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Religion / Re: NEW - Angelica Zambrano 4th Experience Of Heaven & Hell by Christiscoming: 2:12am On Apr 02, 2015
Yes re the site. I think Angelica was actually 15 when she had the first experience which was maybe 7-8 years ago, so I guess she is 23 and likely been married for 3-4 years. Her daughter is 1-2yrs.
Religion / Re: NEW - Angelica Zambrano 4th Experience Of Heaven & Hell by Christiscoming: 3:22am On Apr 01, 2015
Whoever has ears to hear let them hear
Religion / Re: NEW - Angelica Zambrano 4th Experience Of Heaven & Hell by Christiscoming: 4:19am On Mar 31, 2015
Married , and has a daughter, and serving the Lord.
Religion / NEW - Angelica Zambrano 4th Experience Of Heaven & Hell by Christiscoming: 1:22pm On Mar 28, 2015
This is the 4th Experience of Heaven and Hell that the Lord gave to Angelica Zambrano. She was shown the state of the church, Heavenly creatures, the spiritual warfare against believers, the importance of testifying, God’s saving love and that the Lord is coming very soon for a prepared church.

Angelica testifies: … God bless you all my brothers and sisters. It is a huge blessing to be here, to greet you and to bless your lives through this testimony, which God has used to speak to me. He didn’t make it just for me but he made it to bless your life as well so we will be able to persevere in God’s will together.


I will tell you part of the fourth experience that the Lord let me have. It was something very significant which has impacted my life as the other three previous experiences. This one has been the last one that the Lord has given to me. I am very happy and grateful to God because of this revelation. I also know that it is a huge responsibility that God has given to me because one day I will give account to him and my desire is that this message reaches your heart so you will be able to draw near with Him every day. Do not faint, do not look back either because God has called us to be saved but not to be condemned.

When God let me have the fourth experience it was something tremendous because I never thought that I was going to have a fourth experience. A sister in the Lord was praying with me when suddenly God asked her to pray for me because He was going to show me something. It was supernatural because the presence of God descended in that place and when we were praying the Holy Spirit manifested himself in a very special way so that I could see God’s presence moving into that place. His shinning light descended. When I was praying God filled me so much that I heard His voice saying that He was going to give me one more experience, in which He was going to show me something special that God’s people had to know, and immediately He took me out of my body. My spirit came out and when it happened He took me to a place.


I found that place so beautiful and it had thousands of jars but it also had one thing that was difficult for me to understand, and I said: Lord, “Why do these jars look like that”? As some were upright and the others were upside down.

I noticed that some had very little oil and they were getting old. The other jars, the upright ones were very pretty and the oil that those jars had was overflowing and they were shinning like gold. I asked Him: Lord, why are these jars different? And He said to me:“Daughter, this is the state of my people”.

I looked up and there was a note that said “The State of My Church” written on it; and I realised that those jars all belonged to brothers and sisters in the Lord because we all are part of the Christ’s body, we are a family in the Lord and that’s why I want to tell you from God’s side, that you must be concerned about taking care of your jar because we have to look after our spiritual life.

We can dress well, we can speak well, we might have a well known ministry or not; we can have God’s calling and He is able to use us because the gifts are irrevocable, but we have to understand something and to have it very clear, it’s that the soul is something very valuable and salvation is individual. We must fight for our salvation. (Phil 2,12-16)

There are many jars, which are very old because people have forgotten to renew that oil. People are not concerned about seeking the presence of God anymore. They think that fasting is just about spending time but the real fasting is to look for God’s presence, and to subdue the flesh because Jesus said that “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” (Matt 26,41)

The flesh doesn’t like to keep vigilant. Flesh doesn’t like praying nor fasting, but get up in the name of Jesus and this is the time for you to start to seek the presence of the Lord so that your jar will be restored because if it’s not restored, nor renewed or without new oil you will be condemned.

Let’s remember that the Bible talks about five foolish virgins (Matt 25,1-13). They did not take care of their lamps, nor were they concerned about having their lamps filled. When the bridegroom took the five wise virgins with him, the foolish virgins realized that it was too late for them.

Brethren, do not wait until the same situation happens to you. Do not wait because God is giving us an opportunity and I believe that you have to get up through these words. This is not with the purpose of bringing you down or for you to say, “It’s all over for me”. No brethren, this message is for you to get up in the name of Jesus and persevere because God has even more gifts for you!

Matt 25,1-13: “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them,but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’

And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.”


Then, the Lord moved me out from that place to another one and I was very content, I was feeling happy while I was walking with the Lord, because He was showing me lots of things about the current state of His Church.

Then, He said to me: “Daughter, now look at this”. I saw marvellous horses and every horse was so attractive, big and white, with long tails. What can I say, every horse had a golden plaque on them and they looked lovely. I was truly amazed. I have never seen horses like them. They were many of them and the Lord told me that every horse has an owner and they belong to us, to His Church. It impacted me, and I can say that we all have a horse up there because the word of God talks about white horses.


