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Harlot Church And Nigerian Harlot Churches - Repent Now ! - Religion - Nairaland

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Harlot Church And Nigerian Harlot Churches - Repent Now ! by Nobody: 10:23am On May 22, 2011
A Harlot Church

This world passes away and eternity is forever! Islam is becoming militant and the church sits in ease and compromise. People in other faiths are willing to die for a lie and many Christians are not willing to spend an hour in the secret place with Jesus! Its madness!

If I am not doing things that have originated in God, done through God and for God’s glory, I may as well go to heaven! If I am not walking in total surrender to Jesus Christ, I am investing in wood, hay and stubble.

This life is all we have. Time is ticking. God can restore the wasted years but how long are we going to hold back? If we get to heaven and all our work is burnt up in the fire, there was no point in our lives here on earth as Christians. That is serious stuff!

Many people spend hours in front of TV, films, internet, etc. when their families are going to hell. We must rest in God but many people rest in the flesh and call it Christian liberty! Christian liberty is giving up the things of this world so we can be free and free indeed! Grace is the power to live above sin, not in sin!

The “church” has welcomed in the things of this world, entertainment, clowns in the pulpit telling jokes, etc. to accommodate for the tares. The “church” has become a friend with the world and believes God is ok with it. My bible tells me that this world is the enemy of God. Many in the church have become like Judas as they take sides with the spirit of this age. We must repent and do the first works.

I hear preachers say we don’t need to pray when my bible tells me that, “, men ought always to pray, and faint not.” I hear preachers tell me that I can be a millionaire with God because he never withholds anything and gives me the desires of my heart. God can make rich for His purpose but if my heart is right with God, my desire will be to see His kingdom come and not my swimming pool being built. I know of a man of God who was convicted by the Spirit because he kept on buying expensive soap! Instead, he started to buy the cheap soap and pour the money into missions.

To attract the world, we have become like the world.

We are told that Jesus will sort out all your problems, fix your life and give you all you ever wanted. The Word is twisted to tickle men’s ears.

No wonder you have the world coming into the church! However many numbers come in through our compromised message, it is not victory. To have a church full of lost, carnal, worldly “Christians” is defeat. I would rather have a little wheat than to have a church full of son’s of the wicked one.

Our gospel message is watered down as men preach peace, peace, when there is no peace. Self denial, repentance, God’s holy hatred for sin, the bloody cross, surrender, conviction, etc. has been taken out of our gospel. Only the true gospel will transform men. The cross is the power and wisdom of God. If we compromise the gospel message, we send people to hell when they think they are saved because they “prayed a prayer” or “put their hand up.” We then wonder why they have no desire for God and no hunger for spiritual things because they were never truly born again. We then bring in entertainment to keep them coming and paying their tithes.

It breaks my heart to preach this message but it is true and we must repent. The church must make straight the paths of the Lord and prepare for Him to come. She must cast out the stumbling block. The wells must be unblocked. Whatever is hindering the flow of the river must be removed.

We wonder why prayer is not answered and it is because God has said, “If you regard iniquity in your heart, I will not hear you.” Jesus told us to put all things right before we come to the altar of prayer. I don’t care how long you pray for but “the heavens will be brass” until you pray with a pure heart.

Self is enthroned in the heart and Christ is given second, third, fourth, fifth, etc. place. We preach “another Jesus” and worship a false god. We commit idolatry as we sing our praises in church to a false image we have created through our carnality. “Another gospel” is being preached and it will be fearful at the judgment seat for those that are preaching it. Paul said, “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1:6-10)

How true of what we see today in the church. Man is sought to be pleased when Jesus said, “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” Jesus said if we are to be his disciples, we must forsake all that we have. God is not a mean God wanting us to give up things because he takes pleasure in seeing us displeased. God wants us to give up all for him because it releases us into life and life more abundantly.

