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The Doctrine Of The Ufos - Religion (108) - Nairaland

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by Xioxing: 11:28pm On May 04, 2020
Just imagine how gullible and lopsided some peeps could be. Who is a genius? Otem? smh
I thank God for the person of 4everGod who is versed in the tricks and antics of the demons possessing Otem.
Otem is acting as if he knows what he is doing while in other words,he is being used by ancient demon, eartum to fulfill a purpose.
That Old serpent is the wisest of all the creatures made, and he is raging because his time is short. Could one imagine such a mastery piece of literature he is delivering through Otem to capture the weak and lowly minds.
4everGod,may God bless you. Otem is finished.
Otem where is a witness to your doctrine? Otem what is the physical proof of the existence of anything you claim in doctufos? Kingdoms are characterized by power and dominions. Prove yours by showing us a scientific breakthrough you have made using your brain.
give that to your god... He needs his meds!!

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by Xioxing: 11:33pm On May 04, 2020

Analytical you say? Oh you want an empirical proof that Otem is possessed with demons? I guess someone with basic intelligence as you should know spiritual elements cannot be proved empirically except through spiritual means.
When it comes to facts,I present one.When it comes to spiritual truth,I speak according to inspiration of the Holy Spirit. If Otem is not possessed, I challenge him to step into Chosen Church at Ijesha bustop Lagos on Thursday by 9am till the end of the service.
Can you prove that Otem is not possessed with demons? If yes, what proof do you have?
Mind you, laws and doctrines of my God take priority over the laws of this world.That is wisdom!
my friend keep Quite!!!
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by Xioxing: 4:16pm On May 05, 2020

If you knew what you were talking about, you would explain how you knew that.

YAHWEH GOD operates on seven levels of Wisdom and Understanding, the least of which is far above Earthly Wisdom and Understanding.

. ISAIAH 55:6-11.

6. Seek ye The LORD while He may be found,
call ye upon Him while he is near:
7. Let the Wicked forsake his Way,
and the Unrighteous man his Thoughts:
and let him return unto The LORD,
and He will have Mercy upon him;
and to our God,
for He will abundantly Pardon.


God therefore told Moses that He was taken aback when Adam and Eve Sinned: HE COULD NOT SEE THAT COMING.

His Mind operates on a Higher Level- actually, SEVEN Higher Levels; He does not expect Stupidity!


ERROR is an innumerable number of possibilities.

Therefore, God had no idea how bad things would get on the Earth, after the Fall of Man.

Therefore it is necessary for God to test and try people whom He relies on to produce results, because that is the only way to be sure that we can be trusted. The Bible gives examples of what happens when Men of God fail.

That I do.

The Moon is a Light of its own.




How do you know that what The Bible called a "BOOK" is not something even more advanced than that, but The Bible just dumbed it down, so that the Ancients could understand it?

The Bible talked about DOCUMENTS that were READ by EATING them.

There was a SCI-FI movie: AEON FLUX- where messages were sent in the form of PILLS, and INSECTS.

Assembly of God Pastor ROLAND S. BUCK had a vision experience where he was taken out of his body to Heaven, and God wrote 120 events that would happen in his experience, before Jesus would return.

He wrote it on a parchment- Roland Buck said that it was not as Humans write: THE WRITING JUST APPEARED.

Then he said that he could not have had time to read all of the document, but, as soon as he LOOKED at the page, its information EMBEDDED ITSELF EIDETICALLY in his mind, so that he could not forget any part of it.

Event 118 was his own death.

[See: ANGELS ON ASSIGNMENT, by Charles & Frances Hunter.]

That is your type of brain that you are describing.

My God deals with people who are much more Disciplined.

. MATTHEW 7:21-29.

21. "Not every one that saith unto me, 'Lord, Lord,'
shall enter into The Kingdom of Heaven;
but he that doeth The Will of my Father
Which is in Heaven.
22. "Many will say to me in That Day,


23. "And then will I profess unto them,


24. "Therefore whosoever heareth
these Sayings of mine,
and doeth them,
I will liken him unto a Wise Man,
which built his House upon a Rock:
25. "And the rain descended,
and the floods came,
and the winds blew, and beat upon that House;
and it Fell not:
for it was founded upon a Rock.
26. "And every one that heareth
these Sayings of mine,
and doeth them not,
shall be likened unto a Foolish Man,
which built his house upon the Sand:
27. "And the rain descended,
and the floods came,
and the winds blew,
and beat upon that House;
and it Fell:
and Great was The Fall of it."
28. And it came to pass,
when Jesus had ended these Sayings,
the People were astonished at his Doctrine:
29. For he Taught them as One having Authority,
and not as the scribes.


These don't change to anywhere.


There is no room in the Human brain to store more than a few months of memories.

Another thing Science lied about.

GOD SAYS that it is their fault: YOU say that it is not.



What is wrong with that?

How dare you call it a "BRIBE."

"BRIBERY": is your level of thinking.

Have you ever reared an animal of any sort before?

How would you feel, if you have been raising this beast for one, two, three years- and then you had to KILL it- not because you were HUNGRY, but because YOU INDULGED YOURSELF, AND SINNED?

. NUMBERS 15:27-31.

27. "And if any soul sin through ignorance,
then he shall bring a she goat of the first year for a sin offering.
28. "And the Priest shall make an Atonement
for the soul that sinneth ignorantly,
when he sinneth by ignorance before The LORD,
to make an Atonement for him; and it shall be forgiven him.
29. "Ye shall have One Law for him
that sinneth through ignorance,
both for him that is born among The Children of Israel,
and for the Stranger that sojourneth among them.
30. "But the soul that doeth ought presumptuously,
whether he be born in the Land, or a Stranger,
the same reproacheth the LORD;
and that soul shall be cut off from among his people.
31. "Because he hath Despised The Word of The LORD,
and hath Broken His Commandment,
that soul shall utterly be cut off;
his iniquity shall be upon him."


These things PAY for one's Sin, and make it JUST for God to forgive.


That is the entire point of THE GOSPEL.

. JOHN 14:21-27.

