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Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) - Religion - Nairaland

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"I Held Meetings With Snakes..." - Peterside Idah, ex-Eagles Goalkeeper! / RAPTURE; The Re-gathering Of True Israel / The Experience 2012 *The Biggest Christian Gathering in Africa* (2) (3) (4)

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Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 3:09am On Aug 31, 2013

Turn to God before it is too late.
Everyone needs forgiveness even you, yes YOU reading.

John 9: 41 "Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remains."

Oh God, I come to you in the name of your Son Jesus.
I come to you as a sinner. I have come that you may forgive me. I can't do without You.
Father you sent your Son that I may be saved by the washing of His blood on the cross of calvary.
Wash me today in the blood of Jesus.
Lord Jesus, I accept you now as my personal Lord and saviour.
I reject my life of sin.
Pls come into my heart and life. Wash my name from the book of hell and condemnation, and write my name in the book of Life.
In Jesus Holy name I pray.

Thank you Jesus for my new Life. Amen

If you said this prayer, you are no more a sinner. Pls Share this message to all your family and friends and become a vessel unto honor.

Pls maintain this new life,
- start to read the Christian bible book of John to learn about Jesus our Lord
- Pray frequently in the name of Jesus
- pray and find a bible believing church for guidance and fellowship.

God bless you as you continue in your walk in Jesus Holy name.

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Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 12:22pm On Sep 06, 2013

...having not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, with respect of persons.
(Pls Read James chapter 2)

It talks about holding God and his message of salvation in higher esteem and regard than any person.

When the chairman of your company calls you personally and sends you on an errand (with a good message or bad message) to a person in the same company, you will stop all you are doing immediately to deliver the message so that you may find favor in the Chairman's sight.

Consider God as that Chairman, and the world as that Company and the message as salvation. Have the FEAR OF GOD in you.

- Treat "all" people with the same respect whether rich or poor

- Don't shift your ground in righteousness to please a person or say to yourself "If I talk about Jesus how would they feel"

- think of how to please God first by weighing the righteousness of God with the action in question.

- Speak to people about Jesus whether rich or poor, highly or lowly placed.

- Every conversation is an opportunity to put in a word about Jesus.

Father, nothing is hidden from you. Have mercy on me. Convert me to Jesus by the blood of Jesus and useme to establish the fear of God in everyone i come across
Father pls Lead me not into temptation today. Let my desires be to please you all the days of my life in Jesus Holy name
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 11:28am On Sep 09, 2013

JESUS loves you unconditionally, and His Love for you will continue until the end.
If you die without accepting the salvation of Jesus, you are doomed for eternity O.

Jesus loves you even before He died on the cross for you.
He doesn’t love you because you are perfect; He loves you despite your imperfection, but he has called you onto perfection.
(Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.)

How can you reject so great a love like the Love of Jesus.
Don't you know that despite all you have done and being through; Jesus loves you?

No drunkards will enter into heaven, no liars, no fornicators, no smokers, adulterer, no idolators, no immoral dressers, no bad mouthed person will enter heaven..
Do not deceive yourself

God is a holy God and every act of unholiness shall be punished.

Honor only him, Adore only him, Praise only him, Worship only him. If you Honor, Praise, Adore or Worship any other but Jesus alone, you are in error.

Merciful Father, I have sinned against you knowingly and unknowingly please forgive me for my error in Jesus name.
Lord give me your strength to begin my life afresh again in your service alone.
Turn me away from all error and the deciet of the devil, Forgive me my sins
"Thank you for loving a wretch like me"
I embrace your Love in Jesus holy name
I surrender to you Lord Jesus. Please Help me to follow you in Jesus holy name
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 6:46am On Sep 10, 2013

..Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. "This is the FIRST and GREAT commandment."
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. "On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (Matthew 22: 37-40)

Do you know about The Ten Commandments? They were given to the Hebrew people by God. Their purpose was to teach people how to love and honor God, and how to live happily with one another.

If you say you love God obey his word.
"Obedience is greater than sacrifice."

Jesus has come to reconcile us to His father, the Father of light and deliver us from the unfruitful works of darkness, come back to God.

