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Celebrities / Re: Yul Edochie 'abandons' Wife, Welcome Bouncing Baby With Pretty Actress (photos) by Myk1234: 10:07am On Jun 30, 2021
Fake news
Celebrities / Re: EndSARS: Tory Lanez Speaks On Police Brutality In Nigeria by Myk1234: 9:43am On Oct 22, 2020
No more destruction of our property Yoruba roonu
Tribalist.... Your Divide and Rule won't work this time around
Religion / Re: Father Mbaka Speaks On #EndSARS Protest (Video) by Myk1234: 9:33am On Oct 22, 2020
Do Yorubas know how much others want Lagos destroyed? Hahaha, help them destroy the western Nigeria while they laugh at you in their closet. Alhamdulillah there will not be destructions in my beloved Arewa. How come all those Igbos hate are the targets? Tinubu (from nowhere), Sanwolu (for defeating PDP), Buhari, Oba of Lagos.... hahahaha I hereby declare Yorubas the dumbest ethnic group in Africa
This is not a tribal war.... It's a battle for all Nigerians.... Your DIVIDE AND RULE technique has failed.... It's failed... We fight as one Nigeria
Politics / Re: #ENDSARS: 1 Million Man 24 Hours Prayer And Fasting Update by Myk1234: 7:36am On Oct 22, 2020

1. ```The 14 to 45 year old males will be bearing arms directly whether or not they like it. About half of them will die within the first year of conflict. At least 30% of females in this age range will be raped and probably killed.```

2. ```The bulk of 0 to 13 year olds will grow up as orphans. 10% will be killed in the first year and another 50% will perish from neglect in subsequent years.```

3. ```The population above from 46 to 65 years will have their dreams finally destroyed and will die out rapidly from lack of a will to survive the hardship and stress.```

4. ```The population above 66 years will have no support to survive and will die slow lonely deaths, some through starvation and neglect.```

5. ```Crime rates will multiply ten fold given the unbridled access to arms and ammunition. There will be no safe havens given current trends.```

6. ```Life expectancy will drop to 21 years from the current 47 years.```

7. ```If the conflict lasts longer than one year the worlds largest refugee problem would have been created. Nigerians will flee into Niger,Togo, Ghana, Chad, Benin Republic and Cameroon. A one way journey for most as these countries are completely unprepared for the potential influx of humiliated Nigerians.```

8. ```Through CNN, Aljazeera, SABC, BBC and other media houses we will become the global laughing stock with no idea of what next to do.```

9. ```Present day uncompromising voices will run away to safety. Shamelessly so. The afore mentioned victims will be drawn from ordinary folk.```

*No one (North, South, East, or West, Christian, Muslim etc) will be immune.*


All that you just said is not of God and therefore will not stand .....who speaks and it comes to pass when the Lord has not ordained it

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Celebrities / Re: Ada Ameh's Daughter Is Dead! Actress Loses Only Child by Myk1234: 7:25am On Oct 22, 2020
My condolences
Politics / Re: Remi Tinubu: How I Became A Born-Again Christian While In Exile In USA by Myk1234: 8:59am On Sep 28, 2020
Congratulations to her. Are you a born again, let us learn to preach universal love for all irrespective of sex.

Son: what does the Bible teach about homosexuality and masturbation.

Dad: I do not know and I do not care to know

Son: But you are a Christian

Dad: yes, A Christian who follows the teaching of Jesus. Christ alone and not the Bible.

Son; But Bible contains Jesus teaching

Dad: true. It also contains the teaching of Paul,the teaching of Moses , the teaching of Elijah and many other teaching. As a Christian, I accept the teaching of Jesus Christ.

Son: Ok, Now what did Jesus teach about masturbation and homosexuality.

Dad: Jesus never mentioned any of them literally but he showed us with illaustration how to treat those whose views are different from ours.

Child: How?

Dad: He never condemned the adultrous woman, he visited tax collectors, he dined with sinners. He showered them with love.

Son : does that mean they won’t go to hell?

Dad: would you derive Joy in Watching your loved one in hell?

Son: No I won’t

Dad: good.

Dad: sex is a way of expressing Love. There are different stages of love. The first is love directed to oneself. A child grows up loving himself.Using sexual analogy, the child derives Joy playing with his body, his genital. Jesus said Love thyself.

Son : hmm

Dad: The second is Love of similar specie.The child begins to extend the love to those of closest to him+ family, friend,tribe etc. A boy plays with a boy.A girl plays with a girl. Using sexual analogy, this is homosexual. Christ preached Love your neighbor.

Son : I see

Dad: The third stage of love is where one loves those different from oneself .Jesus said Love your enemy.your enemy is your opponent, opposite,one with a different view. Sexually, one is attracted to the gender different from him.A boy is attracted to a girl and vice-versa.

Son :

Dad: One who hates masturbators and homosexuals and love heterosexual is no different from one who loves others over himself and his peers.Such person is in a third stage of love.

Son : which is the best.

Dad: All of the above.The fourth type. The pansexual. The attraction to all . Self, male, and female. It is universal love. Agape love. Love without condition.

