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Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) - Religion - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) (2824 Views)

Inspirational Quote Of The Day: God's Novel / "Adam Didn't Die The Day God Said He Would!" / Pastor Chris And T.b Joshua Are Satanic. (pst Chris Is A White Demon) (2) (3) (4)

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Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) by highyo: 5:08pm On Nov 25, 2013
Christmas is directed to the worshiping of a pagan gods, and the priest are the one we called father Christmas. (Funmilayo)

Believe it or not, both sinners, unbeliever, satanist and the kingdom of darkness in the air, in the sea, in the sky celebrate the day Christmas.
Why will satan celebrate the day of his enemy?
No wonder they work so hard to get enough blood, in their blood for the preparation of the day. That’s why, October, November, December, there are so much flow of blood. May God forgive me for ever involve myself in Christmas, I never knew what I was doing then
Let me tell you all, you can not drink from satan cup and Jesus cup at same time, there is no different in celebrating Christmas and Masquerade or yam festival

"Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" (Phil. 2:12). DELIVERANCE from a few religious spirits (praying to Mary, Mass, etc.) is not enough, Believer.

We must confront the strongmen behind the more subtle, or occult traditions practiced in the church today. The spirit of Christmas, for example, not only binds us to Babylon, but allows formerly expelled spirits to re-enter our lives. STRONGMEN MUST BE COMPLETELY OVERCOME, because the slightest compromise will increase their influence over our lives.

The Tradition of Christmas
Christmas is a pagan substitute for the blessing of God.

The Joy of the Lord
Christmas counterfeits the joy of the Lord.

The Myth of Christmas
Excitement and expectation fill the air as the "big day" approaches. People run to and fro, gift lists grow, parties are planned, homes are decorated, egg nog, reefers and other stimulants flow freely, and charitable contributions rise.

The Reality
It all looks good, but beneath the false glitter, people are depressed, suicidal, filled with hate, resentment or murder, and thousands are killed, maimed and traumatized by drunk drivers (highway accidents) or desperate men (street muggins).
Ungodly soul ties are formed at office parties, financial and emotional bondage intensify and drunkenness, reveling and fornication abound. Favoritism and bribery (of mailmen, legislators, politicians and clients) proliferate, merrymakers purchase last minute gifts for unexpected friends (Deut. 16:19) and long periods of financial bondage follow excessive credit-card purchases. The seasonal excitement slithers to a dead halt somewhere between Christmas and New Year's Day, business slumps, dieters dig out the yogurt and magazine articles advise post-holiday depressants how to cope. What a mess!

Christmas in the Protestant Church
"I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (Ex. 20:2-3). Christmas appropriates worship which belongs to the Lord JESUS Christ to other gods.

Denominational Ties
"What? Know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? For two, saith he, shall be one flesh" (1 Cor. 6:16). Denominational churches hold Romish candlelight services which strengthen ungodly soul ties to the harlot and fill undelivered minds with spirits of antichrist, religion, idolatry, and an infant JESUS.

Non-Denominational Churches

"Fear ye not me? saith the Lord...." (Jer. 5:22). Non-denominational churches, as well, often fail to speak out against the tradition of Christmas, either because they too, are entrapped in the mire of religion, concerned about losing their congregations or fearful of financial ruin.

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth" (Ex. 20:4). Merchants profit from the sale of idolatrous figurines, wax candles and other occult items which bring curses upon the purchasers.

"And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth... And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.... AND THEY THAT DWELL UPON THE EARTH SHALL REJOICE OVER THEM, and make MERRY, AND SHALL SEND GIFTS ONE TO ANOTHER; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt upon the earth" (Rev. 11:3,7,10). Christmas gifts and cards counterfeit the gifts of God's Spirit. The church is commanded to demonstrate God's mercy and love (healing and DELIVERANCE) to the afflicted, sick and vexed among God's people, but this great commission has degenerated to a wrapped present, once a year on Christmas day. How strange it is that the only scriptural precedent for exchanging gifts is the death of the two witnesses.

