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Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by Lordave: 10:02am On Jun 23, 2019

God regreted creating man because He gave man a freewill. God has no autority over mans freewill. He gave everyone the opportunity to decide what they wanted. Many did not choose God, His laws and His ways which made God regret ever creating man.

That is why after making that statement in the Old testament, He decided to help man out of devils grip by sending His only begotten son to redeem the world. Thats why in this dispensation, you will never see where God made such a statement as everyone has a choice to be redeemed and He is constantly working out salvation for everyone.

Just think of it this way. We have all been there at a point where you helped someone who really needed help and the person turned back to betray you, wont you regret it?

But he hardened the heart of Pharoa.

Bible is just shít admit it and be free.


Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by Adakintroy: 10:03am On Jun 23, 2019
cry what i want to know was how Noah brought Flies, Mosquitoes and Butterflies on the ark
Or how he brought Polar Bears from Antarctica, the Sumatran Tiger from Indonesia? What about those animals that are only found in countries like Australia, South America e.t.c

Your problem is that you want the bible to bend to your logic. The bible said god created this beast and gave to man to name. So they must be within range. A lot of things have happen in this world and many changes have occurred that we can't accurately measure. Even science do lots of theorizations. Which is wild guessing.
Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by bixton(m): 10:07am On Jun 23, 2019
Based on the standard of God, there is no man that is good.
Man is measured by God’s righteousness. No man can ever match up to that on their own.

The Apostle Paul called himself the chief of sinners. He was a Pharisee, not a chief mafia or chief love-vendor. No one is good — all have fallen short of the glory of God.

The end times will be just like the days of Noah. The same solution back then will still work today.

The movie “Noah” is grossly Biblically-inaccurate.
This movie is crazy that it makes Noah crazy.
It means God look harsh and mean. God never asked Noah to kill his family.
God told Noah to save his family.

Noah was a preacher of righteousness. He preached for 50 - 70 years before the flood.
God gave the world an opportunity to be saved but they didn’t believe Noah’s preaching.

Poetic license never takes away from the character.
The Passion of the Christ is an excellent movie.
The scene whereby Jesus as a child fell and Mary ran to Him, tugs at your heartstrings.
In another scene, Jesus made a table as a carpenter and told Mary that it would be popular one day.
Then He playful splashed water in His mother’s face. That’s a fine touch, showing their relationship.
These scenes aren’t written in the Bible. But they could have happened. That’s poetic license.

Genesis 3:15 - God is addressing Satan who took on the embodiment of a serpent. The woman’s seed is Jesus. Women don’t have seed. This hints at the virgin birth.
In crushing Satan’s head, Jesus’ heel was bruised.
Jesus is the Serpent-Crusher and Dragon Slayer.

“And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.”” ‭‭(Genesis‬ ‭3:15‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

After the prophecy was given, the devil wanted to stop the coming of the Messiah.
He observed Cain and Abel.
Abel brought a lamb (blood sacrifice) whereas Cain brought crops of the land (the works of his own hands).
Abel’s sacrifice was accepted by God, but Cain’s was rejected.
When you come to God with an unblemished lamb, He respects and honors that sacrifice.
The first murder was over religion. Abel approached God using God’s way, while Cain approached God using man’s way.
The devil instigated Cain to murder his Abel, thinking that the Messiah would come from Abel’s lineage. But this was not so.

Cain’s wife was one of his sisters. Abraham also married his half-sister Sarah.
Before the fall of men had taken its full effect, man’s genes were still purer than now.
We don’t marry within our family today because of faulty genes in our gene pool.
There is a higher chance to have children with physical problems if you marry within the same family.

Hollywood gave a grossly inaccurate portrayal of Noah's story. Find out what really happened, based on the Bible. Jesus said that the end times will be like the days of Noah. The same solution that worked for Noah back then, will work for us today as well!