Almighty Father, creator of the heavens and the earth and all that is within them. I thank you for the gift of life, health and ability.
I give you all the praise for my life, my family and my friends.
Lord pls have mercy on me, Grant me the grace to follow you in obedience in all of my ways to the glory of your name. Forgive my sins.
Lead me not into temptation today, and deliver me, my family and friends from evil.
All these I ask through your holy Son Jesus
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 8:54pm On Sep 11, 2013

Today my phone was out of signal and many people wondered why I didn't send the daily devotion,..
Once my signal came back up I started getting messages, and something occured to me so i sent this message to them

"No fears, the Rapture hasn't happened yet Osmiley, my BB had issues. My apologies. Jesus is coming soon / Trust God"
followed by another message
"But on a more serious note, what if the rapture had happened and you never get a message from me again?
What would you do?
Be prepared always, Jesus is coming sooner than we think."

My friend please do not slack, be steadfast in truth and fellowship with Jesus,
...and if you are not born again, pls give your life to jesus Christ today and embrace a sure hope of evelasting life in paradise.

Say this Prayer:
Father, I come to you in the name of your Son Jesus.
Pls forgive me for my sins
Wash me today with the blood of Jesus.
Lord Jesus, please come into my life as my personal Lord and savior.
I reject my life of sin.
Pls write my name in the book of life.
In Jesus Holy name I pray.
Thank you Jesus.

Pls Share this message to all your loved one.
- read the Christian bible Jesus our Lordfrom Book of John
- Pray frequently in the name of Jesus
- look for a bible believing church for guidance and fellowship.

God bless you as you continue in your walk in Jesus Holy name.
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 7:26am On Sep 12, 2013


He does not love you because you are perfect; He loves you despite your imperfection,

Do you know that there is nothing you have done that God cannot forgive.
The blood of Jesus Christ washes away all sins; because Jesus loves you?

Having turned away from unfruitful works of sin, let us work daily onto perfection, looking onto Jesus in all things.

Remember if you go wrong, don't stay down, hurry back and ask for forgiveness.
"Jesus Christ is always willing to accept you"
(Matthe18: 11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.)

But hurry before it becomes too late because life is not guaranteed. If you die without asking forgiveness, then you can never repent again.

Merciful Father, "Thank you for loving a wretch like me"
I have sinned against you knowingly and unknowingly please, forgive me for my sins and wash me in the blood of Jesus.
Lord give me your strength to begin my life afresh again in your service alone.
I ask for grace to follow You faithfully.
Please Help me Lord in Jesus holy name
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 7:53am On Sep 13, 2013

Sometimes, children can help their parents find the path to eternal life with Jesus.
If your parents don’t know Jesus as their Savior, don't be discouraged if they don't turn to Him at first. Jesus knew that His message could "set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother" (Matthew 10:35).
Even so, keep showing God's love with respect for your elders.

Your good character will be your testimony.

Almighty God, I thank you for the life of my family.
I pray specially for my Parents and older ones that you may bring them to the knowledge of you, and bring them that already know you into a deeper relationship with you.
Bring me also into a deeper relationship with you, that I may be your witness in character aswell as in word.
All this I ask in the name of your Son Jesus Christ
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 3:52am On Sep 15, 2013

What is the best way to keep showing honor to your parents, and showing love and respect for your relatives?
The greatest way is by sharing the love of God with them and others.
This love includes being "patient and kind" (1 Corinthians 13:4) toward them, and sharing God's Good News of eternal life with Jesus Christ.

When we get to heaven, It will definitely make your heart ache knowing that your loved ones are the other side where there is sorrow continually.
Besides, if you really say you love them and you don't pray for the or talk to them about Jesus, then I think your love is a false kind.

Let us show that we truly love them.
Tell them about Jesus

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the life of my family.
I pray for them today that you may bring them to the knowledge of you, and bring them that already know you into a deeper relationship with you.
Forgive my weakness O Lord, wash me in the blood of Jesus, please strengthen and use me as a witness of your love to my family and my friends
Bring me into a deeper relationship with you.
All this I ask in the name of your Son Jesus Christ
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 4:11am On Sep 15, 2013

As we attend Church today let us prepare our heart to receive the message from God.

Hebrews 3: 15 "... To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts,.."

