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Romance / You Are Not Too Sinful For Jesus To Love You by hashtagged(m): 7:31pm On Jul 10, 2023
Would you give your life to Jesus? The question everyone is asked. But not everyone understands this statement, some of us feel
- why should I give my life to someone I don't know.
- does he even exist.
- does he love me.
- I can live a Christian life it's too stressful and has a lots of restrictions.

From the very point we were forged in our mothers wombs he loves us, I am telling you he does love you every one of you and the holy spirit bears witness with me about this fact.

I used to tell myself that no one would ever love me for what I am, I was depressed, a total addict, a fraudster, sexually immoral and lots of other things I can't even mention out of shame. Till I found his love.

Don't let anyone tell you, you are too sinful don't even tell yourself that. I was one of the most sinful people you can imagine but he saved me.

If he didn't love you he wouldn't have died for you as an atonement for your sins before you even existed. The moment you believe in him you are free from sin and are washed in his blood as one of his children. If you then are his children which demon or Satan or economy can lay a finger on you?
Paul said in Romans 8 "Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord".

You may also say what of if I can resist sin, God loves us so he prepared for us before-hand. He gave us the holy spirit to help us live a sinful life all you have to do is ask "Jesus I can't help but sin, I need your help to overcome this if I am going to live a life worthy of your love". And after saying this prayer remove every thing that causes you to sin (pornographic movies, sensitive media and all others he would reveal them to you).

Giving your life to his is accepting the fact that we as humans are helpless against sin and situations around us and letting him take complete control. You cannot live a holy life except he helps you.

If you want to give your life to him say this short prayer with all sincerity.
"Lord Jesus, I confess I am a sinner, I can't help my self, I want you to forgive me and wash me with your precious blood and dear holy spirit come upon me and help me live a life worthy of the sacrifice jesus made for me" Amen

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Religion / Re: Loving Your Enemies and praying for them by hashtagged(m): 9:03pm On Jul 07, 2023

Paul argued and his argument could not be rebutted hence why he won over a great number of people, including me. So come argue with me and give me sound arguments that i cannot counter, and it is that very moment that i will acknowledge the rightness and superiority of your counsel and follow suit.

I believe in arguments as it gives me a chance to weigh all the points so that you may not erronously mislead me, even though you did not intend to. So this is my way of doing due diligence, and it has perfectly guided all my life, such that i have no errors or mistakes or regrets.

So, if you think you are right, do argue with me and present your points let us all examine it together with The Bible as our Judge.

Paul didn't argue, he defended himself. There is no need for senseless arguements that breed bad spirit. It's the holy spirit who convicts someone and not the work of man.
When the disciples preached people were saved and the others who didn't believe they did not come and argue to make the believe. The holy spirit is our only teacher it's best to ask him for guidance, I'll ask him you do so too.

but bro pls don't take it the wrong way, you are saved through Jesus and nothing can change that, I love you too for that, but arguements like this should be avoided so we don't have I'll mindsets towards each other, we all live our lives to God's glory
Religion / Re: Loving Your Enemies and praying for them by hashtagged(m): 8:00am On Jul 07, 2023

This is the reason why JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES don't agree with many religionists claiming they are Christians!

My guy you're going too far. Jesus Christ in his command to his disciples made it clear that a Christian must never think of killing a soul but to save it {Matthew 5:43-48} with that another question comes to mind:
What if we should die for being harmless in a world that's filled with arms and other destructive devices in the hands of our enemies?
Jesus answered:
"Don't fear those who kills the body but can't harm the soul but fear the one who can destroy both body and soul in the grave" Matthew 10:28

This is why most Christians in the first century died in the hands of their persecutors because they're ever ready to obey Jesus Christ than their own hearts. Jeremiah 17:9 compare to Proverbs 4:23

Today millions of baptized disciples of Christ (Jehovah's Witnesses) around the world are known for our skillful use of the SWORD which we always carry everywhere we go our greatest weapons is the SWORD of the spirit {Luke 22:36} which is God's word {Ephesians 6:17} because we're not warring against flesh and blood (bodies) which the world is using physical weapons to destroy {Ephesians 6:12 compare to Matthew 10:28} that's why in all the countries of the world you can't find a single JW who is a soldier because our faith has surpassed that of people who are still training to kill at war {Isaiah 2:4} all thanks to our Wonderful Counselor the Prince {Isaiah 9:6} teaching us to seek PEACE with all men! Romans 12:18

So even if a JW has nothing he/she must never lack a complete copy of the Bible the SWORD of the spirit! Luke 22:36

God bless you and may you have PEACE!

