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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. (25340 Views)
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Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:09pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Women's Mentality and Analysis: The Mistakes of a Nice Guy. This is a post by a Nairalander who was having some issues with his girlfriend. We decided to copy the post to men's forum to analyze his conversation and teach guys what he did wrongly and for other Mr. Nice Guys to learn. Stay tuned! This post is informative. To understand this thread, you need to read what he posted here: then come back to read the analysis of his mistakes. You'll learn a lot from this post. From 1 - 34 MODIFIED This thread was initially named: Women's Mentality and Analysis: The Mistakes of a Nice Guy [Picture] but has now become Men Only: SEX, Chatting, Approaching, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed, Humor, Erectile — ASK! So, from page 4 of this thread, ask all your relationship questions starting from 1. How to approach and woo a woman like a real man. 2. How to make a woman love you back. 3. How to truly make love and fùck her like a great lover. 4. How to chat with her in a fun way and get ride of boring chat like a nice guy. 5. How to naturally cure premàture ejàculation and last as long as you want in bed. 6. How to get a bigger pènis naturally. 7. How to cure eréctile dysfunction naturally. 8. How to hold a fun conversation for as long as you want and never lack what to say. 9. How to develop a sense of humor. 10. How to develop confidence and get ride of acute nervouness in anything women and in real life encounter. So, ask your questions starting from page 4. 1 Like 2 Shares |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:10pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
So, everyone knows women are beautiful creatures and everyone also knows (including Shaggy) that women are a constant pain. Luckily, we will give you their lasting Panadol. It works like magic. typing... 1 Like |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:11pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 1 1. There's this girl I met sometimes last year. COMMENT Meeting her is not the problem for some guys, but handling her drama to your advantage is. Let's watch how it unfolds. typing... 4 Likes |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:12pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 2 2. We became instant friends and along the line, we grew close. COMMENT You grew closer? Guys, be warned. Don't grow too close and forget to set your boundaries from the start. If you miss this, you'll regret later. typing... 5 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:12pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 3 3. I would say we did fall in love with each other for a while. COMMENT Fall in what? This is one of the places most men make mistakes. Any man who doesn't watch his emotion will definitely get hurt at the end. Let's watch and see. 5 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:13pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
3.1 But something serious came up that caused a big rift between us and we had to stop what we were trying to build between us. COMMENT It's better to stop when you're clueless than to continue. In life, to continue means you want to learn from experience. Let's see. typing... 1 Like |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:14pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 4 4. I still hoped that with time, we would still visit what we were trying to do. COMMENT The statement, "We would still visit what we were trying to do," is a statement of a nice guy. Let's see if he understands the game. typing... 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:17pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 5 5. But it became clear to me that she didn't want us to continue. COMMENT Wow! Move on guys. This is one of the stages most men become needy. When something is slipping away, it becomes more valuable. It's simple psychology. If we announce this website will shutdown tomorrow, some people who haven't commented or posted will do so. Withdrawal tactics work on gullible and clueless men when used by women either knowingly or unknowingly. typing... 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:17pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 6 6. We decided to remain friends. Or so I thought. COMMENT They decided to remain friends. When something like this happens, the person who doesn't show interest will subconsciously make the other person invest more interest and love. At the end, it will be heartbreak for the clueless investor. A woman is meant to invest, not the man. Sadly, most men don't know this, so they end up investing emotion instead of making the woman do so. typing... 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:20pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 7 7. Over the next few months, I tried to rekindle the feelings we had for each other, but she kept squashing my efforts. COMMENT Now you see? He is the only one putting effort and he'll regret it. A man is not meant to invest, but make a woman invest. Look at how this young man is looking for heartbreak. Please Clefers, don't ever try this. If a man starts like a GMC from the beginning, the woman will be the one trying to rekindle things. Don't let a woman have the emotional power of the relationship. If you give her the power like a clueless man, she'll not love you anymore. Women want a man who is hard to get or a man who is a mystery to decrypt, not a man who is trying to rekindle without knowing where the main fault is coming from. typing... 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:21pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 8 8. Still, she kept insisting I do the things I used to do for her. COMMENT Did you see nonsense? So, this guy has been spoiling her with money and gifts? Most men are the cause of their problems with women. They ignore the rules or codes from the beginning and expect success at the end. Maybe, they just don't know the Clef codes in ChatDicted should also be applied in real life. Or, they haven't even read ChatDicted. I pity guys who haven't read it. Here is the link: typing... 5 Likes |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:22pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 9 9. One evening, we had a small argument. COMMENT Arguments are good. Though, most women use the opportunity with their current anger to cheat. Read our article 7 Reasons You Should Offend Women. typing... 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:22pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 10 10. She then asked me bluntly the way I've been acting, it seems I still love her. COMMENT When a woman asks you this question, don't EVER say yes and don't say no. Say, "It depends." This will keep the suspense and she'll keep asking and guessing, but don't reply her anymore. Mystery makes women fall in love. Let's see if the guy is a GMC or a wussy. typing... 2 Likes |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:23pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 11 11. I told her yes, I still do. COMMENT Why? Why? Why? Clefers, don't be like this man. Don't you ever be like him. This is the best way to kill attraction in a relationship. Let's see how he copes. In fact, he's doom for heartbreak. typing... 3 Likes |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:24pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 12 12. I asked if she still has some love for me? She said NO, that she had killed her love for me a long time ago. COMMENT Did you notice what happened here. Earlier, the guy nicely professed his love like a nice guy. No nice guy wants to hurt a woman. Now, she crushed him with a capital NO. Question: Do women have conscience? Answer: Nice guys are cause and they need to be crushed for being clueless. Women don't want to hurt men, but men make women hurt them by being or acting like a nice guy, instead of a good-bad guy. typing... 