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Politics / Re: Ooni Asks Atiku, Obi Supporters To Embrace Tinubu's Government. by Grandeur2015: 11:03am On May 09, 2023
My Rresponse to Ooni of Ife Kingdom

@ooniadimulaife Your Highness you will live and rule for as long as your gods want you to.

May I also let you know that I do not follow Kings on social media but I have my reasons for following you and Olu of Warri on this platform.

Your Highness, there is a say that no one beats a child and expects him not to cry.

Your Highess, would you have kept quiet if the process that produced you as the Ooni of Ife was clearly manipulated against you just because your opponent felt he has money to throw around and buy the political system in his favour?

My Highness you are a young man loved by many, especially the youths, please do not take that genuine love for granted.

Please I want to ask; isn't it the right time we start doing things properly in this country?

You hosted a Kenya senior official, didn't see how their election went free and fair and their judiciary dispense Judgement on the Presidential election within 30days?

How could you asked your children to accept irregularities are the will of God in the 21st century sir?

Finally, your request is already out of the hands of #obidients but with the Judiciary. The outcome of those court cases will either take Nigeria's democracy backward or strengthen it. Am sure you want what is good for Nigeria but let the will of the majority of Nigerians prevail not few fortunate people in the corridors of powers like you.

Thank you.
Politics / Re: Atiku Vs Tinubu Vs Obi How They Stand On National Development Benchmarks by Grandeur2015: 1:16am On Feb 24, 2023
Fake last-minute narrative won't help you and PDP. LELet me educate the man;

EDUCATION: Peter Obi's effective education policies were the reason why Anambra moved from 26th in NECO/WAEC to first. University lecturers went on strike but when they later key into Peter Obi education policy they benefitted and ever since then there is no strike, in fact when ASUU was on strike, Anambra University was in session.

HEALTH; the right need to find out why Peter won Bill gate price back to back in Nigeria and UNDP award.

Google PHCN honored PO for his investment in power in the state that's why till today, Anambra is enjoying electricity more than Lagos and Adamawa.

IGP said Anambra was crime free under PO for five years to the extent there was no single robbery in the state.
Politics / Re: Picture Of Bola Tinubu And Babatunde Fashola ( Drop A Caption ) by Grandeur2015: 10:44am On Jan 18, 2023
Fashola is telling him, Oga listen to instructions and stop these blunders.
Politics / Re: Don't Vote For Atiku, Tinubu, Obi. They Are Thieves - Adeyanju To Nigerians by Grandeur2015: 2:38pm On Jan 14, 2023
The mouth that speak evil against you shall live to speak good about you. Deji will live to speak good of Peter Obi.

We know he has nothing against PO but had to add his name to his list to avoid hurting his friends in the camps of Atiku and BAT.

Autos / What Is Best Transmission And Engine Oil For ACURA MDX by Grandeur2015: 8:24am On May 03, 2021
What Is Best Transmission And Engine Oil For ACURA MDX 2008?
Family / Re: I Married Into The Wrong Family.. (true Story) by Grandeur2015: 7:18am On Nov 29, 2020
Anyone that knows this guy should please tell him to do just TWO things.

First, take his children away from that type of lady to his mother.

Secondly, he should cut every tie with the family of his wife and avoid seeing her for at least 5yrs. Probably relocate to Lagos, Abuja or even Abroad.
Politics / Re: Buhari’s $22.7 Billion Loan Spending Plan: $1.25bn For Abuja Rail, $500m For NTA by Grandeur2015: 2:29pm On Mar 06, 2020


I'm very displeased even with the cries and pleadings this Government is bent on destroying the future of Nigeria youths.

From what I just read now I can boldly tell us Nigerians welcome back to the days of Abacha when Nigeria was owing huge death until it took the intervention of Obasanjo and Ngozi Okonjo Iweala to make sure some of that debt was written off and here we are again.

Please let me ask again; what has FG and Nigerians got to do with part of this loan that FG planned to spend in Kastina, Kaduna and some environmental program in Abuja.

Moreover, nowhere did Southeast mentioned in that loan as the vocational power training that Enugu was mentioned to be part of and not even a single tangible was mentioned to be spent as part of the loan.

Finally, Nigeria are blessed with men with good and creative plans but curse with lack of implementation, supervision and maintenance, therefore some of the loans we took in the previous years are diverted and projects abandoned midway.

Please, Nigeria youths must wake up today to demand the itemization of projects the money will be spent on and make not only the money was 100% spent on that project but make sure the project is viable and can repay this loan on it own without feeling hands into the purse of Nigeria.

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Politics / Re: Rivers Guber: Wike And Awara Clash In Port Harcourt by Grandeur2015: 1:55pm On Mar 31, 2019
Awara is wasting his time.

Wike till 2023
he's finishing 29th May 2019.
Politics / Re: National Interest Supersedes Individual Rights - Buhari by Grandeur2015: 8:28am On Aug 27, 2018
If truly Buhari believed National Interest should come in the place of individual interest, he should have started preparing to go home than going for second tenure.

