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GeneralKoko's Posts

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Romance / Re: Doctors In The House I Need Your Help!!!! by GeneralKoko(m): 1:57pm On Aug 19, 2024

Please quiz her more. Take her to her 1st antenatal, listen properly to every question asked and not her answers, you can then ask yours.

There's a high probability you are not the one responsible because by day 21, she's past ovulation if she has a 28 day period however, for your irresponsibility, you need bear a part of the trauma.

Ensure you are there all through the pregnancy and do a DNA once the child is born. This is so that you don't miss out should the baby be yours.

I found out months later that she is a pathetic cheat and it ain't mine
Romance / Re: Doctors In The House I Need Your Help!!!! by GeneralKoko(m): 1:55pm On Aug 19, 2024
It is very unlikely you are responsible.

Ovulation aka the release of an egg to be fertilized happens 12-14 days before one start seeing her period if the released egg was not fertilized.

If her period was supposed to start on Feb 14th, it means the egg must have been released between Feb 1st and Feb 3rd.

If a released egg is not fertilized within 24 hrs it disintegrates and along with the prep site on the uterus leading to menstrual flow.

If you had sex with her on the 7th of Feb, she is safe at that period and it would not result into pregnancy.

However, if she have an irregular period or during that month both ovaries instead of one released an egg, or her calculations and timing she told you are off or she have a delayed ovulation that cycle due to medications, depression, etc, then there is the possibility that you may be responsible but remember that this possibility is low like 20%.

Remember that the fact that the chance of something happening being 20% does not mean that it could not happen at all, it simply means that in more cases it likely may not happened.

A possible scenario is that, she had sex with someone else around her ovulation and she doesn’t want that person to be the father and for some reasons you are her favorite to be called her baby father.

If I were you I would not take responsibility yet, if you have any long term plans with this individual, I will slow walk those plans until a DNA test proofs that I am the father.

After many months I just found out that she was a pathetic liar!!!
Romance / Re: What Is Your Opinion About Dating A Girl Who Her Parents Aren't Funding So Much by GeneralKoko(m): 1:48pm On Aug 19, 2024
I am dating a girl and her parents aren't funding her soo much in school. She has to depend on people for money hence she cannot cut off some uncles, aunties,guys who used to fund her for whatever reason.

I snatched her from someone and she couldn't cut him off because of the financial support. She has other guys that she cannot let go off because of the funds they give her once in a while.
There's someone who she may have been sexually involved with in the last and the guy is suggesting for them to see. Although she is not giving in,she said she can't cut him off.

Brothers advice me please

I just saw this now again. Ladies and gents. She cheated on me severely!!
Properties / Re: Is It Advisable To Buy Land At Omagwa In Port Harcourt? by GeneralKoko(m): 7:23am On Jun 11, 2024
Landed property over anything else but make sure the property is genuine check the property titles, family inheritance or outright purchase then prepare your own deed of assignments or power of attorney which you will use for documentation,...

Good luck

I sell lands would you be willing to buy from me?😁
Romance / Re: Can A Girlfriend That Cheated Once Change by GeneralKoko(m): 12:11pm On Jun 03, 2024
Change ke? No na......She won't change..

Instead,she will change her tactics..... She'll now be very careful from henceforth..

Honestly,since I stopped taking any words that comes out from my banny's mouth serious, na from that day my keke engine stopped to dey get fault. .

It's sad sha. I know she was up to no good and she tried to end it severally out of guilt but I didn't let her. She be better girl of not for this her loose guarding. It would be hard to fully trust her sha but I'll get back with her.
Romance / Re: Can A Girlfriend That Cheated Once Change by GeneralKoko(m): 12:02pm On Jun 03, 2024

You're not the only one with a cheating girlfriend. This guy has the same problem, and he was given very great advice here. I watched the show live and I'll advice you watch it till the end.


Pay particular attention to the story that was told by Ebube from 17:50 about the lady that attended her church. You'll know what to do.


