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Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 5:26pm On Feb 23, 2017
Daily Reading


THURSDAY 23/2/2017



Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 92, 94

Devotional Reading: Acts 4:1-4

Topic For Adults: Sow The Seed With Simplicity

Topic For Youths: The Invisible Transforming Power

Topic For Intermediates: Knowledge Of Mysteries Of God’s Kingdom

Scripture Lesson: Matt. 13:31-33; Acts 1:4-8

Memory Verse: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field which indeed is the least of all the seeds, but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree” (Matt. 13:31b:32a) NKJV


The contemporary believers can achieve the same success when we are willing to be taught and willing to share the truth we have learned with others. The knowledge about the mysteries of the kingdom of God has been given to us (Matt. 13:11). Let us endeavour to sow the seed to the sinners so that the kingdom can be enlarged through us. The illustration of the fermented dough is displeasing but it is used to produce something good. As the yeast permeates the dough and spreads from particle to particle as tiny living organism, fungus type microscopic plants and propagate themselves so is the gospel spreading through society and influence the people even those that initially opposed it.



Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 75, 80

Devotional Reading: 1 Cor. 2:6-16

Topic For Adults: Sell All To Get Godly Pearl

Topic For Youths: Don’t Miss Your Unique Opportunity

Topic For Intermediates: The Kingdom Of God Is Better Than All

Scripture Lesson: Matt. 13:44-46

Memory Verse: Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like unto treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid, and for joy over it, he goes and sells all that he has and buys the field (Matt. 13:44) NKJV


The parable of the hidden treasure illustrates the kingdom of God which is a priceless treasure that should be desired above all things. One should acquire the kingdom by selling all and giving up everything that would prevent our being part of it. Selling all means that we must transfer our whole heart from other interest to the one supreme interest – Christ Jesus. Strive to be Roman 12:1 compatible. “I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service”.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 1:46pm On Feb 24, 2017
Daily Reading


FRIDAY 24/2/2017



Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 68, 69

Devotional Reading: 1 Cor. 12:1-11

Topic for Adult: You Will Be Held Accountable.

Topic for Youth: Use Your Talents To Glorify God

Topic for Intermediates: Don’t Bury Your Talents

Scripture Lesson: Matt. 25:14-30; Ps. 8:3-6; Prov. 10:4-5

Memory Verse: For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. Matt. 25:14 (NKJV)


In the parable in verse 16 that the one “who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents.” In another Bible version, we read that this man “went at once.” One thing that set this servant apart from the third servant was his faith. And there were two things that showed that he had faith. First of all, he took a certain measure of risk. He could easily have taken the safe route and buried his talents too. But instead, he took his money and invested it. Another indication that this was a man of faith was the fact that he “went at once.” Alexander the Great, when asked how he had conquered the world, replied, “By not delaying.” This servant didn’t waste any time in investing his master’s money—he didn’t want to lose even a day’s interest on that money, so he “went at once.” You are encouraged to go at once, God helping you.



Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 27, 150, 237

Devotional Reading: Matt. 19:23-30

Topic for Adults: Complaints and Craving

Topic for Youths: No Preferential Treatments

Topic for Intermediates: At My Level I Am Ready to Work for God

Scripture Lesson: Matt. 20:11-16

Memory Verse: For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast (Eph. 2:8-9) NKJV


God offers His gift of salvation to all people. A way to picture this in our minds is to think of God calling men, women, boys and girls on the phone. If someone is calling you or me on the phone, we have a choice to pick up the phone and answer it, don’t we? We can stand there and look at the phone while it rings and never pick it up to find out who is calling and hear what they have to say. It is the same with God’s call. When a person answers God’s call to be saved, He gives him a job to do Matt. 28:19-20. Each person is created with abilities to do the work. No one knows how long they will be on this earth before God calls them home to be with Him. Believers will be rewarded by God not by work they do for Him. The greatest reward is to hear the words ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 8:41am On Feb 27, 2017

Mon. 27/2/2017

God Created All

Gen. 1:1-25

Perhaps you have read Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution which explains that life originated from a small microscopic organism. Your culture, too, may have a mythological account of how the world began. Science and cultural myths have some unconvincing, doubtful accounts of how all things began. The Bible, the Word of the Almighty God gives us an account of how all things began. In a very simple but authoritative language, it declares that “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). It explains how God, the Creator of all things, formed both living and non-living things on earth, including man. God, by His spoken creative word brought all things into existence. Yes, all things! By Prophetic announcement, Isaiah declares “For thus says the LORD, who created the Heavens, God Himself who formed the earth and made it. He has established it. He did not create it without purpose, but formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD, and there is no one else” (Isa. 45:18). Believers accept this creation story as authentic and unimpeachable. God created all things, both visible and invisible, liquid and solid substances, organic and inorganic materials, etc. What a Mighty God! And He did it within six days!

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God is the Creator of all things, including you.

PRAYER POINT: God, I recognise You as the Creator of all things. I worship You!
Re: Online Bible School by Kenneth4u205(m): 1:16pm On Feb 27, 2017
will start following your school.hope questions are allowed?
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 9:59pm On Feb 27, 2017
will start following your school.hope questions are allowed?
Yes sir
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 12:18pm On Feb 28, 2017

Tue. 28/2/2017

God Created You

Gen. 1:26-31

It was hinted in yesterday’s devotional that God created you. You are not a product of any spoken word other than the initial invitation to the Trinity to form man. The king of God’s creations, creative efforts were made on you; you were made after the image and likeness of God and given dominion to reign and rule. That is who you are! Gen. 2:7 reveals that “Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground, and He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul”. Remember that earlier, it has been shown that “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him. He created them male and female” (Gen. 1:27). Thus, whether male or female, we all possess and carry within us the breath of God, the Divine. This underscores the sacredness of life. You are not your own; you belong to God! God says “Behold, all souls are Mine. The soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine. The soul who sins shall die” (Ezek. 18:4) God created man to inhabit the earth. “For in Him we live and move and have our being…we are also His offspring” (Acts 17:28) You are His!

