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Crime / Re: We Were Forced To Have Sex With Men While On Our Periods - Trafficking Victim by Shori(m): 7:47pm On Mar 12, 2018

My God, did you just justify prostitution? So people who do decent things to earn a living are fools. They too don’t want to open there legs are making easy money? Abeg. If you don’t have home training, you don’t training. Don’t come here and justify what you can’t advise your any member of your household to do.
I'm not advising anyone to go into prostitution or whatever. I'm only saying things can precipitate the thoughts of prostitution and that's not a bad thing to say. You are only judging from the periphery, if you go to the roots... you'll know how deep it is.
Crime / Re: We Were Forced To Have Sex With Men While On Our Periods - Trafficking Victim by Shori(m): 7:43pm On Mar 12, 2018

My God, did you just justify prostitution? So people who do decent things to earn a living are fools. They too don’t want to open there legs are making easy money? Abeg. If you don’t have home training, you don’t training. Don’t come here and justify what you can’t advise your any member of your household to do.
LoL. You're quick to judge. I'm not justifying prostitution. I'm only saying people do irrational things when they feel too much pressure. You don't know what some of these people are passing through... Just pray you don't wear their shoes one day, you don't want to feel the heat.
Crime / Re: We Were Forced To Have Sex With Men While On Our Periods - Trafficking Victim by Shori(m): 3:50pm On Mar 12, 2018

Is it government that told them to go and prostitute? Abegi!
If the head isn't dysfunctional, the body will be at peace. People get pushed to the wall; to do things they wouldn't ordinarily entertain the thoughts of. If the country were to be conducive enough, you think every Tom, Dick and Harry would want to leave at any slightest opportunity? I doubt that. Most of the girls have been pushed --- beyond the wall--- that they resort to anything thrown at them. How you're living(...good or bad) isn't how everyone is living. Someone is living better and worse. Ciao!
Crime / Re: We Were Forced To Have Sex With Men While On Our Periods - Trafficking Victim by Shori(m): 1:42pm On Mar 12, 2018
This is heartening and to say that our government is doing next-to-nothing about this is more disheartening. God help us all...

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Education / Re: OAU 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Shori(m): 4:44pm On Feb 01, 2018
What is going on with Oau admission? Must they always be the last?
Almost all the admission lists are out. Almost.
Education / Re: OAU 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Shori(m): 4:43pm On Feb 01, 2018
my sister chose law.. Nothing yet
The chances of her getting something is slim. Tell her to get another JAMB but shouldn't give up yet(...if she met her departmental cutoff mark)
Education / Re: Obafemi Awolowo University 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Shori(m): 1:42pm On Aug 13, 2017
please can I get your contact please so that I can call you personally. I would really appreciate it.
It'd be better to keep communication here...
Education / Re: Obafemi Awolowo University 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Shori(m): 9:11am On Aug 08, 2017
good pm please I want to know if OAU have started selling post utme.
No. The screening form is not yet out.
Education / Re: How True Is This About OAU! Vry Urgent Please by Shori(m): 5:01am On Aug 04, 2017
It's false. The screening form is not yet out. I'm thinking prolly after school exams or during...
Education / Re: OAU 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Shori(m): 8:07pm On Aug 03, 2017
really bro are you a student there at OAU?
Education / Re: OAU 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Shori(m): 4:30pm On Aug 03, 2017
hi have you done a check I am thinking of switching institution I don't know if my score of 251 and 1 sitting will favor me for pol.science I am also an indigene of Osun.
That should do but you can calculate your points. I think you stand a high chance of getting admitted.
Education / Re: OAU 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Shori(m): 10:32am On Jul 28, 2017
251 for Law... any hope?
It'll depend almost entirely on the O'level result.
Education / Re: OAU 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Shori(m): 12:19am On Jul 27, 2017
plz with a utme score of 267 nd an A1,4B2 ,3B3...do i stand a chance 2 gt medsurge @oau?..am frm benue sate[ELDS]..av calculate' my point using d 50:50 method nd its 75.7%...reply asap plz..tnx
30-40% or thereabout. You might stand a chance but it'd be thin.
Education / Re: OAU 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Shori(m): 2:05am On Jul 26, 2017
Pls,can oau accept HND upper credit in accounting for admission into 300 level.
Admission by direct entry is into 200L and not 300L.
Education / Re: OAU 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Shori(m): 7:04pm On Jul 22, 2017
You guys should agree on one official thread. it looks like there's two already.
Education / Re: Obafemi Awolowo University 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Shori(m): 6:55pm On Jul 22, 2017
Hi guys. I'm Peter, a 400L student of OAU. You can ask whatever you'd like to know here and I'll try to reply as soon as I can. Enjoy!
Career / Re: Pharmacists, Pharmacy Students And Interns. At Home Or Abroad, Let's Meet Here. by Shori(m): 3:28pm On Jul 16, 2017
Hey guys, Have we heard of the proposed pre-registration examination for pharmacists? What are your thoughts about it?
Mixed feelings really. it'll definitely have its pros and cons.
Career / Re: Pharmacists, Pharmacy Students And Interns. At Home Or Abroad, Let's Meet Here. by Shori(m): 4:46pm On Jun 30, 2017
can I have ur whatsapp number plz
Career / Re: Pharmacists, Pharmacy Students And Interns. At Home Or Abroad, Let's Meet Here. by Shori(m): 8:50am On Jun 30, 2017
If you have already gotten your B.Pharm degree, it takes three years to run a conversion programme to Pharm D in uniben.
Three "full time" years? That's a long time!!!
Education / Re: Pharmacy Aspirants/students Thread Lets Meet by Shori(m): 12:19am On Jun 30, 2017
OAU pharmacy aspirant UTME score 311
Ace! I'm a 400L student of OAU. You're one leg in. You can calculate your points already. Good luck.
Career / Re: Pharmacists, Pharmacy Students And Interns. At Home Or Abroad, Let's Meet Here. by Shori(m): 12:17am On Jun 30, 2017
tnx a lot. for replying ma question but dere is still one thin I don't get about d pharmD and pharmB
obviously pharmD is d main deal,,d A game after pharm B buy Hw is it applied for is it after d 5 year pharmB dat u go for another 6 years pharmD pls if u don't mind elucidate more