Dear Father, thank you for the grace upon my life and the life of your servants who preach you Word to your people.
Father I ask for more grace for your children in the merciful name of Jesus.
As i attend service today, Lord please prepare my heart aright to receive your Word. Give us your Word like the morning dew.
I ask for understanding that comes from you, and the ability to sift the message of today.
Let your Word today yield fruits in multiple fold in my life to the glory of your holy name Jesus
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 6:56am On Sep 16, 2013

Mark 14: 38 Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.

When your prayer life starts to reduce, your relationship with the Lord equally reduces leaving you vulnerable to temptations.
If you fail in your responsibility of prayer, you will fall into various temptations that will cost you your heavenly home with Jesus.

LUKE 21: 36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Haven't you considered, this is why we fail to live the right Kind of christian life?

"Your Prayer life is your Christian life"

Let us awake up from our spiritual slumber, WATCH and PRAY, pray without season. A person who prays often overcomes often.

Father, forgive me for failing in the place of prayer, give me grace that I may grow in my prayer life.
Please Father, lead me not into temptation Today, I offer my life to you, please lead me in the way that I should go.
Strengthen me in the place of prayer and baptize me with your spirit and with fire to enable me follow you in Jesus holy name
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 7:15am On Sep 17, 2013

Every now and then, a person in the news will capture my attention. When this happens, I try to pray for them. People pay attention to celebrities; they have a lot of power to influence others -- for good or for evil.

Recently, while going through the internet, I read about a celebrity who when being interviewed said that her greatest fears were to die a lonely woman and secondly to miss heaven.
After reading the article, I stopped for a while to pray for the Lady. Some weeks after, I was told that she was proposed to, and my most sincere hope is that her second desire was met which is that she also gives her life to Christ.

I pray that those famous people will come to know the Lord and respect His ways, so they themselves can receive God's blessing, and because of their influence, share it with others.

"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (2Peter 3: 9)

Father, I thank you for the great love you have for me and all whom you created.
Today, I offer my life to you, that you may use it as a window of salvation to celebrities and people in the media.
I pray that you turn their heart to YOU for the heart of the celebrity(s) is in your hands O Lord. Like a river O God, please turn their heart to you that they become tools to bring Glory to your name.
Use me also in intercession, baptize me with your spirit and with fire to pray I ask in Jesus holy name
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 5:47am On Sep 18, 2013

An older woman was in the hospital, recovering from an accident. Her nurse noticed that her family came to visit every day, and that all of them, including the patient, were full of joy, in spite of her condition.

One day, one of these visitors gathered the group for prayer, and asked the nurse to join them as well.

No one had ever offered to pray with the nurse, and, having no religious beliefs, she felt very awkward. Yet, she felt compelled to stay, and she closed her eyes with the others.

The man started by praising God, He prayed in simple, everyday language, like a child sharing his needs with a loving father. She became so immersed in the atmosphere that she almost missed it when he paused. She looked up and realized that he was asking her name. He shut his eyes to continue the prayer, asking God to bless and guide her! As the prayer came to an end, she was overcome with emotion as she realized that this stranger cared for her!

Through her tears, she explained that she knew something was missing from her life -- was prayer the secret to their joy? They explained that it wasn't the prayer, but Whom they prayed to, that brought them joy. And it wasn't secret or mysterious; they willingly told her how she could come to know God through His Son, Jesus Christ. The man who had prayed gave her his contact information so she could learn more. It turned out he was not a family member, but the pastor of their church.

The family rejoiced with the nurse as she placed her faith in Jesus. Their joyful, loving attitudes had made a huge impression on her, and now she too knew the source of their peace and joy.

Do people turn to God because of how they see you living?

Father make a living witness of your love in Jesus holy name
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 7:05am On Sep 19, 2013

Ephesians 4: 26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27 Neither give place to the devil.

- In whatever provocation,do not raise your voice.
- stop and listen and do not be in hurry to speak especially when you are upset
- take a deep breadth and answer calmly as the air escapes from your mouth.
- in provocation, limit your words to very few syllables like YES, NO, OK, I'm sorry.

Remember, " An angry man cannot be raptured"
Please hold these points close to your heart.
Search yourself, and learn more on other things restraint step that work for you.
God help you as you do.

