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Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin - Religion - Nairaland

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Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by oshozondii: 12:18pm On Dec 09, 2021
The head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State, Pope Francis, has stated that sexual sins or sex outside of marriage is not the ‘most serious’ sin.

The Pope revealed this while answering questions from reporters on a flight back to Italy from Greece on Monday, stating that said that pride and hatred were “the most serious” of sins not sex outside marriage.

He said: “Sins of the flesh are not the most serious.”

Pope Francis stated this in regards to a question about the Archbishop of Paris Michel Aupetit who resigned this month after a report by a French magazine that claimed he had engaged in an intimate relationship with a woman.

The Pope further revealed that the Archbishop as been removed due to gossip.

He said, “We’re all sinners. When the gossip grows and grows and removes someone’s good name, he cannot govern.

“This is an injustice. That’s why I accepted the resignation of Aupetit: not on the altar of truth but on the altar of hypocrisy.”


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Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by maiquel: 12:19pm On Dec 09, 2021
Just a little sin

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Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by Righteousness2(m): 12:21pm On Dec 09, 2021
The Word of GOD, the Holy Bible says clearly that the wages of sin is Death.

The Word of GOD clearly says Fornicators , adulterers and Unrighteous folks will not see Heaven.
1Corithians 6:9
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Pope says it is not a serious sin.
These are the Last of the Last Moments. The foot soldiers and false Prophet of the antichrist are being revealed!

Watch and Pray that you will not be caught in their web of deceits and Delusion.

If you are engaging in sex outside Marriage, it is not Dating! It is Fornication! it is Evil. It is a terrible sin and will destroy your soul in Hell.

Immorality of any kind is Evil. Fornication, adultery, beastiality, homosexuality, lesbianism,etc. It is Sin and will Destroy your soul in Hell.

222 Likes 19 Shares

Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by stiyke(m): 12:29pm On Dec 09, 2021
No matter how you try to conceal who you are, it is matter of time, your true self will be revealed.

These are the Last of the Last Moments. The foot soldiers and false Prophet of the antichrist are being revealed!

Watch and Pray that you will not be caught in their web of deceits and Delusion.

If you are engaging in sex outside Marriage, it is not Dating! It is Fornication! it is Evil. It is a terrible sin and will destroy your soul in Hell.

Immorality of any kind is Evil. Fornication, adultery, beastiality, homosexuality, lesbianism,etc. It is Sin and will Destroy your soul in Hell.

So David and Solomon soul have been destroyed in he'll?

272 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by Maxymilliano(m): 12:32pm On Dec 09, 2021
The world and everything in it is complicated, the best religion is to have a personal relationship with your creator and embrace humanity

201 Likes 13 Shares

Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by Leverage2021: 12:32pm On Dec 09, 2021
This one na political correctness go finish am

Even Catholics just see him as figure head representing his opinions

19 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by headSmasher: 12:34pm On Dec 09, 2021
The gOD of Igbo Catholics have spoken, GOD killed Onan for sexual deception, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for sexual perversion,10 of 12 Solomon kingdoms was handed over to his servant for sexual perversion and marrying of strange women, David son from Bathsheba died, he was chased by Absalom his son sent him away from the throne and slept with his wives on the roof top, David son Amnon raped Tamar, Amnon was killed, destruction came upon Israel all because of David sexual, the only thing that was able to balak to overcome Israel was sexual relationship with the ungodly, sexual sin brought down and consumed Samson, Even various laws of the Bible gave a draconian punishment of death fro sexual sin until CHRIST gave them the room for repentance, even up the now the only reason you can divorce your wife is if she is not a virgin when you marry her.

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Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by habsydiamond(m): 12:38pm On Dec 09, 2021
The last time I checked, there wasn't anything like a little sin, and that all sins are of equal proportion in front of God.. Abi God don get P. A in the pope ni

45 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by seunmsg(m): 12:39pm On Dec 09, 2021
Really? shocked shocked shocked
What an interesting revelation! grin grin grin


Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by Nobody: 12:39pm On Dec 09, 2021
All sins are equal

18 Likes 1 Share

Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by daddytime(m): 12:47pm On Dec 09, 2021
Why would sexual sin be serious to you and the paedophile priests amongst you?

Na so so to dey abuse kids...

If not for the culture of shaming victims of sexual abuses here and how our people see the "whites" as God's PAs, their atrocities on kids and married women in Africa would be unimaginable.

Na so you go see couple wey be say no single brown skin for their entire lineage go born biracial children full ground.


