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End Time Prophecy, A Must Read For All Christians / The Fake Prophecy About TB Joshua’s Death Is Not From Me - Prophet / MUST-SEE: TB Joshua’s Shocking End-Time Prophecy (2) (3) (4)

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End Time Prophecy Fulfilled by foxe(m): 11:08am On Aug 03, 2015
this page you will find prophecies that Jesus said MUST happen before His return to the earth to receive His Bride, the true remnant church. You will find that ALLprophecies listed here have been fulfilled , with the exception of the seven plagues of Revelation that occur directly before Jesus returns. I pray you will be blessed deeply by the truth provided in God's Holy Word. The first two prophecies are well known among many Christians today to have already been fulfilled. Most of today's history books do in fact record this event as having occurred. However, they don't acknowledge the fact that Jesus prophesied this event 40 years prior to it's actual fulfillment. Unless otherwise noted, The Bible I'll be quoting from is the Authorized King James Version. PROPHECY # 1 JESUS SAID BEFORE HE RETURNS, HIS FOLLOWERS IN JERUSALEM MUST FLEE TO THE MOUNTAINS, AND THEN JERUSALEM WILL BE DESTROYED Matthew 24:15,16 "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place , (whoso readeth, let him understandsmiley Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:" HISTORIC FACT IS... In A.D.66 when Cestius came against the city, but unaccountably withdrew, the Christians discerned in this the sign foretold by Christ, and fled while 1,100,000 Jews are said to have been killed in the terrible siege in A.D. 70. (The attack of the Roman warrior Titus occurred in 70AD killing the 1,100,000 Jews) Eusebius, Church History, book 3, chap. 5 The Christians living at the time Cestius came against the city, and then withdrew, understood exactly what was happening. They remembered the prophecy Jesus made in Matthew 24:15,16 and fled to the mountains before the Roman army returned in 70AD with Titus. Could it be Cestius was "casing the joint" as we say in today's lingo? For whatever reason, the Lord saw fit to warn His children in advance of this day and they glorified Him by believing His prophetic statements and fleeing as He suggested they should. As the history book records we see that the non-believing Jews in the city saw no danger when Cestius stopped by. And because they chose to deny Jesus and ignore His prophecy, they paid for their disbelief with their very lives! 1,100,000 men woman and children DIED when Titus returned to burn Jerusalem to the ground. They could have all been spared a horrible death had they just believed in this one mere prophecy of our Lord! Think about today and all the prophecies that have been fulfilled over the years in just our lifetime alone. What an honor, to be loved so deeply by the Almighty Creator that He would warn us in advance like this. After I read about this prophetic event as a young Christian I understood the importance of prophecy and why the Lord saw fit to bless us with it. I actually saw two reasons for His prophecy. (1) PROPHECY GLORIFIES GOD IN HIS TRUTH (2) IT'S GOD'S PERFECT METHOD OF WARNING HIS CHILDREN! When we see the Almighty's prophecy come to light with 100% accuracy like this, we see a true and awesome Creator who knows all, has created all, and does in fact see all. We also see a God that loves His children so much that He actually writes them a book that shares with them the one true and accurate method by which to live and prepare themselves for His eternal Kingdom. Which by the way, is VERY soon in coming as you will soon see. PROPHECY # 2 THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS WILL EXPERIENCE A GREAT PERSECUTION, OR "TRIBULATION" BEFORE HIS RETURN Matthew 24:21 "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." This Great Tribulation that Jesus speaks of here in Matthew 24 is one prophecy that is so often taken out of context. It is actually taught by some as being at some time in the future. But what about all the history books that record the Dark Ages with such unintentional prophetic accuracy? Are we to assume that this documented period in history is one that should be forgotten, or looked at lightly? Are we supposed to say that over 500 Million Christians slaughtered for their faith in Jesus as being a time in history that isn't recorded in God's Prophetic Word? Does not the book of Revelation, as well as Daniel speak of a period of persecution occurring? Does it not plainly state Antichrist will attack and kill many Christians? On my page entitled, " 7 Year Trib, Fact or Fiction" I share graphic evidence that will no doubt shock you. Most true seekers of Truth that read that page agree, it's amazing how such a blunt and well known time in history has been so easily clouded over by the agents of Rome as a time that Christ overlooked in prophecy. (See my book, " The Second Window " for an in depth look at the truth about this as well.) Think about it for a moment... All the history books in every library on earth record a period of time with intense religious persecution. Here are just a few excerpts... "For teaching faith contrary to the teaching of the Church of Rome, history records the martyrdom of more than 100 million people ." Brief Bible Readings p. 16 Under the bloody maxims those persecutions were carried on, from the eleventh and twelfth centuries almost to the present day, which stand out on the page of history. After the signal of open martyrdom had been given in the canons of Orleans, there followed the extirpation of the