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Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ - Religion - Nairaland

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Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by MrPresident1: 7:36pm On Sep 16, 2014
I have reasons to believe that Christ will very likely return in this month of September 2014. This may sound crazy, but all circumstances and evidences point to the very likelihood of Christ’s arrival later this month of September, this year 2014.

Please come with me;

I will be doing a lot of copy and paste work, but I will give the sources so you can check it up and discern for yourselves.
Many important prophecies in the Bible were fulfilled on Jewish Feast Days. We will see also that most of Jesus’ words concerning his return are actually Jewish idioms. They may sound vague, but they have real meanings. We may also consider that God is perfect and God does not do things haphazardly (the magnificent order of the universe for example), if we put this in perspective, it is highly likely that Christ will return on a set apart date and not on some random day.

Throughout Scripture, we find many important prophecies fulfilled on Jewish Biblical feast days. Looking back we see God's fulfillments in Passover, First Fruits (Christ's Resurrection), Pentecost, etc. Those were referred to as the Spring Feasts. The Fall Feasts appear to also line up as further fulfillment, with the next Feast event being the Feast of Trumpets and the prophetic event of the Rapture.
The Feast of Trumpets is described as the Day no Man knows the Hour

Matthew 24:36
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

The thought of "but my Father only [knows]" is also another Jewish idiom. It comes from the Jewish wedding tradition where the engaged groom would be working on his future place for his bride under the auspices of the groom's father - the one who arranged the marriage. The groom would not come for his bride until his father checked off that everything was ready at home. Hence, when people would ask the groom-to-be if he was ready, he would respond "only my father knows..." The groom may have a very close idea, though

Matthew 25:13
13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Notice how He tells us to "Watch" right before He (supposedly) tells us we wouldn't know what to look for. If we replace the idiom (bolded) with the words "Feast of Trumpets" the verse takes on a whole new meaning - a double meaning, in which both are true. He is telling us to look for something, and gives them a strong hint of what it is.

Mark 13:32-37
32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
34 For the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.
35 Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
36 Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
37 And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.

Again, references the Jewish wedding concept, and that we should be watching. Remember, in ancient times, the official word about the start of Rosh Hashanah was signaled by lighting signal fires. If you were not watching for them, you would miss or sleep through most of a feast day that you were commanded to observe! Notice how He makes reference to the fact that His coming will literally be at different times of the day. People all around the world will be in different time zones and activities when He returns. He warns against spiritual sleep, or apathy, and urgently commands us to watch. Watch for what? the signs of His coming, and the time and season He repeated to His disciples. –

Luke 12:46
"The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers."

Here He uses a variation of the idiom to emphasize that some will not be looking for Him, even though He told them to watch and be faithful stewards. -

I Thess. 4:16-18; 5:1-3
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

I Thess.5:1-3
5 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

It shouldn't surprise us that if Christ is coming back on the Feast of Trumpets (a day which also celebrates crowning God as King of the world, hence the round Challah bread used in Jewish observances) that God will also sound a trumpet. Yom Teru'ah (Rosh Hashanah) literally means "Day [of] blowing [the horn]". Paul remarks (and clues us in) that he didn't need to rehearse all the Jewish seasons (festivals) because of his audience - they already knew the background and that Christ gave strong indication of when He would return. The phrase "as a thief in the night" is another ancient Jewish idiom referencing how the captain of the Temple guard (some say the High Priest) would sneak around the Temple at night checking on the Levites who guarded the Temple to see if they were sleeping on the job. If he found one sleeping, he would use his torch and singh their garments. This captain of the guard had the common nickname of "Thief in the Night." This is an important distinction because Christ's return will not surprise those who are watching for Him - only those who are spiritually asleep and apathetic will be surprised. The guards who were alert and watching were not ashamed or surprised at the coming of "the thief in the night

Rev. 16:15
Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

Again, Christ uses this familiar Jewish idiom in warning the churches. Some Christians will be caught unawares, and their garments will be spotted and wrinkled by living in sin and apathy. Their 'singed garments' will be an embarrassment to them on that day.

