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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: WAEC Recruitment Aptitude Test Let's Meet Here by pearldaisy(f): 5:20pm On Jan 16, 2023
I heard from a reliable source that from next week we'll start receiving invites. Keep your fingers crossed and continue praying

Did you get the message from waec to update your records?

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: WAEC Recruitment 2022 by pearldaisy(f): 8:27pm On Aug 13, 2022

Hello, me too. My center is Benin. I'll be at Sapele road. When you get to Evbuabogun junction at Sapele road, stop there. Lets meet there and take a cab together. Its only cabs that go to that destination. We can both use bolt or taxify, so that we can cut cost.
If you are in, kindly respond and drop your phone number.

I am in, coming from sapele too. Please chat me on WhatsApp or drop your number so I can chat you up

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Programming / Computer Science Ebook!!! by pearldaisy(f): 10:42pm On Oct 24, 2021
Hello guys, anyone has introduction to computer science by c.s french fifth edition? Please, i need it urgently. Searched the web and couldn't find it anywhere.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 9:23am On Dec 14, 2018
Since they've started recruitment for another set of graduate trainees, it's safe to say that's the end of the 2016 recruitment. Those of us called for medicals and documentation and told to hold on for training school, I guess this is the closure we need. So much for first bank being a pace setter.

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: FREE Mini Importation Class 2018 by pearldaisy(f): 3:21pm On Jul 12, 2018
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 12:03pm On Jun 19, 2018
They are done

Really? Why then did they send out those mails and calls for documentation if they weren't going to invite all for training school? Didn't they know the numbers they want before sending those mails? This is my first time to see an applicant getting called for documentation but not invited for training school despite no issue with documents and medicals, not professional at all.


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 9:31pm On May 18, 2018

No, I'm not bothered again, if I receive fine, if I don't life goes on. What about you, have they send you another documentation mail?

No they haven't.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 7:06pm On May 18, 2018

Hi, pls I did documentation since February and I'm yet to get invitation to TS, should I still be hopeful? I've tried contacting HR but they are not responding. Just seeking your opinion.

Hi. Have you gotten TS mail yet?
Technology Market / Re: Mint Unlocked Iphone 8 For Sale by pearldaisy(f): 1:08pm On May 18, 2018
whats your best price

Pls you can call or whatsapp the numbers above for negotiations
Technology Market / Re: Mint Unlocked Iphone 8 For Sale by pearldaisy(f): 12:54pm On May 16, 2018
Are d accessories new or used?

Technology Market / Re: Mint Unlocked Iphone 8 For Sale by pearldaisy(f): 6:43pm On May 13, 2018
Still available
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 6:19pm On May 08, 2018

I thought you joined this April 12th set for the documentation

No I didn't
Technology Market / Mint Unlocked Iphone 8 For Sale by pearldaisy(f): 4:55pm On May 08, 2018
Mint unlocked IPhone 8 64gb, comes with box, charger and earpiece. Price is #200,000. Call or whatsapp

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 3:33pm On May 08, 2018

Hi, pls I did documentation since February and I'm yet to get invitation to TS, should I still be hopeful? I've tried contacting HR but they are not responding. Just seeking your opinion.

I was also contacted in February but haven't heard from them since then though I missed the documentation. Have you tried calling the Hr contact that called you for documentation?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 4:08pm On Apr 11, 2018
Guys, whatever you do, please go with your WAEC certificate, please!

The main source of age verification used by First Bank and other banks is that WAEC certificate, all those affidavits/declaration of age/birth certificates are mere formalities, they can be easily faked.

Whatever you do, take along your WAEC certificate for documentation.

Hi. I sent you a pm pls respond
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 9:24pm On Apr 09, 2018
Please what's the fate of those of us that were called out of the blue for documentation in February but missed it? Have we been sidelined? Just wondering as I didn't get the success mail but was called in February
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 12:04pm On Apr 09, 2018

Easy brother...

it's not a fight.