21. "He that hath my Commandments, and keepeth them,
he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me
shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him,
and will manifest myself to him."
22. Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot,
"Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us,
and not unto the World?"
23. Jesus answered and said unto him,
"If a man love me, he will keep my words:
and my Father will love him,
and we will come unto him,
and make our abode with him.
24. "He that loveth me not keepeth not my Sayings:
and the Word which ye hear is not mine,
but The Father's which sent me.
25. "These things have I spoken unto you,
being (yet) present with you.
26. "But The Comforter, (which is) The Holy Ghost,
Whom The Father will send in my Name,
He shall teach you all things,
and bring all things to your remembrance,
whatsoever I have said unto you.
27. "Peace I leave with you,
my Peace I give unto you:
not as the World giveth,
give I unto you.
Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid."


Rather, you think that He will talk to someone else, who will then talk to you.

What nonsense is that?


That was the entire point of THE GOSPEL!

. JOHN 15:1-8.

"I AM The True Vine,
and my Father is the Husbandman.
2. "Every branch in me
that beareth not fruit
He taketh away:
and every branch that beareth fruit,
He purgeth it,
that it may bring forth more fruit.
3. "Now ye are clean through the Word
which I have spoken unto you.
4. "Abide in me, and I in you.


no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
5. "I am The Vine, ye are the Branches:


for without me ye can do nothing.
6. "If a man abide not in me,
he is cast forth as a branch,
and is withered;
and men gather them,
and cast them into The Fire,
and they are burned.
7. "If ye abide in me,
and my Words abide in you,
ye shall ask what ye will,
and it shall be done unto you.
8. "Herein is my Father glorified,


so shall ye be my Disciples."


Scientists now say that there was no "Big Bang."


STEPHEN HAWKING and HENRY PENROSE had some model that theu cooked uo to explain that the Universe never had a beginning, and will never have an End.

All vain nonsense, of men pretending to know things they do not.

All of this is a not-so-elaborate deceit of The Devil to cheat you our of EVERLASTING LIFE.

. THE TEN TALENTS. (Matt. 25:1-46.)


Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by Xioxing: 4:18pm On May 05, 2020

1. After these things, Daoud began to feel weak. For the disease which the angels of Nymphidis had poured out had greatly affected him. And Daoud told Nathan his son what he shall do, saying, go after Simei and Abiatar the priests and kill them.
2. Kill also Joab whom I have kept in prison. And do not spare Jonathan and Adonijah the sons of Solmani also. Find them and kill them all.
3. And you shall live long on the throne of Yacob. And you shall do according to the commandments of our Lord. Do not keep the scribes away from you. Let them write the things according to the leading of the lord.
4. So shall I be happy in the Valley of the Shadow of Death which I shall go, for I know that our lord shall not deliver my soul into hell.
5. And if he chooses to do so, he shall not leave my soul forever in hell. But he shall have mercy on me and take me to the holy hill at Beth-El because I have walked uprightly before him.
6. And on the holy hill of my Lord shall I be. And I shall be with the son of my Lord forever. The Lord has said to my Lord that he should sit at his right hand until he has conquered Babylon and make them a footstool.
7. Therefore we shall no more see Yeshua until the time of the future when he shall come again into the world. And through our lineage shall Yeshua be born.
8. Now O Nathan, make yourself strong and rule Yacob according to the direction of the Lord our God.
9. When Daoud had said so much, he said to Nathan, find me a virgin, peradventure I can pass this my disease unto her and live for yet another year. Then Nathan found Abishag. And Sadok, one of the priests of the land performed a ritual.
10. And he killed a she-goat which was a virgin and gave the blood of it to Abishag, saying, drink all of it. Then Abishag drank the blood and bath with the rest of it. And the disease of Daoud was not cured, neither was Abishag affected by the disease after lying with Daoud.
11. Then Sadok said, the Lord has determined to kill you, O Daoud, and you shall not be spared. And no amount of goats or virgins can take away your illness, because it is a sickness to death.
12. So Daoud died of the disease while the strength of Abishag remained.
13. Then Nathan married Abishag and gave birth to Mattatha
14. Now after the death of Daoud, Nymphidis sent Ahijah the prophet of thummim to Nathan, saying, release Roboam the son of Solmani and let him be king over Sumeria. And you Nathan shall be king over Jew, because your father disobeyed me and I killed him.
15. And I have said that I shall give to him the lesser portion of Yacob forever.
16. So Nathan obeyed Nymphidis and he went with Sadok the priest and anointed Roboam king over Sumeria. And Roboam was dipped in the water for cleansing, according to the tradition which Yacob learnt from Ishtar, the goddess.
17. And Roboam was named Jehoboam when he was brought out of the water. And he became king over Sumeria.
18. Then in those days did Nathan kill Jonathan the son of Solmani and Abiatar also. And he killed also Joab and Simei, according to the commandment of Daoud. But Nathan himself was tormented to death by Largas seven years into his reign in the land of the Jews.
19. And Mattatha his son became the king of the Jews when he was seven years old.

Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by realmindz: 4:42pm On May 05, 2020
my friend keep Quite!!!

Take it easy Xioxing, some of the "homos" you quote have had a refined thinking process, example is Godd.y
He has moved on, though I do not know his current views on religion but he is no longer the person whom u quoted

Also 4evergod, the anti-otem, he was one of his greatest critic...he has long been busted for fraud related offences and has long left nairaland, although he might have reincarnated in another moniker.
This thread leave some memories behind
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by Xioxing: 4:45pm On May 05, 2020

Sorry i didnt bother to read all this garbled garbage because from ur moniker i knew straight away, u're a circus clown with a bigotry tendency.

My GOD reveals himself to the church.. He doesn't owe u an explanation you agent of the devil himself.

Like i said, you're a circus clown. So i'm not surprised. I know you're yearning for my attention..i'll give you..

You can run along now kid.. Or better still, go kill urself because Jackson doesn't give 2cent about u..