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Politics / NIGERIA PRESIDENT: Why Igbos Must Wait A Little Longer by Grandeur2015: 3:09pm On Aug 26, 2018
NIGERIA PRESIDENT: Why Igbos Must Wait a Little Longer

By Ike Anthony Abaelu

Igbo people are individualism nature just like late Novelist Chinue Achebe described in his book, “there was a country”. They are born never to defend or rely on anyone for success, and unfortunate this has been used against us severely since the amalgamation of Nigeria especially in the political space. But our people from their actions appeared to have chosen to focus on the positive side of the strange nature instead of being held down by it. Although I'm not going to dwell on the past but to share my little political experience from 1999 till date and the permutations.

I was a young man still in secondary school in 1998 when one of my friends in the village told me about the registration of new political parties and he suggested we should join but blatantly told him I was not interested. Then I knew there was APP and PDP as two most popular political parties in Nigeria and of course AD in the Southwest. APP would later change to ANPP, they later split into two and Buhari’s faction registered CPC. Like l said earlier, I will not dwell so much in the past but to give a brief foundation on the journey of the Igbos especial from 1999 to date and why they might find it hard to support APC overwhelmingly as we are approaching to 2019 elections.

It was no longer news that Igbo leaders also played major roles In the formation of political parties in 1999 and when PDP won 1999 presidential election and retained power in 2003 it became obvious they were going to stay in power a little longer, so the remaining majority of Igbos who are “business people” with one single interest to protect their businesses massively joined the ruling party, whilst those who are not interested in politics sponsored many political candidates all to protect their interests. Therefore from that 2003 to 2013, 10yrs the PDP has managed to retained power Igbo politicians has invested so much in the party therefore couldn’t have joined the formation of APC.

You know; average Igbo man is not thinking about the political equation and games to play to capture power in few years like the Yoruba and Hausa, instead our major focus has always been how the government of the day policies would affect our businesses irrespective of who is in power that’s why whenever I overheard people complaining that Igbos was not part of the formation of APC I laugh because “I have never seen where any reasonable businessman would join forces with new rival company he has little or no stake in to bring down a company he has invested his time, money and energy to build”. Moreover, even those who formed APC never knew they were going to win 2015 presidential elections that was why they didn’t deemed it necessary to share positions with binding agreement with all the parties involved and the result of that negligence was what we have been witnessing happening in their party.

Talking About 2019 Election and the Political Future of Ndi Igbo;

I would sincerely state this even in my sleep that Southeastern Nigeria will only have the opportunity to step close to power sooner than they can imagine if they vote against and mobilize votes against APC in 2019. It is very clear truth and anyone who thinks otherwise should challenge me with clear facts counter the ten facts I am going to state below;

Fact One: When the formation of APC took place there was no top and reputable Igbo person who was involved in the discussions like they actively participated in the formation of political parties in 1998.

Fact Two: The only Igbo Leader who would later joined APC was Gov. Okorocha, and even as APGA Governor then he couldn’t convince a bulk number of parties member on the need to join forces with APC instead he managed to joined them few of those loyal to him in his state, therefore cannot be said there was something he brought on the table.

Fact Three: There were indications that in terms of structure and financial supports which are two major bedrock of establishing APC were provided by mainly political leaders from North, Southwest and few from South-south, thereby leaving Southeast with no stake in the party. Those Igbos you have now are late arrivals.

Fact Four: There were claims that the zoning of presidential position between North and South was the making of PDP; but APC authenticated it when the queued up to that zoning and presented a Northern candidate in 2015 presidential elections. The same position they have zoned back to North for 2019 presidential election. So zoning between north and south has overwhelmingly been adopted by Nigerians.

Fact Five: PDP and most political parties preparing to present presidential candidates in 2019 election has also zoned the position to North in their respective parties confirming the fact that the next president is 90% likely going to come from the North but on which of the political platform is an issue for another day.

Fact Six: Forget the political intrigues going on now in the country; the game is not about 2019 but 2023. APC has successfully brought in some Igbo leaders to the party and the new song was Igbo President 2023, in fact Igbos in party were singing it like a poem. They were becoming influential holding rallies and meetings for Buhari as if there was an agreement written or verbally said that President would come from Southeast after Buhari. While on the other side, Tinubu and his group as at last year were a step away from APC; the hand writing was boldly written and all the political pundits could easily predict that they were moving out from APC. In fact I have been expecting a third force that would challenge 2019 presidential election, never from Obasanjo’s group but actually from Tinubu’s group. Sometime last year my former boss called me on the phone to remind me of my prediction after 2015 election that Buhari’s brothers would want to frustrate Tinubu out of APC and events appeared to be going towards that direction then.
But just like a miracle, it appeared like someone tapped Buhari and asked him to wake up from the sleep or that he (Buhari) had pre-planned events. Suddenly, he realized it was time to mend fence with the west bloc of his party and he did it so perfectly, brought in their leader Tinubu back, took him along on travels, held meetings with him abroad evidently to strategize for 2019, only God knows what they promised Tinubu perhaps 2023 ticket? I won’t be surprised because many top APC members has started speaking, even on National Television that after Buhari that power is moving back to Southwest. I’m not even surprised at all.

