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Technology Market / Learn A New Skill Online, On Your Time by vasnate(m): 4:07pm On Apr 26, 2017
In this Generation we have all it takes to succeed because:
1. We can learn any skill we want to.
2. We can become professionals without going through our normal educational system.
3. If given the opportunity, we can be best best in all our chosen career.

The youngest Programmer in Facebook Michael Sayman is just 18 years old, he is just a high school graduate but he is good at what he does.

Success Wheel: You don't hav to reinvent the wheels of success but all you need is:

"Simply Pick one Area in any technical skill dedicate time and you will be sort after".

Forget about the government and empower yourself. There are enough resources online to get you started. I have Limited www.Lynda.com accounts for you to learn any skill you want.

Today I want to give you a rare opportunity when it comes to Technical Skill.

Just Buzz me or send a Whatsapp message with this Number 08030984785.

Science/Technology / How To Turn Your Smartphone Camera Into A Webcam On PC O/ Laptop - See More At: by vasnate(m): 10:01am On Nov 16, 2016
Don’t have a webcam, but need to make an urgent video call on Skype or some other video conferencing service? This situation is faced mostly by those who own an old laptop or have a desktop without any camera attachment. Many people have one camera on their laptops but need a second camera for some specific project.

Why Use Your Phone As A Webcam?
Not all desktops and laptops have cameras and in this day and age of Skype video calls, the need for video conferencing is felt even by our grandparents who want to see their sons and daughters. Though you many not need it daily but suppose there is this presentation which you need to explain to your boss. Peripheral webcams are popular, but they can prove tricky to install and temperamental even when they’re set up correctly.

ManyCam for Windows or Mac
IP Webcam for Android or IP Cam Viewer Lite for iOS

How to Use Smartphone as Webcam for PC?
#01: Install IP Webcam App in your Android smartphone or IP Cam Viewer Lite on your iPhone/iPad
#02: Install ManyCam Software in your Windows PC or Mac OS X PC
#03: Start IP Cam Service in your Android smartphone or iPhone as the need may be.
How to Use Smartphone as Webcam for PC?
#04: You will see your IP and Port Address at the bottom of the screen of your Android smartphone/iPhone. Copy this IP and Port Address on a piece of paper.
How to Use Smartphone as Webcam for PC?
#05: Now open ManyCam App in your Windows or Mac PC as the case may be. In the ManyCam App, Click on Add
#06: Then IP Cameras then Add/Remove IP Camera
How to Use Smartphone as Webcam for PC?
#07: In the blank field of Add New IP Camera add the URL that you copied/jotted from IP Cam App
For Android User add URL like: http://[YOUR_IP]/video
For iOS User Direct Add URL like: http://[YOUR_IP]/
How to Use Smartphone as Webcam for PC?
#08: Then click on Add and Close.
#09: Now repeat the same process. Under the IP Cameras, you will see the camera you have added. Android Phone if you have used Android App/iPhone if you have used iPhone App.
#10: Click on IP Cameras then select your IP Camera.
How to Use Smartphone as Webcam for PC?
#11:Its Connected
How to Use Smartphone as Webcam for PC?
Thats it! You can now use your smartphone as your webcam on your PC/laptop. You can Change IP Camera App Setting while Chatting by going to http://[IP-ADDRESS]/. You can directly change quality, etc without closing from the smartphone. Using your smartphone camera you can Record, use zoom out/zoom in, change video quality, take a photo, enable LED Flashlight, add all the features of smartphone camera like Night Vision, Color Effects and much more.
Actually, if you use this process you will find that you can do many more things by using your smartphone as your webcam instead of the default 2MP laptop camera.