I Cor. 15:51-52
"Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

The last blast of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah is referred to as the "Last Trump". Symbolically, the sound of the shofar is intended to awaken the listeners from their "slumbers" and alert them to the coming judgment. One day soon, the trump of God will sound as He comes for His Bride - but it will also signal the start of judgment of the nations of the world.


The witnesses know the Bible more than conventional Christians so I search their magazines for clues
Since late last year, Jehovah’s witnesses’ magazines have been using mainly pictures of Black-people in their cover pages. When people of other complexion are used, they ensure that the black person is used prominently above others. I invite everyone to investigate the covers of their Awake and Watchtower magazines from late last year to the current issues.
On page 11 of the Watchtower magazine of November 1, 2014, there is a breakdown of the timeline of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the literal and the larger fulfillment of the dreams.

The top echelons of the witnesses are throwing it all out, and even their members do not even understand what their ogas are throwing into their faces symbolically. If you are discerning, take note of the big bold colour of the front page cover that also screams ‘’Is Satan Real’’. Flaunting it in our faces-the colour of satan.

In this speech she alludes to the year 2014 being a magic year, she also talks about a magic number ‘7’. She talked about numerology and used many occult allusions. Many thought she was referring to the Gregorian calendar month of July, July 2014 has come and gone, we will soon enter Tishri, the seventh month of the Lunar calendar and the first month of the Jewish calendar. The first day of Tishri will be the 25th of this month September.


Mathew 24:6
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

Everyone is aware of IS and the coalition of world powers that are making ready to battle them. Russia and America and the EU have been at loggerheads over Ukraine since the beginning of the year, Boko haram is capturing territory in Northern Nigeria etc. The wars and rumours of war.

Earthquakes in diverse places have become a daily occurrence. We get reports of increasing seismic and geologic activity everyday. This year 2014, earthquakes have happened in the USA, Peru, Japan etc. The Icelandic volcanoes that caused flight delays some time ago have already started showing signs activity.

Mathew 24:7
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

Pestilences, lol, Ebola, new emerging diseases that are defying conventional treatments. Superbugs defying antibiotics. Increase in non-communicable diseases like Cancers, heart disease, Diabetes, Obesity etc. I guess it has never been so bad.

Matthew 24:12
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall waxcold.
Everyone wants to make money, the desperate race to make money. Sighs. Man’s inhumanity to man increasing on a daily basis. Reports of new heights of wickedness assail us in the news.

Daniel 12:9-10
9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand

Further Reading

Feast of trumpets is calledTHE FEAST NO ONE KNOWS THE DAY OR HOUR.

Luke 16:27-31
27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

Daniel 12:3
3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by Nobody: 7:49pm On Sep 16, 2014
Obadiah lipsrsealed....
Hello Mr President. grin
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by peteregwu(m): 8:06pm On Sep 16, 2014
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by Tgirl4real(f): 8:10pm On Sep 16, 2014
I see plenty confusion and a lot of mix-ups.

I will advise you stick strictly to scriptures.

Last year, Mosthigh gave a similar analysis to corroborate Obadiah's claims then which I also looked into. It made sense and pointed to the fact that a major event may occur around Sept/Oct 2013. The truth is it makes sense but it is not scriptural cos we do not operate by the Jewish calender and ceremonies anymore. Secondly, it never happened.

Here we go again this year...Obadiah's predicted 17 weeks has passed. Anyway, Sept 25th is around the corner, let's keep our finger's cross. cheesy
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by nora544: 8:34pm On Sep 16, 2014
That is such a fake story

from which american you get this oer is this your writing.
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by JesusisLord85: 10:28pm On Sep 16, 2014
Tgirl4real: The truth is it makes sense but it is not scriptural cos we do not operate by the Jewish calender and ceremonies anymore. Secondly, it never happened.