Fact Seven: There are few people, experienced Journalists that I like reading their columns on different national dallies and few of them are close to the seat of power and that most times compels me to believe their apologues. From what I have read so far, it appears truly that power would move back to Southwest after Buhari but that is if APC would retain the seat of power in 2019 presidential election and Tinubu no doubt will be one of the major aspirants. (Trust me an election Tinubu contested in will mark the return of June 12, he will win with landslide). Look in as much as I hate the sound of this, but I still can’t hide the truth from myself. (I’m cooking up a special article for this).
Fact Nine: 2019 Presidential election will go a very along in determining the fate of Southeast in the Nigeria political arena. If APC retain power in 2019, it will take Igbos nothing less than additional 20yrs before Igbos would have the opportunity to produce president; because after Buhari’s second 4yrs term, power will shift to Southwest for 8yrs and back to North for another 8yrs; then return to south possibly east would grab it.
But if PDP win 2019 presidential election; Igbo will have the opportunity of producing Vice President as I heard it has been zoned to Southeast and produce president after 8yrs of a Northern candidate of PDP.

Fact Ten: Finally this is for Southeast and West regions; politics is a game of number, it is like an equation if not accurately solved would not give you the desired answer and unfortunately for Ndi Igbo Yorubas understand this game far better than us and they have been planning, plotting and preparing for 2023 since 2013, this is a clear truth some of you don’t know. If I must tell myself the truth I do not see Igbos producing a president in 2023 but in 2028 if we can get our acts together in 2019.

But someone would want to ask; what if Buhari and North are actually deceiving Tinubu and Southwest just to get their support and votes for 2019 and eventually push them away for Southeast in 2028 not just for love but for equity and fairness?
My Response; in as much as it sounded very interesting but still not convincing. But in politics especial in Nigeria everything possible.
Politics / Can Anambra Ever Mean Business Like Lagos? by Grandeur2015: 5:29pm On Mar 08, 2018

Written by : Abaelu Ike Anthony Jnr

I was lucky to have tuned in Channels TV yesterday and the programme that was running was a Live Broadcast of "LAGOS MEANS BUSINESS"; it was a corporate Business Meeting the State Government organized to have one-on-one interaction with the Corporate Organizations who are the drivers of the State economy and believe me when I say this; I saw a different Gov. Akinwunmi Ambode when he was making his presentations and responding to questions based on his performance and policies in the last two and half years in the office.

The State Governor I saw in that event was not a politician but a Group Managing Director of a multi-billion dollar corporation making presentation to the board of directors on the success he had achieved thus far, his plans and an articulated roadmap on how he could achieve all he had projected to the board. I also saw a man who understood he has a limited time in the seat of power and was ready to make a meaningful impact to improve the lives of his people.

The Ambode I saw was a man who understood that his predecessor left his name on the marble and inorder to replace that with his, he would have to surpass his performance. The Governor I saw yesterday was a man who understood that a strong foundation was laid down for him, so he plugged in the blueprint of manifesto and the result is the heavy infrastructural development going on in the State. However the Governor might have his own short comings as a human being but i will leave that to the masses of the State to decide. But the man I watched speaking to his guests was a passionate Lagosian, well prepared for Governance who was not afraid to step on toes, but afraid to be called a failure. And this actually brings me to the aim of this article; CAN ANAMBRA EVER MEAN BUSINESS LIKE LAGOS?

It saddens me that a state like Anambra with is one of the oldest and biggest commercial cities in Nigeria, a state that has produced renowned world best intellectuals, great men who had broken barriers in all aspects of life, men who was among those that processed and negotiated for Nigeria Independence, a state that has produced the highest number of billionaires not only in Nigeria but in Africa, the home of major drivers of Nigeria economy enriched with Human, Natural and Intellectual Resources could be crawling 30yrs behind Lagos, and maybe perhaps it was because we have been taken two steps forward and four backwards from 1999 till date.

My opinion, I think Nigeria as a Nation and Anambra are sharing the same common problem which is; "lack of the ability to manage our Natural Resources well and reinvesting its proceeds in Human Capital Development which would have then generated the Intellectual Resources needed to keep running our economy periodically to meet and key up to the world digitally driven economies". Though I’m not saying that the present Governor of Anambra is not performing, but instead he is under performing. For those who would want to argue this; I don’t know what else to call a man who has been overshadowed by the performance of his predecessor.

Furthermore, a standard was set by the previous administration in Anambra and every sensible Anambrarians would expect that to be maintained and possibly increased and not taken steps backwards to accommodate the snail pace of the present leadership. In fact let me now categorically state here that; this was actually one of the reasons why I campaigned and supported Osita Chidoka in November 2017 election because he was the only one standing in that election who was well prepared for Governance and would have increased the pace of transformation already set if he had won. Having said that, the election have come and gone but I've read Chidoka's manifesto more than three times since then and if you haven’t please visit his website, download it and educate yourself. Also remember he was the man who transformed and managed FRSC as a corporate organization; years after he left Nigerians home and abroad are still enjoying the dividend of that solid foundation he laid in that organization.

In Anambra today there are many other people, best equipped and well prepared who would have surpassed Peter Obi’s achievements in four years if they were given the opportunity because the foundation was laid, various investments were made in USD and cash saved; all it would have taken a prepared leader was to collapse the blueprint of his mandate into the existing structure like Ambode did in Lagos and continue from where your predecessor stopped, but we were very unlucky, we brought in an unprepared man who was happily on retirement and today our case is different.

