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Religion / The Significance Of Christmas by PstWoleSoetan(m): 12:35pm On Dec 24, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Dec 24, 2013


John 3:16 (MSG)This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.

When God wanted to save the world, he sent the best that he had—his one and only Son. And in sending Jesus, he was really sending Himself. This is the true significance of Christmas—Immanuel—God with us.

Luke 2:11 For there is born TO YOU this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

"To You”, He came for you. This is where Christmas becomes intensely personal. When the shepherds heard these words from the angel, they must have been flabbergasted. Don't forget that shepherds were near the bottom of the social order of ancient Israel. They were often poor and uneducated and some were quite young. When the angel says, “To you is born,” he’s really saying, “Christ came for lowly shepherds.” But what about those theologians in Jerusalem who knew but didn’t care? He came for them too, but they missed it altogether.

When Christ came, his birth was first announced to the outcasts of society. They were the first ones to hear the good news of Christmas. There is a great lesson in this for all of us. God came to dwell among us by sending His one and only begotten Son and its only if we receive him with the greatest joy that we can have a whole and lasting life. It’s not enough to say that you believe Christ came. Millions of people say that and are still lost in sin. It’s not enough to say that Christ came for someone else.

You can never be saved until you say, “Christ came for me. He died for me. He rose from the dead for me.” He came for you. Do you believe that?

CONFESSION: Thank You Father for giving me the greatest gift ever. I receive Jesus as my personal Lord and Saviour today.

Religion / God So Loved The World Ii by PstWoleSoetan(m): 3:46pm On Dec 23, 2013

2 Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Dec 23, 2013


John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Jesus died to give us an exemption status; exemption from sickness, sorrow, disappointment and the uncertainties unbelievers are plagued with. He died, dealing with the issue of sin so that everyone would be given a chance at a clean slate.

You might think that you are too deep in sin to have a clean slate but let me assure you that there are people who were more entrenched in sin than you are but with just a touch from Jesus, their lives were turned around. Make a bold stand for Jesus today because when you make a bold stand for Jesus here on earth, He will make a bold stand for you in heaven.

We are confronted with different pictures of God in the bible. We see a picture of Him seated in heaven, another of Him standing as he did when he was welcoming Stephen after his death. The picture which I find most intriguing is the picture of the running God in Luke 15.

The most amazing fact about this running God is that He is always running to sinners with arms wide open to receive them. The prodigal son joined himself to the systematized operation of the world, leaving the kingdom of God. He returned home feeling defeated and downcast but was welcomed by his father who had been looking out for him all the while he was gone. His father didn't rub his failure in his face but began with him on a clean slate. God won't rub your past failures and mistakes in your face and He would never use them against you.

CONFESSION: My life has become a living testimony, it is well with me. the anointing of God is flowing in my life. My life is reflecting the fullness of God's glory.

FURTHER STUDY: Matt 5:34, Luke 15
Religion / God So Loved The World by PstWoleSoetan(m): 8:32pm On Dec 22, 2013

2 Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Dec 22, 2013


John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

The past tense "loved" is used deliberately to emphasize the fact that God didn't just start loving the world today, He has always loved and will always love the world. It would have been understandable had the bible said God loves the people who love Him back; those who are living good lives, the righteous and heaven bound people. However, we are told that our Holy God loves those who are next to nothing - He loves the world. The world speaks of the systematized operation of the devil. Thus, He loves you regardless of who you are - a drug addict, a murderer, thief, liar, etc.

We are celebrating this season because God chose not to stay back in heaven but to step in the ranks of flesh to save you and I. Imagine where we would be today had God not sent Jesus to the world. I don't know about you but I am glad that Jesus was sent into the world.

Someone once asked me an intelligent question. He said "You say God is God all by Himself, why then did He have to create people?". God created us all because God is love and love is expressive and is best demonstrated toward an object.

I am so grateful that Jesus was born and that He died for us even when we were lost in sin and far from Him. It is even possible that you have never had a relationship with God or that your relationship with God has grown cold. Well, this is the best opportunity to begin to build a relationship with God. It would be unfortunate if you were to celebrate Christmas without truly understanding its import.

Jesus died to give us a purpose to live and we celebrate Christmas to extend that reason to live to other people.

CONFESSION: I have everlasting life.

Prayer: I no longer struggle with the things I struggled with by the power in the name of Jesus!

Religion / Pressing Forward - Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 10:21pm On Dec 20, 2013

2 Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Dec 20, 2013

1 Sam 1:9 So Hannah AROSE after they had finished eating and drinking in Shiloh...

The enemy's strategy to deprive us of all the good things God has promised us is to give us pacifiers.
Pacifiers are poor substitutes for what God has in store for us but many Christians have been deceived and have settled for them. Though Hannah's physical needs had been met, she decided to rise from that spot of temporary reprieve to forge ahead to a place that promised permanent solutions.

We must be careful that our present success does not deter us from future accomplishments. We must always be grateful and appreciative of where God has taken us but we must be ready to rise from that spot to conquer new territories.

Hannah refused to be trapped into giving up her dreams and desires just to stroke her husband's ego 1 Sam 1:8. There are many "well-intentioned" people who have adviced us. They have told us to remember our background and keep our dreams small as dreaming big would only lead to disappointment in the end. Many have tried to give us pacifiers to stop us from pursing a "hopeless dream". They mean well but like Hannah, we must refuse to give up on the dreams God has put in our hearts.

Gen 15:2 But Abram said, “Lord God, what will You give me, seeing I go childless..." Abraham was speaking as though he had received nothing from God which wasn't the case (Gen 13:2). He had received a lot from God but he did not say "God has given me so much, I couldn't possibly ask for more". No! God had made him a promise of an heir and he was not going to be distracted by the other blessings God had given him. He wasn't going to settle for just being full, he was also determined to be fulfilled!
CONFESSION: I'm moving forward day after day. I am a barrier breaker!

PRAYER: I refuse to settle for just being full, I will reach the place of fulfilment in the name of Jesus!