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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by Xioxing: 5:33pm On May 05, 2020

Take it easy Xioxing, some of the "homos" you quote have had a refined thinking process, example is Godd.y
He has moved on, though I do not know his current views on religion but he is no longer the person whom u quoted

Also 4evergod, the anti-otem, he was one of his greatest critic...he has long been busted for fraud related offences and has long left nairaland, although he might have reincarnated in another moniker.
This thread leave some memories behind
ok thanks for letting me know this... I am really angry and I feel challenged why because all my years I have been working towards serving the crazy lunatic god and all this period each time I go to their sanctuary...the confused priest I meet will always tell me that I am from the Marine world and I need to come to Jesus or I will die before I turn 20... But after I turned 20 a few years back I couldn't focus on my music anymore cause I thought I was going the wrong path and I should be serving Jesus..... Not until I started asking deep questions from nature silently about the existence of everything that I realized There is a God which exit and he has given us everything we need to survive on Earth...that was my conclusion and I have been living with that...then I stopped praying but each time I saw the Bible I felt like I was going to hell for going against it.... A battle has always been going on in my head as to what is right and wrong..but thankfully I saw this thread last week... Just reading 5-6 pages of it...all the answers I have asked myself was revealed and you know what I did I destroyed that contradictory, false book called the Bible.... I swear ever since last week I did that and paid a visit to the beach...I felt like I am living... You know that feeling when you are out of confinement? That's how I feel...my life now is coordinated I no longer try to please any god but I am doing that which is right and I feel greatly blessed..... Last few days ago I swore to help otem spread his message through my music and when I said that I didn't know how to start or funds but believe me yesterday.... I got a 14million naira sponsorship money from my dad.... I am never going to stop and until I die...i will assist in this fight against this deceptive gods with everything I am blessed with by the universe!!!


Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by realmindz: 2:46pm On May 06, 2020
ok thanks for letting me know this... I am really angry and I feel challenged why because all my years I have been working towards serving the crazy lunatic god and all this period each time I go to their sanctuary...the confused priest I meet will always tell me that I am from the Marine world and I need to come to Jesus or I will die before I turn 20... But after I turned 20 a few years back I couldn't focus on my music anymore cause I thought I was going the wrong path and I should be serving Jesus..... Not until I started asking deep questions from nature silently about the existence of everything that I realized There is a God which exit and he has given us everything we need to survive on Earth...that was my conclusion and I have been living with that...then I stopped praying but each time I saw the Bible I felt like I was going to hell for going against it.... A battle has always been going on in my head as to what is right and wrong..but thankfully I saw this thread last week... Just reading 5-6 pages of it...all the answers I have asked myself was revealed and you know what I did I destroyed that contradictory, false book called the Bible.... I swear ever since last week I did that and paid a visit to the beach...I felt like I am living... You know that feeling when you are out of confinement? That's how I feel...my life now is coordinated I no longer try to please any god but I am doing that which is right and I feel greatly blessed..... Last few days ago I swore to help otem spread his message through my music and when I said that I didn't know how to start or funds but believe me yesterday.... I got a 14million naira sponsorship money from my dad.... I am never going to stop and until I die...i will assist in this fight against this deceptive gods with everything I am blessed with by the universe!!!

I understand your anger..
We live in a society that is highly superstitious and religious, people will discriminate u, despise u with with an hatred u can't explain simply because u did not belong to their delusional views.
People can't handle the reality and they will rather not associate with people who handle reality. Stay safe out there, because the "holy" people are the real satan they fear.
They speak of the mark of the beast, the mark of the beast is simply religion. You can't associate, trade, marry, mingle freely as long as u haven't accepted the mark of the beast which is religion


Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by coocoon: 5:43pm On May 06, 2020
please otem can you bless me with a book here's my email richmdjames@gmail.com please reach me my soul need to know the truth
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by MrUnity: 9:57am On May 07, 2020
All this talk of God, religion, UFOS, who e epp...pple are home hungry...unemployment is un the rise...pple are loosing jobs...Youths are going into crimes deh never intended.... Ur doctrine @otem has a little truth in it..but ofcos like all doctrines its a half truth...Mind u during meditation ur mind is exposed to both the negative and the positive state u can easily be influenced from the negative realm thinking u are still in contact with the positive realm. Also not all things in the Bible are true same way not all is false.. but what is true and what is false should not be our concern for now....Our concern should be how are going to come together as intelligent youths of this country...how can we set up a community of our own were everyone benefits....the greatest resource on earth is not gold or oil, but the human resource. I want us to use this forum to discuss how we can make our lives better....The gods can do nothing that we cannot do for ourselves .
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by drLammy(m): 10:51am On May 07, 2020
All this talk of God, religion, UFOS, who e epp...pple are home hungry...unemployment is un the rise...pple are loosing jobs...Youths are going into crimes deh never intended.... Ur doctrine @otem has a little truth in it..but ofcos like all doctrines its a half truth...Mind u during meditation ur mind is exposed to both the negative and the positive state u can easily be influenced from the negative realm thinking u are still in contact with the positive realm. Also not all things in the Bible are true same way not all is false.. but what is true and what is false should not be our concern for now....Our concern should be how are going to come together as intelligent youths of this country...how can we set up a community of our own were everyone benefits....the greatest resource on earth is not gold or oil, but the human resource. I want us to use this forum to discuss how we can make our lives better....The gods can do nothing that we cannot do for ourselves .