Finally, i have spent my last 11yrs in Lagos, but I have not witnessed this kind of massive infrastructural development going on in this state in the last two years, Fashola performed very well in Lagos but Gov. Ambode is gradually wearing Lagos a new look, connecting the missing dots and importantly creating that mega city mindset in the minds of every Lagosian. Anambra can do better than we are doing today, we might not have Lagos population, we might not be open to the ocean like Lagos, but Anambra population can only grow when our people begin to believe they can get jobs in the State and investors believe there are security, market and demand for their investments.

We can make that happen if we can get it right, and if Anambra can move from being "a Politically Reliable State to an Economically Dependable State". The only attractive business going on Anambra today is politics. I find it very strange that many of our youths and those who are doing well in their various businesses outside the state are relocating home not to invest in the state but to join political parties for quick money.

Anambra must mean business like Lagos to stand the test of time.
Politics / Can Anambra Ever Mean Business Like Lagos? by Grandeur2015: 2:09pm On Mar 08, 2018

Written by: Abaelu Ike Anthony Jnr

I was lucky to have tuned in Channels TV yesterday and the programme that was running was a Live Broadcast of "LAGOS MEANS BUSINESS"; a corporate Business Meeting the State Government organized to have one-on-one interaction with the Corporate Organizations who are the drivers of the State economy and believe me when I say this; I saw a different Gov. Akinwunmi Ambode when he was making his presentations and responding to questions based on his performance and polices in the last two and half years in the office.

The State Governor I saw in that event was not a politician but a Group Managing Director of a multi-billion dollar corporation who was making presentation to the board of directors on the success he had achived thus far, his plans and an articulated roadmap on how he could achieve all he had projected to the board. I also saw a man who understood he has a limited time in the seat of power and was ready to make a meaningful impact to improve the lives of his people.

The Ambode I saw was a man who understood that his predecessor left his name on the marble and inorder to replace that with his, he would have to surpass his performance. The Governor I saw yesterday was a man who understood that a strong foundation was laid down for him, so he plugged in the blueprint of manifesto and the result is the heavy infrastructural development going on in the State. However the Governor might have his own short comings as a human being but i will leave that to the masses of the State to decide. But the man I watched speaking to his guests was a passionate Lagosian, well prepared for Governance who was not afraid to step on toes, but afraid to be called a failure. And this actually brings me to the aim of this article; CAN ANAMBRA EVER MEAN BUSINESS LIKE LAGOS?

It saddens me that a state like Anambra with is one of the oldest and biggest commercial cities in Nigeria, a state that has produced renowned world best intellectuals, great men who had broken barriers in all aspects of life, men who was among those that processed and negotiated for Nigeria Independence, a state that has produced the highest number of billionaires not only in Nigeria but in Africa, the home of major drivers of Nigeria economy enriched with Human, Natural and Intellectual Resources could be crawling 30yrs behind Lagos, and maybe perhaps it was because we have been taken two steps forward and four backwards from 1999 till date.

My opinion, I think Nigeria as a Nation and Anambra shares common problem which is; lack of the ability to manage our Natural Resources well and reinvesting its proceeds in our Human Capital Development which would have then generated the Intellectual Resources needed to keep running our economy periodically to meet and key up to the world digitally driven economies. But I’m not saying that the present Governor of Anambra is not performing, but instead he is under performing. For those who would want to argue this; I don’t know what else to call a man who has been overshadowed by the performance of his predecessor.

A standard was set and every sensible Anambrarians would expect that to be maintained and possibly increased and not taken steps backwards to accommodate the pace of the present leadership. In fact let me now say this categorically; this was one of the reasons why I campaigned and supported Osita Chidoka in November 2017 election because he was the only one standing in that election who was well prepared for Governance and would have increased the pace of transformation already set by Peter Obi if he had won. Having said that, the election have come and gone but I have read Chidoka's manifesto more than three times and if you haven’t please visit his website, download it and educate yourself. Remember he was the man who run and managed FRSC as a corporate organization; years after he left Nigerians home and abroad are still enjoying the dividend of that solid foundation he laid in that organization.

In Anambra today there are many people, best equipped and well prepared who would have surpassed Peter Obi’s achievements in four years if they were given the opportunity because the foundation was laid, various investments were made in USD and cash saved; all it would have taken a prepared leader was to collapse the blueprint of his mandate into the existing structure like Ambode did in Lagos and continue from where your predecessor stopped, but we were very unlucky, we brought in an unprepared man who was happily on retirement and today our case is different.

Finally, i have spent my last 11yrs in Lagos, but I have not witnessed this kind of massive infrastructural development going on in this state in the last two years, Fashola may have performed very well in Lagos but Gov. Ambode is gradually wearing Lagos a new look, connecting the missing dots and importantly creating that mega city mindset in the minds of every Lagosian. So Anambra Must Mean Business to stand the test of time, we might not have Lagos population, we might not be open to the ocean like Lagos, but Anambra population can only grow when our people start believing they can get jobs in the State and investors will only invest where are security, market and demand.

We can make it happen if we can get it right, if Anambra can move from "a Politically Reliable State to an Economically Dependable State".

Written by: Abaelu Ike Anthony Jnr
Can be reached on: anthony.abaelu@gmail.com.