Religion / Peace In Our Nation by PstWoleSoetan(m): 11:33am On Dec 18, 2013

2 Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Dec 18, 2013


Psa 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May they prosper who love you.

The political, financial and economic atmosphere in most countries of the world is tense and one observing this could easily conclude that such nations will soon fall apart. As citizens of God's kingdom however, we understand that we are called to make a difference in our world. It is therefore not scriptural for us to be in an office, in a place or in a nation and have things fall apart.

As citizens of God's kingdom, we possess great influence. We have prominent roles to play as believers in our geographical location. An example of this can be found in Genesis 18 where Abraham's negotiation with God caused God to rethink His proposed cause of action. We possess an even greater covenant in Christ and thus, can cause whatever change we desire to see in our nation to begin to manifest even in our lifetime. Understanding this covenant gives us confidence in God's ability.

We should learn to fully utilize our heritage in Christ Jesus by virtue of His death on the cross of calvary. Regardless of the 'deadness' of the morals of the people in a country, the power embedded in the name of Jesus can transform things around for the good of the whole nation.

Are you tired of the level of corruption, backwardness, moral decadence, economic meltdown and ungodliness in your nation? Why not take it to your Father in prayer today?

Those countries we compare to ours to were developed and prayed for by people determined to cause a change in their world. It is time for us to cause a similar change in our country by interceding for it. The future of our country lies in our hands.

CONFESSION: my country begins to benefit as a result of my presence in it in Jesus' name!

PRAYER: Transformation begins to occur in this nation in Jesus' name.

FURTHER STUDY: Gen 18:26-33, Psalm 127:1
Religion / The Light Of The World Ii - Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 10:52pm On Dec 17, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Dec 17, 2013


Mathew 5:16...Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

As Christians, we are brand ambassadors of Christ on earth therefore we must portray our kingdom to unbelievers in the right light. Our responsibility is not to God alone but also to the world as demonstrated by the cross. The cross points upward signifying a relationship with God and outward signifying a relationship and responsibility to the world.

Our attitude as believers matters a lot. We must know that it is rare to find unbelievers reading the bible; our lives are the bibles they read. Thus, we must not be stumbling blocks in the path of others.

Our actions might be the single reason someone does or doesn't want to listen to the gospel. Little habits like exaggerating in order to make our conversation interesting, laziness at our places of work, disobedience to our parents and to authority figures, a nonchalant attitude, etc are things that must be avoided.

There are things which are not necessarily bad but because of the negative message that would be sent out to unbelievers who are reading our lives, we must avoid them. An example is an unmarried sister spending the night in a brother's house. The world will read a meaning to that even though no sin is committed. The bible says flee all appearances of evil.

We must be conscious of the fact that the devil is an accuser and so be careful that we do not leave him room to provide false evidences to dilute the message of Christ we preach to those not yet saved.

CONFESSION: my life brings glory to God daily. I am a true ambassador of Christ!

PRAYER: help me live a life that people will read and be saved in Jesus' name.

FURTHER STUDY: 1 Cor 8, Eph. 4:24-32
Religion / The Light Of The World by PstWoleSoetan(m): 4:16pm On Dec 16, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Dec 16, 2013


Mathew 5:16...Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Where there is light, there is illumination. As believers, we are the light though we live in the darkness that is the world. As the light we must understand that the greater the darkness, the brighter we were designed to shine. We have no excuse for not shining; the rough experiences we have gone through in the past were all to make us shine brighter.

Being ambassadors of Christ on earth means we have to live the life of Christ. To draw more to the kingdom of God, our good works must be made evident by the kind of life we live. Believers must be shiny examples wherever they are found.

As the light of the world, we must model our lives in such a way that the world gets attracted to us because of the kind of results we generate. Going into the world and making disciples of nations can't be substantiated if our results as believers is nothing to write home about. The consciousness that we are the light of the world should refrain us from carrying out acts that will tarnish the gospel we preach.

It is impossible to give what you do not have. The light of the world must first be able to show the world infallible proofs in his/her own life before reproducing the same in the life of the people of the world.

Do not confuse religion for Christianity, there is more to being Christians than going to church, observing all church ordinances and holding a position in the house of God. We must have a deep and sound understanding of the Word, be conversant with kingdom principles and live a life worthy of emulation by all and sundry.

CONFESSION: I have God on my inside therefore I generate the God-Kind of results.

PRAYER: I enjoy the full benefits of the free gift of salvation thereby attracting more to Christ.

FURTHER STUDY: Mathew 5:14-16, Mark 4:21-23
Religion / The Prayer God Answers by PstWoleSoetan(m): 3:44pm On Dec 15, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

December 15, 2013


1 Sam 1:11 Then she made a vow and said, “O Lord of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will give Your maidservant a male child, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life, and no razor shall come upon his head.”

Hannah had been to Shiloh for several years and had appealed to God each time for a child but she received no answer. This was not because God was trying to be wicked but because Hannah was so consumed with her need for a child that she forgot to align her need with God's will. Many Christians have prayed, fasted and confessed the Word but with no results. Some have concluded that the Word doesn't work and have given up. They, like Hannah, have focused on their needs to the exclusion of God's will.

If you do not know what to do with the blessing, your blessing will lead to affliction. God's blessing comes with a weight of responsibility and those who cannot handle this weight only end up worse off than they began. God's desire is not to give you something that will destroy you but something that will make you better and take you far in life. Thus, if your request is in alignment with God's will then you will get your request faster.

What hastens God's response to our prayer is not our tears but our faith and our sense of responsibility and service. It was when Hannah finally got around to patterning her needs to align with God's will that she got her answer.

The reason many prayers have not been answered is because of the motive behind such prayers. Why do you want a new car, more money, a promotion? To show off? To intimidate others? To serve God? Canal consideration alone will not get you the answer you want from God.

CONFESSION: I enter a season of amazing blessings.

PRAYER: help me pattern my needs to Your will in Jesus' name.

FURTHER STUDY: Isa 38, Luke 12:13-21


Religion / The Man Of Purpose by PstWoleSoetan(m): 2:43pm On Dec 14, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

December 14, 2013


Prov 19:21 There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand.