" I am the light of the world; he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life" (John 8:12). Festive lights flickering in windows and on housetops try to counterfeit the Light of CHRIST, but JESUS is the only Light in this totally dark world, and His Light is SPIRITUAL.

Santa Claus, also known as Saint Claus, or Saint Nicholas, the famous mythical character loved by multitudes across the world, is a demonic caricature of our Lord JESUS CHRIST.
The godly qualities of joy (jolly) wealth (bearer of gifts), omnipresence (everywhere on the same night), eternal life (ageless), travel in the Spirit (magical flight), punisher of the wicked (withholds gifts), and rewarder of good (giver of gifts), are combined with the ungodly qualities of Antichrist and World Unity, in this pitiful, comic substitute for the CHRIST of the Bible. Adults as well as children are force-fed this demonic lie (usually from birth), which exposes them to violence, magic, fantasy, war games, dancing reindeer and mystical cartoons, while the Son of God, His truth and His righteousness, are denied and blasphemed by the world.

"Then JESUS said unto them ...Me, the world hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil" (John 7:6,2). Christmas (according to tradition) is the Lord's birthday, BUT WHY WOULD A WORLD THAT HATES AND REJECTS THE SON OF GOD, CELEBRATE HIS BIRTHDAY?

"JESUS needeth not daily...to offer up sacrifice... for this, he did once, when he offered up himself...By the which.... we are sanctified once for all" (Heb. 7:27; 10:10). Christmas is not Christian! It is a Roman Catholic tradition which directs the attention of the world, to the world, to the church at Rome, its ecclesiastical head, the Pope, and millions of Roman Catholics across the world, as they participate in the sacrifice of the CHRIST MASS, the idolatrous recrucifixion of JESUS CHRIST.

"Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain; for one CUTTETH A TREE out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. THEY DECK IT WITH SILVER AND WITH GOLD; THEY FASTEN IT WITH NAILS AND WITH HAMMERS, THAT IT MOVE NOT" (Jer. 10:2-4).
"Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing (Deut. 7:26). Tree worship, which originated in ancient Rome, counterfeits the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST.
The great Roman god (the Roman Nimrod) who died in the midst of his power and glory, was symbolized as a huge dead tree, stripped of all its branches and cut down almost to the ground.
Baal-Berith (the Babylonian Tammuz) was symbolized as an evergreen, or immortal tree.
The Christmas tree, then decked with gold (deity), and silver (unlimited provision), represents the deified, reincarnation life of Nimrod, which has sprung forth from the dead tree stump.

"His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a name written, that no man knew, but He Himself. And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood; and His Name is called The Word of God" (Rev. 19:12-13). My dear friend, Rome has mingled the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord JESUS CHRIST with the pagan death and reincarnation of the Nimrod. It is indeed, the CHRIST of the Bible whom Rome crucifies on Christmas eve, but it is Tammuz who appears on Christmas morning, infantile and powerless in the arms of Semiramis, who reigns supreme over her son/husband and the entire Roman Catholic Church. Like it or not, Believer, CHRISTMAS IS THE CELEBRATION OF JESUS' DEATH AND THE TRANSFERENCE OF HIS RESURRECTED GLORY TO THE PAGAN GOD TAMMUZ.