- See more at: http://techiedigest.com/how-to-turn-your-smartphone-camera-into-a-webcam-on-pc-o-laptop/#sthash.HDJzkLKl.dpuf
Investment / Re: Step-by-step Guide: How To #Make #More #Money With donation hub by vasnate(m): 12:04pm On Nov 14, 2016
Investment / Re: Step-by-step Guide: How To #Make #More #Money With donation hub by vasnate(m): 12:00pm On Nov 14, 2016
How long has this been around ?
It's been around for at least the past 6 months.
however, the best part of it is that it is legit.
I made a donation of N26,000 on the 11th November 2016 and I got a donation of N36,000 on 14th November being today.
I recently joined it. From my own observation also as stated on the website your investment gets due for donation within 48 hrs - 7 days of your donation. That was the exact situation in my case (made a donation on 11th Friday and received a donation on the 14th being Monday)
IT appears that one can be making donation everyday and as well be receiving same daily (yes after 48 hrs interval of each donation made).
If your progress it and plan a donation strategy well (as am planing on) you could be making more than any MMM guy in a month!
That's a whooping 60% per month or more (20% every 48hrs/weekly) on your investment.
Investment / Step-by-step Guide: How To #Make #More #Money With donation hub by vasnate(m): 3:01pm On Nov 11, 2016
Step-By-Step Guide: How to #Make #More #Money Before December with donation hub
(Weekly/Monthly) by Freely Donating to Members

We'll like introduce interested ones to this program. Earn 30% weekly (Instant Donation) or
50% monthly (Scheduled Donation) on your investment. This is not MMM-Nigeria. In fact this
is better than MMM.

1. Your earnings are at N500 = $1 exchange rate. I.e you donate and receive at that rate.
2. You choose who to donate to and how much you'll like to donate. No waiting to be merged with anyone as in MMM.
3. You earn interest on your donations.
4. You're paid into your local bank account by donator (there're equally other means of payment you can choose From).
5. You earn $15 per referral.
6. You earn $10 sign up on sign up (recently removed).
7. Minimum donation is $35 for weekly based instant donation and ...
8. The banks don't collect any charge for your transactions as in MMM.
Types of Donation

1. Instant Donation:
This has a maturity period of 7 days and 30% of your initial investment
together with initial investment will be paid to you as a donation by another donor
after 7 days.

2. Scheduled Donation:
This has a maturity period of 30 days and 50% of your initial investment
together with your initial investment will be paid to you as a donation by another
donor after 30 days. a percentage of your donation is held pack for you and will equally be
released to you on completion of your transaction

How To Receive A Donation
You must FIRST be a Donor or Donate to someone first before you are donated to.

How To Donate
1. Click on this link to get registered /ujriw4.
2. Confirm your registration by clicking on the link in your email address.
3. On the "DASHBOARD" click on "BANK" and fill in the details of your bank account if you'll like local bank deposit or you can choose any other
platform for receiving your donations and save it.
4. Click on "Make Donation" on the "Dashboard"
5. Select "Instant Donation" or "Scheduled Donation" options by clicking "Continue".
6. If you select "Instant Donation" it'll take you to a page with two input form
"Minimum Donation" and "Maximum Donation". Here you'll add "1" as minimum Donation
and 1000 as "maximum Donation" and then hit the button "Search". This will bring out
the list of eligible people for Instant Donation. If you don not see any one from your
country of origin or an amount you can afford to donate to, please exercise patients
and stay longer online by repeating the process using the minimum/maximum input forms
till you find one.
If you selected "Scheduled Donation", you can go straight and pick your choice on whom
to donate to

Note: On the dashboard you'll see a digital timer, this timer tells you when the the
floor would be officially opened for donation to take place. This usually takes
place in the evening around 7pm and into the nights. It will be more convenient to
wait till then to make a donation if you could make any after going through the
6. Select from the list of those who you can donate to and click the icon "Donate", this
will reserve you the privilege of making the donation to that person within 4 to 24 hrs
of reservation.