To succeed, there are pertinent questions you are always to ask one of which is "what is my purpose?". Who better to ask that question than God Himself who created you? The question of purpose is one of the most important questions yet the least asked. Many Christians have never asked God that question.

Jer 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

God created you for a purpose, He alone knows why you were born into that home, born in this era, why you are tall/short, outspoken, etc. God has a reason for all that and you need to ask that question if you want to live a fulfilled life.

Understanding your purpose is of the essence as it is only when you understand your purpose that you learn to live a life free of fear. A man who knows his purpose would have seen his future laid out before him and would not suffer from unnecessary anxiety. A man of purpose is not easily swayed; he doesn't do things because others do them but because He has received specific instructions from God.

Ask God for your purpose today and be persistent in your asking as it will make all the difference. Perhaps the reason you're going through so much difficulty in that business is not necessarily because of the poor economy of the world but because you were not designed for it. Discovering your purpose will put you on the right track. You will find yourself doing with ease what others struggle to do because you will know where you fit in.

CONFESSION: I know my purpose and I walk in it.

PRAYER: Lord reveal to me the purpose for which I was born.
Religion / Being Fully Persuaded by PstWoleSoetan(m): 11:07am On Dec 13, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Dec 13, 2013


Rom 4:21 and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.

For breakthrough to take place, we must break through the resistance in our minds until we are fully persuaded. When we come to that point of conviction where we are fully persuaded, we will possess an unshakeable confidence that God can do anything.

When you become fully persuaded, what you have to handle becomes light in your mind's eye. You will be able to laugh in the midst of several challenges. This was why Jesus could sleep in the midst of the storm; He was confident in the fact that there was still so much for Him to accomplish and as a result, nothing could happen to Him.

With the numerous messages on faith, health, wealth, the importance of confession and of prayer, etc the lives of most Christians has remained the same because they have been unable to translate the information they have into empowerment. For empowerment to take place, you must enslave your mind to your spirit.

When your mind becomes enslaved to your spirit, your spiritual senses come alive. We do not see with our eyes but THROUGH our eyes; we see with our minds and when we engage the mind of Christ in us, we begin to see differently. Seeing differently is important because you will not experience what you do not first see.

One way of enslaving your mind to your spirit is by repetition. Whatever you repeat becomes established. This is why you must not repeat things you do not want to see in your life. Everytime you focus on the past, recounting past failures and disappointments, you literally take your life backward. Only repeat what God has said about you.

CONFESSION: The glorious light of the gospel is shining forth in my mind. I am confident that He who has begun a good work in me will complete it.

PRAYER: Thank you for free passage of the reality of what is in our spirit into the operations of our minds in Jesus' name.

FURTHER STUDY: Mark 4:35-41, 1 Cor 14:14, Phil 1:6
Religion / The Kingdom Umpire by PstWoleSoetan(m): 10:47am On Dec 12, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Dec 12, 2013


John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Peace is security in the midst of troubles. It is what lets you know you are in right standing with God. You can either choose to operate by the world's kind of peace or by the peace given by God. The peace in the kingdom of God serves as the umpire which check-mates the state of well-being of a man.

The world's kind of peace is equated with the amount of money, houses, investments, and other things one has. This means that whoever operates by the world's kind of peace would experience confusion, constant worry and fear if these good things of life are absent.

In the kingdom of God, the umpire which is peace gives rest of mind whether there is money or not. It is the assurance that when we take our problems to God, they will always be settled. This kind of peace is only accessible through Christ Jesus.

The peace of God is an enforcer of rules. Col. 3:15 "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful." It settles matters that have to do with the well-being of Christians. As children of the kingdom, we need to always allow peace be the Umpire in our relationship with both believers and unbelievers.

We have to allow peace enforce rules in our relationship and in our marriage. Husbands should use the peace of God in handling their wives and children. Peace is what tells you to say sorry to your spouse even when you are right. It is what makes you speak good words over your children even when they are not doing well in school at the moment. This peace is only given to us when we accept the life of Christ and walk in the consciousness that we have it.

Prayer: Father, grant me the ability and the endorsement to walk in the consciousness of Your peace.

CONFESSION: I experience peace in my marriage, career and in my walk with God.

FURTHER STUDY: Heb 12:28, Rom. 14:17, Php. 4:6-7
Religion / My Exceedingly Great Reward by PstWoleSoetan(m): 9:15am On Dec 09, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph

Dec 9, 2013


One of the saddest things you can do as a child of God is to compare yourself to other people. Other people operate by a natural process but yours is a supernatural process; a higher law.

In Gen 15:1, God was giving Abraham a package deal - a deal of protection and of total recovery. God was saying that if Abraham had lost anything prior to that time, he would get everything back. Abraham did not understand the scope and magnitude of what God was talking about until Gen 21 where he made a terrible mistake which almost cost him his wife. It was because of what God had already promised him that everything worked out for His good. I pray for you that mistakes that should cause you something valuable will be made to work out for your good in Jesus' name.

Isaac was a man who understood the blessing of El-shaddai and he blessed his own son, Jacob, transferring to him the revelation that had protected him and provided for his own father (Abraham). Gen 28:3 May God Almighty (El-shaddai) bless you and give you many children. And may your descendants multiply and become many nations!

His son, Jacob, however had no clue of what was being given to Him. It took him twenty years to begin to enjoy the blessing. This was because he was a trickster and a manipulator at the time and El-shaddai has no tolerance for manipulation and the works of man's reasoning devoid of the input of the Holy Ghost. In order to enjoy the blessing of El-shaddai, we must do away with every reasoning and work of the flesh.

CONFESSION: I operate under a supernatural rule of promotion, protection and increase! Right now, my name is being mentioned among those who matter and in places where it matters the most. I believe in El-shaddai and in compensation for any loss. He is my exceeding great reward.

FURTHER STUDY: Gen 15:1, Psalm 91, Gal 3
Religion / El-shaddai - Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 6:08pm On Dec 06, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

December 6, 2013


Gen 17:1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless.

