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Religion / The Place Of God’s Word In The Life Of A Christian Youth by Skillz92: 4:01pm On Sep 03, 2017

God’s Word plays large role in the life of any youth who gives him opportunity or space in his or her life. Let us consider the following roles:

1. The Place of Purity: how can a young man cleanse his ways? By taking heed according to your words. Ps119:9. “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you”. Jn15:3. By nature humans are born with impure, dirty, and a corrupt heart. That is why we see a lot of delay and impure practices among youths.

Such practices include masturbation, pornography, homosexual immorality, lesbianism, bestiality, dirty talks etc. But when God comes into the heart of any youth who accepts him, he uses his word (Bible) in our heart and the Holy Spirit to cleanse our thought of every corruption. Tit 3:3-5.

2. The Place of Direction: Any youth who has not accepted Christ in his life will live a purposeless life. Without God in the life of a man such a person will not have direction in his life. “Before I formed thee a prophet unto the nations”. Jer 1:5 KJV, “You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your book!” Ps 139: 16. Before any human was created, God has already designed and fashioned what such a person will be.

To therefore discover the purpose for which we are created by God, one need to have a good relationship with God. Therefore God gives direction and purpose to the life of every Christian youth who accepts him. Ps 32:8.

3. Wisdom And Judgment: “For the Lord giveth wisdom, out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding” Prov 2:6, KJV “If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth of all men liberally, and upbraided not; and it shall be given him” Job1:5. According to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary “wisdom is defined as the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have” Judgment is also defined as the ability to make sensible decisions after carefully considering the best thing to do.

Wisdom and Judgment is another role God plays in the life of a youth. Youths are faced with different situations that needs right judgment. But it is God who gives a youth a good sense and a right judgment to make good decisions in career, marriage, Education, choice of friend etc. It is God who gives a youth a good sense to make a right decision.

4. Discipline: “Young man, do not resent it when God chasten and corrects you, for his punishment is proof of his love just as a father punishes a son he delights in to make him better, so the Lord corrects you”. Prov 3:11 Deut 8:5, Heb 12:5-6. Any youth who lacks discipline and correction becomes a bastard. Therefore God plays an important role of a father by correcting and disciplining youths whenever they go astray. God uses so many tools to discipline us, which includes, the word of God, our pastors our fellow believer and inner witness of the Holy Spirit. Jn15:1-8.

5. Gives Strength: Even the youth shall be exhausted and the young men will all give up. But they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint: Isa40:30-31, 41:10, 1chro 29:12, Phil4:13. We are not talking about physical strength here. As many youths, who will give God a place in their life, God gives the strength. He gives them strength to overcome tempting situations, trials, challenges, difficulties and hardship. God gives a youth strength to overcome every storm of life. He gives such a youth strength to prevail over all situations. Whether the situations come from devil or man, God gives strength to overcome. 1Jn5:3-4.

6. He Makes His Ways Prosperous: “The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree”: he shall Grow like a cedar in Lebanon “Psalm 92;12-14, Psalm 1:1-3.God watches over the ways of Christian youth and what so ever he lays his hand to do, the lord shall make it prosper. Joseph in Egypt was greatly favoured by God, and whatever he did GOD blesses him .In the same vein, God blesses the young man who honours him, God makes all his ways to be prosperous.Job1:8, Prov 4:18, Isa 3:10.

7. Security: When thou hast down thou shall not be afraid; yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh, for the lord shall be thy confidence and shall keep thy feet from being taken. Prov 3:24-26. God will surely protect and secure the life and property of the righteous man .Even though the devil will make plans to ruin his life but he cannot because the life of a Christian youth is secured by God. Psalm 91:23-4.

8. Provision of Daily Need: The lord can be trusted and will surely provide for the needs of the young Christian. A youth is faced with both physical and spiritual needs, The Holy Bible says “according to his divine power he hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue. 2Pet 1:3. Everything a Christian youth needs shall be supplied by God if he trust him for that. “CASTING ALL YOUR CARE UPON HIM, FOR HE CARETH FOR THEE”. 1Pet5:7.

Everything about a youth is God’s concern. God cares for the daily needs of the Christian youth who will fear him and reverence him, “BUT ONLY GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEED ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY BY CHRIST JESUS” Philip 4:19.

9. Honour: “Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach” Prov 14:34…But now the lord says, be it far from me, for them that honour me I will honour..” 1sam 2:30. The ungodliness of youths without Christ will bring them to shame and nothingness but God honours the youth who fears him. God honoured Joseph to one of the highest positions in Egypt. GOD honoured Daniel, Shedrack, Meschack, Abadnego in Babylon, GOD honoured mordecai a righteous man, God honoured Jesus a man of righteousness, God always honour every youth who will honour him with his life.

10. Promise Of Eternal Life: As many youths who will serve God with all their heart , he will surely bring to eternal bliss to be with him in paradise. He will not cast them out in his kingdom, but God will continue his work in their life until he brings them into his kingdom. There are many works GOD does in the life of a Christian youth but space and time will not permit us to discuss them all.

The best thing any youth can do is to serve God with all his heart in this life in this life, while they are young. Ecc 12:1

written by Kingsley Onukwube

SOURCE: http://praisebars.com/the-place-of-gods-word-in-the-life-of-a-christian-youth/

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Religion / 10 Bible Quotes For Love, Hope And Strength by Skillz92: 10:05pm On Aug 27, 2017

1. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound, Romans 15:13

2. Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand, Isaiah 41:10

3. Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life, John 6:47

4. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1
5. Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love, 1 John 4:7-8

6. Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go, Joshua 1:7-9

7. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away, Revelation 21:4

8. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope, Jeremiah 29:11

9. But the salvation of the righteous is from the LORD; He is their strength in time of trouble, Psalm 37:39

10. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, Philippians 4:13

SOURCE : http://praisebars.com/%e2%80%8b10-bible-quotes-for-love-hope-and-strength/
Music/Radio / Why I Featured On Mi’s Song - Frank Edwards by Skillz92: 1:02am On Aug 26, 2017

Celebrated gospel artiste Frank Edwards has for the first time publicly addressed a question that has been on the minds of a number of his fans for a long time – why he featured on secular artiste MI’s song “Chairman’”.

He took time to carefully answer this question during one of the episodes of his #InstaChoir music training Instagram class, co-hosted by Chee.

While teaching on Songwriting on the Instagram LIVE session, the multi award winning singer explained how he was approached by the rapper, what he felt about the song’s theme at the time, and his intention at the time.

He however clearly stated his opinion about handling a similar situation today. “If it was now, I wouldn’t do it”.

InstaChoir is a new initiative by Frank Edwards to train music on a 2 week coaching program. According to him, you don’t need to be a pro to join in. “Just come & have fun!”

At the end of the two weeks coaching, we will have a competition and the best student gets $1000.

The coaching session which began last Tuesday has attracted thousands of singers across the world for a daily 1 hour session starting 10pm each day, that kicks off and ends with quality worship and praise to God.


1. Headphones

2. Writing materials

download the Audio podcast here http://praisebars.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Frank-Edwards-Why-I-Featured-on-MIs-Track.mp3

or follow the source link to stream the podcast
SOURCE: http://praisebars.com/frank-edwards-why-i-featured-on-mis-song/
Religion / 7 Contemporary Nigerian Gospel Artistes In Their 20s by Skillz92: 7:49am On Aug 20, 2017

Over the last 12 months, a good number of notable Nigerian music ministers have celebrated the big 40-year age milestone, while others are fast approaching it.

I celebrate these gospel greats. From Sammie Okposo to Mike Abdul, Solomon Lange to Glowreeyah, Buchi, Joe Praize,… to name a few. Some of these iconic artistes have not only set the pace in the Nigerian Gospel Music space, but are still very relevant today. Remarkably, we’ve seen about the same crop of artistes’ consistently perform on certain platforms for over a decade.

