He took upon God's judgment for sin and made salvation available to the whole world. His sacrifice doesn't just cover sins like the former covenant, but it takes sins away... All records of it for all who receive it.

Salvation entails righteousness, justification, forgiveness, health, peace with God, etc.

Jesus said, and all over the new testament it is reiterated that the only way to receive anything from God is by believing. He said that if anyone believes in Him, he is not condemned. John 3.

So, to answer your question, the death of Jesus doesn't make you righteous, but believing in the Gospel of Jesus (that He is the son of God, was crucified for your sins, and was resurrected to newline) is what makes you righteous in God's eyes. Romans 3. Romans 10.

The only righteousness that counts to God is His own Righteousness, the Righteousness of faith, that is, His Righteousness which is imputed to all who believe in Him. Romans 10.

Righteousness is simply being made right with God or being at peace with Him.


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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Daejoyoung: 9:24pm On Dec 20, 2019

Jesus was God's sacrificial lamb which took away the sins of the world.

During the days of the old covenant, if someone sinned they were to sacrifice an animal, usually a lamb, goat or bull, and this sacrifice would cover their sin and secure God's forgiveness for a while, but when they sinned again, they would have to appease God's wrath by carrying out another sacrifice. Read Hebrews 9-11.

So, when Jesus hung on the cross as God's own sacrificial lamb for the sins of the entire world, He took upon God's judgment for sin and made salvation available to the whole world. His sacrifice doesn't just cover sins like the former covenant, but it takes sins away... All records of it for all who receive it.

Salvation entails righteousness, justification, forgiveness, health, peace with God, etc.

Jesus said, and all over the new testament it is reiterated that the only way to receive anything from God is by believing. He said that if anyone believes in Him, he is not condemned. John 3.

So, to answer your question, the death of Jesus doesn't make you righteous, but believing in the Gospel of Jesus (that He is the son of God, was crucified for your sins, and was resurrected to newline) is what makes you righteous in God's eyes. Romans 3. Romans 10.

The only righteousness that counts to God is His own Righteousness, the Righteousness of faith, that is, His Righteousness which is imputed to all who believe in Him. Romans 10.

Righteousness is simply being made right with God or being at peace with Him.

Good, at least unlike the others you gave an answer to my questions.
l agree that the death of jesus alone doesn't make you righteous, but believing in the gospel of jesus makes you righteous. l agree with all of these, but then what is the gospel of jesus? ls it all about his death and resurrection? what about his life? what did jesus himself preach as his gospel.
You say our righteousness doesn't count in God's eyes, but didn't jesus himself say that when you forgive others their sins against you, then God also would forgive you your sins against him.
Didn't jesus tell us that our righteousness must superceed that of the scribes and pharisees? that we must not swear or bear grudges? that we must love even our enemies so we can attain perfection like our heavenly father who makes his sun to shine on both the good and evil? what about the kingdom of God and all the parables of jesus? are all of these not the gospel of jesus that makes you righteous before God?


Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by jiggaz(m): 9:35pm On Dec 20, 2019

Jesus was God's sacrificial lamb which took away the sins of the world.

During the days of the old covenant, if someone sinned they were to sacrifice an animal, usually a lamb, goat or bull, and this sacrifice would cover their sin and secure God's forgiveness for a while, but when they sinned again, they would have to appease God's wrath by carrying out another sacrifice. Read Hebrews 9-11.

So, when Jesus hung on the cross as God's own sacrificial lamb for the sins of the entire world, He took upon God's judgment for sin and made salvation available to the whole world. His sacrifice doesn't just cover sins like the former covenant, but it takes sins away... All records of it for all who receive it.

Salvation entails righteousness, justification, forgiveness, health, peace with God, etc.

Jesus said, and all over the new testament it is reiterated that the only way to receive anything from God is by believing. He said that if anyone believes in Him, he is not condemned. John 3.

So, to answer your question, the death of Jesus doesn't make you righteous, but believing in the Gospel of Jesus (that He is the son of God, was crucified for your sins, and was resurrected to newline) is what makes you righteous in God's eyes. Romans 3. Romans 10.

The only righteousness that counts to God is His own Righteousness, the Righteousness of faith, that is, His Righteousness which is imputed to all who believe in Him. Romans 10.

Righteousness is simply being made right with God or being at peace with Him.

Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by ochibuogwu5: 12:45am On Dec 21, 2019
You can only confront *the flesh* with *the Cross of Jesus Christ* which is *accepting that you have died with your flesh/self/old-man together with the crucified body of Jesus Christ* about 2019 years ago on Calvary which brought about *killed our old-flesh and replaced it with the new flesh of Jesus Christ*
2 Corinthians 5:21 Living Bible (TLB)
21 For God *took the sinless Christ* and *poured into him our sins*. Then, *in exchange*, he *poured God’s goodness into us!*

