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Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by man49men: 6:22am On Feb 27, 2018
Jesus disciple fellowship also known as Christ disciple fellowship in Nigeria, the group are well organize and modernize cult in Nigeria, west Africa. One basic feature that reveals the founder as a cult leader was his strategy to convince member and general public about his kingdom program and lack of appearing in the public for public investigation and examination. But this is the opposite of Jesus popularity and fame among people, both children, women were seen by Jesus often in the street and towns of Israel.
The following can be used to consider Jesus disciple fellowship a cult group not a Christian church.
They had all the character of a cult in their social and theological practice but they are like Pentecostal churches because they believe in born again but their method of preaching it is different. They also believe in Holy Ghost baptism but their emphasis look strange and twisted.
Sign of cult in this fellowship.
A cult is a group of people who have a religion or a set of beliefs. In modern times the term "cult" usually does not mean a mainstream religion, but a group set up "in opposition to a centre of established authority".[1] New Age religions were often called cults because they were thought to be deviant social movements.[2]
The word cult originally meant a system of ritual practices. It was first used in the early 17th century to mean homage paid to a divinity.[3]
A cult is often a small, newly started religious movement. Cults have beliefs or practices that many people think of as being odd, or that have practices that most people in the world do not practice. More than that, cults have often been led by people who are not elected, and control the group according to their own wishes.[4] Some cult leaders have been dangerous criminals (Charles Manson; Peoples Temple) or even lunatics. Killings and mass suicides have occurred in cults (Order of the Solar Temple; Heaven's Gate). Of course, a "suicide" enforced by armed guards carrying sub-machine guns (Peoples Temple; Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God) is not a simple suicide as generally understood. It is at least an assisted and coerced suicide.
Whether a religious group is or is not a cult can be a hard question to answer. What is at one point in time considered a cult may later be accepted as a religion and what at one point of time is considered an accepted religion may later become a cult.
Mind control[change | change source]
Some form of persuasion or mind control can be used to recruit and maintain members. The objective is to prevent the faithful from thinking critically, and making choices in their own best interest.
"I will state that coercive persuasion and thought reform techniques are effectively practiced on naïve, uninformed subjects with disastrous health consequences. I will try to give enough information to indicate my reasons for further inquiries as well as review of applicable legal processes".[4]
The following methods have been used in some or all cults studied: [1][5][6]
1. People are put in physically or emotionally distressing situations;
2. Their problems are reduced to one simple explanation, which is repeatedly emphasized;
3. They receive what seems to be unconditional love, acceptance, and attention from a charismatic leader or group;
4. They get a new identity based on the group;
5. They are subject to entrapment (isolation from friends, relatives and the mainstream culture) and their access to information is severely controlled.[7][8]
This view is disputed by some.[9] Society for the Scientific Study of Religion stated in 1990 that there was not sufficient research for a consensus, and that "one should not automatically equate the techniques involved in the process of physical coercion and control with those of nonphysical coercion and control".[10]
Management style of cults[change | change source]
An oft-repeated criticism of cults is that their management style is dictatorial and exploitative. The following is one example:
"The beliefs of all these cults are absolutist and non-tolerant of other systems of beliefs. Their systems of governance are totalitarian. A requirement of membership is to obey absolutely without questioning. Their interest in the individual’s development within the cult towards some kind of satisfactory individual adult personality is by their doctrines, very low or nonexistent. It is clear that almost all of them emphasize money making in one form or another, although a few seem to be very much involved in demeaning or self denigrating activities and rituals. Most of them that I have studied possess a good deal of property and money which is under the discretionary control of the individual leaders".[4]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. The leader does not appear in the public scene to be view and interrogated
3. They refuse Sunday worship with argument based on Sabbath day.
4. They don’t allow too much questioning in the class
5. They deny and refuse baptism
6. They strongly believe their leader without question
7. they lie about our dispensation to be kingdom age not church age(that church age is past)
7. Lie about Spirit movement (liken earth movement to be God’s move)
8. They claim not bear a name but their fellowship is call “Jesus disciple fellowship”
9. They don’t associate with other Christians
10 they recognize themselves as the only group chosen for this end time
Jesus disciple fellowship came with a strategy that actually work for them, called the kingdom program this is not Jehovah witness kingdom program but a modernise way of winning people to their kingdom they fear lost people into thinking that all other churches had fail and not qualified to make heaven that God is trying to regroup people that will enter his kingdom through this program. they historically trace the transition from law dispensation to prophetic age then to grace and now to kingdom age which is the program that God has chosen to recruit people and they do this by using the educational system of teaching illustrating flesh and spirit struggle and fight over man’s soul through writing board and whiteboard pen.
For more information on how to recognize a cult read our article on , how to recognize a cult
9 Signs of cult church and How to recognize it
If you want to know if your church belong to cult organization or an anti-Christ church then read this to find out and avoid them before you are trap, hypnotize and eternally deluded forever. So many people were trap by cult group before they realize it becomes too late. Cults are of different categories, we have sociological cult and theological cult. Some churches are sociological cult, their conduct and ways of life look like a cult but their doctrine look like Pentecostals churches. While the other have a theology and belief that made them cultist but their outward appearance and social life look Pentecostals. None this group should confuse you there are birds of the same feathers. If you see the following sign run away. Read more



Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by waczy02(m): 2:39am On Jun 21, 2018
you are the most foolish person i ever seen "if u can beat them then join them" while bring a stories that is not real infact am not convince and the way u sound it seems you have with them and know all thier teaching but i see u judas traitor that means u were once with them "anti christ"
Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by kanuchristian(m): 2:38am On Sep 14, 2018
Jesus Disciples Fellowship is the ministry for the children of God that really want to do the will of God in truth. See o, i was in the church for more than 10yrs yet i was still living in pretends,lies,cheating,anger,hatre, malice,jealousy,pornographic, lust and forniction. Untill i was introduce into Kingdom Program.The message in the churches was not strong enough to change me, it was preach with skills and not with the anointing that breaks the yoke. i was in bondage of the devil since the church of God is not glorious with all these sins in me. My advice is if you are still going to the present of the most holy and rightouss God, singing and dancing,jumping up and down with all this sins in your life. your gloring is not good,stop deceiving yourself, you are just marking time waiting for hellfire. Because God is not mock,whatsoever a man sow,theresame he will reap.


Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by HenryInno1(m): 11:07pm On Nov 06, 2018
Kingdom Program is the program of the Lord

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Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by Nobody: 7:59pm On Jan 15, 2019

Jesus disciple fellowship also known as Christ disciple fellowship in Nigeria, the group are well organize and modernize cult in Nigeria, west Africa. One basic feature that reveals the founder as a cult leader was his strategy to convince member and general public about his kingdom program and lack of appearing in the public for public investigation and examination. But this is the opposite of Jesus popularity and fame among people, both children, women were seen by Jesus often in the street and towns of Israel.
The following can be used to consider Jesus disciple fellowship a cult group not a Christian church.
They had all the character of a cult in their social and theological practice but they are like Pentecostal churches because they believe in born again but their method of preaching it is different. They also believe in Holy Ghost baptism but their emphasis look strange and twisted.
Sign of cult in this fellowship.
A cult is a group of people who have a religion or a set of beliefs. In modern times the term "cult" usually does not mean a mainstream religion, but a group set up "in opposition to a centre of established authority".[1] New Age religions were often called cults because they were thought to be deviant social movements.[2]
The word cult originally meant a system of ritual practices. It was first used in the early 17th century to mean homage paid to a divinity.[3]
A cult is often a small, newly started religious movement. Cults have beliefs or practices that many people think of as being odd, or that have practices that most people in the world do not practice. More than that, cults have often been led by people who are not elected, and control the group according to their own wishes.[4] Some cult leaders have been dangerous criminals (Charles Manson; Peoples Temple) or even lunatics. Killings and mass suicides have occurred in cults (Order of the Solar Temple; Heaven's Gate). Of course, a "suicide" enforced by armed guards carrying sub-machine guns (Peoples Temple; Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God) is not a simple suicide as generally understood. It is at least an assisted and coerced suicide.
Whether a religious group is or is not a cult can be a hard question to answer. What is at one point in time considered a cult may later be accepted as a religion and what at one point of time is considered an accepted religion may later become a cult.
Mind control[change | change source]
Some form of persuasion or mind control can be used to recruit and maintain members. The objective is to prevent the faithful from thinking critically, and making choices in their own best interest.
"I will state that coercive persuasion and thought reform techniques are effectively practiced on naïve, uninformed subjects with disastrous health consequences. I will try to give enough information to indicate my reasons for further inquiries as well as review of applicable legal processes".[4]
The following methods have been used in some or all cults studied: [1][5][6]
1. People are put in physically or emotionally distressing situations;
2. Their problems are reduced to one simple explanation, which is repeatedly emphasized;
3. They receive what seems to be unconditional love, acceptance, and attention from a charismatic leader or group;
4. They get a new identity based on the group;
5. They are subject to entrapment (isolation from friends, relatives and the mainstream culture) and their access to information is severely controlled.[7][8]
This view is disputed by some.[9] Society for the Scientific Study of Religion stated in 1990 that there was not sufficient research for a consensus, and that "one should not automatically equate the techniques involved in the process of physical coercion and control with those of nonphysical coercion and control".[10]
Management style of cults[change | change source]
An oft-repeated criticism of cults is that their management style is dictatorial and exploitative. The following is one example:
"The beliefs of all these cults are absolutist and non-tolerant of other systems of beliefs. Their systems of governance are totalitarian. A requirement of membership is to obey absolutely without questioning. Their interest in the individual’s development within the cult towards some kind of satisfactory individual adult personality is by their doctrines, very low or nonexistent. It is clear that almost all of them emphasize money making in one form or another, although a few seem to be very much involved in demeaning or self denigrating activities and rituals. Most of them that I have studied possess a good deal of property and money which is under the discretionary control of the individual leaders".[4]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. The leader does not appear in the public scene to be view and interrogated
3. They refuse Sunday worship with argument based on Sabbath day.
4. They don’t allow too much questioning in the class
5. They deny and refuse baptism
6. They strongly believe their leader without question
7. they lie about our dispensation to be kingdom age not church age(that church age is past)
7. Lie about Spirit movement (liken earth movement to be God’s move)
8. They claim not bear a name but their fellowship is call “Jesus disciple fellowship”
9. They don’t associate with other Christians
10 they recognize themselves as the only group chosen for this end time
Jesus disciple fellowship came with a strategy that actually work for them, called the kingdom program this is not Jehovah witness kingdom program but a modernise way of winning people to their kingdom they fear lost people into thinking that all other churches had fail and not qualified to make heaven that God is trying to regroup people that will enter his kingdom through this program. they historically trace the transition from law dispensation to prophetic age then to grace and now to kingdom age which is the program that God has chosen to recruit people and they do this by using the educational system of teaching illustrating flesh and spirit struggle and fight over man’s soul through writing board and whiteboard pen.
For more information on how to recognize a cult read our article on , how to recognize a cult
9 Signs of cult church and How to recognize it
If you want to know if your church belong to cult organization or an anti-Christ church then read this to find out and avoid them before you are trap, hypnotize and eternally deluded forever. So many people were trap by cult group before they realize it becomes too late. Cults are of different categories, we have sociological cult and theological cult. Some churches are sociological cult, their conduct and ways of life look like a cult but their doctrine look like Pentecostals churches. While the other have a theology and belief that made them cultist but their outward appearance and social life look Pentecostals. None this group should confuse you there are birds of the same feathers. If you see the following sign run away. Read more