After that, the Lord took me to another place. He did not show me as much as the previous experiences but one of the things that he reminded me was to talk to His Church about His coming. To announce that He will come soon and I want to remind you one more time that Christ comes soon for a prepared Church. This is one of the messages that nowadays are difficult to hear in many places, because people call that “legalism”; but I really want to tell you that Christ will come back soon! So let’s prepare ourselves because the Word of the Lord says that no one knows the day or hour when He will come, not even the angels, only our Heavenly Father. Let’s get ready because one day He will come for you and for me and we will enjoy ourselves up there in the presence of the Lord, forever and ever. (Note: Angelica was shown in her 3rd experience that only 20% of the evangelical church was ready for the Lord’s coming).

1John2,28-29: And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him.


The enemy has come only to steal and kill and destroy. The enemy has destroyed many people and for that reason the Lord showed me part of Hell. He took me to a place where I saw many demons together but I saw a special place there; a high place with kind of ladders for the demons to walk up. I did not know what was happening but I saw that the demons were walking up and they opened a big book. They were talking one to each other but I couldn’t understand; they were pushing each other and it seemed to me that they were arguing. I asked the Lord: What are these demons doing here? And what is the meaning of that book? The Lord showed me names of His servants in that book. As there is a book of Life in the Kingdom of Heaven, there is also a book in Hell, and I don’t know the name of that book because the Lord did not show me a name. I can only tell you what I saw, as the Bible says that nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it.

I could see many servants of God who I know and others that I don’t know and the demons were planning to destroy those ministries, to destroy those servants of God and their names in Hell are very important because I can say that the cost of each head of each servant written in that demon’s book is very high for them.

The devil has many things to destroy ministries but listen carefully to me! In the name of Jesus all plans from the devil against your ministry is rebuked and also against all purposes that God has for you. If the devil hit you in the head in order to finish the plan that God has for you, he won’t achieve that! That is what he wants to do but the Bible says that the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world.

There is no weapon forged against us that will prosper. The devil can do lots of things but while you and I persevere in the gap, he won’t destroy you, you won’t fall, you won’t faint and you will see a major victory from God. You might have done a lot of deliberations, or you might have fought with the devil and you have battled every day with what God has given to you. Keep it doing like that because this is a daily battle. The spiritual battle is not just for a day but 24 hours a day, if I can say it like that.

While I was watching, the demons were down there lining up and each one was in charge to destroy one of the servants. I mean, they basically had a task. If they have tasks to do in hell to present them to devil, we even have many more tasks, as we are Jesus Christ’s church that has a major responsibility. The Bible says “Go and Preach the Gospel to all creation”, and this is the time for us to take up that responsibility; this is the time for us to say Lord, It’s true that one day I will give an account to you. Because do you know what? The Bible says, “Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire”. Do not let yourself to be cut down but start to bear good fruit. Because of that good fruit you will have great reward in the Kingdom of Heaven.

After that, the Lord took me to another place where I saw many jails like I had seen in the previous experiences. All of them had names and numbers, so we went into one of those jails and I saw weird things. I saw demons; many of them and I could see that those demons were coming to confuse people. I could see that the demons task was to confuse many servants but as they couldn’t achieve their goal, they ended up there, in jail, tied and tormented by other demons. In other words I would like you to understand that when they came to earth to confuse God’s servants with false words, with false messages, the servants discovered the demons purposes and they rebuked them, they sent them out in Jesus Name so the demons fell to that tormented place and when they fell they were tormented by other demons. Those Demons are currently being tormented and the Bible talks about that.

I want to keep encouraging you now. I keep saying to you that is time for you to open your eyes and wake up and don’t let the devil come to give you a spiritual dream but do the opposite instead! Fight my brother! Fight my sister! Because we are living in the final days and many things are coming up. The Bible says, “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of many will grow cold”. (Matt 24,12)

Eph 6,10-13: My brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


After that, the Lord took me to another place and He was talking to me saying that I had to do the job on earth. He said that I had to fulfil it without being quiet; and I said, Lord, That’s true. I have to do it because one day I will give an account to you for everything. He said “Daughter, don’t stop preaching my Word, and don’t stop announcing what I have shown you!”

Several times the devil has risen against me. Many people might not believe it; many people do; but nevertheless, one of the things that God reminded me was that He is my faithful witness and if He is so, I must keep going because one day I will give an account to Him.

My brother, I want to tell you that the Lord said to me: “I have revealed things like these to many of my servants; and I have revealed many things in words. I have revealed about Heaven and Hell but they have been afraid and they have been silent without saying anything. Go and tell them to do it, because if they don’t do it, I will demand of them”.

Brethren, if God has revealed something to you, then speak out! Don’t keep it to yourself! Don’t be quiet! You will go to Hell if you remain in silence. You will go to hell because God will ask you and account for that.

