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Adverts / Stock Market website by thefirm: 8:27am On Mar 08, 2009
Get free Information on the Nigerian Stock market Here : http://www.stockmarketnigeria.com/
Religion / How To Get To Heaven? by thefirm: 11:18pm On Nov 26, 2008
Is it by praying regularly or doing a lot of good work for Gods' sake.

What is the easiest way to get to Heaven?

House your response is needed.
Computers / Which Way Wit Viruses? by thefirm: 6:23am On Nov 09, 2008
How possible is it not to come in contact with computer viruses? and is Norton da best. Need your opinions.

Get more info @ www.getrichgradually..com
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United: Who Wins? by thefirm: 5:52am On Nov 09, 2008
D Gunner will make them pay again at the TOD. Liverpool, Scolari you guys are next.
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Re: Handsome Dude Needs Sugar Mum by thefirm: 5:27am On Nov 09, 2008
How hard is it for you to grab a babe on your own. Guy dont shorten the already short life span
TV/Movies / Taken From Me - N1000 Movie by thefirm: 1:25pm On Sep 30, 2008
I would normally watch movies at home because they are cheaper{DSTV and DVDs} but I was at the cinemas yesterday and I paid a thousand naira to watch a movie titled TAKEN. This is excluding Pop corn - Seven Hundred Naira, Drinks - Five Hundred Naira. And to think I Paid for two in the spirit of Celebrations.

you can get the complete gist from www.getrichgradually..com/
Nairaland / General / Re: Most Nairalanders Come To Nairaland To Read D Romance/sex Section - True/false by thefirm: 10:53am On Sep 28, 2008
FALSE. it cannot be true. it is a lie. no way. but wat i it is true. i need to hid my id. wink
Nairaland / General / Re: Please Am Finding It Very Hard To Download. I Just Want Someone To Tell Me What To Do. When I Try To by thefirm: 10:48am On Sep 28, 2008
What exctly are you trying to download? you did not state it in your post.

Normal downloads on the internet are quite easy. all u need do is to navigate to the page of download and click on the download button.

then you wait for the process to be completed.
Investment / Re: Approved List Of Nigerian Stock Brokers by thefirm: 10:26am On Sep 28, 2008
So happy to see INTERSTATE SECURITIES on this list.

1 Like

Business / Re: How To Use Paypal In Nigeria by thefirm: 10:17am On Sep 28, 2008
its ok
Politics / Re: 21bn LNG Scam: FBI Storm Abuja by thefirm: 1:21pm On Sep 15, 2008
How do we continue like this? Na wa for this our naija O!
Sports / Federer Beats Djokovic At Us Open by thefirm: 11:52am On Sep 07, 2008
This is the man to win the US open and remove that small boy Nadal from no 1.
Romance / How Do You Think Romance Is Perfomed? by thefirm: 11:26am On Sep 07, 2008
The truth is that most of us do not really understand the act of romance.

i think you need to first of all know your partner well and all the HOT spots before you get into the act.

wats your opinion.
Politics / Yaradua Is Back! No More Autopilot Rule. by thefirm: 11:07am On Sep 07, 2008
After close to 16days or more, our president finally breezed in from his lesser hajj. i wonder why we were not informed of hisa situation. moreova we are no longer on AUTOPILOT RULE and governance will gradually resmue its slow movement if not slower. i pray he recovers early from the operation has actually went for.

