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The Lord's Prayer. [don't Ignore]. - Religion - Nairaland

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The Lord's Prayer. [don't Ignore]. by destiny4luv(m): 3:19pm On Nov 14, 2013
most clergymen avoid like the
plague. A Scripture that even if
they quote it, they will not
explain it. A Scripture that
debunks the heresy that a sin
against an infinite God demands
infinite punishment. A Scripture
that should shut the mouths of
all those who continually
condemn the teaching that God will
eventually save all sinners, even
the Hitlers and Bundys of the
world. A Scripture that proves
God loves sinners even while
they are yet sinners. A Scripture
that proves one doesn’t have to
prove himself "worthy" of God’s
love before God gives His love.
A Scripture that proves God
knows in advance that He will
save the very worst of sinners
and indeed ALL sinners long
before they ever even think of
First we have to find the world’s
worst sinners -- no, even worse
than you. Check these out:
"I am innocent of the blood
of this JUST PERSON" (Mat.
"They ALL [priests & citizens]
say unto him" (Ver 22)
"let Him be crucified"
"WHY, what evil hath He
done?" (Ver. 23)
"let Him be crucified"
"Jesus answered ... The
blind receive their sight,
and the lame walk, the
lepers are cleansed, and
the deaf hear, the dead are
raised up, and the poor
have the gospel preached
to them" (Matt. 11:4-5)
"crucify Him"
"Come unto me, all ye
[sinners] ... I will give you
rest" (Mat. 11:28)
"crucify Him"
"I [Jesus] have compassion
on the multitude [of sinners]
" (Mat. 15:32)
"crucify Him"
"For the Son of man is come
to save that which was lost"
(Mat. 18:11)
"crucify Him"
"And great multitudes
followed Him; and He
healed them" (Mat 19:2)
"crucify Him"
"Suffer little children...to
come unto Me" (Mat. 19:14)
"crucify Him"
"Who can be saved?...with
God all things are possible"
(Mat. 19:25-26)
"crucify Him"
"I am the Good Shepherd..."
(John 10:11)
"crucify Him"
"God anointed Jesus...who
went about doing good..."
(Acts 10:38)
"crucify Him"
"And the
multitudes ...cried...
‘Hosanna to the SON’" (Mat.
"crucify Him"
"And they [same multitudes
as 21:19] all say ... (27:22)
"let Him be crucified"
"...to you all ... the entire
people of Israel ... Jesus
Christ ... whom" (Acts 4:10)
"you crucify"
"Then answered all the
people ... His blood be on
US... (Mat. 27:25)
"crucify Him"
"And they [everyone -- you,
me, all of us," (Mat. 27:35)
Now then, are you ready for
the Scripture? Are these cruel
murderers of the very Son of
God evil enough to be counted
the worst of the worst sinners
who have ever drawn breath?
Even more evil than Ted Bundy?
First, does anyone doubt that
God the Father ALWAYS heard
Christ’s prayers? "Father, I
thank thee that Thou HAST
HEARD me. And I knew that
(John 11:41-42). Okay then,
here’s the Scripture:
"And when they were
come to the place
which is called Calvary,
there they [everyone --
you, me, the WHOLE
But before our Saviour died, He
prayed this prayer:
THEM ... for they know
not what they do" (Luke
Meditate on that verse for a few
hours -- or years! My prayer is
that not one person reading this
paper will ever forget this verse
and Christ’s prayer for the
forgiveness of the world's worst
of the worst sinners, before any
of them even thought to
Now if any of you, in your
holier-than-thou self-
righteousness, feel that you had
no part in the death of your
own Saviour, Who died for you
and your sins, you will still have
to contend with the fact that
God honored Christ’s prayer by
forgiving those who did,
literally, crucify Him, before
they ever repented or accepted
Him as their Lord and Saviour.
Do you think that just maybe
our Lord knows something
about the future judgment of
these, as of yet unrepentant
murderers, that is not taught in
Christendom today?
"FORGIVE THEM, for they
know not what they do." Was
this just a benevolent gesture
on Christ’s part that has no real
meaning? Do we believe that
Jesus’ God and Father turned
His back on this prayer? Will
God answer "THE LORD’S
PRAYER?" Don’t the theological
giants of Christendom have
Scriptures written in figurative,
metaphorical, and spiritual
symbolism, that if ignorantly
taught to be literal, will
contradict our Lord’s prayer? If
it is not possible for God to
forgive sinners before they
repent, then our Lord’s prayer
is doomed. It was then a prayer
in vain. Jesus prayed in vain.