The Lord told me that when we keep quiet many souls are lost and besides that, that their blood will be demanded on our head. I encourage you in the name of Jesus, because the Lord asked me to tell you so. I don’t know where you are, I don’t know who you are, but if you are one of the ones who have heard the voice of God and also have seen what God has shown you, Don’t be quiet! Don’t be quiet because if you remain silent, you will have a horrible consequence.

Ezekiel 33,7-9: “So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me. When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you shall surely die!’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Nevertheless if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.”

After that, the Lord moved me out from those jails and I was crying, asking Him to take me out from that place (Hell). I didn’t want to be there anymore. I was saying: “Lord! I don’t want to be here anymore; I want to keep working for you! Please take me out from here and bring my life back.” I asked things like that to the Lord. I said, “Please bring me my life back because you have the power to do it.” And while I was asking Him those things, how can I say it, He spoke to me about His love and He said: “Go and say to the humanity that I love them; go and tell people that I gave my life because of them, to give them eternal life.”

I was just listening to all that the Lord was saying to me, and I was crying and crying, because I truly can say that in the first experience the Lord Gave me, He said three things to me before He brought me back into life:

I will take you to many places and you will go with me.
You will see my Glory but never boast yourself about anything; and also,
Tell the humanity that I love them.


I remembered those things and that’s why I cried a lot because He was talking about His love. I remembered many things of the previous experiences and God shook my heart; it was so special because what Christ did for us was something unique that was significant in the history of the nations. I can say that nobody gives her/his life for other person, but Christ did it! He did it all due to His love, because the Bible says “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5, 9)

READ MORE --- CONTINUES ON THIS WEBPAGE --> http://christiscoming777.com/2015/03/27/angelica-zambranos-4th-experience-of-heaven-and-hell/

Religion / Re: Testimony Of The Outer Darkness Of Hell - Powerful !! by Christiscoming: 1:04pm On Feb 18, 2015

Then the Lord God Jesus said, “Look, listen and learn. Those spiders you see are demonic spirits who were assigned by the Prince of Hell to go to the Earth and seduce the ministers of God. Those demonic spiders have the power to cause men and women to be sexually seduced. They are sexual seducing spirits, better known as unclean spirits. They are part of the blame for those ministers that you see in those prisons cells to be here this very hour. These preachers became involved in all sorts of fornication, adultery, homosexuality, masturbation, pornography, lust, the ways of Sodom and Gomorrah, sexually taking advantage of little children and bestiality. Had they gained control over their sexual appetite, they would not be here. If only they had not given heed to those seducing demonic unclean spirits that appear as spiders. All demons spirits do not look like this, there are different shapes and forms of many sizes.”

- 1 Tim 4, 1 … “Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils”

- James 4,7-8 …“But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: ‘God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble’. Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

Religion / Re: Testimony Of The Outer Darkness Of Hell - Powerful !! by Christiscoming: 12:00pm On Feb 11, 2015

I looked to the right of me, and I saw a huge shadow racing across the ground. As it came closer to where the Lord God Jesus and I were standing, I saw it was thousands of tiny black spiders. I watched in horror as the spiders raced across the ground in masses, crawling up the bars to the very top of the jail cells, where the Bishops were. I noticed that they had teeth and red eyes. I watched as they entered the jail cells, and began to crawl all over the Bishops, attacking them and biting them all over their bodies with their teeth. There were masses of them; so many that they covered all the cells. You could not see the cells or the poor souls that were in them because thousands of those black spiders covered them like an enormous black blanket. Oh what screams and cries came from within the cells, from the Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists, Pastors, Bishops who were disobedient children of God. Then the Lord God Jesus said to me, “These are the cursed ones, the disobedient children that I called into my Kingdom, but this hour they are here in this place of Outer Darkness, tormented and suffering for their disobedience”

- Romans 1,18-19 … “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them”
Religion / Re: Testimony Of The Outer Darkness Of Hell - Powerful !! by Christiscoming: 2:42am On Feb 11, 2015
Jesus preached about Hell many times, describing it in detail, its punishments and what sins commonly lead there. He even shared the testimony of Hell shown to Lazarus. Let us go and preach likewise. Here is Jesus said ….