Note: You must make the donation by paying into the receivers bank account (if it's
the mode of payment for the receiver) within the specified time frame. This is
avoid the receiver making any complaint on your failure to do so. You could be
banned from the platform when you failed to make the donation/payment.
7. The system will now take to the page where you could now view the statues of your
activities and view the receivers details of payment to enable you make the payment.
8. Click on "View Details" to get all the information about the receivers payment details.
Please call the receiver via his/her mobile number to inform him/her when you're making
the payment and your username.
9. When making the payment, please use your username as the name of the depositor if it's
bank deposit option.
10. call the receiver about your payment and login into your account and click "Outgoing
Donation" on the "Dashboard". Here you'll be taken to a page to confirm your payments.
Yes, click on "Paid". Once the receiver gets the alert he/she will then confirm your
payment after which you'll now be in queue to receive a donation.

This program can only succeed if you're honest and sincere. Donate and get Donated To....
http://donation hub.net/Login/home.php?r=vasnate

Join this platform now by creating an account today before it gets beyond most peoples reach.
Create a new account by clicking on this link now: /ujriw4
or http://donation hub.net/Login/home.php?r=vasnate

Business / Business Proposal Writing Services by vasnate(m): 1:10pm On Sep 27, 2016
We will write a perfect and complete BUSINESS PROPOSAL
We Offer professional Business proposal and PowerPoint presentations for:
-Business presentation
-Charity proposal
-Proposal presentation
-Products and services
-Statement of Confidentiality
-Executive Summary
And lots more

Our full proposal is made up of our own text combined with your text which is directly describing your services or products; provided we have all the relevant information from you like Company Name, Address, Mission ,Vision. describing your company and products/services, website, etc.

We offer quick turnaround times, so your business won't be wasting any of it's precious time!

SeamGates Technology Solutions will develop and prepare a complete and comprehensive Business Plan for your business venture

No more worries about losing your clients.
Stand out from your competitors in the market.
Because sometimes its not about the content but how you are presenting your offers.

Our services starts from N15,000 0nly
Business / Cheap Online (blog/website/social Media) Content Writing Service by vasnate(m): 1:03pm On Sep 27, 2016
No time?
No writers?
No blog posts?
No problem.

We’ve the simple, straightforward way to original blog/website/social media content for your business.
SeamGates offers a content and blog writing service that creates original, high quality blog content for your business or agency.

1. Short Blog Post 350-450 words Starting from N3,500

2. Standard Blog Post 550-650 words Starting from N6000

3. Website Page 350-450 words Starting from N40000

4. Long Website/Blog Post 850-950 words Starting from N8000

5. Facebook Posts 1-2 sentences Starting from N500

6. Tweets up to 140 characters Starting from N500

7. Press Release 350-450 words Starting from N3,500

8. Video Script 450-550 words Starting from N20,000

9. Product Descriptions 100-200 words Starting from N5000

1. Choose your package
Tell us how many posts you would like and what subjects you would like our blog writers to cover. You can change these details as often as you like to ensure you are completely happy with the posts you receive.

2.We create your posts
Based on your instructions, we'll choose the most qualified, available blog writers to create posts to your exact specification. You can review your posts online, and if necessary request edits.

3. Easy publishing
Your posts are delivered regularly throughout the month and are easy to upload to all blog platforms. WordPress users can install a plugin which includes images and even publishes posts automatically!
Business / How To Set Up An Aliexpress Affiliate Website by vasnate(m): 2:56pm On Apr 05, 2016

What’s An Affiliate Program?:
Ans: An affiliate program is marketing programs where you can receive commission for helping a parent company (such as Aliexpress) generate sales. An affiliate program pays you for sending paying customers to their website.

What’s An Affiliate Website?
Ans: An affiliate website is any website or blog that utilizes affiliate marketing techniques.

If you want to get into affiliate marketing and start building your own affiliate website then you want to do it right from the start. There are 5 steps that I recommend to anyone looking to create their own affiliate website. And these are…

1. Build a Website – I can help you set up one like https://storegrip.com for N45, 000 only.

2. Decide on a Niche for your website - This is really just the theme or topic to your website. This could be nutrition, fitness, and building model airplanes, whatever. There’s millions of niche ideas to tap into.