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God created you and you belong to Him, not to yourself!

PRAYER POINT: God, I recognize You as my Creator. Help me to remain Yours in my entire life.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 9:21am On Mar 01, 2017

Wed. 1/3/2017

Importance of God’s Ownership

Isa. 43:1-7, 21

God owns the heaven and the earth. His ownership covers all things underneath land, things in the seas (living and non-living) things on the surface of any land, things in the atmosphere, all known planets and all things in heaven. No wonder the Psalmist declares “The earth is the LORD’s and its fullness, the world and those who dwell in it”. (Ps. 24:1). It is understood that God created all things earlier than man so that those things created might support the life and existence of man on earth. The fact that God owns all has a number of implications: (1) He decides what to do with them, and this is why you need to seek what His perfect will is for your life. (2) He watches over you and cares for you. Therefore, you need to trust Him (3) He will not leave you at the mercy of others; He protects you night and day (4) He may sack others from positions and lands and put you in their place. It is His unquestionable discretion (5) He can equally destroy you if you turn against Him and His will. Be careful God is invincible and invisible. He is an unseen warrior that never loses any battle and you are not permitted to arrogate to yourself what belongs to Him. He created us to bring glory and praise to His name. Submit to His will for your life.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God does what He likes with His creation, none can query Him.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to trust in You and submit to Your will for my life.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 9:57am On Mar 02, 2017

Thur. 2/3/2017

Allegiance To The Owner

Exo. 19:3-6

God had just delivered Israel from Egypt and they had made a three month journey into the wilderness, heading for the promised land of Canaan. In the wilderness of Sinai, they camped and God sent Moses to them. He warned “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagle’s wings and brought you to Myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you will be My own possession above all people, for all the earth is Mine. And you will be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation...” (V4-6) The charge to obey His voice and keep His covenant is a summons to allegiance. A master-servant relationship always calls for a loyal commitment to the cause of the master, the owner. Believers owe and must show indisputable allegiance to God in all things. That is why you cannot serve any strange god other than the only true God. No interfaith, no apostacy, no betrayal of trust, no backsliding, but only an un-abating commitment to follow and serve only Jehovah, who created and owns you. God has zero tolerance for any breach of your allegiance to Him. Remain ever loyal to His cause throughout your lifetime.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God owns and cares for you; be loyal to Him only.

PRAYER POINT: Hold my hands, Lord, and lead me on.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 7:58am On Mar 03, 2017

Fri. 3/3/2017

God Allocates Resources

Lk. 19:11-26

God’s Word is profoundly amazing! God created and owns all things - all resources, both human and material. Talking about materials, we mean essentially mineral resources and by human resources we mean human abilities. Some countries have crude oil; some have gold, some have other solid minerals; some fertile agricultural land, some have coastal boundaries and others are land locked. These resources are distributed all over the world by the sole Owner – God. You can’t have them by mere wishful thinking. God has allocated these natural resources as they would be needed by those in different regions where the mineral deposits exist. So it is with human abilities and other blessings. John the Baptist declares “A man can receive nothing except it be given him from heaven” (Jn. 3:27). James, the Apostle confirms that “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation nor a shadow of turning”(Jam. 1:17). The meaning of all this is that God, in His infinite wisdom and unquestionable discretion, allocates resources to all in harmony with their purposes and gift in life. There is therefore no room for envy or covetousness. Use and enjoy what God has freely given to you.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God has blessed you, too. Tap your resources, use and enjoy them.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to discover and use all resources You have put at my disposal.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 10:22am On Mar 04, 2017

Sat. 4/3/2017

The Owner’s Right To Account

Isa. 5:1-7

An owner has a right to demand account from his creations. Because he has a purpose for creating what he has made, he has a legitimate expectation and needs to call for accounts. So is God with His creatures. The story under reference is very clear. The vineyard owner expects to reap good grapes but he finds grapes that are sour. What a disappointment! In this allegory, the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel and the men of Judah are His pleasant plant (v.7). Rather than produce justice and righteousness as expected, the nation of Israel brought forth oppression and hardships. You and I will give account of our journeys through this earth. We will give our individual reports to God. Jobs says “I would give Him an account of my every step, I would present it to Him as to a ruler (Job 31:37 – NIV). Paul declares “So then each of us will give account of ourselves to God” (Rom.14:12). How ready and excited will you feel when God, our Creator calls for your accounts?

