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The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 5:25pm On Mar 15, 2016
Paul categorically tells us in the verses below that the day of Christ will not come except a falling away occurs first, and the man of sin is revealed, who is the son of perdition.

In this study we will examine precedence and come to our conclusion.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

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Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by dsquare33: 9:54pm On Mar 15, 2016
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
I think the falling away has already begun. Christians are becoming discouraged as a result of sufferings, false teaching by heretics, being drawn by the allures of worldliness, not willing to carry ones cross. These are some of the reasons why a lot of Christians will be sway by the son of perdition, unless we repent, go back to our first Love by asking for grace to be obedient and be consistent in prayer and be watchful till the end can we be save from this lawlessness that has pervaded the world.

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Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 2:23pm On Mar 16, 2016
I think the falling away has already begun. Christians are becoming discouraged as a result of sufferings, false teaching by heretics, being drawn by the allures of worldliness, not willing to carry ones cross. These are some of the reasons why a lot of Christians will be sway by the son of perdition, unless we repent, go back to our first Love by asking for grace to be obedient and be consistent in prayer and be watchful till the end can we be save from this lawlessness that has pervaded the world.

That verse about the falling away is not talking about Christians who are falling away, although you are very right that a lot are becoming discouraged, our Lord warned us that he will tarry, but still the Word says when hope is deferred it makes the heart sick.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 4:58pm On Mar 16, 2016
Apostle Paul, in his 2nd letter to the Thessalonian church (and indeed to all of us) chapter 2 verse 3-4, informs us that the day of Christ will not come until the falling away occurs, and the man of sin, the son of perdition, is revealed, this man of sin arrogantly exalts himself above all that is worshiped and thinks he is God.

Who is this man of sin?

There are precedents, we will proceed to examine these precedents.

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Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 4:57pm On Mar 17, 2016
Firstly, what is the meaning of the term 'son of perdition'? This term is used for a person who is irredeemably destined for destruction, a person who is doomed irreversibly.

A son of perdition is someone whose destiny is fixed for destruction, with no remedy.

Having made this clarification, let us examine the precedents that helps us to know the son of perdition who is already revealed, but only to those who are watching wink.

In this study, I want us to take note that all the precedents we will be studying were destroyed along with their nations, they were all powerful persons who controlled the destiny of nations, when their judgement came, they were destroyed along with their nations. This further buttresses the point that the Bible represents whole nations/groups of people as singular individuals.

All our precedent sons of perdition were super nations/world powers.
They all tried to play God.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 5:16pm On Mar 17, 2016
Son of Perdition No 1


Pharaoh's heart was hardened by the Most High God so that through his humiliation and destruction, God would show His glory, might and power to the Israelites.
Exodus 4:21
And the LORD said unto Moses, When thou goest to return into Egypt, see that thou do all those wonders before Pharaoh, which I have put in thine hand: but I will harden his heart, that he shall not let the people go.

Pharaoh dared God, he refused to allow the children of Israel to go, he was proud, arrogant and haughty, he questioned the might of God. He asked impudently and imperiously, 'Who is that God that I should obey his voice...'?

Exodus 5:2
And Pharaoh said, Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 5:26pm On Mar 17, 2016
Pharaoh tried to play God with the lives and destinies of the children of Israel, The LORD had commanded their release, but pharaoh was adamant, 'why should I allow my slaves to go, and besides who is the LORD'?

And God showed him who He is:

Exodus 14:27-28,30-31
And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to his strength when the morning appeared; and the Egyptians fled against it; and the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea.
28 And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them; there remained not so much as one of them
30 Thus the LORD saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the sea shore.
31 And Israel saw that great work which the LORD did upon the Egyptians: and the people feared the LORD, and believed the LORD, and his servant Moses. 

Because of arrogance and irreverence before the LORD, pharaoh and his host, his mighty men of valour and his chariots perished in the Red sea. Pharaoh's dominion over Israel and the world ended.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 5:30pm On Mar 17, 2016
Who is the LORD?

