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How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by zedegit: 2:00pm On Mar 26, 2022
Please I discovered long ago that I am very temperamental and don't like being shouted on especially when I know I am in the right.

I usually flare up at my boss for shouting on me and this doesn't seem right although it is true bosses shouldn't shout at their employees.

How do you cope with this at your workplace?

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Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by Nobody: 2:04pm On Mar 26, 2022
Before I became my own boss, I used to walk out on them when they start shouting or talking rudely to me. Sometimes I shout back. Kpata kpata na sack.

Then I was still young and staying with my parents. So I damned the consequences. Even the last one, I was already staying alone but I picked up my bag and walked out on the director as she was shouting.
It was after that I prayed that I was never going to work for anyone again. That God should establish me. God answered and today, I don't face such. The highest would be to dialog with a school director and resolve it amicably.

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Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by bibianna(f): 2:27pm On Mar 26, 2022
It's not good to shout on another.

If you're being shouted at, its best you don't take it too hard. You can think of what makes you happy like listening to your favourite radio station or something else. smiley

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Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by Cyphar(m): 2:47pm On Mar 26, 2022
Pls, I need a job. I'm based in Ibadan. cry
Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by zedegit: 3:10pm On Mar 26, 2022
Pls, I need a job. I'm based in Ibadan. cry

Will you take a #20 000 salary job

Mondays - Fridays 7am to 5pm?

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Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by 1billionman: 3:16pm On Mar 26, 2022

Will you take a #20 000 salary job

Mondays - Fridays 7am to 5pm?

Hello please am in need of job too in Ibadan please can I email you
Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by zedegit: 3:22pm On Mar 26, 2022

Hello please am in need of job too in Ibadan please can I email you

Will you accept same offer?
Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by 1billionman: 3:28pm On Mar 26, 2022

Will you accept same offer?

Yes Sir

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Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by zedegit: 3:29pm On Mar 26, 2022

Yes Sir

Your qualifications?
Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by HUSTLER001: 3:37pm On Mar 26, 2022
There was this manager that used to intimidate and shout at his sub-ordinates.I'd barely joined the firm for three days before knowing the man's true behaviour.On Fridays, we usually wear casual clothes or native.So one Friday, I wore a polo shirt and jean with snicker only for this man to tell me to turk in the shirt (lol). I just kept smiling&watching him as other colleagues of mine were trying to convince him it wasn't the proper way to wear a polo on jean. Ever since then I observed the man closely since he was good at picking at people. My plan was to injure him severely with words before doing the needful. Me I can dress corporate oh but my madness no get cure.

22 Likes 2 Shares

Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by 1billionman: 3:43pm On Mar 26, 2022

Your qualifications?

I have a B.tech in Meterology
With a Diploma in computer applications and social networking.

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Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by Cyphar(m): 4:05pm On Mar 26, 2022
[quote author=zedegit post=111389524]

Will you take a #20 000 salary job

Mondays - Fridays 7am to 5pm?

I am 27 years old sir. There is no how i can save let alone feed my self with that amount sir....

I forget to say that I'm an HND holder in agricultural extension and management. Served in 2017.

Im a painter at the moment... But work are not forth coming that's why I wanted a job.
I would have loved to accept the offer but I can't sir....I don't mean to be rude sir....

Thanks for your offer sir, God bless you.

For others who have an offer for me.

08131668577.. Oyeniyigbenga6@gmail.com.

Thanks in advance, and God bless you

56 Likes 1 Share

Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by Nobody: 4:30pm On Mar 26, 2022
Nigerian bosses wouldn't last one minute in workplaces in saner climes such as the UK, United States, and some top African countries. Why? From day one they try to lord it over their employees and subordinates. A typical senior at work automatically becomes a demigod to be placated at ll times. Personally, I hate bosses that have to make their point through raised voises. That's terrible and an assault on an employee. I left a job because the employer was mostly shouty, toxic, and would make you look incompetent.

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Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by Senoye: 5:28pm On Mar 26, 2022
Anytime my boss shouts at me then, I used to talk back at least explaining my side of the story- a lot of times what she is accusing me of is not even true. I noticed that the more I talk, the more she keeps shouting..so, I stopped talking. She will shout and shout and I will keep quiet. When she is done, she would now ask me what she should have asked at first, I will then tell her I don't know. It continued for a while and I kept looking for another Job. I resigned when she least expected it. It is a lesson for me now that even your cleaner or driver no matter how young or old deserves to be respected.