anti christ ever since you made this post check your life it is in shambles
Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by Spackodone(m): 4:41pm On May 01, 2019
I was with them for 6month.their teachings are contradictory to scripture.they hate contextual study,critical questions and detailed explanation.they c themselve as d only people qualified 4 d kingdom.as if the kingdom mof god is hard to enter.
those guys are far away frm truth



Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by pazikoo: 4:41pm On Jun 08, 2019
I was with them for 6month.their teachings are contradictory to scripture.they hate contextual study,critical questions and detailed explanation.they c themselve as d only people qualified 4 d kingdom.as if the kingdom mof god is hard to enter.
those guys are far away frm truth

How is their teachings contradictory to the scripture? All their teachings are fully backed by the scripture and during teaching they welcome questions and they answered any question asked, backing them scripturally. Ever since I started following their teachings I have seen tremendous changes in my life. Before now I use to go church partakes in almost all church activities believing I am save by his grace while still indulging in sins but I was proved wrong from the very first day I started following PDF teachings. Today I can beat my heart and said those sins that almost condemned me has given way through the teachings of JDF. I have been exposed beyond my imagination the truth about the gospel of Jesus. Before it was difficult for me forgo so many worldly things because I thought there enjoyment but when I realized that those things so referred to as enjoyment by many are rather killing the spirit which is actually God's own property in a man I have to pray myself out and I am a free man in Christ Jesus today. Before now I have seeking the baptism of the holy spirit and it became so impossible for me to achieve it but today I discovered it is very simple for one to achieve it and the only key to receiving it is when you live a sin free life, when your soul is free from anything called sin and you ask the Lord for the baptism of the holy ghost, you will receive effortlessly. Don't be deceived by anyone when they tell you there is nothing like the holy ghost baptism. If that be the case, why then Jesus told his disciples he was going to send the comforter for them. He told specifically in Acts of Apostle 1:5 Acts 1:5 For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. In verse 8 He said categorically that you shall receive power after the holy ghost has come. With the baptism of the holy ghost is necessary for everyone that truly call himself a born again child of God. It is the holy ghost that will help you do greater things and help you overcome the spirit of sin thereby giving you the urge to do the things of God. Now how do you receive the holy ghost baptism? First of all you need to receive the gospel of Jesus in you and let the gospel sink in you, and break you down after which you will cry to God for forgiveness of all the sins you know you have committed. Ask God to reveal to you other sins you may not remember or may not be aware of. Surely He will reveal them to you. Break out of it. When you are totally free from all these sins you can now request for the holy ghost baptism. You will surely have it. The holy ghost can now help you to live a sin free life by warning you anytime the temptation comes. It will also help teach you the gospel to your understanding. Gospel education is very necessary for every believer of Christ. Accept it today and you will never regret you. I pause here


Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by UceeGod: 5:35pm On Jun 08, 2019

How is their teachings contradictory to the scripture? All their teachings are fully backed by the scripture and during teaching they welcome questions and they answered any question asked, backing them scripturally. Ever since I started following their teachings I have seen tremendous changes in my life. Before now I use to go church partakes in almost all church activities believing I am save by his grace while still indulging in sins but I was proved wrong from the very first day I started following PDF teachings. Today I can beat my heart and said those sins that almost condemned me has given way through the teachings of JDF. I have been exposed beyond my imagination the truth about the gospel of Jesus. Before it was difficult for me forgo so many worldly things because I thought there enjoyment but when I realized that those things so referred to as enjoyment by many are rather killing the spirit which is actually God's own property in a man I have to pray myself out and I am a free man in Christ Jesus today. Before now I have seeking the baptism of the holy spirit and it became so impossible for me to achieve it but today I discovered it is very simple for one to achieve it and the only key to receiving it is when you live a sin free life, when your soul is free from anything called sin and you ask the Lord for the baptism of the holy ghost, you will receive effortlessly. Don't be deceived by anyone when they tell you there is nothing like the holy ghost baptism. If that be the case, why then Jesus told his disciples he was going to send the comforter for them. He told specifically in Acts of Apostle 1:5 Acts 1:5 For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. In verse 8 He said categorically that you shall receive power after the holy ghost has come. With the baptism of the holy ghost is necessary for everyone that truly call himself a born again child of God. It is the holy ghost that will help you do greater things and help you overcome the spirit of sin thereby giving you the urge to do the things of God. Now how do you receive the holy ghost baptism? First of all you need to receive the gospel of Jesus in you and let the gospel sink in you, and break you down after which you will cry to God for forgiveness of all the sins you know you have committed. Ask God to reveal to you other sins you may not remember or may not be aware of. Surely He will reveal them to you. Break out of it. When you are totally free from all these sins you can now request for the holy ghost baptism. You will surely have it. The holy ghost can now help you to live a sin free life by warning you anytime the temptation comes. It will also help teach you the gospel to your understanding. Gospel education is very necessary for every believer of Christ. Accept it today and you will never regret you. I pause here

I've been attending their fellowship here in Abeokuta for some weeks now. I think they emphasize too much on the WORKS you do to make you saved rather than the GRACE of Jesus Christ that gives salvation according to Ephesians 2:8 and they hardly give time for questions. Also their concept of man's dual existence (body & spirit) is false as against the three dimensional existence of man (body, soul and spirit). I hope to continue to fellowship with them but I'll stop fellowshiping with them if they continue giving little or no time for questions because I think they may be misleading a lot of young souls into false Christianity.