3. Aliexpress Store WordPress plugin – This helps create quality content based on your niche and products you support – I can help you with one for N6,500 only

4. Traffic - Bring traffic to your site through SEO techniques and Keyword Research. I can generate 400-1000 daily US targeted traffic for 6 months FREE for my Clients.

5. Facebook Fan page – Create a facebook fan page for your website; get thousand of target likes to it. I will create you a fan page with targeted likes from people who’re willing to make payments of products directly on your affiliate website.

To Set-Up one Aliexpress Affiliate Website: N45, 000 (Free Domain Name, Free Hosting, Website Design, Aliexpress Store Plugin Installation, Free Facebook Fanpage, Free 6 Months Traffic).

If you need the Aliexpress Store Wordpress Plugin: N6, 500 only

For Details Please Call: 08030984785, 08098433200 for payment details

1 Like

NYSC / Re: NYSC Foundation Loan To Corps Members by vasnate(m): 2:05pm On Apr 05, 2016
Breaking News on NYSC FOUNDATION !!!!!

NYSC FOUNDATION is basically for Ex-Corp Members and about to passout Corp members. Ex-Corp Members can Can as well as Ready to Passout Corp members.

We can authoritatively tell you that it's never too late to submit your proposal for the NYSC FOUNDATION SOFT LOAN. You can submit yours anytime you are ready with your proposal copy.

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) had commence a foundation loan to Corps Members, the loan would be issued to interested corps entrepreneurs starting from the 2015/2016 Batch A, B, C Corps Members, and subsequently the incoming batches. Below are the requirements for the NYSC Foundation Loan.

Things To Submit.
1. An Application letter.
2. A Bankable Business Plan/Proposal document.
3. Photocopies of Evidence of being a registered member.

(Hint) You can submit your proposal to any NYSC State
Secretariats Nation wide.

1. The loan terms is 2 yrs i.e It is repayable in two (2) years only.
2. The amount is N400, 000 0nly.
3. The interest rate is always 5% Biannual, i.e N20, 000 only.
4. The collateral is a level 12 Civil service holder as your grantor.
5. The certificate of national service shall serve as collateral for the loan.

It is instructive to note that the first set of beneficiaries will be issued cheques in October, 2015.

You are kindly requested to widely circulate this information to corps members due to pass out soon.

Comprehensive list of interested corps entrepreneurs and their certified Business plans should reach the undersigned latest on 11th September, 2016.

Please note that all payment for Foundation membership registration should be receipted and credited to;

ACCT NO:- 1011560875
SORT CODE:- 057080015.

Also, copies of letter of intent which are obtainable at all NYSC Secretariats are to be delivered by NYSC Foundation.

1. Do not submit a one paged proposal document. It must be well
written and detailed.
2. Don't write business proposals on businesses that will take long
to mature i.e make profit to repay the loan in two (2) years.

(Hint) If possible write on an existing business, they always have
an edge to getting loan approval (A proven fact).

If you Can't write a good wining Business Plan or Proposal?
Please Call "SeamGates Technology Solution" Writing Service Department on: 08030984785, 08158837916

We write for:
1. Nysc Venture Prize Competition sponsored by CBN
2. Nysc Foundation Soft Loan
3. Business Plans/Proposal for Bank loans etc

Simply call the following numbers: 08030984785, 08158837916

Also "Learn How You Can Become Successful As An Nysc Corp Member Making Over 500, 000" by texting "NYSC" to the above numbers.
The ebook is N1,500 only.

Please share this information on your wall to help create the awareness further. Thanks
Business / Re: Do It Yourself Importation Guide Free - Season 2 by vasnate(m): 1:32pm On Sep 16, 2014
Hello House,

Kudos to y'all!