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God has the right as Creator and owner to demand an account from us.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to lead my life in a manner that I will feel excited when you call on me for account.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 8:21pm On Mar 06, 2017

Mon. 6/3/2017

Keep Your Light Burning

Lk. 12:35-40

The end time is here and many of God’s children are weary of doing His will. The love of many has waxed cold. The Lord has promised His church He would return someday, which is not known to any one, not even angels except God the father. His expectation is that whenever He comes, He would meet a ready church. It will be highly regrettable if any Christian is caught unawares. Faithful servants who are found watching are referred to as ‘’blessed’’. These are the ones that are considered qualified to dine with the Lord. Believers are therefore admonished and encouraged to keep their loins girded and their lights burning. They are to return to their first love and serve God with all faithfulness. Pleasing God should always be our priority irrespective of the situation around us.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The Lord shall return at a time when no one expects. Faithful servants must always be on guards and keep their lights burning.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to remain focused on things of eternal value, and help me to do Your will day by day and remain a faithful servant.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 7:51am On Mar 07, 2017

Tue. 7/3/2017

We Are The Lord’s

Rom. 14: 7-11

God created everything on earth, including man. He placed him in his environment and gave him dominion over every other thing He made. Man soon starts seeing himself as an independent entity who does not need God’s opinion in the things he does. People are so encumbered with things of this world at the expense of God’s business. They live day by day with this erroneous belief that their lives belong to them and they can live the way they choose. Unfortunately, many Christians are also caught in this ungodly web. Christians should always be reminded that the essence of their living is to serve God. A life devoid of God’s service is a worthless life. We cannot afford to live our lives just anyhow because we are the Lord’s. As long as we live, we must do His will for we are His.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: As long as we are still alive, we are the Lord’s. Let us endeavour to live for Him.

PRAYER POINT: Father, help me to live my life for You every day realising that my life is not my own.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 3:16pm On Mar 09, 2017

Wed. 8/3/2017

Be A Good Steward Of God’s Grace

1 Pet. 4:6-11

God gives the gifts of the spirit to believers freely and generously. As good stewards, we are expected to minister the same to one another. Spiritual gifts are God’s possession and were given to us freely. It’s a pity the church has become a commercial centre where salvation and miracles are for sale. Christians should at no point and for no reasons, put up these gifts for sale. The gifts are meant for the blessing of mankind, edification of the church of Christ and the glory of God. If you possess any resources, it is by God’s grace and this grace must not be taken for granted. Being puffed up simply because the power of God is on you and the gift of the Spirit is manifesting through you is an act of abuse of God’s grace.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God wants us to be good stewards of His grace through which the gifts of the Spirits are given.

PRAYER POINT: O Lord, help me to bless mankind with the gifts You gave me. Make me a good steward.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 3:17pm On Mar 09, 2017

Thur. 9/3/2017

The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil

1 Tim. 6:6-11

Money and other earthly possessions are good. The Scripture also says money answereth all things, but the love of money is the root of all evil. Craving for earthly wealth brings about covetousness and desperation. Desperation eventually leads many into all sorts of atrocities just for the sake of getting money. In our society today, people engage in such vices as ritual killing, kidnapping, human and drug trafficking just for the love of money. We should not be carried away by the crazy competition of wealth acquisition going on in the world today. Some so called Pastors are not helping matters in that they preach prosperity messages that push their congregations to get money at all cost and by all means. God is against this and they must desist from such or face the wrath of God. Riches belong to God and He gives according to His will. We are not to be too money conscious. The love of money is misleading.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Godliness with contentment is great gain. We brought nothing to this world and we shall carry nothing out.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, give me contentment with what I have.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 12:13pm On Mar 10, 2017

Fri. 10/3/2017

Beware Of Covetousness

Lk. 12:15-21

The rich man in our scripture reading today was referred to as a ‘fool’ by Jesus because he was busy laying up treasures for himself. Covetousness will make a man desire to acquire everything on earth and he is not ready to part with any of his riches. Putting one’s trust in the power of riches will only lead to covetousness. Man is never satisfied with what he has; even when he has achieved so much he still wants to acquire more. Jesus said, “Take heed, and beware of covetousness, for a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his wealth”. Living one’s life as if all that matters is money making is detrimental to one’s spiritual and physical health. We came into this world with nothing and we shall surely leave with nothing. God wants His children to put their trust in Him rather than in the resources they can gather. Anyone who lays up treasure for himself on this earth alone (according to scriptures) is a fool. Be wise.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: When your soul shall be required, then whose shall those things be which you have provided?

PRAYER POINT: Father, remove covetousness from my life and that of all our church members. Give me satisfaction in Your provisions for me.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 7:40am On Mar 11, 2017

Sat. 11/3/2017

God Rewards Faithful Stewards

Matt. 25: 14-30

God is the rewarder of them that diligently serve Him. A labourer is worthy of his wages. Whosoever works faithfully for God in His vineyard will be rewarded. Those stewards who are good and faithful in handling God’s possession in their care will receive well done from the Lord. They will be trusted and given greater things to handle. Above all, God will receive them into His place of joy. When you manage the resources God gave to you properly, not boasting about them or selfishly keeping them for yourself alone but using your resources to meet the needs of the church as well as the needy around you, then you are considered a faithful servant. God is ever faithful to reward every act of faithfulness. Are you a faithful steward?

POINT OF EMPHASIS: We shall all receive the rewards of our work whether good or bad.

PRAYER POINT: Father, make me a faithful steward of Your possession so I can receive the rewards prepared for me.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 10:59am On Mar 12, 2017
12/3/2017 LESSON 2



Unit 1: You Are The Lord’s (Lessons 1-2)

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 10, 75

Devotional Reading: MK. 10:17-25

Topic For Adults


Topic For Youths


Topic For Intermediates


Scripture Lesson

1 COR. 4:1-2, 6-7; 6:1,19-20; 19:11-27; 16:1-2


MEMORY VERSE: Moreover, it is required in stewards that one be found faithful. 1 Cor. 4:2 (NKJV)


A steward is a person employed to take care of another person’s property, a manager of another’s estate. Everything man has acquired on earth was given to him by God, for the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. We must understand the fact that we are mere caretakers of our possessions, they actually belong to God. God has placed us in charge and He expects faithfulness in the management of His possession, to the glory of His name, edification of His church and blessing of mankind.