Politics / Re: Yusuf Buhari Returns To Nigeria After Treatment Abroad by Grandeur2015: 12:27pm On Feb 27, 2018
We Biafrans are no pigs, our only problem is that we understand Nigeria very well and the antics of the North to continue cheating everyone, so we always speak out.

quote author=buharitill2023 post=65411884]Idiotic pigs of Biafra will not be happy right now[/quote]


Politics / Re: How FG & Boko Haram Negotiated Ceasefire, Release Of Militants - Lawal Daura by Grandeur2015: 10:15pm On Feb 26, 2018
So Boko Haram terrorist leaders asked FG to grant amnesty to their fleeing members?

I'm coming make I buy food first.

1 Like

Politics / OBASANJO'S LETTER: A New Lease Of Hope by Grandeur2015: 4:22pm On Jan 27, 2018
OBASANJO'S LETTER: A New Lease of Hope

Trust me the tension Obasanjo's letter has Generated in the last couple of days was exactly what we needed in the country if we must get it right in 2019. Personally I have been waiting for this spark for a long time, (whilst some had chosen to call it heating the polity, and others Controversy), but that's not my business. It's an over due spark for a clearer direction towards 2019 Elections.

You know a man whose Business is gradually crumbling before him will be running up and down seeking for solutions, and in that very confused and devastating mood, a prophecy from even a mad man on the streets will be highly appreciated and taken into consideration, that's to me was the situation we were into before Baba's letter gave us a new "Lease of Hope".

Many of us have said so many unprintable things about the messenger which I'm not going to dwell on and I have chosen to settle with the message, perhaps because it will help to clear some of doubts and to guide our next actions to avoid repeating 2015 mistakes.

Before the detonation of the bomb from the newly decorated PHD holder from Ogun State, all the allegations of Corruption, Nepotism, Cluelessness, Negligence, Weakness, Inactions, Insecurity, Abandoning etc appears to be a Propaganda stratagem by the major opposition party PDP, therefore it appeared very difficult for the people to buy into, even when some Nigeria had started having the feelings long before now that all was not well with the present administration which this yours faithful happened to be among early birds who started singing before the dawn.

But the letter from baba was indeed the bomb we needed to accelerate the message we have been trying to make gullible Nigerians especially APC supporters to understand and reason with us. But funny enough even those who claimed Baba lacked the moral rights to exhibit such sanctification are worried about the formation of the 3rd Force Obasanjo mentioned. A mass movement pressure Group; Nigerians isn't that what we need now?

100% affirmation, I don't know about you.

For Nigeria to get it right in 2015 we need to put the two major parties on their toes and prove to them we no longer going to accept any trash to present to us as candidates and that we are ready to take our destinies into hands and make a radical change that will not only shock them but the entire world.

Finally for those who didn't understand the importance of that letter from Baba, look the message is not unknown to some us but the source of the message was actually what we needed to cause a serious spark in the polity. The effects of that spark is the change we all have witnessed in the last few days and expect more in the coming weeks because by the mention of the 3rd force alone, both the ruling party and major opposition are beginning to understand the need to sit up and do the right thing to avoid being replaced. But do not be carried away by their little eye-service actions. Get your PVC it's our weapon of destruction, we shall all use is wisely come 2019.

Abaelu Ike-Anthony
A Writer and Loan Facilitator

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Politics / Osita Chidoka Campaign Kick Off Today by Grandeur2015: 7:47am On Sep 30, 2017
The Osita Chidoka Campaign Organization and leadership of the United Progressive Party (UPP) heartily invite all Ndi-Anambra and all lovers of democracy nationwide to the official campaign flag-off of our candidate for Anambra governorship election, Chief Osita Chidoka.

The epoch-making event holds as follows:

Date: Saturday, September 30, 2017.

Venue: Town School Field, Amorka, Ihiala Local Government Area (along    Onitsha-Owerri Express way)

Time: 10 am Prompt

Politics / ANAMBRA ELECTION 2017: Vote Monetocracy Or Meritocracy. by Grandeur2015: 4:22pm On Sep 16, 2017
ANAMBRA ELECTION 2017: Vote Monetocracy or Meritocracy.

By, Abaelu Ike Anthony

"Every profitable Investment is guided with conscience during decision making." I told a group of friends sometime last year that, "our people lack the Moral Right to demand for Transparency and Accountability from the elected office holders", and my reasons are obvious.

It is no longer something hidden that Anambra Governorship election has been tagged as the most expensive in the country when we are not even among the top five States on IGR and Federal Government monthly allocation. Therefore the question we should be asking ourselves is, why then are the politicians spending so much money on the election? Many times I've asked my self this question, but each time i pointed at the politicians the rest of my fingers pointed at you and i, we the people of Anambra. Why? What have we been doing wrong all these past years that needed to be addressed now? We really need to iron this out else we may end up making the same mistake we made in 2013 all over again.

Few months ago i wrote something related to this very one, and i raised concerns about how cheap we may have become to our selfish dubious politicians; that's why they are no longer disturbed about our plights and poor environments because they know that during election seasons we would succumb to their gift items. We have become so cheap that we now exchange our consciences with bags of rice, motorcycle, few cash that would only last for few days. And we failed to understand that; "when a man exchanged his vote for money, he unconsciously exchanged his Right to demand for Transparency and Accountability".