This is great! It shows the artistes are constantly reinventing themselves, right? However, it got me thinking of TRANSITION.

What does tomorrow hold for Nigerian gospel music? Is there an evolution in the industry, as it is in other parts of the world? Are the senior artistes thinking in these lines? Are they contributing to the development of a new generation of artistes that will perform even better than them in the near (and far) future? Yes, a number of them are. I’ll share details in subsequent posts.

I might need to do some more research to prove this, but I believe people listen more to music made by artistes in their age bracket. Teenagers listen to music by teenagers, millennials listen to music by millennials, and old folks often listen to old-folk made music.

This means youthful gospel music lovers will be more inclined to listening to music by young gospel artistes.

I have been into active Gospel Radio Broadcasting for over 5 years now, and have closely monitored the growth and development of the music industry. I am particularly exhilarated by the quality of fast rising music artistes emerging.

There are quite a lot of them, but for this list, I have chosen to spotlight on a few who are in their 20s – Super gifted, multitalented, and with a passion enough to set the world ablaze. Their music reflects the fact that they are in tune with today’s sound; their zeal reverberates the fact that they will be around for quite a long time.

Please note that this list is not in any particular order.


Name: Samuel Imo

Age: 21

Special Skills: Singing, Rapping, Songwriting, Music Production, Geek, Entrepreneurship

Born October 25, 1995 in Benue State, and currently an Undergraduate of Federal university of Agriculture Makurdi with good grades, Limoblaze is one artiste whose passion for his craft hasn’t distracted him from his studies.

Limoblaze is a Christian Rapper, singer, producer, music entrepreneur and worship leader whose knack for excellence is unequalled amongst his peers.

His production skills give him an edge as he is able to freely express his creativity in his very own way. He is the founder or YSR Collective Music Outfit.

Limo (as he is fondly referred to) is pure talent. He is one of the few great songwriters in Nigeria. He articulates his thoughts very nicely, cooks world class beats and delivers rap bars with such panache when jumping on it.

With smash singles including No Regrets, Pressure, Reppin’, 3 EPs (Random Notes,Last Arena & Unexpected), and one album (BLIND) to his credit, Limoblaze has consistently honed his craft.

He has developed a network with artistes in the Eastern part of Africa, which has earned him a few collaborations with international singers, including Zambia’s Abel Chungu Musuka on his recent single Eledumare, and For The Love, featuring Kenyan Kris Erroh.

Limo Speaks: I just wanna be heard across Africa and bless lives, I feel I have a message and sound that cuts across hence why I network a lot

Mentored By: Okey Sokay, GAMiE

He has caught the bug of passing the torch by discovering and grooming other artistes as well, under his YSR Collective music outfit.

YSR collective is just a sort of support system I started to support selected talented young people, YSR stands for young, saves and Royalty… The idea is not to function as a full musical label but to provide some of the structural backings a label can give to an artist for these young ones.


Name: Oluwaseyi Ajala

Age: 28

Special Skills: Rapping, Singing, Songwriting, Music Production, Graphics Design

He might be young, but he has been in the game longer than a number of his peers. LC Beatz has garnered so much experience over the years, equipping him with the proficiency to identify his unique sound – an indigenous expression of urban Hip Hop finely blended with juju and Afro pop.

Just before you call him gospel’s Olamide, listen again! LC is nothing like what you’ve ever heard before.

A multitalented artiste in every sense of it, from songwriting, singing, rapping, music production to graphics design, this is one Kingdom soldier that is ever conscious of his mission.

The release of his radically titled debut EP GAGA (God And God Alone) sent a reverberation into the fiber of the Nigerian Gospel Hip Hop world.

His message is strong, hip and radical. His passion for God is way to contagious, making Kingdom affairs feel very appealing to the young adult. He is also driven to build other young aspiring artistes.

His music production skills come in handy in this regard as well. Little wonder he is such an asset to the body of Christ.

LC Speaks: I want to see young minds all over Africa having the option to pick Good edifying music (Gospel) at the mainstream level.

So that when one gets to Jesus, no one will say we couldn’t find that hipy pop urban sound that can substitute junks they have now”.

Mentored by ToluCci and Olumide Olaniyan


Name: Gilbert Joseph

Age: 22

Special Skills: Singing, Songwriting, Music Production, Fashion

In 2013, Gil Joe made his entrance into the Nigerian Gospel Music scene with a debut single titled “Elshadai”. The song was produced by Frank Edwards who had just signed him onto his Rocktown Record label at the time. The sound was fresh. His passion for music could be felt from a distance. It was clear he was ‘not from around here’ in that his songs had that undeniable mainstream appeal.

When I first heard the song, I remember telling myself “This boy is the future!” Well, it’s 4 years after, and Gil Joe has grown to a very mature songwriter, singer and more importantly, a top notch producer.

Like he was on a mission to put things straight with skeptics, Gil consistently dropped singles from time to time, reminding us it was never a fluke. With an album (Maturity) to his credit, a few music videos and numerous singles that have blessed thousands and his ever improving production skills, Gil Joe is certainly growing to be a major force in music ministry.

Gil Speaks: Well, I believe strongly that my Music is unique and strong enough to go Global even though it presently has been gaining international grounds in major Countries like “France, United Kingdom and the USA”.

I believe more can be done, most especially to the younger generation. I look forward to gathering souls as many enough to fill up a Stadium just like Pastor Chris Oyakhilome… Where the Gospel of Jesus is ministered in the modern sound way and souls are won in large numbers.

Influenced by: Frank Edwards and Sinach


Name: Orji Ifeanyi Henry

Age: 28

Special Skills: Songwriting, singing

Loved by many and with close relationships with the older artistes, Henrisoul has consistently built his music career for close to a decade now.

His smash debut single “Gbagoroagbago’ which featured popular member of the defunct Infinity gospel group Kenny Kore, released in 2009 became a favorite of music lovers so quickly.

His ministry is quite unique, as he strikes a fine balance between ministration and performance. For every time he rocks the stage, you can sense an evident call of God upon his life. Henrisoul is very passionate about his calling, and expresses it through his music and every other area outside his craft.

His songwriting skills are top notch. He has a number of songs for popular artistes which you might not know about. These skills definitely play out in his songs as well.

Other smash hits by Henrisoul include Many Reasons, Your Love, Blow My Mind, Sacrifice, Bad Man, Onyeoma and Dere Du.

With two EPs to his credit “The Reply” and “Liberty”, and a concert series “Henrisoul at Liberty” which has featured some of the biggest names in the industry, with its last edition held in London, UK Henrisoul is just getting started.

Henri Speaks: I aim to be a ‘crossover’ artist, one who will and restructure the shape of gospel music, by making gospel music become a culture.

Mentored by: Gabriel Eziashi


Name: Afolabi Fagbemi

Age: 25

Special Skills: Singing, Songwriting, Leadership

With a personality that speaks volume of his love for Jesus, and his Making Jesus Famous campaign he’s pushing via his debut EP Good God, Afolabi Emmanuel popularly known as Folabi Nuel is a fast rising music sensation that Nigeria is blessed to call her own.

He has successfully transcended from the ‘you sound like Mali Music/Travis Greene’compliments, to owning his own sound, and having people appreciate his unique style of pop/soft rock.

Folabi, who currently serves as the Music Director of LifePointe Church has leadership and networking skills worthy of emulation. His live performances are filled with so much life, courtesy his strong stage presence, deep understanding of music and his ability to play the guitar.

While the Church is still trying to catch up with the Hip Hop/Rap genre his peers are __, Folabi is closer to the acceptance of the Church

Folabi Speaks: I want to create a global sound that’s not limited to Nigeria or Africa filled with sincerity and power and ultimately brings people to a consciousness of who God is… simply put – make Jesus famous globally

Mentored by Olumide Iyun and Idris Bello Osagie


Name: Kingsley Orji Bright

Age: 25

Special Skills: Singing, Rapping, Dancing

Take the energy of 10 artists, chock it into one man, and you still won’t come close to the kind of energy Kelar Thrillz displays on stage. He is beast! A great definition of what the Bible describes as youthful strength.

