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Nairaland Forum / Lopsoj's Profile / Lopsoj's Posts
Car Talk / Re: Honda Accord For Sell by lopsoj(m): 12:17pm On Sep 10, 2022 |
Sorry I left that out. The car has been sold. Thanks, check out more of our sales fineboynl: |
Car Talk / Buy Cars by lopsoj(m): 1:16pm On Aug 28, 2022 |
Havens Hub General services offers you awesome and luxurious lists of services ranging from cars of all shades.. This Mercedes CLA250 For 7mill For inquires contact 09050637447 Emails: Havenshubservices@gmail.com
Car Talk / Honda Accord For Sell by lopsoj(m): 6:16pm On May 04, 2022 |
Honda accord baby boy for sell, sound engine, automatic transmission. 650,000. Port Harcourt ozuoba. The owner is traveling out needs the money. DM or call 07044430763
Business / Recharge Cards Printing And POS Business by lopsoj(m): 10:00am On Apr 14, 2021 |
Hello, it is an advantage to start a recharge card business now and Make money, however there are scammers every where and they are developing skills everyday but that shouldn't stop you from researching to find out the legitimate partners in the business. I am into Recharge cards printing business and my business name is Alpha Touch Telecom, I don't only major In recharge cards, I also do POS transaction on a daily basis. What do you need, you need some things in place 1: Laptop 2: A4 paper 3: Printer 4: Data connection 5: flash drive These items will help you run your business smoothly, however if you don't have all, you can use a photocopy business outfit. That can also ease your stress but you have to be sure that the places you choose to use is safe and reliable. After all this is put in place, you need to purchase the printing software for 10,000 or 9,500 depending on the company you choose to partner with. After which you will have to buy e-pins and generate the pins using the software and simply print out your cards all networks are available and accessible. I will give you access to legitimate dealers who sell e-pins and you can make your money and have joy getting customers coming for more daily. POS also gives you access to sell recharge card to customers, but the only challenge you can have is when customers wants some awwoof from Their network provider, they may insist on voucher. Aside that you can sell all networks to your customers and also make your money transactions with huge profit... I will leave my give WhatsApp group link for you that want to have start the business. https:///GOScDb9nGUGGVh3MdOydtc I will guide you till you get started. Plan to start |
Religion / Re: Aborting A Baby Against God's Will Your Take. by lopsoj(m): 12:53pm On Nov 22, 2020 |
Janosky: amen 1 Like |
Events / Re: Ever Gone To An uninvited Wedding Reception Just To Eat Rice? by lopsoj(m): 12:52pm On Nov 22, 2020 |
dazzlingd: one hour you drove down.. that means you were invited... in my case I wasn't invited... lolz |
Events / Re: Ever Gone To An uninvited Wedding Reception Just To Eat Rice? by lopsoj(m): 12:49pm On Nov 22, 2020 |
dawnomike: abi now. some girls on the table I sat even they form self... |
Religion / Re: Aborting A Baby Against God's Will Your Take. by lopsoj(m): 12:03pm On Nov 22, 2020 |
doggedfighter: means the choice made the folks involved a killer, based on God's word "do not kill" |
Events / Ever Gone To An uninvited Wedding Reception Just To Eat Rice? by lopsoj(m): 12:01pm On Nov 22, 2020 |
Yesterday it was a celebration of another new matrimony in many places... I was in my room, with no only Garri and Noodles after taking it, I was still hungry. after some meditation on how to eat for the night, I remembered there are receptions around I just dressed up in one of my native and zoom I was at one reception ground. the event started Abit late so I sat down at the back as I entered the way people were looking at me as if they known I wasn't invited, I simply keep my cool. when the bride and groom was ushered in I took out my phone to snapped them as if I knew them. but in my mind na the rice and coke I came for.. in no time the food was been served. I ate two plate and after sitting for a while, I just left the event to my house.. I was laughing at myself for what I did, so I was like there are also some people who might have had such experiences. wetin man they go through for this country no be small.. Yesterday it was a celebration of another new matrimony in many places... I was in my room, with no only Garri and Noodles after taking it, I was still hungry. after some meditation on how to eat for the night, I remembered there are receptions around I just dressed up in one of my native and zoom I was at one reception ground. the event started Abit late so I sat down at the back as I entered the way people were looking at me as if they known I wasn't invited, I simply keep my cool. when the bride and groom was ushered in I took out my phone to snapped them as if I knew them. but in my mind na the rice and coke I came for.. in no time the food was been served. I ate two plate and after sitting for a while, I just left the event to my house.. I was laughing at myself for what I did, so I was like there are also some people who might have had such experiences. wetin man they go through for this country no be small..