Almighty God and my Father, thank you Lord for all you have been to me.
Thank you for your love, protection and guidance. Thank you for providing all my needs. I appreciate you Lord in Jesus name.
Lord I commit my heart to you today. I surrender my emotions to you.
Teach me how best to handle my emotions that it may bring you Glory in all things. Help me daily to become a better person so people will bless your name in my life.
I give you all the glory Lord, be exalted in my life in Jesus holy name I pray
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 7:49am On Sep 20, 2013

Scripture: "Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges the world." (1 Peter 2:12).

If you take a few minutes today to reflect on yesterday, what do your actions say of you.

Did you thank God for life in the morning?
Did you deal well with every person you met or spoke to?
Did you give alms at least once?
Did give a helping hand when you could?
Did you talk any words about Jesus?
Did you eat or drink without saying a word of prayer?
Did you raise your voice at another in upset?
Did you use foul words at all or tell a lie?
Did you get angry at the person that almost hit you or your car on the road.
Did you watch pornography
Did you self service or fornicate?
Did you do any unclean thing?
Did you pray before you went to bed?
Did your yesterday bring glory to God?

Your daily actions is the gospel you preach.
If your actions do not show that you have Jesus living in you, then who do you really preach?

Father, forgive me for anyway I may have fallen short. give me grace that I may grow in my prayer life.
Please Father, lead me not into temptation Today, I offer my life to you, please lead me in the way that I should go.
Deliver me from myself.
Strengthen me in the place of prayer and baptize me afresh with your spirit. Help me follow you in Jesus holy name
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 8:32am On Sep 21, 2013

God sent His Son Jesus to reconcile us to himself. His ministry is forgiveness that brings us His salvation. However, this forgiveness is dependent on us.

" For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matthew 6: 14-15)

The key to your own salvation is in your hands, If you do not forgive people God cannot forgive you.

Make a list of all who have offended you, and make a conscious effort in your heart and actions to forgive them and set yourself free for God to save you, surrender your life to Jesus, ask him to help you.

Jesus, I beg for your forgiveness.
I have decided to forgive ( call out the names of those you wish to forgive ) for all the wrong they have done to me.
Help them also to forgive me that we may be reconciled back to you.
You gave your life so that I may be saved by sacrificing yourself on the cross of calvary for my sake.
O God, wash me today in the blood of Jesus.
I accept you in to my life as my Lord and savior.

Write my name in the book of life and save me from destruction in Jesus Holy name I pray
Amen. Thank you Jesus for my new Life.

If you said this prayer, pls read a bible daily.
- start to read to learn about Jesus the savior
- Pray frequently in the name of Jesus
- attend a bible beleiving church for guidance and fellowship.

Pls Share this message to all your family so they too can be free from un forgiveness.

God bless you as you continue in your walk in Jesus Holy name.
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 10:33am On Sep 22, 2013

Never say "I can never forgive him/her"

Remember, you need to forgive not just to clear your heart, but so that God can forgive you too.
If God does not forgive our sins also, then what will become of us?

God have mercy!!

"Why is it even though i forgive i just cant feel d same wit d person"

You are not alone, everyone has such feelings too, if you are in such a case,
- take a minute and ask God to help you to truly forgive through the blood of Jesus (remember the blood of Jesus cleanses away all sins/offences)
- you may need to talk to the person about it too if you have the chance
- apologise also to the person even if you may think you are right.
- a hug or handshake might really help.
- tell the person about Jesus and his mercy.

If we forgive, then we show the love of God.
Jesus gave one commandment

"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." (John 13:34-35)

Forgiveness is the true path of true path of the salvation of God.

May God help us to forgive all the little and the worst things that has ever been done to us,and help others too to forgive us in Jesus name.

Take a step of faith today, FORGIVE him / her!!
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 7:22am On Sep 23, 2013

Pray for restoration from God

PRAYER (Psalm51)
Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.
Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.
For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.
Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.
Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. 
Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.

Purge me with your blood, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.
Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.
Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

All these I ask in Jesus holy name
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 10:39am On Sep 24, 2013

He does not love you because you are perfect; He loves you despite your imperfection,

Do you know that there is nothing you have done that God cannot forgive.
The blood of Jesus Christ washes away all sins; because Jesus loves you?