One advantage this 25 year old multitalented artiste has over his peers is his unique ability to dance. He leads a dance group of DE-FIX COMPANY, a group into Dance performances, training, Gymnastics and Fitness services.

KELAR (which is an acronym for Kingdom ELevated & Appointed Rapper) kicked off music professionally in 2013, with the release of his Okey Sokay produced jam “Akagi”. This was followed up by ‘Egwueji’.

In 2016, he teamed up with another young ‘New Generation’ artiste on a 5 track Hip Hop EP branded YARB (Young And Radical Believer). This phrase describes Kelar Thrillz, he’s young, he’s radical, and he’s a believer of Christ.

His latest single ‘No Rejection’ has him share about his victory from depression. This goes to show his ability to share his life messages as a source of inspiration to his audience.

Kelar is a full package. He’s got the fire, and the skills to fuel his music ministry and career.

Kelar Speaks: I intend to saturate the African music space with songs that resonates Faith, Hope, Love and positive vibes, especially amongst the youths and young people alike.

Songs that will outlive me because of the truth, wisdom, inspiration and depth embedded in it, songs that fearlessly & radically gives glory to God despite the odds.

Influenced by: Sokleva (Rooftop mc’s), Okey Sokay, Protek Illasheva, Gamie and the Church)



Name: Shime Ahua

Age: 18

Special Skills: Singing, Songwriting, Piano Playing

Benue State’s very own Shime Ahua is a PK. Oh you don’t know what that means? Well she’s a daughter to Pastor and Mrs Michael Terese Ahua, meaning she’s a Preacher’s Kid (PK).

She’s 18 years old, a 200 level student of Benue state university, but sings FIRE! Her debut single “You & Me” was all I needed to hear to know this is a blessing to the Nigerian gospel music industry.

Her sound is so fresh, nothing close to the norm. With mature delivery of international standard. Adele has nothing on this gurl. Pure talent!

Asides her sonorous voice and ability to use it to touch your soul, Shime is also an awesome songwriter. What’s more? She plays the piano as well.

She’s got a very teachable spirit, which makes it clear that her coming days will be even greater. Despite the fact some secular labels have been calling in, she is keen on using her talent in service to God.

Mentored by Limoblaze (who has signed her to his YSR Collective Music Outfit)

Truth be told, admit it or not; there is a new age of gospel music in Nigeria; a new urban sound; a new revival in music. Revival might be an unpopular way to describe this kind of radical ‘mainstream’ sound, but there is no telling to how great God can move through this, if well cultured and nurtured.

SOURCE: http://praisebars.com/7-contemporary-nigerian-gospel-artistes-in-their-20s/


Music/Radio / 7 Contemporary Nigerian Gospel Artistes In Their 20s by Skillz92: 2:00am On Aug 20, 2017

Over the last 12 months, a good number of notable Nigerian music ministers have celebrated the big 40-year age milestone, while others are fast approaching it.

I celebrate these gospel greats. From Sammie Okposo to Mike Abdul, Solomon Lange to Glowreeyah, Buchi, Joe Praize,… to name a few. Some of these iconic artistes have not only set the pace in the Nigerian Gospel Music space, but are still very relevant today. Remarkably, we’ve seen about the same crop of artistes’ consistently perform on certain platforms for over a decade.

This is great! It shows the artistes are constantly reinventing themselves, right? However, it got me thinking of TRANSITION.

What does tomorrow hold for Nigerian gospel music? Is there an evolution in the industry, as it is in other parts of the world? Are the senior artistes thinking in these lines? Are they contributing to the development of a new generation of artistes that will perform even better than them in the near (and far) future? Yes, a number of them are. I’ll share details in subsequent posts.

I might need to do some more research to prove this, but I believe people listen more to music made by artistes in their age bracket. Teenagers listen to music by teenagers, millennials listen to music by millennials, and old folks often listen to old-folk made music.

This means youthful gospel music lovers will be more inclined to listening to music by young gospel artistes.

I have been into active Gospel Radio Broadcasting for over 5 years now, and have closely monitored the growth and development of the music industry. I am particularly exhilarated by the quality of fast rising music artistes emerging.

There are quite a lot of them, but for this list, I have chosen to spotlight on a few who are in their 20s – Super gifted, multitalented, and with a passion enough to set the world ablaze. Their music reflects the fact that they are in tune with today’s sound; their zeal reverberates the fact that they will be around for quite a long time.

Please note that this list is not in any particular order.


Name: Samuel Imo

Age: 21

Special Skills: Singing, Rapping, Songwriting, Music Production, Geek, Entrepreneurship

Born October 25, 1995 in Benue State, and currently an Undergraduate of Federal university of Agriculture Makurdi with good grades, Limoblaze is one artiste whose passion for his craft hasn’t distracted him from his studies.

Limoblaze is a Christian Rapper, singer, producer, music entrepreneur and worship leader whose knack for excellence is unequalled amongst his peers.

His production skills give him an edge as he is able to freely express his creativity in his very own way. He is the founder or YSR Collective Music Outfit.

Limo (as he is fondly referred to) is pure talent. He is one of the few great songwriters in Nigeria. He articulates his thoughts very nicely, cooks world class beats and delivers rap bars with such panache when jumping on it.

With smash singles including No Regrets, Pressure, Reppin’, 3 EPs (Random Notes,Last Arena & Unexpected), and one album (BLIND) to his credit, Limoblaze has consistently honed his craft.

He has developed a network with artistes in the Eastern part of Africa, which has earned him a few collaborations with international singers, including Zambia’s Abel Chungu Musuka on his recent single Eledumare, and For The Love, featuring Kenyan Kris Erroh.

Limo Speaks: I just wanna be heard across Africa and bless lives, I feel I have a message and sound that cuts across hence why I network a lot

Mentored By: Okey Sokay, GAMiE

He has caught the bug of passing the torch by discovering and grooming other artistes as well, under his YSR Collective music outfit.

YSR collective is just a sort of support system I started to support selected talented young people, YSR stands for young, saves and Royalty… The idea is not to function as a full musical label but to provide some of the structural backings a label can give to an artist for these young ones.


Name: Oluwaseyi Ajala

Age: 28

Special Skills: Rapping, Singing, Songwriting, Music Production, Graphics Design

He might be young, but he has been in the game longer than a number of his peers. LC Beatz has garnered so much experience over the years, equipping him with the proficiency to identify his unique sound – an indigenous expression of urban Hip Hop finely blended with juju and Afro pop.

Just before you call him gospel’s Olamide, listen again! LC is nothing like what you’ve ever heard before.

A multitalented artiste in every sense of it, from songwriting, singing, rapping, music production to graphics design, this is one Kingdom soldier that is ever conscious of his mission.

The release of his radically titled debut EP GAGA (God And God Alone) sent a reverberation into the fiber of the Nigerian Gospel Hip Hop world.


His message is strong, hip and radical. His passion for God is way to contagious, making Kingdom affairs feel very appealing to the young adult. He is also driven to build other young aspiring artistes.

His music production skills come in handy in this regard as well. Little wonder he is such an asset to the body of Christ.

LC Speaks: I want to see young minds all over Africa having the option to pick Good edifying music (Gospel) at the mainstream level.

So that when one gets to Jesus, no one will say we couldn’t find that hipy pop urban sound that can substitute junks they have now”.

Mentored by ToluCci and Olumide Olaniyan


Name: Gilbert Joseph

Age: 22

Special Skills: Singing, Songwriting, Music Production, Fashion

In 2013, Gil Joe made his entrance into the Nigerian Gospel Music scene with a debut single titled “Elshadai”. The song was produced by Frank Edwards who had just signed him onto his Rocktown Record label at the time. The sound was fresh. His passion for music could be felt from a distance. It was clear he was ‘not from around here’ in that his songs had that undeniable mainstream appeal.