1 Like |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:24pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 13 13. I felt used. I felt she drove a dagger in my heart. COMMENT I knew it will come to this. Any nice guys who tells a woman, "I love you" does not deserve a sorry when she finally breaks his heart. If only he was a GMC. typing... 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:25pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 14 14. She immediately noticed the change in my demeanor and tried to apologize, but I told her it was okay. COMMENT It's not okay. You deserve it. Why be clueless when you have all the information you need on this forum? Maybe, you don't like to read your notes. typing... 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:26pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 15 15. I left her and went home. COMMENT Good for you. Next time, learn the art of a good-bad guy and be happy. typing... 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:27pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 16 16. I decided right there and then that I wouldn't be as nice to her as I used to. COMMENT Oh! He already knows about Mr. Nice Guy and Mr. Bad Boy. How did he know he was being nice? Is he a GMC trying to act like a nice guy to experiment how heartbreak feels? typing... |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:27pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 17 17. I stopped doing the things I usually did for her. COMMENT Now, his brain has been formatted to factory default. But if I may ask you reading this: is it your responsibility to do things for women? No! It's not. Doing things for women as a nice guy is like trying to buy her to love you. Women will hurt you for bribing them subliminally. The worst part is: they don't even know they're doing this. typing... 8 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by Nobody: 5:28pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Hmm! Investing emotion isn't gender based. Who loves more is just the biggest investor and it could be anyone in the relationship. 3 Likes |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:29pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 18 18. It's not like I cut her off totally, but I didn't allow her to have her way with me on things I used to let slide. COMMENT What? This is one of the major problems. So, he has been granting her bad behaviors and demanding attitudes a pass mark. Do you see how some guys pigeonhole themselves? The moment you let things slide because of love or infatuation, you're building your future heartbreak or regrets. He was served. typing... 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:29pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 19 19. She noticed these and started complaining. COMMENT Women use this first complaint tactics to gain ground. When she complains, don't bother. It's good to use our 7 Reasons You Should Offend Women on her as early as possible after you've built enough rapport. Letting things slide is the reason he's in this situation. typing... 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:30pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 20 20. One evening, she told me she wanted to do something financially. COMMENT We have talked on how to bypass a woman's demanding syndrome as early as possible. Let's see how he'll handle this. typing... 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:31pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 21 21. Usually, when she asks me for help, I would not hesitate, but this time around, I told her she would find someone to help her. COMMENT He said he would not hesitate. This is bad bad bad. This is a big part of his problems. He said he doesn't hesitate to give her. Now, he has trained her to be demanding. If he stops, there will be problems. This is why you should train your woman the way you want her to behave towards you. If you don't do it psychologically at the start of the relationship, taming her will require lots of dating skills later on, else, that's the end. typing... 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:33pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 22 22. That's when she let loose. Saying that she noticed I've changed ever since she told me she doesn't love me anymore, that since that night I've been acting weird. Is that how a man's love for a woman waxes cold? COMMENT Did you see what the lady is saying? She said he has changed. This is why a man should change before meeting a woman and not changing when she already has a perception of him. The best way for a man who recently found these dating codes to change is to dump all women who already have a nice guy perception of him for 6 months to 1 or 2 years. What is wrong with some women? Did you hear what she said? She said, "Is that how a man's love for a woman waxes cold?" Does her statement make sense to you? It doesn't make sense. This is why women don't mean what they say and they rarely say what they mean. Don't take women seriously when it comes to courtship. Lead them to what you want. You're the man, not the wuss. She is in control of the relationship. typing... 6 Likes |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:35pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 23 23. I asked her how does she expect me to feel? I'm not her boyfriend and she already has someone else. Why doesn't she ask him? COMMENT Now, he's sounding emotionally bitter. A real man is not supposed to act this way. This is a sign of weakness and defeat. This is depression loading for him. He deserves it for being a nice guy. And deserves it more for telling her I Love You. typing... 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:37pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 24 24. I told her I can't continue to do things for someone I know cannot be mine. COMMENT "Someone that cannot be mine?" This is too much anger, desperation, and bitterness. You could've averted all these from the beginning by reading any of our books. typing... 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by Lalas247(f): 5:38pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
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Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:38pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 25 25. She got upset and called me a jerk, saying I don't care about her anymore, blah blah blah. COMMENT Yes. Truly, he's sounding like a wounded jerk. I feel for any man who doesn't use this story as a lesson. typing... 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:39pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 26 26. Recently, she sent me a message. COMMENT Hmm! A woman can only send you a message if you've pressed her mumu buttons, then ignored her for months by losing interest. Let's see what made her message him. typing... 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Men Only: SEX, Approaching, Chatting, Keeping a Conversation, Last Long in Bed. by iLegendd(m): 5:39pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Number 27 27. She said I'm no longer her hero, that she didn't know I was this way, etc. COMMENT Most women are confused. They don't know what to say. They sound too childish. Any man who can't control a woman is weak. Look at how she's sounding like a kid? This is why we teach you guys to treat women as your little siblings. The only difference is, add sexual innuendos. typing... 3 Likes 1 Share |
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