Religion / Re: Aborting A Baby Against God's Will Your Take. by lopsoj(m): 11:41am On Nov 22, 2020 |
Roadsidetaylaw: the doctor says it can take the mother's life.... |
Religion / Aborting A Baby Against God's Will Your Take. by lopsoj(m): 11:33am On Nov 22, 2020 |
It is clearly stated that before a child is born, "God knew him and called him". from this statement it's not part of God to kill an unborn child. Now doctor says to a pregnant woman that the child is not forming well and it will be detrimental to the mother's life.... for me I feel It is not good to abort, because we can see and have heard of children born challenged but are doing well now. people like Nick, cobbams, and many others. Psalms 127:3 sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. and from the present USA election Trump is against abortion and the other is for.. what's your take about abortion when God is against it and doctor says it's detrimental to your life? |
Crime / Re: Before You Commit Suicide Talk To Me First. by lopsoj(m): 9:15pm On Jan 14, 2020 |
ambitiouschap:kindly chat me up sir |
Crime / Re: Before You Commit Suicide Talk To Me First. by lopsoj(m): 1:34pm On Jan 13, 2020 |
UDOKABESTLUV:kwara state |
Crime / Re: Before You Commit Suicide Talk To Me First. by lopsoj(m): 12:10pm On Jan 13, 2020 |
UDOKABESTLUV:where is your location please |
Crime / Re: Before You Commit Suicide Talk To Me First. by lopsoj(m): 10:31am On Jan 13, 2020 |
UDOKABESTLUV:am in kwara state presently but you can chat me up with my number displayed. |
Crime / Re: Before You Commit Suicide Talk To Me First. by lopsoj(m): 4:19pm On Jan 12, 2020 |
usoroh4luv:also note for you to type, you are strong it takes strength for you to hold your phone and type, you just made a decision to type to this trend, every day of our lives we make decisions, when we don't do anything we also have made a decision not to do, when we are poor we decided to be when we have in plenty we decided to have, you have made a decision today. yes, you may not wash your clothes but you have clothes on. you may not was your cloth but you change them. your work tomorrow shows your are not dull and stupid, you only need to decide. now, this world is given to you to enjoy. your live is not consist in what you possess. their are people who possess wealth but are dying in silence and pain. but because they don't come out publicly people don't know and their are people who don't have but are doing fine. the world system makes people feel if they don't have all the all they are good for nothing, that's a lie and deception of the Devil. the earth is the lord and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein. God gave it to you to enjoy. once you leave this world by your our doing. it a lot lot worse, than been amputated on both legs. enjoy here right now go out reach out to people, learn the life of God and see it over shadow you. you are loved, your mind needs to be highly protected. loved 1 Like 1 Share |
Crime / Re: Before You Commit Suicide Talk To Me First. by lopsoj(m): 4:08pm On Jan 12, 2020 |
usoroh4luv:it happens to me too some times ago, but once you can't make things happen, it is a deception the devil wants you to see off yourself meanwhile you are more than enough. switch to shift from lazy views to greater view. it's in you sir. you are loved and lots of value in you |
Crime / Re: Before You Commit Suicide Talk To Me First. by lopsoj(m): 3:30pm On Jan 12, 2020 |
Davash222:ok. credit alert can't solve suicide. some has it yet still commit suicide 3 Likes |
Crime / Before You Commit Suicide Talk To Me First. by lopsoj(m): 12:25pm On Jan 12, 2020 |
Before you(anyone) commit suicide, talk to me first and once you feel I can't help you. You can go ahead. 07033307074 |
Religion / Re: We Can Be Perfect: What The Bible Says About Being Perfect And People Who Were by lopsoj(m): 11:52pm On Jan 07, 2020 |
sonmvayina:well the word of God is clear enough to those who can see it, how ever people chose to see things in different ways, when God told Adam and Eve not to eat, they didn't see what GOD see and neither did they ask questions. but when the deceive came, it makes more sense to them and they could see sense out of no sense. that became the way of life of many people after the lost of the garden, the desendant of Adam and Eve multiply and many turn abruptly against God while the few follow God. EG Abraham till Noah, after the flood, eight came out, out of the eight, some still went agog after sin and it spread life wild fire till david wrote what he wrote in psalms 14:3 of no one doeth good, romans refrences it because of human nature, to teach and tell believers how to conduct themselves in christ not that he was condemning everyone. look at Romans 3:20, therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his {God} sight: for by the law is the knowledge {knowing} of sin. God didn't plan for us to fall, men fall, they chose too. you choose to fall or stay upright, but note the law draws you to sin, the Spirit join you with God. this is also choice. God is always intelligent, man is weak in intelligence |
Religion / We Can Be Perfect: What The Bible Says About Being Perfect And People Who Were by lopsoj(m): 10:44pm On Jan 07, 2020 |