“Fire” -Matt 7:19, 13:40, 25:41
“Everlasting fire”-Matt 18:8, 25:41
“Eternal damnation”-Mark 3:29
“Hell fire”-Matt 5:22, 18:9, Mark 9:47
“Damnation”-Matt 23:14, Mark 12:40, Luke 20:47
“Damnation of Hell”-Matt 23:33
“Resurrection of damnation”-John 5:29
“Furnace of fire”-Matt 13:42, 50
“the fire that never shall be quenched”-Mark 9:43, 45
“the fire is not quenched”-Mark 9:44, 46, 48
“Where their worm dieth not”- Mark 9:44, 46, 48
“Wailing and gnashing of teeth”-Matt 13:42, 50
“Weeping and gnashing of teeth”-Matt 8:12, 22:13, 25:30
“Torments”-Luke 16:23
“Tormented in this flame”-Luke 16:24
“Place of torment”-Luke 16:28
“Outer darkness”-Matt 8:12, 22:13
“Everlasting punishment”-Matt 25:46
“I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.” (Mark 13,3)
Religion / Re: Testimony Of The Outer Darkness Of Hell - Powerful !! by Christiscoming: 8:30am On Feb 09, 2015
Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear
Religion / Testimony Of The Outer Darkness Of Hell - Powerful !! by Christiscoming: 2:01pm On Feb 08, 2015
This Testimony is an excerpt from the prophetic book titled “While out of the body I saw God, Hell, and the Living Dead” by Dr Roger Mills. He relates what the Lord personally showed him in a prophetic out of body experience and tour of the outer darkness of hell. He shares the Lord’s warning to the lost and ungodly, and reveals what he was shown is awaiting the unrepentant, backslidden, lukewarm, disobedient, hypocritical Christians and Ministers in Hell, unless they repent. These are the ones the Lord spoke of in Matthew chapter 7, verse 21-23. TAKE HEED!


God said to me “We have entered into the portion of Hell that is called Hades. I want you to think of this place as the temporary Gehenna. Hades is a temporary place that burns with fire until the day of the Great White Throne Judgment. Death, Hades and every ungodly person then will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, which is the permanent Gehenna. Before your tour ends, I will let you see the permanent Gehenna, which is called the Lake of Fire and the Second Death. Gehenna was literally a public garbage-dumping site where the citizens of Jerusalem brought their trash to be burned on the outskirts of the walls of Jerusalem. In addition, the dead bodies of criminals were brought to Gehenna and burned along with the garbage of the city. Here in Hades (Hell), you will see a lot of unrepentant criminals burning and tormented by the flames of fire, such as murderers, and particularly child-murderers, those who murder their children by the practice of abortion. This includes doctors and nurses who assist the heinous acts of abortion, and those who murder children by any other means. I will judge them severely!”


God said to me, “Tell the unrepentant drug users to repent and be baptised in water, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. If they repent, I will forgive them and have mercy on their evil deeds. If they do not repent, I will severely judge and punish them. I will cast them into Gehenna-the Lake of Fire, where the fires are constantly burning, which is the second death. Then God looked at me and said very sternly, “Go back to the Earth and give this message to all unjust people. Tell all those who sexually and physically abuse little children to repent! Tell the unjust judges and unjust lawyers to repent! Tell the unjust physicians to repent. Tell the unjust police officers to repent! Tell those who terrorize the Earth with destruction to repent! Tell all of those who sell, buy or use illegal drugs to repent! Tell all of those who disobey my Commandments and my holy word, which you call the Bible, to repent!


The Lord God Jesus and I walked through the huge black door and He said “Listen and learn. I am going to take you to a group of people who have died and came here to Hell. They are called the Cursed Ones. The Cursed Ones are in a special section of Hell, where you and I are standing right this moment”.

- Matt 25, 41 “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels”

As we stood in the darkness, I could hear the rattling of chains and humans voices. The voices sounded as though they were crying, I heard weeping and crying like I’ve never heard before. On either side of the tunnel which looked like a corridor, along the walls, were jails cells with dirty iron bars, dirt floors and dirt walls. The Lord God Jesus and I walked to the next jail cell. He spoke to this cell and light appeared in the room.


A male voice from within the cell shouted “Let me out of here! Let me out”. I looked up and there stood a tall Caucasian male wearing a dingy white robe. He was looking in the area where the Lord God Jesus stood, but he didn’t see either of us. He ran and gabbed hold of the bars and I backed away form the jail cell our of fear. As he began to scream “Let me out, let me out” the Lord God Jesus said “Fear not, this man was a servant of mine while he was on the Earth. He was an ordained preacher who was pastoring a church that had 25 members.” I asked the Lord God Jesus, “Is he really a preacher? And He replied, “Yes. He was one of my servants who was unhappy with having a small church. He complained about the church’s income, that it was not enough, and he became dissatisfied. So I showed him in my holy word where it says:

- Matt 25, 23: “His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’”

The Lord God Jesus continued, ”However, he was not patient, so he began to stop preaching the truth and he told lies to the people. Some left the church, and others stayed. I convicted him strongly by my Spirit, that his preaching and teaching was not the truth. He knew the way. He said within his heart “If I preach to people only about things they want to hear , then I will have a large church.”