There is no point arguing with him. Except God convicts him and he decides to believe God's word, there is nothing more we can do other than pray for him.
Religion / Re: Is Giving Tithes And Offerings A Sacrifice Or Duty? by hashtagged(m): 4:25am On Jul 07, 2023

Some of our group members have claimed that it's a sacrifice(you can join the conversation on Dysh) because God preferred Abel's offering to Cain's offering and Able gave cheerfully and bountifully, what do you think about that?

Offerings and tites are not meant to be sacrifice. Out of pure love comes true giving, if you love God you would give him everything. Abel knew this when he gave offering to God out of pure love and adoration for him, he gave the best he had. Any other giving other than live for him has hidden agenda Why do you think it was written God loves a cheerful giver?

if only you knew what he has prepared for us his children who love him, you would sell everything you have and give the poor.

Jesus said clearly “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:32‭-‬34

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Luke 6:38

Even Solomon talks about giving in ecclesiastics
Ship your grain across the sea; after many days you may receive a return. Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; you do not know what disaster may come upon the land
Ecclesiastes 11:1‭-‬2

The only reason why the topic has become controversial is because some churches force or compel people to give. Giving has to be from the heart and from pure love for God, after all God can order all riches into existence if he wills it so. Our giving is us saying daddy I love you.
Religion / Re: Is Giving Tithes And Offerings A Sacrifice Or Duty? by hashtagged(m): 7:54pm On Jul 06, 2023
It's a duty, it shows your love for God
Religion / For Councelling Or Prayer Requests (1) by hashtagged(m): 7:50pm On Jul 06, 2023
If you need any councelling or prayer requests you can reach me here or:

On telegram -

On WhatsApp -

By mobile -

If one is to boasts, boast in the giver of gifts and if you are to fear, be afraid of grieving him
Religion / Re: For Counselling Or Prayer Requests . by hashtagged(m): 7:46pm On Jul 06, 2023
Are you first of all already holy and righteous that you are taking on prayer requests? Or are you simply seeking ways, like your pastors and mogs, to take the glory for when God pours out His mercy on even that you include on your prayer list? undecided

That's none of your business. It's between me and God. Have a good day

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Religion / Re: Remember As God Child Nobody Can Do Harm by hashtagged(m): 7:19pm On Jul 06, 2023
Jesus finished the work for man, he died and rose , the keys to death was taken, I do not longer live to fear devils death. The devil lost with Jesus . The devil beat , nail, tortured Jesus but Jesus was not tired , he remembered God even until his last breath , Jesus said my lord my God why are though forsaken me , meaning God was with him until he came to heaven. As child of God , God would be with you until you die. If you are a child of God can the devil go after you until your death ?

The moment we realise God's love for us our prayer life changes.

The first step is seeing God how he sees you
Religion / For Counselling Or Prayer Requests . by hashtagged(m): 7:18pm On Jul 06, 2023
If you need any councelling or prayer requests you can reach me here or:

On telegram -
On WhatsApp -
By mobile -

If one is to boasts, boast in the giver of gifts and if you are to fear, be afraid of grieving him
Religion / Re: Loving Your Enemies and praying for them by hashtagged(m): 8:46pm On Jul 05, 2023


But He also dis say
Luke 14:26 KJV
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

You don't understand this Bible verse if you did you wouldn't have quoted it. Have a nice day
Religion / Re: Loving Your Enemies and praying for them by hashtagged(m): 7:51pm On Jul 05, 2023

Ecclesiastes 3.