The church of Jesus Christ, I say with the grief of Almighty God, has become a harlot. She is committing spiritual adultery with the world and Jesus when He returns will say unto her, “You have become lazy and wicked. You have become unfaithful. I divorce you and you will have no part with me. I never knew you. Go you cursed into everlasting fire.”

Rather than the label “the bride of Christ”, we now have “the LovePeddler of Babylon” and “Ichabod.”

God’s glory has departed yet we think the power of God is with us because we witness gold dust, gems stones, angel feathers and oil on our hands! All this goes on, yet people remain in wheel chairs and are not healed. Because we lack the anointing, psychology and self help has been introduced. If we have the true power of God in our midst, there will not be one feeble or sick among us.

Christians have a “bless me” mentality when the world goes to hell. Many run from conference to conference seeking a sign and a wonder.

Today, we hear that God accepts Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics, etc. while they still worship their foreign gods. We here today that the way to heaven is broad when Jesus told us that it is narrow and few there be that find it. Oh, may we never compromise the truth for the sake of false converts or so called “unity”.

We accommodate for “so called brothers” when Paul said that if any man has not the same doctrine as us, we should not eat with him, receive him into our house or bid him Godspeed! If we do, we become a partaker of his evil deeds.

Many in the church are drinking from filthy cisterns , they eat at the table of devils as they entertain lust and violence with their eyes on a television screen. They watch programs that make a mockery of marriage and scorn the things of God. When you tell them their fault in the spirit of meekness, they stone you and call you a legalist. My bible tells me that without holiness, no one will see God.

People argue over doctrine when scripture clearly states that without holiness, no one will see the Lord. That is the Word of God. It’s holiness or hell.

Jesus told us to be hot or cold. Luke-warmness makes Him sick. May God grant us all eye salve so we see that we are not rich, increased with goods and in need of nothing but are actually blind, unclothed, miserable, wretched and poor.

We are told to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. If Jesus treated me the way many Christians treat their wives, I would not want to be saved, seriously.

The church must repent, return to her first love and do the first works. If she does not her lamp stand will be taken away, she will not have the midnight oil and will not go with Jesus when he returns.

Judgment must begin at the house of God. I prophesy to you now that God is going to come soon and shake all things. He will not give His glory unto another. He will not be mocked and burns with a godly jealousy over His people. If we do not repent, get right with God and set the altar in order, God will throw us into the furnace of affliction. He, in His love, will put us through difficulty so we put Him in remembrance. He will allow our flesh to be destroyed by Satan so that our spirit might be saved.

We must purge out the leaven before God judges His church. His fiery eyes search His people and, though He is kind, patient and longsuffering, He will spew her out of His mouth if she does not repent.

We must return back to the old paths of scripture. God’s Word, applied through the Spirit, is the blueprint for the church.

We have a love message that welcomes the backsliders who have become fornicators, idolaters, coveters, drunkards, etc. when the bible tells us to not even eat with them! Rather, we are to put them away from us and give them over to Satan so they come to their senses and repent.

The church must break up her fallow ground and seek the Lord until He comes and rains down righteousness upon her. As the altar is set in order and the groves removed, the fire will fall. As she returns with all her heart to God, obeying the truth through the Spirit, the saltiness will return and the world will be changed.

If you are walking with God, He will not allow you to watch ungodly films, waste time in front of television, make friends with the world, etc. If though you keep on resisting the Spirit in your heart, your conscience will become dulled to the point where you can watch TV without any conviction. I fear for people who are in that place. May we never become blinded like Samson as we cast away our consecration and continue in compromise.

God loves you with an everlasting love. He will do all in His power to see to it that you repent and return to Him with all your heart. He is not willing that any should perish and, if you have fallen from grace, He will woo you back to Himself but you must obey His Spirit’s call. If you do spite unto the Spirit of grace, continuing to live in wilful sin, there is no more sacrifice for sins. If you are not willing to turn from something that you know to be a grief to God’s heart, you will reap what you sow and that will be corruption.