Remember if you go wrong, don't stay down, hurry back and ask for forgiveness.
"Jesus Christ is always willing to accept you"
(Matthe18: 11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.)

But hurry before it becomes too late because life is not guaranteed.

Merciful Father, "Thank you for loving a wretch like me"
I have sinned against you knowingly and unknowingly please, forgive me for my sins and wash me in the blood of Jesus.
Lord give me your strength to avoid sin and begin my life afresh again.
I plead for grace to follow You faithfully.
Please Help me Lord in Jesus holy name
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 9:19am On Sep 25, 2013

The dead do not speak for after death is judgment.

Jesus is alive body and soul
Only Jesus can answer our prayers to God the Father when we pray because he alone shed his blood for you and lives forever.

Only Jesus can save

Pls when next you kneel to pray, spend less time or none at all praying to the dead or for the dead " there is no remembreance in the grave"
The dead can't answer your prayers, and the dead can no longer be saved.

" Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God." Luke 9: 60

Instead focus on the living, they are the ones who need help, support, prayer and salvation.

Thank you dear Jesus for my life, use it for your glory among the living I pray in Jesus holy name
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 3:38am On Sep 26, 2013

The world has totally got it wrong in everything including what being a christian is all about.
If you can't tell the difference between the world and the church, then there really is no difference.

"There is no more light on the candle stick". Will darkness illuminate darkness.

- Would you continue to sin so that God will forgive you?
- Would you not struggle and say NO to sin?
- Why are you so wicked?

Why do Churches preach grace and mercy when everyone is obviously going to Hell.
Who are we deceiving?

Don't you know that the time is short?

You should be ashamed of yourself if you talk about grace and mercy when you should be preaching repentance like "John the baptist".

You should be ashamed of yourself if you still commit sin and claim you are only human.

Have you not heard the God will thoroughly purge His floor? (Matthew3:12)

Repent!! change your ways and your message.

Lord Jesus come soon and reward us.
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by Alwaystrue(f): 10:39am On Sep 26, 2013
Hello @escavros,
Permit me to post an excerpt of this message for today which I believe will touch lives out there, to continue the bondage of sin you mentioned.

'...Clothed and in his right mind...' Mark 5:15

One of Christ's greatest miracles was the healing of a man who was controlled and tortured by evil spirits (Mark 5).
The Bible says: 'His dwelling [was] among the tombs; and no one could bind him, not even with chains...neither could anyone tame him ...always, night and day, he was...crying out and cutting himself with stones.'

Notice four things about this man's condition:
1. He kept hurting himself. Now, he used stones to do it, but some of us use drugs, food, sex, alcohol, overwork and negativity. What are you doing today that's hurting you? Until you can acknowledge it, you won't get free of it.
2. He was preoccupied with death. Why else would someone choose to live in a graveyard? Life's troubles can bring you to the place where you lose your very desire to live.
3. He had no peace, day or night. The downside of godless living is restlessness, irritability and discontent. Nothing satisfies or is ever enough.
4. He lived in isolation. Satan's job is made easier when you don't have a spiritual support system. Fellowship wrecks his plans.

Then Jesus came!!!!
He made a boat trip across storm-tossed Galilee to get to this man.
Just one word from Jesus, and we read: '...they...saw the one who had been demon-possessed...sitting...clothed and in his right mind...'

Out of gratitude the man wanted to join Jesus' disciples. But Jesus told him, 'Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you...'

What did Jesus do:
1. broke off the hold on the devil over him by chasing away the legion
2. gave him 'peace be still
3. clothed Him' with His righteousness thus covering him from all the evil elements
4. Took him away from sure death
5. Restored him back to fellowship with others after the isolation of the devil

When Christ sets you free, your first responsibility is to stay free and help set others free.

1 Like

Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 9:21am On Sep 27, 2013

TGIF its here again.
We thank "GOD" its friday.
We thank "God" because we handled the business of the week without major problems and now we have a chance to rest a bit and enjoy the weekend.

A man will say " all work and no play make Jack a dull boy"

We thank "GOD"...
Here is one little question for us; when we say we thank "GOD" which god do we actually celebrate on friday nights?

Is it The god of the earth (Satan) or God the Father of our savior Jesus Christ.