Whenever God wants to cause a change in your life, He reveals a new and different aspect of His person through a title. The more conversant you are with this title, the more of His ability you will see manifest in that regard.

Gen 17 is the first place God is revealed as the Almighty which is translated in Hebrew as El-Shaddai. The Hebrew word 'Shaddai' means the Many-Breasted-One. God was in essence telling Abraham that He would be to him (Abraham) like a nursing mother, providing all the nourishment he (Abraham) would ever need in life. God was saying that from that moment every deficiency in Abraham's life had become a thing of the past and God is saying the same thing to us today. I pray that every deficiency that has existed in your life prior to this time will no longer be in existence in the name of Jesus.

Shaddai also means 'a God who is powerful enough to compel natural processes to act contrary to itself.' God was saying that though Abraham was 99years, He (God) could reverse the ageing process and make him like a youth. Should there be an impairment in your body such as a failed kidney, a cancerous growth, etc, I pray that God will begin a reversal process right now in the name of Jesus!

El-shaddai is a God who is able to triumph over all obstacles and opposition. A God who is able to subdue all things to Himself. Today, God will subdue nations and Kings on your behalf in Jesus' name. Everything that has oppressed and intimidated you in time past has become subject to you. You will experience a dimension of God as El-shaddai that you have never experienced before. It is well with you now and forever more. Amen.

CONFESSION: Natural laws are reversed for my sake.

PRAYER: I will achieve in 2years what others cannot achieve in ten because time will be compressed for my sake in Jesus' name.

Religion / Kingdom Strategies - Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 1:30pm On Dec 05, 2013

2 Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph…

December 5, 2013


The kingdom you belong to determines your destiny. There are two kingdoms: The kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world. The kingdom of the world refers to the cosmos system and though we are 'in' the world, we are not 'of' the world. We are on earth for a purpose and it is time we began acting like it.

Colossians 1:13 The day you become born again, you are snatched from one kingdom to another. You transfer & translate into the kingdom of God as soon as you receive Christ.

All things are yours, all you need is a kingdom strategy to access it. Matthew 16:19 Doors answer to keys, not to familiarity. You are in the kingdom and there are Keys 'of' the Kingdom. Keys are principles, meaning you can duplicate the same results just by following the same principles.

The first key of the kingdom of God is to ensure you have the mind of Christ. A sizeable percentage of all you get out of life depends on how you think. Everything Adam believed before he fell was what God told him and he prospered but when he began to think like the enemy, he lost his authority.

Think what the word says and declare it over your life. Whenever the enemy wants to deal with you, he makes you see only what he wants (Isaiah 11: 23). Don’t allow circumstances, incidents and events shape your thoughts. Refuse to accommodate in your mind what you can't accommodate in your.

Train your mind to be in line with God's words. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct you. To be carnally minded (sense ruled) is death. You must see the invisible. To be carnally minded is to be in enmity with God. You must live your life revelation-ally rather than situation-ally.

CONFESSION: I am a king therefore I rule everywhere I go. The word of God is the umpire over my heart and over my thoughts. My thoughts are in alignment with God's kingdom.

FURTHER STUDY: Gen 1:26, Matt 13: 24-30, 36, Eccl 10: 5-7
Religion / Releasing The Kingdom Of God In You by PstWoleSoetan(m): 12:06pm On Dec 04, 2013

2 Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph…

December 4, 2013


The kingdom of God (the power and authority of God) is in you but it has to be released if any change is to occur in your life. One major reason many of God's children are unable to release the kingdom of God in them is that they live in shame.

Isa 61:-7 Instead of your shame you shall have double honor, And instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double; Everlasting joy shall be theirs.

Shame is a sense of being uniquely flawed in your mind. It is a feeling of 'unworthiness' which makes you feel that there's something wrong with you. Shame leaves you feeling less valuable and is the reason for inferiority complex. Shame obscures your real identity in Christ and causes you to forfeit your inheritance..

When you walk in shame, the door of fear is open and when fear comes in you cannot release the kingdom of God in you. Luke 12:32 “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Today, find out areas in your life that you have constantly allowed fear overwhelm you and you will notice that you are not enjoying the best of God in that area.

Shame makes you feel inadequate, makes you believe bad things will always happen to you. Shame says "I'm only valuable for what I do not for who I am", "my existence is a burden to others", etc.

A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. When you allow negative emotions such as shame and fear in your heart, they tend to make you feel that God's word about you isn't true. To break away from shame, you have to identify with something stronger - your identity in Christ.

CONFESSION: I have double honor. Fear is gone from my life, I know who I am. I am born of God therefore I carry His DNA.

PRAYER: The yoke of shame and fear is removed from my life and is gone forever in the name of Jesus.
Religion / The Kingdom Of God Ii - Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 12:02am On Dec 04, 2013

2 Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph…

December 3, 2013


Eph 1:18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints

The Kingdom of God (the power and authority of God) resides in you. However, it has to be released in order to determine your experiences in life and the job of its release lies in your hands. In order to accomplish this task, you must first be established in your identity. In order to be properly established in your identity, you need revelation knowledge. Revelation knowledge is knowledge given by the Holy Spirit and received not through your mind but through your eyes and ears of understanding.

The battle in the garden of Eden was not about the fruit Adam ate or did not eat but about his fall from revelation knowledge to sense knowledge. In the garden of Eden, Adam was operating the kingdom of God on earth! Adam singularly named all the animals in the garden because he had revelation knowledge.

When the devil appeared to Eve, his argument was that there was no need to depend on God to 'know' as she could know for herself if she ate from fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. The consequence for eating of the fruit was that Adam and Eve fell from revelation knowledge to sense knowledge. They could no longer operate the kingdom of God on earth.

This is why even today, when a man walks by the flesh, he can not experience the things of God. The flesh is 'sense' and 'reason' separate from the influence of the Holy Spirit. Too many people live like this - rationing out everything and weighing the pros and cons. They do not see the need to rely on the Holy Spirit for revelation knowledge and so they cannot release the kingdom of God in them.