1 Like

Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by pazikoo: 11:38am On Jun 10, 2019

I've been attending their fellowship here in Abeokuta for some weeks now. I think they emphasize too much on the WORKS you do to make you saved rather than the GRACE of Jesus Christ that gives salvation according to Ephesians 2:8 and they hardly give time for questions. Also their concept of man's dual existence (body & spirit) is false as against the three dimensional existence of man (body, soul and spirit). I hope to continue to fellowship with them but I'll stop fellowshiping with them if they continue giving little or no time for questions because I think they may be misleading a lot of young souls into false Christianity.

I have been attending their fellowship here in Calabar and they welcome questions here. No questions asked that has not been attended to, backing it scripturally. This has helped me understand most scriptures that I never understand before. There are a lot testimonies from other people that has been following their teachings. There is nothing misleading in their teachings.
Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by invincible007(m): 4:11pm On Jul 05, 2019

I've been attending their fellowship here in Abeokuta for some weeks now. I think they emphasize too much on the WORKS you do to make you saved rather than the GRACE of Jesus Christ that gives salvation according to Ephesians 2:8 and they hardly give time for questions. Also their concept of man's dual existence (body & spirit) is false as against the three dimensional existence of man (body, soul and spirit). I hope to continue to fellowship with them but I'll stop fellowshiping with them if they continue giving little or no time for questions because I think they may be misleading a lot of young souls into false Christianity.
My people Perish because of lack of Knowledge. Now the Knowledge has come but the Demons have caused their Knowledge of a man to rebel against this Knowledge. Well, I have gotten my own revelation about this age and I know KGD is not for everyone. Only the Elects will react positively to his LAST CALL. No Time to Argue, no is time to WORK MY SALVATION so my WORKS shall speak for me during JUDGEMENT. EVERY TREE THAT DOESN'T BEAR FORTH FRUIT SHALL BE CUT OFF.


Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by UceeGod: 5:22pm On Jul 05, 2019

My people Perish because of lack of Knowledge. Now the Knowledge has come but the Demons have caused their Knowledge of a man to rebel against this Knowledge. Well, I have gotten my own revelation about this age and I know KGD is not for everyone. Only the Elects will react positively to his LAST CALL. No Time to Argue, no is time to WORK MY SALVATION so my WORKS shall speak for me during JUDGEMENT. EVERY TREE THAT DOESN'T BEAR FORTH FRUIT SHALL BE CUT OFF.

If you believe your WORK will give you salvation, then Jesus didn't die for you. Maybe your righteousness will earn you eternal life. You better sit down and study your Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand instead of depending on denominational doctrines. This people don't teach direct from the Bible, but only refer to the Bible just to support their ideas.
As for me, the blood of Christ speaks for me before God, I am already justified by FAITH in Christ's finished WORK on the cross. Because I'm justified, my continuous sanctification by His GRACE is assured until HE returns to take me.

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Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by invincible007(m): 8:52pm On Jul 05, 2019

If you believe your WORK will give you salvation, then Jesus didn't die for you. Maybe your righteousness will earn you eternal life. You better sit down and study your Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand instead of depending on denominational doctrines. This people don't teach direct from the Bible, but only refer to the Bible just to support their ideas.
As for me, the blood of Christ speaks for me before God, I am already justified by FAITH in Christ's finished WORK on the cross. Because I'm justified, my continuous sanctification by His GRACE is assured until HE returns to take me.
Our Lord God Jesus Christ who sits in the Heavenly Place Far above Principalities and Powers came to Die for us, By his Blood we shall shall be Reconciled unto him(For those Who Believe), In this case, we are Born Again to Receive his spirit, that spirit he promised the apostles (The Spirit of Truth) which shall come to do the work of Restoration/Sanctification. In essence, Being Saved by Grace has Given us access to start our heavenly Race. You see, the kingdom of God is a Journey, a Highway of Holiness, sorting shall be made the few shall be choosing out of the multitude. This is where we are NOW.

1 Like

Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by kenny3937: 10:54am On Aug 03, 2019
No one follows JDF without A PERSONAL REVELATION.

someone said and I quote "I think they emphasize too much on the WORKS you do to make you saved rather than the GRACE of Jesus Christ that gives salvation". Listen, Jesus SET YOU FREE, to be FREE INDEED, is completely UP TO YOU.

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Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by UceeGod: 2:37pm On Aug 03, 2019
No one follows JDF without A PERSONAL REVELATION.

someone said and I quote "I think they emphasize too much on the WORKS you do to make you saved rather than the GRACE of Jesus Christ that gives salvation". Listen, Jesus SET YOU FREE, to be FREE INDEED, is completely UP TO YOU.
Check John 8:36
This is the main problem I have with you people - you don't teach from the Bible. Your teachers in JDF prefer to teach from their own ideas (which they call revelations) instead of using the Holy Bible as their spiritual compass. Any revelation you have as a child of God that doesn't align with His written Word is definitely not from God.