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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Daejoyoung: 7:47am On Dec 21, 2019
The cross of jesus is not primarily about removing your sins, it is to inspire you to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow him.
This was the teaching of jesus himself about the cross and about following him.
We dwell too much on the epistles of paul, rather than reading the gospels first.
lt is true that with jesus giving himself up as a ransom to the Romans, for the safety of his followers( so they can preach the gospel) the kingdom of God was established and a new kind of lsrael was formed based on the death and resurrection of jesus, but this is only a part of the gospel which should inspire us and give us a foundation, this is not the entire gospel itself in my understanding.
The gospel that saves you from sin are mainly found in the teachings of jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by jiggaz(m): 7:47am On Dec 21, 2019
Good morning Lord Jesus......
Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Hismasterpiece(m): 9:30am On Dec 21, 2019

Good, at least unlike the others you gave an answer to my questions.
l agree that the death of jesus alone doesn't make you righteous, but believing in the gospel of jesus makes you righteous. l agree with all of these, but then what is the gospel of jesus? ls it all about his death and resurrection? what about his life? what did jesus himself preach as his gospel.
You say our righteousness doesn't count in God's eyes, but didn't jesus himself say that when you forgive others their sins against you, then God also would forgive you your sins against him.
Didn't jesus tell us that our righteousness must superceed that of the scribes and pharisees? that we must not swear or bear grudges? that we must love even our enemies so we can attain perfection like our heavenly father who makes his sun to shine on both the good and evil? what about the kingdom of God and all the parables of jesus? are all of these not the gospel of jesus that makes you righteous before God?

The gospel is ply means good news, that is, news so good that its just too good to be true. Yes Jesus preached the Gospel. The gospel is summarized in John 3:16.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.

This is the Gospel. Since the beginning when Adam sinned and died, all men too began sinning and dying . Death, which is the consequence of sin, is both being spiritually separated from God (having a sin nature while alive & eternal punishment in hell after life is over), and all miseries brought about by sin (guilt, depression, etc).

But God, not wanting to condemn the whole world to hell (God judging us is not an act of wickedness. He is a just God, and must punish sin) sent His Son to bear the consequences of the entire world's sins.

Jesus wasn't born a sinner. He never sinned and lived up to God's standard. But when Jesus hung on the cross, He took upon Himself the curse of the law, He took upon the sins of the whole world on our behalf.

What makes His sacrifice superior to all others is the fact that He was God, and He was innocent.

God condemned Jesus, so He wouldn't have to condemn us. So, if anyone puts their faith in Jesus, such a person is made part of Jesus. All His righteousness, holiness, perfection is attributed to such a person. All that persons sins will be forgiven, and no further sacrifice would be needed to appease God's wrath when such a person sins, because His wrath has been fully borne by Jesus.

Whoever believes in God will have eternal life. Eternal life, according to Jesus, is not just living forever in Heaven, but knowing and having intimacy with God the father and Jesus. John 17:2-3.

In summary, judgment has been taken on your behalf, and by believing you are made right with God.

John chapter 3 is the gospel from Jesus's perspective. The book of romans chapters 1-8 is the gospel from Paul's perspective except that Paul went deeper to explain things in detail.

Jesus wasn't talking about God forgiving us when He said forgive and you will be forgiven. What He simply meant is that we should all treat people the way we want them to treat us; we should give people what we want them to give us.

What He meant by our righteousness exceeding that of the scribes and pharisees was this: The scribes and pharisees were self-righteous and thought that they were right with God by observing the law, but as I have already said, such righteousness doesn't count before God. So, we are to have God's kind of righteousness, the one He attributes to all who believe in Him. (Believing in Jesus is the same as believing opinions God. John 12:44).

All those other things you pointed out are just His teachings. The Gospel is His birth, death and resurrection, done for our sakes, so we can all be made right with God.

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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Daejoyoung: 12:33pm On Dec 21, 2019

The gospel is ply means good news, that is, news so good that its just too good to be true. Yes Jesus preached the Gospel. The gospel is summarized in John 3:16.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.

This is the Gospel. Since the beginning when Adam sinned and died, all men too began sinning and dying . Death, which is the consequence of sin, is both being spiritually separated from God (having a sin nature while alive & eternal punishment in hell after life is over), and all miseries brought about by sin (guilt, depression, etc).

But God, not wanting to condemn the whole world to hell (God judging us is not an act of wickedness. He is a just God, and must punish sin) sent His Son to bear the consequences of the entire world's sins.

Jesus wasn't born a sinner. He never sinned and lived up to God's standard. But when Jesus hung on the cross, He took upon Himself the curse of the law, He took upon the sins of the whole world on our behalf.

What makes His sacrifice superior to all others is the fact that He was God, and He was innocent.

God condemned Jesus, so He wouldn't have to condemn us. So, if anyone puts their faith in Jesus, such a person is made part of Jesus. All His righteousness, holiness, perfection is attributed to such a person. All that persons sins will be forgiven, and no further sacrifice would be needed to appease God's wrath when such a person sins, because His wrath has been fully borne by Jesus.

Whoever believes in God will have eternal life. Eternal life, according to Jesus, is not just living forever in Heaven, but knowing and having intimacy with God the father and Jesus. John 17:2-3.

In summary, judgment has been taken on your behalf, and by believing you are made right with God.

