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Romance / Re: I got rebuked. by Incrizz(f): 10:30pm On Jan 25, 2021
A kind reminder:

King James Version
Revelation 14:9-11
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Religion / Re: My Father Has A Bat In His Wardrobe: Should I Be Worried? by Incrizz(f): 12:01am On Jan 24, 2021
Hello Dnp2020

GOD is with you.
So far on this thread, you have fought well, you have fought off everyone trying to shut you up. Kudos.

Your dad may have purposely called you and allowed you to see the owl, with hopes of beginning the process of initiating you or passing "the baton" over to you.

You left the house, great.
But there is one information from you that is seemingly missing.

You haven't mentioned prayer, or JESUS.

GOD gave us tools to enforce the victory of the blood of JESUS over any situation and they are:
The Word of GOD
Praises and worship and Thanksgiving to HIM.
They wreck the kingdoms of darkness.

Give your life to JESUS, receive The Holy Spirit.

The victory is already yours

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Religion / Re: The Scriptures That Clearly Describe Rapture; Come See. by Incrizz(f): 1:35pm On Jan 22, 2021

The Atheist is Adamant and demented too.

I don't get you please, she is not atheist.
Religion / Re: I Think I'm Going To Die By Being Beheaded by Incrizz(f): 1:29pm On Jan 22, 2021
Mathew 24:13
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Religion / Re: I Think I'm Going To Die By Being Beheaded by Incrizz(f): 1:03pm On Jan 21, 2021
Good morning kobojunkie...

Hebrews 10:35
Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward."
Religion / Re: Wtchcraft And Dark Manipulations by Incrizz(f): 12:57pm On Jan 21, 2021
Indeed my sister, he was trying to lure people away from praying in tongues, people dont know that praying in tongues makes demons tremble and it causes havoc in the kingdom of darkness, praying in tongues is one advantage we have over the kingdom of darkness, so they are trying their best to shut it down by saying that we invoke demons when we speak in tongues, some say we blab and make noise, so that is why I was aggressive in my defence on this thread, cause a baby Christian might stumble upon this thread and get deceived, I personally know that he can't deceive me but but he can deceive a babe in the things of God, that is why I stood my ground and said NO to this thread and his lies. Have a nice morning ma.

You do well Sis.
Please don't keep silent
When I saw your post, I was grateful to GOD, because my own confidence in GOD's word was reassured.

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Religion / Re: Wtchcraft And Dark Manipulations by Incrizz(f): 12:51am On Jan 21, 2021
GOD bless you so much.

Kindly watch out for those people who always try to shut true children of GOD up.
They say stuff like, "leave them, don't argue with them".

Kindly always speak up when The Holy Spirit says you should. This is about the faith of every other person who would someday read this thread.

You did very well. GOD bless you for never ever keeping quiet. For a moment, I couldn't believe what I was reading.

And then I understood what he was doing, he was "secretly introducing destructive heresies".

But JESUS builds HIS Church upon the rock and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Children of GOD, ALWAYS pray in tongues, it is an instruction from GOD.

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Religion / Re: I Think I'm Going To Die By Being Beheaded by Incrizz(f): 12:04am On Jan 21, 2021
Mathew 10:22
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Religion / Re: I Think I'm Going To Die By Being Beheaded by Incrizz(f): 6:50pm On Jan 19, 2021
the man who wants to be head you believes he's doing God's will, you on the other hand that is been be headed believes that you're dying for your belief in God. But I believe that you're both crazy.

It is the antichrist himself, he knows he is of the devil.
Religion / Re: I Think I'm Going To Die By Being Beheaded by Incrizz(f): 6:48pm On Jan 19, 2021
Focus on responding intelligently to what I have stated so far instead.

Religion / Re: I Think I'm Going To Die By Being Beheaded by Incrizz(f): 6:39pm On Jan 19, 2021
There are still 100s of thousands who live in those places that have yet to be beheaded

Sorry, I'd just like to know, do you believe that JESUS came to earth to die for our sins or you're atheist?
Religion / Re: I Think I'm Going To Die By Being Beheaded by Incrizz(f): 5:39pm On Jan 19, 2021
Revelation 2:10
Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life

The reason is so that you can be tried so that your love for JESUS can be tried.
Religion / Re: Rapture Vision (JESUS Is Coming Very Soon)! by Incrizz(f): 5:24pm On Jan 16, 2021
it was men that wrote the scripture too not angels.