Have you read the thread yet? Cuz you are still saying the same thing Otem has been saying using different wordings... Our purpose of existence is to make the world a better place in which religion has been a factor holding it back
Now when you look at countries using their head/Brain putting religion aside they live in a better world than ours.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by OtemAtum: 11:45am On May 07, 2020
Chapter Nine
1. In the middle of the 14th century, from the 281,346th year of the homo sapiens era to the 281,354th year of the homo sapiens era, which was also called 1346CE to 1354CE, a great plague arose in Asia and Europe.
2. This plague was it which was later know to many as the black death, having killed millions of people in those days.
3. Now amidst the wars ongoing daily among the Muslims and Christians in Europe, the disease arose from Asia and found its way to Europe and then later North Africa.
4. Now at the beginning of the plague, when people began to die, the Christians said, this is the judgement of our god upon the wicked people. Watch for this disease will not touch any of the righteous ones.
5. Now shortly after, five Catholic cardinals died in one day. Then fear gripped the church. Now earlier, the Christians had rejoiced when it first began to kill the Muslim clerics in their land.
6. And they had said, these people are the anti-christs and the judgement of our god is consuming them now.
7. Now the Muslims replied them in those days, saying, it is our god who has sent it upon us so that we could hastily go and meet him in heaven.
8. And upon you Christians and other unbelievers, it is a punishment to quickly bring you down to hell fire because you did not accept Islam.
9. Now in the countries of the Muslims, it was forbidden that anyone should make any attempt to treat the plague, because they said that it was from their god, therefore it was foolishness to try to treat it.
10. Now because they did not tackle the plague on time, it killed them in a very large amount.
11. Then in Europe, these were some of the excuses which the Christians gave concerning the black death plague:
12.They said that the world was already coming to an end. Some said that their god was angry because of the amount of sodomy, cross-dressing and the likes.
13. Some said that the anti-christs were already attacking them in form of spiritual beings who cannot be seen with the eyes.
14. Some even said that their god and the devil were fighting again in the heavens and some deadly inivisible things dropped down from heaven to the earth, being the weapons used by their god and the devil.
15. Now when the plague persisted, it was declared that many homosexuals and sodomites be brought forward and killed because they claimed that it was as a result of their sins that the plague came initially.
16. Therefore four hundred and twelve people were fetched, being accused of the crime of sodomy and homosexuality. Then they were burnt at the stake, saying, let your sins follow you to the dust.
17. Let our lands be cleansed of filthiness and let holiness be restored again. For our god will certainly put this plague to rest permanently.
18. Now when they had waited to see the plague disappear, it worsened and continued to kill them in large numbers, bringing a great confusion among them in those days.
19. Now these were some of the people killed for the accusation of commiting sodomy, homosexuality, incest and masturbation during the periods of the plague:
18. Darmian, Justus of Samoa, Francesco Silas, Jim Bible, Giovanni di Giovanni, John Low, Erigg Durad, Marcus de Damascus, Phillip Louis, Barry Newman, Josep Ether, Maximus of Sicily and many others.
19. When the plague continued, there was severe hunger in the land and a great famine descended on it. Then many of the Europeans began to flee towards Africa.
20. And by so doing, they brought the plague to the northern part of Africa also. And most parts of Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and even Morocco were not spared of it.
21. Now when the hunger was severe, the people began to eat rodents for food, not knowing that the host of the plague itself was what they were eating.
22. Therefore more and more people had the plague and continued to die. Then many locked themselves up inside their houses and many committed suicide.
23. Now a man, whose name was Berislav, began to question their god in a land called Ragusa? For he walked about in the empty streets shouting with a loud voice, saying;
24. If Yahweh our god is not blind, his eyes should be tired of seeing this great horror. If he is not lame, he would have risen to help us bring stability this moment. If he is not deaf, he would have heard the loud cries of the helpless babies whose parents have died in this plague.
25. If he is not wicked, he would have ended this plague this moment. If he is not sick, he would have stood firm to do something about all these death here and there.
26. If he is not powerless, he would have known how to prevent this plague from occuring. If he is not foolish, he would have known that humans must continue to be humans whom they are and sending us plague can never stop us permanently from doing things which humans do.
27. If he exists and is still in control of the affairs of the earth, then he is not a merciful god as we think him to be.
28. Now the people of Ragusa, who were hiding in their homes away from the plague, came out in large number to stone Berislav to death.
29. And they numbered up to five hundred people who came out when they heard the voice of Berislav as he moved about from one Street to another to speak against their god.
30. Then they stoned him to death without involving the government. Then many of those who stoned Berislav infected one another with the plague and died of it.

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by Xioxing: 11:50am On May 07, 2020

1. Now when Esias was rejected by the king and many homos of Jew, he went up to the mountain to Yeshua and wept, saying, the homos of Jew have rejected the things which I told them.
2. For Hezekias had refused to hear from me anymore, because he has read the ancient books of the Egyptians.
3. Now Yeshua said, O Esias, you have done so great among them. And you shall need rest now. For when you rest, the scrolls which you have written shall not rest.
4. For the words in the scrolls are more terrifying and tormenting than the things which are in reality. For by your words shall things change in the future.
5. Now O Esias, rest upon this mountain Zion. For I have sent the remaining prophets of mine to all the lands of Sumeria and Jew to gather everyone to Zion here, so that they can freely do their worship to me.
6. Now this holy hill shall forever be my throne. And Zion shall be my footstool.
7. Now O Esias, the time shall come when those who are poor in their thoughts and minds shall worship me by the words which are in the books which you have written.
8. And they shall fear when they read my Word. And the daily sacrifice which Moussa commanded towards Yahweh shall be abolished by me.
9. And I shall bring an abomination into the world, which is the abomination that causes destruction and condemnation of mind and soul.
10. Now O Esias, the time is near when I shall come to the earth with fire. And I shall make my anger known like flames of fire.
11. And all the enemies of Jew shall fear. For I shall plead with their minds by fire and sword. And I shall pierce the minds of many of them with my sword, which is my word.
12. And they shall be killed in their minds such that they shall submit to my will. And they shall be many among all flesh who shall submit to my fearful words.
13. And my fame shall spread to the Ludims and the Pulims and to Tarshish and to all the lands around Egypt.
14. And it shall spread also to all the lands of the dark homos; to Kirima and to the Ethiopians and Aethiopians. And even to all the lands of Negre shall it spread.
15. For by the words which are written by my prophets shall the world know me and fear.
16. And a time shall come when many shall gather to Jerusalem to worship before me. And on the day of rest shall they worship me, every day of their lives.
17. And among them shall I ordain priests. And I shall gather all they who refuse to worship me into one place and kill them.
18. And they who worship me shall see the dead bodies of them and shall fear, worshipping before me continually.
19. Then Esias said, when shall you do all these things? For many have refused us because of the lengthiness of the time of the fulfillment of our prophecies.
20. For till today, Eliash which we have declared to return has not returned. And even when Moussa died, many believed that he shall return, but till these days, he did not.
21. And Yeshua said, if the scribes shall decide to make them return, so shall it be. For if the scribes of Jew shall agree to write about his return, then shall it be.
22. For the scribes are powerful enough to bring changes.
23. And I shall make a new heaven and a new earth, which shall not pass away. And your name O Esias shall remain like the new heaven and the new earth among the homos of the world forever.
24. And everyone who does not worship me shall be burnt up in an unquenchable fire, forever with worms which do not die.
25. So Esias rested on the mountain and wrote more things into the scrolls.