PART 1: WE ARE STEWARDS. (1 COR. 4:1, 6-7; 6:19-20)

The word “steward’ came from the Greek word oikonomos. Oikonomos is a compound word made up of iokos, “house” and nemo “to arrange”. This word refers to the Manager of a household or estate, or an administrator.

God has made us managers or administrators of all He gave to us – wealth, intellect, skill, gifts of the Spirits and even our bodies.

We are to understand that the earth is the Lord’s and everything therein (Ps. 50:12). Everything belongs to Him. (Col. 1:16). You are not to boast about your possession. As stewards, we are to manage God’s own things on earth and we shall give an account of our stewardship. Some believe what they have was acquired through their personal efforts, and hence, they boast in their riches and do what they so desire with them. Some even believe their bodies are theirs and they can decide to dress half-naked, change their skin colours or gender, apply tattoos all over their bodies.

As the redeemed of God, God will demand from us an account of our stewardship on earth. It is okay to find satisfaction in your work. Just remember to thank God for creating you and giving the gifts, skills and strength that allow you to succeed. We are not to do what we want with what we have, but what He wants.


A faithful steward is the one that acts as his master intended. It is being obedient totally to the biddings of the Lord. Stewards of God’s possession are expected to faithfully manage His possession not holding on to riches while God’s work or the poor suffer.

Stewardship is often associated with the word “tithe”, ‘offering’, ‘generosity’ or ‘money’. While these associations are not wrong, stewardship means much more than simply giving time, talent and treasure. It demands a way of life that encourages virtue and bears the fruit of solidarity among people. Being a good and faithful steward requires a person to find ways in which he can collaborate with others to make the resources in his possession work for the good of all as intended by God.

Faithfulness implies generosity, open handedness and having consideration for others. It denotes Christians using the gifts and resources entrusted to them by the Lord for the strengthening and encouragement of fellow believers.

We have an obligation to provide for ourselves and our families, and to maintain a way of life that respects our own dignity as persons. Yet, we must recognise that most of us have opportunities and resources at our disposal that other people will never have. Therefore, it is our responsibility, as faithful stewards, to bless others with what we have.


The Lord honours and richly rewards those who have been faithful in the management of His resources.

When they were called to give account of their stewardship, the good stewards in Jesus’ parable were rewarded while the wicked stewards were punished. The master responds to the good steward’s faithfulness by entrusting him with more responsibility. Faithfulness in small matters leaves us open to being entrusted with greater responsibilities.

The rewards given to faithful stewards can be both temporal and eternal. Temporal rewards include honour, enrichment, encouragement and commendations. Eternal reward is living forever in the joy of the Master in His kingdom. God actually made these rewards for all His children in expectation of their faithfulness in the course of their stewardship.


It is a high time we changed our mentality about the things we possess. The earlier this is done, the sooner we realise our position as stewards, and the easier we find it to release to the glory of God. Our attitude and action concerning stewardship is what matters, what we do with what we have while we have time to do it is the issue that really matters according to the word of God. God expects your faithfulness as the manager of His possession.


In a simple sentence, explain the word ‘steward’

Why should ‘the redeemed of God’ not boast of their achievements?

What are the things that stewardship is associated with?

What is required of a faithful steward?

How does God reward faithful steward and what is the portion of the ones that are not faithful?
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 8:59am On Mar 13, 2017

Mon. 13/3/2017

Let Your Faith Have Good Impact On Others

Ruth 1:16-19a

The good affection which the two daughters in-law showed to accompany Naomi back to Judah not persuading her to stay in Moab, evidence that they had dwelt together in unity. Though the basis of their relationship had ceased, (i.e. their husbands have died) the influence which Naomi had on them was responsible for the unparallel love that existed between them. Ophah, through the persuasion of Naomi, went back but Ruth made a solemn allegiance to follow her and make her religion and God her own. The degree of unity between them is worthy of emulation by believers especially the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law. The decision of Ruth to follow Naomi was as a result of the influence which she had on her and this made her to be saved from her idolatry and hereafter became part of the lineage of Jesus Christ. Indeed Ruth was committed and she was rewarded for her profession “your people shall be my people and your God my God”.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Let others make allegiance to your God by the effect of your good impact on them.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, grant me the grace to draw unbelievers to You by my good conduct.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 11:50am On Mar 14, 2017

Tue. 14/3/2017

Show Your Exceptional Loyalty To Your Leaders

2 Sam. 23:13-17

Since it is the beginning of harvest, the weather was hot and dry. This was why David became thirsty (v. 13). David at the cave of Adullam and the presence of the Philistines in Bethlehem (v.14) is an indication that it is probably during the early reign of David or even before he was established as the king. The three warriors attended to David in his need voluntarily without being forced to do so because of the influence he had on them. They suffered with him. In Saul’s reign, they were driven to live in caves and strongholds. They preferred to stay with him. The influence David had on these valiant men made them to break through Philistines camp. They risked their lives to show their exceptional loyalty to their leader in making his longings realised. David also shows tender regard he had for the lives of the soldiers. He thought the water fetched at the expense of the lives of the soldiers was more precious more for his own drinking that he had to pour it as a drink-offering for God.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Your exceptional loyalty to your leaders would make them to be more appreciative to God.