God is watching over his Word to perform it; He only waits for His people. How long will we hold back for? Behold, now is the accepted time, today is the day of salvation. Today, if you hear the Spirit’s voice, harden not your heart.
Re: Harlot Church And Nigerian Harlot Churches - Repent Now ! by Sweetnecta: 10:48am On May 22, 2011
I thought you were raptured? the real christians were raptured, caught-up in the sky with all the saints. no one remained except us infidels, heathens, unbelievers and all out fake christians.

oh. you must be one of them fake christians then, because the rapture was yesterday.
Re: Harlot Church And Nigerian Harlot Churches - Repent Now ! by Nobody: 11:00am On May 22, 2011

If you read my articles on the rapture, you will understand my point of view.

however my word for you today is repent or perish in your sins. For God so loves you that he gave his one and only begotten son that you will not perish but come to life everlasting.

Muslims have a diabolically wrong understanding of GOD, thinking they can please God in their flesh by outward works , dead works for want of a better word. washing your hands and feet, dishing out alms , fighting Jihads will not earn you God's approval.

This reminds me of the Pharisees in the time of Judaism LAW , listen to what Jesus had to say to them and which can be applied to all other idol worshipping religions in the world today which obviosuly include Islam and the Catholic church.

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean.- Matt 23:27

What Jesus means here is that outwardly they look holy, pious, god loving etc but inside their hearts they are filled with rage, lust, greed and every kind of perversion and wickedness known to man.

What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean,  Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body?But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.'For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.These are what make a man 'unclean'; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him 'unclean.' - Matt 15:11-20

Galatians 6:12 Those who want to make a good impression outwardly are trying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ.
Re: Harlot Church And Nigerian Harlot Churches - Repent Now ! by Tityzkul(f): 6:27pm On May 22, 2011
Am just speechless. Don't know what to say at all
Re: Harlot Church And Nigerian Harlot Churches - Repent Now ! by thehomer: 6:27pm On May 23, 2011

A Harlot Church

This world passes away and eternity is forever! Islam is becoming militant and the church sits in ease and compromise. People in other faiths are willing to die for a lie and many Christians are not willing to spend an hour in the secret place with Jesus! Its madness!

If I am not doing things that have originated in God, done through God and for God’s glory, I may as well go to heaven! If I am not walking in total surrender to Jesus Christ, I am investing in wood, hay and stubble.

This life is all we have. Time is ticking. God can restore the wasted years but how long are we going to hold back? If we get to heaven and all our work is burnt up in the fire, there was no point in our lives here on earth as Christians. That is serious stuff!

Many people spend hours in front of TV, films, internet, etc. when their families are going to hell. We must rest in God but many people rest in the flesh and call it Christian liberty! Christian liberty is giving up the things of this world so we can be free and free indeed! Grace is the power to live above sin, not in sin!

The “church” has welcomed in the things of this world, entertainment, clowns in the pulpit telling jokes, etc. to accommodate for the tares. The “church” has become a friend with the world and believes God is ok with it. My bible tells me that this world is the enemy of God. Many in the church have become like Judas as they take sides with the spirit of this age. We must repent and do the first works.

I hear preachers say we don’t need to pray when my bible tells me that, “, men ought always to pray, and faint not.” I hear preachers tell me that I can be a millionaire with God because he never withholds anything and gives me the desires of my heart. God can make rich for His purpose but if my heart is right with God, my desire will be to see His kingdom come and not my swimming pool being built. I know of a man of God who was convicted by the Spirit because he kept on buying expensive soap! Instead, he started to buy the cheap soap and pour the money into missions.

To attract the world, we have become like the world.

We are told that Jesus will sort out all your problems, fix your life and give you all you ever wanted. The Word is twisted to tickle men’s ears.

No wonder you have the world coming into the church! However many numbers come in through our compromised message, it is not victory. To have a church full of lost, carnal, worldly “Christians” is defeat. I would rather have a little wheat than to have a church full of son’s of the wicked one.