if u don't mind pls can I get ur wassap digitz I av tons of oda questions to ask tnx
No. You don't go for another six years program. You just need to take something like a conversion program or so.
Career / Re: Pharmacists, Pharmacy Students And Interns. At Home Or Abroad, Let's Meet Here. by Shori(m): 1:08pm On Jun 29, 2017
hey guys I applied for pharmacy buk 235
I would like for someone to brief me about d early stages/information about d course tnx

pls I will also appreciate it if someone could explain d difference btwn pharmB and pharmD is it pharmD Dats 5 years normal university program and which is better amongst d two
also wat is Rx

Hello Trailblazer. Pharmacy is, at present, a five-year course which involves you taking general science courses(chemistry, physics, biology..) in your very first year(pre-pharmacy year). Pharmacy is "subdivided" into five departments; pharmacology(study of drug and drug actions, side effects, et cetera), pharnacognosy(study of medicinal plants), pharmaceutics(study of drug formulation and dosage forms), pharmaceutical microbiology, which is under pharmaceutics(study of microbes and their relevance to pharmacy), pharmaceutical chemistry(study of medicinal chemistry) and clinical pharmacy and pharmacy administration. Depending on your school maybe, you'll be taking courses from all of these departments from your second year. I don't know how BUK runs her program but there shouldn't be too wide differences in how pharmacy schools in Nigeria run their program.

B.Pharm is the current degree awarded to graduate pharmacists in Nigeria and the program runs for five years. The PharmD program runs for six. A big difference between the two is that the latter is more clinically oriented than the former as pharmD ups the "clinical game" of the pharmacist-in-training. The B.Pharm is slipping into obsolescence. The pharmD, I'll say, is better as it considers the patient; the final consumer of drugs.

Rx is a sign that summarily means "Prescription". On hospital prescription sheets, you'll see this sign before the doctor fills in the medication to dispensed amidst other stuffs.

You can ask more questions here if you aren't satisfied. The bosses will do justice to it. As men of honour......

BTW, who's coming to OAU for synergy '17?