Albigenses, under the form of a crusade, the establishment of the inquisition, the cruel attempts to extinguish the Waldenses, the martyrdoms of the Lollards, the cruel wars to exterminate the Bohemians, the burning of Huss and Jerome, and multitudes of other confessors, before the Reformation; and afterwards, the ferocious cruelties practised in the Netherlands, the martyrdoms of queen Mary's reign, the extinction, by fire and sword, of the reformation in Spain and Italy, by fraud and open persecution in Poland, the massacre of Bartholomew, the persecution of the Huguenots by the League,... and all the cruelties and perjuries connected with the revocation of the edict of Nantz [Nantes]. These are the more open and conspicuous facts which explain the prophecy , besides the slow and secret murders of the holy tribunal of the inquisition. -Rev. T. R. BIRKS, M.A., The Four Prophetic Empires, and the Kingdom of Messiah (1845 ed.) pp. 248, 249 The church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any other institution that has ever existed among mankind, will be questioned by no Protestant who has a competant knowledge of history. The memorials, indeed, of many of her persecutions are now so scanty that it is impossible to form a complete conception of the multitudes of victims, and it is quite certain that no powers of imagination can adequately realize their sufferings. -W.E.H. LECKY, History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe, (Reprint; New York: Braziller, 1955) Vol.2 pp. 40-45 The Dark Ages have been recorded in almost every history book available today, however, you may find that some of the modern day history books have altered or even omitted certain historical facts that can be easily researched in most local libraries. Rome has been able to do this over the course of our lifetime alone. Everyone knows about the Inquisitions, the crusades, and all the tirades across the Globe that this church has bragged about in days of old. But do any of the preachers or teachers speak of this time as being a prophetic event recorded in the Word of God? No they have not. Rome has even stepped into the learning institutions to assure they won't even be taught these truths before they become pastors. However, the Internet has arrived, and now everyone on Earth has access to the largest library of information known to man. This is one of the main reasons the Pope decided to apologize to the world in his "mea-culpa " of March 12, 2000 for torturing and killing all those Christians. Almost anyone with access to a computer, can now verify just what Rome did. Not ALL the books were destroyed. And many of them are now accessible ONLINE! In fact, it no longer matters if your in a poor country, or unable to buy such a book. They now have Internet Cafe's in most countries, and in the USA your local libraries allow anyone to sit down and browse the World Wide Web for FREE! All the doctored history books in the world can't change the fact that Rome tortured and killed those innocent people. We have more proof now than did the innocent people living in that day! Think of it, 100 MILLION! That actually dwarfs Hitler's holocaust by comparison! Some historians, like John Foxe, of Foxe's book of Martyrs are even estimating the death toll at just over 500 MILLION! This period was indeed the most extensive attack to date ever on the true Christian church in the history of mankind. But still, some preachers will go so far as to say this day is yet to come. Don't let those preachers of error scare you into thinking it's better to be a sinner than a saint because of a precarious future ahead. Of course all Christians will become extremely un-popular soon, and they will experience a short time of trouble as well as the "...time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it ." [Jeremiah 30:7] We have an Almighty and Loving Heavenly Father that will protect and keep us during the trouble Jeremiah speaks of. However, the wicked will be all alone when the "time of Jacob's trouble" is realized. They haven't learned how to trust and rely on the God of all creation for protection in this intense time. And those that knowing the Truth concerning these facts waited until the troubles started to walk with Christ, they too will be found lost when Christ arrives. For they do not love Christ as Lord, and seek to please Him with their lives. They only seek Him as a way out of Hellfire, and this is not why He came. Sure, those that follow Christ will escape damnation. But this is not why we follow Him. We do so because we love Him. Yes there is indeed a time of spiritual as well as physical trouble coming to this planet very soon, however, when the plagues do begin to fall, it is entirely directed toward the wicked, NOT the Christian! The Bible states very plainly that the children of God will be spared the seven last plagues of Revelation. The Un- Believer is the one that has the wrath of God poured upon him, and this wrath is poured WITHOUT mercy! Revelation 14:9,10 "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:" 100 Million Christians, perhaps 500 Million! And they were all killed because the apostate Roman Catholic church thought they were doing God a favor by their terrorist methods of evangelizing! This brings to mind another prophecy that Jesus makes in the book of John about how the children of God will actually be persecuted by their very own religious leaders. JESUS SAID IN... John 16:2 "They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service." Were you aware that the Pope almost echoed verbatim what Christ said in this passage? The Pope of Rome admitted in his mea