Why do we play with such serious matters.
Do you know what the third commandment says?

"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."
Exodus 20:7 

When we celebrate evil claiming TGIF, we greatly err, and endanger ourselves when we celebrate sin but yet call it in the name of GOD.
What an insult to a holy God.

"for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain"

Dear heaven hopefuls, the devil has blinded us and made us sin every other friday because we seem not to know what the word of God says.
let us repent of our sins and take God seriously or else we will incur his wrath someday.

Almighty GOD, Father of our savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for this friday and every other friday that you have destined me and my friends to witness.
Father, pls forgive me for taking your name in vain without considering your word. Forgive me for dis-respecting you O Great God.
Me and my friends and families have sinned, pls wash me and my friend and family with the precious blood of Jesus.
Help us to amend our ways and to teach other to do what is right.
All these I ask in Jesus holy name
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 9:28am On Sep 27, 2013
Alwaystrue: Hello @escavros,
Permit me to post an excerpt of this message for today which I believe will touch lives out there, to continue the bondage of sin you mentioned.

'...Clothed and in his right mind...' Mark 5:15

One of Christ's greatest miracles was the healing of a man who was controlled and tortured by evil spirits (Mark 5).
The Bible says: 'His dwelling [was] among the tombs; and no one could bind him, not even with chains...neither could anyone tame him ...always, night and day, he was...crying out and cutting himself with stones.'

Notice four things about this man's condition:
1. He kept hurting himself. Now, he used stones to do it, but some of us use drugs, food, sex, alcohol, overwork and negativity. What are you doing today that's hurting you? Until you can acknowledge it, you won't get free of it.
2. He was preoccupied with death. Why else would someone choose to live in a graveyard? Life's troubles can bring you to the place where you lose your very desire to live.
3. He had no peace, day or night. The downside of godless living is restlessness, irritability and discontent. Nothing satisfies or is ever enough.
4. He lived in isolation. Satan's job is made easier when you don't have a spiritual support system. Fellowship wrecks his plans.

Then Jesus came!!!!
He made a boat trip across storm-tossed Galilee to get to this man.
Just one word from Jesus, and we read: '...they...saw the one who had been demon-possessed...sitting...clothed and in his right mind...'

Out of gratitude the man wanted to join Jesus' disciples. But Jesus told him, 'Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you...'

What did Jesus do:
1. broke off the hold on the devil over him by chasing away the legion
2. gave him 'peace be still
3. clothed Him' with His righteousness thus covering him from all the evil elements
4. Took him away from sure death
5. Restored him back to fellowship with others after the isolation of the devil

When Christ sets you free, your first responsibility is to stay free and help set others free.

GOD bless you.
I thank God for the message
Thank you for sharing.
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 8:38am On Sep 28, 2013

'...Clothed and in his right mind...' Mark 5:15

One of Christ's greatest miracles was the healing of a man who was controlled and tortured by evil spirits (Mark 5).
The Bible says: 'His dwelling [was] among the tombs; and no one could bind him, not even with chains...neither could anyone tame him ...always, night and day, he was...crying out and cutting himself with stones.'

Most of us are in a worse state spiritual state than this man was. Our souls are in the torment of sin.

Then Jesus showed up!!!!

Just one word from Jesus, and we read: '...they...saw the one who had been demon-possessed...sitting...clothed and in his right mind...'

Jesus Christ can change your life too and the life of your friend(s) if you surrender it to him in prayer.

Father, Thank you for another opportunity to change my ways and to bring this message of your salvation to my friends and family.
Deliver me O God from my woeful state.
Father, I acknowledge my sins, please forgive me.
Father please wash me in the blood of your Son Jesus, please have mercy on me and translate my spirit to your kingdom of Light.
Turn my heart around to you and give me the consciousness of your righteousness I ask in Jesus holy name

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Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by Alwaystrue(f): 8:45am On Sep 28, 2013
Amen and thank God.
The Lord is Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17).
That message may be looked at with carnal eyes but the spirit behind that message is great.
Thanks for your post and prayer.
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 7:11am On Sep 29, 2013

The Bible says: 'His dwelling [was] among the tombs; and no one could bind him, not even with chains...neither could anyone tame him ...always, night and day, he was...crying out and cutting himself with stones.'