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Education / Re: Pharmacy Aspirants/students Thread Lets Meet by Shori(m): 9:40am On Jun 29, 2017
Hello. We already have a thread for Pharmacy students and aspirants. Check here; https://www.nairaland.com/1452911/pharmacists-pharmacy-students-interns-home
Career / Re: Pharmacists, Pharmacy Students And Interns. At Home Or Abroad, Let's Meet Here. by Shori(m): 1:10pm On Jun 24, 2017
I'm just wondering why it's becoming exceedingly difficult for pharmacy graduates to get internship placement. I saw a senior colleague who just got a place a year and a few months after graduation. It's sad...really. Any way out of the internship impasse? As men of honour...
Education / Re: 300Level OAU Pharmacy Student Drowns, Dies Inside Hotel Swimming Pool by Shori(m): 9:53pm On Jun 19, 2017
I wonder how people comfortably draw conclusions from a minute part of stories. Most of you all haven't heard the full story and just concluded he couldn't swim before his demise. It's so unfortunate rational thinking has lost its palace and has been replaced by the very inconsequential need to talk; to say anything--- anything at all. He was a good swimmer and only went to chill out in that pool after his exams. Mental development will never find it's way to a closed head, we should learn to pick smithereens of facts before rushing to type whatever our brains purge at first thought. In pace requiscat Max! PANS OAU will miss you...


Politics / Re: When Will Nigerians Start Demanding The FG Tell The Truth About Buhari's Health? by Shori(m): 1:14am On Jun 14, 2017
Even if we, as Nigerians, don't have a valid right to know his health status(...and state in general), isn't it logical for "The presidency" and whoever is involved to tell us how far or how well things are going. It's utter tomfoolery to keep well over 180million people in the dark over the health of their president. I don't see how well the term "president" is justified in the case of PMB if he's abroad and the whole nation is saying absolute nothing about it.
Sports / Re: Messi May Be More Talented But Ronaldo Is Simply A Better Player by Shori(m): 12:41pm On Jun 04, 2017

You're joking right? Allegri coached Juve in '15, They had a Vidal, Pirlo, Tevez and Morata. The also won a double and knocked out Real that year, and were just as defensive, so stop goofing around.
Just as defensive? I guess then they conceded just 4 goals before the final too, they were unbeaten until the finals, they had a lot of clean sheets.... right? What Barca couldn't do in 180 minutes, Madrid did in 90.. what Messi couldn't do in 180, Ronaldo did in 20.

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Sports / Re: Messi May Be More Talented But Ronaldo Is Simply A Better Player by Shori(m): 12:37pm On Jun 04, 2017
sorry. Allegri was the coach then
Oh yeah!

You're joking right? Allegri coached Juve in '15, They had a Vidal, Pirlo, Tevez and Morata. The also won a double and knocked out Real that year, and were just as defensive, so stop goofing around.
sorry. Allegri was the coach then
Oh yeah!
Sports / Re: Messi May Be More Talented But Ronaldo Is Simply A Better Player by Shori(m): 12:31pm On Jun 04, 2017

Ronaldo had the most expensive team in the world. He had Casillas, Ramos, Marcelo, Alonso, Modric, Pepe etc.

So Messi is lazy? The player that drops deep into midfield, dribles several players, scores, creates and assists is lazy.... While the one that stays in the box to play 'pass n shoot' is hardworking, Intresting.
Check Ronaldo stats and find your answers... and saying Ronaldo waits in the box for tap-in goals is an indication you started watching football recently. Go and watch Ronaldo's clips and you'll see you just committed a fallacy. Messi isn't lazy, but someone is obviously working harder!

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Sports / Re: Messi May Be More Talented But Ronaldo Is Simply A Better Player by Shori(m): 12:27pm On Jun 04, 2017

Have you forgotten how this Sam barca thrashed and humiliated this same juve 2 years ago in the champions league final. Have forgotten Madrid couldn't beat barca in the league this season. They drew the first leg and lost the second leg to barca
Let me disillusion you. Barca didn't play the same Juventus two seasons ago. They played a weaker version. That was a Juventus with a Conte, not Allegri. A Juventus without Alves. A less defensive Juventus! In the end, one team won a double!
Sports / Re: Messi May Be More Talented But Ronaldo Is Simply A Better Player by Shori(m): 12:21pm On Jun 04, 2017
Ronaldo is a great player no doubt and I like his consistency which was as a result of his hard work while Messi is a god and his is innate. Messi does not need much of hard work before he proves himself as the best. only if he has the kinda team mates Ronaldo has presently, Ronaldo won't be able to match him at all
Funny! What if Ronaldo had the likes of Xavi, Iniesta, Alves and co that Messi had(...during his consecutive Balon D' or era), Messi won't match him? Check out Portugal's National team and Argentina's. What I think you missed is that Ronaldo is talented, just as Messi, but only became better when he saw that talent can be made better by including hard work.

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Career / Re: Pharmacists, Pharmacy Students And Interns. At Home Or Abroad, Let's Meet Here. by Shori(m): 7:41pm On May 31, 2017

Aarrrh! This is serious.. Ifefamasi, which way na?
I tire oh!

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