Moreover tribulations against Christians and the church is presently going on in different parts of the world, and the love of people are growing cold on a daily! you may feel safe where you are, but when the rapture occurs and the great tribulation begins, no more hiding place, nor safety for any Christian, that is you are either for Christ which will lead to death or for the Anti-Christ to collect the 666.

2 Timothy 3:16
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

2 Peter 1:21
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
Religion / Re: Rapture Vision (JESUS Is Coming Very Soon)! by Incrizz(f): 5:12pm On Jan 16, 2021
Yes, you are very right about the great tribulation. But I tell you we are already in the time of the great tribulation, everything the LORD JESUS spoke about in Matthew 24 is already happening and I can tell you we are running towards the tail end of it. Rumors of wars, earthquakes, Nation rising against Nation etc

Numbers 23:19 says GOD is not a man that he should lie, neither is he a son of man that he should repent, hath he said it and shall he not fulfil it?

Isaiah 55:10-11 as it is written, For as the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven and returneth not thither but watereth the earth and make it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater; so shall my word be, that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

JESUS is coming soon.

Shalom my sister.

Yes there is tribulation going on in the world but there is one appointed to mark the end of time, kindly do not purposely mix up the two:

Mathew 24:
21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Religion / Re: Rapture Vision (JESUS Is Coming Very Soon)! by Incrizz(f): 5:08pm On Jan 16, 2021

I am glad someone here knows the scriptures.

GOD bless you.

There is a reason the demons are vehemently pushing the rapture-before-tribulation doctrine against clear Bible teaching.

My advice to all brethren is "Do not fear or be ashamed to stand alone for you are not alone; GOD is with you".
Imagine a world were everywhere believes that the antichrist is CHRIST and you are the only one saying that that man in the temple declaring himself to be GOD is not The CHRIST.
Imagine it for a moment.
They may make you feel like the odd one out at that time, don't let it deter you. You must hold fast your confidence unto the end.

Hebrews 3:12
12 Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.
Religion / Re: 666: Have You Seen This? by Incrizz(f): 3:29pm On Jan 16, 2021
You can't deceive the elect. It is an impossibility.

Now since that is true, it means you may have succeeded in deceiving no one but yourself.

Wake up. Arise! Thou that sleepeth and GOD will give you rest smiley
Religion / Re: Rapture Vision (JESUS Is Coming Very Soon)! by Incrizz(f): 3:17pm On Jan 16, 2021
Amen and Amenn! Thank you for sharing. May we be counted worthy to escape things that will happen on earth, Amen.
@incrizz Oya com and read

Yes JESUS will return.
But that is after the tribulation, as clearly stated in Mathew 24: 29-31

Mathew 24:
Verses 21: says, " For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be"

Verse 22: says, "...for the elects sake those days shall be shortened"
(The Elect; meaning that we are going to be around).

Verses 29 says Immediately after the tribulation..."
(It is clearly stated in The Bible).

Verse 30: says, " And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven"

Verse 31says, " And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."

As clearly stated in
2 Thess 2:1-3

Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

There must be a falling away first. Do you have any idea what this means? The wheat will be separated from the shaft. Those who believe in GOD from those who don't buy profess or pretend that the do.

Scripture over any man.
Religion / Re: The Scriptures That Clearly Describe Rapture; Come See. by Incrizz(f): 3:07pm On Jan 16, 2021
"Pay with your own blood, Pay with your own blood..."

Which blood of yours is that?

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Religion / Re: The Scriptures That Clearly Describe Rapture; Come See. by Incrizz(f): 3:04pm On Jan 16, 2021

So agree with your submission here, but let me add that;
1. The great battle of Armageddon will be fought after the 1000 millinial reign of the Lord. because, during His reign, satan, the beast and his demons will be bound and chained in the Bottomless pit. His human agents who have received the mark shall live to see the saints enjoy their kingdom as it was meant to be before the fall, but wont be able to enjoy thus.