But the most worrisome is that this present situation have made it difficult for us to identify clean politicians with good intentions. I'm sure we would have been far ahead of this present state of thing in Anambra if we had shunned Monetocracy for Meritocracy. A Politician once said that, it is now difficult to visit people in their homes or communities for Political Consultations perhaps to discuss things that would benefit them without hearing things like; "hope they are coming to share money", and without inducing them with something they won't show up.

So politicians who spent billions of Naira in an election to buy votes and maintain large followers must first recoup whatever they spent if voted in before attending to the people's basic needs and those who borrowed money from Banks or got godfathers to sponsor their campaigns would be forced to recoup their investments.

But we must be grateful for the opportunity to have someone like Chief Osita Chidoka as one of the top contenders and the most qualified in the upcoming November Election. He is one man who did not only understand our problems as people but has proffered solutions. He believe in the will of the people to vote him in as the next Governor of Anambra not any godfather like other contenders. He doesn't believe in moneybag politics and has vocally, spoken against it and it's negative effects to our mindsets.

Finally i have this to say to Ndi Anambra; Ike Obosi has no godfather nor anyone to share our common wealth with like other candidates are planning to do, and it's not that he doesn't have money to buy your consciences and votes, but because he believe it is Morally Wrong. He want Ndi Anambra to part of the decision making of his Government that's why he advocates for Transparency and Accountability in Government. So note this; those who paid for your votes will shut you out once sworn in.

Be Wise and Vote Wisely.


Politics / OSITA CHIDOKA: The Project To Liberate Anambra by Grandeur2015: 9:26pm On Sep 01, 2017
OSITA CHIDOKA: The Project to Liberate Anambra

By Abaelu Ike Anthony Jnr.

It is no longer a hidden topic to be discussed that our dear state has suffered from so many political 'Gordian a knots', caused by some ego maniacs, thoughtless and inconsiderate elements that parade themselves as our political elites. Yet, despite those serious threats posed to our lives and the development of our state, we surmounted them and stood firm with our faith in God as Christians, with remorseful hearts in admission of the various roles we individually/collectively played that brought those selfish people into power.

Fortunately, none of these conflicts determined us nor what we became, simply because we never ignored the fact that we have every reason to celebrate as a peaceful people. In fact, we even had a greater cause to look forward to a brighter tomorrow.

Few years after, our faith in God paid and we were blessed with a government under the leadership of Mr. Peter Obi, who showed us what true governance was all about even though I would personally rate his general performance at 70%. Then, the question became, what happened when his leadership tenure expired?

We failed to learn from our past mistakes and allowed our sense of reasoning to be clouded by sentiments. We failed in our responsibilities to vote in a credible candidate who would have consolidated the efforts and achievement of the government under the leadership of Mr. Peter Obi, in the name of Continuity, but that would be a story for another day. We truly need to acknowledge the fact that “a child who failed to surpass his father’s achievement is a complete failure, though his little efforts would however be noted”. Therefore, this note is to remind us of the favour of God which has presented us with yet another opportunity to learn from our past mistakes and get it right for once.

It is election season again, and the vultures are gathering again like they used to, just to steal and destroy our state economy. Sadly, after going through the content of an agreement between a candidate and his godfather, which have been in circulation online. I wept of what will become of our dear state if care is not taken. Should we fail to vote in the right man for the job.
Luckily, a wonderful opportunity has presented itself for us to witness a sense of service by voting enmass for Chief Osita Chidoka who solely depends we, the masses. He represents everything light and positive for a guaranteed future for ourselves and for our children. The choice lies before us to take our destinies in our hands or be doomed again. Seeing that most major contenders in this governorship race are stooges to one godfather or another. So the time to shun sentiment, self-centered ness and bigotry is Now! If we fail to fix this mess today it will cost us more to fix it tomorrow.

Osita Chidoka is an open book anyone can find very easy to open and read. His pedigree and antecedents as a public office holder, are in public domain. He is not a money bag politician, he has no criminal record nor his integrity in doubt. He is one man who has never hidden his love for our people and our culture. He also bears the generational burden as such an astute Biafran ideology advocate. He has openly condemned the unequal balances in the Nigerian system and did his bits while in office.

He is one candidate in the upcoming election with the highest number grass root mobilization with campaign offices situated in all the local Government areas and has toured every towns educating and sensitizing our people on the need to get things right. He is passionate and committed to the project of "Liberation of Anambra" from the evils of some dubious elites.

The time to take our State back is now or Never!


Maka odi nma Ndi Anambra. #OsitaChidokaForGovernor #UPPIsTheParty
#OsitaChidokaIsUPP #RightManForTheJob

Politics / Inherent Dangers Of Political Godfatherism! by Grandeur2015: 9:34pm On Aug 27, 2017
Inherent Dangers of Political Godfatherism!

By Ijeoma Diamond.

Who is a Political godfather? A political godfather is someone who assumes the position of a king maker -(he decides who becomes what in government/State or who gets what, how and when). He does this by becoming a major financier of a political party activities / events with the monies stolen from our Commonwealth due to the porosity of the system, aided by so many inadequacies, incompetence and deficiencies. These huge financial supports to his political party gives him edge to be privileged above other party members. Up to the point of pushing in candidates of his choice to run for a particular positions, without much ado, (he who pays the piper remember. ...). He pays for all the required fees and forms. Provides adequate logistics such as Campaign vehicles/materials, Gadgets etc. All gearing towards one point...instilling his 'puppet' in power by hook or crook, so he can rule indirectly.