His Father never heard Him.
Doesn’t it just grind on your
spirit to even hear such stupid
and unscriptural conjectures?
Millions of times a week people
around the world repeat what
they believe to be "The Lord’s
Prayer" (Mat. 6:10-13). Matt. 6
is not the "Lord’s prayer." He
didn’t "pray" that prayer. It was
a very short outline of what we
are to pray for. But this verse in
Luke 23:34, really is, "The
Lord’s Prayer!" Jesus really
DID ... PRAY ... THIS ...
PRAYER! Unlike the hypocritical
Pharisees, Jesus did not make a
habit of praying in public. He
commanded us to pray in the
private closet of our hearts.
Other than blessing the bread
when feeding the multitudes,
Christ seldom prayed in public.
But hanging in total agony on
that Passover cross, He prayed
in public. He prayed for the
whole world to hear. And that
is because His prayer was not
for Himself, but for the whole
I will make a wager right here
and now that the figurative
symbols and metaphors in
Revelation are obviously not to
be taken literally, but that our
Lord’s Prayer in Luke 23:34 IS
to be taken literally. Do I have
any takers?
"Forgive THEM..." There is no
mistaking who the "THEM" are
in this prayer.
World famous preacher John
Hagee teaches the world that
the Jews did not crucify Jesus,
but rather the Romans did. Is
that who the "them" is in our
Lord’s Prayer? The ROMANS?
Give me a break. Maybe that’s
why Christians everywhere
believe that had they been in
Jerusalem on that fateful
Passover nearly two thousand
years ago, they would have
never consented to the
crucifixion of Jesus Christ! Peter
too thought that he would
never deny his Lord (Mat.
Since Christendom refuses to
do it, I will now show you the
real meaning of The Lord’s
True, the Romans did crucify
Christ, but so did the Jews, so
did you, so did I, and so did
John Hagee as well, and I will
now Scripturally prove it.
"For he is NOT a Jew,
which is one outwardly,
neither is that
circumcision, which is
outward in the flesh.
But he is a Jew, which is
one inwardly; and
circumcision is that of
the heart, in the spirit
and not in the letter;
whose praise is not of
men, but of God" (Rom.
worship God in the
spirit, and rejoice in
Christ Jesus, and have
no confidence in the
flesh" (Phil. 3:3).
Who are the true circumcision
which then becomes the True
Jew? Paul says "we." As soon as
we know who the "we" is, we
will also know who is the
"them." Paul was writing to the
Philipians, who lived in Philippi,
a Gentile city in N-central
Macedonia. So these Philippian
converts were both Gentiles,
and true Jews ("we [Philippian
Gentiles] are the circumcision --
Phil. 3:3, which are the true
inward Jew -- Rom. 2:28-29,
the true "Israel of God" -- Gal.
Now then, let us see the plain
Scriptural truth as to who the
"them" are that Jesus asked His
Father to "forgive." For
whomever the Father "forgives"
will certainly not be tortured in
an eternal hellhole of fire.
In Acts 3:6-8 Peter asks Christ
to heal a man. The whole city
was privy to this miracle. Peter
speaks to the crowd:
[that’s us, WE are the
"Israel of God" the "True
Jew"] ... Jesus, Whom ye
[that’s US] delivered up,
and DENIED [along with
Peter] Him ... For ye
[that’s US again] DENIED
the Holy One and Just,
and desired a murderer
to be granted unto you;
and KILLED the Prince
of life ... And now,
brethren, I am aware
that through
IGNORANCE [‘for they
know NOT what they do’]
ye did it, as did your
rulers ... The priests,
and the captain of the
temple, and the
Sadducees ... Annas the
high priest, and
Ciaphas, and John, and
Alexander ... Ye RULERS
of the people, and
ELDERS of Israel ... Be it
known unto YOU ALL,
OF ISRAEL, that by the
name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, whom YE
Why did the HEATHEN rage,
and the PEOPLE imagine vain
things? The KINGS OF THE
EARTH stood up, and the
RULERS [see I Cor. 2:8] were
gathered together AGAINST the
Lord, and AGAINST His
Christ ...