And he gave you a new covenant to.

love your enemies and pray for them. If we love only those who do us good how are we different from the task collectors and sinners. We should love our enemies to show we are children of God who makes the sun shine and the rain fall on both the good and wicked

God also said we should follow his laws over the laws of men
Religion / Re: Loving Your Enemies and praying for them by hashtagged(m): 7:50pm On Jul 05, 2023
Without accurate knowledge of truth you can't love or pray for those wanting to destroy you.

So we need to know the truth first then Jesus' command to love and pray for our enemies will make practical sense to us!

For instance in response to the quest for the first commandment Jesus said:

“The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’ The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these." Mark 12:29-31

To the Jews listening that day only fellow Jew are neighbours but Jesus told them that a Samaritan can prove to be a loving neighbour too! Luke 10:29-37

Now this really got on the nerves of those Jews because Samaritans always support any nation that's coming to attack the Jews so they felt Jesus is using an unpalatable comparison by making it seems as if Samaritans are good people. Yet both Jews and Samaritans are all Israelites! smiley

He also said love your enemies and pray for them. If we love only those who do us good how are we different from the task collectors and sinners. We should love our enemies to show we are children of God who makes the sun shine and the rain fall on both the good and wicked
Religion / Re: Loving Your Enemies and praying for them by hashtagged(m): 7:45pm On Jul 05, 2023

And it also Said, there is a time to hate and to kill and to cast stones.

Where was that ever mentioned in the Bible.
Religion / Re: Loving Your Enemies and praying for them by hashtagged(m): 7:50am On Jul 05, 2023
Very important topic...
The struggle to both "love and pray" for one's enemies is very serious and real.
Forgetting any wrong-doing in any form done by a person towards another or by two persons against one another (regardless of how things first occurred, sometimes is such a struggle.

Yet we are commanded in the Word of God to do so.
Matthew 6:12 (KJV) "And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."

Matthew 5:44 (KJV), "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and curse you."

It's not like the "simpler" struggles of forgetting one's phone number-especially if it hadn't been used for a few years and it's not written down anywhere or saved in a phone.
Or forgetting an anniversary, appointment or birthday.

I mean truly forgiving and truly releasing any desire for revenge is nothing short of a miracle given by God to a prayerful heart.
That's what I have now--in some cases-- and I thank the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel for that. Let's be brutally honest though and say that it's tremendously difficult to pray for, let alone love, an evil person--one who loves to see or inflict misery and pain to human beings. That's where a humbled and surrendered geart to God comes in. We must pray daily for that.

Cause see peace (which I daily pray for) is such an awesome and necessary gift for a child of God to possess. One can't have true/genuine peace by being disobedient to God's command.

Forgiveness doesn't always mean reconciliation for some situations.
In others, it may be the case.
If reconcilliation is the end result, it takes time. Nothing can be forced.
Even if one person feels ready to reconcile in a certain way or manner, the other may not at the time.

Things happen for a reason, and if meant to be, will defintely be. I'm coming to learn and experience.

Sorry, I went off on a tangent on your thread. I'm long-winded at times.

Beautifully written...

Thanks you explained it to a better details

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Religion / Loving Your Enemies and praying for them by hashtagged(m): 10:23pm On Jul 04, 2023
This is a topic that most Christians tend to avoid. Sometimes we pray for our enemies to die.

Well of course abba father would surely deliver us from the hands of our enemies. We should also pray for their salvation, I don't mean demons but I mean those under bondage of these evil powers

Seems a bit controversial but remember from whence our father saved us from, before we were born again in Christ we were once someone's enemy. But our father forgives and he forgave us so let's try to put our enemies and those who give us problems in prayers.
"That our father should deliver us from their evil schemes and save them if possible but nevertheless his will and not ours should be done".

For a reason our lord and teacher jesus said we should love our enemies and pray for those who cause us harm.