Anambrarians, and anyone that knows Anambra State back from 1999 - 2005 would understand perfectly where this article is headed. It's no news that whenever godfatherism is mentioned in Anambra politics, certain names readily comes to mind.
Anambra State witnessed a total blank out from governance and development during the period under focus. There was government without governance. There was a State totally cut off from the entire globe in terms of the Millennium Development Agendas/Goals/Initiatives (MDAs). The State power was hijacked from the original power owners (the masses) by a few political hawks, aka 'godfathers'. Which kept Anambrarians in motion without movement.

We all saw and witnessed how retrogressive and backward our dear State was, especially under Dr. Chinweoke Mbadinuju- a stooge that abided by one man's (Chief Emeka Offor) orders.
More so, during the earliest administration of Dr. Chris Nwabueze Ngige's as the Executive Governor too. We all saw and witnessed the atrocious acts by the then self acclaimed political godfather -Chris Ubah (Andy Uba's brother). Who abducted a sitting Governor, whisked him to a hotel room, assaulted him both physically and verbally. Tugs working for Chris Uba burnt the whole Government House, caused severe mayhem in our beloved State while Security personnel were watching hand akimbo.
The resultant effects of that on our dear State are still fresh in our memories.

Fast Forwarded to how the present Governor came into power. News that filtered recently from Obiano's campaign organization, had it that his immediate predecessor, Mr. Peter Obi had been on him for the refund of all expenses accrued during the campaign and election that brought him Obiano into power. Which he vehemently refused to empty the State treasury to Obi thereby causing a severe face off between them. (I truly do not know how much true this claims are) But if there's an iato of truth here, another question begging for answer would now be, what then did Obiano do with Anambra State fund? Since he neither settled his godfather nor developed the State better than he inherited.

Unfortunately, with the gubernatorial election by the corner, the hawks are once more gathering. Few days ago, an agreement between a governorship aspirant and a notorious politician from Anambra went viral online. I kept on thinking after going through the conditions on the said agreement which a part read thus (a) Will give the Sponsor the power/privilege to appoint Ten (10) Commissioners in the Ministries of his choice in his cabinet. (b) Will give to the Sponsor a monthly 30% of the total Internal Generated Revenue (IGR) of the State. Hmmmm!

Ndi Anambra! My heart bleeds.
Are we going to allow this again? For how long more are we going to keep silent and allow ourselves to be played like chess on the boards of these heartless goons? Are we going to let them take us back to the days of Mbadinuju again? Are we not tired of retrogression?

Honestly, we need to confront this hydra headed monster called godfatherism, head on collision and take back our dear State from these cult of mediocres. The only way to do this is by rejecting their stooges at the polls. The Real Power belongs to the people. Democracy is all about numbers and we the masses have the numbers.
Your Vote is your Voice!
Your Voice is your Right!
Your Right to a good and guaranteed governance.
Guard your Vote like you would guard your life cos any mistake puts us all in the danger of negligence by the stooges to be in power.

So, i passionately call on the good people of Anambra to rise up to this responsibility of chasing out these hawks away from our State's affair by casting our votes for an independent candidate, with good track records and outstanding precedent.
Personally, Chief Osita Chidoka is the right man for the job. He is people oriented and performance driven, with a heart for service.
Remember! The only grassroots party is UPP. VOTE WISELY!

Maka odi nma Ndi Anambra.
#Ositadinma2017 #JourneyOfTheTiger #GrassrootsMovement #OsitaChidokaIsUPP #TheManForTheJob #OsitaChidokaForGovernor #DriveAnambraForward #VoteUPP

Politics / Chidokacampaign Berates obiano, apga for Vandalizing upp billboard by Grandeur2015: 4:36pm On Aug 25, 2017
August 25, 2017

Press Statement

‘Don’t Get Jittery Yet’- ChidokaCampaign Tells Obiano

…Berates Obiano, APGA For Vandalizing UPP Billboard

Governor Wille Obiano and his weakened faction of the now almost moribund All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has begun a reign of terror on our great party, the pan-Igbo United Progressive Party (UPP).

Since the conclusion of our governorship primary and their failure to stop the emergence of frontline contender in the Anambra governorship race, Chief Osita Chidoka as the UPP candidate, Governor Obiano and his APGA have been thrown into a frenetic mode in their pathetic effort to cling to power even when it is clear to them that the game is up.

Frightened by our intimidating and now almost ubiquitous presence in the state, Governors Obiano and APGA in their infantile despondency have started vandalizing UPP posters and billboards while desperately attempting to mop up Osita Chidoka-branded flyers, hand bills, brochures and our other campaign materials.

We want the world to know that early on Thursday morning, agents of Anambra state government, accompanied by heavily armed policemen tore down UPP billboard in Onitsha South Local government area, which is one of our major strongholds. They were also seen in other locations vandalizing our campaign materials in their childish attempt to remove us from public presence.

This immature and degrading act was preceded by verbal attacks on Chief Chidoka and the UPP by APGA factional National Chairman, Chief Victor Oye thus betraying their fears for the contest with Chief Chidoka as our flagbearer, and showing the world that they are a drowning bunch merely clutching at a straw.