At the bolded, what utter rubbish. Who are the "we" may I ask? The world may use one calendar, but what does that have to do with us (true Christians, not the crazy sunday bunch claiming the follow the Messiah).

The feasts of Leviticus 23 are prophetic.
Passover - Christ, passover lamb, was killed on passover
First Fruits - Resurrection
Feast of Weeks aka Pentecosts - The Spirit came to fulfil Joel 2:28

The blowing of the trumpet is symbolic. It may not be 2014, but know this, Yahshua shall return on a feast day, the feast of trumpets. You 'so-called' christians of today will be sitting there saying "but I thought that day is done away with".

Wake up form that slumber Edom has placed you under. You are an Israelite, and out duty to fear the Most High an keep his laws.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man."

Leave the falsehood to the heathen.
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by MrPresident1: 6:08pm On Sep 17, 2014
sandijey: Obadiah lipsrsealed....
Hello Mr President. grin

My Lady, how are you doing? wink
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by MrPresident1: 6:13pm On Sep 17, 2014

The time of Jacob's trouble has ended. It is Esau's turn to taste of the wrath, the clouds are now gathered over the skies of heaven. Christ will come in these clouds, shortly. wink

1 Like

Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by MrPresident1: 6:21pm On Sep 17, 2014
Tgirl4real: I see plenty confusion and a lot of mix-ups.

I will advise you stick strictly to scriptures.

Last year, Mosthigh gave a similar analysis to corroborate Obadiah's claims then which I also looked into. It made sense and pointed to the fact that a major event may occur around Sept/Oct 2013. The truth is it makes sense but it is not scriptural cos we do not operate by the Jewish calender and ceremonies anymore. Secondly, it never happened.

Here we go again this year...Obadiah's predicted 17 weeks has passed. Anyway, Sept 25th is around the corner, let's keep our finger's cross. cheesy

lool. plenty confusion and mix-ups eh?

When you advise to stick strictly to scriptures, you assume an abstract manner of speaking. The fact is, until you can juxtapose real-time events with Sacred scripture and make complete sense, you have not left the blocks.

Circa September 25, 2014!

And as my blood brother, Obadiah777, will say "the lines in the sand" wink wink

1 Like

Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by MrPresident1: 6:25pm On Sep 17, 2014

At the bolded, what utter rubbish. Who are the "we" may I ask? The world may use one calendar, but what does that have to do with us (true Christians, not the crazy sunday bunch claiming the follow the Messiah).

The feasts of Leviticus 23 are prophetic.
Passover - Christ, passover lamb, was killed on passover
First Fruits - Resurrection
Feast of Weeks aka Pentecosts - The Spirit came to fulfil Joel 2:28

The blowing of the trumpet is symbolic. It may not be 2014, but know this, Yahshua shall return on a feast day, the feast of trumpets. You 'so-called' christians of today will be sitting there saying "but I thought that day is done away with".

Wake up form that slumber Edom has placed you under. You are an Israelite, and out duty to fear the Most High an keep his laws.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man."

Leave the falsehood to the heathen.

Tgirl forgets that the calling of God are without repentance, Israel is forever chosen, only momentarily forsaken. The Most High does not work with the Gregorian calender, the sun and moon and stars are given for us as everlasting remainders of the time.

The Most High and Holy God never does things randomly. It all is a giant puzzle, and as He promised; the secrets of the Lord are with them that fear Him, that hope in His mercy. The time is fixed. Jacob's trouble is ended! The final trump will sound circa September 25, 2014.


Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by Nobody: 6:41pm On Sep 17, 2014

My Lady, how are you doing? wink

Fine. cheesy
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by MrPresident1: 6:55pm On Sep 17, 2014
I understand people do not really like to read long epistles, so here is a summary of why I believe circa 25 September, 2014 is the time.