Lies... You are twisting scriptures out of their context... Whoever believes this does so to his own peril

Saving for future reference. I need to think about it first.
Don't believe that... It's totally out of Biblical context.... It's a seed of immorality... Give it a thought and it will germinate and make you a victim
Politics / Re: Remi Tinubu: How I Became A Born-Again Christian While In Exile In USA by Myk1234: 8:41am On Sep 28, 2020
Congratulations to her. Are you a born again, let us learn to preach universal love for all irrespective of sex.

Son: what does the Bible teach about homosexuality and masturbation.

Dad: I do not know and I do not care to know

Son: But you are a Christian

Dad: yes, A Christian who follows the teaching of Jesus. Christ alone and not the Bible.

Son; But Bible contains Jesus teaching

Dad: true. It also contains the teaching of Paul,the teaching of Moses , the teaching of Elijah and many other teaching. As a Christian, I accept the teaching of Jesus Christ.

Son: Ok, Now what did Jesus teach about masturbation and homosexuality.

Dad: Jesus never mentioned any of them literally but he showed us with illaustration how to treat those whose views are different from ours.

Child: How?

Dad: He never condemned the adultrous woman, he visited tax collectors, he dined with sinners. He showered them with love.

Son : does that mean they won’t go to hell?

Dad: would you derive Joy in Watching your loved one in hell?

Son: No I won’t

Dad: good.

Dad: sex is a way of expressing Love. There are different stages of love. The first is love directed to oneself. A child grows up loving himself.Using sexual analogy, the child derives Joy playing with his body, his genital. Jesus said Love thyself.

Son : hmm

Dad: The second is Love of similar specie.The child begins to extend the love to those of closest to him+ family, friend,tribe etc. A boy plays with a boy.A girl plays with a girl. Using sexual analogy, this is homosexual. Christ preached Love your neighbor.

Son : I see

Dad: The third stage of love is where one loves those different from oneself .Jesus said Love your enemy.your enemy is your opponent, opposite,one with a different view. Sexually, one is attracted to the gender different from him.A boy is attracted to a girl and vice-versa.

Son :

Dad: One who hates masturbators and homosexuals and love heterosexual is no different from one who loves others over himself and his peers.Such person is in a third stage of love.

Son : which is the best.

Dad: All of the above.The fourth type. The pansexual. The attraction to all . Self, male, and female. It is universal love. Agape love. Love without condition.

Lies... You are twisting scriptures out of their context... Whoever believes this does so to his own peril
Culture / Re: See What Happened To The 9-year Old Boy Who Married A 62-year Old Lady In 2014 by Myk1234: 7:54pm On Sep 26, 2020
Fashion / Re: 14-Year-Old Chinese Girl Spends £114k On Eye Operations To Look Like Human Doll by Myk1234: 7:46pm On Sep 26, 2020
Vanity! Wrong priority!
Health / Re: Nigerians React As 15-year-old Girl Shares Video Of Herself Smoking Weed "Igbo" by Myk1234: 7:30pm On Sep 26, 2020
Bad company and exposures!
Fashion / Re: 'Human Satan' Slices Off Nose & Gets Horns Implanted Onto His Head (Graphic Pix) by Myk1234: 7:07pm On Sep 26, 2020
Deep spiritual manipulation
Romance / Re: Lesbian Couples Pose For Photo In Lagos, Nigerians React by Myk1234: 7:04pm On Sep 26, 2020
Fashion / Re: German Man Pays £6,000 To Have His Ears Removed So His Head Looks Like A Skull by Myk1234: 2:47am On Aug 28, 2020
what's ur evidence that he is possessed by a demon?. everyone gat to respect theirselves. i know he is not living up to ur taste but he's not doing anything wrong
Indeed, you are LIENUS
Fashion / Re: German Man Pays £6,000 To Have His Ears Removed So His Head Looks Like A Skull by Myk1234: 2:45am On Aug 28, 2020
what's ur evidence that he is possessed by a demon?. everyone gat to respect theirselves. i know he is not living up to ur taste but he's not doing anything wrong
Indeed, you are LINUS
Religion / Re: 10 Most Confused Statements In The Bible That Will Make You Doubt Christianity by Myk1234: 6:18am On Aug 22, 2020
5. During d time of Abraham,there was no law.Where there is no law,sin is not imputed: no one is guilty.It was during d time of Moses after d law had been given that it became incestuous. That's y u quoted Deuteronomy,it was one of the books that contained d many laws God gave to Moses.
6. There is no peace in d world.There is only peace IN CHRIST.He is d Prince of peace.Until u are in Him,u can't be fulfilled.
7.They are contextual. There are times wisdom demands u answer a fool according to His foolishness. There are times it demands you don't, let silence speak. It is contextual.
8. Gen.17:10, it was a seal 4 d covenant dat God had with Abraham. But now,we've a gr8er covenant,a new covenant,& it has made d old one OBSOLETE. And our seal now is no more PHYSICAL CIRCUMCISION but a person,the Spirit of God through whom He circumcises our heart into continuous alignment with Him.
" For if that first covenant had been faultless,then should no place have been sought for the second." Heb.8:7
Religion / Re: 10 Most Confused Statements In The Bible That Will Make You Doubt Christianity by Myk1234: 5:52am On Aug 22, 2020
You are explaining Scriptures out of their context.
1. They didn't commit murder, they served the will of God. Committing murder is serving the will of the flesh.
2. Jacob was encountered by an angel of God.
" Are they (angels) not ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? " Heb.1:14
3.In Eph. the context is saving grace, we were saved by grace through faith. It free. But after we are saved, good work begins, not to earn salvation, we already have it, rather to fulfill the purpose for our been saved...UNTO GOOD WORKS(Eph.2:10). In other words we were not saved BY works but FOR works.
4.Rom.3:23 was spoken in contrast to the ORIGINAL PLAN OF GOD FOR MAN. Job 1:1 was in contrast to the men of Job's generation. Similar thing was said of Noah, but in contrast to the men of his time.
" These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a JUST man and PERFECT IN HIS GENERATIONS, and Noah walked with God." Gen.6:9
TV/Movies / Re: BBNaija: Kaisha Says All Relationships In The House Are Fake, Dorathy Will Win by Myk1234: 6:34am On Aug 20, 2020
Funny enough,those ones wey no dey live like dogs no dey see faithful husband grin
For your mind...keep encouraging yourself to continue in your immoral way...
TV/Movies / Re: BBNaija: Kaisha Says All Relationships In The House Are Fake, Dorathy Will Win by Myk1234: 6:24am On Aug 20, 2020