There were giants on the earth

​Genesis 6:1-18 - Nephilim means “fallen ones”. They were giants.
There were two eruptions of giants.
The giants were mighty in strength and in wickedness.
They lived hundreds of years. Imagine if they have a propensity towards evil, what kind of evil contraptions they can invent.
Back then, the people knew more than we know today.
The daughters of men are just human women.
The sons of God refers to the fallen angels.
The one-third of all angels that followed Lucifer to rebel against God.
Angels can take on a body like a man and appear like a man.
The Bible tells us don’t forget to entertain strangers and that some have unknowingly shown hospitality to angels.
Angels are always presented in the Bible as taking on the appearance of a man.
Anyone created directly by God is called “a son of God”.
Adam was called son of God because God created Him directly.
Angels are not sons of God in a familial sense.
The devil was out to corrupt the woman’s seed, to secure his own position.
The fallen angels took on the appearance of men and had sex with human women, producing Nephilim offspring.
Greek mythology records giants and cyclops. They are actually Nephilim.
After the flood there was actually another eruption of giants: the Anakim and Rephaim. They came from the same stock of the Nephilim.
The devil knew the promise that God made to Abraham, and made the giants occupy the land of Canaan.
God raised Israel to kill the remaining giants.
Noah found Grace. This is the first mention of Grace in the Bible.
Noah means “rest”. Jesus could be full of Grace because He is full of rest.
Noah had a wife. Noah’s sons had one wife each. There were eight people on the ship/ Ark.
The mandarin word for ship 船is made of the character 舟(boat) + 八(eight) + 口(mouth, in the context of 人口, meaning people).
Noah wasn’t righteous because of his character, but by the blood of Jesus.
Noah was “blameless”. In the Hebrew, the word is tamim, which means unblemished.
The same word is used to refer to unblemished lambs needed for the sacrifices to God.
Noah and his family were the only ones left on the earth that were purely human.
The rest of mankind had been corrupted (had fallen angel DNA inside them).
Science can’t explain why animals have a migratory instinct.
There is a butterfly called “Tainted Lady Butterfly” which flies from Iceland in the cold seasons, to somewhere warm like Africa.
After the season changes, their young fly back to Iceland.
When you watch Bible movies, make sure they are made by people who are born-saved — Before you drink water, check the source.
The animals knew about the incoming tsunami in Bandar Aceh long before it hit. They migrated and ran to high ground and mountain tops.
God always prepares His people before the crisis.
God prepared Noah to be saved from the flood. That’s Grace.
The word “seal” in Hebrew comes from kaphar and the word “pitch” in Hebrew comes from kopher.
Kaphar also means atonement. Kopher means ransom. Jesus is the true ark.
All the waves of judgment hit the ark but it never touched Noah and his family who were safely inside the ark.
We are in the ark: in Christ Jesus.
300 is the number of victory. Gideon and his 300 men. The woman who anointed Jesus’ feet used ointment that cost 300 denarii.
God designed the windows to be at the top of the ark, and not at the sides.
God doesn’t want you to be occupied with all the destruction that is going on around the world.
He wants you to look up and fix your eyes on Him.
The devil wants you to look around — you’ll be distressed.
Don’t look within — you’ll be depressed. Look to Jesus and you’ll be at rest.
God has someone on His right hand that He never had before — Jesus, the perfect God-Man.
As a Man, Jesus can sympathize and empathize with you.
There is only one door on the ark. Faith in Jesus is the only Way for man to be saved.
The door was on the side. The Roman soldier pierced Jesus’ side at the cross, and blood and water flowed out.
Science showed that if you die of a ruptured heart, blood and water will flow out — God made a way to show His heart poured out for you.
Why three floors in the ark? Man is a triune being: body, soul and spirit.
Salvation is for your body, soul and spirit.
You can enjoy Heaven now, while you’re on your way to Heaven.

“When men began to multiply on the surface of the ground, and daughters were born to them, God’s sons saw that men’s daughters were beautiful, and they took any that they wanted for themselves as wives. Yahweh said, “My Spirit will not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; so his days will be one hundred twenty years.” The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when God’s sons came in to men’s daughters and had children with them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of man’s heart was continually only evil. Yahweh was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him in his heart. Yahweh said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the surface of the ground—man, along with animals, creeping things, and birds of the sky—for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found favor in Yahweh’s eyes. This is the history of the generations of Noah: Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time. Noah walked with God. Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. God saw the earth, and saw that it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. God said to Noah, “I will bring an end to all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them and the earth. Make a ship of gopher wood. You shall make rooms in the ship, and shall seal it inside and outside with pitch. This is how you shall make it. The length of the ship shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. You shall make a roof in the ship, and you shall finish it to a cubit upward. You shall set the door of the ship in its side. You shall make it with lower, second, and third levels. I, even I, do bring the flood of waters on this earth, to destroy all flesh having the breath of life from under the sky. Everything that is in the earth will die. But I will establish my covenant with you. You shall come into the ship, you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you.” ‭‭(Genesis‬ ‭6:1-18‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

Job 1:6 - God’s sons refers to the angels.