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by OtemAtum: 11:59am On May 07, 2020
All this talk of God, religion, UFOS, who e epp...pple are home hungry...unemployment is un the rise...pple are loosing jobs...Youths are going into crimes deh never intended.... Ur doctrine @otem has a little truth in it..but ofcos like all doctrines its a half truth...Mind u during meditation ur mind is exposed to both the negative and the positive state u can easily be influenced from the negative realm thinking u are still in contact with the positive realm. Also not all things in the Bible are true same way not all is false.. but what is true and what is false should not be our concern for now....Our concern should be how are going to come together as intelligent youths of this country...how can we set up a community of our own were everyone benefits....the greatest resource on earth is not gold or oil, but the human resource. I want us to use this forum to discuss how we can make our lives better....The gods can do nothing that we cannot do for ourselves .
Your last statement makes a lot of sense and that's what even this HISTORY has revealed in many instances. So we are not contradicting each other. But before what you stated up there could be achieved, I mean you saying that we youths should discuss how we can make our lives better, we have to first agree on what is true and what is not true. This is what the Europeans, Asians and the Americans did first in form of philosophies, then they set out on the adventure of explorations and inventions. We Africans are still in the philosophical state, whereby we check what we have been made to believe, we unlearn and relearn.

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by Nobody: 12:04pm On May 07, 2020
Chapter Nine
Then many of those who stoned Berislav infected one another with the plague and died of it.
Your previous post before the quoted one was hidden?
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by MrUnity: 12:23pm On May 07, 2020
@Otem...Nigeria is a country with many tribes and culture...with different religious beliefs. but in the private sector and public sector u still find these diverse set of pple working together. Why?
Everyone wants to be valued everyone wants to have a purpose for living. Thats y they come together because of a purpose, a purpose that would benefit them all. Paper money doesn't have any inherent value but people are risking their lives for it because they perceive it would give their life a purpose. A purpose is what people need its what would make people put aside their differences. Perhaps u should ask Ertum how to end unemployment rather than revealing which god is which cos e no epp anybody rather it would just divide ppl the more...why do u think religion is so strong ? Because their are plenty people that are poor and looking for any form of hope. Na only person wey chop belle full deh wait for 9'Oclock news.

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by OtemAtum: 4:16pm On May 07, 2020

Your previous post before the quoted one was hidden?
The antispam bot banned me yesterday
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by Nobody: 4:21pm On May 07, 2020
The antispam bot banned me yesterday
Maybe you can snap it and post the picture instead.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by OtemAtum: 4:21pm On May 07, 2020
@Otem...Nigeria is a country with many tribes and culture...with different religious beliefs. but in the private sector and public sector u still find these diverse set of pple working together. Why?
Everyone wants to be valued everyone wants to have a purpose for living. Thats y they come together because of a purpose, a purpose that would benefit them all. Paper money doesn't have any inherent value but people are risking their lives for it because they perceive it would give their life a purpose. A purpose is what people need its what would make people put aside their differences. Perhaps u should ask Ertum how to end unemployment rather than revealing which god is which cos e no epp anybody rather it would just divide ppl the more...why do u think religion is so strong ? Because their are plenty people that are poor and looking for any form of hope. Na only person wey chop belle full deh wait for 9'Oclock news.
I don't need to ask anyone how to end unemployment. We already know how to do it. The person who called for it was arrested for months and finally released. Human beings created unemployment and they can end it by being humane. If everybody in Nigeria can be humane, unemployment will be gone for good. But what will make inhumane people become humane overnight? cool

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by dazzlingd(m): 7:36am On May 08, 2020

Your last statement makes a lot of sense and that's what even this HISTORY has revealed in many instances. So we are not contradicting each other. But before what you stated up there could be achieved, I mean you saying that we youths should discuss how we can make our lives better, we have to first agree on what is true and what is not true. This is what the Europeans, Asians and the Americans did first in form of philosophies, then they set out on the adventure of explorations and inventions. We Africans are still in the philosophical state, whereby we check what we have been made to believe, we unlearn and relearn.

Well said, I can't agree more
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by OtemAtum: 11:03am On May 08, 2020
Chapter Ten
1. Darmian Anders was a male homo sapiens born in the 281,325th year of the homo sapiens era., Also called the 1325CE.
2. He was born in a land now found in Denmark. Now when Darmian was in his youthful age, the plague called Black Death, reached Denmark.
3. Now Darmian had two wives before the plague, but they both died by the plague. Then he wept so much for his wives, but they had a female child each for him.
4. Now the name of the first child was Sophina and her mother's name was Anja, while the name of the second child was Ella while her mother's name was Karla.
5. When Sophina and Ella were aged 8 years and 7 years respectively, they looked very beautiful in appearance.
6. In those days, a man named Galen, who was a clergy in the St. Magnus Church at Kirkjubør, began to cast his eyes at the daughters of Darmian.
7. He wanted to have sex with them. Therefore he began to find a way to become a friend to their father. Then he became a close friend to Darmian within few days.
8. Around this period, the plague had ceased in all the lands in Denmark and Norway, therefore normal activities had commenced fully.
9. And the people of those lands had believed that their prayers to their god had been answered. For they thought that the going away of sicknesses and diseases was the function of their god.
10. After three months of intimate friendship, Galen thought of fulfilling his inordinate desire, therefore he visited the home of his friend when he knew that he had gone to the farm.
11. Then he tried to force the two sisters to have sex with them, but they escaped after giving him a hard bite on his nipples.
12. When Darmian returned, his children reported the deed of his friend to him. Then he visited Galen in his farmhouse and criticised him heavily.
13. And he said, you cannot go near my children, for they are everything to me. They are both my wives and my mothers. They are my friends and companions. They are everything in this life to me.
14. Desist from them or else I will report you to the bishop. For this is unholiness and you know how the church frowns at this.
15. Now Galen felt threatened, therefore he began to think of a way to put Darmian in trouble.
16. Around that time, the plague broke up among the people of Kirkjubør again, killing many. Then some of those who had the plague ran to the St. Magnus cathedral to seek protection for their lives.
17. But the bishop shut the door of the cathedral against them to prevent his own life and the life of those who were in the cathedral with him.
18. Now they heard the cries of the people and the bangs on their door, but they did not open to them for fear that they might be afflicted by the disease.
19. Now the bishop was moved by the noise, then he called all the people in the cathedral together, saying, what is the cause of this new plague emergence?
20. Have we not prayed long prayers before our god for many months before he finally granted our request five months ago?
21. And we recorded no infection and no single death these five months, believing that our god has answered us. How then did this plague return so soon?
22. Now Galen saw it as an opportunity to implicate Darmian who had once threatened to report him to this same bishop.
23. Then Galen said, I will no more keep silent concerning the truth of the matter. For truly I have made a friend with a farmer named Darmian, the son of Anders and he has told me something abominable, having confided in me.
24. Was it not Darmian who told me that he has gotten married to his two daughters and having sexual affairs with them perpetually? Is this not the cause of the return of the plague to our land?
25. When the bishop heard it, he said, surely this is the cause of the return of the plague to us. Therefore fetch Darmian for me so that he would be tried.
26. Then Darmian was brought before the clergy to speak in defence of himself. Then he said, Galen has told a great lie against me. For I did not tell him that my I have sex with my daughters.
27. Rather, I made an expression to show my intimacy with my children, saying that they are my wife and my mother and also my friends and companions.
28. Anybody could have uttered this kind of speech, knowing quite well that it is only figurative.
29. But to tell you the actual truth, it was Galen who attempted to tape my daughters and I went to warn him from repeating such action. And it was at that time I made this statement.
30. Now Galen denied the allegation, saying, if what you say that I did was true, why did you not report me to the church? But you know that you are telling a lie against me.
31. Now the bishop said, Darmian we have established the truth that you actually committed the crime of incest, having sex with your own children. Therefore you shall be judged and condemned for this act.
32. For it is because of your sinful act that our god brought back the plague. Therefore you shall not be spared in this. But you shall be burnt at the stake.
33. Now Darmian said, think you people, think. For if I am the cause of the plague which returned to our land, how then do I have no sign of the plague on me?
34. For both my daughters and I are free of this plague while those who are innocent are dying of it. Does this not give you a reason to think deep?
35. If I die in my innocence, let the earth judge you and your actions forever. Let the Light reveal the truth of the matter to those who care to know it.
36. Now the lamentations of Darmian and his daughters did not move the clergies. Rather, they called for him to be burnt at the stake.
37. Now when Darmian was set at the stake, they set his body on fire and retreated, but Galen went close to him to reproach him just before he died.
38. Then Darmian shouted with all his strength and pulled himself off the stake violently, since the rope which he was bound with had become weak.
39. Then he held tight to Galen with the fire on his body and he caught fire too. But the executors ran quickly to sever them from each other.
40. Now Galen's face and hands were burnt deeply by the fire such that his face was deformed and his hands appeared as if he had leprosy. But Darmian died in the inferno for what he did not commit.