culpa on March 12, 2000 that the Vatican thought they were doing God's will when they tortured and killed all those people! To think that some religious leaders have actually been blinded so much that they think torturing a person, sometimes for days on end, and then eventually killing that person rather than preaching the Gospel to them is the method Jesus would have instructed them to do. This is evidence of the power and ability of a diabolical enemy we have found ourselves engaging. Nevertheless, don't let that slow you down one bit. For the Word says... "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." [Philippians 4:13] The next three prophecies are a bit on the extraordinary in manner. Some would say shocking. I honestly believe that this is no mistake. I believe Jesus planned it that way so that when the prophecy comes to be, it can in no way be mistaken for anything less than fulfillment. I will not be a bit surprised if you never knew these next three prophecies were actually fulfilled. The enemy has been very busy keeping these facts hidden from the general public. This has been going on for many hundreds of years. Rome has been very crafty in making sure certain facts were hidden from the general public. Whenever an event occurs in history of Biblical proportions, the media of the day always seems to do a hush hush on it. Not unlike today in fact. They always seem to use the reason for playing it down to be that they want to prevent wide spread panic . I have recently noticed watching the TV news, many times a reporter will report an event that was actually prophesied in the Bible. But later the story will be absolutely impossible to find repeated on any other newscast or network. It's almost as if they realized their snafu of letting the prophecy confirmation air, and then decided to do a hush hush job on it to spare us the details. These next three prophecies are just like that. History does however record them in vivid detail. So be ready to see a prophecy of old come to light this very day. I have talked with many Christians about these prophecies, and with true honesty, I have to say that over 90% were amazed that they never knew of these particular facts!
Re: End Time Prophecy Fulfilled by Delusiongirl20(f): 11:11am On Aug 03, 2015
Why is all these end time ideas coming from.
Re: End Time Prophecy Fulfilled by foxe(m): 11:14am On Aug 03, 2015
PROPHECY # 3,4, & 5 are ALL found in Matthew 24:29, and proclaimed by Jesus Himself! PROPHECY # 3 THE SUN WILL BE TURNED TO DARKNESS Matthew 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" Documented historical facts reveal... Timothy Dwight, president of Yale , remembered that "a very general opinion prevailed, that the day of judgment was at hand. The [Connecticut] House of Representatives, being unable to transact business, adjourned," but the Council lighted candles, preferring, as a member said, "to be found at work if the judgment were approaching ." (See JOHN W. BARBER, Connecticut Historical Collections [2d ed., 1836], p.403) ... If every luminous body in the universe had been shrouded in impenetrable shades, or struck out of existence, the darkness could not have been more complete . A sheet of white paper held within a few inches of the eyes was equally invisible with the blackest velvet ." -SAMUEL TENNEY, Letter (1785) in Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, part 1, vol.1 (1792 ed.), pp.97,98 ( Online source ) The remarkable Dark Day of May 19, 1780, is described by Samuel Williams of Harvard , The professor relates... "between the hours of ten and eleven a.m., and continued until the middle of the next night,... Candles were lighted up in houses; ... the birds having sung their evening songs, disappeared, and became silent;... the fowls retired to roost; ... the cocks were crowing all around, as at the break of day; ... objects could not be distinguished but at a very little distance; and everything bore the appearance and gloom of night ." - Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences [through 1783], vol.1 pp. 234,235.) Jesus said, “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened....” The United States had barely been born when on May 19, 1780 it witnessed what has been remembered in history as the great Dark Day. According to the Boston Gazette, “there was the appearance of midnight at noonday.” The darkness began around 10 a.m. Candles were lighted; animals thought it was night. The Connecticut Historical Collections describes the tension in the state legislature where, “a very general opinion prevailed, that the day of judgment was at hand.” The poet John Greenleaf Whittier called it “a horror of great darkness.” How can anyone deny such documented testimonies? Did you notice who these testimonies were from? A YALE president... The Historical Society of Massachusetts... And a HARVARD professor! These are credible witnesses! Over Sixteen and a half centuries earlier, the Lord Jesus said that after the tribulation period (1260 year dark ages) ended, these signs would begin to appear! And as we always see with the prophecy of an Almighty Omnipotent God... THE SIGNS OF HIS COMING DID INDEED BEGIN TO APPEAR Some of you are probably a little shocked right now. Some of you may have always believed this day was still to arrive. Don't let that bother you though, you found out today, just as the Lord had planned for some of you. The enemy has been very cunning in his ability to hide the truth from many people for thousands of years. Today's time is no exception, as a matter of fact, today is more likely to be a conglomerate of confusing demonic lying attacks