Now some of may say we are giving them more chance to cause us harm but remember this. It is written who can separate us from the love our father has for us, shall it be tribulation, affliction, hunger. Nothing can even the one we call enemies and the moment you start realizing the love our father has for us your fears would be drowned in his love


Religion / Re: Is Praying In Tongues Real? by hashtagged(m): 10:12am On Jul 04, 2023
Hello everyone,

Is praying in tongues real? What exactly is praying tongues? When you go to a church and the pastor says pray in tongues and everyone begins to speak in that way, what is really going on? Please kindly share your reasonable views and people who speak in tongues, also share your views as well. Particularly what exactly you are doing when you speak in tongues.


Yes it's in the book of acts and also in Paul's letters.

The one I love best is when Paul/Timothy says though I speak in the tongues of men and angels but have not loved it is nothing.

But know this brotherly, tongues is only possible with the holy spirit. There is no learning of tongues it's a gift from the holy spirit
Religion / Re: When You're Under Attack (4) by hashtagged(m): 9:44am On Jul 04, 2023
And when the enemies come in, like a flood the holy spirit raised up a standard against them.

Thank you holy spirit for being my guide. The fact I believe in Jesus, God the father and the holy spirit is already proof the battle is won.

One more things brothers, The devil has already been bound, he has no power other than to lie. Don't ever give him more power than he has by believing he is soo stronger than the holy spirit in you. Lest you may risk grieving the holy spirit

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Religion / Re: Is There Any Biblical Prophecy About Rise Of Islam? by hashtagged(m): 6:35pm On Jul 03, 2023

So Islam and Mohammed are revealed as adversaries of God.

Muslima are sure they serve only one God, but in a wrong way. Fighting ignorantly against God.

There is no mention of Mohammad in the Bible but the Muslims killing of Christian and thinking their doing their God a favour was implied in the Bible.

Also in the revelations the armies east of Euphrates and Israel are made up of all the extremist Islamic countries. Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine e.t.c

Not specific but the Bible tells us to be vigilant and interpreat signs of times. This is just my opinion though

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Religion / Re: Is There Any Biblical Prophecy About Rise Of Islam? by hashtagged(m): 4:35pm On Jul 03, 2023
Good morning brethren. Please re there clear cut prophecies about the rise of Islam? Going true the prophecies of Daniel and Revelations, it doesn't look like Islam is ever implied.

Contributions please.

Yes there is, "A time would come when where people who kill you would think they are doing a favour to God"

Jesus said so in mark or Matthew. Muslims are one of the only religion that think killing Christians is a favour to God.

Also in revelation the armies of the east that marched when the Euphrates dried up. All countries east of Israel and the Euphrates are all Muslims countries and they hate israel


Romance / Re: I Have A Feeling That My Wife Will Cheat On Me. Here's Why by hashtagged(m): 4:28pm On Jul 03, 2023
Anytime I have issues with my wife, maybe it's about another girl she always says what if she does her own too how would (mind you I have never been with another woman since we got married. I might just flirt around with some other girls once in a while via chat)
She has this mentality that she's beautiful and young and she usually gets a lot of attention and I think it's getting to her head. Because most times she usually talks about doing her own too and I think she has the tendency to cheat If I do something to her like cheating.

I told her that would be the end of our marriage

How can you be married and flirt, didn't God say a man shall leave his mother and father and him and his wife shall become one.

Flirting and talking to other ladies is paramount to adultery.
Don't go down that lane, think of your wife as if it were you, would you be happy if she flirts with others
Romance / Re: by hashtagged(m): 4:26pm On Jul 03, 2023

How long have your abstinence been now?


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Religion / Re: Why Can't I Fall Under The Anointing by hashtagged(m): 1:41pm On Jul 03, 2023

You defnitely seem sincere in your love for Christ.
I have read some of your threads that confirm that.
I ask this question sincerely and truly wanting to know, because I have never (in my entire life of Christianity) attended a church--and I've attended many-- where this type of process has occured.

I am 1000 percent sure of my relationship with Christ.
There is 0 percent doubt about it. No one has ever touched hands on me either for me to feel assured of His ownership of my life.