When I first heard the song, I remember telling myself “This boy is the future!” Well, it’s 4 years after, and Gil Joe has grown to a very mature songwriter, singer and more importantly, a top notch producer.

Like he was on a mission to put things straight with skeptics, Gil consistently dropped singles from time to time, reminding us it was never a fluke. With an album (Maturity) to his credit, a few music videos and numerous singles that have blessed thousands and his ever improving production skills, Gil Joe is certainly growing to be a major force in music ministry



Name: Orji Ifeanyi Henry

Age: 28

Special Skills: Songwriting, singing

Loved by many and with close relationships with the older artistes, Henrisoul has consistently built his music career for close to a decade now.

His smash debut single “Gbagoroagbago’ which featured popular member of the defunct Infinity gospel group Kenny Kore, released in 2009 became a favorite of music lovers so quickly.

His ministry is quite unique, as he strikes a fine balance between ministration and performance. For every time he rocks the stage, you can sense an evident call of God upon his life. Henrisoul is very passionate about his calling, and expresses it through his music and every other area outside his craft.

His songwriting skills are top notch. He has a number of songs for popular artistes which you might not know about. These skills definitely play out in his songs as well.

Other smash hits by Henrisoul include Many Reasons, Your Love, Blow My Mind, Sacrifice, Bad Man, Onyeoma and Dere Du.


With two EPs to his credit “The Reply” and “Liberty”, and a concert series “Henrisoul at Liberty” which has featured some of the biggest names in the industry, with its last edition held in London, UK Henrisoul is just getting started.

Henri Speaks: I aim to be a ‘crossover’ artist, one who will and restructure the shape of gospel music, by making gospel music become a culture.

Mentored by: Gabriel Eziashi


Name: Afolabi Fagbemi

Age: 25

Special Skills: Singing, Songwriting, Leadership

With a personality that speaks volume of his love for Jesus, and his Making Jesus Famous campaign he’s pushing via his debut EP Good God, Afolabi Emmanuel popularly known as Folabi Nuel is a fast rising music sensation that Nigeria is blessed to call her own.

He has successfully transcended from the ‘you sound like Mali Music/Travis Greene’compliments, to owning his own sound, and having people appreciate his unique style of pop/soft rock.

Folabi, who currently serves as the Music Director of LifePointe Church has leadership and networking skills worthy of emulation. His live performances are filled with so much life, courtesy his strong stage presence, deep understanding of music and his ability to play the guitar.

While the Church is still trying to catch up with the Hip Hop/Rap genre his peers are __, Folabi is closer to the acceptance of the Church

Folabi Speaks: I want to create a global sound that’s not limited to Nigeria or Africa filled with sincerity and power and ultimately brings people to a consciousness of who God is… simply put – make Jesus famous globally

Mentored by Olumide Iyun and Idris Bello Osagie


Name: Kingsley Orji Bright

Age: 25

Special Skills: Singing, Rapping, Dancing

Take the energy of 10 artists, chock it into one man, and you still won’t come close to the kind of energy Kelar Thrillz displays on stage. He is beast! A great definition of what the Bible describes as youthful strength.

One advantage this 25 year old multitalented artiste has over his peers is his unique ability to dance. He leads a dance group of DE-FIX COMPANY, a group into Dance performances, training, Gymnastics and Fitness services.

KELAR (which is an acronym for Kingdom ELevated & Appointed Rapper) kicked off music professionally in 2013, with the release of his Okey Sokay produced jam “Akagi”. This was followed up by ‘Egwueji’.

In 2016, he teamed up with another young ‘New Generation’ artiste on a 5 track Hip Hop EP branded YARB (Young And Radical Believer). This phrase describes Kelar Thrillz, he’s young, he’s radical, and he’s a believer of Christ.

His latest single ‘No Rejection’ has him share about his victory from depression. This goes to show his ability to share his life messages as a source of inspiration to his audience.


Kelar is a full package. He’s got the fire, and the skills to fuel his music ministry and career.

Kelar Speaks: I intend to saturate the African music space with songs that resonates Faith, Hope, Love and positive vibes, especially amongst the youths and young people alike.

Songs that will outlive me because of the truth, wisdom, inspiration and depth embedded in it, songs that fearlessly & radically gives glory to God despite the odds.

Influenced by: Sokleva (Rooftop mc’s), Okey Sokay, Protek Illasheva, Gamie and the Church)



Name: Shime Ahua

Age: 18

Special Skills: Singing, Songwriting, Piano Playing

Benue State’s very own Shime Ahua is a PK. Oh you don’t know what that means? Well she’s a daughter to Pastor and Mrs Michael Terese Ahua, meaning she’s a Preacher’s Kid (PK).

She’s 18 years old, a 200 level student of Benue state university, but sings FIRE! Her debut single “You & Me” was all I needed to hear to know this is a blessing to the Nigerian gospel music industry.

Her sound is so fresh, nothing close to the norm. With mature delivery of international standard. Adele has nothing on this gurl. Pure talent!

Asides her sonorous voice and ability to use it to touch your soul, Shime is also an awesome songwriter. What’s more? She plays the piano as well.

She’s got a very teachable spirit, which makes it clear that her coming days will be even greater. Despite the fact some secular labels have been calling in, she is keen on using her talent in service to God.

Mentored by Limoblaze (who has signed her to his YSR Collective Music Outfit)

Truth be told, admit is or not; there is a new age of gospel music in Nigeria; a new urban sound; a new revival in music. Revival might be an unpopular way to describe this kind of radical ‘mainstream’ sound, but there is no telling to how great God can move through this, if well cultured and nurtured.

SOURCE: http://praisebars.com/7-contemporary-nigerian-gospel-artistes-in-their-20s/
Religion / Re: 10 Reasons Why Every Believer Must Speak In Tongues by Skillz92: 3:55am On Aug 13, 2017
Yeah well if he's God, then he has failed miserably in his duties and should be treated as thrash. Do you know how many innocent children go to sleep every night without food or shelter? What about the chaos all around the world? Your God is wicked, deal with it.

Now I understand, you are in pain or probably frustrated, God is not responsible for any man's misfortune.
Why : because he has done his part of the deal. If you do well to understand him, you will have no reason to be frustrated

31 Likes 2 Shares

Religion / Re: 10 Reasons Why Every Believer Must Speak In Tongues by Skillz92: 3:39am On Aug 13, 2017
Fools. Religious retards. With your spineless, cowardly Non Mighty God.
I know your type. You think you can gain cheap popularity by talking against God.
Your views doesn't change who he is and who he will always be. He is God. Might God

57 Likes 4 Shares

Music/Radio / Download Music : A Million Lights By Michael W. Smith by Skillz92: 3:05am On Aug 13, 2017
Grammy Award winner Michael W. Smith releases his first new song in three years, A Million Lights today from Rocketown Records and The Fuel Music.

The song is available to download or stream at outlets like iTunes, Amazon.com, Apple Music, Spotify and other digital providers internationally.

Michael expressed his excitement, stating that he is happy with how ‘A Million Lights’ turned out.

“I don’t recall being this excited about a single in a long time.

I’m very happy with how ‘A Million Lights’ has turned out and am anxious to get it from my studio out into the world!

I believe the message of this song will be inspiring to everyone who hears it.”


With multiple sellout crowds experiencing the song live on Smith’s 20-city Revolution Tour this past spring, A Million Lights is also the first new song to be revealed from his upcoming, full-length studio album that is in production now.

Slated to release early next year, the new album (title to be announced) will release from Smith’s Rocketown Records, as well as through his newly formed marketing and distribution alliance with The Fuel Music.

Tony Patoto, The Fuel Music & Management, LLC founder also shared his thoughts on the new single;

“There is a substantial new wind in Michael’s sail; this cultural influencer and voice for Christian people everywhere is revealing a new sound.