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by MrUnity: 3:22pm On May 08, 2020
U are generalizing...pple would always be ppl..they have their free will to act the way they want. Lets say in ur locality how do u bring youths together and change their lives. Not those nonsense youth empowerment politicians do...but do u start a chain reaction were when u empower one person he empowers the other.
My whole point is our youths are wasting away, many are tired of praying cos honestly we know it doesn't work most times...we need to start a community of like minds and grow from there.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by OtemAtum: 12:46am On May 09, 2020
U are generalizing...pple would always be ppl..they have their free will to act the way they want. Lets say in ur locality how do u bring youths together and change their lives. Not those nonsense youth empowerment politicians do...but do u start a chain reaction were when u empower one person he empowers the other.
My whole point is our youths are wasting away, many are tired of praying cos honestly we know it doesn't work most times...we need to start a community of like minds and grow from there.
You have a point there. If you want to start a community of like minds, it's a good thing. You can begin with those in your immediate environment. But you should try by all means to make sure it doesn't generate to a secret cult which constitutes more nuisance to our environment.

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by Luchiana1(f): 12:55am On May 09, 2020
Who is awake... join us*Today is the Final impartation & Testimony NIGHT of our 40days Prayer and Fasting
Don't be ungrateful, if the Lord has done something in your life during the course of this 40 days. Testify
If you have not been participating, join the eleventh hour miracle session.
We shall be starting from
*11pm-2am*. Just click https://mixlr.com/christ-omega-vision-network
God bless us all
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by Ahasco(m): 4:36am On May 09, 2020
Who is awake... join us*Today is the Final impartation & Testimony NIGHT of our 40days Prayer and Fasting
Don't be ungrateful, if the Lord has done something in your life during the course of this 40 days. Testify
If you have not been participating, join the eleventh hour miracle session.
We shall be starting from
*11pm-2am*. Just click https://mixlr.com/christ-omega-vision-network
God bless us all

Are you for real? From where cometh Thou?
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by Nobody: 11:07am On May 09, 2020
Chapter Ten
1. Darmian Anders was a male homo sapiens born in the 281,325th year of the homo sapiens era., Also called the 1325CE.
how dd u come abt dese histories? i can't find most of dese things on google? only a genius cn fabricate stories like this from his head. U seem to be one. or which sources gave dese histories to u? at least, we know how quran and bible were written. i wud like to know how you came about dese histories?
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by deolumike(m): 12:20pm On May 09, 2020
Hi pal!

I appreciate the fact that you are taking your time to read this mail. Please I want you to take everything discussed in it seriously, because this is an issue that comes from the depth of my heart which I feel pressed to share with you. It’s about your life and the after-life, where you stand with God.

There’s no question about the fact that every human on earth is born into a world of troubles caused by sin, and we continue in sin just as we met it, consequently this has continued to cause untold hardship and injustice in the world and has given the devil a hold on everyone.
Fortunately, in spite of the fact that we all have gone astray from God, God still looked for a way to reconcile us to Himself.

Atonement of blood was needed for this reconciliation because without the shedding of blood, there couldn’t be forgiveness of sins. That is why Jesus laid down his life by His death on the cross. You might want to ask “why Jesus?” it had to be Jesus because His blood was pure and without blemish. He was sinless. Only His blood could accomplish what the blood of rams and bulls could not do.
Now that the work of salvation has been perfected by Jesus, all you need to do is repent, confess and forsake your sins, admit Jesus into your life and believe in Him. You then become a child of God and you have eternal life in you. It is written “as many that received Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons (daughters) of God, even to them that believe on His name” John 1:12. Another portion of scripture says all that believe in the Lord will never be ashamed.

I ‘ld also want you to know that the scripture says it’s only through Jesus that we can reach the throne of God. John 14:6. You can look up the Bible for yourself. The Bible goes further to say that “he that believes in the Son (Jesus) has everlasting life, and he that does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him” John 3:36.