To be honest, i was alarmed when I saw the offer letter yesterday because I have given up hope and unfollowed this thread after I didn't get documentation mail.

However, I'm glad I got the mail but I got worried when I learnt that some peeps that did documentation hasn't gotten the TS mail.

In my opinion, those that did documentation are in already. And no matter what happens, they'd get the TS mail.

For those of us who hasn't done Documentation and got the mail, I think FBN will come up withan arrangement that will enable us do documentation before 13th.
I also learnt a lot of people who did documentation also got TS mail though.

Let's keep our fingers crossed, pray and hope for the best.

Throwing tantrums and fighting wouldn't do us any good

Hello. Please how did this eventually pan out? Did you resume TS November? And did you have your documentation before then?

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 10:39am On Apr 09, 2018

Yes I got the mail. & I did my AC last July. Apparently they’re still sending to people from then

Okay. I was called some weeks back for documentation but I couldn't make it. Thinking maybe I could do the documentation with this set.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 10:14am On Apr 09, 2018

I totally forgot what address I used in applying. Updated with my current address.

Hi. Did you get the mail too? because if I guess correctly you did AC last year. Just want to know if they still sent mails to people from last year.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 8:30am On Apr 07, 2018

Which HR? FBN or HCP?

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 9:41pm On Apr 06, 2018

Yeah, a week after documentation, and the Hr promised to get back to me when there is an update

Okay. Thanks
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 5:45pm On Apr 06, 2018
Nothing to do now, both the reliable and unreliable news crew have all gone silent

Hi. Have you tried contacting the Hr?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 10:02am On Mar 16, 2018
Probably by May. TS is 3 months and the current batch started in Feb.

Alright. Thanks

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 7:34am On Mar 16, 2018
If u went for documentation in Feb just hold on, you would be joining the next batch.

Do you have an idea when the next batch would be?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 6:43pm On Mar 15, 2018
please, has anyone who did documentation last week received any update?

Hello! Have you been contacted since your documentation?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 3:56pm On Mar 05, 2018
Pls wen did u do yr assessment??

June last year
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 1:12pm On Mar 05, 2018


Ok. I was also called for documentation last week but I couldn't make it. Isn't it supposed to be immediate resumption of training school after the documentation?because that's what I deduced from the conversation
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 9:56am On Mar 05, 2018
please, has anyone who did documentation last week received any update?

Did you do your documentation last week?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 4:07pm On Feb 28, 2018

Depends, did mine July as well. Got a call earlier this week

Hello. I sent you a pm, please respond.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 4:05pm On Feb 28, 2018

At least, it gives you time to wind up your program.

Hi. I sent you a pm, please respond.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2016 Firstbank Graduate Trainee Programme by pearldaisy(f): 7:36pm On Feb 26, 2018
So FBN called me last night and asked if I can resume TS today or tomorrow. A day's notice? Who does that.
I asked to be moved to the next batch, but I was told there might be no other batch after this.

My company requires a 3 months' notice to properly resign, at best - a month. Asking me to resign overnight and resume with you is highly unprofessional, even if it's a graduate trainee position.

Well, there's good news. I got a much better offer from another firm and I'll be joining them in a month. So it's all good for me in the end.

I wish everyone on this thread all the best, from those who have made it through TS, to those who are yet to be called for AC. Be rest assured that if it's meant for you, no one can take it from you.


Hi. How did you go about this? I was also called today to resume tomorrow but I can't possibly make it. I asked to be moved to the next batch too.
Crime / Re: Robbers Shoot Man Dead For Refusing To Give Them His Phone (Graphic Photos) by pearldaisy(f): 11:48am On Dec 09, 2017
RIP To him but he shouldn't have struggled. I was also robbed at gunpoint last month and my phone was collected, interestingly I saw my stolen phone on the technology market section for sale but I'm not even going to bother myself about trying to get it back, I'll just let it go.

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