It’s unequivocally Michael W. Smith, but with a significant new gravity and otherly approach contextually.”

SOURCE : http://praisebars.com/download-music-a-million-lights-by-michael-w-smith/
Religion / 10 Reasons Why Every Believer Must Speak In Tongues by Skillz92: 2:44am On Aug 13, 2017

And this Signs shall follow them that believe ….. They shall speak in Tongues.(mark 16:17).

The issue of speaking in tongues in Christendom has for some years now been an issue of debate. Some people believe that every believer must not speak in tongues backing their statement with the fact that speaking in tongues is the only evidence or proof of the Holygost. Some other group of believers on the other hand on the other hand maintained that speaking in tongue is the Evidence of the presence of the Holygost.

In this Article, I am not going to argue whether it is a must for every believer or not, I will be giving you ten reasons why every believer should speak in tongues.

1 Tongues is the initial sign.

“And they were all filled with the Holygost and began to speak with other Tongues as the spirit gave them utterance” Acts 2:4

The word of God clearly explained that the Disciples of Christ spoke in tongues immediately the holygost came on them while they were praying in Jerusalem.

2 Tongues for spiritual Edification

“He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifies himself” 1 cor 14:4

The term edification means building up, especially in a moral , emotional or spiritual sense. So when we speak in tongues we build up our selves spiritually. Paul explained that a man speaking in other tongues speaks not unto men but unto God.

“For one who speaks in an unknown tongue speaks not to men but to God, for no one understands because in the holygost he utters secret truths and hidden things not obvious to the understanding.” 1 cor 14:2

Anybody who speaks in tongues charges himself before God. ie he builds ups and strengthens himself.

3 Tongues remind us of the spirit’s indwelling presence

“And I will ask the father and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the holy spirit who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him, but you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you”. John 14:15-16

Notice that jesus said that he lives with you now and later will be in you and after the death of jesus the holygost. It means that the Holy Spirit then dwelled in them. We all know what happened when the holygost filled the disciples in Jerusalem. Speaking in tongues reminds us of the spirit’s indwelling presence.

4 praying in tongues is praying in line with God’s perfect Will.

“Likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities; for we know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which words cannot be uttered.

And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.” Romans 8:26-27 kjv

The bible made it clear here that the holygost maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. So praying in tongues helps us pray in line with the will of God.

5 praying in tongues stimulates faith.

“but you dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holyspirit” jude 20

If the holy spirit gives us the utterance when we speak in tongues, when we say a word, we don’t know what the next word will be, so we need to Trust God to bring it and that is faith. Praying in tongues helps us to strengthen our faith in God.

6 speaking in tongues is a means of keeping free from worldly contamination.

“If anyone speaks in a tongue , two or at most three should speak, one at a time, and someone should interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God.” I cor 14:27-28

Paul said when you speak in tongues in the church and there is no interpreter then you should speak to yourself. Therefore we can speak to ourselves in tongues and it won’t disturb anybody. This helps us to keep free from worldly contamination. For example, when you are in the midst of people who are discussing things which can contaminate our spirit and you don’t want to be part of it, speak to yourself in tongues by that it helps you to stay free from the conversation.

7 praying in tongues enable us to pray for the unknown

The Holy Spirit who knows everything can pray through for things which our natural mind knows nothing about. The spirit intercedes for us for we know not what to pray for as we ought. (Romans 8: 26).

Praying in the spirit provides a way for things to be prayed for that we wouldn’t know anything about in the natural.

8 praying in tongues gives spiritual refreshing.

“With foreign lips and strange tongues, God will speak to this people, to whom he said, this is the resting place, let the weary rest” Isaiah 28:11-12.

The scripture above speaks of rest and refreshing which is in the talking in other tongues. These things are vital for our spirits and we can take it every day.

9 Tongues for giving thanks.

Praying in tongues provides the most perfect way to pray way to pray and give thanks, for the bible said that when we pray in tongues that we give thanks very well. (1 cor 14:15-17)

10 speaking in tongues brings the tongue under subjection.

Yielding the tongue to the Holy Spirit to speak with other tongues is a giant step towards fully yielding all of our members to God. For if we can yield this most unruly member, we can yield any member.

SOURCE : http://praisebars.com/10-reasons-why-every-believer-must-speak-in-tongues/

26 Likes 7 Shares

Religion / Re: Top 10 International Christian Footballers Committed To The Faith by Skillz92: 2:22am On Aug 13, 2017
heard 10% of Neymar dough goes to the church. Ain't he committed?
Lol. Don't really think he is committed
Religion / Top 10 International Christian Footballers Committed To The Faith by Skillz92: 2:17am On Aug 13, 2017
Sometimes, when fortune and fame hits home, especially the one that comes with a highly successful international football career, it becomes a challenge keeping our values, beliefs and religion.

With an estimated two billion Christians in the world, you can expect there to be a large number of Christian football players in the world, right? Well, how many practicing Christians can you name, from the English Premier League, Spanish La Liga, and other international leagues?

Here is a list of top ten international footballers. These footballers have often time professed their allegiance to God either through their way of life, social media posts, or vows publicly made to God, and of course their goal celebration patterns.

Please note that this list is arranged based on a combination of the players’ public commitment to the Christian faith and their net worth.

10. Tim Howard

The former Everton goalkeeper is currently plying his trade at Colorado Rapids.

The United States international is an International Christian Footballers, who considers Jesus Christ most important in his life.

“The most important thing in my life is Christ. He’s more important to me than winning or losing or whether I’m playing or not. Everything else is just a bonus.”

He is also involved with Athletes in Action, a ministry arm of Campus Crusade for Christ.


The Uruguayan striker for several years has embraced the Christian faith and come to be part of that group of professional athletes in all discipline who share love for Jesus Christ and recognise him as the Lord and Saviour of their lives.

The official site of the Athletes of Christ explains, ‘These athletes have the responsibility to live a Christian life to the unanimous will of God in the world of sport’.
Cavani, who makes no secret of his faith decided to tell it all in a book he published titled ‘Quello che ho nel cuore. Vita, calico e fede, meaning ‘Series of Enlargements’.


The Sunderland Midfielder and South African player literally wears his faith on his sleeve: on more than one occasion after scoring he has revealed a vest with the words- “God is great’’.

A strong Christian upbringing helped the 30 year-old Ex- Ajax, Borussia Dortmund and Spurs star, find Christ- “My Mum is a very committed Christian and was always on my case’’, he smiles. “No-one can force you to believe, though. I just listened at Church and everything made sense”.

And about the vest- “I wear the vest because God is truly great. He is on high. I believe he is with me and the angels are guiding me on the pitch and the vest is a way of acknowledging this”


daniel Sturridge

The 28 year old Liverpool striker has revealed that he reads the bible every morning. He said his love for the book came from his parents who urged him to read it on Sundays.

According to him; “That was important for me growing up. It’s part of my routine and I do it every day”. After winning the Barclays player award of the month, he said “I do all through Christ who strengthens me”.


Andre Iniesta

Andrés Iniesta Luján is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a central midfielder for FC Barcelona and the Spain national team. He serves as the captain for Barcelona.

The 33 year old player is married with kids and is often known to not only talk about his religion but also travel for pilgrimages.


Javier Hernandez

His pre-match routine sees him kneel on the halfway line with his palms outstretched. Popularly known as ‘Chicarito’. The 29 year old footballer plays for both his country (Mexico) and also recently transferred to West Ham United.

He is a devoted Roman Catholic. Javier once speaking about his faith said;

“I like to ask God to take care of me because he gave me the opportunity to play. I talk to God and I let him take care of the health of both teams because the worst things for a sportsman are injuries and there are a lot of accidents on that pitch that nobody wants.”


David Luiz

International football star and Chelsea defender vowed to abstain from sex until after he is married in an instagram post which included his baptism.