John chapter 3 is the gospel from Jesus's perspective. The book of romans chapters 1-8 is the gospel from Paul's perspective except that Paul went deeper to explain things in detail.

Jesus wasn't talking about God forgiving us when He said forgive and you will be forgiven. What He simply meant is that we should all treat people the way we want them to treat us; we should give people what we want them to give us.

What He meant by our righteousness exceeding that of the scribes and pharisees was this: The scribes and pharisees were self-righteous and thought that they were right with God by observing the law, but as I have already said, such righteousness doesn't count before God. So, we are to have God's kind of righteousness, the one He attributes to all who believe in Him. (Believing in Jesus is the same as believing opinions God. John 12:44).

All those other things you pointed out are just His teachings. The Gospel is His birth, death and resurrection, done for our sakes, so we can all be made right with God.
Where did jesus say John 3v16 is his gospel? why do you take that as his gospel and not part of his teachings as well?
What about Mark 1v15.
And jesus said the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe the gospel.

The gospel of jesus was the gospel about the kingdom of God, not specifically john 3v16.
jesus said we must forgive so that God would also forgive us, that was jesus teaching on how to receive forgiveness.

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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Finallydead: 1:31pm On Dec 21, 2019
This piece would have been a bit convincing if we had no scriptures to ourselves like in the theocratic catholic era and for simple logic that betrays it.
Unfortunately/fortunately we have a single scripture that outrightly refutes the subtle deceit here. Paul, the renowned forefront preacher of GRACE says in 1Cor5:1-5
that in order for the believer living in "sins" TO BE SAVED in the Lord's day, he would have to be sentenced to terminal affliction that subjects his flesh to satanic torment here on earth. Well why would loving grace do this, you may ask? Simple. Because if he is left to die in his "sins", he will not be saved in the Lord's day. Well how does this satanic torment help? Simple again. In a condition where your body is seriously afflicted, you are forcefully prevented from continuing in sins and the time gained is used to set your heart,soul, and mind in a right(repented) condition to enter eternity safely.
Again the preacher makes God such a weakling whose sacrifice of His very sacred blood can only take away sin nature ideologically but cannot give man freedom from sinful acts, realistically. What an un-Omnipotent God that preacher serves. But Jesus says" I, the Truth will set you free"...(Jn8:32)
And James says believing,all by itself, only puts one on the same level with demons (Jam2:17) but true faith is shown by the works you do (Jam2:18,19) and Paul says faith is evidence(something tangible and perceivable) of the unseen(Heb11:1).

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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Finallydead: 1:38pm On Dec 21, 2019

Jesus was God's sacrificial lamb which took away the sins of the world.

During the days of the old covenant, if someone sinned they were to sacrifice an animal, usually a lamb, goat or bull, and this sacrifice would cover their sin and secure God's forgiveness for a while, but when they sinned again, they would have to appease God's wrath by carrying out another sacrifice. Read Hebrews 9-11.

So, when Jesus hung on the cross as God's own sacrificial lamb for the sins of the entire world, He took upon God's judgment for sin and made salvation available to the whole world. His sacrifice doesn't just cover sins like the former covenant, but it takes sins away... All records of it for all who receive it.

Salvation entails righteousness, justification, forgiveness, health, peace with God, etc.

Jesus said, and all over the new testament it is reiterated that the only way to receive anything from God is by believing. He said that if anyone believes in Him, he is not condemned. John 3.

So, to answer your question, the death of Jesus doesn't make you righteous, but believing in the Gospel of Jesus (that He is the son of God, was crucified for your sins, and was resurrected to newline) is what makes you righteous in God's eyes. Romans 3. Romans 10.

The only righteousness that counts to God is His own Righteousness, the Righteousness of faith, that is, His Righteousness which is imputed to all who believe in Him. Romans 10.

Righteousness is simply being made right with God or being at peace with Him.


No. Not even near satisfied because anyone can claim to "believe" but who really does? There is a scriptural standard for believing(Jam2:17-19, Heb 11:1, 1Jn3:8-10).

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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by Finallydead: 1:41pm On Dec 21, 2019
The cross of jesus is not primarily about removing your sins, it is to inspire you to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow him.
This was the teaching of jesus himself about the cross and about following him.
We dwell too much on the epistles of paul, rather than reading the gospels first.
lt is true that with jesus giving himself up as a ransom to the Romans, for the safety of his followers( so they can preach the gospel) the kingdom of God was established and a new kind of lsrael was formed based on the death and resurrection of jesus, but this is only a part of the gospel which should inspire us and give us a foundation, this is not the entire gospel itself in my understanding.
The gospel that saves you from sin are mainly found in the teachings of jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
You are not far from the kingdom, bro. Again, its not epistles of Paul that's the problem, paul does enough to make bearing of our cross clear, its just their blindness within them that makes them never see it but only idolize actionless "believing"

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Re: What Happens When A Believer "Dies In Sin"? A Biblical Exposition Of What Sin Is by jiggaz(m): 6:19pm On Dec 21, 2019
Lord Jesus.... The altogether lovely One...

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