The Lord God Jesus said “His church did in fact increase with members. Seducing spirits filled his heart with lust for the love of money. His heart was also filled with lies, and he no longer spoke the truth about me as the only savior for humanity. He preached to his congregations that there are many ways to God, when he knew I said in my word that “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14,6)

The Lord God Jesus said ”HE ALSO PREACHED THE MESSAGE TO MANY THE ONCE SAVED, YOU ARE ALWAYS SAVED, AND NO MATTER WHAT YOU, YOU CANNOT LOSE YOUR SALVATION. THIS PREACHER ENCOURAGED MANY PEOPLE TO SIN. He became rich from that kind of preaching. I came to him many times by my Holy spirit to tell him to stop doing wrong things, but he refused to listen. In fact, he grew worse, and committed adultery with married women of the church. He drank strong drinks every day, and over a period of time, he became an alcoholic. One day he drank so much alcohol that while driving he ran into another car, killing the driver and himself. When he died he immediately came here to Hell. He is here because he didn’t repent of his ungodly sinful ways.”

Just then the man began to see the Lord God Jesus and he said “Lord I knew that you would come and let me out of here, I have been good.” The Lord replied, “Martin, you know the reason you are here.” Martin answered, “I preached to hundreds of people for you. I told them about your love. I told them to come to church.” The Lord God Jesus replied “YES YOU GOT A LOT OF PEOPLE TO COME TO CHURCH, AND THE REASON THEY CAME IS TO HEAR WHAT YOU HAD TO SAY, AND NOT WHAT I HAD TO SAY. YOU HAVE PERVERTED THE TRUTH OF MY GOSPEL WITH LIES, YOU HAVE GIVEN HEED TO DEMON SPIRITS, AND CAUSED MANY PEOPLE TO ASTRAY FROM MY LOVE”

- 1Tim4,1-2 … “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron”

Then the Lord God Jesus said to the man, ”If you only would have listened to the truth and obeyed, you would not be here this hour.” Then the man screamed, “Let me out! Let me out of here, Jesus.” With tears falling form the Lord God Jesus eyes, He said, “ I did not send you here to this place of Hell. You sent yourself when you willingly disobeyed my holy commandments and wouldn’t repent. I’m sorry, Martin, but your request has been denied. You must face the punishment for your sins.” Having said that the Lord God Jesus said to me, “Come, lets go.” As we walked away , the man stuck his hands through the bars of the cell, reaching out at the Lord God Jesus, biting his teeth together in anger and shouting profanities.

I stopped walking and looked back at the cell because I just could not believe what I was hearing. What I saw shocking – fire has consumed the man’s entire body. He began to scream in terror as the fire ripped to shreds the white robe that he was wearing. Then racing all over his body, the fire melted the flesh off his bones to a black crisp. The man ran around in that little jail cell. While being in pain, he screamed in terror. I was very scared, and very sad. Then the Lord God Jesus said unto me, “Remember what I said in the gospel of Matthew, the 25th chapter verse 30 – “’And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’”


: http://christiscoming777.com/2015/02/08/testimony-of-the-outer-darkness-of-hell-2/

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Religion / Re: Inviting Tithers And Non-tithers: Will One Go To Hell If One Dont Pay Tithe? by Christiscoming: 12:28pm On Nov 25, 2013
The 9 Testimonies on TITHING from HEAVEN & HELL visions

Here are 9 people who testify of meeting Jesus face to face in Heaven or Hell (or both) either through dying & returning or in open vision experiences. They come from many 7 different nations showing God is spreading this warning message about Tithing widely to many.

1) Pastor Brani Duyon – After dying and going to Heaven he was given 6 Messages from the Lord & to tell the Church upon his return

Message 4 – “Tell My children, they must be obedient to give tithes and offerings,” said the Lord Jesus. While Jesus was giving me this message, He said “My child, look there” He showed me beautiful houses which are ready for His children. “My child, these houses are ready, I prepared for all My children that believe and are obedient to Me.” Then He showed me incomplete houses. I asked “Lord, why are these houses not yet completed?” The Lord Jesus said “My child, these houses belong to My children that are not generous giving tithe and offerings. These houses will be ready and completed AFTER My children give more tithes and offerings in My House.”

2.) Ricardo Cid – 8 Hours in Heaven testimony

I started running up and down the gold street and picking up gold dust and sprinkling it on my body. And then the Lord told me to come back and tell you that there are streets of gold in heaven. “All this belongs to my people,” the Lord said. “But, in my church there are many thieves who steal my tithes and offerings! Tell my people that no thief will enter my kingdom in heaven!” We need to straighten up our lives for the Lord

3. Laura Wanma – Testimony of Heaven and Hell

While on a visitation to Hell with the Lord Jesus Laura testifies – ‘I saw a lot of people being tortured, and Jesus said to me “These people are not faithful with their tithe.”’
Read the full testimony here