Even if you don't want to watch it 24hrs, go to twitter and watch clips. It teaches a lot of things. It's not all about immorality. Stop being so judgemental and uptight.
You wish.Carnality!
Better heed to the voice of the Spirit in your heart and flee... or continue encouraging yourself with stupid reasons to continue watching... the ball is in your court
Religion / Re: Where Was Daniel When His Three Friends Were Thrown Into The Fiery Furnace by Myk1234: 11:51am On Aug 06, 2020
Sholay2011 Light!
Foreign Affairs / Re: Beirut Explosion: The Photographer Recording This Scene Died - Report by Myk1234: 11:35am On Aug 06, 2020

I have made peace with Jesus....

Jesus the prince of peace and the almighty God did a womderful miracle for me that was so out of this world.

Bro, truly your message is impactful. I used to hate you but today, I hav dedicated my life to serving God the maker of heaven Nd earth.

God bless you Sir.
Religion / Re: Where Was Daniel When His Three Friends Were Thrown Into The Fiery Furnace by Myk1234: 4:43am On Aug 06, 2020
I was born into a christian family. Fast forward to 2016, I got this revelation of the truth and I'm still getting it till date.
Seducing spirits at work since 2016
Religion / Re: Nigerians; I Saw Flood by Myk1234: 8:28pm On Jul 31, 2020
Flood symbolizes judgement

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Nairaland / General / Re: Man Fulfils 28-year-old Promise, Splits $22M Lottery Winnings With Friend (Pic) by Myk1234: 12:05pm On Jul 30, 2020

lalasticlala Mynd44 ...Is there no longer rules for spamming and preaching in every thread on Nairaland? Can't you guys rein on this guy,?
Do you have any problem with him?
TV/Movies / Re: Bbnaija: 2face Idibia Supports Kiddwaya by Myk1234: 7:28pm On Jul 23, 2020
Useless 2face. Where is his revolution movement?

This nonsense is where his power reaches.

Any youth sitting at home that tweet or watch this bbnaija nonsense is a F.O.O.L and should be ashamed of himself and his generation.

You are out of school and all you do is to watch this nonsense? Are you mad?

What you should be doing is to try and forget all the names of the housemates. When your brain wants to remember any, begin to shout holy ghost fire! Holy ghost fire!!!!

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Health / Re: Lagos COVID-19 Cases Likely To Peak In August - Abayomi by Myk1234: 7:08pm On Jul 23, 2020
Lie! Nothing of Such Will Happen!

I Stand Against those Utterances! I Cancel it!

Covid is Cursed and Gone! No Peaking! No Curving!

It Shall Not Stand! Neither Will it Come to Pass IN THE NAME OF JESUS.... AMEN

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Romance / Re: Masturbation Is Never A Destiny Killer. by Myk1234: 7:15pm On Jul 15, 2020
You wish...
Religion / Re: Happy Birthday To Dr D K Olukoya And His Dear Wife Pastor (mrs) Shade Olukoya by Myk1234: 1:27pm On Jul 15, 2020
Happy birthday servant of God!
Crime / Re: Abandoned Baby Found In A Trash Bin In Ghana (Disturbing Photos, Video) by Myk1234: 10:46am On Jul 13, 2020
Cha E, Nigeria Ladies Get Mind, PLEASE GOD PICK UP MY CALL
The post reads GHANA
Crime / Re: Abandoned Baby Found In A Trash Bin In Ghana (Disturbing Photos, Video) by Myk1234: 4:08am On Jul 13, 2020
Thank God the baby is alive.
Religion / Re: What Gives You Joy And Satisfaction? by Myk1234: 12:31pm On Jul 12, 2020

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