"For of a truth AGAINST
thy holy child Jesus,
whom thou hast
anointed, both Herod,
and Pontius Pilate,
[that’s US, ALL NATIONS]
and the PEOPLE OF
ISRAEL [that’s also US],
were gathered
together, For to do
whatsoever Thy hand
and Thy counsel
determined before to
be done [CRUCIFY HIM]"
(Acts 3:12-4:28).
Sorry, but John Hagee’s
"Romans only" theory has just
bit the dust. So again: Who
crucified our Lord and Saviour?
And who is it that are to be
forgiven because they know not
what they do? "YOU ALL,"
still think your name is left out
of this list somehow?
The whole world is accountable
for crucifying their Saviour Jesus
Christ. But as it was done in
"ignorance" (for they know not
what they do), the whole world
will be forgiven. So what do
these things have to do with the
lake of fire? Everything! I am
trying to show you the mind of
God. This is the way God thinks,
and feels, and forgives, and
LOVES! Since you haven’t
learned these things in Sunday
School, or Wednesday night
Bible Study, or Sunday
sermons, or even theological
seminary, I am showing you
them now. Weigh God’s Words
very carefully.
The worst sin ever committed
by the worst sinners in the
history of the universe, was the
cruel beating and crucifixion of
Jesus Christ -- the Perfect Man
and Son of God! Does anyone
really believe that Ted Bundy’s
crimes or Osama Bin Ladin were worse than
Crucifying the Son of God? Did
the men immediately
responsible (ultimately I’ve
shown that we ALL were
responsible) for His crucifixion
show any remorse or
repentance except Judas? Yet,
Jesus Christ asked God to
"forgive them" at the very
time that they showed no
remorse whatsoever.
Will the Father HEAR these
words and ANSWER these
words of Christ’s prayer? Are
these just the sentimental
words of Jesus that will not be
heard or answered by a HARSH
God in Heaven? Just Whose
"words" are these, anyway?
Where did these words of Jesus
"forgive them" really come
"Believest thou not
that I am in the Father,
and the FATHER IN ME?
The WORDS that I speak
unto you I speak NOT
OF MYSELF; but the
Father that dwells in
WORKS" (John 14:10).
Or was this doctrine of "forgive
them for they know not what
they do" before they ever
repent, a doctrine of Christ that
God did not approve of?
"Jesus answered them,
and said, My doctrine is
man will do His will, he
shall know of the
doctrine, whether it be
of GOD, or whether I
speak of myself " (John
Any questions as to WHOSE
words these were? It is not only
our Lord’s prayer, but it is the
will of God the Father to forgive
them all (US all) for none of
them "knows what they do."
My detractors cry out, "They do
TOO know what they do; they
have REJECTED their Saviour;
they deserve to BURN IN THE
you see, God is not like men
who DELIGHT in the eternal
death and torture of the
"As I live, saith the
Lord God, I have NO
pleasure in the death
[including the second
death] of the wicked;
but that the wicked
turn from his way and
live: turn ye, turn ye
from your evil ways; for
why will you die, O
house of Israel?" (Ezek.
Killing people for their sins is
But it is needful -- for a season.
"To everything there is
a season, and a time to
every purpose under
heaven: A time to be
born, and a time to
die ... a time to kill, and
a time to heal..." (Ecc.
God does not delight or take
pleasure in the death of the
wicked, but that he TURN from
his way and LIVE! But neither
Israel (nor the Gentiles) knows
how to "turn" from their ways.
It takes the "goodness of God"
to "turn" people. I know that all
the billions of "free-willers" in
the world poke fun at such an
idea that mankind of
themselves can do nothing:
"...for without Me ye can do
NOTHING" (John 15;5). But as
for me, I don’t believe men
anymore; I believe God. "Turn,
turn, turn" says the Lord God.
But how shall Israel "turn"
when they have no such power
or ability? Will Israel (all Israel)
ever "turn" and be saved and
LIVE? Not by anything they can
conjure up in their phantom of
free will. Enter GOD:
"For I would not,
brethren, that ye
should be ignorant [but
the WORLD is ignorant
and deceived -- God
created a special creature
to accomplish this very
purpose, Rev. 12:9] of
this mystery, lest ye
should be wise in your
own conceits; that
blindness in part is
happened to Israel,
until [remember there
are ‘seasons’?] The
fullness of the Gentiles
be come in. And so ALL
[how so, I thought they
have to ‘turn’ from their
wickedness and sins, Who
will ‘turn’ them?] As it is
written, There shall
come out of Zion The
Deliverer, and shall
ways’ Ezek. 33:11] from
Jacob [that’s Israel]: For
this is my covenant
unto them, when I shall
(Rom 11:25-27) [it will be
pretty hard to torture
people for all eternity for
sins that they NO LONGER
Am I going too fast for anyone?