Pray for him.
Politics / Is Yaradua Trully Ill In Saudi? by thefirm: 11:07pm On Aug 29, 2008
The man was supposed to go for four days lesser hajj and stop ova in brazil but he has been stuck in Saudi for almost ten days now and all the newspapers are saying he is terribly ill. Abeg tell Adeniyi or wetin be im name n Odey tp tell us the truth O! we want our President
Education / Re: Nigerians And Spelling Errors! It Keeps Getting Worse! by thefirm: 10:57pm On Aug 29, 2008
Abeg all of you guys dat went to JELE OSIMI should reconsider going for adult education. Abi u no tire to dey SHELL!!
Romance / Re: I've Had Enough Of Men! by thefirm: 10:52pm On Aug 29, 2008
Lady, you need a man more than you think. reconsider for ur own sake
Romance / Can We All Fall In Love? by thefirm: 11:29am On Jul 18, 2008
Really I want to ask us all. Is it possible? This love issue really burns me up. I am crazily in love with my girlfriend and I would do anything for her but are we all like this? Some of us don’t even believe in this thing called love because of various reasons but we need not harden our hearts towards loving another person.

We all need some sort of companionship that must not be abused. Love is a strange unexplainable feeling towards someone (or something). Everyone loves one thing or the other but the ability to show it in quantifiable volumes is what really matters.

Please show love, accept love, give love but never abuse love.
Politics / Is Musa Yaradua Our President? by thefirm: 11:28am On Jul 18, 2008
Abeg, I no believe that headline even though I wrote it. This is a man that was elected and sworn in by the Chief Justice of Nigeria. Well the country is calm in the way that he is not as garrulous as our last president who always heated up the polity, I have a feeling this government is just too calm in the face of obstacles.

The Niger Delta Region is on fire, Federal Highway roads are as bad as they can be, Diesle price is very high now and it seems the Government is not responding.

Rule of law, that’s the new slogan and it would take a while to entrench it but its better to try than not to.

Abeg Make una tell Yaradua (or the President of Nigeria) say na only two and half years remain o. we need all action now to improve all spheres of the economy.

What do you think?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Praise God For Me: My Job At Last by thefirm: 11:11am On Jul 18, 2008
@ damayor

I am very happy for you. I am presently employed eventhough and I know its really tough not being employed. i wish you good luck on your job.

take care
Nairaland / General / Re: Plan To Leave Nairaland For Good by thefirm: 11:03am On Jul 18, 2008

Why leave when the fun only just started. some addictions are really good for you. maybe all u need is some time off.

see ya. wink
Religion / Re: If God Were To Give You His Powers, What Will You Do With It? by thefirm: 10:05am On Jul 18, 2008
i would just rewind the whole world back to adam and eve ere and destroy the DEVIL. cool
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Nigeria Lost Over 20 Graduate In Immigration And Prison Recruitment by thefirm: 8:35am On Jul 18, 2008
it unfortunate this kind of thing happens all tha time. even soldiers that were at war didnt die but as soon as they arrived nigeria, they were blown up by our carelessness.

God help us.
Jokes Etc / Re: Phcn (nepa) To Control Daylight? by thefirm: 8:26am On Jul 18, 2008
but what if this ma dream come true. abi u guy didnt watch last night news?
Jokes Etc / Phcn (nepa) To Control Daylight? by thefirm: 11:48am On Jul 11, 2008
I woke up this morning, terrified by the very headline up there. Power Holding Company of Nigeria had just been handed to authority to control daylight. By who, you might ask? The Federal Government of course. Even electricity they cannot afford to provide efficiently. But in this dream, they were already issuing contracts on how to bill Nigerians.

You know how dreams are, almost anything is possible. I first resisted when they came to collect the money but when they cut off my daylight, I was shocked. Imagine 2:00pm to be as dark as midnight and I was at work. They couldn’t even be graceful enough to give electricity.

Thank God it was a dream. I woke up to find out that the situation was still the same. Our daylight was safe and there was no electricity.
Family / Re: Moving To Separate Rooms After Many Years Of Marriage by thefirm: 11:38am On Jul 11, 2008
I think a lot of people just dont understand its till death do them apart. i just pray we dont end up like this.
Romance / Re: Does A Broken Home Affect Future Romance? by thefirm: 11:34am On Jul 11, 2008
sure it does. Most people from such homes are usually depressed and it takes the glory of God to bring them back. they always imagine themselves fighting with their spouse.

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