CONFESSION: I receive revelation to operate in supernatural dimensions.

PRAYER: By virtue of revelation, I experience the best of God in all areas of my life in Jesus' name.

FURTHER READING: Gen 3, Prov 3:5
Religion / The Kingdom Of God - Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 3:34pm On Dec 02, 2013

2 Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph…

December 2, 2013


The devil doesn't have a legal right to attack us anymore because we have been delivered from the power of darkness. All of us were under the kingdom of the devil but when we received God's life, we were translated into the God's kingdom.

The kingdom of God is not a location; the kingdom of God is the government of God, the power and authority of God. Psalm 103:19 The Lord has established His throne in heaven, And His kingdom rules over all.

No kingdom of this world can triumph over the kingdom of God; every other kingdom submits to it. The kingdom of God superintends over all aspects of life - health, finance, relationship, career, etc.

The kingdom of God resides within the people of God. This means that whenever the people of God step into a place, the entirety of God's power and authority comes into that place because the kingdom of God is in them. When you step into your office, home, etc the kingdom of God steps in! The power and authority to get anything dome resides in you!

Though the kingdom of God is present in life of the people of God, it doesn't mean it is released and it is not enough for us to carry the kingdom without it being released. The first key to releasing the kingdom of God in us is to believe in him.

John 7: 38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

This means that when you believe, the kingdom of God within you will begin to find avenues to express itself. Thus, if you believe, your business, health, family, career, etc will prosper because of what you carry - the kingdom of God.

CONFESSION: The kingdom of God resides in me and will be expressed in every aspect of my life.

FURTHER STUDY: Gen 39:1-3, John 7: 37-39
Religion / The Value Of The Seed Part 2 by PstWoleSoetan(m): 9:44pm On Dec 01, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Dec 1, 2013


Welcome to another month the Lord has made. This is going to be the best month you have ever lived in the name of Jesus. God is set to do great things this month. Remember, He always reserves the best for last.

Today's the first day of a new month and it is very important that we begin to sow right from today. We need to sow seeds of money, time, patience, forgiveness and love and we will surely reap an abundance.

The angel in Judges 6 did not stop Gideon from giving even though he knew that there was lack at that time in Israel. Do not wait to be asked before you sow today. Sow seeds of love to those who are less privileged today and seeds of time with God, your family and loved ones. There is nothing wrong with sowing a seed without being told to by God. Gideon was not asked to sow but he did and it was accepted.

After you have sown, you must be conscious of the words you speak. Many have counteracted the effect of their seeds with negative words. What you say will determine whether God will get your blessing to you or not. Abraham was not only conscious of what he would say, he was also conscious of what people would say (Gen. 14:21-23).

What you say when God has given you The Blessing matters. Jer. 9:23 Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches". What you say about the blessing goes a long way in the opening of other doors.

We are not self-made men but God-made men. At the end of it all always let all the credit go to God.
God does not have a problem with people praising you but He has a problem with you when you retain the praise.

CONFESSION: "Lord I am grateful. Lord You have done all things well". I return all the glory to you for You deserve it.

FURTHER STUDY: Prov 11:24-31, Judges 6:11-27
Religion / The Value Of The Seed Part 1 by PstWoleSoetan(m): 9:26pm On Dec 01, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Nov 30, 2013


Judges 6: 3 So it was, whenever Israel had sown, Midianites would come up; also Amalekites and the people of the East would come up against them.

The Midianites and Amalekites did not attack the Isrealites until they sowed a seed because it is the attitude of the enemy to strike whenever you make a new move. The devil understands the value of the seed so he devices different strategies to discourage God's children from sowing. He tries to make sure they have nothing to sow and if this fails, he tries to sabotage their harvest. The enemies came against Israelites not to take away their harvest but to destroy it and to take hope away.

In Judges 6, God located and spoke to Gideon despite the fact that he was hiding. Judges 6:12 And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!”

God located Gideon and called him a mighty man of valour because He saw into His future. After Gideon was given the message by the angel, the first thing He did was sow a seed. Gideon knew, unlike most Christians today, that God responds to principles and not to pity or tears so he sowed despite the fact that he had so little. He understood that God does not take away from us but takes from us to make for us (Gen. 2:21).

In Judges 6:25, God requested Gideon to give all he had. God requested for everything because Gideon's first seed was not commensurate with the harvest God wanted to give him. The first harvest Gideon received was the Holy Spirit (Judges 6:34).

One of the 1st pre-harvest signs after you sow is that you will become emboldened towards the desire of the harvest (Judg. 6:37). Your seed emboldens you; never start a new project without a seed.

CONFESSION: I am guaranteed a glorious future. God is locating and bringing me out of obscurity.

FURTHER STUDY: Judges 6: 1-6
Religion / Blessed To Be A Blessing! by PstWoleSoetan(m): 12:13pm On Nov 29, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Nov 29, 2013


Gen 12:2 I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing.

To be blessed is to be endued with power to succeed (Josh one vs. eight) and to prosper! Prosperity is not just about money - it is a state of having nothing missing, nothing broken and nothing lacking! To be blessed is to be endued with power to live long (Psa 91:16) and endued with the power of fruitfulness and productivity.

I pray that from today you will not just bear the name 'blessed', you will also experience the blessing!

Your outward appearance does not change the fact that you are blessed. It doesn't matter where you are in life- you're blessed! 1 Cor 10:13 (NLT) The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.

The look on your face does not change the situation. Harassing others with your situation doesn't either, only the spirit of Faith would! It's okay to cry for a while but make sure you stand up immediately and declare the Word! THE BLESSING IS ON YOU!

The reason the blessing is on your life is because you are meant to be a blessing. Stop abiding and enjoying the blessings alone. Reach out to people! God does not waste His resources, He releases them to those who would advance His kingdom!

There is one who scatters, yet increases more; And there is one who withholds more than is right, But it leads to poverty. Channels never run dry. Be a distribution center of God's blessings! Dispense, don't be an accumulator: things that receive and do not give out (distribute) stink!