Notice four things about this man's condition:
1. He kept hurting himself. Now, he used stones to do it, but some of us use drugs, food, sex, alcohol, overwork and negativity. What are you doing today that's hurting you? Until you can acknowledge it, you won't get free of it.
2. He was preoccupied with death. Why else would someone choose to live in a graveyard? Life's troubles can bring you to the place where you lose your very desire to live.
3. He had no peace, day or night. The downside of godless living is restlessness, irritability and discontent. Nothing satisfies or is ever enough.
4. He lived in isolation. Satan's job is made easier when you don't have a spiritual support system. Fellowship wrecks his plans.

Just one word from Jesus, and we read: '...they...saw the one who had been demon-possessed...sitting...clothed and in his right mind...'

Good morning Almighty God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for the gift of life, for the gift of health and for the gift of abilities.
I praise you Lord for permitting me to see this new week.
Thank you for the change you have begun in my life, thank Lord for delivering me from the bondage of sin, forgive me and wash me in the blood of Jesus.
Father, pls help me to stay free from sin, I ask in Jesus holy name
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 7:39am On Sep 30, 2013

'...Clothed and in his right mind...' Mark 5:15

Out of gratitude the man wanted to join Jesus' disciples. But Jesus told him, 'Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you...'

What did Jesus do:
1. broke off the hold on the devil over him by casting out the legion
2. gave him 'peace be still
3. clothed Him' with His righteousness thus covering him from all the evil elements
4. Took him away from sure death
5. Restored him back to fellowship with others after the isolation of the devil

When Christ sets you free, your first responsibility is to "STAY FREE AND HELP SET OTHERS FREE" by this you show gratitude to God for the mercy he has shown you.

Are you Grateful to God? Let us pray

Father I thank you for your goodness and mercies toward me, towards my friends and family.
Thank you for the great change you have brought to us Lord. Give me grace to "STAY FREE AND HELP SET OTHERS FREE"
Pls Father, lead us not into temptation this new week, and help us to be faithful to you in all our ways in Jesus Holy name.
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 8:55am On Oct 01, 2013

As we observe the independence day of our great country Nigeria, we thank God for the journey so far.

We thank God for the abundance and the greatness he has bestowed on such a small country. Thank you Lord.

- We pray that God has mercy on this country and the people it harbors.
- We pray for consolation for those that have felt pains as a result of worrisome incidences that have taken away their happiness.
- We pray for the leaders, that the fear of God may stir their heart aright in good wisdom to lead.
- We pray for the President, that he may seek the kingdom of God and be saved in Jesus name. So that Godly wisdom will accompany his decisions.

- We pray for the Christian Church, that Gospel of Jesus Christ may be preached in sincerity, truth, and purpose according to the will of GOD and not the wickedness of man.

Father, please come and take over the affairs of Nigeria, grant your Church a severe hunger for righteousness and holiness, that your Almighty name will be established in this land in the holy name of Jesus Christ our Lord
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 5:19am On Oct 02, 2013

In the bible records, there once lived a great woman, her name was called Jezebel; she was a very wicked lady who did great evil in the sight of the Lord, and she became a great reproach above all women.

Have you ever wondered how the lady (Jezebel) most abhored by God looked like?

Today, ladies have adopted the possible looks of Jezebel as the present fashion trend, and have also adopted a lifestyle that will make Jezebel a proud role model.

..And Ahab, the husband of Jezebel was no better as recorded in the bible

"But there was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up. And he did very abominably in following idols, according to all things as did the Amorites, whom the Lord cast out before the children of Israel." (1kings 21: 25-26)

- Brothers search your life, and quit all abominable acts and desires that encourage our sisters to desire to become a Jezebel model.
- Sisters check yourself. Become a good role model to your friends and family. Let your outward appearance reflect the life of Jesus as much as your private life.
(As a person thinks in her heart so she is)
Your appearance is a reflection of who you are.

Change is a collective effort.

Let the model of Jesus Christ be evident in our lives, our hearts, our minds and appearances.

Father, pls wash away my sins in the blood of Jesus Christ, come into my heart and change me for your Glory in Jesus holy name
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 7:12am On Oct 03, 2013

John3: 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved

We are saved by grace through faith in God through his Son Jesus; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not by your works, lest any man should boast.