on the truth mainly because "...the devil is come down... having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. " [Revelation 12:12] So expect the worse people. Absolutely every aspect of battle, every scrap of lying wonders, is being showered on mankind with such density that it boggles the mind. I have noticed something a bit obvious though. The enemy has a tendency to always show his hand. Take for example, the fact that so many people have trouble believing in Jesus today. The devil has geared his attack directly upon faith in Jesus! How obvious is that, I ask? One can actually find the truth by merely looking at what threatens the devil the most! It's truly become that obvious, and rightly so. It's the end times and the devil knows his time is short. Certain aspects of his attack are being exposed mainly because so many have fallen for his lies that their hidden agendas are bound to leak out and become visible to all. I am not alone in this either. Many have noticed the signs and have realized this proves the enemy knows his time is extremely short. It is easily noticed by watching the way mankind has played the trends as well. Let me explain... In the 50's we had greasers and Fonzie types as a method of sin exploration. In the 60's we had the beatniks. In the 70's we had the hippies and free love. In the 80's it was the leisure suit clad Disco scene that enticed many into a world of sin. But look at the 90's and later. Every single method of the past is back! They are all playing out all at the same time, including some new decadent trends as well. It's almost as if the enemy is saying... "I had them dying on a daily basis using these methods in the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's. Why not get them to recall the trends of the past in one last hoorah before game over!" It's a fact people! Visit any big city and you will see people emulating trends of the 50's through the 90's all at the same time! These young people (and old alike) are seeking an answer to their inner self in places that are extremely deadly. The devil has convinced them that they have found themselves and need not look to the Bible for the answer. It's so sad and even ironic. They are searching for peace, and the very things that can give them peace is what they avoid at all costs!
Re: End Time Prophecy Fulfilled by foxe(m): 11:16am On Aug 03, 2015
Why is all these end time ideas coming from.
reading your bible will help you understand
Re: End Time Prophecy Fulfilled by foxe(m): 11:17am On Aug 03, 2015
to be continued.....
Re: End Time Prophecy Fulfilled by foxe(m): 11:29am On Aug 03, 2015
PROPHECY # 4 THE MOON WILL BE TURNED TO THE APPEARANCE OF BLOOD Matthew 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" We see here that the prophecy states that the moon will not give her light directly after the sun is darkened. I like looking to the book of Joel to further illustrate this prophecy. Joel actually explains why the moon will not give her light and shine in her normal brilliance. We also understand this is speaking of the same prophetic event, because Joel places it in the same chronological order as Christ does in Matthew 24. Joel 2:31 "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come." We see why in the book of Joel that the moon will have trouble shining on that day. It will appear to look as if it's covered in blood. This isn't the only reason I went to this particular verse. The reference to the bloody appearance is an important aspect in this prophecy. The Lord knew man would see the moon in this condition and comment on its apparent shade of crimson! The moon was at it's full, and had the appearance of blood. Stone's History of Massachusetts "There was an appearance of midnight at noonday," and in the evening, although the moon was just past full, "perhaps it was never darker since the children of Israel left the house of bondage." In connection with this extraordinary phenomenon the moon was reported to appear red . (Letter signed "Viator" in the Independent Chronical [Boston], May 25, 1780, p.2; see also the Pennsylvania Evening Post [Philadelphia], June 6, 1780, p. 62) By the way, not only was the moon full this day, it was on the inner side of the planet's orbit. This means those cunning skeptics out there can't claim a lunar eclipse as the culprit for this prophetic event. Most everyone I know either owns, or knows someone that owns a computer, or has access to the Internet. I suggest you check the lunar charts for the date May 19 1780 to verify this event. You are bound to have no trouble confirming this fact. PLUS... An eclipse can never last all day and all night. Unless of course the sun stopped dead in its tracks for 24 hours. (This can, and has happened by the way... See Joshua 10:12-14) Is this not awesome? The prophecy states that the moon will not give her light. Then Joel confirms it is an authentic prophetic event by telling us it's because it appears as blood. Then many hundreds of years later after Christ declares this prophetic event for us in Matthew 24, we see it recorded as fact in the newspapers and media of the day that the moon had in fact the appearance of blood on a dark and sunless day!
Re: End Time Prophecy Fulfilled by Delusiongirl20(f): 11:34am On Aug 03, 2015
reading your bible will help you understand

Why did you believe what the Bible have to say. And still, it didn't provide the mechanisms it applied to arrive to such a conclusion.
Re: End Time Prophecy Fulfilled by foxe(m): 11:56am On Aug 03, 2015
I believe so because the bible is the internal word of God.

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