Please does anyone have information this secret website where one can get Branded Products like Samsung Galaxy S4 for N14,000, Blackberry Z10 For N15,000 And Even Marc Book Laptop For N36,000, Hollandaise for N3000 etc Plus The Cheapest Way Of Shipping Them Down To Nigeria For As Low As $4.50 per kg….

Saw it on someones sales page..am on the verge of paying for the package but gave a second thought to ask the house ....

Please share the website links to the websites and shipping coy.
Business / Re: Ask Me Anything On Importation Of Goods From China by vasnate(m): 4:20pm On Sep 15, 2014
Hello House,
Kudos to y'all!
Please does anyone have information this secret website where one can get Branded Products like Samsung Galaxy S4 for N14,000, Blackberry Z10 For N15,000 And Even Marc Book Laptop For N36,000, Hollandaise for N3000 etc Plus The Cheapest Way Of Shipping Them Down To Nigeria For As Low As $4.50 per kg….
Saw it on someones sales page..am on the verge of paying for the package but gave a second thought to ask the house ....

Please share the website links to the websites and shipping coy.
Business / Re: Do It Yourself Importation Guide Free - Season 2 by vasnate(m): 3:04pm On Sep 15, 2014
Hello House,
Kudos to y'all!
Please does anyone have information this secret website where one can get Branded Products like Samsung Galaxy S4 for N14,000, Blackberry Z10 For N15,000 And Even Marc Book Laptop For N36,000, Hollandaise for N3000 etc Plus The Cheapest Way Of Shipping Them Down To Nigeria For As Low As $4.50 per kg….

Please share the website links to the websites and shipping coy.
Adverts / Who Else Wants To Discover How And Where To Get A Loan In Nigeria Worth N300,000 by vasnate(m): 6:21pm On Dec 17, 2013

Let's move straight to why you are here, getting a loan worth N300,000 or more to finance your small scale business, this is the reason I've took my time to outsource the information early this year, which actually worked for me and my business colleagues. today we are still enjoying the loan opportunity without collateral.

These particular financial institutions are not NGO, they are financial institution, including some banks, the issue and the major thing I'm here to do for you inside this report is that I want you to know the step by step and 100% guaranty process in accessing this loan within the next 30 days.

That's why I'm here to help you out.

Are you Qualify? You will if and only if you meet below criteria

1. Have a solid business plan

2. Be ready to open account with any of these organizations

3. Must have a registered business Name. CAC approved

4. Mode of Identification (Driver's License, international passport or National Id Card)

5. Utility bill

6. and finally Your Passport

with the above Requirements you are qualify...


1. You will discover and know the organizations

2. You will know the right step to take to grab the loan

3. You will know how to pay back within 1 year or more

4. You will learn how to apply for more than 1 million

5. You will learn How to write a business plan

6. You will how to get your business Name Registered with less than N7000

7. You will learn How to start a successful Small or medium scale business in Nigeria

8. You will be exposed to 20 most profitable small business in Nigeria

9. You will Have a secret to get a loan from a particular bank without collateral, they will pay you upto 4 million in 12 moths...

10. You will learn how to invest the loan wisely into any business.

Feel Free to Call: Mobile: (0803-098-4785) (0815-883-7916) (0802-726-1998)

If this information is helpful, please help share on your walls for others to be aware …Thanks for your efforts…we appreciate it all.
Adverts / Join The Next Youwin! Millionaires!!! Join The Next Youwin! Millionaires!!! by vasnate(m): 1:07pm On Dec 17, 2013
Dear Forum Members,

We are happy to remind you that the Federal Government Sponsored Business Plan Competition "YouWin" is getting hotter by the day as the deadline for submissions approach.

This is the the time to position yourself and your business for a better financial future come 2014.