“Now on the day when God’s sons came to present themselves before Yahweh, Satan also came among them.” ‭‭(Job‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

Job 38:7 - Science has shown that stars can sing/produce musical frequencies.
The sons of God here refers to angels again.

“when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” ‭‭(Job‬ ‭38:7‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

Jude 1:6-7 - The fallen angels who committed sexual immorality with human women left their original bodies to take on human bodies.
These fallen angels were bound in everlasting chains.

“Angels who didn’t keep their first domain, but deserted their own dwelling place, he has kept in everlasting bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them, having, in the same way as these, given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are shown as an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire.” ‭‭(Jude‬ ‭1:6-7‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

Science tells us that man evolved from monkeys. No, man was created in the image of God.
Science tells us that everything degenerates if left on its own — it doesn’t evolve.

2 Peter 2:4-5 - The fallen angels in Tartarus were judged early.
The other demons that still roam the earth today are causing havoc.
Some sicknesses are caused by demons — especially when the pain seems to jump from one part of the body to another.
These sicknesses don’t go away on their own. These demons have to be cast out in Jesus’ name.

“For if God didn’t spare angels when they sinned, but cast them down to Tartarus, and committed them to pits of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; and didn’t spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah with seven others, a preacher of righteousness, when he brought a flood on the world of the ungodly;” (‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭2:4-5‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

Hebrews‬ ‭11:7‬ - Make sure your children’s hearts are filled with Jesus and the word of God.
Little children’s hearts are like wet cement. Don’t let the world write on their hearts.
After the cement dries, it’s much harder to write on it.

“By faith, Noah, being warned about things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared a ship for the saving of his house, through which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith.” ‭‭(Hebrews‬ ‭11:7‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

We are forever safe in the true ark

​From Ham, Shem and Japheth, came the humans of all nations today.
We are actually all one human race that originates from Adam.

There was only one pair of dogs on Noah’s ark. From within their genes, came all other pedigrees of dogs. The potential is all in their genes.

Science can’t explain hibernation. The animals on Noah’s ark slept most of the time.
Animals don’t defecate when they are in hibernation.
God remembered Noah and all the animals. Remember doesn’t mean to just think of them.
It means to meet all their needs.

Genesis 7:15-16 - Elohim (Creator God) commanded Noah to build the ark.
Yahweh (Covenant-Keeping God) closed the door of the ark.
When God closes the door, no one can open it to drag you out to the waters of judgment.
Even when the ark gets a little turbulent from the choppy waters outside, you will fall safely within the ark, not out of the ark.
The name Jesus means “Yahweh saves”. Jesus even saves you from yourself — many times we are our own worst enemies.

“Pairs from all flesh with the breath of life in them went into the ship to Noah. Those who went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God commanded him; then Yahweh shut him in.” ‭‭(Genesis‬ ‭7:15-16‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

Genesis 7:1 - One of the most beautiful words in the Bible is “Come”.
Jesus said “Come unto Me... and I will give you rest.”
You don’t need to clean yourself before stepping into the bath.
Step into the bath and you will come out clean.
Jesus is the Bath. You can’t clean yourself from your sins. Only faith in Jesus can give you forgiveness of sins.
When the Lord said “come”, it means that He is in the ark.

“Yahweh said to Noah, “Come with all of your household into the ship, for I have seen your righteousness before me in this generation.” ‭‭(Genesis‬ ‭7:1‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

Genesis 8:15-16 - When the Lord says “go out” it means that He is still in the ark.
The Lord is the last to leave the ark. He’s a true Hero — He’s the first one in, and the last one out.

“God spoke to Noah, saying, “Go out of the ship, you, your wife, your sons, and your sons’ wives with you.” (Genesis‬ ‭8:15-16‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

A holy life is not the root of your salvation. It is a fruit.

Genesis 8:4 - Ararat means “curse reversed”. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, the curse has been reversed.
We are standing on ‘no-curse’ ground!

“The ship rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on Ararat’s mountains.” (Genesis‬ ‭8:4‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

Genesis‬ ‭8:18-19 - Every creature that went into the ark came out alive and safe. It’s not how good we are — it’s how good your ark is.

“Noah went out, with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives with him. Every animal, every creeping thing, and every bird, whatever moves on the earth, after their families, went out of the ship.” ‭‭(Genesis‬ ‭8:18-19‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

There is still judgment coming. There will be a Second Coming of Jesus Christ where He will judge the unbelieving world.