CONFESSION: I am a distributor of God's blessing! I decree, that I am not coming out of 2013 empty handed in Jesus' name!

FURTHER STUDY: Gen 1:28, Psa 44:3
Religion / Great Grace - Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 9:01pm On Nov 28, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Nov 28, 2013


Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.

In Acts 4, the apostles were not trying to raise an offering nor were they discussing the principle of sowing and reaping. They were praying for signs and wonders to happen through the name of Jesus. As they prayed, the earth shook and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. This was a deeply spiritual experience. However, in the next verse, the bible takes a strange turn by shifting to a discussion of worldly possessions. We are told that the people did not withhold from each other their possessions.

This tells me that when people are filled with the Spirit, they no longer need to be cajoled into giving to God and to the people around them. They begin to do it selflessly, willingly. The result of this is the release of great grace.

Acts 4:33 And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all.

There are measures of grace; if there can be great grace then there can be a lesser grace. In order to have great grace, we must cultivate the habit of giving selflessly. People tend to clam up when the issue of giving is raised but then they become excited when a prophecy of prosperity is declared over them. Know that you are only qualified for the harvest when you have sown a seed! Create the right atmosphere today like the apostles did through prayer so that you are filled with the Spirit and when you are filled with the spirit, do not resist the urge to give.

CONFESSION: I give willingly today because I am filled with the Spirit. I operate in great grace therefore I have help from unimagined sources. I enjoy the harvest and I experience an overflow!

Religion / Better Days Ahead - Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 1:28pm On Nov 27, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Nov 27, 2013


Job 8:7 (GWT) Then what you had in the past will seem small compared with the great prosperity you’ll have in the future.

When people tell you where you were before, you will need faith to believe it because God would have changed, translated and transformed your story. The rest of the days of your life will be the best you have ever lived. It does not matter how many people have broken your heart or how many doors have been slammed in your face. What you had in the past will seem small compared to the great prosperity in your future.

Job 8:7 (NCV) Where you began will seem unimportant, because your future will be so successful.

Where you began in your marriage, job, health, etc will be seem unimportant when compared to your future. When you show your children where you grew up, schooled, worked, etc they will be unable to believe you because of the heights you would have attained in Jesus' name.

Every loss you have encountered will be unimportant because your future will be so successful. Favour will bring to you more than you bargained for. These are days you should live conscious of what you carry. We are taking back all that the devil stole from us in this season.

Job 8:7 (CEV) 7 Your future will be brighter by far than your past.

In case people have bad mouthed you and looked down on you based on your past and present, God says to tell you that your future will be extraordinary! You will get results that are incomparable to the level of effort in Jesus' name! Your results will have no bearing on your qualifications, no bearing on where you are from and on where you live.

It doesn’t matter if you have borrowed money to feed yourself in the past. The bible says though you are not much right now, you will end up better, greater, more expanded!

CONFESSION: Although my former estate was ordinary, my future will be extraordinary.
Religion / The Faith That Overcomes - Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 1:17pm On Nov 27, 2013

2 Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph…

November 26, 2013


1 John 5: 4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith.

Hebrews 11:6 ‘…for he who comes to God MUST believe that HE (God) is and that HE is a rewarder of those who diligently seek HIM.’

It’s not enough to believe that God can do anything and everything if he wants to. You must believe that he is WILLING to do what you ask of him, as long as what you ask is in accordance with his will.

Do you notice that when God was talking to Abraham HE (God) did not pay attention to or EMPHASIZE what Abraham was going through (see Genesis 12; 15; 17; 18; 21; Romans 4:16-22) – though he knew there were challenges? God had to help Abraham see from HIS perspective, so God took Abraham out one night and told Abraham to count the stars. When Abraham saw as God saw, it was counted to Abraham for righteousness (Genesis 15:1-6).

Abraham chose to believe God rather than consider his physical body, which couldn’t on its own bring God’s word to pass. Faith involves a process. There is such a thing as an INSTANT MIRACLE, but most of the time it will take a LITTLE WHILE to pull from the spirit realm and bring to this realm what God has in store for you. You must learn to hold on to God’s word. God is in the habit of taking time when he wants to do something significant in your life – so that no one will be able to explain his intervention when the manifestation takes place.

Faith DOES NOT CONSIDER the deadness of the situation: Romans 4:17 does not say that God calls THE THINGS THAT EXIST AS THOUGH THEY DO NOT. Faith is not denying that there are challenges – this has caused misery and sorrow in the lives of many. The proof that it is faith is in the OVERCOMING of difficulties (1 Corinthians 15:57)

CONFESSION: Despite and in spite of what is happening around me, I choose to believe God – and act like he would do if he was going through the same thing.

FURTHER STUDY: Romans 4:18
Religion / Manifestations Of The Blessing - Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 6:18pm On Nov 25, 2013

2 Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph…

November 25, 2013


The blessing manifests in different ways in the life of the believer. One of such ways is in the abundance of the seas. Deut 33:19b "For they shall partake of the abundance of the seas and of treasures hidden in the sand"

Isaiah 60:9 "...And the ships of Tarshish will come first, To bring your sons from afar..." The sea signifies The blessing that comes with trade and commerce. The presence of the sea in an area indicates transactions with other nations. This means that you are no longer going to be a local champion but a force to be reckoned with in every corner of the world.

Isa 45:3 "I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places..." There are treasures hidden in the land and the Lord has promised this to us as part of The Blessing. Treasures that eyes have not seen, ears heard of nor has it ever been conceived in the minds of men will be your lot in the name of Jesus!

The next manifestation of The Blessing is- The Blessing of being a blessing. Deu 33:20 (NKJV) “Blessed is he who enlarges Gad; He dwells as a lion,and tears the arm and the crown of his head..."

Gad had already secured His inheritance but still accompanied his brethren to help them secure theirs. There is nothing as fulfilling as being a blessing to other people. The good thing about being a blessing to others is that you get to be the first partaker before dishing it out to others. Get ready for unprecedented happenings in your life in the name of Jesus!