THE cliche is vastly used all over the world, that is NO! BODY CN be PERFECT, ONLY GOD is perfect.this is used in our daily conversations, and in our activites for the day. however, we need to know what the bible says, human words and beliefs is totally different from what the word of God demands from us. I then say this, to say this 'many people don't read their bible, and those who do reads it to suit their life style or even read it to further confuse themselvs, some read to argue, some read it for some many reasons, why many don't even try'. Today our youth don't, they prefer other knowings and studies, than to sit with the word of GOD, now you may say it is boring, yet in the word is life and peace. have we take a good look at how complete we are as humans, with all our body parts functioning properly and in agreement with each other? is it not perfect? we observe the way the tree grows and bears fruit, is that not perfect? have you observe the way the sun rise and set, is it not perfect? those are the doing of God to show how perfect he his in doing things. let come down to us, the bible says we were created in God's image in other words we are exactly God. with this your mind will dispute this fact, and you are saying no oo, i am not God but human. mistakes humans make is they always fight with the truth and embrace lies, it as been from the begining, EVE. even plenty, many, lots of pastors and G O's say we are not God we can't be perfect. how sad. Yet your mobile phones are made by human being, and they make sure it is perfectly made without mistakes, your laptops, planes, buildings, Apps, name them. Right now humans have made a gadget that can read your mind and do lots of things, yet men believe they can't be perfect while they make perfect things. how can perfect arrangement comes out from an imperfect mind, is that possible, that shows us something, humans believes lies about himself and makes perfection out of ordinary things while he himself is not ordinary. Another lies is that we were brought up to believe we can't be perfect and school to not be perfect, once we fall short of doing the right things, we conclude nobody can be perfect, but before doing the wrong things you will notice your mind rejects that wrong thing and you also know the consequences of that actions, but out of impatience and blindness of heart, you went ahead, and then concluded that no body can be perfect because you just made that error. what if you grew up in an environment where you were taught to live and stay perfect, that will automatically become your default settings. meanwhile do you know that their are people who are perfect? there are people like that. but the mind of man makes him believes once he cant be perfect so is every other person, and they voice out this ignorance and many poeple follow suit. not asking questions, the devil simply capitalize on people's ignorance to deceive them. I once told a brother i was perfect, but instead of him to calm down and ask questions how is that possible, he always get more offended at that word, because humans like low things and high things are like blasphemy and believes if i am not perfect how come you will now be. in other words humanity like depravity. Jesus once said i and my father are one and the High Priests where angry at that saying. we where some times darkness, but now are ye light in the lord walk as children of light the bible affirms Ephasians 5:8 NOW let see the scripture stand concerning perfection and those who were in the old and New. Genesis 6:9 KJV These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. this statement is in the bible yet many today in this generation don't believe in anyone being perfect. Job 1:1 KJV There was a main the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and escheweth evil? no wonder he was able to defeat the devil after all. not in this our own generation, they fall for every sin and mistakes, even so called pastors and teach lies and heresy GOD talks about thes men to be perfect and they were perfect. WHAT GOD WANT Deuteronomy 18:13 KJV Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy GOD Dueteronomy 25:15 KJV But thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shalt thou have: that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. people who don't believe they can be perfect don't live long and are always in issues and problem all the time and days of their life's. Job 8:20 KJV Behold, God will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help the evil doers: Psalms 37:37 KJV Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. LET SEE NEW TESTAMENT Luke 6:40 KJV The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master {GOD}. wow, now see why people say i am not God but human they are not yet perfect, many will say we strive towards perfection, yet many who said that are late today, question how will they see god who is perfect? "thing on this" the imperfect disciple is equal with is imperfect master, and a perfect disciple is also equal with is perfect master. selah! John 17:23 KJV I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. believers will have to correct the wrong use of words of nobody can be