With our experience and close relationships with the YouWin Mentors and Monitors of past YouWin Winners, we have milked the step-Step Secrets of helping you in Winning this GRANT of N1, 000, 000 to N10, 000, 000. We are confident to let you know that we are prepared to give you the BEST service in your application. We offer professional online application in your behalf.

Deadline closes on27 December!!!!!

Feel Free to Call: Mobile: (0803-098-4785) (0815-883-7916) (0802-726-1998) Now!

Note: If You Are Not A Part Of This Future,Your Generation Will Never Forgive You For Losing This Prime Opportunity For A Mere Price!!!
Education / The History Of Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Unwana Afikpo- Polyunwanaseees by vasnate(m): 4:17pm On May 03, 2010
The History Of Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Unwana Afikpo- Polyunwanaseees

Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Unwana Afikpo was formerly known as Federal Polytechnic Unwana. It was established in October 1981 with the appointment of late Engr. Dr O. B Epelle as its first Rector. The first Governing Body Council of the Polytechnic was inaugurated on the 1st of December 1984, with Engr. F.C.N Agbari as Chairman. The second sixteen member Council was equally inaugurated on the September 15, 1989 by the then Minister of Education, Prof. Jubril Aminu, with Prof. Afolabi as Chairman.

The third and sixteen member council was inaugurated in 19th October 1990 by the then Honorable Minister of Education, Prof. Aliyu Baba Tunde Fafunwa. The Second Rector was the in the person of Prof. Zak A Obana who happened to assume office on the 1st of October 1989 and was later preplaced by the late and third Rector, Sir, G. I Amasiatu. The Incumbent Rector now is the person of Prof. Otunta, who happened to be the first indigenous personal to hold that office. Since his assumption of office he had commenced a massive revamping of the institution.

Computers / Student Bodies: The Benefits of Student Departmental Bodies Owning A Website (Be by vasnate(m): 4:03pm On Apr 21, 2010
Student Bodies: The Benefits of Student Departmental Bodies Owning A Website (Being Online).

In Nigeria there are over 200 tertiary institutions both private and public (University degree awarding). It’s quite obvious that in these institutions there are quite a lot of faculties/schools and departments that handle various disciplines. In this departments/faculties/school these are headed by various personalities such as Professors, Chief Lecturers as well as senior ones. Down the ladder of leadership come the student associations that are meant to take care of the student welfares. This student associations/body are without doubt numbering in their several hundreds that represents the over 500 thousand students that are admitted annually in the various universities, polytechnics, college of educations, Adult Education, Distance Learning, as well as agriculture institutions, school of certain disciplines notwithstanding.
    However it is appalling to note that virtually all these student bodies (Student Union Governments S.U.G inclusive) can not boast of a credible online presence using a website. It goes to show the serious degree of internet illiteracy among students and their various forms of organized body in Nigeria. The near zero ignorance of the benefits of using the internet effectively have created a devaluation of the real goals and purpose of having the student bodies in existence in the first instance. One begins to wonder what in effect is the brain behind student associations, if the mean purpose is not to champion the cause of student fraternity, advancing the essence of knowledge empowerment as well as the enhancing of the social cultural lifestyles of member students in the various degree awarding institutions that not only improves the individual student academically, socially, mentally, psychologically and otherwise, but as well exposes them and their activities to the power of the web and the Internet. It would no doubt help these students gain international recognition and as well give them a global voice. It becomes quite easy for them source out for assistance with recognized bodies and institutions of their kind. Online activities would equally make students realize that gold is paved on the streets of the internet if only one is keen to explore it. Such opportunities include   Online Trading, University Degrees Online, Online Marketing,
    It is in line with this contention that students of Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Students, a student body of the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology of Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Unwana chapter being the first in championing student affairs with a dedicated journal called Electro-Ray: the only student journal published annually with international recognition have made it once again to be the first student body with a website. The website
http://www.polyunwanaseees.com  is aimed at informing fellow Nigerian students as well as the international community of its curricular activities; educational and social activities/events that makes them thick.
Education / Polyunwanaseees.com-The First Ever Departmental Association To Ever Be Online by vasnate(m): 3:00pm On Apr 19, 2010
Polyunwanaseees.com is the official website of Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Students of Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Unwana Afikpo Nigeria. They are the first ever departmental student association in Nigerian over 200 tertiary institutions to be online? We are proud to say so, hope someone can disprove that.