What is the definition of "anointing" as it applies to pastors? Also how do some get it and some don't? I don't understand the different levels. Why do people need to fall down as a result of an anointed person touching them? Where is the biblical example of this?

I am not trying to mock nor be sarcastic.
I really want to understand.

That depends on if you are willing to submit to the holy spirit. That's what I feel I am still learning.

I can't give you any more than I have experienced but I'll tell you this. Submitting to him is much more than a feeling it's avoiding everything he dislikes which is taught in the Bible, willing to take corrections from him and letting him lead.

But make no mistake dear sister, he is with you as long as you are a Christian, no one can believe jesus is lord without the holy spirit's conviction.

But he will be in you if you submit to him and ask God for his presence. It is written if you earthly father's know what is right to give your child how much more will your heavenly father give the holy spirit to those who ask.
Religion / Re: Why Can't I Fall Under The Anointing by hashtagged(m): 12:50pm On Jul 03, 2023
Since I was born, I have never fallen under the annointing before. Even when they are laying hands, people start falling or screaming. But if they touch me from now till tomorrow, I won't shake. Does it mean that I'm not possessed or what could be the issue? I really desire to have that feeling too. What can I do?

Be open in your heart and tell Jesus I want more of you, sometimes you might not even need to laying of hands. But be ready to listen to him
Romance / by hashtagged(m): 12:21pm On Jul 03, 2023


Religion / How God Saved From Pornography And Masturbation by hashtagged(m): 12:16pm On Jul 03, 2023
Well I have had this issue for a couple of years back and I thought to myself no matter how I prayed or tried I would always lose.

One of the greatest tools of the devil is making you feel you can never be free, but the irony of it is that we were given freedom right from the moment Jesus died for us on the cross and we just have to accept it

Other tragedies followed suit, I became depresses, sucidial and very very sick and I started to hate God, until I entered one evening service in church and the topic was Don't give the devil any open door into your life.

I began to ponder when God revealed to me I had been giving the flesh open spaces into my life by the kind of music and movies I watch, things I do and ways I lived my life.

I stopped the movies, music, sinful lifestyle and replaced them with the reading the Bible and listening to teachings from men and women of God with God's help. You see God wants what's best for us, throw away all pre conceived ideas that God is cruel he is not, he loves us and we are his children too. And the sexual urge died, the depression left and I was healed of what the doctors couldn't treat.

If this message could bring just one person to God, I would be glad.
I pray God would delivers everyone reading this as you seek his face and his words in Jesus name amen.


Romance / Re: As A Parent, At What Age Can You Allow Your Daughter Have A Boyfriend? by hashtagged(m): 2:28pm On Jul 02, 2023
Sex was sanctioned by God for marriage only. Everyone should teach their kids that, But do not cage them instead tell them with love the reasons why they shouldn't have sex before marriage.


Religion / Re: The Female Children Shouldn't Stay Unmarried For Too Long In Their Families. . by hashtagged(m): 12:52pm On Jul 01, 2023
There is no scriptural backing to this. But Jesus and Paul implied it's possible to stay unmarried for the sake of the gospel

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Politics / Re: Respect Prophet Muhammad, Sokoto Is A Muslim State: Gov Aliyu Urges For Calm by hashtagged(m): 1:33pm On Jun 28, 2023
That's blasphemy we talking about Kaffir! If Dem catch u for street, Dem supposed sit ur foolish ass down on a hot stove. Idiot! Respect people's religion, is that too much to ask?

Can anyone prove the blasphemy the man did?. Doesn't Sharia courts give others the right to defend themselves. So someone can just shout blasphemy and have another killed without any proof.
How is that being peaceful
Religion / Re: Did Jesus Tell Lies? by hashtagged(m): 8:12pm On Jun 27, 2023

He will not study the Bible like his mentors: Zakir Naik, Ahmed Deedat, Shanu Ally, Mohammed Hijab Adepoju. They are all silly people. The present a rogue prophet as a perfect example for humanity.
Antichristian is an Antichrist like his prophet.