PRAYER POINT: Give me grace to be loyal to my leaders and make our leaders to be more appreciative to the support they receive.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 11:32am On Mar 15, 2017

Wed. 15/3/2017

Don’t Be Influenced By The World

Matt. 5:13-16

Jesus called his disciples’ fishers of men in the preceding chapter (Matt. 4:19). In our passage this morning, He told them to be salt of the world (v. 13). They were to be seasoned with the gospel, salt of grace, thoughts, affections, words and actions. They must be a great blessings to mankind and the world. He said further in verse 14, that they should be the light of the world. All Christians are light in the world (Eph. 5:cool and must shine as light (Phil. 2:15). Christ called Himself light of the world (Jn. 8:12). You should know that many eyes are looking at you, some admire and study to imitate you. Therefore, as salt, don’t lose your savour and as light don’t refuse to shine for others to see. The world is full of people living in ignorance, wickedness and attitude of unsavoury kind. Don’t allow them to render your salt useless and quench your light. The world has no good spiritual things to offer you; therefore, ensure that you are not influenced by the doctrines of the world. They are imperious to your Christians race.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: You are the salt and light of the world. Don’t lose your savour and shining power.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me not to lose my savour in Jesus’ name.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 10:34am On Mar 17, 2017

Thur. 16/3/2017

Use Your Influence To Make others Faithful

2 Tim. 1:3-7

Paul was a prisoner in Rome for the second time, awaiting his execution. He had been forsaken by many of his friends. In his situation he did not cease to pray for Timothy (verse 3). He desired to see Timothy once again and requested his co-workers to remain faithful to the truth of the gospel. He reminded Timothy to stir up the gift of God in him (1 Thess. 5:19). This is probably a special anointing and power from the Holy Spirit to fulfil his ministry. Believers should note that the gifts and power given to us by the Holy Spirit do not remain strong and vital automatically; they become active by the grace of God through our prayer, obedience and diligence. Let’s pray for others also to remain faithful to God as Paul did for Timothy.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Praying for others to remain faithful to God is very essential for Christians.

PRAYER POINT: In whatever condition I find myself, Lord empower me to be faithful to you and strengthen me to pray for others to remain faithful to the truth of the gospel.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 9:57am On Mar 19, 2017
19/3/2017 LESSON 3



Unit 2: Your Stewardship (Lessons 3- 6)

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 236

Devotional Reading: 2 TIM. 1:1-18

Topic For Adults


Topic For Youths


Topic For Intermediates


Scripture Lesson

ROM. 1:16-17; 2 SAM. 23:15-17;

HEB. 11:1-12, 2-40; 2 TIM. 1:5; 1 COR. 11:1

MEMORY VERSE: Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. Gal. 6:10 (NKJV)


Everything we are or possess is a gift from God. And God expects us to use them all for His glory and the benefit of mankind. This is what stewardship is all about. This lesson focuses on the positive use of our influence and is thus captioned ‘stewardship of influence’. God expects us to use our influence in both our secular and spiritual spheres to help other people. This lesson will show us how to do this.


PART 1: INFLUENCE DEFINED (RUTH 1: 16, 17; 2 SAM. 23: 15-17)

Influence is not fame. A person can be famous without being influential. Neither is influence synonymous with wealth or affluence. That is why we have a lot of celebrities in the society today with no iota of positive influence on others.

What then is Influence? It is the power to affect how someone develops, acts, or thinks. While individual’s sphere of influence can differ measurably from one person to another, the fact is that everyone is influential in some tangible and measurable ways. God has created us all as people of influence. The subject of stewardship of influence is thus one that concerns everyone. It becomes more especially significant as how we use and manage our influence can spell the difference between success and failure, for us and for those whose lives we affect.

In the first passage, the influence of Naomi on Ruth, her daughter-in-law, was so great that Ruth decided to risk an uncertain future in order to be with Naomi. In the second passage, the three mighty men of David broke through the camp of Philistines at a great risk to their lives when David expressed his desire for a drink. Both Ruth and the three mighty men showed exceptional loyalty largely because of the influence that Naomi and David had on them respectively.


The Scriptures and contemporary history are replete with examples of people who influenced others positively or negatively. Hebrews Chapter 11 catalogues the names of some prominent biblical figures: Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Jacob, Moses, Rahab, etc. Many New Testament personalities were also positively influential in their generation. Aside from the popular examples of the apostles of Christ, others like Lois, Eunice (grandmother and mother of Timothy respectively), Lydia (Acts 16:14-15) readily come to mind here.

These people influenced their families and environments by their words and actions, and more especially by their faith in God which they lived out in their daily lives. They simply obeyed the scriptural commands to love God and love their neighbours and as a result used their influence for good in their communities. In doing this, they became the salt and the light of their world (Matt. 5:13, 16).

Sadly, however, a lot of Christians, rather than influencing the world, are themselves being influenced by the world in the way they think, dress, act, talk, and tell jokes, etc. God does not want you to be a thermometer, which just reflects the heat of the culture; but He wants you to be a thermostat that controls the heat of the culture. He wants you to be the influencing force.


God expects us to positively influence our world (Heb. 6: 12; 10: 23-25). This will help to counter the growing number of bad influences in the world and even in the Church (1 Cor.5:1-13; 2 Tim. 3:1-5).

For this to happen, let us consider three things that the Bible enjoins us to do:

1.Recognise your influence: The truth is that everybody has influence. You influence people all around you all the time. Anybody you come in contact with on a daily basis through the day you have a potential to influence through everything you say or do not say, and everything you do or fail to do.

2. Exercise your influence: You have to exercise your influence by using it positively. You can do this through these five simple ways: The first of these any of us could do. The last of them, might cost you your life.