It is the First day of Tishri, the Jewish new year and the seventh month of the Lunar calender. It is believed that Adam was created on this day. It is the day God is crowned as King forever (can anyone make a connection?), Adam is created and God is crowned as King, and God dwells in temples not made with human hands kiss

Seven is the number of completion.

The date will mark the 2620th year of Israel's slavery. The slavery ended in 1914 according to calculations made by people who know the Bible more than I do. Obadiah777 corroborated this in his 17weeks thread. Israel was supposed to be in slavery for 2520years. 1914 to 2014 is 100years which explains the 2620. Revelation 12:12, the 100years is the short time. Satan was dethroned from heaven in 1914. (Nigeria came into being in 1914)

Secular but powerful IMF MD Christine Largarde alludes to 2014 being a magic year. 2+0+1+4=7

The spate of violence, man's inhumanity to man, pestilences, wars and rumours of war, earthquakes etc this year alone perhaps remains unparalleled in recent years.

The feast of Trumpets is the feast no one knows the exact day or hour because its celebration depends on the sighting of the new moon, and corroboration by two witnesses. No one knows the exact date it will fall on, and its celebration mirrors the celebration of marriage. The last Trump, marriage supper, watch an pray, are all allusions to the celebration of the feast of Trumpets.

Personal conviction

The time is set. Circa 25th September, 2014!
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by MrPresident1: 6:57pm On Sep 17, 2014

Fine. cheesy

Good to know. I see all your posts.

How's the job hunt going?
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by Nobody: 7:11pm On Sep 17, 2014

Good to know. I see all your posts.

How's the job hunt going?

Not going to well Mr President. Am beginning to loose hope. Tired and feeling depressed. lipsrsealed
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by peteregwu(m): 7:20pm On Sep 17, 2014

The time of Jacob's trouble has ended. It is Esau's turn to taste of the wrath, the clouds are now gathered over the skies of heaven. Christ will come in these clouds, shortly. wink

amen my brother, I believe. you already on the right track.
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by gatiano(m): 8:05pm On Sep 17, 2014
24 hours earth takes to complete a cycle in a point
365 days the earth take to complete a cycle round the sun
25,000 years is for the axis of the earth to complete a cycle.

GOD'S Timing is by cycle, so was the black people. There are already being millions of cycles past, i haven't calculated which cycle we are in right now, but i am sure we are in the 15,100th year of the present cycle.

8400th year of this cycle started the making of the caucasian race which took 600 years, by 60000 black people lead by a scientist (jacob or yakub) in the aegean sea in pelan.
Thus you will get what is in Gen 1:26-27. (26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.)
keep in mind it is make and not "created" and nothing was mentioned of dust.

they took 600 year to make the caucacian, and they gave him dominion over all things for a period of 6 days, since a day to GOD is 1000 years, that means they were given 6000 years of rule, and and the seventh day, they will rest!

after they was made, the blackman went to rest (sleep), it is the blackman that awaits ressurection by a means of the trumpet sound. but before the blackman went to sleep, he made the pyramids, and that sphinx like a Lion to show that "i am and i will".

6000 years from the year they were made (9000th year of the cycle ended on the 15000th year), that time ended exactly in 1914, from that time began their fall. why did they still then have some rule now? time is needed to bring all the black people (isrealites), together to themselves, to teach them knowledge of themselves, knowledge of their GOD, and knowledge of the devil (satan). this are the sound of the trumpet, and when you hear, the rapture for that person has taken place and when you begin to learn the truth, believing it, trusting in one true GOD, getting yourself up in sciences, mathematics, astronomy and physics of truth, then resurrection is taken place.

MrPresident1: I understand people do not really like to read long epistles, so here is a summary of why I believe circa 25 September, 2014 is the time.

It is the First day of Tishri, the Jewish new year and the seventh month of the Lunar calender. It is believed that Adam was created on this day. It is the day God is crowned as King forever (can anyone make a connection?), Adam is created and God is crowned as King, and God dwells in temples not made with human hands kiss

Seven is the number of completion.