This is really insightful. Thank you very much
Romance / Can A Girlfriend That Cheated Once Change by GeneralKoko(m): 11:27am On Jun 03, 2024
Although I have always been suspicious but I didn't have evidence on my hand because she cleaned and cleared all evidence sha.

But I later got the confirmation I needed about my girlfriend cheating.
The thing is she's saying she's been distancing herself from the person.
When I caught her,she crode and begged and but I refused. Although I have told her that I forgive her and want to give her another chance.

Can a girl that cheated once change?
Health / Re: Something Is Eating Up My Hand. Help!!! by GeneralKoko(m): 4:18pm On May 27, 2024
This thing is witlow/cancer/cow toe, pick ur choice.

I think it's Whitlow. I had really sharp pain beside the nail.

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Health / Something Is Eating Up My Hand. Help!!! by GeneralKoko(m): 9:11am On May 27, 2024
Good day Nairalanders
I have an issue
I chew my nails sometimes but that has never been an issue.

My issue now is that,one time some two weeks ago,I had a very severe pain by the side of my nails. I didn't know what it was but I endured the pain.

Just recently,I saw this morning that something has eaten into the flesh close to my nails and I don't know what it is.

Romance / Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by GeneralKoko(m): 5:15pm On May 15, 2024
That's a good one. I left home at 19, many years ago and it worth it. Try and get something doing, get apartment in a good area, change your circle to people you can look up to, focus on your future and be prayerful...

It wouldn't be easy but it will worth it...

Thanks for your advice.
Romance / Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by GeneralKoko(m): 5:13pm On May 15, 2024

Depends on many factors...if you plan to japa I advise you stay and save for your trip
If you plan on opening a business I advise you stay for 2 to 7 yrs and gather yourself before launching out
If you are from a well to do home you should have savings now but do you have skill or a ready job to maintain your independence if you u go dey call home regularly even though u dey stay alone
Note you are still young..you have like 6 to 8yrs..to get you feet but don't be a loafer..make your own money even though u stay with them I know u would want to have you special moment with one banny na the only disadvantage kongi go kill you if u wan dey go lodgeyou no go fit save.

I get barny already but the thing I fear is that if I stay at home the comfort may make me not to work so hard.
At my dad's house food and everything is provided even to chores.
Although,I have a house I've rented but my parents send me stipends.
I just want to stay on my own as this would make me take life very seriously.
Romance / Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by GeneralKoko(m): 5:10pm On May 15, 2024

If my parents were still alive,nothing would have made me pack out, at least not now.

Street life nor funny at all.
One question, are you working?

I sell lands. Although I make small money from it but I'm not so stable yet but I think I would be stable soon.
Romance / Re: I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by GeneralKoko(m): 5:09pm On May 15, 2024
The advice is simple. Do not give all your vigor to women. Find and online skill and focus on it, in 5 years time u will thank yourself.

I sell lands and quite frankly I've been making some money from it although not as consistent as I would love it
Romance / I'm About Leaving My Father's House To Stay On My Own. Please Advise Me by GeneralKoko(m): 11:11am On May 15, 2024
Good day Nairalanders!

I'm 21 years and would be 22 this year. I would be finishing school by September and I plan to leave my parents house totally by the end of this year.
Although staying with my parents guarantee me free food and comfort I think on the long run it would limit me.

What's your advice??


Romance / What Are The Things That Are Deal Breakers In A Relationship? by GeneralKoko(m): 5:31am On May 05, 2024
To you what are the things that are deal breakers in a relationship?

I mean what are the things that are totally unacceptable in a relationship??
Romance / What Is Your Opinion About Dating A Girl Who Her Parents Aren't Funding So Much by GeneralKoko(m): 10:53pm On Mar 23, 2024
I am dating a girl and her parents aren't funding her soo much in school. She has to depend on people for money hence she cannot cut off some uncles, aunties,guys who used to fund her for whatever reason.