2. There will no resurrection of the left behind saints who resisted the mark and paid with their blood until after the 1000 yrs of the Lord's reign on earth.

During the 1000 yrs period. Satan and his son the Antichrist will be in the Bottomless pit stewing.

The saints will resurrect together with every soul who had ever come to this earth.

And that will be after satan, and the beast have been released and then they will go to every part of the earth to galvanise their soldiers, [b]the Obama's and Bill Gates, the Gorge Soros, the prophet Muhammads, the Adolf Hitlers, the Frederick Nitsches, the Stalin's, the Maos< all the homosexuals and homosexualists, lesbiands, switches and wizards, transgenders, Pedophiles, Astrologers, Necromancers, Sorcerers, Rebellious and lawless criminals, every wicked man and woman all them Democrats who volunteers and do evil to other human beings for satan, they will be roused to fight against the Lord, and the saints, but, they won't be my war, for the Lord shall destroy them at once with the sword which shall proceed out of his mouth.
After this, then there shall be a general resurrection after which follows the White Throne Judgement.
And the scriptures you quoted says it.

I largely agree with you.

Where is it written in Scripture that anyone will pay with his own blood??
So you could have paid with your own blood? So why then did CHRIST die?

You want to nullify the magnitude of what CHRIST did on the cross with some unfounded doctrines of men?
Religion / Re: 666: Have You Seen This? by Incrizz(f): 9:22pm On Jan 14, 2021
Take a look at this


I just watched it.
It is not about health, they need those nano electrodes in as many people foolish enough to allow them inject them.
Religion / Re: 666: Have You Seen This? by Incrizz(f): 9:18pm On Jan 14, 2021

They created christianity themselves, but it is no longer serving the purpose. Many people are waking up from the brain washing and realising it is and was just a scam.

Why do seek a saviour outside of yourself?

Uh-huh never mind.
Religion / Re: 666: Have You Seen This? by Incrizz(f): 7:54pm On Jan 14, 2021

Articulate indeed... smiley

That's some parody or should I say fake account but since what s/he is saying falls right within the ambits of what you conspiracy theorists like to indulge in, you quickly pounced on it.

I repeat, stop reading that book called Revelation. Else, it's gonna drive y'all nay-nuts.

There is forgiveness of sins in CHRIST JESUS, HE loves you.
It not too late to repent please.

Isaiah 42:3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth
Religion / Re: 666: Have You Seen This? by Incrizz(f): 7:10pm On Jan 14, 2021
Please those who have access to CNN follow the world Economic forum from 20th of this month. That is when this things will be signed. The great reset is being championed by bill gates and the president of the IMF. It is not a conspiracy if the people involved have lots of money..

The great reset is coming..christianity has run its course and its era is coming to an end.

Better believe it..

Thank you very much for this info.
I hope it would be on youtube?
There is the other submit they had, WEF, where I saw a clip of Rothschild, I'm correct, saying Donald Trump was in their way. If you have that link kindly share, I lost it.

We need people like you to keep talking.
Please don't stop.
On Nairaland, twitter, facebook.
They may delete it but some will see.

And no Christianity hasn't run its course.
We are going to be around now, through the tribulation, till JESUS return.
For that one soul that would seek The Captain of the Salvation of his soul.
Religion / Re: 666: Have You Seen This? by Incrizz(f): 5:42pm On Jan 14, 2021

Now that we can still talk, we will talk.

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Religion / Re: 666: Have You Seen This? by Incrizz(f): 5:35pm On Jan 14, 2021
Don Smith: "It becomes more apparent with each passing day that Covid-19 vaccines are at the very best unsafe, and at the other end of the spectrum they're completely sinister in nature."

"Covid-related vaccines attack the VMAT2 gene in the body. The VMAT2 gene are what Covid-19 vaccines are designed and engineered to attack. Consequently the VMAT2 gene is also known as "the God gene."