By smiling at people: Our congregation should be a smiling congregation. Visitors watch our countenance to see the type of people we are. We must intentionally learn to smile. (Prov. 15:30 (NIV).

By being sympathetic towards others: We are to show emotional support, encouragement and care for people in our lives. (2 Cor. 1:4 (NCV)

By serving people. It takes some effort to serve people; but the yield is bounteous. In God’s economy the greater you serve someone the greater influence you have in their lives. The more you serve others, the more influence you’ll have (I Cor. 9:19, Matt.20:26).

By speaking up. “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.” (KJV) We become a people of influence when we speak up for God and for good. If you claim to be a Christian don’t hide it. Don’t try to be some kind of secret agent Christian. Don’t hide your faith. (Ps. 107:2; Ezek. 33:1-6; Prov. 31:8-9). Edmund Burke once said, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”.

By Sacrificing: By our sacrifice we can exercise our influence. Without a doubt, the most influential person in human history was Jesus Christ, and that resulted from His ultimate sacrifice. (Heb.9:14) Without any doubt, the second greatest and most influential person in human history would be the Apostle Paul. (Phil. 2:17)There are some for whom God has ordained to pay the ultimate sacrifice. But for most Christians, we are to make those common sacrifices in our everyday life. It is the small sacrifices of being unselfish in everyday life that make the greatest impact on this world. (Heb. 13:16)

You must maximise your influence: That means do your best to develop, cultivate and expand your influence. When you do this, you will be able to help more people and also possibly bring more people to Jesus. (Eph. 5:16; Col. 4:5)


Whether in the church, family, neighbourhood or workplace, God expects you to be a great influence for good. This will happen not only when you preach the gospel with your lips or plant churches in every corner of your towns and cities. Though these are also very important, becoming a solution to practical issues people are facing, being honest and fair to all, especially to the less-privileged; rescuing and defending the homeless and the hopeless; helping the poor and needy within the church, your community and in the world at large as God gives the opportunity to assume a more important dimension.

It is only when our presence affects people positively that our absence can pain them greatly. The big question you should ask is, If you leave your church or neighbourhood today, how many people will miss you, and for what reason? Remember God’s words: “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good to all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith” (Gal. 6:10).


Explain, in your own words, what you understand by ‘stewardship’.

Mention some people of positive influence in the Bible.

Mention some people that have positively influenced your life.

Mention practical ways you could practise stewardship of influence in your community.

Explain what the following statement means to you: “Your life is an extension of other people.”
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 9:37am On Mar 20, 2017

Mon. 20/3/2017

God Is The Author Of Time

Gen. 1:5; Ps. 74: 16

God created time. Evening, morning, night and day are time oriented. While He is the author of time; He is not a time bound being. He is always on time. God’s time is perfect and the best. Never too early or too late. Like talents and treasures, God has given or allocated a specific amount of time to everybody. Every believer has the personal responsibility to supervise, manage, administer or use God’s time with prudence and wisdom to the glory of God. Time is so precious and important that once lost or wasted it can never be regained. Therefore, there is no room or place for wasting time if we are going to give the best account of our stewardship (Rom. 14:12). We often err by spending too much on things that may be good in themselves but which keep us from the better or the best. Let us set our priorities right.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Time is so precious and important that once lost or wasted, it can never be regained.

PRAYER POINT: O Lord, grant me wisdom to use the time You gave me judiciously to the glory of Your name. Amen.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 7:09am On Mar 21, 2017

Tue. 21/3/2017

There Is Time For Everything

Eccl. 3:1-8

Solomon is teaching us that all the events and activities of life as illustrated here have their proper time, season and duration. Some of the events occur only once in a life time, while others occur repeatedly. The important thing is to realise that God has ordained time for the various events in life and we are to use the time to do what is needful and right. The secret to peace with God is to discover, accept and appropriate God’s perfect timing. There is danger when we resent God’s timing. This can lead to rebellion and despair. God orders time and makes no mistakes about it. Be satisfied with God’s timing every time in your life. Do the right thing at the right time. There is time for everything. At the time to be in the church, don’t be at home. There is a set time for us to come to the world (birth), for us to continue in it and for us to go out of it (death) (Job7:1). From before our birth to the moment of our death, God is accomplishing his Divine purposes, even when we do not understand what He is doing. If we cooperate with God’s timing, life will be meaningful. Birth and death are divine appointments we cannot prevent. Death comes when God wills it. All our days are ordered by Him. (Ps. 138:16). So, we should not foolishly hasten our death, by spending our time going to where we are not supposed to be, doing what we are not supposed to do, eating and drinking what we are not to eat or drink. Remember, as a steward, you will give account of how you spend your time.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Do not foolishly hasten your death by spending your time going to where you are not supposed to go, doing what you are not supposed to do, eating and drinking what you are not supposed to eat or drink.

PRAYER POINT: Oh Lord, help me to be satisfied with Your order of time for my life in Jesus’ name.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 7:12am On Mar 22, 2017

Wed. 22/3/2017

Watch Your Time

MK. 13:33-37

As regards stewardship of time, Jesus Christ’s admonition is to take heed, watch and pray for ye know not when the time is when the master will come. It could be in the morning, noon or night or at cock crow. God, here as the son of man has entrusted us amidst other things with our time and expects a good account from us on how we spend it when He comes. Time is like money, talent and other resources. All mankind have been given a little tick out of eternity and time and all will someday give account of the usage to the master when He comes. Therefore, make the best use of the time especially in the light of the fact that there are so many opportunities to abuse it.