Even if he is misguided let's refrain from calling them silly, God did not make any of us silly, we are all sinners it's by the mercy of jesus we know what we know. God can pull anyone to him even the most unlikely. I pray his mercies keep speaking for us all

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Religion / Re: Who Is This Jesus? by hashtagged(m): 7:16pm On Jun 27, 2023
In the past 13 years I have studied over 2,000 cases of NDEs from different countries all over the world. There is actually an organization created for this sole purpose. To investigate thoroughly and record the testimonies. NDE (Near Death Experience) i.e those that literally died for minutes, hours or days but came back to life. I'm not talking of those that went into coma. I mean those that were certified dead by the hospitals.

Interestingly when these people came back to life they all testified that they saw the same thing. They either saw Jesus Christ or Angels. None of them saw Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, Mary, St. Peter, Confucius or Joseph Smith.

Most of these people were not even Christians before the NDE but God gave them a second chance to repent for reasons known to Him. I have a large file of video evidence and testimonies on these cases. Not everyone will get a second chance like these people. Those who think there is no God or their false religion will take them to Heaven are in for a big shock. Time is ticking.

He is our saviour, words cannot even explain what he has done for us.
We were faulty vessels marked for destruction, but he staked his very life for our salvation. He is meek, lovely, caring, wants what's best for us.

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Religion / Re: Did Jesus Tell Lies? by hashtagged(m): 7:06pm On Jun 27, 2023
I just need all Christians reading this to have faith and pray for me to have just 1 million Kuwaiti Dollar within one week, they say miracle no dey tire Jesus! Lol! grin

1) And Jesus answered and said to them, “Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, `Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it will happen. “And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” (Matthew 21:21-22 NAS)

2) Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8 NAB)

3) Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst. (Matthew 18:19-20 NAS)

4) Amen, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it shall be done for him. Therefore I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours. (Mark 11:24-25 NAB)

5) And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (Luke 11:9-13 NAB)

6) And whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it. (John 14:13-14 NAB)

7) If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. (John 15:7 NAB)

cool It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you. (John 15:16 NAB)

9) On that day you will not question me about anything. Amen, amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you. Until now you have not asked anything in my name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete. (John 16:23-24 NAB)

A lot of Christians ignore what Jesus actually says in the Bible. They also tend to add things to the actual words to make them say something else. If you honestly and truthfully read these quotes, without adding to them, it is very easy to see that Jesus is not saying that God will think about your prayers. He says God will grant all your prayers. Clearly, God doesn’t grant all prayers and this proves that the Biblical Jesus was a habitual liar.

What do you think about all these statements?

You watch season 6 episode 12 without watching season 1-5. How would you understand.

Instead of lording over and faulting a God you know not. Why not study the Bible and seek him genuinely, you would find out that he is loving, forgiving, meek and lowly at heart. He cares for us but hates the wicked.

There would be a time when we are all called to answer for every empty word we have said, I keep praying he corrects me in his anger and pulls me closer in his wrath. I am not saying this out of spite but out of genuine love and care for your salvation. Seek him and he would find you.

If you know his genuine love you would run out unto the streets proclaiming his name. Just ask him genuinely it costs nothing.
Religion / Re: Do Not Ignore The Old Testament by hashtagged(m): 6:56pm On Jun 27, 2023
We are not under the law does not mean that the law is non-existent. It means we do not operate under it. Like you are living in Nigeria and not subject to the laws of India.
Thou Shall Not Ignore the Old Testament!

Jesus said he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfil it.

He is not removing the law but effecting it, meaning completing it without breaking a single one so through him Jesus our lord we may also be able to keep the law.

Even when Paul said in coritians human beings cannot keep the law because their very sinful nature rebels against it, that's where the holy spirit comes in to help us keep the law thus we are not under the law(meaning since we are lead by the spirit of Christ whom lives according to the laws, sinless and blameless).

All the above doesn't give us reason to keep breaking the law, it proves you are still under the law because if you are not under the law you cannot break it

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