So that you can escape the tribulation and destruction that shall come at the end of the world and the eternal damnation after this life. You need to surrender your life to Christ. No matter how wicked or bad you think your sins are, He said he will forgive you.

I counsel you, my dear friend, to repent today so that you may have eternal life with Christ.
If you have decided to give repent and give your life to Christ, please pray this short prayer.

Oh God, i thank you for sending Jesus to die for my sins
i repent from all my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Give me the grace to walk with you in holiness and grant me eternal life in Jesus name. Amen.
Welcome aboard. You are now a child of God. Please locate a bible-believing fellowship or church and worship there with other children of God.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by OtemAtum: 10:04am On May 11, 2020

how dd u come abt dese histories? i can't find most of dese things on google? only a genius cn fabricate stories like this from his head. U seem to be one. or which sources gave dese histories to u? at least, we know how quran and bible were written. i wud like to know how you came about dese histories?
Atum and many other past beings revealed these to me.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by OtemAtum: 10:09am On May 11, 2020
Chapter Eleven
1. Now Sophina and Ella wept bitterly for their father, whom they saw how the Catholics burnt to ashes.
2. Now the bishop of the St. Magnus Cathedral took them into the church and spoke nice words to them, saying, your father had done a lot of evil towards you.
3. We know how hurt you are emotionally, but you should not worry, because you will be well cared for.
4. You will serve the lord in this place until our god gives your father indulgence and set him free from the purgatory where he is receiving punishments for his grave sins now.
5. Now the children said, father you have not done the right thing. Our father is even more righteous than you are. For you judge the guilty innocent and the innocent guilty.
6. It was true that that man Galen attempted to rape us but we escaped luckily and our father warned him against such act.
7. But this man lied to you and you believed him and killed our innocent father for what he did not do.
8. Our father has never committed the crime you killed him for, but you willfully killed him.
9. Now day by day, the children wept in the ears of the bishop. Then he called them apart and called a meeting of the clergies.
10. Then he said, who can convince these children to see that what we did is according to the will of our god? Who can make them realise that we have made the holiest decision concerning burning their father at the stake?
11. Now Galen said, who else have noticed that ever since the day we burnt Darmian to death for his incestuous act, there has been no more new instance of the plague in this village?
12. Now all the clergies in the meeting realised this and agreed to what Galen said, for truly there were no new victims of the plague for two weeks after the death of Darmian.
13. Then the bishop faced the children and said to them, you see that it is the truth that the plague came because of the sin of your father.
14. And now it has ceased because we did obey our god and put him to death. Therefore know that the death of your father is a divine arrangement to stop this plague.
15. Now Galen said to the people, release these children to me so that I might take care of them. For they are traumatised by the sight of the death of their father.
16. And I feel guilty because I was he who made known the evil deeds of their father which eventually led him to his death.
17. So the bishop was pleased with the idea such that he agreed that Galen should go with the children to take care of them.
18. When they got to Galen's log house, he sat the little girls down and began to indoctrinate them, saying, I am your god and I have the power to control you as I wish.
19. So whatever I tell you, do not question. For if you question my authority, you shall be burnt even as your father was burnt to ashes. Did you see how he got burnt totally and died?
20. If you want to prevent such from happening to you, then you must worship me as your god. Know also that I own every part of you.
21. Now Sophina and Ella worshipped Galen in fear, because he had threatened them and they allowed him to do everything he wanted because of fear.
22. He used them whenever he wanted to have sex and he also used them for domestic works and many odd tasks greater than their ages.
23. Now when Sophina and Ella were aged 20 years and 19 years respectively, a man named Davor sought to marry Sophina. This man was a trader from Holbæk, who always brought his goods to Kirkjubør to sell.
24. Now when Davor met Sophina at the market, he hid himself until he had followed her to her home. Then when he had seen the log house she entered, he followed her in.
25. Now Sophina was lucky because Galen was not at home at that time. However, she asked Davor to leave the house immediately because she feared what Galen would do to him.
26. Now Davor left and promised to return to ask her hand in marriage from Galen whom she had called her father.
27. When Davor met Galen, he said, I have found your daughter Sophina a perfect match for me. Therefore let me take her as a wife.
28. Now Galen became angry at Davor and did not give him a good reply. For he had said, my children will not get married to any man till death.
29. Now Davor left, but he kept watch over the damsels, for he believed that there was something the damsels had to tell him.
30. Now after some months, Davor met Sophina and Ella while they were returning from the market. Then he pleaded with them to tell him the reason why their father said that they will never marry.
31. Then they said, we will not tell you anything, because if we tell you, our god will kill us.
32. Now Davor said, who is your god? Then they said that it was Galen. Now Davor laughed and said, if you do not tell him anything, how will he know that you told me?
33. Now when Davor continued to press them to tell him the truth, they told him the things which Galen had done to them.
34. Now Davor was very angry when he heard what Galen had done to them. Then he said, I will do exactly what he had done to your father.
35. Do not fear, for I will avenge you of the unjust death of your father. Come with me so that I can do you well.
36. So they followed Davor to his house. Then he sought for his friend named Marius, saying, go and lure Galen to this place. You already know how to do this.
37. So Marius took the description of the house of Galen which Davor gave him and went to seek after him. Then when he reached the door of the log house, Galen came out with a worried face.
38. Then Marius said, are you Galen? Then he replied that he was the one. Then Marius said, a horse rider hit your daughters with his horse so much that they are greatly injured.
39. Then I took them into my house to tend their injuries. Then they said that their father would be very worried if he could not find them.
40. Therefore they had sent me to you to tell you this. Come with me to see them if you wish. For they are very weak now.
41. Now Galen said, I have been very worried when I did not see them from noon till this dusk. Let me go with you to see them. I will pay you for your kindness towards my daughters also.
42. When Galen had followed Marius to the house of Davor, they held him tight and tied him to a pole in the house. Then they said, today shall judgement come upon you.
43. For you have molested these innocent children from their childhood till these days after unjustly killing their parent.
44. And you think that you shall not receive judgement. But you have come to the slaughterhouse of your own freewill and you shall die the same way by which you killed the father of these children.
45. We shall burn this empty house with fire and thereafter we shall go to a far place to live.
46. Now Galen pleaded for mercy but no mercy was granted him. And he begged the daughters of Darmian to beg on his behalf, but they said, when you burnt our father at the stake what mercy have you?
47. Yet he was innocent while you are guilty. And you have molested us for many years when we did you no evil. Let your own blood be upon your own head.
48. So Davor and Marius set Galen on fire and left the house. But they stood close by to see that the house was burnt to ashes. Then they departed to live in another part of Denmark.
49. Then Davor married Sophina while Marius married Ella. Then they had children, both males and females.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by OtemAtum: 9:36am On May 12, 2020
Chapter Twelve
1. Giovanni was a male homo sapiens born in the 281,350th year of the homosapiens era, also called the 1350CE.
2. Now when Giovanni was twelve years old, his parents died of the plague which was called Black Death. Then Giovanni was accepted by the Catholic Church at Florence to become an alter boy.
3. At first, the bishop of the Florence Baptistery took him in as his own son and took care of him, but he was sent to another Church called San Miniato al Monte to preside over it.
4. So the Bishop called Renato committed the care of Giovanni into the hands of a man in the church named Pellegrino, saying, take care of this my son.
5. Let no harm come upon him, rather, protect him from the hands of the filthy ones. I will return from time to time to check on him.
6. Now when Renato left, he never returned again because he died shortly after.
7. Now Pellegrino was not as kind as Renato, therefore he did not take Giovanni as a child, rather he viewed him as an errand boy and a total servant.
8. It was Pellegrino who began the molestation of Giovanni when he was only thirteen years. For he sodomised him and left him in severe pain.
9. So did Pellegrino continue to molest Giovanni. Then he told some of his clergy mates and they began to do the same to him.
10. Pellegrino also introduced Giovanni to the priests, bishops and deacons of other churches in Florence to sodomised with him.
11. Now these are the names of the clergies who molested Giovanni aside Pellegrino;
12. Decius a deacon of the church of San Miniato al Monte, Umberto a deacon of the church named Santissima Annunziata, Lorenzo a deacon of the Florence Baptistery, Tommaso, Eugenio, Giuseppe, Eusebio who were all clergies in the church Bada Fiorentina.
14. And these clergies molested Giovanni, sometimes in pair of two or three.
15. Now after two years that Giovanni had been well molested and sodomised, a call came by the pope that all the lands occupied by the Catholic churches should be purged of all forms of filthiness.
16. Then the homosexuals, lesbians, cross-dressers and masturbators of many lands were fetched and burnt with fire.
17. Now Pellegrino himself fetched out Giovanni that he should be burnt for the crime of sodomy. Then some of those who used him accepted that he should be burnt to stop the Black death plague which had returned to Florence in those days.
18. So Giovanni was fetched out. Then a bishop said, why should we burn this little boy who is only about fifteen years of age?
19. Let us rather give him severe punishment and pardon him? For if he survived the punishment, he will not go near this form of sin for the rest of his life.
20. So Giovanni was punished severely, being castrated at first after he had been taken round the town on the back of a donkey.
21. Then a hot rod was inserted into his anus which was already wide open because of the constant sodomy he was subjected to by the christian clergies for two years.
22. Now Giovanni breathed his last while he was receiving this cruel torture. Then the Catholic Christians rejoiced at his death, saying, he who brought the plague on us is dead.