Our gospel message is watered down as men preach peace, peace, when there is no peace. Self denial, repentance, God’s holy hatred for sin, the bloody cross, surrender, conviction, etc. has been taken out of our gospel. Only the true gospel will transform men. The cross is the power and wisdom of God. If we compromise the gospel message, we send people to hell when they think they are saved because they “prayed a prayer” or “put their hand up.” We then wonder why they have no desire for God and no hunger for spiritual things because they were never truly born again. We then bring in entertainment to keep them coming and paying their tithes.

It breaks my heart to preach this message but it is true and we must repent. The church must make straight the paths of the Lord and prepare for Him to come. She must cast out the stumbling block. The wells must be unblocked. Whatever is hindering the flow of the river must be removed.

We wonder why prayer is not answered and it is because God has said, “If you regard iniquity in your heart, I will not hear you.” Jesus told us to put all things right before we come to the altar of prayer. I don’t care how long you pray for but “the heavens will be brass” until you pray with a pure heart.

Self is enthroned in the heart and Christ is given second, third, fourth, fifth, etc. place. We preach “another Jesus” and worship a false god. We commit idolatry as we sing our praises in church to a false image we have created through our carnality. “Another gospel” is being preached and it will be fearful at the judgment seat for those that are preaching it. Paul said, “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1:6-10)

How true of what we see today in the church. Man is sought to be pleased when Jesus said, “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” Jesus said if we are to be his disciples, we must forsake all that we have. God is not a mean God wanting us to give up things because he takes pleasure in seeing us displeased. God wants us to give up all for him because it releases us into life and life more abundantly.

The church of Jesus Christ, I say with the grief of Almighty God, has become a harlot. She is committing spiritual adultery with the world and Jesus when He returns will say unto her, “You have become lazy and wicked. You have become unfaithful. I divorce you and you will have no part with me. I never knew you. Go you cursed into everlasting fire.”

Rather than the label “the bride of Christ”, we now have “the LovePeddler of Babylon” and “Ichabod.”

God’s glory has departed yet we think the power of God is with us because we witness gold dust, gems stones, angel feathers and oil on our hands! All this goes on, yet people remain in wheel chairs and are not healed. Because we lack the anointing, psychology and self help has been introduced. If we have the true power of God in our midst, there will not be one feeble or sick among us.

Christians have a “bless me” mentality when the world goes to hell. Many run from conference to conference seeking a sign and a wonder.

Today, we hear that God accepts Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics, etc. while they still worship their foreign gods. We here today that the way to heaven is broad when Jesus told us that it is narrow and few there be that find it. Oh, may we never compromise the truth for the sake of false converts or so called “unity”.

We accommodate for “so called brothers” when Paul said that if any man has not the same doctrine as us, we should not eat with him, receive him into our house or bid him Godspeed! If we do, we become a partaker of his evil deeds.

Many in the church are drinking from filthy cisterns , they eat at the table of devils as they entertain lust and violence with their eyes on a television screen. They watch programs that make a mockery of marriage and scorn the things of God. When you tell them their fault in the spirit of meekness, they stone you and call you a legalist. My bible tells me that without holiness, no one will see God.

People argue over doctrine when scripture clearly states that without holiness, no one will see the Lord. That is the Word of God. It’s holiness or hell.

Jesus told us to be hot or cold. Luke-warmness makes Him sick. May God grant us all eye salve so we see that we are not rich, increased with goods and in need of nothing but are actually blind, unclothed, miserable, wretched and poor.

We are told to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. If Jesus treated me the way many Christians treat their wives, I would not want to be saved, seriously.

The church must repent, return to her first love and do the first works. If she does not her lamp stand will be taken away, she will not have the midnight oil and will not go with Jesus when he returns.

Judgment must begin at the house of God. I prophesy to you now that God is going to come soon and shake all things. He will not give His glory unto another. He will not be mocked and burns with a godly jealousy over His people. If we do not repent, get right with God and set the altar in order, God will throw us into the furnace of affliction. He, in His love, will put us through difficulty so we put Him in remembrance. He will allow our flesh to be destroyed by Satan so that our spirit might be saved.