"And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him" (1 Kings 18:21). The wicked history of this winter festival can be found in any encyclopedia, yet many Believers, snared by the spirit of Christmas, joyously enter into the "holiday season", blinded to, or unwilling to face, its pagan roots. "AND THE ANGEL CRIED MIGHTILY WITH A STRONG VOICE, SAYING, BABYLON THE GREAT IS FALLEN, IS FALLEN, AND IS BECOME THE HABITATION OF DEVILS, AND THE HOLD OF EVERY FOUL SPIRIT, AND A CAGE OF EVERY UNCLEAN AND HATEFUL BIRD (Rev. 18:2)


Satan Worship Disguised
Two phrases that are usually given as an excuse, reason, and/or basis for Christians to continue the celebration of Christmas (CHRIST-mass) are: It's alright as long as you keep "JESUS in Christmas" and as long as you remember that "JESUS is the reason for the SEASON"; Without giving it a second thought we readily accept these excuses as the basis for our zeal to "worship God (on this special day) in Spirit and Truth." Yet in all of our zeal we don't even question the origin of Christmas or how much truth is in it. We just assume that because part of JESUS' name is attached to this event and because our motive is to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST that these are reasons enough to celebrate this event. Now that may sound like a real good spiritual reason or motive, however, what we fail to consider, is that God did not tell us to do this particular thing.
Let us reflect for a moment on a man who is mentioned in the Bible and who also felt like he had a good motive for doing something that he thought would honor and please God. His name is Uzza. "And they carried the ark of God in a new cart out of the house of Abinadah: and Uzza and Ahio drove the cart. And when they came unto the threshing floor of Chidon, Uzza put forth his hand to hold the ark; for the oxen stumbled. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzza, and he smote (killed) him, because he put his hand to the ark: and there he died before God." (l Chr. 13:7,9-10). Why did God kill him? Wasn't he helping God in his effort to keep the ark from falling on the ground? Wasn't that a good motive that he had? Yes, his motive was a good one and I'm sure he felt that he was helping God. However, God still killed him! Why? Because God did not tell him to put his hand to the ark. Also, only the Levi priest could handle the ark. Uzza illustrated (in his actions) the same type of zeal that we show as the basis for our celebration of Christmas. However, if we would just reflect on the origin of Christmas, we would readily realize that Christmas is another one of satan's subtle attempts to cover up a pagan practice (satan worship), by attaching part of JESUS' name to it and deceiving people into believing that to celebrate Christmas is to celebrate the birth of CHRIST, when it really isn't.
Let us now consider those two statements that were mentioned earlier for our basis for celebrating Christmas. Consider for a moment, if JESUS was in Christmas from it's origin, we wouldn't have to be constantly reminded to "Keep JESUS in Christmas" or for that matter do we have the power (of ourselves) to put JESUS there, take him out or keep him there in the first place. What we fail to keep in mind is that JESUS has power over himself and us, whereas we have no power over him; to constrain him to do anything that is not in his will. Remember, if it was God's will for us to set aside a day to celebrate the birth of his Son (JESUS CHRIST), God would have commanded you to do so in His Word (the Bible). JESUS gave us two ordinances to observe (until his return). They are the "Baptism" and the "Lord's Supper". (Rom. 6:3-5, Col. 2:12, I Cor. 11:17-34) Nowhere do you read in the Bible where JESUS, his disciples or apostles stopped and set aside time or even a day to celebrate JESUS' birth. Nowhere in the Bible has JESUS required you to do so either. Yet, we are told by popular religious leaders that "JESUS is the reason for the season", but when researching the origin of Christmas, we find that this statement is untrue and that we are really being deceived. However, because of the "lust in our hearts" (sin which leads to rebellion) we continue to join the world in celebration of this so-called special day. But God has said "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God." (Rom. 12:2)

even though it's not Scripturally based.
Let us consider for a moment what a popular religious leader said about Christmas. He said "Christmas is, by and large, looked at in one of three ways: the biblical context, the framework of commercialism, or the perspective of it's heathen origins." He also stated that the biblical context is found in the first and second chapters of St. Luke. But when we look in Luke 2 and 3, we find the fulfillment of the prophecy concerning the coming of the Messiah, as spoken in Isaiah 9:6 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his Kingdom, to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of host will perform this."
Yet, here in Luke as well as in Matthew we don't read where JESUS said for us to (at sometime during the year) pay special homage to this event. Notice the popular religious leader stated that Christmas has a biblical context, yet we can't find it in the Bible. He also speaks of Christmas in context of commercialism and its heathen origin. The truth of the matter is that the celebration of Christmas was and still is a pagan holiday (of heathen origin) with JESUS' name attached to it to give some believability.
The commercialism is just a "by product" at this pagan celebration. You say at this point, "what is wrong with celebrating the birth of my Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST?" and "I'm NOT participating in a pagan holiday because on that day I worship JESUS in spirit and in truth." That sounds good, however, true worship can only be based upon "truth". Consider now the origin of Christmas and reflect for a moment on all of the lies one must ignore in order to continue to celebrate this day.