"The VMAT2 gene affects the frontal lobe area of the brain that deals with your emotions and your spiritual connections. These vaccines are mRNA in nature, that is messenger ribonucleic acid. Ribonucleic acid is essential to various biological roles including encodingdecoding, regulation and expression. These vaccines are designed to change your DNA. I want you to listen to this statement by a young man who participated in a clinical trial of a Covid vaccine, and whose mother stated...

Prior to the clinical trail my son was a very active young Christian man." This young man made the following statement, "They have killed God. I can't find God. My soul is dead." That's after participating in a Covid-19 vaccine clinical trial
Religion / 666: Have You Seen This? by Incrizz(f): 5:08pm On Jan 14, 2021
He is not a believer in CHRIST JESUS, or a follower of HIS

Someone asked him a question on the forum and his response is what I want to post below because of how articulate he is. He explained in clear terms what so many people have been trying to explain in bits and pieces.
He is not a Christian mind you.
But I just want you to be aware of what is going on.

The devil's plan was to deceive us into taking the mark of the beast. You were supposed to take the mark of the beast without knowing you were dooming your soul to death.
But GOD exposed the devil in the book of Revelations.

HE told us that we can know what that damnation plan of the devil is, because we would be ceoerced and then later forced to take the mark of the beast or else, we can't buy or sell, or be put to death. HE told us that the mark will be on the forehead or right-hand.

Covid 19 vaccine by pfizer&BioNtech is the mark of the beast. It contains nano particles that will aim to disconnect you from GOD! (I will share someone's post as evidence of this soon on this thread; I have posted it below in the comment section).

What some people are calling conspiracy theories, others like Elon Musk and Bill Gates have been freely discussing as the "future"

You were warned!!!!

Interesting question.

There are several nano-pathogens designed for Operation COVID-19. The aim is a Global Reset. So, a virus had to be engineered for the hunger games. The Corona wave tiers are weaponized versions of the flu with payloads for population reduction, population control, global economic and political reset and preparation to herald the New World Order - a world governed by machines under the management of Quantum AI computation under the supervision of upgraded humans. I think it is going to be a better world than this present system that has failed.

Bear in mind that this flu on its own can not do much damage if not propagated via resonant carrier frequencies boosted by vectors powered by high fidelity internet, especially 5G.

In essence, 5G wire fidelity nodes are capable of putting the brains and the brain waves online. To boost the efficacy of such brain-to brain and brain to machine simulation there is need for nano-level transmitters and transducers to be introduced to the brain for ease of tracking. So, that is where the nanochips in vaccines come in. When you are injected, the nanochip will migrate and log itself to your body as antenne enabling you to transmit your location and biodata to a central computing unit on quantum cloud servers.

So in essence, the vaccines are actually vectors for tracking human behavior and actually hijacking the blueprint of the human system for the next simulation as we will have our digital copies as avatars in the cybernetic reality we are creating using the Quantum Computers. This is how simulations are created, just as this world is a simulation.....................................................And an NPC can become useful enough to merit a player called Higher Self or idle enough to become less interesting and be left to played by AI (sofia system).


I think he meant "Sophia"
Religion / Re: 666: They Want To Declare That Their "God" Is Female by Incrizz(f): 4:52pm On Jan 14, 2021
this is the most enlightening piece i have ever read about ahithopel. May God continue to give you more wisdom. thanks for sharing

Thanks dear.
GOD bless you.

(The second sentence from the bottom in my post you quoted above is supposed to be, "we cannot be deceived" please. Thanks)
Religion / Re: 666: They Want To Declare That Their "God" Is Female by Incrizz(f): 5:11pm On Jan 09, 2021

This particular post is another topic altogether. I just thought posting this here would be better than creating more threads

The son of perdition

Isn't it interesting that JESUS called Judas, who betrayed Him, the son of perdition? A phrase associated with the Antichrist.

The Scriptures fulfilled regarding this statement of JESUS, was a prophecy made by David when he was speaking concerning Ahitophel, popularly known as his trusted adviser.

Psalm 41:9
“Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me.”

But why did JESUS call Judas the son of perdition and the Scripture that was referenced as fulfilled was in connection to Ahitophel?