Christ has finished all the WORK for my freedom from SIN, SATAN, SICKNESS & SELF. All I do everyday is walk in that victory by FAITH in His finished work of GRACE. if you want to experience victory over SIN, you don't need to fight against it because Christ has overcome everything for us, you only need to appropriate that victory by FAITH through the power of the Holy Spirit in you.


Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by bardiprecious: 1:18pm On Aug 05, 2019
Please I need the address of JDF in asaba and port Harcourt I was new man class a1 wen I was in anambra but since I left I have been searching pls can some one ...that place Is d best to have a genuine encounter with our lord Jesus Christ

1 Like

Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by bardiprecious: 1:19pm On Aug 05, 2019
thanks to those that forwarded d address to me I really appreciate

1 Like

Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by johndik(m): 11:13pm On Sep 28, 2019
Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by fastseo: 7:08pm On Oct 07, 2019

Our Lord God Jesus Christ who sits in the Heavenly Place Far above Principalities and Powers came to Die for us, By his Blood we shall shall be Reconciled unto him(For those Who Believe), In this case, we are Born Again to Receive his spirit, that spirit he promised the apostles (The Spirit of Truth) which shall come to do the work of Restoration/Sanctification. In essence, Being Saved by Grace has Given us access to start our heavenly Race. You see, the kingdom of God is a Journey, a Highway of Holiness, sorting shall be made the few shall be choosing out of the multitude. This is where we are NOW.

It's a journey from gospel class A to B, to new man class then to artillery, then to other classes.

They condemned other pentecostal churches and calls the salvation received there as not sufficient to get you to heaven.

They condemned deeper life, redeem, MFM, Winners etc. The use of anointing oil etc abd even working of miracle.

As for the teachings they center more on sin and mam struggle with it and believed that its only when you pass through the kingdom class to the last and conform to their lifestyle that you can attain sonship and by extension heaven.

Am not against anything but condemning others and calling the church sinners is not cool.
Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by lioneleffiom: 5:45am On Feb 05, 2020
I had followed JDF for close to a year. My association with them was borne out of a fundamental positive change I saw in the life of my close associate, a change I can modestly describe as radicalization. In my short spell with them, many intriguing things were noticed, much of which have been highlighted by others above. Specifically, as noted above, there is a general tendency, a drift, to rely less on Scripture and more on revelation.

But on a positive note, you cannot fellowship with JDF without undergoing these changes, except there is an internal resistance within. You must learn how to pray ( mostly at night), you must catch the fire and desire for evangelism, and you must develop a new zeal hitherto unknown and experienced in your former place of worship. Furthermore, you cannot be there and brook over sin and its indulgences with impunity. I honestly give that to them.

But I had an internal conflict, a theological one, that could not be explained to me. And this is where I desire an explanation from this forum. And I presume from the outset that I may not get any satisfactory answer, because I have posed this question to numerous teachers of JDF and indeed their overall head when he came to a programme tagged Government Formation. I left that programme with more unanswered questions.

1. What is the Kingdom Age as described and presented in Scripture? An answer to this question will naturally lead to the next,
2. Are we in the Kingdom Age?

The whole theological architecture of JDF is built on this misguided assumption that we are in the Kingdom Age, to which they vigorously propagate, with their members going on evangelism and declaring to unsuspecting Christians that the church age is over. To them, the Kingdom Age is God's building in a man. And my question is, Has God's building project in a man just begun? Has God not been in the business of building Himself in the spirit of His people?

It is clear from my engagement with so many of them that prior to joining JDF, they had little or no understanding of the idea of the Kingdom as espoused in Scripture. The Kingdom Age is known severally in Scripture as the Messianic Age, the Tabernacles Age, the Millennial Age, etc. It is clear from scripture that we are in the transition to that age and not in the Kingdom Age yet. On this distorted assumption lies another one, namely, that no one could make heaven without joining them; that ultimately all the churches would expire, leaving the external structures, yet not life therein.

Well, anyone can have a revelation. It is purely subjective and free. But for me, every revelation must past the test of scriptural consistency and veracity.

Why did I leave?
I left because they insisted that I must leave my Church. They said that to me categorically several times, that I must separate. I asked them, 'separate from evil, from sin or what?' They said that I cannot be in the Kingdom Programme and in the Church at the same time. One of their Pastors in charge of where I fellowship even gave a very grotesque reason why I must leave my place of worship. Hear her: if we allow you to continue with us and the same time with your church, you will use what we teach you here to teach your church members.

This was strange indeed to me.


Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by Edufresh(m): 1:26am On Apr 14, 2020
I have also attended JDF and even reach up to their Semester Pratical class. I will say that I think they are the best amongst other churches (NB: I was born a Catholic and then changed to JDF). But I am no longer fellowshiping with them since I FOUND THE TRUTH.

Now, I want every Christian RELIGION to know that they are worshipping SATAN in the guise of JESUS CHRIST. Take it or leave it!
Every Christian who came out Catholic church always view Catholics as the DEVIL especially JDF; now if you say that Catholic church is the Devil and still accept their Jesus Christ then you're a Devil as well (Rom 2:1).

Every RELIGION worships the DEVIL, be it Christians, Muslims, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, e.t.c; as long as you worship in a house called A place of worship with a name on it and offer MONEY as offerings (Acts 17: 22-25). The word of God cannot be broken. You are either wrong or right.

Before you call me names and argue blindly, read the scriptures (Rev 12:9). If the whole world is indeed DECEIVED by the DEVIL, then you are deceived as well because you were born in the world and taught by the world and grew up with the name you know as the name of SALVATION (whichever name your religion calls) which Christians believe is Jesus Christ. Now, if you become born again will you still believe in the name the world call?