Actually, Christmas (or CHRIST-mass) was the direct adoption of a heathen festival observed on December 24 and 25, in honor of the son of the Babylonian queen, Astarte. Observed for centuries BEFORE CHRIST, the Chaldeans called this "child day" or "yule day". (Does the expression, "yule time season" sound familiar)?


As part of this pagan form of satan worship, heathens (Gentiles) would bring (into their houses) fir or pine trees, during this period of the year. They would deck the tree with GOLD AND SILVER ORNAMENTS or gold and silver colored ornaments. The heathens (Gentiles) believed that by bringing this tree into their homes and dressing it up, it would protect their homes from evil spirits. According to one legend, on the eve of the day (Dec. 24). the yule log was cast into a tree from which divine gifts appeared -- PRESENTS from the gods to bless men in the new year. This tree was common in the days of Jeremiah, who expressly warned Israel to forsake this heathen custom. God recognized this custom as a form of idolatry. (Jeremiah 10:1-9) (Psalm 115.4-7)


There is no indication whatsoever, that CHRIST was born on Dec. 25. Rather, from everything found in scripture, one must conclude that He was born during the warmer months of the year. For one thing we know he was laid in a manager (outside in an unheated stable). The cold months in Israel (from Dec. to Feb.) are generally too severe for traveling to pay a tax, as Joseph did with his family. One must realize that all travel in those days was by foot, or leastways by very primitive means; scripture tells us that shepherds were in the fields. Even though there are times when shepherds might be in fields at this time of year, it is not likely that they would be out in the open with their flocks during the winter months. (Luke 2:9)

The manger display you see every Christmas with the wise men isn't true! It's tradition and tradition is unreliable! The bible doesn't say THREE wise men! It doesn't give a number. Remember, it said all Jerusalem was troubled when they entered the city. So they would have to travel in large caravans so that they could pass the crime infested desert regions. When the wisemen saw JESUS he was 18 months old (or older) and no longer a baby. The bible says they went to the "young child's HOUSE".

are a direct extension of pagan worship to the sun god. Yet good Christian people participate and enjoy this form of pagan worship under the disguise of Christmas.

We know further that the apostles did not observe the day we do as CHRIST's birthday. Tertullian, writing in the middle of the THIRD CENTURY, lamented the fact that Christians were BEGINNING to observe the customs of the heathen in this regard. He said, "Gifts are carried to and fro, New Year's Day presents are made with din, (loud noise) sports and banquets are celebrated with uproar."

Re: Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) by highyo: 5:09pm On Nov 25, 2013
The Origin of Christmas in the Church
The church structure, full of pagans since Constantine's reign, became so corrupt in its effort to recruit ever more to church membership, that the heathen festival of Dec. 25 was adopted and its name changed to "CHRIST-mass". With the "S" being dropped later, it became an acceptable holiday to the Protestants because they no longer considered it a mass for CHRIST (which it still is).