Exodus 5:2
2 And Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go

The LORD replies,' I am a man of war'

Exodus 15:3
The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name

Exodus 14:28
28 And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them; there remained not so much as one of them

Arrogance and haughtiness destroyed pharaoh and his host and ended his reign over Israel, and the world.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 5:33pm On Mar 17, 2016
Exodus 15:1-5
1 Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.
2 The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.
3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.
4 Pharaoh's chariots and his host hath he cast into the sea: his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red sea.
5 The depths have covered them: they sank into the bottom as a stone.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 3:08pm On Mar 21, 2016
Precedent 2: Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon

Isaiah 14:4
That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!
5 The LORD hath broken the staff of the wicked, and the sceptre of the rulers.

This precedent bears directly with how Paul describes how we will be able to identify the son of perdition, in fact Isaiah and Paul use the same kind of words to describe the arrogance of the son of perdition; He tried to play God.

This is Isaiah:

Isaiah 14:13
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

This is Paul:

2Thessalonians 2:4
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 3:26pm On Mar 21, 2016
Isaiah 14:4
That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!

Isaiah 14:12
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

The king of Babylon was also called Lucifer. Lucifer means 'Light Bearer', this term is used to describe leaders, rulers, innovators, pathfinders etc. Lucifer is not a bad term in itself, Lucifer is actually a good word when you use your powers rightly and in a godly way, but when you rebel against God and start using your powers for evil, and you turn yourself into an adversary of God, and you want to sit in the temple of God, and you want to show yourself as God, then you become SATAN.

Also, let me point out that Lucifers can be single individuals or groups, Dangote is a lucifer, Otedola is a lucifer, Buhari is a lucifer, the Beatles is Lucifer, the Jackson 5 is Lucifer, people who define the game, people who set the pace are Lucifers.

Lucifer can be whole nations, for example the nation that is providing leadership to the world is Lucifer.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 4:36pm On Mar 21, 2016
Some important points from the two precedents we have examined so far: Egypt and Babylon

1. They were both very powerful nations
2. They were both very oppressive nations
3. Both nations had very powerful yet recalcitrant leaders
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 4:50pm On Mar 21, 2016
What is the 'Falling Away'?

The falling away is the falling away from God, the choice to become an adversary of God rather than an ally and a servant is the critical decision point.
When God blesses a person/group and that person/group becomes Lucifer, you have the choice to remain godly, using your powers for the things that God likes, or you can rebel against God and then become His adversary, by using your powers and gifts for evil deeds.

Your choice to become an adversary of God is the Falling Away.

The progression:

1. The Day will not come
2. Except there is a Falling Away first
3. The falling away reveals the man of sin (aka son of perdition)
4. The man of sin will be recognised by the way he claims to be God.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 5:11pm On Mar 28, 2016
Precedent 3: The Prince of Tyrus

The prince of Tyrus is well described in Ezekiel 28, God blesses him, he was rich, he had treasures, he was given wisdom and understanding in all things, he was prosperous. He became proud and haughty, he wanted to start playing God, he was also destroyed. Examine the two verses below and see the stark similarities in their arrogant thought process:

Ezekiel 28:2
Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God:

2Thessalonians 2:4
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 5:14pm On Mar 28, 2016
Eventually, himself and his kingdom, like all the other previous sons of perdition, were destroyed when their cup was full and God could no longer bear their wickedness.

Ezekiel 28:17
Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.
18 Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee.

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Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 5:19pm On Mar 28, 2016
Now, the purpose of this thread is to show us, using precedents, that the son of perdition that Paul says will be the critical sign to watch for the coming of Christ, has already been revealed.

If you read this thread carefully, you should by now have been able to make your own deductions from these precedents:

1. All precedent sons of perdition were great kings/rulers
2. All were super power nations
3. All were rich and powerful nations
4. All sons of perdition were destroyed along with their nations.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by Nobody: 5:32pm On Mar 28, 2016
Makes good sense.

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Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 2:06pm On Mar 29, 2016
Makes good sense.

Thank you very much for your feedback, it is appreciated. I am happy someone is getting what I am saying. cool
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by Nobody: 4:47pm On Mar 29, 2016

Thank you very much for your feedback, it is appreciated. I am happy someone is getting what I am saying. cool
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 5:38pm On Apr 08, 2016
The falling away

Falling away from God means rejecting God.
When you reject God, you are give over to a reprobate mind.

The falling away event has occurred, it happened on Television and we all saw it. The Lucifer of our world fell away from God when she openly declared herself a 'Rainbow love nation'. That event was the falling away of Lucifer from God.

The United States Of America is the leader and Lucifer of the world.