Ps: I kinda still prefer a Boss who shouts but forgets things than the one that will not say anything only for him to keep piling it up to take a drastic decision when you least expect it. None is good though but I will take the former than the latter

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Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by zedegit: 5:33pm On Mar 26, 2022

I have a B.tech in Meterology
With a Diploma in computer applications and social networking.

Meteorologist in Nigeria? It's an abstract course here.

I suggest you learn an it skill or programming.


Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by SKhanmi: 5:36pm On Mar 26, 2022
Nobody shouts at me. Bosses study people also.

But just in case, Just keep quiet and let them keep ranting, do it everytime until they get it makes them look foolish to everyone else, The smart ones would calm down. Hope you know how to deload your emotions though instead of bottling them up, I personally don't take most things personal or seriously, I'll just sit & study you like a totally boring specimen.


Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by 1billionman: 6:04pm On Mar 26, 2022

Meteorologist in Nigeria? It's an abstract course here.

I suggest you learn an it skill or programming.

Currently looking for a job so that i can buy a laptop for an IT skill

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Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by zedegit: 6:40pm On Mar 26, 2022

Currently looking for a job so that i can buy a laptop for an IT skill

Okay. Apply to Schools in your area to teach computer.
Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by 1billionman: 6:44pm On Mar 26, 2022

Okay. Apply to Schools in your area to teach computer.

Thought you said there's a job offer of 20k earlier


Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by zedegit: 6:50pm On Mar 26, 2022

Thought you said there's a job offer of 20k earlier

I just gave you an idea. Make the move.


Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by Joeyfizzo: 8:13pm On Mar 26, 2022
In the military u bloody hell shut up n recieve the bashing from ur superior. After he's done u bloody hell salute him. That's discipline


Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by SmileDance(f): 8:58pm On Mar 26, 2022
In my former workplace
Staff to supervisor: I want to go and buy food Ma
Supervisor: Common go and sit down!
God Abeg

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Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by CrownOfClay724: 10:50pm On Mar 26, 2022
I've worked with a few hot heads and this was how we were able to roll till we parted ways.

Now, depending on the severity of your gbana, I apply one – or both, of the following methods.

1. I show them love.
I see temperamental bosses as people who are going through a lot.
So I try to sympathise with them and see where their shoe pinches.
I mirror them, ask the right questions, inquire about how they prefer things done and generally try to patronise them to see how we can work together without needless friction.

My number two method is to treat them like an infant — mine.
If you're going to be throwing tantrums, e sure me die say I go treat you like pikin.

So, shout.
Scratch your head and tear your eye.
But sha no touch me.

Condition yourself to see things differently.

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Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by donproject2(m): 10:55pm On Mar 26, 2022

I have a B.tech in Meterology
With a Diploma in computer applications and social networking.

Omo FUTA, how far...


Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by Mofun: 12:14am On Mar 27, 2022
Nigerian bosses wouldn't last one minute in workplaces in saner climes such as the UK, United States, and some top African countries. Why? From day one they try to lord it over their employees and subordinates. A typical senior at work automatically becomes a demigod to be placated at ll times. Personally, I hate bosses that have to make their point through raised voises. That's terrible and an assault on an employee. I left a job because the employer was mostly shouty, toxic, and would make you look incompetent.

I worked with a boss who behaved exactly this way. I wonder why it had to be so. Anyway I think it's so that you lose your sense of worth and have no gut to demand for a promotion or any other entitlement when you're so deprived. It's a mind game. On the other hand it's heightened pride on the part of such bosses.


Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by 1billionman: 8:26am On Mar 27, 2022

Omo FUTA, how far...

FUT Minna cheesy

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Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by Nobody: 9:50am On Mar 27, 2022

I worked with a boss who behaved exactly this way. I wonder why it had to be so. Anyway I think it's so that you lose your sense of worth and have no gut to demand for a promotion or any other entitlement when you're so deprived. It's a mind game. On the other hand it's heightened pride on the part of such bosses.
Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by donproject2(m): 11:14am On Mar 27, 2022

FUT Minna cheesy

Chai...mio get e. I thought Meterology is an option under Geography in FUT MINNA.


Re: How Do You Handle Being Shouted On At Work??? by BafanaBafana: 2:08pm On Mar 27, 2022
Being shouted at*
Shouting is not an issue, sometimes someone up has also shouted at the person shouting. The problem is when you insult in the process. I go flip am for you

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