4.) Choo Thomas – Heaven is So Real book

Choo was told by the Lord: “The only ones who will go there (Heaven) are the obedient and pure-hearted children. Tell my Children to preach the gospel. I am coming soon for those who are waiting and ready for Me.” The Lord added “Those who don’t Tithe are disobedient children”
”Should I tell this to anyone Lord?” Choo asked.
“I want you to tell it to everyone. Write down everything I show you and tell you” said the Lord. And … “Any Christian who doesnt tithe will not be blessed because they love money more than my word. Those who love money more than My Word will never see my Kingdom. You already know where they be at the end” said the Lord

5.) The 7 Colombian Youths – Revelation of Heaven & Hell (vision trip to Hell)

We arrived in a place that looked like a big swimming pool of fire, with thousands of men and women inside of it. Each of them had metal plate on their chest that read: “I am here for not giving tithes and offerings” When I read that, I asked the Lord, “Lord, how can this be possible, that people are here for this reason??” The Lord responded, “Yes, because these people thought that tithes and offerings were not important, when my Word shows it as a command.” In Malachi 3:8-9 it says “Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me. But you say, ‘How have we robbed Thee?’ In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you.” The Lord told me that when His people withhold their tithes, it hinders the work of the Lord, and then the Gospel is not preached. People in this place suffered a thousand times worse than others, because they knew the Word of the Lord and disobeyed.

6) Queen Dixie – A Gate of Hell (vision a trip to Hell)

The GOD of all ages spoke directly to me, this is what He said to me, and let me just say that He was ANGRY. When He spoke, His voice went through my bones like a massive vibration!!! All I could do is just lay there and hear my master speak. He said: “This is the end of all sin if you do not serve me with your whole heart. I will use you to save others but you will die and go to hell. If you do not serve me with your whole heart, then you serve Me not at all.” Then the Lord of hosts got even angrier and said: “tithes and offerings are a commandment. This is how my word is preached; this is what takes care of my churches!” The Lord said: “You go and tell them….without holiness, no man can enter into my Kingdom” The Lord said to me exactly what was in the bible: “Be ye holy as I am holy!!!!”

7.) Pastor Park Yong Gyu – Visit to Heaven & Hell: 1-1000 Testimony

After arriving in Heaven ….The Lord then asked me five questions. Question 5 was: “Did you tithe properly?”…. I continued with my questions, “What shall I do on Earth to provide more materials for my home?” The angels replied, “There are seven things one must do to build up their materials to build their home. …. Fifth, one’s offering to the Lord. Sixth, their obedience in giving tithes to God….

After visiting Hell …. I then saw many pastors, elders, and deacons in Hell. I asked the angel, “I know them. They had served God faithfully while on the Earth. They had died some time ago. We all had thought they were in Heaven with God. But now, I see them all in Hell and they are crying out that it is so hot! Why are they here?” There were so many pastors, elders, deacons and all other lay believers.

The angel answered, “Pastor Park Yong Gyu, a person can appear to be a true follower of Christ on the outside but God knows the heart. They did not tithe properly (other sins were also named, see full testimony for details) ….On their death beds, they thought they had done a good job so they did not repent of those things. This is why they were thrown in the fires of Hell.”

8. Angelica Zambrano 2nd visit to Heaven & Hell

Among all those people (in Hell), I heard someone saying, “I ask for your forgiveness now Lord, because I have stolen from you, forgive me for stealing, I stole from you Lord and I do not want to do it again.” I asked, “Lord, who is he and why does he say he stole from You?” “My child I will show you who he is.” We entered his cell and I saw a disfigured man. The flames opened up and I could see that he was being tormented. All those people who are in hell have a plaque on their chest, and 666 on their forehead.

This man extended his hand and said, “Lord forgive me.” I asked, “Why are you here?”… He replied, “I’ll tell you my story. I was a Christian leader, for 20 years I had known Christ, but during the 20 years I said: all that money from my tithing and offerings were just to sustain the pastors, but now I regret it because I understand and I know that it wasn’t for them, it was for the Lord, and that is why I say I have stolen from God. At this very moment there are many people on Earth that are robbing the Lord like I did. When you return to Earth, tell all those people who don’t want to give their offerings and tithes, not to steal from the Lord, otherwise, they’ll wind up in Hell, and no thief will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I knew the Holy Word, now I regret it and realize I robbed the Lord.” (Mal 3,cool He said, “Tell the people when they give to God, give the Lord with true love.” (2Cor 9,7) This man kept pleading, “Lord forgive me”, and the Lord replied, “It is too late, there is no opportunity for you.”

9. Pastor Yong Doo Kim, The Lord’s Church Korea – Vision of Pastors and Christians in Hell (http://www.spiritlessons.com/Narrow/index.htm)

Pastor Kim shares what he has been shown in visions of Heaven & Hell during all night prayer meetings regarding non-tithing and other issues that can disqualify believers from Heaven and send them to Hell in line with Matt 7,21-23.