The date will mark the 2620th year of Israel's slavery. The slavery ended in 1914 according to calculations made by people who know the Bible more than I do. Obadiah777 corroborated this in his 17weeks thread. Israel was supposed to be in slavery for 2520years. 1914 to 2014 is 100years which explains the 2620. Revelation 12:12, the 100years is the short time. Satan was dethroned from heaven in 1914. (Nigeria came into being in 1914)

Secular but powerful IMF MD Christine Largarde alludes to 2014 being a magic year. 2+0+1+4=7

The spate of violence, man's inhumanity to man, pestilences, wars and rumours of war, earthquakes etc this year alone perhaps remains unparalleled in recent years.

The feast of Trumpets is the feast no one knows the exact day or hour because its celebration depends on the sighting of the new moon, and corroboration by two witnesses. No one knows the exact date it will fall on, and its celebration mirrors the celebration of marriage. The last Trump, marriage supper, watch an pray, are all allusions to the celebration of the feast of Trumpets.

Personal conviction

The time is set. Circa 25th September, 2014!
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by Tgirl4real(f): 10:53pm On Sep 17, 2014

Hi JesusisLord85 (which Jesus is Lord BTW wink )

I see that you still get worked up over my case.

Hope you are good. cheesy

Mr.President, God help you make nothing happen this month, you go hear wen. grin
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by JesusisLord85: 11:03pm On Sep 17, 2014
Tgirl4real: Lol

Hi JesusisLord85 (which Jesus is Lord BTW wink )

I see that you still get worked up over my case.

Hope you are good. cheesy

Mr.President, God help you make nothing happen this month, you go hear wen. grin

haha. I rebuke or correct out of love sister. A daughter of Israel, but you are following the ways of Edom.
I hope you have been reading my threads smiley
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by MrPresident1: 6:35pm On Sep 18, 2014

Not going to well Mr President. Am beginning to loose hope. Tired and feeling depressed. lipsrsealed

Please do not lose hope.

Which do you prefer CBN or NNPC? kiss
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by MrPresident1: 6:38pm On Sep 18, 2014

amen my brother, I believe. you already on the right track.

We will all be here to see how it goes.
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by MrPresident1: 6:56pm On Sep 18, 2014
gatiano: 24 hours earth takes to complete a cycle in a point
365 days the earth take to complete a cycle round the sun
25,000 years is for the axis of the earth to complete a cycle.

GOD'S Timing is by cycle, so was the black people. There are already being millions of cycles past, i haven't calculated which cycle we are in right now, but i am sure we are in the 15,100th year of the present cycle.

8400th year of this cycle started the making of the caucasian race which took 600 years, by 60000 black people lead by a scientist (jacob or yakub) in the aegean sea in pelan.
Thus you will get what is in Gen 1:26-27. (26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.)
keep in mind it is make and not "created" and nothing was mentioned of dust.

they took 600 year to make the caucacian, and they gave him dominion over all things for a period of 6 days, since a day to GOD is 1000 years, that means they were given 6000 years of rule, and and the seventh day, they will rest!

after they was made, the blackman went to rest (sleep), it is the blackman that awaits ressurection by a means of the trumpet sound. but before the blackman went to sleep, he made the pyramids, and that sphinx like a Lion to show that "i am and i will".

6000 years from the year they were made (9000th year of the cycle ended on the 15000th year), that time ended exactly in 1914, from that time began their fall. why did they still then have some rule now? time is needed to bring all the black people (isrealites), together to themselves, to teach them knowledge of themselves, knowledge of their GOD, and knowledge of the devil (satan). this are the sound of the trumpet, and when you hear, the rapture for that person has taken place and when you begin to learn the truth, believing it, trusting in one true GOD, getting yourself up in sciences, mathematics, astronomy and physics of truth, then resurrection is taken place.

This is some powerful stuff you have here!