Genesis 9:13-15 - No flood shall ever destroy the earth again.
A rainbow is formed when a storm and sunlight collide.
When the devil sends a storm, God gives you His Grace, forming a rainbow.
The rainbow has seven colors. God does many things in sevens.
You can see in the Book of Revelation that there is a rainbow around God’s throne in Heaven.

“I set my rainbow in the cloud, and it will be a sign of a covenant between me and the earth. When I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow will be seen in the cloud, and I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh, and the waters will no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.” ‭‭(Genesis‬ ‭9:13-15‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

Isaiah 54:9 - This chapter comes after Isaiah 53 which is about the suffering of Jesus at the cross.
Thanks to Jesus’ finished work at the cross, God swore that He will never be angry with us who believe in Jesus.

““For this is like the waters of Noah to me; for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah will no more go over the earth, so I have sworn that I will not be angry with you, nor rebuke you.” ‭‭(Isaiah‬ ‭54:9‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

The devil’s attempts to prevent the Messiah’s birth has failed. Satan has lost, Jesus is the winner!

Don’t let Hollywood or anyone wrongly shape your belief in the Word of the living God.


You tried, but you still need to re-read your post and make some modifications/corrections.

The erroneous of them all is depicting the devil/lucifer in a manner that he knows God's plan for and about man......................


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Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by GerogeI(m): 10:09am On Jun 23, 2019
cry what i want to know was how Noah brought Flies, Mosquitoes and Butterflies on the ark
Or how he brought Polar Bears from Antarctica, the Sumatran Tiger from Indonesia? What about those animals that are only found in countries like Australia, South America e.t.c

Here is how:

First do you understand that all the pedigrees of dogs were differentiated from the same source wolves?

If you do, then you will also understand that the genes you carry in your body today is is a flash drive containing the blue print for million of permutation of what could be you depending on where you find yourself and who you mate with. Even humans have been differentiated. For more understanding google "genetic optimisation algorithm"

Summary: God did not need to save every specie of bears, flies, birds, etc according to what you see in the animal kingdom today. What you see today(like polar bears) is the differentiation and optimisation of what Noah had saved according to their requirement to suit their environment, engineered or effected through the process of reproduction.

In between, did it occurs to anybody that beings the size of giants could have been quite unsustainable in terms of intake of organic matter as food. Unlike the increasing would population, it could have been a decreasing one from cannibalism.

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Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by calebbintus: 10:09am On Jun 23, 2019

he gave man freewill and he already had the foreknowledge of what he would use the freewill to do. So why should he regret?

If you know someone is a confirm thief, but you still went ahead to make the person a treasurer in your organization, will you regret when you already know what to expect? That's man, not even God that has foreknowledge of all things.

Most ppl don't understand God. Look human knowledge cannot decipher God. Both the Christian and the Atheist are of God. You both do nit and cannot understand him. He is beyond human comprehension. He clearly said it "My ways are not your ways" "The wisdom of man is foolishNess to God".
Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by bixton(m): 10:14am On Jun 23, 2019
Dear Op.
What is the use of this knowledge? What is the use of knowing 1 thousand bible stories which is just pure history? The same Noah you talk about heard directly from God, Abraham heard directly from God. David d same. Most of this ppl had direct access to God so they had proof of his existence & that is science, Proof! but here you are chewing over such knowledge to what use? Do u have access to God? You ppl take Christianity too far, you just spend time ruminating over knowledge that is of no use to you.

Two questions for you?
1)Who do you think is your creator?
2) Do you have access to your biological father/parents?
Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by jiggaz(m): 10:17am On Jun 23, 2019

You tried, but you still need to re-read your post and make some modifications/corrections.

The erroneous of them all is depicting the devil/lucifer in a manner that he knows God's plan for and about man......................


Satan was in the garden when God was pronouncing judgement for what Adam and Eve did.

He heard when God said that the woman's seed will crush his head ... So from then he knew that God will send a Redeemer for man and he has been working hookline and sinker to Arrow that plan but he always fail.. Adam and Eve knew that a Redeemer will come for them too from that statement.

So there's nothing to correct from the thread. What i posted up there is very correct.

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Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by jiggaz(m): 10:19am On Jun 23, 2019

Yes no one fights their atheism but they keep fighting Christianity!

Christianity fall on them
Christianity is bigger than them.

Many of themin one corner of their heart believe in God but the devil just continue to make their hearts stubborn
Yes... The devil will always fail.

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Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by Funaki: 10:26am On Jun 23, 2019

Most ppl don't understand God. Look human knowledge cannot decipher God. Both the Christian and the Atheist are of God. You both do nit and cannot understand him. He is beyond human comprehension. He clearly said it "My ways are not your ways" "The wisdom of man is foolishNess to God".