CONCLUSION - “This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world.” (1 John 5, 3-4).’
Religion / Re: Inviting Tithers And Non-tithers: Will One Go To Hell If One Dont Pay Tithe? by Christiscoming: 11:58am On Nov 20, 2013
Tithing in the WORD of GOD

“Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say,‘ In what way have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offering. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this, says the LORD of hosts if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” (Mal 3, 8-10)

Some will say we are not under the law now under grace so tithing is not required. But Tithing is not a sacrificial, ceremonial or temple law that in the NT are clearly explained as no longer required, rather it is a moral law (as its defined as stealing in the above scripture) and a is commandment not a suggestion. Moral laws against such things as stealing, lying, adultery, idolatry, will always be wrong & punishable, and moral laws for things like putting God first, honoring your parents & tithing will always be required, as they reflect God’s unchanging righteousness, and are repeated in the NT. As Jesus said …

“Do NOT think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, TILL heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called LEAST in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called GREAT in the kingdom of heaven.’ For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5, 17-20)

“Everyone who commits (practices) sin is guilty of lawlessness; for [that is what] sin is, lawlessness (the breaking, violating of God’s law by transgression or neglect—being unrestrained and unregulated by His commands and His will).” (1John3,4 AMP)

Tithing is also a pre-law principle of putting God first with our money that we see first with Abraham and the Patriarch’s in the book of Genesis and is also mentioned in the New Testament seven times. Jesus said twice in the Gospel’s “…For you pay TITHE of mint, anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, WITHOUT LEAVING THE OTHERS UNDONE” (Matt 23, 23). And in His great commission states “… make disciples of all the nations … teaching them to observe ALL things that I have commanded you“.

So as He said to tithe and that the moral commandments of God (which include tithing) continue til Heaven and Earth pass away that should settle the issue without trying to look for a theological loop hole as many do in their own deception. Many try to use a scripture by Paul about cheerful giving to disregard tithing (which it does not), but this is in error as Paul’s words (about helping a church in need) are only additional to Jesus teaching they do not replace them. From Paul’s words we need to ensure we give tithes and offerings cheerfully and gratefully, not arguing and grumbling about it. Jesus’s words are the foremost in the church upon which others are built. And as there are no scriptures in the New Testament saying tithing is finished (no not one) then we best obey!

We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus which cannot be earned, but God’s word is also clear that many grace saved Christians will not make it to Heaven because of disobedience & continued lawlessness in their lives. His word says those who name His name Must depart from iniquity, and that those who truly love Him are the ones who obey His commandments (1John 2,4-5)

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” (Matthew 7, 24-27) … or as the Amplified says “you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands].

“This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world.” (1 John 5, 3-4).’

I submit that God’s word is clear that tithing is a moral command, not tithing is stealing from God (Mal 3,cool, and also that no thief will enter the Kingdom of Heaven (1Cor 6,10). So Take heed, dont risk your eternity, and just obey & be blessed
Religion / Re: Juan Hugo's Testimony Of Heaven & Hell by Christiscoming: 11:50am On Oct 31, 2013
We must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation (Heb 2,1-3)
Religion / Re: Juan Hugo's Testimony Of Heaven & Hell by Christiscoming: 11:43pm On Oct 30, 2013
Heaven is too good , Hell is too Hot, and eternity is too long to be wrong!
Repent & live holy today! Repentance is only in this life.
Whoever has ears to hear let them hear
Religion / Juan Hugo's Testimony Of Heaven & Hell by Christiscoming: 1:46pm On Oct 30, 2013
The testimony of Heaven and Hell shown to a young boy named Juan Hugo from South Africa. Juan is currently 7 years old and has experienced numerous encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ. He has been called from a very young age to testify to the reality of Heaven and Hell, and of the Lord’s soon coming. Here are just a few sections from it ...


He described how the big black gate of Hell opened and that the fire was very high, and he felt as if he was almost was going to fall into it but said he wasnt afraid. When asked what he had seen, he said that he saw people, some said “I believe Jesus arose” and others said “give me some water, give me some water”. He saw a lot of smoke and heard a noise that he couldn’t describe.


After that Jesus took him and showed him Heaven. He said Jesus was wearing a gold belt and gold shiny shoes but the shoes look like boots. Jesus was also wearing white pants with a blue shirt and Juan said he had the same clothes on. In heaven he saw lions, elephants, giraffes and rhinos and he said that the lions don’t bite and that he touched the rhino’s horn, Jesus showed him little lambs he held one and gave him milk.

The Narrow road

In his 5th encounter Juan Hugo says Jesus appeared to him in his room and asked him to come with Him. He said he was in his spiritual body and was wearing the same clothes as in the first encounter. They walked together on a road, and Jesus said to him that the road that they were walking on was the narrow road and explained to him that many people who do not listen to him are walking on the broad road but the narrow road was the right way. He also said that people should be serious about their faith.