CONFESSION: I am Blessed; everything about me is blessed! I am abundantly satisfied with the fullness of God's House. All the Blessings find expression in my life in Jesus' Name.

PRAYER: God will decorate my steps with The Blessings in Jesus Name.

FURTHER STUDY: Numbers 6:24-25, Psalm 36:8-9.
Religion / Activating The Blessing Ii by PstWoleSoetan(m): 5:59pm On Nov 08, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Nov 8, 2013


Activating the blessing requires that we pray in the spirit. 1 Cor 14:14 "For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays". When we pray in tongues, our spirit prays and because grace resides in our spirits (Phil 25), we connect with grace. When this happens, the blessings of Abraham that we need are downloaded to our spirits. For these blessings to be translated into reality from our Spirits, we need to call them forth.

Romans 4:17 "God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did" The ability to call things forth is also in us as we are heirs of the kingdom. Ours is to confess and God's is to bring is to pass.

While being baptized in Luke 3:21, Jesus prayed. When you pray, heaven opens over you. Pray in tongues today for nothing that happens to you can be outside God’s will for your life when you pray in tongues. Many do not experience the reality of the blessing in their lives because they don’t speak mysteries.

Speaking in tongues positions you for the supernatural. It puts you right in the middle of God’s will for your life. You can’t pray that way & not experience the blessing.

1 kings 17: When Elijah prayed for rain, he kept praying even when there were no clouds. Should your question today be “When should I stop speaking in tongues?”, the answer would be “Don’t stop! Keep speaking until you see results”.

CONFESSION: the blessings upon my life my will be beyond the comprehension of men because I operate in the supernatural.

FURTHER READING: Psa 44:3, 1Jo 1:1

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Religion / Activating The Blessing - Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 1:59pm On Nov 07, 2013

2 Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Nov 7, 2013


Gen 1:28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

Man was originally created as a blessed being but when he fell, he became distant from God and from his blessed state. However, Christ came to reconcile us back to God and in the process; He redeemed us from the curse of the law (all supernatural impediments or hindrance). This is what makes us able to lay claim to God’s blessings.

God doesn't want us to live obscure, mediocre lives. He has made us the head and not the tail, lenders rather than borrowers!

We have the life of God and as such, our experiences should never again be ordinary. The mind of God in us is there to give us ideas for witty inventions!

As Christians, we have the Spirit of God in us and He is seeking expression in our lives. What often happens is that most believers stifle the expression of the Spirit of God in them; they would rather do things their own way, with their physical senses, than employ the resources of heaven at their disposal. This is why they have less than satisfactory results.

There are ways to go about activating the blessing of God in us. The first is to go after revelation knowledge. Revelation knowledge helps us see things as God sees them. It is reading the scriptures and having it jump out at us and taking on a whole new meaning.

This is achieved through meditation. Meditating on God’s word requires us to think about His word while muttering it to ourselves until it hits our spirits.

CONFESSION: I am blessed! The mind of God is in me therefore, I access the thinking ability of Christ.

PRAYER: the blessing is on me therefore I experience the supernatural in all I do in Jesus' name.
Religion / The Right Attitude – Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 7:56pm On Nov 06, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph…

Nov 6, 2013


Matt 5:14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.

Your attitude determines your altitude in life. How far you go is dependent on how well you see. If you don’t see well, you won’t go far. The truth is that things are never as bad as we think; they’re only as bad as we perceive them to be. Thus, when our perception of a thing is wrong, our behaviour and reaction to that thing will ultimately be wrong.

The first step to developing the right attitude is to realize that God doesn’t want us to live obscure, mediocre lives. He has made us winners and He expects us to act as such. He made us the light of the world and He expects us to shine!

To win this month you must develop a fighting attitude. You must fight every situation that is contrary to God’s plans for your life until you & God alone are left standing. Never again quit until you have won!

God expects us to be tough; refusing to give up without putting up a good fight for what we want. We must develop the tenacity of a bulldog when it comes to ensuring that God’s promises become our daily reality. When we see promises of health, increase, peace & purpose in the Word, we’re to lock our jaws onto them & refuse to let go until they become our present moment reality.

You need to stop giving up whenever you encounter challenges as these challenges are there to strengthen you! We’ve all made mistakes but the reason some remain standing is that they have not given up. It doesn’t matter how often you’ve fallen in the past, God makes provision for a comeback. Possessing the right attitude could be the difference between a life of daily triumph & a life of mediocrity.

CONFESSION: I believe, confess, act, expect and manifest the Word of God. I’m blessed for greatness, for victory & for upward mobility.

FURTHER READING: John 1:5, 1 John 5:4

COZA celebrates you!
Religion / Strange Favour Part 2 - Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 1:03pm On Oct 15, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Oct 15, 2013


One strange favour you will begin to enjoy is the impartation of angelic visitation in the mighty name of Jesus. Angels will begin to minister to you. Luke 1:28 And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!”

There is an angel who comes to you and says "rejoice" and except such an angel is released, joy will cease. There is an angel in charge of glad tidings and the primary and only assignment such an angel has is releasing glad tidings. I therefore lay claim and take authority over the angels of glad tidings and I command them to begin to visit everyone reading this with glad tidings in Jesus' name. Every bad news you have received before now about your marriage, health, finance, children, business, etc is cancelled in Jesus’ name.

There are people living without favour; they have no favour over their lives. Whenever they show up, they are told that they showed up too late. Their lives are not decorated with favour. Some other people live by favour. Such people are always considered by others, men decide to help such people and they actually go through with their plans to help. There are others still who are highly favoured. The results these people generate is supernatural in nature. I decree that you will receive an impartation of high favour in the name of Jesus.

The word 'high favour' in the Greek language means endued with special honour. The things you will begin to give birth to will never again be common because you have been endued with special honour in the name of Jesus. Never again think of yourself as an ordinary man; there is a special honour upon your life.

CONFESSION: I rejoice because the angel of glad tidings has been released into my life. Uncommon things begin to follow me.

PRAYER: I receive an impartation of glad tidings.