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by OtemAtum: 11:07am On May 18, 2020
Chapter Thirteen
1. Sadok Ammon was born in a land now found in Spain, in the 281,415th year of the homo sapiens era, also called the 1415C.E.
2. Now the ancestors of Sadiq were Muslims but they had been forced to convert to Christianity during the days when most part of Iberia was conquered in war during the reign of Sanch IV who fought religious wars against the Muslims and prevailed.
3. Now Sadok checked his root and discovered that his ancestors were Muslims. Then he said, I hereby return to the religion of my fathers.
4. So Sadok renamed himself Sadiq Ahmad which had an Arabic origin. Then he began to worship Allah the Muslim god.
5. Now Sadiq soon began to convert some Christians to Islam, for he was a man of clear accent and well schooled.
6. Now after two years, Sadiq established a mosque in that land. Then it was reported to the higher authority that a man had established a mosque in the land.
7. Now some christian clergies met and said, how do we sleep so well that a man had singlehandedly built a worship centre for Allah the devil?
8. Do we sleep permanently like a blind man? Or else how did a man erect a mosque in this region?
9. Now they sent men to Sadiq, saying, the land upon which you have built the temple of the devil is owned by the church. Vacate the land in peace so that you do not lose your life.
10. Now Sadiq said, this land was handed down to me by my father. Therefore it is not possible for me to vacate it.
11. And you have seen that I have built a structure to worship Allah my god. Should I uproot this mosque for you?
12. Now they said, this is the gate of hell and we shall not let it prevail over the church of our god. Therefore we shall take it from you and make a church out of it.
13. Now when the appointed time came for Sadiq to leave the place, he called together all the worshippers and said, we slaves of Allah, let us fight if they come for it.
14. For we shall not allow this unbelievers to prevail against us. Let everyone stand firm and fight like the prophet.
15. Now when the Christians who came to take up the mosque arrived, they saw how fierce the Muslims were.
16. Then they said, we have not come for a fight but for peace have we come. So let us worship with you in this place, because we worship the same god.
17. Now Sadiq said, as long as it is for peace, you can do so. So the Christians worshipped with the Muslims in the mosque that day.
18. Then they went to report the matter to the higher authority, saying, the worshippers we found in the mosque are more in number than what we had thought and they are all armed.
19. So we pretended as if we had no harm to do them. Now let us lure them to join us in the church to worship also. Then we will easily capture them all.
20. So the Muslims were invited to the cathedral called Santiago de Compostela and Sadiq went with a hundred and four Muslims.
21. Then they were captured in the cathedral and taken to prison. Then they were burnt at the stake, every one of them.
22. Then they took hold of the mosque built by Sadiq and turned it to a church for the local people.
23. And they told a lie among the people, saying, the man who found the mosque was arrested by our god Jehovah.
24. And on his dying bed, he got converted to Christianity our religion and declared that we should convert his mosque and all his followers to a church and to Christianity.
25. So the christians converted the mosque to a church and all the common people of that locality did not doubt the confession of their clergies.

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