Let me tell you guys, Jesus Christ is actually the Anti-messiah, the god of this world. Take it or leave it! If you come to know truth you will be astonished and troubled, and then you will rule all
Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by Evans2200: 1:27am On Apr 25, 2020
Please Edufresh tell me what do you discover because I need to know the truth for the truth shall set me free! I be in Yahusha Hamashiach (Jesus Christ)
Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by Weblord2000(m): 1:42pm On May 04, 2020
Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by Nobody: 9:03pm On May 09, 2020
This JDF has destroyed my brothers Life..He is behaving like a mad boy..Please stay clear off them...they use there sensual wisdom to teach and call it Revelation.

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Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by UceeGod: 12:33am On May 10, 2020
I had followed JDF for close to a year. My association with them was borne out of a fundamental positive change I saw in the life of my close associate, a change I can modestly describe as radicalization. In my short spell with them, many intriguing things were noticed, much of which have been highlighted by others above. Specifically, as noted above, there is a general tendency, a drift, to rely less on Scripture and more on revelation.

But on a positive note, you cannot fellowship with JDF without undergoing these changes, except there is an internal resistance within. You must learn how to pray ( mostly at night), you must catch the fire and desire for evangelism, and you must develop a new zeal hitherto unknown and experienced in your former place of worship. Furthermore, you cannot be there and brook over sin and its indulgences with impunity. I honestly give that to them.

But I had an internal conflict, a theological one, that could not be explained to me. And this is where I desire an explanation from this forum. And I presume from the outset that I may not get any satisfactory answer, because I have posed this question to numerous teachers of JDF and indeed their overall head when he came to a programme tagged Government Formation. I left that programme with more unanswered questions.

1. What is the Kingdom Age as described and presented in Scripture? An answer to this question will naturally lead to the next,
2. Are we in the Kingdom Age?

The whole theological architecture of JDF is built on this misguided assumption that we are in the Kingdom Age, to which they vigorously propagate, with their members going on evangelism and declaring to unsuspecting Christians that the church age is over. To them, the Kingdom Age is God's building in a man. And my question is, Has God's building project in a man just begun? Has God not been in the business of building Himself in the spirit of His people?

It is clear from my engagement with so many of them that prior to joining JDF, they had little or no understanding of the idea of the Kingdom as espoused in Scripture. The Kingdom Age is known severally in Scripture as the Messianic Age, the Tabernacles Age, the Millennial Age, etc. It is clear from scripture that we are in the transition to that age and not in the Kingdom Age yet. On this distorted assumption lies another one, namely, that no one could make heaven without joining them; that ultimately all the churches would expire, leaving the external structures, yet not life therein.

Well, anyone can have a revelation. It is purely subjective and free. But for me, every revelation must past the test of scriptural consistency and veracity.

Why did I leave?
I left because they insisted that I must leave my Church. They said that to me categorically several times, that I must separate. I asked them, 'separate from evil, from sin or what?' They said that I cannot be in the Kingdom Programme and in the Church at the same time. One of their Pastors in charge of where I fellowship even gave a very grotesque reason why I must leave my place of worship. Hear her: if we allow you to continue with us and the same time with your church, you will use what we teach you here to teach your church members.

This was strange indeed to me.

My brother I thank God for your life. I didn't need attend that fellowship up to a year before running away from them. But they kept coming to my house trying to convince me to rejoin them. I thank God for His grace over my life as I refute their errorneous teachings with biblical truth. They always ran away. The last time they came prepared and tried convincing me to believe their own "spiritual revelations" more than the written Word of God by quoting and misinterpreting II Corinthians 3:6. They left my house frustrated after I finished explaining the true meaning of that passage.
These people are Satanic for real, parading as angel of light and deceiving mostly young men and women into their antichristian group by promising various spiritual experiences while subtly luring them away from the Light and Salvation found only in Christ. They make them believe Christ isn't enough for them to receive God's Kingdom. But we know this is a deceit from the pit of hell.


Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by Thunderdon: 11:38pm On May 11, 2020
We All Know That Our Lord Jesus Die 4 Us No Man Doe That. I Belive In Salvation Because Outside Salvation No Man Can Be Save!
What Jdf Teachings Is The Truth
Letting Us To Knw Throug The Power Of God In His Son To Us We Can Over Come Sin Just As Wat Paul Said In Roman 6, 7 And 8
Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by Thunderdon: 11:10am On May 12, 2020
How Can Then Be Cult But The Change Men From Sin To Rtn. Where Did D Gt Their Power From. The Are Cult But The Keep On Fighting Satan.
Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by AniwetaluEmma(m): 3:27am On May 14, 2020
I have followed JDF for sometime now. I have noticed a lot of changes in my life. My little experience in that their program made me to understand that it not for everyone. If you are not the elect you can't move with them no matter how you try.
I encourage every lover of truth to join the fellowship. You won't regret it.
Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by phonestic(m): 7:19am On Jun 22, 2020
Am jdf member