Human knowledge cannot decipher God but we have many pastors all over trying to explain their own version of God. Are they not humans too? If God is mysterious like you said, that means nobody knows him. We're all just speculating.

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Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by GerogeI(m): 10:34am On Jun 23, 2019
but how could God regret creating men when he knew their abilities? The bible said God knows all things, he knew the end from the beginning. How was he shocked by the actions of men during Noah's time?

The bible tells us that God created humans with free will. Just like God knew of our potentials for evil, he also knew of our potential for Good. And we are the only things he made whom he gave the option to choose!

And knowing his capacity to save us again and yet again, He did not hesitate to make us. He loves us all, but for those few who would go out of their way to follow him He made us. For the Eunochs, Davids, Paul, Peter, Mary Mandaline, and maybe you, he still subjected the whole of creation to the evil that will emanate from men's heart, so that those few who will emanate goodness will be.

An do not say he was shocked, no. He was at the point were we had effected one of our expected evil, it pained him, but does not mean He was not aware of what we would do. And he already had a plan. Just like he had a plan to restore the earth kingdom to (second) Adam, when (the first) Adam sold it to Lucifer for nothing by his choices. God made a plan, and had it restored thousands of years after, through Christ Jesus. That's why Lucifer could not understand the plan, he had been on the throne of earth for so long, he'd could not see how it could leave his grip.

The other question you will ask. Is why make man with free will if it will bring a lot of evil. God has made so many things before man. Angels or Non-human beings on Autopilot who like robots can only do what he wants. Yet these were not sufficient company for Him. He then sought to make beings similar to him, not exactly him. Who had the mind to make choices, and the power to create. The question is what will they choose to create and do? So he set a trying ground for them to be/exist and differentiate themselves by their own choices. We may all be human, but we are different spirits, those who show the capacity for good will find further use in his next world were he plans to dwell with them in order to enjoy their companionship, those who do not will be destroyed just like chaff as they have no further use.

But you need to understand His love for those who will be the out put of this process. Such a deep love, that He is happy to wait, an took time to make each and everyone "so fearfully and so wonderfully" as the bible said. Once men have differentiated themselves, the rest is just waste from the the lab, to be burnt and discarded away. So we must choose wisely what we want. Also look at the nature of the trying ground - the world. It is so difficult you cannot pretend to be good when you are evil. It is easier to be evil. Yet he grants grace that those who are good might still survive at loss of the glitters of this world. It has both physical challenges and spiritual ones. Notice, he chained up all the fallen angels whom we could not directly deal with, but left us the subdued leftover spirits of their offsprings to deal with ( Book of Eunoch). Everything around us, from the joys to the pains is well thought out and schemed. Bottom line: this is a temporal place. A testing ground.

Key to understanding what I wrote is that
1. time is not a limitation to God. Either forward or backward, "A thousand years in His sight is but a second"
2. Adam or humanity is like a compressed file, slowly being decompressed in generations.

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Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by KendrickAyomide: 10:39am On Jun 23, 2019

Here is how:

First do you understand that all the pedigrees of dogs were differentiated from the same source wolves?

If you do, then you will also understand that the genes you carry in your body today is is a flash drive containing the blue print for million of permutation of what could be you depending on where you find yourself and who you mate with. Even humans have been differentiated. For more understanding google "genetic optimisation algorithm"

Summary: God did not need to save every specie of bears, flies, birds, etc according to what you see in the animal kingdom today. What you see today(like polar bears) is the differentiation and optimisation of what Noah had saved according to their requirement to suit their environment, engineered or effected through the process of reproduction.

In between, did it occurs to anybody that beings the size of giants could have been quite unsustainable in terms of intake of organic matter as food. Unlike the increasing would population, it could have been a decreasing one from cannibalism.

so why are new species not formed today according to your Logic?
Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by KendrickAyomide: 10:41am On Jun 23, 2019

Your problem is that you want the bible to bend to your logic. The bible said god created this beast and gave to man to name. So they must be within range. A lot of things have happen in this world and many changes have occurred that we can't accurately measure. Even science do lots of theorizations. Which is wild guessing.
since they were within Range, how did they travel Millions of Miles away ?

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Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by Barrywest(m): 10:44am On Jun 23, 2019

God regreted creating man because He gave man a freewill. God has no autority over mans freewill. He gave everyone the opportunity to decide what they wanted. Many did not choose God, His laws and His ways which made God regret ever creating man.