The International Christian Footballers posted a message alongside the picture which read “I have chosen to wait’. Luiz said he will abstain from sex until he marries girlfriend Sara Madeira, according to Telegraph
He then added; “How wonderful to live with you Lord, thank you for loving me so much and taking care of me! My life is yours and I am your servant! You are always in the centre of all my decision. I love my God! Amen”.


Wayne Rooney

Rooney is an English football player, a Catholic, and appears to be quite religious. In the year 2002 he was seen wearing a rosary around his neck during practice and he was questioned by a reporter that what is it for-he replied – it’s my religion……”

The reporter stopped him saying “we don’t do religion here”. Luckily, Rooney who is an astute defender of the gospel replied saying “….. Right from my teenage I pray to God to win football games, now that I am an adult, I take my faith even more seriously…”


Thiago Silva

Though born desperately poor he lived near a dangerous shantytown in the city of Rio de Jameiro, he was able to overcome these hardships and achieve great success in the eyes of the whole world.

He is a professional soccer player; winning many prizes in the history of world’s soccer he has also been named as one of the top players in Europe for three consecutive times. This lifestyle of his shows he is committed to his career and dependent on God for heavy support.



Ricardo Izecson popularly called ‘Kaka’ is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays for Orlando city and also Brazilian national team. Kaká is a devout evangelical Christian who was an active member of the São Paulo-based Rebirth in Christ Church.

He removed his jersey to reveal an “I Belong to Jesus” T-shirt and openly engaged in prayer moments after the final whistle. He also had the same phrase, along with “God Is Faithful,” stitched onto the tongues of his boots.

In goal celebrations, he usually points to the sky as a gesture of thanks to God. KAKA’s first encounter with God happened after a near-paralyzing swimming pool mishap, he gave his life to Christ and after a full recovery from the pool accident which can only be God.

Kaka and his wife met in 2002 and were married 3 years later in 2005 and unlike majority of athletes; they were both virgins on their wedding day.

Here is our list of the top ten international footballers. Do you feel there is a Christian footballer left out? Why not add it in the comment section

SOURCE : http://praisebars.com/international-christian-footballers/

71 Likes 7 Shares

Music/Radio / Henrisoul – Take Over (free Download ) by Skillz92: 2:54am On Aug 06, 2017

Henrisoul releases yet another beautiful and melodious worship tune – Take over , bound to lift hearts for a long time.

After his previous single Dere Du which is still on the lips of his amazing fans, Henrisoul releases yet another beautiful and melodious worship tune – Takeover. Henrisoul, who recently hosted a successful event “On The Throne which took place in London, is also currently working on a worship album in London with Mr. Shabz for Beautiful Media Services.

While we await the album, Metanoia Media Presents to you, Takeover by Henrisoul.

Get the song : http://praisebars.com/download-music-henrisoul-take-over/
Music/Radio / Re: Justin Bieber Cancels Purpose World Tour To Start Church by Skillz92: 8:29pm On Jul 26, 2017
Good news

that's if he will be committed to it
Music/Radio / Justin Bieber Cancels Purpose World Tour To Start Church by Skillz92: 8:19pm On Jul 26, 2017

Popular American singer Justin Bieber has cancelled the rest of his tour ‘Purpose World Tour’.

Media reports in the US are suggesting that the star cancelled the tour for religious reasons. Other speculations suggest that he may be planning to start his own church.

Justin’s manager Scooter Braun apologized to fans who won’t be opportune to see the popstar perform through his Instagram page

“To the promoters who believed around the world, thank you, to the fans from all over the world who took part over the last 16 months over 6 continents thank you.

To Justin who have it is all night after night, thank you.

And to those that won’t be able to see it.. on behalf of myself, justin and the team, we are sorry.

That was never our intent. But a man’s soul and wellbeing I truly care about came first and we all must respect and honor that.”

Justin was to play dates in the US, Canada and Asia but last Monday July 24 2017, he announced that he would not continue his shows in a statement on his website.

‘Due to unforeseen circumstances, Justin Bieber will cancel the remainder of the Purpose World Tour concerts… Tickets will be refunded at point of purchase.”

Last Tuesday July 25, Australian entertainment reporter, Richard Wilkins claimed that he had ‘exclusive’ information from an unnamed source that the Christian popstar wants to “reconnect with his faith” and start his own church.

“I am led to believe that the real reason he has come off the road is because he wants to reconnect with his faith and he may be even planning to start his own church.”

Justin was spotted chatting with pastor Carl Lentz on Tuesday outside Mastro’s Steakhouse while out for dinner in Beverly Hills.
According to sources connected to Hillsong Church, he cancelled his Purpose tour because he “rededicated his life to Christ” …

Justin is said to have gotten close to Hillsong pastor Carl Lentz for some time now and his Instagram bio is said to be linked to a sermon by Miami pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr.

He is said to have apologized to his fans, sharing that he loves them and he is sorry to those who feel betrayed and disappointing.

“I love you guys. I think you guys are awesome.

’m sorry for anybody who feels disappointed or betrayed. It’s not my heart, or anything. Have a blessed day.”

Source: http://praisebars.com/justin-bieber-cancels-purpose-world-tour-to-start-church/

mynd44, lalasticlala, ishilove
Music/Radio / Tye Tribbett Releases The Bloody Win Project Album Cover & Tracklist by Skillz92: 1:34am On Jul 24, 2017

Tye Tribbett is looking to make quite the splash with his highly anticipated project, The Bloody Win.

Arriving in stores on October 13, 2017, the LP’s official album cover has been Released and tracklisting for the LP – which you can find below.

‘The Bloody Win’ is the follow-up to 2013′s ‘Greater Than’, and is preceded by lead single ‘Work It Out.’

The Bloody Win Tracklisting

1. ‘Intro’
2. ‘Already Won’
3. ‘Live!‘
4. ‘I Want More’
5. ‘Resurrecting’
6. ‘Work It Out’
7. ‘African Medley’
8. ‘Mighty’
9. ’Craving’
10. ‘Out Of Hiding / How He Loves / Good Good Father (Medley)’
11. ‘Give Thanks’
12. ‘War (Outra)’

SOURCE : http://praisebars.com/tye-tribbett-releases-bloody-win-album-cover/

ishilove, Mynd44, seun
Business / Re: Ecobank Opens Naira-denominated Mastercard For International Transactions by Skillz92: 7:07pm On Jul 14, 2017
This Banks and their stories. I have been trying to pay for Facebook advert with my diamond visa card for a very long time now still could not do that
Music/Radio / Re: Gospel Singers/musicians Drop Your Whatsapp Number For A Group Add. by Skillz92: 11:15pm On Jul 07, 2017
Great idea
Music/Radio / Marvin Sapp Reacts To Jay Z’s Album Which Hit Platinum Before Release To Masses by Skillz92: 9:30pm On Jul 07, 2017
Marvin Sapp Remarks On Believers Not Supporting Gospel Music
Pastor/Musician Marvin Sapp who recently released his newest single “Close” in June 2017 made a remark concerning renowned mainstream rapper Jay Z whose album went platinum in less than a week without physical album sales.

“#TransparentConversation#MyPersonalOpinion I was asked a question the other day that I wanted to address via social media.

Here’s the question, “Jay-Z’s album went platinum and it hasn’t even been released to the masses yet! It went certified platinum just on tidal!! Coming to apple and all other outlets next week!!!”

According to Marvin Sapp, the outcome of Jay Z’s platinum record is due to the fact that his fans recognize his messages and support him fully despite his flaws and shortcomings.

Marvin Sapp also indicated, that believers on the other hand will choose not to buy the albums of Gospel artistes because of their “presumed flaws and questionable lives.”

“What is that saying?” My response, “The world supports its own.” Not one supporter of Jay-Z (Believer or Non Believer) questions his lifestyle, beliefs or commitment to his wife. They know that the messenger is flawed but they support his message to the tune of 1 million sale and it hasn’t been release to the masses yet.”