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Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by headSmasher: 12:53pm On Dec 09, 2021

So David and Solomon soul have been destroyed in he'll?
The sin of David never lasted more than one week before God forgave him, have you heard of the SURE MERCY OF DAVID, David received unparalleled favor, grace and mercy from GOD that cannot be march by any human being, it also extended all his generations, he was a man after GOD'S heart, Solomon repented before he died, some theologians said his last days were spent in the temple.


Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by ATEAMS: 1:16pm On Dec 09, 2021
Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by orisa37: 1:22pm On Dec 09, 2021
The Pope is Right. "And I now give you a new commandment, LOVE YOURSELVES AS YOURSELF".



Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by kingxsamz(m): 1:23pm On Dec 09, 2021
You need to free yourself from mental slavery if at this age you still believe there's some everlasting furnace somewhere in another realm nobody has seen, where people are being punished for what they did on earth. If you look at it without being emotional or bias, it sounds like some ancient fictional story in some fairy tale novel.
It's only in Christianity that someone will rape and kill a little girl, but will end up in heaven for repenting, while the little girl who was raped and killed will end up in hell for not being a Christian.

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Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by orisa37: 1:32pm On Dec 09, 2021
The Pope is Right. "And I now give you a new commandment, LOVE YOURSELVES AS YOURSELF".


Every INTERACTION in LIFE is by BARTER AND whenever you fail your side of any agreement, you have sinned. This is the main reason why Rape is a serious SIN because there's no agreement in it.


Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by orisa37: 1:38pm On Dec 09, 2021


Take this to Religious Division for more comments. It's Central not secular.
Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by feedthenation(m): 4:17pm On Dec 09, 2021
---Behold the Anti-Christ have spoken---

10 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by chatinent: 4:40pm On Dec 09, 2021
Not like I ever believed anything he said tho.
Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by KillIgbohoN0W: 4:40pm On Dec 09, 2021
The Word of GOD, the Holy Bible says clearly that the wages of sin is Death.

The Word of GOD clearly says Fornicators , adulterers and Unrighteous folks will not see Heaven.
1Corithians 6:9
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Pope says it is not a serious sin.
These are the Last of the Last Moments. The foot soldiers and false Prophet of the antichrist are being revealed!

Watch and Pray that you will not be caught in their web of deceits and Delusion.

If you are engaging in sex outside Marriage, it is not Dating! It is Fornication! it is Evil. It is a terrible sin and will destroy your soul in Hell.

Immorality of any kind is Evil. Fornication, adultery, beastiality, homosexuality, lesbianism,etc. It is Sin and will Destroy your soul in Hell.

Are you closer to God than the Pope?

23 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by Chatflick(m): 4:40pm On Dec 09, 2021
I agree
Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by TinubuGoQuench(f): 4:40pm On Dec 09, 2021
Sex is good. It is part of human existence and part of human life. Religion is the phenomenon that made it look bad. Sex outside marriage is not bad. Religion is a scam!

11 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by Donaartyy: 4:40pm On Dec 09, 2021
Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by damosky12(m): 4:40pm On Dec 09, 2021
There is no sin that is not serious. In fact, all sins are the most serious sins. This statement attributed to the pope is suspicious. It's one which subtly approves of sin.


So David and Solomon soul have been destroyed in he'll?

Are you David and Solomon? Did you live in their times and dispensation? Have you walked with God like they did?

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by BigDolph(m): 4:41pm On Dec 09, 2021
Thank God I’m still a virgin and I don’t have plans to lose it even if I get married grin grin

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Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by LibertyRep: 4:41pm On Dec 09, 2021
The Pope will be opening himself up for ridicule by this statement.

Someone who fornicates and the other who killed for rituals are both sinners, but one is clearly grievous than the other.

Isn't the Pope right to some extent?

Regardless of what he says or did not say, some have a closed opinion about him already.

21 Likes 1 Share

Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by jasonclement(m): 4:41pm On Dec 09, 2021
It is well.
Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by TinubuGoQuench(f): 4:41pm On Dec 09, 2021
The Word of GOD, the Holy Bible says clearly that the wages of sin is Death.

The Word of GOD clearly says Fornicators , adulterers and Unrighteous folks will not see Heaven.
1Corithians 6:9
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Pope says it is not a serious sin.
These are the Last of the Last Moments. The foot soldiers and false Prophet of the antichrist are being revealed!

Watch and Pray that you will not be caught in their web of deceits and Delusion.

If you are engaging in sex outside Marriage, it is not Dating! It is Fornication! it is Evil. It is a terrible sin and will destroy your soul in Hell.

Immorality of any kind is Evil. Fornication, adultery, beastiality, homosexuality, lesbianism,etc. It is Sin and will Destroy your soul in Hell.



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Re: Pope Francis: Sexual Sins Is Not Most Serious Sin by baike: 4:41pm On Dec 09, 2021

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