Christmas Defined
The mass is a ceremony conducted by the Catholics. In this ceremony the priest are (supposed) to offer CHRIST as a sacrifice for sin. They also (suppose to ) have the power to bring CHRIST off the Cross and then make him take the form on a little wafer. This wafer is given to the people participating in this ceremony. The people are told (by the priest) that when they eat this wafer, "they have received JESUS". This entire practice is unscriptural and of pagan origin.
The Catholic Church instituted the celebration of Christmas and sold the idea to both the Protestants and the world. The Protestants were deceived into believing that they are celebrating the birth of CHRIST, but in reality, they are celebrating a pagan holiday that had a name change. The world accepts Christmas as what it really is -- just another pagan holiday with a Christian name. A time to be merry and make merry! Often times, you hear people say that a person doesn't have the "Christmas Spirit" if he looks sad or says something against Christmas.
However, if you ever took notice, its quite apparent that the "Christmas Spirit" is not of CHRIST.

Christmas and the Christian

When the facts about Christmas are revealed, it becomes easy to see that JESUS is not and has never been a part of Christmas. JESUS would never associate His name with lies because He is truth. One must readily see that Christmas is another one of Satan's many subtle tricks to deceive us. Well, the question comes to mind, "Why do well known religious leaders advocate the celebration of ChristMas?" The answer is found in one word, "MONEY". This is the time of the year when it is easiest to get people to give money to just about any cause and this is the time of the year when they can get the most for their programs, networks etc. Keep in mind, that God holds them accountable for their Sin and this shouldn't influence you to join them in this Sin because they choose to.
After you evaluate the facts and weight the evidence, the only conclusion that you can reach is that JESUS is NOT in Christmas, and never was. Also, we don't have the power to put JESUS in Christmas (even if we wanted to). God has not asked, told, or commanded us to celebrate CHRISTmass, but we, like Uzza, (who put his hand on the ark and died) believe that we are doing God a favor and bestowing great honor on His Son. We assume (in this instance) that we know the mind of God and to celebrate (we say) the birth of His Son, just has to be in God's will. But in reality, we don't know the mind of God. "For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or, Who hath been his counselor? Or, who hath first given to him and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For of him, and through him and to him, are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen." (Romans 11:34-36).
Why Is celebrating Christmas a Sin? Because their is no truth in it, and God cannot receive glory from any event that has no truth in it. God commands us to worship him in spirit and in truth. "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the TRUE WORSHIPERS shall worship the Father in spirit and in Truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." (John 5:23-24) Anything less is Sin. God is asking you to examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves, how that JESUS CHRIST is in you except ye be reprobates? (2 Cor 13:5)
When the world asks you and begins to persecute you for not celebrating Christmas, ask yourself this question; "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? For if I yet please men I should not be the servant of CHRIST." (Gal. 1:10) Don't celebrate the fact that JESUS was born into this world as someone in history, but rather be joyous and celebrate (everyday) that this same JESUS saved your sin sick soul."
But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they SACRIFICE TO DEVILS (DEMONS), and not to God; and I would not that ye should have FELLOWSHIP with DEVILS. Ye cannot drink the "Cup of the Lord" and the "Cup of Devils": Ye cannot be partakers of the Lords Table, and of the Table of DEVILS." (l Cor 10:20-21) Remember, God said; "And Ye SHALL know the Truth and the Truth shall set you Free." (John 8:32).
(Demon Buster)

Re: Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) by Adeoba10(m): 5:30pm On Nov 25, 2013
Are u xpecting me to read all diz? Anywhere, av consulted sum groups of engineer, sum profexor n co, bcus am tired of going 2ru d bible luking for Dec 25... Still digging and Searching.
Re: Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) by sylve11: 5:36pm On Nov 25, 2013
When i get to cele bud stop may i m gonna read it whole. cool
Re: Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) by Obascoetubi: 5:59pm On Nov 25, 2013
Re: Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) by woky: 6:20pm On Nov 25, 2013
i wil read the trash after 25th of dec grin


Hapi christmas in advance jooor
Re: Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) by Nobody: 7:57pm On Nov 25, 2013
It could be true but who knows? I don't think Jesus was born certainly born on the 25th december, it was not written in the bible either.