When we become born again, we are not redeemed by our own power, we are redeemed only by the grace and mercy of God.
After becoming born again, and when we start to live a righteous life according to the will of God through His Son Jesus, its brings satisfaction to your heart and at-times, it makes you feel you are better than the next person who isn't born again. "This is a grave mistake"

Pls always have it at the back of your mind that you are saved not by your own power.
You are equally as unworthy as the next person whether sinner or saint and you deserve the same fate but for the grace of God.

So when next you are doing the work of God, please be as humble and loving as you can be. Because Jesus came to sinners and does not wish that anyone should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2Peter3:9)

May God expand His Word and Will in our heart in Jesus holy name.

Immortal God, Everlasting Father, Merciful God slow to anger pls have mercy on me o wretch that I am.
I am not worthy of your love. I thank you for being willing to forgive me and save me.
I surrender all I am to you O God.
I give you all the glory in my life because you alone deserves the glory, honor, power and majesty, No one but you O Lord.
Thank you for my new life in you. Use me as an encouragement to everyone I come across in Jesus holy name I pray
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 8:38am On Oct 04, 2013

We consider Jesus death on the cross of calvary like a generic matter, like its a trivial thing, and really no big deal.

Today, God will like to open your heart a little to the window of the agony of the death of Jesus Christ on calvary for you ______ (Put your name in).

Once upon a time, some dare devil robbers stormed into a home and began to continuously torture every member of Mr Joe's family to the point of death in every evil way possible.
Everyone was weeping and wailing in pain,with Blood all over the floor and in the sorrowful drama that occurred, but Mr Joe was not harmed but only allowed to watch them go through the horror.

Mr Joe couldn't bare it, and just watching gave him such grief and sorrow that he wished he could take the pain away, he was overwhelmed and weeping that he did all to fight them off. He surrendered himself to the evil men in the place of his family.

They turned on him with renewed hate and wickedness and started to torture Joe, leaving everyone else alone.
Though Joe was screaming, weeping and wailing in the pain of the torture, he wept and screamed for another reason which was that everyone of my his family members was now free and relieved of the torture.
As Mr Joe gradually began to loose consciousness during the relentless torture, only his wife wept and screamed for him because of the sacrifice he made for them.

From the corner of his eyes as life slipped away from him, he saw the rest of his family members who he relieved of their torture attending to their wounds, and laughing him to scorn.
Mr Joe died during the torture and the robbers left without harming another person.

Imagine you were Mr Joe and during that sacrifice, your family and friends who you saved, laughed and scorned instead of being grateful, how miserable would you feel?.

This is how Jesus feels when we sin after such a Great sacrifice on calvary.
Would you continue to sin and scorn the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for you?

Lord Jesus I'm sorry for my sins, pls forgive me.
Wash away my sins in your blood, have mercy on me. Come into my heart and make me live for your glory.
Thank you for the sacrifice for me.
Help me to live for you from today in Jesus holy name I pray
Re: Daily Devotional (A Gathering Of Eagles) by escavros: 8:32am On Oct 05, 2013

Ecclesiastes 3: 1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Learn to be time conscious.
- Do not waste time on things that do not profit you.
- Do not especially waste time on things that do not profit your soul and that do not profit the kingdom of God.

Alongside other plans for the day, plan your daily schedule, and make out times for prayer, and affairs of the kingdom of God daily.

Mathew16: 26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet loose their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

A lot of rich people would pay anything to extend their life, and a lot of dead people who didn't give their time to Jesus will give anything for another chance to make their ways right.

We have an opportunity to know God and his Son Jesus Christ whom He sent. Why don't you take advantage of your time from today, and plan out a daily schedule for time with God.
May God help us as we do so in Jesus holy name Amen.

Merciful Father, I have sinned against you knowingly and unknowingly please forgive me for my error in Jesus name.
Lord give me your strength to begin my life afresh again in your service alone.
Turn me away from all error and the deciet of the devil, Forgive me my sins
"Thank you for loving a wretch like me"
I embrace your Love in Jesus holy name
I surrender to you Lord Jesus. Please Help me to follow you in Jesus holy name

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