The bolded, this is the 'creation' of man; the giving of the law and commandments to Adam, which made him automatically superior to all creation. The birds of the air, beast of the field, fish of the sea are actually referring to human beings whom Adam was supposed to civilise by 'going into the world and multiply'; go into the world and replicate your own kind, go and teach the laws and commandments and statutes of God to man.

The words are used allegorically, and they actually signify the enthronement of God (in man). God is eternally invisible, but He lives inside His Elect; Adam, Yahshua.

Ezekiel 39:29
:for I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord GOD.

Ephesians 2:21-22
In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:
22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.

God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, he dwells in the hearts of men. The purpose of Christ when He comes is to come and rebuild the temple, the third temple. Ephesians Chapter 2 tells us this temple is not a temple made of concrete, but that these temple is the hearts of men. A careful examination of the structure of the first two temples in the OT show that they are not physical temples made of concrete, built to worship God in. They are all allegorical temples; the heart of man is the Temple of God.

1 Like

Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by Nobody: 6:59pm On Sep 18, 2014

Please do not lose hope.

Which do you prefer CBN or NNPC? kiss

Funny u mention nnpc. My dad is an ex staff and couldn't put me there. CBN looks cool
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by MrPresident1: 7:03pm On Sep 18, 2014

Funny u mention nnpc. My dad is an ex staff and couldn't put me there. CBN looks cool

I am Mr President. CBN is it then. lool cheesy

1 Like

Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by MrPresident1: 7:07pm On Sep 18, 2014
Tgirl4real: Lol

Hi JesusisLord85 (which Jesus is Lord BTW wink )

I see that you still get worked up over my case.

Hope you are good. cheesy

Mr.President, God help you make nothing happen this month, you go hear wen. grin

If only you had an idea the kind of light and privilege my dear brother is trying to drag you into. No problems na. September 25 is just around the corner. Una go see masquerade! grin grin grin

1 Like

Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by MrPresident1: 7:14pm On Sep 18, 2014
nora544: That is such a fake story

from which american you get this oer is this your writing.

Hey Nora544, how are ya? Why do you think this is fake? I'm willing to engage you.
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by Nobody: 8:29pm On Sep 18, 2014

I am Mr President. CBN is it then. lool cheesy

I believe you cheesy

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Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by Tgirl4real(f): 11:14pm On Sep 18, 2014

haha. I rebuke or correct out of love sister. A daughter of Israel, but you are following the ways of Edom.
I hope you have been reading my threads smiley


I can only laugh. This movement is attractive, unfortunately it's not the way. You are close, but you have missed the true light.

I leave you guys in peace. smiley

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Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by Nobody: 11:50pm On Sep 18, 2014

Not going to well Mr President. Am beginning to loose hope. Tired and feeling depressed. lipsrsealed
why are hunting for job when the world is about to end
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by peteregwu(m): 1:07am On Sep 19, 2014

haha. I rebuke or correct out of love sister. A daughter of Israel, but you are following the ways of Edom.
I hope you have been reading my threads smiley

One thing is sure is that we are in the season of rapture, no doubt, going by what is happening around the world today just like Jesus prophecied. But saying that it would be by a particular month or day is what I don't know. But I very sure it is closer than we think. It could be this year or next, the truth is that it is very much near.
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by Nobody: 7:26am On Sep 19, 2014
why are hunting for job when the world is about to end

I should not eat or I should just kill myself because the world is about to end..... undecided
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by Nobody: 7:37am On Sep 19, 2014

I should not eat or I should just kill myself because the world is about to end..... undecided
What good will the Job do? The world is ending according to these guys in less than a week. I suspect this guy Mr president don't know what he talking about else he will not be wishing you well in job hunting.
Re: Feast Of Trumpets, Roshhashanah, 1st Day Of Tishri & The Second Coming Of Christ by Nobody: 7:39am On Sep 19, 2014
What good will the Job do? The world is ending according to these guys in less than a week. I suspect this guy Mr president don't know what he talking about else he will not be wishing you well in job hunting.

Lol cheesy

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