That is why after making that statement in the Old testament, He decided to help man out of devils grip by sending His only begotten son to redeem the world. Thats why in this dispensation, you will never see where God made such a statement as everyone has a choice to be redeemed and He is constantly working out salvation for everyone.

Just think of it this way. We have all been there at a point where you helped someone who really needed help and the person turned back to betray you, wont you regret it?

Wow, This answer has renewed my faith....
You have a sound mind.

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Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by Adakintroy: 10:49am On Jun 23, 2019
since they were within Range, how did they travel Millions of Miles away ?

The same way humans started to travel million miles out themselves after the fload.
Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by bixton(m): 10:50am On Jun 23, 2019
[quote author=jiggaz post=79594747]Satan was in the garden when God was pronouncing judgement for what Adam and Eve did.

He heard when God said that the woman's seed will crush his head ... So from then he knew that God will send a Redeemer for man and he has been working hookline and sinker to Arrow that plan but he always fail.. Adam and Eve knew that a Redeemer will come for them too from that statement.

So there's nothing to correct from the thread. What i posted up there is very correct. [/quote]

I hope so.
No sinner knows God's plan and Adam was one.
Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by GerogeI(m): 10:57am On Jun 23, 2019
so why are new species not formed today according to your Logic?

Are black and white humans of same specie?
I talked of differentiations not species. If their was not difference between species, God would have only saved one animal to recreate every other thing. Further Definition of specie is based on limits of sciences. We know their are animals hugely dissimilar, but cannot for sure say where genetic similarity starts and ends.

All animals adapt or get optimised to their environment. It takes time but happens. Example is animals trapped in the formation of deep carvens or caves becoming translucent, compared to their relatives under sunlight. I am also worried that the prevalence of cancers in humans today might be an ongoing change due to drastic changes in what we eat.


Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by GerogeI(m): 11:12am On Jun 23, 2019
Dear Op.
What is the use of this knowledge? What is the use of knowing 1 thousand bible stories which is just pure history? The same Noah you talk about heard directly from God, Abraham heard directly from God. David d same. Most of this ppl had direct access to God so they had proof of his existence & that is science, Proof! but here you are chewing over such knowledge to what use? Do u have access to God? You ppl take Christianity too far, you just spend time ruminating over knowledge that is of no use to you.

Yes, some people still hear directly from God. Infact, most people can hear directly from God, but hardly pay attention to their dreams and visions. He has not given everyone the same ability, but he has given many. And most times hearing from Him does not start with you automatically. It starts often with you believing in Him, obeying Him, an His spirit begins to reside in you and start to reveal Him to you even beyond the words written in the Bible. Ofcourse some people start with gifts of sight from the day they were born, but they are few. If you start the Journey of seeking Him out today, you will be surprised by how much he has laid up already waiting for you. God is not fiction, he is real, physically and spiritually.

Some people may not hear Him because of thing they have been associated into. It sounds as noise and blocks out the subtle communications from God. A common feature here in Africa is so called Witchcraft. It is simply a virtual world, shared by several people, were their consciousness gathers to meet, share, and received directives often for gang ups and evil. It is a place of the mind shared by several people consciously or unconsciously. Ultimately, it interferes with your dreams and blocks the voice of God out.
Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by dazzlingd(m): 11:16am On Jun 23, 2019
cry what i want to know was how Noah brought Flies, Mosquitoes and Butterflies on the ark
Or how he brought Polar Bears from Antarctica, the Sumatran Tiger from Indonesia? What about those animals that are only found in countries like Australia, South America e.t.c

It takes an 100% idiot to believe Noah's story, even my illiterate old grandmother does not believe it

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Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by 1stbest(m): 11:20am On Jun 23, 2019
cry what i want to know was how Noah brought Flies, Mosquitoes and Butterflies on the ark
Or how he brought Polar Bears from Antarctica, the Sumatran Tiger from Indonesia? What about those animals that are only found in countries like Australia, South America e.t.c
Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by dazzlingd(m): 11:23am On Jun 23, 2019

Here is how:

First do you understand that all the pedigrees of dogs were differentiated from the same source wolves?

If you do, then you will also understand that the genes you carry in your body today is is a flash drive containing the blue print for million of permutation of what could be you depending on where you find yourself and who you mate with. Even humans have been differentiated. For more understanding google "genetic optimisation algorithm"

Summary: God did not need to save every specie of bears, flies, birds, etc according to what you see in the animal kingdom today. What you see today(like polar bears) is the differentiation and optimisation of what Noah had saved according to their requirement to suit their environment, engineered or effected through the process of reproduction.