Lots of time is spent by folks at various places reading newspapers, dancing, discussing sports and politics, fashion and things concerning eating and drinking, gargets to buy and watching of television. Such importance and time is not placed in preparing for Christ’s return which is the most important event in your life? The way to prepare is to set time apart from the study of God’s words and live by its instructions each day, watching and praying. Only then will you be ready when the master comes.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Watch and pray for ye know not the time when the Master will come.

PRAYER POINT: Oh Lord may I not be speechless when the master will come and I will be asked to give the account of my stewardship of time.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 6:51am On Mar 24, 2017

Thur. 23/3/2017

Teach Us To Number Our Days

Ps. 90:10-12

The text today confirms the brevity of life and the transition of man. The older we get the better we understand that life is brief and moves very swiftly. We often number our years not our days but all of us have to live a day at a time and we do not know how many days we have left. We must fear the Lord and honour Him. If we really understand the power of God’s anger we would not waste our lives as we do in spending time in useless endeavors. Now is the time to ask God for wisdom to become better stewards of our time and opportunities. A successful life is composed of successful days that honour the Lord. Take time to number your day by asking “what do I want to see happen in my life before I die? What steps could I take towards that purpose today? Number your days and make your days count.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: A successful life is composed of successful days that honour the Lord.

PRAYER POINT: O Lord, teach me to number my days that I may apply my heart unto wisdom
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 6:53am On Mar 24, 2017

Fri. 24/3/2017

Set Your Priority Right

Acts 6:1-7

If we are going to give the best account of our stewardship then, wastage of time should be prevented by setting our priority right and delegating responsibility to others – division of labour. As the early church increased in size, so did its needs; one great need is to organize the distribution of food to the poor. The apostles needed to focus on preaching so they chose others to administer the food. If you are in position of leadership and find yourself overwhelmed by responsibilities, determine your God – given abilities and priorities, then find others to help. Each person has a vital role to play in the life of the church. People may stay busy and yet wasting time because they are more concerned about pleasing men rather than God. They never learn to say NO. If we do not plan our schedules and decide what we should do and what we should not, others will decide for us what we should do with our time. When the apostles were confronted with how to meet the needs of the people, the first approach to the problem was establishing priorities according to biblical principles. They said it is not right to neglect the words of God and wait on the table. Instead of adding this job to their present responsibility they delegated it to others. Biblical principles and God’s will for us individually must determine our usage of time in all activities rather than the wants or needs of the people.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The ministry of the word should not be neglected to serve tables.

PRAYER POINT: Oh Lord, give me courage to say No when necessary and not to waste my time wanting to please men rather than God.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 10:22am On Mar 25, 2017

Sat. 25/3/2017

Don’t Push Salvation Forward To Another Time

Jam. 4:13-16

“Not now, there is no time, I will try and create or find time”. These comments are true of people who have failed to manage their time or rather manage themselves very well. Everybody has 24 hours per day. If others can achieve purpose and their targets (goals) within the set time, you too can and should. Do not procrastinate your itinerary. Procrastination is the thief of time. This life will soon pass away, when will you come to the Lord? The Psalmist says man is like a breath, his days are like a passing shadow (Ps. 144:4). Do not boast about tomorrow for you do not know what a day will bring. So you who say” today or tomorrow we will go up into such and such a town and spend a year and trade and make a profit” yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. A stitch in time saves nine, so whatever you have to do, do quickly. Now is the accepted time of salvation, tomorrow might be too late for you. Repent now!

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Do not boast about tomorrow for you do not know what a day might bring.

PRAYER POINT: Oh Lord deliver me from the habit of procrastination and help me to achieve purpose and goals at the right time.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 9:57am On Mar 26, 2017
26/3/2017 LESSON 4



Unit 2: Your Stewardship (Lessons 3- 6)

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 415

Devotional Reading: ECCL. 3:1-11

Topic For Adults


Topic For Youths


Topic For Intermediates


Scripture Lesson

EPH. 5:15-16; 2 COR. 6:2; ROM. 13:11-14



To everything, there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. Eccl. 3:1 (NKJV)


Sun. 26/3/2017

Do You Tithe Your Time?

Acts 17:24-25

God made the world and the fullness therein. Seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth, He gave all life, breath and all things. If our time truly belongs to God, just as our income, why not a tithe of our time? A tithe (10%) is given freely to God the owner of all and giver of all the 100% that He might rebuke devourer and bless the remaining 90% left for us. Time is not different from our income even when it is not directly commanded by God, it is reasonably and directly implied. When we do not dedicate specific hour to God like we do with our pay checks, it implies that we believers can produce more if we use a hundred percent of time our own way. Many believers struggle with giving God significant time in prayer and Bible study because the presence of the day’s chores are knocking loudly at the door so they cut short the time with God by reading less verses of the word of God, and use the rest of our time for what we need to get done. There are 24 hours in a day. A tithe of this is 144 minutes (2 hours 24 minutes each day). Do you devote this much of your time daily to God? This is not too much to devote to Him who has redeemed us through Christ. Tithe your time because God can always do more with less than you can do with more. The days are evil. If we are not careful, our time will be wasted like money spent selfishly rather than in a way that honours God. Therefore, to redeem the whole of our time and avoid wastage of our 24 hours daily, we must learn to dedicate a significant percentage of it directly to God and whatsoever we do in the day, we should do all to the glory of God.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God can do more with less than you can do with more.

PRAYER POINT: Oh Lord help me to number my days that I may apply my heart to

wisdom (Ps. 90:12).