He went on to explain that believers need to understand that the message behind the songs that they release which is basically the message of Christ is way bigger than the messenger(Artist).

He pointed out that making the artist bigger than the message itself is automatically silencing the Gospel of Christ musically and shoving the Gospel Industry into life support.

“I believe the world gets what believers still don’t or refuse to understand. #myopinionon That the message is always bigger than the messenger. Believers won’t buy gospel music of some artist because of their presumed flaws and questionable life.

Making them (the artist) bigger than the message of Christ and in doing so silencing this great gospel message musically and slowly but surely putting this industry of gospel music on life support that has the ability to impact the masses.”

He concluded by encouraging believers to support the message of the Gospel, and then he prayed that believers will eventually stop pointing fingers, and realize that to err is human.

He went on to remind us that in the Bible, every single person God used was full of flaws and yet God used them to deliver a message of healing and hope .

“#AgainMyOpinion One day I pray that we all drop our rocks and remember that everyone and I mean everyone that God used in scripture was flawed and or had issues that wasn’t Jesus Christ and that’s why we needed his redemptive work in our lives.

However even with their flaws and all God used them to deliver a message of hope and healing. Support the Message of gospel music and let’s keep it alive.”


Music/Radio / Re: Mc Lyte Reminds Kanye West About Jesus Walks by Skillz92: 10:19am On Jul 04, 2017
We all join Lyte to say connect to Jesus
Music/Radio / Mc Lyte Reminds Kanye West About Jesus Walks by Skillz92: 10:21pm On Jul 03, 2017
Mc Lyte Reminds Kanye West About his 2004 hit song Jesus Walks
Rap legend Lana Michelle Moorer popularly known as MC Lyte is said to have shared an open letter written to Kanye West where she reminded her fellow rapper of his identity in Jesus Christ.

In the letter, the 46-year-old female rap pioneer addressed West as “dear brother” before asking where he was. She let West know that fans were waiting for him to release new music, while reminding him of his 2004 hit song, “Jesus Walks ” She encouraged West to connect to Jesus.

“My dear brother you are on my mind. Where are you? How are you? Will we hear you again? How you feel…will we ever hear how you feel? We miss you.

Can’t wait to hear that next thing. Those words. That slay. So slick. Sing your song my brother, Jesus Walks…He does, your are, because he was. He is, he lives, ask & believe, he’ll manifest the gift—-NEW LIFE —We miss you Kanye…”

Lyte is not the only entertainer who expressed concern for West’s spiritual wellbeing. Last year, singer turned minister Montell Jordan offered his help and support to West.

On Nov. 21, the 40-year-old rap mogul was admitted to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, for a psychiatric evaluation. While some reports claimed that West suffered from exhaustion, others said he may have undergone a spiritual attack

Jordan, a worship leader who serves at Victory World Church in Norcross, Georgia, stated that he would be willing to minister to West, adding that he believed West could only find the peace he was lacking in God.

“I’m always available. The story I tell is an eternal story, so I’m giving him a remedy that anybody can lose it for a minute,” Jordan told TMZ. “But if he reached out I would have no difficulty speaking with him.”

I think he won’t get the answers he is looking for through normal means. It’s a tough one honestly because the business can do some things to you,” Jordan said. “But I found that the only peace you’re going to find is in the peace you don’t get from just regular normal types of procedures. I find my peace in God.”

Source : http://praisebars.com/mc-lyte-reminds-kanye-west-about-jesus-walks/

Music/Radio / Kirk Franklin To Headline Tim Godfrey’s Fearless Concert In August 13 by Skillz92: 11:48pm On Jul 01, 2017
Fearless Concert 2017 will definitely be off the hooks and an event not to miss out on with renowned International gospel artiste Kirk Franklin headlining the event alongside Tim Godfrey and his Xtreme crew at the Rock Cathedral of the House On The Rock Lagos.

Last year 2016, fearless concert made its debut with Marvin Sapp as its headline artiste and had about 6,000 people in attendance. This year Tim Godfrey, Rox Nation and House On The Rock have come together collaborating to deliver an even bigger and better event. The date has been announced to be Sunday August 13th 2017 for this year’s concert.

Pastor Paul Adefarasin, the Senior Pastor, House On The Rock Churches, speaking on the collaboration said “Tim Godfrey is a son and one of the icons raising the banner of Jesus using the tool of music and we are excited to be part of an historic concert hosting Kirk Franklin at The Rock Cathedral”

Tim says “We are built to be Fearless” and “this year is special for me personally because my music has mirrored Kirk Franklin’s. He is one of the biggest influences on my musical career. It is a great honour to host the great gospel icon. I imagine that the city of Lagos and Nigeria will shake for Jesus and lives will be transformed.


Music/Radio / Travis Greene To Release A New Single On May 12 by Skillz92: 2:54pm On May 05, 2017
Travis Greene is said to be getting ready and pumped up to the release his newest single:’You waited’. This single is to be released on Friday the 12th of May 2017.

All through the week he had been sharing hints which were slowly leading towards the big news. Eventually he shared the good news through his instagram handle:

“No more hints and no more guessing games! Next Friday on May 12 at 1PM EST – experience, with me, the release of my new single You Waited. We’re doing something different and you do NOT want to miss out. Catch me @TravisGreeneTV, trust me, you’ll want to set your alarm.

Travis Greene is said to be getting ready and pumped up to the release his newest single:’You waited’. This single is to be released on Friday the 12th of May 2017.

All through the week he had been sharing hints which were slowly leading towards the big news. Eventually he shared the good news through his instagram handle:

“No more hints and no more guessing games! Next Friday on May 12 at 1PM EST – experience, with me, the release of my new single You Waited. We’re doing something different and you do NOT want to miss out. Catch me @TravisGreeneTV, trust me, you’ll want to set your alarm.

Source http:// praisebars.com/travis-green-to-release-a-new-single-may-12/

Music/Radio / Pastor Paul Adefarasin Fellowships With Bishop TD Jakes by Skillz92: 3:40am On Apr 22, 2017
Pastor Paul Adefarasin of the House On The Rock Church spent his Easter Sunday fellowshiping with Potter’s House leader Bishop TD Jakes, one of the greatest fathers of faith of this generation, in Dallas, Texas, USA.

The captured image of both of them shared by Bishop Jakes via his instagram page has since gone viral, as a number of people have started speculating a huge collaborative project might be underway.

The “TD Jakes Show” host extended a warm greeting to the members of the House On The Rock Church in his message, while describing their Senior Pastor as ‘incomparable’.

“This past Resurrection Sunday, the incomparable @pauladefarasin came all the way to Dallas, Texas to spend the day with us worshiping God and exchanging pleasantries from Lagos Nigeria.

Shout out to all of the wonderful people of @houseontherockchurch This picture was captured at our Sunday Brunch featuring @keikomatsuijazz and other great talents!”

This looks good. We like the spirit of fellowship


Music/Radio / Beejay Sax To Host His Debut Concert Beejaysax Live by Skillz92: 1:21am On Apr 21, 2017
BEEJAYSAX LIVE is a music concert. the Premium Saxophonist Beejay sax is taking a leap and raising the bar as he hosts his first concert tagged “BEEJAYSAX LIVE” at the Eko Hotel And Suites Victoria Island, Lagos on Sunday, 14th of May 2017.

In the gospel circle, Bolaji Banjoko popularly known as Beejay Sax has tipped off what can be described as phenomenal Event with his choice of venue, an ideal location for premium entertainment for the spirit, soul and body.

While speaking on planned event, “I want an event that will send a big signal to the entertainment industry in Nigeria.
The Bible states in Romans 1:16 – For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile”

“The Gospel of Christ is what we preach and we will do this in one of the most exquisite venues we have around.”

“Also in 1 Corinthians 2:4 – My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power.