In between, did it occurs to anybody that beings the size of giants could have been quite unsustainable in terms of intake of organic matter as food. Unlike the increasing would population, it could have been a decreasing one from cannibalism.

Oga stop saying nonsense, Noah's story is a pure myth that could never have happened..

How did Chinese, Indians, Egyptians, blacks all come from a family of Noah. What kind of scientific explanation can ever explain that, it is simply not possible. And how did the animals survive after the flood, what were the carnivores eating, the food chain couldn't have been possible... Did all the canivors in the world wait for the herbivores to populate before they start eating them for food, and how did they herbivores survived, did the herbivores wait months before the plants grow before they could start eating.

And how come Egypt, Chinese dynasty never made mention of Noah, and their was never a disconnect in their histores well documented over thousand of years before the said flood to date. Stop believing nonsense because it was written in the Bible... The Noah's flood is a pure myth and only an idiot will believe it word for word


Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by ArchAngelos999: 11:26am On Jun 23, 2019
but how could God regret creating men when he knew their abilities? The bible said God knows all things, he knew the end from the beginning. How was he shocked by the actions of men during Noah's time?

the writers of scriptures at certain times expressed their own thoughts in scripture. An example is when Job said God wasn't with Israel in the wilderness. they sometimes wrote expressing their lack of faith. Jesus is the lens with such we understand scripture
Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by ArchAngelos999: 11:27am On Jun 23, 2019
This is very disturbingsmiley
it's reassuring and full of hope
Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by GerogeI(m): 11:31am On Jun 23, 2019
quote author=KendrickAyomide post=79595281] since they were within Range, how did they travel Millions of Miles away ? [/quote]


The same way humans started to travel million miles out themselves after the fload.

And in addition to that, the drifting of the tectonic plates. So even those who did no move were moved.

Some Plants and animals on the island of Mauritius are so vastly different from any thing in nearby Africa. Some parts of the British Isles have rocks with fossils from marine organism that only live in tropical waters, showing those rocks use to be in the tropics. The earth is largely liquid with severely cracked solid outer shell, which tends to swim around so gently that nobody notices.

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Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by ArchAngelos999: 11:34am On Jun 23, 2019

people always want to write up something to contradict others, maybe for fame or whatever I don't know, in the end they'll be forming 'reading the Bible with the spirit..

The OP said Satan instigated Cain to kill Abel because he thought the messiah would come from Abel's lineage.... Just imagine that... "he thought" INFact that was where I stopped reading

What's the aim and point of contradicting without concrete prove

Meanwhile the original plan from beginning wasn't for Jesus to come it was just a plan when the law was wasting human lives

i don't see why you think it's wrong that satan thought messiah will come from abel

salvation is the original plan. salvation is more than escaping hell. it is being brought into divinity. why do you think Adam was offered the tree of life in the garden? Christ is the life. The tree of life is not mango tree. It is Christ. to say salvation is not the original plan is to say God is plan b because God himself is salvation.

the lamb was slain before creation

Revelation 13:8
[8]And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by realmindz: 11:36am On Jun 23, 2019
Nawa oo... Atheists have invaded my thread shocked .. Satan be gone!! grin

We're really at the end of the end.... So many scoffers... The Rapture will happen very soon!!!!

It's not about the atheists.
You guys make a ridiculous claim and you never want it challenged or scrutinized nor questioned...then anybody who dares it is satanic. Is that not an unintelligent and irrational way of reasoning?

Attack the point not the personality, Noah's story fails every test of scrutiny infact, a simple common sense speaks volumes that it did not happen but you want us to just swallow it without questions.

Anything that can't stand test of scrutiny isn't worth believing, the truth is never afraid to be questioned.

Like people with common sense have always asked, how did the animals survive after the flood, how come facts and histories of several civilizations point to a simple fact that at no point were all families on earth wiped out by flood...you see thess evidences with your very eyes yet can't reason.. You hear of Babylon, Egyptian civilisation, Sumeria.

Even you yourself are a living evidence you couldn't have been a descendant of the Jewish family Noah or are you a Jew?

This isn't about going sentimental, all these get behind me Satan isn't answering any question... Simply address the issue like a matured mind and sensible person


Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by ArchAngelos999: 11:37am On Jun 23, 2019

I dey always ask this question...then I remember that the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men. Then I ask...am I a mistake? The answer is always NO.