perfect, because the world those not know perfection, but those in christ do, and john says that they may be one in him and God, then the world we know that God truelly sent JESUS, the reasons many religion dont believe in JESUS yet is because of division and lack of oneness in the body of christ all over the world. because even christain believes he cant be perfect and they still quote that they are made perfect in christ, yet they continue in their imperfection. who is deceiving who? 1 Corinthains KJV Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought 2 Corinthains 13:11 KJV fianlly, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace: and the God of love and peace shall be with you. Galatians 3:3 KJV Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? that means those living in the flesh can not be perfect or made perfect, no wonder many confesses of not be perfect, flrsh is at work, they have not start to live by the principles of the kingdom of God, they don't live by and in the Spirit. Philippians 3:15 KJV Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. Colossians 3:14 KJV whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in christ Jesus. other word for perfect means completeness, mature wholeness, finished, full grown, full age. so we still have babes all over the world, not mature, not perfect Spiritually, emotionally, in marriage, work, in words etc finally, Matthew 5:48 KJV Be ye therefore perfect, even as your father which is in heaven is perfect. to say nobody can be perfect means God is not your father, and you cant see him in heaven, because he can not behold imperfection. I believe this will teach you to stay perfect and die perfect. it worth it. Selah!!! |
Religion / We Can Be Perfect: What The Bible Says About Being Perfect And People Who Were by lopsoj(m): 10:10pm On Jan 07, 2020 |
THE cliche is vastly used all over the world, that is NO! BODY CN be PERFECT, ONLY GOD is perfect.this is used in our daily conversations, and in our activites for the day. however, we need to know what the bible says, the human words and belief is totally different from what they word of God demands from us. i then say this to say this many people don't read their bible, and those who do reads it to suit their life style or even read it to further confuse themselvs, for read to argue, some read it for some many reasons, why many don't even try. today our youth don't, they prefer other knowing and studies to sitting with the word of GOD, now you may say it is boring, yet in the word is life and peace. have we take a good look at how complete we are as humans, with all our body parts functioning properly and in agreement with each other? is it not perfect? we observe the way the tree grows and bears fruit, is that not perfect? have you observe the way the sun rise and set, is it not perfect? those are the doing of God to show how perfect he his in doing things. let come down to us, the bible says we were created in God's image in other words we are exactly God. with this your mind will dispute this fact, and you are saying no oo, i am not God but human. mistake humans make is they always fight with the truth and embrace lies, it as been from the begining, EVE. even plenty, many, lots of pastors and G O's say we are not God we can't be perfect. how sad. yet your mobile phones are made by human being, and they make sure it is perfectly made without mistakes, your laptops, planes, buildings, Apps, name them, right now humans are have made a gadget that can read your mind and do lots of things, yet men believe they can't be perfect while they make perfect things. how can perfect arrangement comes out from an imperfect mind, is that possible, that shows us something, humans believes lies about himself and makes perfection out of ordinary things while he himself is not ordinary. another lies is that we were brought up to believe we can be perfect and school to not be perfect, once we fall short of doing the right things, but before doing the wrong things you will notice your mind rejects that wrong thing and you also know the consequances of that actions, but out of impatience and blindness of heart, you went ahead, and then concluded that no body can be perfect because you just made that error. what if you grew up in an environment where you were taught to live and stay perfect, that will automatically become your default settings. meanwhile do you know that their are people who are perfect? they are people like that. but the man of man makes him believes once he cant be perfect so is the other person, and they voice this ignorance and many poeple follow suit. no asking questions, the davil simply capitalize on people ignorance to decieve them. i once told a brother i was perfect not one brother, but instead of them to calm down and ask questions how is that possible, they always get more offended at that word, because humans like low things and high things are like blasphmey and believes if i am not perfect how come you will now be. in other words humanity like depravity. Jesus once said i and my father are one and the high priest where angry at that saying. we where some times darkness, but now are ye light in the lord walk as children of light the bible