So, I trust that God will show himself strong and mighty” – Bolaji Banjoko

When asked about featured music ministers, Beejay expalins that all music ministers to feature will revealed as the date and day draws near. Everyone should follow our Social Media Hashtag Thread #BeejaySaxLive for Update.

Date: Sunday, May 14, 2017
Time: 5pm
Venue: Eko Hotel And Suites Victoria Island, Lagos.
Follow official Hashtag: #BeejaySaxLive
For Tickets and Table Reservations call: 08132588595, 08058982828.[b][/b]


Music/Radio / South Africa To Host 2017 Edition Of Alabanza Concert- Nigeria Mega Gospel Conce by Skillz92: 9:04pm On Feb 22, 2017

Nigerian-based record label, Tehila Records, organisers of the Alabanza mega gospel ​conce​rt,​ have announced plans to host the showpiece event for 2017 in South Africa.

Billed as one of Africa’s biggest gospel show for the year, the event will take place on Sunday, March 26, 2017, at The Lyric Theatre, in Gold Riff, Johannesburg.
The concert is expected to bring together people from all walks of life as they gather to listen to the melodious and motivational tunes and messages of some of the biggest gospel artistes both on the continent and in the diaspora, and also to experience a life changing impact in a soul-filled atmosphere.

Artistes to perform at this year’s event include renowned gospel singers from Nigeria and South Africa such as Enkay, Chiika100%, Ntokozo Mbambo, Sammie Okposo, Khaya Mthethwa, Uche Agu (Double Double), Mabongi, and Tim Godfrey.Other confirmed artistes for the event are Nqubeko Mbatha, Mahalia Buchanan, Frank Edwards, Onos Ariyo, Loyiso Bala, Chioma Jesus, Bukola Bekes, Mpume and Freke Umoh.

Speaking on the essence of the concert, Convener, Alabanza Concert and CEO Tehila Records, Timothy Ogboruche, said; “. This event is the first of its kind to ever happen in South Africa and aims to create and foster a synergy between Nigeria and South Africa through music. There is no greater calling than to bow and kneel before the throne of God in deep praise and riveting worship. Under this atmosphere, anything can happen! That is why we have put together a rich event that will definitely achieve this objective.”

The Alabanza Concert, an annual event since 2013, will be in its fifth edition this year. This year’s event is also a unique one as the event will take place outside the shores of Nigeria for the very first time, depicting a fusion of cultures, sounds and nations across the continent and indeed the entire world.

Tehila Records is one of the foremost gospel record labels in Nigeria set up to promote and groom gospel music artistes both nationally and internationally. Tehila Records is the organiser of the Alabanza Concert, which has been a trend setter and pacemaker in the gospel music scene with over 10,000 people in attendance each year.

For More information and enquires:

Visit: InstagramG: @tehilarecords

Facebook: Tehila Records


Website: www.tehilarecords.com

Mail to:Tehilasounds@gmail.com

source: http://praisebars.com/south-africa-to-host-2017-edition-of-alabanza-concert-nigeria-mega-gospel-concert/
Music/Radio / Kirk Franklin Releases New Single And Visual For My World Need You by Skillz92: 3:57am On Jan 12, 2017
10-time GRAMMY® Award winning recording artist, songwriter and producer Kirk Franklin, has released his latest single, “My World Needs You” to radio stations and debuted a visual for the song exclusively on BET.com. The heartfelt song speaks about the social injustices happening around the world today and calling upon God to bring strength in time of hardships.

Penned by Franklin, his message on “My World Needs You” supports his continued endeavors in addressing and reflecting on issues that anyone faces, and uniting together to help each other. He continues to give back with charitable organizations close by and abroad addressing these issues. This week, Franklin will be in Haiti, headlining Giving Hearts with Love’s “Rise Up for Haiti” benefit concert on Thursday, January 12th, 2017. He has also worked with The Expectations Project, a non-profit organization that sheds light on education inequality.

Musically, Franklin’s chart-topping eleventh album LOSING MY RELIGION and singles including “123 Victory” and “Wanna Be Happy?” have been thriving. Billboard’s 2016 Year-End Charts recognized him with seven #1 positions and over ten other Top 25 positions on various Gospel and R&B/Hip-Hop artist, album, and song lists. Franklin is also nominated for four GRAMMY® Awards this year including Best Gospel Album for LOSING MY RELIGION, Best Gospel Performance/Song as a songwriter for Tamela Mann’s “God Provides”, Best Rap/Sung Performance and Best Rap Song for Kanye West’s “Ultralight Beam”, which he is featured on.

Watch Kirk Franklin: “My World Needs You ”
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Music/Radio / Worship Fiesta 2016: The Power Of Love (teens And Young Adult) on boxing day by Skillz92: 12:47am On Dec 25, 2016

On the 26th of December, 2016, all roads will lead to the Onikan Stadium for the biggest Worship Programme for Teenagers in Lagos tagged Worship Fiesta ’16. The programmed, organized by MINE Teenage Ministry is aimed at bringing together about ten thousand (10,000) young people in a particular location to worship God with one voice.

Teenagers are very awesome people. There is a move of the spirit that is heavily resting on teenagers and thus, it has become highly imperative that platforms for undiluted expression of spirit are created for them. Hence, MINE Teens Ministry has always stepped up to its commitment to creating an atmosphere where teenagers can be taught to love and relate with God in awesome ways.

In this vein, Worship Fiesta is one programme that is poised to bring Ministers of the Word, Worshippers and Music Ministers, Counsellors and Teens Workers together. These people will be on ground to provide spiritual and physical support and counsel to the expected over ten thousand teenagers.

This event will hold on the 26th of December, 2016 at the Onikan Stadium, Lagos. The will be adequate security and protocol on ground to aid free flow. The events will start exactly by 10am and will end by 3pm.

MINE Teens Ministry is a platform for teenagers to come together and be taught the things of God. Founded over ten years ago, MINE has been aggressively winning over teenagers to the ways of the Lord.

Make it a date on the 26th of December at Onikan Stadium.

Music/Radio / Re: 5 Top Gospel Songs That Should Top Your Playlist This Yuletide by Skillz92: 12:42am On Dec 25, 2016
Music/Radio / Re: 5 Top Gospel Songs That Should Top Your Playlist This Yuletide by Skillz92: 12:40am On Dec 25, 2016
Music/Radio / Re: 5 Top Gospel Songs That Should Top Your Playlist This Yuletide by Skillz92: 3:42am On Dec 24, 2016
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Music/Radio / 5 Top Gospel Songs That Should Top Your Playlist This Yuletide by Skillz92: 7:53pm On Dec 22, 2016
Christmas is a season of celebration; we celebrate the birth of Jesus who came to save us from the captivity of sin.
However, most churches use this medium to celebrate thanksgiving services to Thank God for life and Guidance throughout the year.
The list below contains 5 songs I believe should top your playlist this Christmas. The selected songs were not selected on the basis that they are Christmas songs; they were all selected based on the fact that their lyrics really show God in action, his love Guidance and faithfulness
1. God over Everything - This is a hit song from the rich boy Frank Edwards released earlier this year. This song tops this list simply because it should. The lyrics, rhythm and rhymes are all saying the same word “God over Everything”.

2. No one like you – this song is a deep stirring worship song from a uk based upcoming gospel music star purist ogboi. This song was able to make this list simply because of its unique style, a combination of ballad, neo-soul and contemporary rock.

3. Unquestionable – this is a song from popular gospel music minister and voice coach segun obe, Composed and produced by phatstringz. A mixture of English, Yoruba and igbo language.

4. He is God – this is a song from a young inspirational music minister De-ola. He is God came barely three months after the Release of her trending song “you are Here”. I chose He is God over you are here because it speaks more to me this yuletide.

5. Deeper – this is a song from the gospel group called Worship city. Deeper is a song from their Album Worship beyond words which was unveiled on August 21 during a concert in Abuja.


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