We must purge out the leaven before God judges His church. His fiery eyes search His people and, though He is kind, patient and longsuffering, He will spew her out of His mouth if she does not repent.

We must return back to the old paths of scripture. God’s Word, applied through the Spirit, is the blueprint for the church.

We have a love message that welcomes the backsliders who have become fornicators, idolaters, coveters, drunkards, etc. when the bible tells us to not even eat with them! Rather, we are to put them away from us and give them over to Satan so they come to their senses and repent.

The church must break up her fallow ground and seek the Lord until He comes and rains down righteousness upon her. As the altar is set in order and the groves removed, the fire will fall. As she returns with all her heart to God, obeying the truth through the Spirit, the saltiness will return and the world will be changed.

If you are walking with God, He will not allow you to watch ungodly films, waste time in front of television, make friends with the world, etc. If though you keep on resisting the Spirit in your heart, your conscience will become dulled to the point where you can watch TV without any conviction. I fear for people who are in that place. May we never become blinded like Samson as we cast away our consecration and continue in compromise.

God loves you with an everlasting love. He will do all in His power to see to it that you repent and return to Him with all your heart. He is not willing that any should perish and, if you have fallen from grace, He will woo you back to Himself but you must obey His Spirit’s call. If you do spite unto the Spirit of grace, continuing to live in wilful sin, there is no more sacrifice for sins. If you are not willing to turn from something that you know to be a grief to God’s heart, you will reap what you sow and that will be corruption.

God is watching over his Word to perform it; He only waits for His people. How long will we hold back for? Behold, now is the accepted time, today is the day of salvation. Today, if you hear the Spirit’s voice, harden not your heart.

Why? Is the rapture tomorrow?
Re: Harlot Church And Nigerian Harlot Churches - Repent Now ! by Nobody: 9:24pm On May 23, 2011

Why? Is the rapture tomorrow?

First of , nobody knows the day or hour, so I am not sure what you mean about the rapture cos I do not believe in it's concept. What we do know about and which is biblical is the second coming of Christ Jesus to Judge the world and save the righteous.

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Mark 13:32

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap destruction; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting" (Gal. 6:7-cool.

"knowing this first, that in the last days mockers shall come with mockery, walking after their own lusts" 2 Peter 3:3

"Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?.But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed."
Romans 2:4-5
Re: Harlot Church And Nigerian Harlot Churches - Repent Now ! by Image123(m): 10:31pm On May 23, 2011
Good and timely message, thanks.
Re: Harlot Church And Nigerian Harlot Churches - Repent Now ! by thehomer: 11:27pm On May 23, 2011

First of , nobody knows the day or hour, so I am not sure what you mean about the rapture cos I do not believe in it's concept. What we do know about and which is biblical is the second coming of Christ Jesus to Judge the world and save the righteous.

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Mark 13:32

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap destruction; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting" (Gal. 6:7-cool.

"knowing this first, that in the last days mockers shall come with mockery, walking after their own lusts" 2 Peter 3:3

"Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?.But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed."
Romans 2:4-5

You don't believe in the rapture? Well this simply shows how fractionated Christianity is. But, what do you think the return of Jesus is?
In other words, it could be tomorrow or it could be in another 2000 years from now? Ok. I wonder what Jesus was thinking when he was saying some of his fellow disciples will see this happen.
Re: Harlot Church And Nigerian Harlot Churches - Repent Now ! by oldtime(m): 2:14pm On May 24, 2011
Thank you Frosbel, I am moved to a closer walk with God by your wit. The old time message of righteousness and Holiness is the solution for this present decay and rottenness in our souls, God Help us to be doer and not hearers alone.
Re: Harlot Church And Nigerian Harlot Churches - Repent Now ! by realborn(m): 3:13pm On May 24, 2011
@ Frosbel,

Keep up the preaching of the gospel.

I desire to grow in Christ and spread His gospel across nations.

Well done Sir.


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