Jehovah Witness don't celebrate christmas and they have also told me several number of times the same thing you have written here that is what a day celebrated by the pagans.

well. Its christmas! Just a Holiday!
Re: Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) by harbiola1(m): 10:47pm On Nov 25, 2013
@OP, Christmas day is nt Satanic day, bt u can say Christmas celebration is Satanic.
Or if u were born on 25 of December would u say u were borne on Satanic day?

Change the topic if possible pls.
Re: Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) by jahbiz: 1:02am On Nov 26, 2013
I cant imagine reading this text book now. Maybe next time am going to sit for CRK test/exam.
Re: Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) by Demainman1: 1:09am On Nov 26, 2013
Re: Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) by highyo: 8:47am On Nov 26, 2013

Re: Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) by Demainman1: 1:38am On Nov 28, 2013
@Highyo, Read this article and see the inspiration for choosing the 25th Dec. I know your decision is very likely based on the fact that the Catholic church gave us that day. But it is God himself that inspired those men all those years to select that day. Read!


The M+G+R Foundation

December 25th is a



The Logical Day to Celebrate the Birth of the Messiah


The purpose of this brief document is to explore the Divine Logic which moved the early Christian leaders to fix the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25th.


Although we have had this matter in the inkwell for years, the "Go Ahead" from Heaven came in the form of the following communication received in the year 2005 from one of our friends:

Why do we continue with the 25th as part of some old pagan celebration of light coinciding with the shortest day of the year? Why not make the Easter celebrations the focal point for Christian celebrations?

Keeping very clear in mind that Jesus is a Jew, born under the Mosaic Law and from a Jewish Mother and is indeed the promised Messiah, we should then seek the logic used by His Father in moving men to celebrate the date of His birth on December 25th. Notice, we say "celebrate" and are not stating that His birth indeed took place on that date, although it could have very well been.


History has it that it was not until A.D. 350, that December 25 was declared the official date for celebrating Christmas by Pope Julius I. When the fathers of the church decided to settle upon a date to celebrate the event, they chose the day of the winter solstice (as it was on the then-current Julian calendar), since it coincided with some rival religions' celebrations and the rebirth of the sun, symbolized by bon-fires and yule logs.

December 25 was a festival long before the conversion of the Germanic peoples to Christianity, so it seemed fitting to them that the time of their winter festival would also be the time to celebrate the birth of Christ. The darkness of paganism that had frightened and threatened to defeat the spirit of the ancient people, was forever defeated by the coming of Christ.

Well, that was man's logic. They felt they needed to tie-in to a Pagan rite so that the celebration of the Birth of the Messiah - the true Savior of the World - would become popular. Their own lack of Faith (1) prevented them from believing that God, the Father, by His Own Divine Right, would see that the celebration of the birth of His Son would take hold on its own without resorting to the "bait-and-switch" technique frequently used by the Church Administration in an effort to "create" faith.

Result: The date was set on the right day and month, for all the wrong reasons (2).

Why God chose that particular day? Well, as we have consistently reminded the Faithful, Jesus was a Jew. (3) Thus, scrolling back to the time of the destruction of Jerusalem and the great captivity of the Jews by Nabuchodonosor, the mighty King of Babylon, around the year 586 BC, we find Jehoiachin (Jechonias), King of Judea, amongst the captives. Then, right after the ascension of Evil-merodach to the Throne of Babylon, something marvelous happens as related by dear Jeremiah [52:31-34]:

And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, in the five and twentieth day of the month, that Evil-merodach king of Babylon, in the first year of his reign, lifted up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah, and brought him forth out of prison; And he spake kindly to him, and set his throne above the throne of the kings that were with him in Babylon, and changed his prison garments. And Jehoiachin did eat bread before him continually all the days of his life: and for his allowance, there was a continual allowance given him by the king of Babylon, every day a portion until the day of his death, all the days of his life.

Lo and behold! A key link in the genealogy of Jesus [Matthew 1:2-16] is saved and restored to his throne on the five and twentieth day of the twelfth month by his own captors.