The journey began as a result of a bode step taken by former Senator, Odeh T. Emmanuel, the then SEEES Senate Pastor as well as SEEES Press Club Photographic Editor, when he submitted the project topic on 'The Designing of SEEES Website' to the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology [E.E.E.T] for the award of HND Certificate. Even without a former knowledge of web designing, he was confident that it could be achieved. His faith came through when he meet the then Board President/Editor In Chief of SEEES Press Club, Kartel Onyekachi Chidiagba, who happened to be a professioal freelance web designer. The rest is now history.
Business / Recruiting: Vacancy In The Kidnapping Business Industry? by vasnate(m): 1:02am On Sep 28, 2009
Believe it or not, one of the highest growing industry in Nigeria is the Kidnapping industry. With the ongoing ASUU strike there's an ongoing recruitment exercise, many undergraduates are really out to join the trend, would you be interested? How about the last saga about students of Abuja University who had wanted to kidnap the current Minister of Education ove the ASSUU strike, I am so sorry If my comments here sounds so so negative and ill fated. Well, I ve got no option than to reiterate the voice of so many Nigerians and that of the Punch writer adeyeye who wrote something on that too (Go and read tha Sat Punch newspaper).

what is happenning right here in nigeria is alarming in terms of kidnapining. though south africa still retains the leadership of such industry but am afraid the rate at which the nigerian kidnappining is growing , south africa would enjoy their leadership only for  a breif while. Recent development in Nigeria shows that even the northern part of Nigeria are all embracing the trend wholeheratedly. No doubt more people would soon be kidnapped. However, there's a twist to it all which seems quiting comforting though from a particular point of view.

The kidnappers are turning their attention on the personalities of the political elites, yes, governors and their officails. one should be happy at this development, why, because it means that the government would soon be looking  seriously into th e kidnapping industry with a view to checkmate it so that they and their loved ones wldn't fall victims to it, so shall we urge the kidnapping gangs to fast track their industry so that these governments would do something about the situtaion that created this menance.

Crime / Kidnapping: The Most Lucrative Crime Industry In Nigeriaand Ways Of Curbing It by vasnate(m): 5:58am On Sep 27, 2009
I am so sorry If my comments here sounds so so negative and ill fated. Well, I ve got no option than to reiterate the voice of so many Nigerain and that of the Punch writer adeyeye who wrote something on that too (Go and read tha Sat Punch newspaper).

what is happenning right here in nigeria is alarming in terms of kidnapining. though south africa still retains the leadership of such industry but am afraid the rate at which the nigerian kidnappining is growing , south africa would enjoy their leadership only for a breif while. Recent development in Nigeria shows that even the northern part of Nigeria are all embracing the trend wholeheratedly. No doubt more people would soon be kidnapped. However, there's a twist to it all which seems quiting comforting though from a particular point of view.

The kidnappers are turning their attention on the personalities of the political elites, yes, governors and their officails. one should be happy at this development, why, because it means that the government would soon be looking seriously into th e kidnapping industry with a view to checkmate it so that they and their loved ones wldn't fall victims to it, so shall we urge the kidnapping gangs to fast track their industry so that these governments would do something about the situtaion that created this menance.

Business / Who Cares For An Independent Celelbration Gift? by vasnate(m): 5:54am On Sep 26, 2009
Woow! A mouth watering Independent celebration gift is in the offing right away. I am giving you a package meant to change your life, call it a rebranding gift, its nothing but an irresistable offer you can never resist, emails: photocashflow@getresponse.com

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