This is not rocket science. These
Scriptures are easy!
Who is it that "turns away"
ungodliness from Israel? Must
sinners really, by themselves,
by their phantom "free -will,"
by their own power, by their
own choice, by the goodness
that lies within them (I speak as
a fool), by their self-concocted
love of God -- "turn away from
ungodliness?" Get serious. What
is the only thing in the universe
that can ever bring a person to
repentance? I’ll tell you, if you
promise to never ever forget it!
"Or are you despising
the riches of His
goodness and
forbearance and
longsuffering; not
knowing [here’s that
ignorance thing again --
Satan who DECEIVES the
whole world] that the
leads you to
Once again we are brought back
to the CAUSE OF ALL -- GOD!
And so, it is the
"Deliverer" (Christ the Lord,)
not man’s ‘free’ will, which
"turns away ungodliness" from
Israel. Let’s continue the
thought: "As concerning the
gospel, they [Israel] are
enemies for your sakes
[the ‘casting away’ of
Israel, Ver. 15]: but as
touching the election
[the sure thing that God
had predetermined long
before there ever was an
Israel] they are
BELOVED for the
Father's sake. For the
GOD are without
repentance [changing]
" (Vers. 28-29).
"Forgive them" are the very
words and the doctrine of GOD
THE FATHER! So the truth is we
have Jesus Christ and God the
Father BOTH agreed that
"FORGIVE THEM, for they know
not what they do" WILL BE
AND DONE! God’s words went
out of God’s mouth in this
prayer for the whole sinful
world to hear, and God’s words
do not return to Him VOID (see
Isaiah 55:11)!
Are you believing all these
Scriptures that I am giving you?
Or are you one of those who
thinks he has other Scriptures
that contradict all these
Scriptures I am giving? My
whole purpose is to point you
to God’s Words. When I come
to a Scripture that is not
properly translated, I will point
that out also. So far, I believe,
all of the Scriptures I have
presented speak for
And it is self-evident that these
Scriptures contradict a plethora
of doctrines being taught by the
high priests of Christendom.
Will God somehow change his
mind toward this world of
sinners which crucified His Son
when they are raised at the
great white throne to be
judged? Forget all the Scriptures
for the moment that some of
you just "know" contradict this
prayer. Concentrate on this
prayer, and we will go to the
theirs later. Right here IS the
mind of God. Right here IS the
attitude of forgiveness and love
that God has for sinners -- the
world’s worst sinners! Why
does most of the world of
Christendom refuse to believe
our 'LORD'S PRAYER' which
really has its origin in the will of
the Father? Because it is TOO
GOOD! Many will not tolerate a
Is God fickle? Is God all-
forgiving one day at the cross,
but then CHANGES into an
unforgiving Indian-Giver at the
white throne judgment by
taking it all back?
"I am the LORD, I
CHANGE NOT; therefore
ye sons of Jacob [Israel]
are NOT
CONSUMED" (Malachi
"But He [God] is in ONE
MIND, and who can
TURN HIM? And what
His soul desires [I Tim.
2:4 & Isa. 46:9-11] ,
EVEN THAT [whatever He
wills or desires] HE
DOES" (Job 23:13).
"Jesus Christ is the
SAME yesterday, and
today, and for ever
[Greek: ‘for (into) the eons
also’]" (Heb. 13:cool.
No, God is not fickle: forgiving
today, cursing tomorrow.
Forgiving the worst sinners in
the whole world while they are
yet sinning is the mind,
attitude, and love of God! Any
theologian who tries to tell you
that there are Scriptures that
contradict this Scripture
(whether it be a Scripture on
the lake of fire or any other
Scripture,) is a liar and a
deceiver. "Forgive them [even
the theologians who deny the
Christ Who died for them] for
they know not what they
And so our Lord’s Prayer
WILL ... BE ... DONE! Thank
God! Until next time SHALOM.

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Re: The Lord's Prayer. [don't Ignore]. by Nobody: 6:58pm On Nov 14, 2013

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