God did not dictate or upload the Bible into the heads of the writers. they sometimes expressed their thoughts in it. God knows the end from the beginning, he wasn't shocked.
Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by Tejiriseth(m): 11:38am On Jun 23, 2019
Yes you are very correct.
you have to have the mind of a toddler..
Of a Child to believe Such stories. Such fair tales
You are very correct.
Just take a trip to those places mentiond in the Bible and see If they even take it serious
Evidence and reasoning makes us believe things without seeing..
We have bones of Dinosaurs..
Bombs and machines from world war.
Structures from ancient Egypt and Rome..
Yet the only claim for everything in the bible, is actually the bible..
How Laughable.

That you werent alive to witness then does not mean it did not happen!
Faith is believing what you did not see!
Havent some people come to you with stories and you told them you believed them in as much you did not see it?

Was I alive during world war 1? No but it happened and I belive it because there are pointers to the fact it happened?

What of things that happened in 1800s, I belive they happened because there are pointers.

Now biblical things are hard because we were not there to see it happen does not mean it did not happen.

The truth is that you cannot phantom biblical things with an ordinary mind. You wont get anything. Not saying that you should swallow everything you hear hook line sinker but then over a billion people cant be wrong.


Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by ArchAngelos999: 11:46am On Jun 23, 2019
This Noah story just reminded me of one article i read one time like that..

Warning: Reading the article below might shatter your world...

5 Ways The Bible Was Influenced By Other Religions

bros na nonsequitor full your article.

reason, if the flood story is corroborated by other tribes or religion it is actually a pointer to the validity of the flood. Yes there are over 200+ accounts if a global flood. naturally the descendants of Noah would document and tell stories of it. it's not plagiarism. creation story falls into the same category

Trinity is not in the Bible. a lot of Christians don't understand father, son, Holy Spirit. they are not three. God is a Father, He became a man(son) and he is not flesh but Spirit. vastly different from father mother son gods in paganism
Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by GerogeI(m): 12:00pm On Jun 23, 2019

It's not about the atheists.
You guys make a ridiculous claim and you never want it challenged or scrutinized nor questioned...then anybody who dares it is satanic. Is that not an unintelligent and irrational way of reasoning?

Attack the point not the personality, Noah's story fails every test of scrutiny infact, a simple common sense speaks volumes that it did not happen but you want us to just swallow it without questions.

Anything that can't stand test of scrutiny isn't worth believing, the truth is never afraid to be questioned.

Like people with common sense have always asked, how did the animals survive after the flood, how come facts and histories of several civilizations point to a simple fact that at no point were all families on earth wiped out by flood...you see thess evidences with your very eyes yet can't reason.. You hear of Babylon, Egyptian civilisation, Sumeria.

Even you yourself are a living evidence you couldn't have been a descendant of the Jewish family Noah or are you a Jew?

This isn't about going sentimental, all these get behind me Satan isn't answering any question... Simply address the issue like a matured mind and sensible person

Ask your question, let's reason together.

1. Noah is not just a father to Jews. By Definition, Jews are the decendants of Issac, who is plenty plenty years down the line from Noah.

2. Scientific evidence tells us of a certain ice age that wipped off many species. So its not true that nothing has happen on earth that did not have same semblance of the flood to kill off all most all that was on the earth.
3. The civilisation you are pointing at are quite young in the scheme of things. Babylon ruled at the time of the kings of isreal, very much after Noah. Egypt was in power at the time of birth of Joseph, who came even after Issac talkless of Noah. Romans were in Power at the time of Christ, just 2000 years ago. Literarily counting there is at least half a millennium between Noah and Abraham. But if you consider that Noah was said to have lived for almost 1 millennium 950 years, the gap is likely much more as the years may not be counted in literary terms.

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Re: Noah : The Real Story - Joseph Prince Sermon Notes by Judybash93(m): 12:02pm On Jun 23, 2019

That you werent alive to witness then does not mean it did not happen!
Faith is believing what you did not see!
Havent some people come to you with stories and you told them you believed them in as much you did not see it?

Was I alive during world war 1? No but it happened and I belive it because there are pointers to the fact it happened?

What of things that happened in 1800s, I belive they happened because there are pointers.

Now biblical things are hard because we were not there to see it happen does not mean it did not happen.

The truth is that you cannot phantom biblical things with an ordinary mind. You wont get anything. Not saying that you should swallow everything you hear hook line sinker but then over a billion people cant be wrong.

Good point...

But...we have evidences of events that occurred thousands and even millions of years locked up in dirt over the years..... why can't we get evidences pointing out the occurrence of a global flood even after much research....

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