1 Like

Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by Evans2200: 1:59am On Jul 11, 2020
Hi everyone I have seen all your comments and taught about JDF now let me speak to you all because I am a testimony. I was with JDF for about 4 months and when I was with them my life began to change but something was happening to me, I had some of my questions that needed answers, and because of where I was coming from I stopped for sometime, You see I am a guy that seek the truth so when I left them I started seeing evil fighting me. And brother and sisters this is the same evil that feared me when I was with them. you see there is no searching for God outside his Word and the problem we are having today is that may of you come to JDF without being born again and you think you can understand the program the way you are and when we say born we don't mean that sinful life u where living in your church we mean a man born again in the holy ghost not born again with out having a relationship with the Word of God
now when I left them I went into praying begging God and crying to him to help me coz I want to know the truth and be from from my sin and one day after praying and crying seriously to God, my father the Lord Jesus the father of my soul showed me mercy and gave me answer to my questions, those questions that made me not to follow the fellowship.
now you see many of u ask questions but you are not serious to know the answer you have a question about something you don't know and because you are to careless you stop coming to the fellowship and instead of you to sincerely what to know the answer to your questions you go back to your sinful and wicked life.
You see people the Word of God is true and can never lie, and You must seek him with all your heart and soul as to understand him..
and we thank God Almighty that gave me eyes to see and ears to hear and heart to understand His Word, so I came back to the fellowship coz the the father the Son and the Holy Ghost that owns it

now the one question people use to aske was you can't work your way to heaven. Now my answers to those that are saying this because I use to be in that category is? You think Christ only came to die and not to teach? Christ is the word of God and the word comes from the soul of the man. Now Christ told us whoever will come to him let him forsake all take up his cross and follow him. Now my question is as I have forsaken all and taken up my cross to follow Jesus will you say I am working my way to heaven??
This is just one of the many questions people do ask. If you want to ask more questions here is my number 07067795719 call or chat me[color=#990000][/color]


Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by nnamathy: 8:24pm On Aug 20, 2020
I have also attended JDF and even reach up to their Semester Pratical class. I will say that I think they are the best amongst other churches (NB: I was born a Catholic and then changed to JDF). But I am no longer fellowshiping with them since I FOUND THE TRUTH.

Now, I want every Christian RELIGION to know that they are worshipping SATAN in the guise of JESUS CHRIST. Take it or leave it!
Every Christian who came out Catholic church always view Catholics as the DEVIL especially JDF; now if you say that Catholic church is the Devil and still accept their Jesus Christ then you're a Devil as well (Rom 2:1).

Every RELIGION worships the DEVIL, be it Christians, Muslims, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, e.t.c; as long as you worship in a house called A place of worship with a name on it and offer MONEY as offerings (Acts 17: 22-25). The word of God cannot be broken. You are either wrong or right.

Before you call me names and argue blindly, read the scriptures (Rev 12:9). If the whole world is indeed DECEIVED by the DEVIL, then you are deceived as well because you were born in the world and taught by the world and grew up with the name you know as the name of SALVATION (whichever name your religion calls) which Christians believe is Jesus Christ. Now, if you become born again will you still believe in the name the world call?

Let me tell you guys, Jesus Christ is actually the Anti-messiah, the god of this world. Take it or leave it! If you come to know truth you will be astonished and troubled, and then you will rule all

Truth you say.... If you say Jesus Christ is the anti messiah but you took your time to quote all this scriptures out of context..

Nothing expressed the interest of Roman 2 as you claimed in your post; You judge with the TRUTH such that you must not be in bondage of the error you're correcting in others (Study to show thyself approved). About the temple that was mentioned in Act 17:22-25; it's to back Romans 12:1, 1 Cor. 3:16, i.e my body should be kept Holy that the Spirit of Truth might take abode in it but that doesn't deny Heb 10:25, Act 13:1-3, Act 14:23 Having a building to host the gathering of the Holy one's; i don't see wea offering money s worshipping the devil as you proposed.
Your understanding of Rev. 12:9 is so funny; Have you forgotten the victory of Jesus Christ over the World (John 16:33, 1John 4:4) which you're expected to a partaker of such if you abide with his word in 1 John 2:15-17...

Let light shine on the TRUTH you feed yourself with. The name of Jesus Christ is his Lordship over your spirit; if he's not ruling there's no Truth nor freedom unto your spirit. 2 Cor 3:16-17
Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by Gabyoby: 11:13am On Aug 25, 2020
Jesus Disciples Fellowship is an antichrist programme (Movement). Beware of their lies and damnable heresies! Their leader (the Antichrist) has not been revealed yet. Don't be deceived and never say you were not warned!
I will expose some of their lies with the infallible proofs from the Word of God. LISTEN to Jesus and the true Revelations by the Holy Spirit (biblically based):

"Verily verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers." (John 10:1-5, KJV)

My dear friend and truth seeker, open your heart to the true exposition of God's and we shall reason together from the Ancient Word long preserved for our walk in this world!
Jesus Christ is the Door, He is the Way to the sheepfold. The sheepfold is the Church of Jesus Christ. Any movement or group that is opposing the Church of Jesus Christ is an Antichrist movement/programme. They are thieves and robber. Beware!

The Church has not finished her assignment on earth yet, until her Head (Jesus Christ) returns! Beware of false teachers!

"Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and unto all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the Church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I cease not to warn every one night and day with tears. And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the Word of His grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified." (Acts 20:26-32, KJV)

Did you understand that? Jesus Christ purchased the Church with His own blood. The instruction we received from the Scripture above, "FEED THE CHURCH OF GOD." It did not say FIGHT THE CHURCH OF GOD! These wolves, deceivers and seducers keep asking you in their so called Jesus Disciples Fellowship whether you are still going to Church! Hmmmmm! Why are they against the Body of Christ (the Church)? Have you asked? I know why! They are antichrists! They come in subtly, their agenda has not been revealed yet. They are still pretending to be the disciples of Jesus, but time will tell whose disciples they have been. Beware! They are speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them. Therefore WATCH! Did you hear that?

"Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." (Matthew 24:4-5, KJV)

They have come in the name of Jesus now oooo! Friend, beware! They bear the name: JESUS DISCIPLES, but they are working AGAINST what Jesus died for (His Church). BEWARE!!!

By the grace of God, answers to all their satanic doctrines and lies have been revealed ahead of time in the Bible. I shall be coming in from time to time to expose them one after the other. Their mouths must be stopped! You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Hear some of their lies and satanic terminologies we shall expose soonest:

1. Spiritual clothation
2. That 'Church programme' is outdated and weak
3. Forbidding to marry
4. Morning cry (open evangelism is Church programme not their kingdom programme, so it's not accepted) is wrong
5. Fasting is not good because it exposes one to evil spirits. Rather they live a fasted life
6. Parental Spirit (ie you must forsake your family and be free from their control or authority).
7. Living an independent life. They discourage people from doing a paid job. They encourage their captives to quit their jobs and pick up a trade that will guarantee their freedom.
8. They frown at School. They said it belongs to the world! Hmm!
9. They teach their prisoners that they have their own kind of tongue speaking and terminologies which their victims will learn as they progress in their classes.
10. They said the Bible is not just enough! They believe more on Revelations. They say, "what we are doing now is what the Spirit is revealing now". Hmm! Soon they will seize the Bible from their captives and reveal their true identity.
11. Three Days Journey. They refer to Exodus 13:17-18, saying that while the Israelites went through the wilderness for 40 days, they are introducing a shorter way that will last for just 3 days. The Broadway that leads to destruction! Hmm! Remember the 7years reign of the Antichrist broken into two halves of 3.5years. The first 3.5 years will be wonderful and peaceful but the last 3.5 years will be horrible!
12. A new government that will make things easy (ie the Antichrist, they are working for)!

And many others.....! Hey!

"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (2 Corinthians 11:13-15, KJV)

You wonder how I know some these things the so called Jesus Disciples Fellowship teaches! Well, I have encountered them. Some Members of our Church we delivered from their fold are revealing their Deceitful Strategies. They claimed initially that it helped their spiritual lives just as some still maintain here. They are simply transforming themselves as the ministers of righteousness! It's all sham! They manipulate people's mind through hypnosis. Their prisoners under hypnosis assume that their spiritual lives have improved! A big lie! Some of their members that quit the fellowship started experiencing demonic attacks immediately they left the group. Some of our Church members we were pulling out of their cult would come out and go back claiming that as soon as they stopped their spiritual lives started declining, they lacked strength to pray again, sleep overtook them at the place of prayer, things they were not experiencing while they were in Jesus' Disciples Fellowship. By the grace of God, we were able to open their eyes to the truth that set them free. The same help, I'm ready to offer anyone who is desirous of knowing the truth. The Bible alone will answer all your questions through the help of the Holy Spirit.

I don't blame them (the so called Jesus Disciples)! I blame the Church Leaders who seem to be failing Jesus (the chief Shepherd) in the assignments He gave to us for His Church. In the rat race (mad rush for materialism), we fail to FEED the FLOCK of Christ. We fail to do the work of OVERSEERS over their souls! We fail to CARE for the FLOCK! These Things (called Jesus Disciples) took advantage of the slumbering state of the Church Leaders to attack the Church, stealing the flocks of Jesus! Pastors are blinded with materialism and lukewarmness is growing rapidly in the Churches. The love of many has waxed cold. No more zeal for God! People enter into the Church and begin to sleep. You know why? The agents of darkness (wolves in sheep's clothing) creep into the Church to pollute her, inoder


Re: Jesus Disciple Fellowship Expose by Gabyoby: 11:55am On Aug 25, 2020
Continue from my earlier post please.

The enemies of Christ pollute the Church in order to have a legal ground to establish their programme (the so called Jesus Disciples Fellowship) so as to oppose the Church with valid points. Don't be deceived, this is one of the signs of the END TIME! Jesus says "I will build my Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18, KJV). Jesus Disciples Fellowship is one of the gates of hell launched against the Church of Jesus Christ. But they CANNOT prevail against the Church. We are seriously recovering the flocks they stole from the sheepfold while we were blind and asleep. (Isaiah 42:19). Brothers and sisters in Christ let's join forces together and continue to EXPOSE these hypocrites. Let's SPEAK UP! Victory is sure, I can tell you from the Scriptures. They can't deceive the very elect forever! Yet we must not be silent and sit idly doing nothing like LOT ( 2 Peter 2:7-cool and ELI (1 Samuel 3:1-2, 12-13)

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of my Father's hand." (John 10:27-28, KJV).
The mission of the so called Jesus Disciples Fellowship is DEAD on arrival. They have come to beguile UNSTABLE souls. They speak great swelling words of vanity to trap those who live in error. "While they promise them liberty (freedom), they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage." (2 Peter 2:14-19). They speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption. Vs 12. They despise authority and are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. Vs 10.

"Dear children, the last hour is here. You have heard that the Antichrist is coming, and already many such antichrists have appeared. From this we know that the last hour has come. These people left our Churches, but they never really belonged with us. When they left, it proved that they did not belong with us... So you must remain faithful to what you have been taught from the beginning. If you do, you will remain in fellowship with the Son and with the Father..." (1John 2:18-27).

He that has an ear, let him hear!

I will stop here for now. I know they will come to attack, but God is prepared for them. God will give them peaceful answers.


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