Well, there you have it, the five and twentieth day of the twelfth month : December 25th.

Refreshing the mind of the Faithful regarding the genealogy of Jesus we read in Matthew 1:17 the following:

So all the generations from Abraham unto David are fourteen generations; and from David unto the carrying away to Babylon fourteen generations; and from the carrying away to Babylon unto the Christ fourteen generations.

Thus, David was a key link between the first and second sets of fourteen generations in the Genealogy of Jesus and Jehoiachin was the other key link, this time, between the second and third sets of generations which led to the birth of Christ.

"Hold it!", some will say, while quickly adding "There is a calendar problem! The twelfth month for Jews is not like our twelfth month, December."

As if God would not have thought of that too!

The names of the twelve months are of Babylonian origin. Israel adopted all twelve months of the Babylonian calendar as their civil calendar. Therefore, the twelfth month in our current civil calendar (Gregorian) is December. That is, when we read in Jeremiah about the "twelfth month", it is the twelfth month of the civil calendar and not of the Jewish religious calendar.

But that is not all. God likes to "cover all bases", as the saying goes.

Around (4) the date we celebrate Christmas, the Jews celebrate the Festival of Lights (Chanukah). This Jewish holiday commemorates the victory of the Jews over the Hellenistic Syrians back in 165 BC. After their victory, the Maccabees went in to clean and dedicate the Holy Temple in Jerusalem that the Syrians had defiled.

The Judean heroes could find little undefiled lamp oil. Miraculously, the tiny amount they did find kept the lamps going eight days, until new oil could be had. Thus, the miracle is celebrated with the lighting of the Chanukah candles over eight days.

And just exactly on what day did that such festival started originally? In 1 Macabees 4: 52 we read exactly when:

And they arose before morning on the five and twentieth day of the ninth month (which is the month of Tevet)....

...and that would have been exactly our December 25th of today! But that is not all.

Ninth month? That is the exact period of Mary's gestation of Jesus which started on March 25th, which, Lo and Behold! is the first month of the Jewish Religious Calendar. We would not doubt it at all if upon accurate calculations, on the year Jesus was born (5 B.C.), the Annunciation did take place exactly on the first day of the Jewish Religious Year.

By the way, in the year 2005 the Feast of Purim occurred on March 25th, Feast of the Annunciation.

The reader may ask: So? What is celebrated on the Feast of Purim? The Feast of Purim celebrates how the Jews of Persia narrowly escaped annihilation thanks to the bravery of Queen Esther. (5)

And thanks to the bravery of Mary, humanity escaped annihilation thorough its Redemption brought to it through Mary by Jesus Christ. Amazing, isn't it?

The eight days of Chanukah celebration?..... The Octave of Christmas which counts the days from December 25th until Jesus is circumcised, something that is not a fabrication of the Church leaders. It was the Jewish custom.

It seems that we could go on indefinitely "connecting dots" since, in spite of man, everything from God is coherent and harmonious.


As always, and thanks be to Him!, God had the last word. The celebration of His Son's Birth could not have been set on a better date - regardless of what flawed human reasoning was used to set it on December 25th.

Now perhaps the Faithful may understand why it seems that miguel de Portugal keeps denouncing some (some, not all!) of the Roman Church Administrators while upholding the foundations of the Catholic Faith to the last word (6).... As you have been reminded through the above example, even satan has to serve God, and even if the motives of the leaders of Christianity were totally wrong, God's Will was done!

Re: Christmas Day Is Pure Satanic Day (God Forgive Me, I Celebrated It In The Past) by highyo: 8:01am On Nov 28, 2013
harbiola1: @OP, Christmas day is nt Satanic day, bt u can say Christmas celebration is Satanic.
Or if u were born on 25 of December would u say u were borne on Satanic day?

Change the topic if possible pls.
one thing you don't understand is that, they have being celebrating this day before Christ was born

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