Religion / Strange Favour Part 1 - Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 12:37pm On Oct 15, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Oct 14, 2013


Gen 1:28 Then God blessed them, AND GOD SAID TO THEM, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

The Lord blessed them; He empowered them to succeed and the blessing was so binding that no one could undo it. In the book of Numbers 22, Balak sent for Balaam, a prophet, to come and curse the Israelites but when Balaam got to the valley where the children of Israel were, he said “How shall I curse whom God has not cursed? And how shall I denounce whom the Lord has not denounced? (Num 23:cool. You are too blessed to be cursed by anyone. You have been empowered by God to succeed and there is nothing anyone can do about it!


The primary way God blesses is by speaking. The blessing is contained in what God has said to you. No life can be blessed beyond the words spoken over it. In Luke 1:45, the bible says "Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment OF THOSE THINGS WHICH WERE TOLD HER FROM THE LORD." God only performs things He has first spoken about.

What has God said concerning you? What were the words He blessed you with? Have you searched them out from the bible and declared them over yourself? You cannot hold God to His word if you do not even know what He has promised you exactly.

Has God promised to grant you favour even with your enemies when your ways please him? (Prov 16:70), has He promised to establish the works of your hands? (Psalm 90:17), has he promised you favour in your marriage? (Prov 18:22). If he has said it then you need not worry because He will bring it to pass.

PRAYER: Strange favour becomes my emblem from today in Jesus’ name.

FURTHER READING: Gen 21:1, Eze 2:2

Religion / Drop It - Winning Each Day Devotional by PstWoleSoetan(m): 12:21pm On Oct 15, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Oct 13, 2013


1 Pet 5:7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

There are many born again Christians who are heavily weighed down. They would rather carry their burdens themselves than give it over to God so they can carry on with their 'woe-is-me' act. They look to others for sympathy and are frustrated when it is not forth coming. Such Christians cannot go far in life because they end up being dragged down by those burdens.

God did not create you to suffer through life. He has made it so that you can breeze through life with ease. He has volunteered to carry those weights for you if only you would humble yourself long enough to admit that you are not strong enough carry it on your own.

James 4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.

You make God irrelevant in your life when you insist on carrying every burden yourself. You tell Him that you do not need Him in your life when you do this.

We are to cast our burdens on God everyday! How? Write out everything that has you worried and commit them all to God everyday! You can be assured that there will always be people who will say things against you daily. They will misconstrue the confidence and lightness of heart you have gained by casting off your cares on Jesus. When those issues are no longer a source of worry; when others cannot rile you with their snide remarks about those issues, then have you truly cast them all to God.

With burdens weighing you down, you will be unable to focus on God's faithfulness. His favour which surrounds you like a shield will seem to be an unattainable reality as you will be blinded by worry.

PRAYER: Lord I drop it all at your feet - my fears, my hopes, my past and my future

FURTHER READING: John 14:27, Psalm 55:22
Religion / Confession, Our Profession Part 2 by PstWoleSoetan(m): 1:43am On Oct 15, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Oct 12, 2013


James 1:25 But [t]he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, THIS ONE will be blessed in what he does.

'The one' being referred to in the verse above is the man or woman who does the work of confession! He is the one who wakes in the morning and confession proceeds from his mouth, the one who spends his days actively pursuing his profession! He has been specially schooled in his profession by practising it. This man, the bible lets us know, will be blessed in EVERYTHING he lays his hands upon. His health, finance, marriage, etc will flourish!

When your profession of confession becomes a priority to you, Prov 4:18 will become fulfilled in your life. There will never again be a better yesterday for you. Today, build a castle of increase, enlargement and promotion with your confession and make it impossible for the devil to touch you.

What is it we are to confess?
Confession is from the Greek word ‘Homologia’ from the word ‘homologeho’ which means ‘same talk’.

Matt 18:18 (AMP) " Truly I tell you, whatever you forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on earth must be what is already forbidden in heaven, What did you forbid this morning as soon as you woke up? What have you declared improper in your family and in your life?

Matt 18:18 (AMP)...and whatever you permit and declare proper and lawful on earth must be what is already permitted in heaven."

For believers who want to experience what it truly means to be encompassed by favour, there are words which should not be far from their mouths. Words like "For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround ME as with a shield" (Psalm 5:12), "the blessing of the Lord shall come on me and overtake me" ( Deut28:2 ), my way is prosperous even as I have good success ( Josh 1:8 ).

CONFESSION: I have the right words to say at all times. I have everything I say in Jesus’ name.

Religion / Confession, Our Profession by PstWoleSoetan(m): 1:24am On Oct 15, 2013

2Cor 2:14 And thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph...

Oct 11, 2013


Heb 3:1 (KJV) Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

Everything we do as Christians is hinged on the fact that our lives can never be ordinary because we have been called to share in heavenly things. When people say there is a casting down, we say there is a lifting up, where they are rejected we have divine appointments and when they are termed forsaken, we are called into His beloved.

The word ‘profession’ is defined as an occupation and as children of God, we have all been assigned an occupation for which we will rewarded. It is however saddening to discover that many Christians do not work yet, they expect to be paid. The bible says that the labourer is worthy of his wages (1 tim 5:18) so if we have not worked, we are worthy of nothing.

What is this profession? Hebrews 1:3 (NKJV) ...consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus,

Our confession is our profession. This means that the same way we get all serious about going to work everyday in an organization, should be the way we go about our profession of confession. Confessing what we believe should be how we live as Christians; it should be our primary job, our core responsibility.

Until we practise our profession, we cannot and should not expect to get paid. Too many Christians want to experience, practically, what it means to be encompassed with favour but have kept their mouths shut, refusing to confess anything.

James 1:25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the WORK, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

In the verse above, 'work' is used rather than 'word' because the Word of the Lord is our work and it is impossible to work and not be paid by God. When you practise your profession, you shall be blessed in your deeds!

CONFESSION: favour surrounds me like a shield, I have supernatural results! I am a partaker of the divine life and I excel in all I do. My health springs forth, my life blossoms on!

FURTHER READING: 2 Thes 3:10, Gal 6:7

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