Governor Obiano and APGA should not get jittery yet. Perhaps they do not know that we are very much aware of their failed clandestine machinations to derail the UPP primary and scuttle the emergence of Chief Chidoka as the candidate. At the right time, when the people march, we will bare it all.

Today, all eyes are on Anambra as we march towards the November 18, 2017 governorship election. All discerning minds know that Osita Chidoka and the UPP are the major fear confronting Governor Obiano and his APGA. We know that this election is a straight contest; indeed a two horse race between Osita Chidoka and Governor Willie Obiano.

Governor Obiano and his APGA know that the other parties; the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressives Congress (APC) have no place in Anambra regarding this election. That is why the embattled governor and his enfeebled and destabilized party have been shadowing our campaign and even trying to copy our ideas and strategies.

However, our response to them is that they are fighting a lost battle. While they were busy, with reckless abandon, squandering the goodwill of the people through their imprudent government, Osita Chidoka and the UPP were working hard, mobilizing the people for the ultimate mission of reclaiming their state. 

On this, we have gone very far and not even the vandalizing of our billboards and other campaign materials can stop us now, neither can it erase the consciousness that is already with the people or redeem Governor Obiano and APGA from the shame of rejection by ndi Anambra.


Viola Ifeyinwa Okolie

Director Media, Osita Chidoka Campaign.

Events / Sir Stanley Ekezie Led His Club Paying Monthly Pension To Imo Elderly People by Grandeur2015: 9:00am On Jul 25, 2017
Empowerment programme spearheading by Lagos Chapter of Old peers of Owerri Development initiative led by Sir Stanley Ekezie.

The world has always been a complicated place to be, a place where there must always be two sides of everything, the Positive and negative, friends and foes, the healthy and the sick, the rich and the poor, but unfortunately that is the way we all met it, and so many other good and great people who have all come and gone yet couldn't change its perception with their dreams and talents. So those who are pushing to change the world might end up being changed by the world. Therefore i can only say this, we don't change what we didn't create, however we can't create what we have no idea of the mystery behind it.

But we can always change our environment, we can change our communities, and we can always impact on the lives of those around, our families, friends and our communities. The journey of life is all about adding the little spices of hope and joy to the lives of the people. Nothing give real sense of joy more than looking back and see the number of poor people who are smiling today because you have given them the opportunity to hope again, and nothing motivate a man more to work more harder than knowing that a lot of families depend on him to see the next day and hope for a better future.

A Leader is someone who is always ready to listen to the plight of his people without limitation and today my mum's people are smiling because some group of able men has made it possible for the people to smile again and hope for a better future through the empowerment programme spearheading by Lagos Chapter of Old peers of Owerri Development initiative led by Sir Stanley Ekezie. And i want to use this opportunity to re-wake other great men out there that our communities and our people are our responsibilities we shouldn't fold our hands and wait until we are the Government before we start helping the helpless around us. Start helping as little as you as you.
I see a great future for Ndi Imo.

Politics / Re: Osita Chidoka And The Ositaites: From Ike Obosi To Ike Anambra by Grandeur2015: 10:22am On Jun 16, 2017
Ndi Anambra have taken a stand already. This time it is one of our own, someone we know in and out, someone who knows the pains of the poor masses because he is very close to the people. We have taken a stand.

Now its the turn of the youths and we are solidly behind Chidoka.

1 Like

Politics / Re: I Believe In Nigeria - Osita Chidoka by Grandeur2015: 11:58pm On Jun 06, 2017

Osita Chidoka is an oily ewedu soup afonja impersonating an igbo and he's a unity beggar.

Tufiakwa! angry

Are you not a fool for insinuating that nonsense?

When men are talking, maggots will open his dirty mouth to talk.
Politics / Re: I Believe In Nigeria - Osita Chidoka by Grandeur2015: 11:53pm On Jun 06, 2017
How wouldn't you believe in Nigeria when because of her lawlessness she gave you the opportunity to sell plate numbers to us twice from no reason thereby making you are your cartel loot 100s of billions in one of the smoothest govt heist ever seen

It is only a buffon, a nitwit, an unproductive mind would think of such. Something i wonder how some of this morons who are APC supporters would imagine that someone will just steal N100billion just like that and keep the where?

Well i don't think the person who authored this nonsense comment do not deserve my attention any more. However If you feel aggrieved, am sure you know your way to EFCC's offices after all APC is in power now.
Politics / Re: I Believe In Nigeria - Osita Chidoka by Grandeur2015: 11:40pm On Jun 06, 2017
Extract from the Interview with Osita Chidoka.

Channels TV interviewer: Do you believe in the oneness of Nigeria?

Osita Chidoka: Yes I do. Nigeria is large enough, Nigeria has great potential. Nigeria is exceptional in it's combination of 3 major ethnic group, minor ethnic group and all kinds of sights and sounds from the sahelian desert all the way to the mangrove in the Niger-Delta. Nigeria provides great possibilities for every Nigerian.


Osita Chidoka is a Nationalist, he believed in the project Nigeria his friends and associates are not limited to the tribe where he came from but across all the regions.
He has made is clearly and boldly that for Nigeria to be together there's the need for is all to sit and identify our purpose as a Nation. He made it clear that for Nigeria to more forward there must be the need for all the aggrieved group to have trust in the project Nigeria.

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