End Times Vision of Rapture & Tribulation

Next they were as he explains riding on the clouds, then he said that Jesus told him to look down at the world where he saw a terrible earthquake where buildings were falling and also fire that came down from Heaven. Lots of people were running around terrified and screaming. Jesus explained that these people that he saw were not obedient to Him and did not listen to His warnings and that was why they were left behind.

“Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.” (Rev 3,3)

He saw how people were screaming for help but nobody could help them. He saw volcano’s erupting all over the world. He saw a lot of smoke and there was chaos all over. Jesus told Him to Go tell my people to prepare themselves because I am coming soon. Tell them that I come for Holy people because I Am Holy.

Read the entire testimony at the website - http://iwenttoheavenmommy./


Religion / blank by Christiscoming: 12:04pm On May 02, 2013
Foreign Affairs / Re: If Isreal Attacks Iran, Likely Scenario by Christiscoming: 3:18am On Aug 24, 2012
Kenya Prophet Dr Owuor has been shown that Israel will strike the Iranian nuclear reactor under the mountain with 2 NUCLEAR MISSILES launched from planes. They will cause the most historic fire explosion yet seen. Yes great trouble will follow, these are signs of the end times, get ready Jesus is coming!!
Video of the Prophecy -
Religion / Re: Testimony Of Heaven And Hell And Rapture To Soon Happen By Pastor Rodolfo by Christiscoming: 1:45pm On Aug 20, 2012
Praise God for His truth to call us to a holy life. Also here is the Website with this testimony & pictures - http://christiscoming777./2012/07/25/testimony-of-heaven-hell-the-condition-of-todays-church-by-rodolfo-acevedo/
Religion / Re: Tithing Is Fraud....tithing Is 419.....know Your Rights! by Christiscoming: 4:40am On Aug 20, 2012
Will a Christian who refuses to Tithe be disqualified from entering Heaven - oh yes, watch out !!
In my years as Christian I have mostly tithed, although Ive had seasons of being very anti-tithing & promoting all the various arguments against it. It was during that time God fully convinced me of its requirement for His people & its eternal consequences. From that background Id like to share what God revealed to me through firstly A) His Word, and secondly B.) 8 amazing testimonies of encounters with Jesus in Heaven & Hell where tithing is raised as an important eternal issue - TAKE HEED - http://christiscoming777./2012/03/02/tithing-is-it-required-and-are-there-eternal-consequences-for-non-tithing/
Religion / Re: Is Nairaland Forum Created To Stop Tithe In Churches? by Christiscoming: 4:39am On Aug 20, 2012
Will a Christian who refuses to Tithe be disqualified from entering Heaven - oh yes, watch out !!
In my years as Christian I have mostly tithed, although Ive had seasons of being very anti-tithing & promoting all the various arguments against it. It was during that time God fully convinced me of its requirement for His people & its eternal consequences. From that background Id like to share what God revealed to me through firstly A) His Word, and secondly B.) 8 amazing testimonies of encounters with Jesus in Heaven & Hell where tithing is raised as an important eternal issue - TAKE HEED - http://christiscoming777./2012/03/02/tithing-is-it-required-and-are-there-eternal-consequences-for-non-tithing/
Religion / Re: The Truth Your Pastor Would Not Tell You About Tithes: Tithing Is Unscriptural U by Christiscoming: 4:08am On Aug 20, 2012
Will a Christian who refuses to Tithe be disqualified from entering Heaven - oh yes, watch out !!
In my years as Christian I have mostly tithed, although Ive had seasons of being very anti-tithing & promoting all the various arguments against it. It was during that time God fully convinced me of its requirement for His people & its eternal consequences. From that background Id like to share what God revealed to me through firstly A) His Word, and secondly B.) 8 amazing testimonies of encounters with Jesus in Heaven & Hell where tithing is raised as an important eternal issue - TAKE HEED - http://christiscoming777./2012/03/02/tithing-is-it-required-and-are-there-eternal-consequences-for-non-tithing/
Religion / Amazing Testimony Of Heaven, Hell And Todays Church by Christiscoming: 12:45pm On Aug 19, 2012
Evangelist Rodolfo Acevedo (Dominican Republic) was taken to Heaven & Hell by Jesus and told to testify of what he saw. It is quite an amazing testimony. In short, he was shown what happens in Hell to prostitutes, abortionists, unfaithful ministers, pop stars who do deals with the devil, and saw the Jehovah's Witnesses cult founder Charles.T.Russell in Hell in terrible torment. In Heaven he saw: the bridal dress, wedding supper, crowns, and shares the urgent call to preach the right message. He was also told the condition of today's church with some unfaithful ministers, idolatry, unholy acts (masturbation) and unholy music being played in the church. Lastly he was shown the faithful holy remnant in the church waiting and ready for the Lord's return. This was given to help the church prepare for the Lord's soon coming

If you want to read more here is the link - http://christiscoming777./2012/07/25/testimony-of-heaven-hell-the-condition-of-todays-church-by-rodolfo-acevedo/

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