John 17:12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.

Mathew 26:23 And he answered and said, He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me.

Ahitophel was David's trusted adviser to the point that Scripture records that when he, Ahitophel, gives a counsel, his words were like GOD had counselled.
2 Samuel 16:23
“And the counsel of Ahithophel, which he counselled in those days, was as if a man had enquired at the oracle of God: so was all the counsel of Ahithophel both with David and with Absalom.”

But what a lot of us may not have known about Ahitophel was that he and David were friends, close friends, to the point that they went to Church together.

Psalm 55:14
" We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company.

Ahitophel fellowshipped with David in serving GOD.

Judas fellowshipped with JESUS in serving GOD.

But when Absalom, David's son, called Ahitophel to advise him on how to take the Kingdom from David (who had fled) this is what he, Ahitophel, said,

2 Samuel 17:
1 Moreover Ahithophel said unto Absalom, Let me now choose out twelve thousand men, and I will arise and pursue after David this night:

2 And I will come upon him while he is weary and weak handed, and will make him afraid: and all the people that are with him shall flee; and I will smite the king only:

Ahitophel, David's friend, offered to kill King David himself!

Ahitophel, who had fellowship with David serving GOD betrayed David unto death.

Judas who had fellowship with JESUS serving GOD betrayed JESUS unto death.

When Ahitophel later saw that his counsel was not followed, he hung himself. (if Absalom had followed Ahitophel's advise, he may have succeeded in killing David because he knew exactly where David was but that was not GOD's plan).

Judas hung himself when JESUS crucified.

One who fellowships or serves GOD but goes ahead to betray to death -is the son of perdition.

The Antichrist, the son of perdition, has been linked to the Pope. Well, maybe true. but while you are watching regarding this, kindly also be on the look out for someone who may have been in our midst and fellowshipped and served GOD with us but has gone ahead to betray GOD and now wants to put his children to death.

Scripture says the Antichrist is a vile person but that he would come peaceably and obtain the kingdoms by flatteries.

Keep your eyes open for someone who we may have thought was one of us.
I am saying the antichrist may be some kind of "man of GOD".
That is why I am not entirely discarding the pope theory. But while your eyes are on the Pope, keep scanning for another.

He will declare himself God and will show forth signs and miracles that if it were possible to deceive the elect,they would have been deceived. But we cannot be deceived.

Don't be deceived but watch and pray


Religion / Re: The Scriptures That Clearly Describe Rapture; Come See. by Incrizz(f): 5:06pm On Jan 09, 2021
Upon the Bible messages clearly stated here, some people will still come to argue blindly even against what Jesus said in Matthew 24:31....

No second coming,No rapture as clearly stated, and this will happen only after the tribulation of the church as clearly stated by the Lord Jesus Christ, St Paul and John the Beloved.

After the rapture, The wrath of God falls on the Antichrist and everyone who takes the mark of the beast and worships him.

However many of us will be in the clouds with the Lord Jesus with our trumpets of victory and defeat of the Antichrist, who taught he defeated the saints by persecuting them and those who refused the mark...

We would be surprised many will make rapture, even Muslims, Buddhist, and other false religion when they see the faith of the church and the wonders they do in those days, and would renounce their wrong faith and proclaim for Jesus and prefer to be his matyr.

The ways of God are past finding out.

Wow, you actually understand the full picture. One big event which a whole lot happening at the same time.
You're so blessed...

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Religion / Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Incrizz(f): 1:07am On Jan 06, 2021
GOD be praised.
Religion / Re: The Scriptures That Clearly Describe Rapture; Come See. by Incrizz(f): 1:05am On Jan 06, 2021
Religion / Re: 666: They Want To Declare That Their "God" Is Female by Incrizz(f): 6:07pm On Jan 04, 2021
Do not loose your faith in GOD simply because these people begin to show UEFA or champions league or mobile or TV shows in the clouds for people to watch.

Rather worship the ONE who made the sky and the Heavens above.

The agents of satan keep pushing strongly that the rapture is before the tribulation for a reason.
This is not true please.
Scripture clearly states that this is not true.

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