I snatched her from someone and she couldn't cut him off because of the financial support. She has other guys that she cannot let go off because of the funds they give her once in a while.
There's someone who she may have been sexually involved with in the last and the guy is suggesting for them to see. Although she is not giving in,she said she can't cut him off.

Brothers advice me please
Crime / Have You Ever Had A Gun Pointed At You? by GeneralKoko(m): 10:56am On Mar 21, 2024
I haven't had a gun pointed at me before. What about you?

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Properties / How Did You Seal Or Land Your First Deal?? by GeneralKoko(m): 1:15pm On Mar 13, 2024
I am curious to know as I am a budding realtor and I have been unable to sell a land or landed property.

How did you do it? Any tips to share?
Romance / Re: Doctors In The House I Need Your Help!!!! by GeneralKoko(m): 12:31am On Mar 04, 2024

Yes, very possible. Drugs could alter hormone production wch could relatively alter her cycle.

So if she didn't see her period on the said date it mean two weeks of unprotected sex got her pregnant and she started seeing symptoms like tiredness and all
Romance / Re: Doctors In The House I Need Your Help!!!! by GeneralKoko(m): 12:01am On Mar 04, 2024
If truly she was suppose to have her period on 14th and you panshed on 7th and she's claiming to be pregnant. It's very likely you aren't responsible for the pregnancy because she was approaching her safe period which is few days b4 her period or few days after her period. Ovulating period, wch is d period of highest chances of getting period comes @2 weeks b4 and after period. DNA is still your surest bet anyway.

Although she took malaria and typhoid pills and claimed it altered her cycle. Is that possible?? PS she took the malaria pills late January or early feb
Romance / Doctors In The House I Need Your Help!!!! by GeneralKoko(m): 11:22pm On Mar 03, 2024
I had sex with someone at exactly 7 of February. Her period was supposed to come by February 14 but she missed it and by 24 February she had started having symptoms of pregnancy. Is it possible that I'm responsible??

Please I need urgent answers.
Lalasticlala Mynd44 Roctation Farano
Please front page.
Romance / Ever Gotten A Girl Pregnant?? by GeneralKoko(m): 8:21am On Feb 24, 2024
Have you ever gotten a girl pregnant??
How did you go about it?
Were you scared?
Share your experience.
Romance / Re: Have You Married Someone Older Than You Or Know Someone Who Has? Share Experienc by GeneralKoko(m): 10:22pm On Feb 22, 2024

I'm in Rivers State, Sir.

Are you from Ogba? cheesy
Romance / Re: Have You Married Someone Older Than You Or Know Someone Who Has? Share Experienc by GeneralKoko(m): 4:42pm On Feb 22, 2024
If she use money senior you, small problem dey ooo.

grin ; D
Romance / Re: Have You Married Someone Older Than You Or Know Someone Who Has? Share Experienc by GeneralKoko(m): 4:10pm On Feb 20, 2024

You wan go dey tell people how many years your be?

Wetin concern them for that one?

Them fit ask na
Romance / Re: Have You Married Someone Older Than You Or Know Someone Who Has? Share Experienc by GeneralKoko(m): 11:16am On Feb 20, 2024

My girl is 6 month older...

She had her fears at first ..but I told her nothing dey happen...

I told her if she is disrespectful or proud towards me...it's exactly not cos she's older...it's would mean cos she's just naturally rude...regardless of whether she is older or younger...

If you like marry person wey u old pass...if she go disrespect you ...she go do am with pride

Age is nothing but a number...the personality of your partner is the most important...
If you both vibe ...go for it...also ensure you stay up cos you the man with the balls and bills...

Sometimes she would want to jokingly or seriously remind you she's older...call her bluff...and tell her it doesn't matter, I am the man....and truly you the man....

Thanks Chief!

We have an understanding and mutual respect.
We've not had an issue yet as we both understand ourselves well enough.

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