There are many inequalities in life but one thing we all have in common is the same amount of time each day; both poor and rich, old and young, literate and non-literate. Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with #86,400. Yes every morning. However it debits what is left over at the end of the day. Every evening, it deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every penny, of course! Each of us has such a bank in our lives. Its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day, it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the day’s deposits. The loss is yours. There is no going back and there is no drawing against tomorrow. You must live in the present. Yesterday is a cancelled check, tomorrow is a promissory note and today is cash. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness, and success. Your clock is running and it has effect on your future. Make the most of it today as you will give account of it tomorrow.



Time is a gift from God and each minute will be reckoned with. There will be a reckoning of our time and we will stand before God to answer for the ways that we invest our time. Understanding that time is valuable, limited and could be wasted will enable us to work circumspectly, if we refuse to work. Time is a unique resource, it cannot be accumulated like money or stock pilled like raw materials. We can’t save time, we can only invest it. If you don’t use it, you lose it. You are forced to spend it whether you like it or not at a fixed rate of 60 seconds per minute. It cannot be tuned on or off like a machine. The key to manage time is to manage ourselves. If you don’t manage your time someone else will manage it for you. Unless you can see some kind of obvious yield or result, the time spent is viewed as wasted time. For a wise use of your time make a ‘to do’ list, priotise the list, don’t put today’s job for tomorrow, it may never come. Because the days are evil, believers must be good husbands of their time by redeeming the time, taking care to invest their time on the best of purpose by watching against temptation of doing the good when it is in the power of their hands. Believers should make the best use of the present time of grace. Our time is a talent given us by God for some good end and it is misspent and lost when it is not employed according to God’s design.


Corinthian believers became doubtful of Apostle Paul’s message of grace. Confused by the false teachers who taught different message, not minding the effort and time spent by Paul, they ignored God’s message thereby receiving God’s grace in vain. The people heard God’s message but did not let it affects what they do with their lives and time. How often does God’s message reach you in vain? Do you know that believers’ time is also part of God’s grace, do not receive this grace in vain. The decision you make and whatever you use God - given time for today can have an impact on eternity. You can experience unending joy or unending sorrow on the decision that you make today. Gods’ offer of salvation is to all people. Many people put off the decision for Christ, thinking that there will be a better time but they could easily miss their opportunity altogether. There is no time like the present to receive God’s forgiveness. Don’t let anything hold you back from coming to Jesus Christ. Right now is the right time to prepare for where you will spend eternity.


Sin makes believers sleepy, lethargic and indifferent about spiritual things. It makes believers lukewarm and unconcerned about spending time for the course of Christ. Apostle Paul advised believers if we would give a good account of, and be wise managers of our time, we have to wake up and get serious about our Christian lives. Living in constant expectation of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, casting off all works of darkness, abstaining from doing evil and other things related to them that waste our time. Living a life of sin takes time, don’t waste time sinning.

To replace what you put off, put on the armour of light and stand in contrast to the works of darkness. Work honestly, decently, orderly and not in strives or in rioting and drunkenness reproaching Jesus Christ. But put on Jesus Christ and make no provisions for flesh to fulfil the lust thereof. Avoid spending time going to places or doing things that will open doors to gratifying sinful desires.


It is obvious that many believers have not been prudent with their time. One should not use his or her time in varsity seeking for worldly honour and power at the detriment of eternity. Christians should be contented and use what God has given them to His glory. We must know that we are mortal but He is immortal. All of us should know that we are going to give account of how we use our time. Look at your desires, align it with expectation of God from you then use your time to accomplish your desires in a way pleasing to God.


What is Christ’s admonition as regards stewardship of time?

What are Apostle Paul’s admonitions to enhance stewardship of time?

Explain the phrase ‘redeeming the day’.

There are many inequalities in the world; the only thing we have in common is time. Explain this.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 6:27am On Mar 28, 2017

Mon. 27/3/2017

All Good Gifts Are From The Lord

Jam. 1:17

God created us with variety of talents. Talents can be natural, (those with which we were born), or acquired (those we learnt). Some people are naturally blessed with the ability to sing and it shows in them from their childhood. Some others learned musical skills and they are good at it. The fact remains that no one can create talents and gifts. Whether you were born with talents or you acquired them through learning and development, the fact remains that you cannot create them. In fact, you can only improve on what is already in existence. Those who acquired good skills through learning and development should bear it in mind that they are only building and improving on the deposits of God in their lives. Gifts are given to men by the Holy Spirit. The gifts are owned, controlled and distributed by the Holy Spirit. All good and perfect gifts are from the Lord, you own nothing.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: You cannot create talents and gifts; you can only improve upon them.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to always remember that all gifts are from You. Help me to always acknowledge You as the source of all good gifts in Jesus’ name.
Re: Online Bible School by vosquare: 6:33am On Mar 28, 2017

Tue. 28/3/2017

Occupy Till I Come

Lk. 19:13

You are a steward. A steward is a person who manages and administers what has been entrusted to him by another person. In this case, a steward is the individual who has the responsibility to manage what has been entrusted to him. God has entrusted us with variety of gifts and talents. His charge to us is that we should utilise the grace He has given us profitably till He comes. The returns on God’s investment however must be to God and not to your pocket. It is expected that you utilize, grow, increase and improve on the grace given to you. Growth is expected of every living thing. If the level of grace upon you is the same yearly, then you need to check yourself. You must continue to use your talents and gifts as a good steward until He comes.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Do God’s business, in line with God’s standard, using the gifts and talents you have received.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to serve You as a good steward.

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