Romans 1:21,28
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 5:51pm On Apr 08, 2016
The Revelation of the son of perdition

Daniel 4:30
30 The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?


Ladies and Gentlemen, as Paul told the Thessalonians, ...And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time, ... now I have shown you what is withholding the coming of Christ, which has now expired because what is withholding the coming of Christ has happened.

It has come to pass as predicted, and has happened as foretold.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 5:55pm On Apr 08, 2016
We now have a timeline for the revelation of Christ:

Before President Barak Obama leaves office, which latest time is January 20, 2017.

I very much doubt it will take that long before it happens.

It may even happen this April sef wink grin
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 8:42am On Apr 09, 2016
Lalasticlala and OAM4J, please take this thread to FP. Our Lord Jesus Christ enjoins us to be continually watchful for his coming and appearance, this thread show that a very critical prophecy has been fulfilled, time is no longer on our side, it means what we have long awaited has now received a definitive timeline.

Tomorrow is Sunday, it will be a good thread for sunday frontpage.

We have all played our parts in warning our people.

Ezekiel 33:6
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 10:25pm On Apr 16, 2016
2Thessalonians 2:7
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

The mystery of iniquity is already at work in the world, this is why the Bible calls these last days the perilous times, it is increasingly gaining influence in the hearts of men so that all the thoughts and actions of this last generation continuously tend towards evil.

The work of the mystery of iniquity is so evident everywhere you turn: men are becoming more beastly, cruel, fierce, money lovers, disloyal, evil, untrustworthy, hedonistic, lacking in self control, proud, ritualists, baby killers etc., unfortunately the situation will not improve. As the mystery of iniquity gains power, the One who is acting as countervailing force preventing him from taking complete control will be pulling away; and men will be becoming fiercer. Then suddenly the countervailing One will be gone! Then all eyes will open to see and know who the devil, satan is.

When He is taken away, in that brief interregnum before the revelation of Christ, the world will be in complete chaos. We will see the real Hobbesian state of Thomas Hobbes!

All these things must surely happen, and then Christ will come. His coming will destroy satan, the wicked one. His coming will bring everlasting peace to the world, and His government/kingdom will have no end.

They will all happen before the 20th of January 2017.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by simplex2: 12:19am On Apr 17, 2016
Sonoflucifer, when will you fall away? Christians are already tired of waiting. Make u do fall make their Messiah return cone carry them go heaven abeg.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 10:01pm On Apr 28, 2016
Sonoflucifer, when will you fall away? Christians are already tired of waiting. Make u do fall make their Messiah return cone carry them go heaven abeg.

Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 10:13pm On Apr 28, 2016
The point on this thread is to show you that a very important prophecy has been fulfilled concerning the coming of Christ. Now tge implication of this fulfilment is that this present world empire is now living on borrowed time, the time allocated for it to rule has expired.
Going by precedence, Babylon the great was world ruler for 70 years, it stands to reason that Babylon the daughter will also reign for 70 years. Babylon the daughter assumed world leadership in 1945, in September 2015, Babylon the daughter was 70years on the throne of Lucifer, so going by precedence, like mother like daughter, her time has expired.

Babylon the mother was overthrown by the Medes/Persians, but the judgment of Babylon the daughter belongs to God.

Christ will reign!
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 10:18pm On Apr 28, 2016
The falling away has occurred, and for those who have eyes, the son of perdition has been revealed, who like Pharaoh, Nimrod, the Prince of Tyrus, and Nebu, will lead his people into oblivion, he has been revealed.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 10:14pm On May 09, 2016
Read grin
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by orunto27: 9:29am On May 10, 2016
When a Dictator sits like a Democrat, he can never perform until the Spirit of Righteousness fills his Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength.
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 8:45pm On Dec 27, 2016
Re: The Falling Away And The Revelation Of The Son Of Perdition by MrPresident1: 8:48pm On Dec 27, 2016
On this thread anyone who is interested can easily break the code of what is 'the falling away' and the 'revelation of the son of perdition'

Now Paul says that except a person successfully interprets the falling away, and points out the son of perdition, do not pay that person any heed if he says the day of Christ is at hand.

From this thread I want us to note that it is not yesterday or the day before that I made the statement that Christ will come on or before the 20th of January 2017; I said it long time ago.

I first said it on the 8th of April 2016, and this thread is my witness

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