affairm Ephasians 5:8 NOW let see the scripture stand concerning perfection and those who were in the old and New. Genesis 6:9 KJV These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. this statement is in the bible yet many today in this generation don't believe in anyone being perfect. Job 1:1 KJV There was a main the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and escheweth evil? no wonder he was able to defeat the devil after all. not in this our own generation, they fall for every sin and mistakes, even so called pastors and teach lies and heresy GOD talks about thes men to be perfect and they were perfect. WHAT GOD WANT Deuteronomy 18:13 KJV Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy GOD Dueteronomy 25:15 KJV But thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shalt thou have: that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. people who don't believe they can be perfect don't live long and are always in issues and problem all the time and days of their life's. Job 8:20 KJV Behold, God will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help the evil doers: Psalms 37:37 KJV Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. LET SEE NEW TESTAMENT Luke 6:40 The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shallbe as his master {GOD}. wow, now see why people say i am not God but human they are not yet perfect, many will say we strive towards perfection, yet many who said that are late today, question how will they see god who is perfect? "thing on this" |
Romance / Re: A Thug Impregnated My Younger Sister by lopsoj(m): 1:58am On Jan 07, 2020 |
Seunaj05:thats our fear for her, and the intreast the thug family has in us releasing the baby and mother to them, alot is at stake, considerinng your example |
Romance / Re: A Thug Impregnated My Younger Sister by lopsoj(m): 1:22am On Jan 07, 2020 |
nabegibeg:she want the baby because abortion is a no go area for her. |
Romance / Re: A Thug Impregnated My Younger Sister by lopsoj(m): 1:18am On Jan 07, 2020 |
nanaman:wow, thanks |
Romance / Re: A Thug Impregnated My Younger Sister by lopsoj(m): 2:58pm On Jan 04, 2020 |
uninspired07:major part of it, asince they are given to marrying more than one, he can later decide to marry more and treat her roughly. 9 Likes |
Romance / Re: A Thug Impregnated My Younger Sister by lopsoj(m): 1:08pm On Jan 04, 2020 |
uninspired07:are you not aware of guys who take advantage of girls because they are friendly, and i state it clearly that she can be cynical too. 7 Likes |
Romance / Re: A Thug Impregnated My Younger Sister by lopsoj(m): 1:06pm On Jan 04, 2020 |
GraGra247:humm, we are christain and we don't encourage abortion. thanks though, will look into " seeking a better future for her" 4 Likes |
Romance / Re: A Thug Impregnated My Younger Sister by lopsoj(m): 1:02pm On Jan 04, 2020 |
2special:we don't want her to go, but looking at the plea from the guy family, because they said once they impregnate a lady they dont reject the baby or the girl in question |
Romance / Re: A Thug Impregnated My Younger Sister by lopsoj(m): 12:58pm On Jan 04, 2020 |
donbachi: but we can't make wrong right, if he has done it the right way, it will be better, now he insult us anyhow he want, can that be a good inlaw, can that be a breadwinner? how would you have handled it if its your sis? you will let it slid, hoping he will become your home breadwinner? what about you being the breadwinner. just saying 28 Likes |
Romance / Re: A Thug Impregnated My Younger Sister by lopsoj(m): 12:51pm On Jan 04, 2020 |
Explicit02: i'm not calling him a thug, thats how he is in the neighbourhood, for privacy sake his picture should have followed the post. and his behaviour is annoying. 20 Likes 5 Shares |
Romance / A Thug Impregnated My Younger Sister by lopsoj(m): 12:35pm On Jan 04, 2020 |
This is to seek for your honest solution to this situation, no insult pls. My younger sister is very friendly, and cynical, but this attitude of hers, is always to the extreme, she mostly lived with our elderly sister and her husband, while they leave her alone at home with their children often, this continue for long. During this time, i was away from home, because my work took me out of town. Before my return, I was informed that my sister was pregnant for a thug she met whenever she was sent on an errand. According to her, this guy always waylaid her on the road threatening her to have sex with him, but she said it happened after she frolic with him and some other friends around the neighborhood, before he started making advances toward her. She is in her early twenties To cut the story short, how they get to become intimate was a surprise to us. Because right now she is with a child and he wants the child to be born, yet he has no regard for any of us in our family, he insult us at will, and he is also a muslim. Recently his family came over to apologise for his misconduct and demand we release the mother and the unborn child to them. meanwhile we do not want to have anything to do with a thug, that has no regard for the family with no sign of remorse. what do you think we can possible do on this issue 27 Likes 3 Shares |
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